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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1872, p. 2

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CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, 'rHURSDAY,MAY 23,1872. GRAND TI ME TRUNK RAILROAD ~BLE Queen s B rthday Io morrow w l be a general day of re TH E CAMPBELL l'dURD ER f ne D ess G ods at M nr:::n -~± MON rREAL 11 1E crcat on a d pleaa re nd th e s an pie I r v s on for e11ioy:ment fo r e er; bod; wl o ms! os t o part c pate '[ 10s H ORAW>ORD for n rly of Bo vman ille d ed n tl e c ty of 0 e e I d U S on M day l ast or H o an d he fune1al 11 tak p ace ti ' after noon u.t 2 o clock from the res dence of es gned the Mrs J Crawford K ng st M White a v - BOWM'.NVILLE MARKETS Grand Concert UNDER THE DIRE TIO OF PROJ' J3 OE WILL T AKE P L AOE AT - ON - T American Organs 1 I ENNISKILL U:N, IHE 24th 0.11 BENE F n M~Y OF 1872 EN l Ma; 23 18 2 $3 00 @ 395 140 @ 145 130 " 140 45 @ 4o In tl e e en nb a gra. d concert s an nounced under t l e d rect on of Prof no l 01'INA 45th BATTALION B A ND CO 1MENCI :<GA1 HALE p~ gT SI!; P'ROGHAMMl IPAlT FIRST 6 @ 65 - Tl e Sons t ea 58 @ 60 60 @ 62 35 @ 40 lo @ 16 10 @ 12 35@ 40 5 00 @5 25 5 00 @5 00 o nc of Q ad TO THE PUBLIC OF CAN ADA E XCURSION TO INTERMISSION P ATIT SECO:-!J Qua.d Ro I NS ER - The ex.cu ' on to R ocheste v 11 do btloso attrac q te a number R e neml er that 6 o c ock the lour fo the steamer to leave Po t Dttr ngton- a.nd ti e N ORSEMAt! ll.:j a. rule · sha r on t me Church Anmversary Sovo a ha. c booo n ed o M S a h ea d from Com e one co o good me gue -e n eed ADMISSION TWENTY Fr\ E CE N TS F OU R T HE CLUB WILL MEET AY ON FRI IWEN l E "'\ E NI NG M en b s u c rcquc J.fA "\'. d a,t end "WJROS c 15 Farms for Sale ' SE\ ERAL OF THEM 1\ rrr IN FIF I EEN uuesd 0 0 Co u g The Gr1mshawe i; arm 1 The Wilcox Farrn 1 IHE BULLER The Hunter Farrn 1 A tlrst o.as mp av d Fa o. d Ga. den Vt Dw d lllga 0 also 9 Other Farms !I.LL GOOD E xcuR ION - Arrn.n 0 e ne ts are be ng n ade for an ex.curs Oil to come off n J ae wh e t l e Vol tee s are n camp at N a e 0 ara f on th a po t to the latter pl u der the d rect on of the Order of Odd Fellows a d the B owmanv lie OornetBa nd F I part culars vil be g vcn next rel! N orE McClung Bro a new an ounce me t The r stock of ne v; goodB s a s ll!ual very large and attract vo DoMI ON DAV -1ho Bowman Ile Cor e B d ha ng sec red the u·e of the dr ll sl ed grou ds for the lst0f July next are n. ran 0 g fot n. gala day Look out for an nouncement and a range t o attend '-' ll be lilO d A ()henncal I ood anti Nn· tr1bvc Tonic A ND LOAN COMPANY h the tt.p oMt on o! t AT VICTORIA HALL COBOURG -o~ - TUESDAY 4th O.E 'I ERMS -Ona tenth down baln.nco in Q e. y e s :\pp y for par cula 6 to li J RUTTAJS Co boarg Ap 30th ( d12] · Iusolvc11t I the n atter ~f ilct of' EDWIN HURSEY of Bown anville a I"' olve . . .~ . . p cpa.rocl open to ob e 4 DI\ IDEND SHEET o he fat e ning and b'r ngtng into eondl Fo r on Ho eea Cows Calves Sheep and: descnp I 011rth day ot June next Arte B ock h eh he :r;>v-de d"' lbepnd DU:-!C A.NM FI.RT <NE e lvl~ 6 1872 .d 1!Jn P g a, useQ and reco n mended by 1lr8tclaas Breede a S tock fed with i t have a w ays ake n first p r 2:09 :Mi k Cattlf Piano-Fo1 tc p olluce more m k o.nd butter It fattens in one fourth the usual time a.nd Sil.VOS toed .a. DOI,,LdB JJOX. c~ T..l.Lrv"S TW"ll nUA'DR~D P.BBD6. H UOR !- ILT ER & CO Ag al.tu u Ch m 11ts 167 K ng et. :£ut, 'l'oronW. Fo a.e by J Fo1 er re ONE cas~ Fash onable Mantles J st re fron London t ~f Olung 'I e membel'a of So na D vis o Sons of Temperance pUTpooe hold ng the r a al So ree on the 24tl of May wl en a Gran l Enterta nment w 11 be g en cons st g of good Speeches Band Mus c &c A good tine s expected For pa.rt culars see posters Solina May 9 1872 41 td T o Let Th@ P u mp Shop· WI TH HORSE-POWER & L.ATlllf. Rouse aad Heddu1g Plants (To the Ed o of t e States na ) D EaR Srn y o r correspo dent G M B e a as M c T eacl r sur1 rwod at ID) fi st commu cat on nnd ruoro than ovor a rpria d n.t my second My first is a den al of be n 0 a. me n ber of a cert a n comm ttee m; second the r eason for g v ng sa d den aJ The reason WaB tl at a Mus c Teacher had been dill gently cu: culat ng the report that I was a member of aa d comm ttee a.t tl o same t me know ng t t o be untr e Th s sir s almost tl c sum total I tl k of my co mun ca t o s N o>v vhat does M · c Teacher s"y to tl e above charge 1 N ot a word Ie · Now when I finds at present worked by the sub s 100 P osses8 on g en lDlJlledi& cly Ou 1' bu3m eof heki d n wn p n y 0Icns-0m ro.ro cha.nee or e. goo pun pm.a.ke A L ,\ tGE and cl o co select o of H ouse and Bedd ng Pla ts for sale che·p nt BOUNSALL Bowmn.nv 43 tf E Bov;man'V SILVER 187~ s To coNTR!!.OTORS Tendel"9 w U be rocc ed un l uoou on Q.t, 187~ thl:s Depa ment SP Ill NG FASIIIONSI DoLLYV rnDEN DOLIYV.1.RDEN 23rd INST In the To vn of Bowmanv Ile Twenty THURSD A.Y e ght acres of land belong ng to estate of fo the uudcrmcnt oned wo k1:1 the Jato D<lVID DOWNEY For par AT TORONTO t culars e qu e of THOMPSON & BURNS 43 tf Bara Sto.b e Cow no se Co age &l d Fenc ng NORMAL SCHOOL BUILDINGS P a te THE L!\.TEST FASHIONS OUT Pa.tte DB jus rccc 'Vod at Mrs t\ Fletcher l!I D essn ak ng empo un\ Patterns o S)priDg Fashions for s e D efl m aking a.nd fl lng as Asylum for Insane, ua a Ap 8 2 l\IRS A)'.,EX FLE TCHER 37tf g l'i n s of Mode Schoo sl Desks fl. cl SeatB for ::; oo and C a s Rnam s a o d ng to pa e n a o ompnny nder) s a 11 g and ga. -vo.nizcd ron wok o oo of Non a S hoo gn ~n ed ll'On wo k to deck roofs o! Ed cation Office AT LONDON Asylum for Insane, Co agea or tl ea tendant s and !en ing AT BELLEVILLE DP.AF & DUMB INSTITUTE P Colcm 111 WANTED T o o tl r ee exper c ced MILLINERS, fo t ork oom !!.p1 y to Mfo::l McTAVlSH at MURDOCH & BROS My23182 43tf 2' 0 n Depa.rtmen t of Pub W o ks r o on 0 ],fay t3 8 2 ARCH D M l ELLAR CommlBs one l E BURN S 18 2 89-till l'hc Bolv111s1·v1llc Maclune and Impl c111cnt lllanutactmring Cona1>a11J $10 000 uoo 9 00 0 00 HE AD 0FF!C1' FOR w ON~RE AL UA:'!ADA IN l\'Ir C B oUNSALL an o nces a cho e -collect 0 of I ouse a d bedd g j lants -cl ear As h e rece ves s up1 l es from To ronto gar dens re~ larly he s n a poa t on to fill o dcrs sat , f c orily Oa I and see ..hi· stock j f " THOMPSON agent fo BolVm~n,.u e NOrICE s le eby g en th t a go o rn.l meet ng of the al :i.rel olders of the Bo Y manv e J\llach e and I np] ement 1\'.Ianu fact r ng CompanJ for the elect on of D rectors an l ot her bus n ess \I 11 be held at tl e office of t e con .pany D s o St e~t Bo m ~ny l e o MONDAY tl e TV. E ~ TIErH day of MAY ns ta t at t ho I our of 7 o clock t he e ·! ng Dated th s t h d day of May 1\ D 18 2 By order R RUSSELL LOSCOMl3J!l SecBM&IMC l

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