Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1872, p. 3

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·--~----------- T C.i\_NADIAN STATES~IAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1872. _ __ _ ___ __ _ __ £5§C!___SS£E___ _g ££ _ ___ _ AGREITMEDfC1 \rniScoviit _ _ ____ n- o- y · 2: i:J ·'"'.',v A. :N-r:r. " ;4 . ·" SE A SUIT OF · 1 "IJE ..;.~ £1. 1 CLOTHES iFOR L~DIES. ' ITHE ATTENTION OF 'l'HE J,ADIES 'fO ORDEE' 1 ]fHJ1'1l t tf1A]1" , GO - OD-- N- E W"S J)issolution oC Pm.·tm:1·sbip. 1 ?fBowmanvillo nnd vicinity !oro·pectfully sollcitetl to my new stock o! 'Millinery Goods, Arid Warranted to Fit, for $10? ' ot at GO '.[' 0 every tlescription of the late,st styles, and prices to suit everybody, just received for th.la I have aleo IL very superior nssort.ment o! that the Partnership heretofore ~ml1;;if1tlug between ua the underaib'110<l t\S G-roccrs a.nd P roYh~ion 1r!ercha.-uts, in the 'l~o,Vn of Bowman-ville, under thP- nan1c style and. tlrin of S ILYEI-t n.nd · DOG GLAS, has bee11 this day dissolved by n1utu· o.l eou~e11r.. All dcbta owing Lo l:li ~ said Partnership arc to be lJaid to Charles SUYcr, nt BQwn1an,·ille, a.fore· suid .; iutd nil _ claim s nre to be pre~ent.e<l to t.he said Charles Silver, by Yvho111 the sa.1ne will bo !'letl;led. Dated at Down1anville t.hi~ 22n ~l de.y of Mri.rch, A, Tl. l872. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, READ! RE AD! F. F. 1\~'ARTHUR'S. D O YOU \\'ANT LADIES' t.:NDERCLOTHING, J,A DIES" COLLARS ond CUFFS, BRAIIJED SUITS for CHILDREN, Bt~r li~1, Fingeri ng and Fleecy " rools ; Br:'l.ldln_ir 3nd Eml1roldery Matcria.l!'i. Stamping- for Br11.ld· work and Embroidery; a.l ~o . tntt.ter ui.lA for the B3J)le. St.U.chlng done to order. Cbign·ons, r Switches and Rolls in .E,-reat. variety. L.W.SEXTON j VV"itnel'ls, ) W. DOUGLAS. C. STLVEll. GREY COTTONS at 9c., FAST COLORED PRINTS AT I) DE p E W , S I 1c I White Cotton Stockings at 3 2 " CTS. I Allordcrspromptly attended to. A' <all ro!!pectt'nllv ~olicitcd. Rc1uember the at.and-Two (loor.:s Ei:!-t of Hen derson's Hotel. Bowmanville, S cptembor H. 1871. ~msJ.c.l'OLLARD. I R~v1l~'._April '"'Uh reference to tho above, t.bn unileralgn«"A 'i\'Ould dciiire to return thanks to the pn blic for tho liberal pu.trono-ge extended to the firm. of Sil· vcr a.nd Doug-Jo.s; a.nd to int.itn:tto tha.t h will continue the bueinoes Jn the siune stand, one door west of _Hencler11 on's Hotel, King 11treet, where will be k ept in stock a choic0 e-0Heotion ot fres h G1'0eeries, Provisions, Fruits, &c.,. and 'l\-"hich I will be :,Qld at ttltes tl 'l (fl.vora.blo at> a.ny house Lu ! town. . C. 5lL\.-lt R. R E A D T · j 00 11, !Bl~. - -;-- i{ :BARGAINS MEDICAL v;c10Rv. J>R. DEFEW, FRANCE, ·n·mf~·Dt yl1ysid11.µ of !orQign de;ic 11nt, b&a dfocovered a Clr&at:Bloo(IRAmArly-a.Pnrely Ve getnble ComllouriJ. -named by pby~i ciami, D.:i pew·'11 Medical Victor,-. lhalcum ··<lry kind ofnnh·ultby Rum0>,·uu " " ' 4ileMetb1.tdepe11dson J tl1purity of tb11 Blood, wh11ro tb"; Lung1 1 Liver, a.nd K1dneye, and otl11ir Tih.l orpno, uo not wut·d boyouHb· hop· cf repRfr. For the oure of Scrofuln. liryiipelu , .~alt. 'lbem:n, Eczema, Scald.I:lea.d, Sc!!.ly Eruption of fo.o Sltiu, Ulceu, and Fa ver 8oru of a.11 kimh, Buil1 Humor io the Mouth and S tomach or Eye11, Sora Ears, Eruption on the head , and Pimpl es or Blotches on the fa.ce, it at1.utl,j P re.em inently at the head ct all other r emedies. lrLil fact is; Ilu:norii, ScTof11la, and. Diaeaae oftheSk.,tn, of whahi~er nam e or nLture, are literally dug up a.n d carril:ld ou t of t he 6ys:tcm, in a. ahort time by the use ()f thiw .Blood Ha1oi::r.1yOno bottle, in s~ch ca11t1s, .will convincti thti moot in. eredulous of ih cura:tive effech. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find ' ih Impurities hurating thrqugh the 11kin iu P imples, Erupt.10111, or Sore!; clean so it when yon find it Ob . IJtructed and ·lu.ggi11h. in the vein~; cleanse it when h i· . foul, a..nd your !eelings will teU you when. Keep the BlOod pun a.ud t be he alth of the ay~tem will fallow. · · It ia a Gentle Reg~la.ting Pnrga.t~ve, a. ~ell u &.Tonio, .tc. Po11:-itJ..sijlnj:{ 11.lsa t he Jl"'~nl1ar mer it ef &cting aa a powerful agent in relieving Oonge11tion, and Ohronic lnflammat1on of the I1iver and all tho Vilceral Organa. · !'ot Fema.le - Compl~ints, wbe1ber in yountr or old, marriodor &inglo , a.t the d awu ?f 'vomanhaod,, or at thttwo of life. iho llrJedical Yictor1 h1u no equal. Complaint, and disea"~' of the Kj duoys awJ lUuddtir, OF~ D R., E ANDTHEBESTANGC'l'o IN' ss · D sJ NEw TIN sHoP out & New Tin Shop ln the store lat.elf occupied by John Allen, corner of Rowma.nv.ille, where he will ke~p conat:t.ntly on ha.n<l a well 13e lccted stock of stoves, Ja.11· nnned,prcsaed and plain Tlnwnre, which ho will sell 'I'Hl~ _J OOU Nrry p · G0 to F , "'L' .s: , M ARTJJUR'S l C .- . ~. Ji" · (-) }{, ' . FEL'T HATS . and STRAW HA TS, FOR W G REED · · · ' AS J\!UCH PLEASURE IN INI I FORMING t,he inho.bitantso!Bowm&nville n.nd surrounding cQunt:r:ir tb11t he hns opened KING AND DIV I SION STREETS IN BOWMANVILLE. I· E M J. &W. J. M'i~1URTRY &CO ARE NOW Sl!OWlNG B B R M E A tid al! other Firat-Ol{t88 A A GOODS .um N N T SU NDO\l\ N S, 7 PARASOLS A FULL ASSORTMENT -o r - "OHEAP AS THE CHE.A.PEST." S11sch1.l attention pa.id to s A T TAKEN IN PIOTURES s MIJ.;LINERY, - - -AND-- - DRESSES, F. F. 1\-1: c AR '1.., HU R'S BA VE'l.'RO UGHING AND JODDING tKI- Order~ from the cmu1try pron1ptly attended No. 1 Style AT FI,ETCHER'S SIGN OF THE RED FLAG, KING STREE'!' EAST. CHEAP . CASH .-~ -. : ·.'. STORE, to. U/" Hig hest price paid for lildc~ Shcep!jkin!I RnJ;B, \\'ool·pickings, Copper, J1ee.thc rs and Great induceinents held out to pcdle ra. N. H.-}'o.rrficrs wanting Milk P a llii or Pana wou1d d o well to call 1-l-11d examine m:i.' s toc k l>erorc purch asing elsewher e. A s ha.ro of Public vatro11age r espectfully solkitcd, Hol'~chnir. G-OODS, MILLINERY. EVERYTHING NEW, STYLISH & CHEAP. ... :ruLL &TOOK o~ 1~· Picture Gallery, GROCERII~S Bv·wm(lnvilll·, Nov. 23l'd. 1871. "Gr.:!A VER OJ,OCK," is the place. In the...cure of Rh"eu.mathm, Dyspop<3in., Liver ,V. G. ID£ED, :lt:ai eltech are surpri11iu1:< to 11.ll. I< 'or Ueg t~h.ti n~ the :So-we!·~ and c urin g lliliomille.<M , H eadacha SickHeada.che, NeurrJgia., Femaltt Weakllc1>1f 1 Nervous. :De·, l'&ina in the Side, L oiniJ a.ml Ba.ck, and general Wee.knee& 11nd Debility, it. curative pQwets 11.rn ht17qud money o.nd beyond pric'e, IT IS TIIK GRBA'r :BLOOD PUB.IFIER,AND A LI:E'E GIYI:SG PRIN- Bo'.-V"ll!-Bnville. ){ar_ch 8th. 1871. 32-lt. ------~ - ------ (·'or Sale . 1DWELLING HOUSE CONTAINING I eight rooms with near ly an aero o( Innd, · oppos;ite the ])rill Shed, George Street. Stable a.ntl drh·lng ho1we, g O(ltl 'frnit ti·ees, good hard a.ud soft water, and other ln1pro~'eJ:ner1Lii. Fot· tern1s, etc., apply to ' '\Vin. G. GLOVER. llow1nanYlllc, .A:prll l'ith, 187~. M AND Ne Plus Ultra I A NEW GLE.E BOOK, 'V!Tli PlANO ~~CCOMPANIMENT. CIPLE, a perl'1ct Renovatol' a.nd ln..-igora.tor of the System, curying of'f all poisonous mattar &nd Rei. t.ol'ing th· :Blood to its healthy condition. CROCKERY. Prict SI.50 eaoh; $15 pe-r dozm. U Uru Gltt;;·Bvok 11a.s boon introduced, it ha.a been pronounced supcriur to all other -.,,·ork· ot its kind. It is the Ia.rgeat, latcst~ flne9t., atul only collectinn of New. Glees anu. Q-n6rtctt-ea, nearly all otwhtchhttve Pin-no.Accompan.imentli, ad lib. Sample copies mailed, post paid, for il,· 50. Sold by .11.ll ll1'11Hilt1 &; :Do!Uers. SEND FOR A DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET, ADDRESS . ··"· YOUNC, SILLS & CO., Bath, Ontario. W HEREVER THE NE PLUS TlUI Durham Dulls · low. Finest Family Groceries. 8.ALT AND PLASTER ALWAYS ON HAND. O NE DUllHAM BULL, ONE YEAR old, &111d two Bull Cah·es, vel'i finc-prce 3~. Murdoch IJro's FLOVTE .~S ?if. JONESS. I Money tu J,oan. TY year.s,-to b"'- repaid in instalments to- suit borro""·e:re, who n.ro allowed to make such pay· tn(lnl.t:i, in adlli t.ion t o insl.v.lm(!nU., ft.ti Lhoy nrn.y ttnd convenient., may bo obtained (ron.l lhe CAnA.da. P enna.neut Bnildlng a.n<l Saving Snclety, by applying to FARF.WELL, McGJ<:E & RUTU:DGK. Sollcitorl!I, .Bowmanville. tilrPrl..-ate ful'ds to Ioa.11. Cilt L OANS FOR .FROM ONE TO TWEN. D. (Druggist and Chemist,) The highest price paid for Butter & Eggs. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION, Stock t>f Staple and Fancy Dry HA!! FOR SALE A CHOICE COLLECTION OF 'l'h.13 J.nL~l' iA liiO'hly recommended t o Lia. d[es ns a mo .t tl-~reoa'v l e Pre1lar!l.t1Qn tor tho T9ilet. , For i} ) \ ·Lt iiying t-hc C OlnL>lexi.on 1 and rendering the. SKi:i ~!)rt, Whlto, Clear, uoil free from Dryne!9, it 11 u~~i v rilled. It will quickly remo\'oall Redness, ltJn-:!Uu (· ~ s. ·tan, Frcck.J.er;i,. Pimple::ii, fl.ntl otbt:rlrtl.· l'l'~"ruc:.ion'tl. l<~vr Chapped Ilande!Chilbl&i n1:1, Fro3t Uito ~ a :t l S :n·e L ips, it e&nnO bo eurpat!aed. 1 NEW King Stn·t, l'low1t1"nvi110, HOUSE ·& BEDDING PLANTS. WFresh supplies regularly received during the season. PHOTOG-RA PH GALLERY. Goods, which they are determined to tee op. in the brick block cr.)'rner ufKiug nnd 1'em})()raneo s1reete:, on.c ot tho n1o~t comfiletc Photo.ij'raph Galleries in this section of tho Pro· vince, is no'". proparcd to take 'r. DAUJ,JNG'I'O~, IN D EALER PORTED GROCERIES, DOMESTIC AND IM· T HE SUBSCRIBER HA YING FIT- Pdcc ~:S Ci!n.ta. Th 1· of 1 1 "~ -~p,nlt:on, l.l.nd fJbOuld 'be r egnlarly need by f ~·.nf ' e:1. 1.;hril·:r-'A, f'lmalluo x l\1111 Fever Palicnta ;i.hQ'.llJ h ~ w ;i~'t.::d wit h t his Soip; and itts use by p_ :r g, ~ "- !!:.\ .· '. i) t i'> inrccti on w11l ma.terfa!lv1rrevent Lll~ &t1~·e:. t1 ot tli;~ e:1~ 0. Pr1cc 15 cents per Tablet. "I'orLt:i:> B o ~!' pQ1'l!!CB5eS nll 1110 wctl·knc'llrn. ll 'l'l<ticp ~ i~ a;i:l <l.b!l!.focUn_g propertie~ of Ca.rbOUo A~ i J, n ~:r· ·Jc i~ ~Jly fJ<' cntcd., ha.fl a healthy action on t~-~ ~:<:~ n. i:>r 2-;·cnf.s inita.Uon r emo \'CS tho etrcct1 . Call and make Selections. Bowm:rnvillo, May 20th, 1872. 43. CHOICE '.l'llAS, ll'RUI1'R, PROVISIONS, .&c., CROCKERY AND GLASSWAltK Bo:"'m1inv:iHe, Ont. ALL KINDS OF LIKENESSES gell at prieltll in the J,ATEST AND MOST JMPROVED 118 low u lillY in the STYLE OF THE ART . A call and inspection of s pecimens ls roque~ted. ENTR.A.NCF...-Op po1!-i l..e Towu I!:~ll 011trance. the country. i" 3HI NEW SPRING GOO DST - - A T- Still Alu~ad. owm&nvi!le, Ootobcr 4t h , L . ,V.fli~N. I~ 1. E A T T r:<>p. 1 <1 cure for nll Skin Diac~t'!C!~ C ..i t.:~. W11a c.u h , Drnise,, llu.rna, Sorc!t Ulccr1:1, Ring\l"fl t:u '1'c: : , 1cr. T:~czcmu, Scald uead. ::)curvy, ,11. ::r: - ·:J:):T G ' S _ SOIREES, TEA PARTIES, BALL SUpPERS, PUBLIC DINNERS, WEDDING CAKES 11.ll 1mt·t1; uf the nricl best brf',ad deliverer\ do.ily to CUHton1ers4.in to\-V11. Carl{ ot· Tb:tn.k:;i. 1C¥" A discount of Ji'IVE PER R..PE.ATE TAILOR, l'h.'.'!· -KAr.~ z i cll'l'1.·";1ng ontl 11 · tt.li11g v !J"ltHJS or Ca.rh nlic .A cid, w\.iic!J. hn!:. been fonn(l li1 P b.ysicianl:J ~vcrywb er" b) ihl JS:! lS CJrnt ivc quniit!cs not dhicovered in any ot..!l.ur c:wrolcal prcparatlon. Price 25 ccnte. A.b ; t:c'\~e~. l_: p · J ~ , P implt~ a. &c. It JlOl:!!!csse s all the POPLINS, .JAPANESE SILKS, 1mrnmm and PLAIN LUSTRES, PARASOLS, ·· MUSLINS, L ACES, PRINTS, GLOVES, &c. I EX CELL .ENT Bowmanville, VALUE. Got up in tho beat styl('l.and on rcasone.blo term,. by the snbsct-iber. 1 1'hc whitest, the B\Yeetest " April 24, 1872. ALEX. FI,ETORER. 15·3 !_n_o_w_rn __ ·n _v _u:_ ·_ N_ o '::..:2 _ u_ d_ ,1 _s_ n_._ __ Jlook Hindin~. customet·l'I and friends, aud \vould beg to Hay that he h'ls removed to the corner ot J{ing and Ontario streets, w}\ere he will be glad to see as many of the ~ood-natm·ed and g ood-tc n11 )ercd onel'.'I as })lease to give hirn a t::ll.11, -UTOULD RESPEC1'Ji'lJLLY RE- CENT. 1'" f 'l'URN h is siJ1ccre thanks to his numerous will also be made on all cash __ 11_ -1.I purch11SeS GTer one dollar. BOWMANVILLE T!ll '! 0..!..!l:CL:& iB tl1c moat reliatlo end effic.\cion11 R : m~·l .a all C3Sf'ti or Sora 'l'l.iros.t, Iloareenege Dip · hcd 1, H rouch itie, lrrit:Ltion nt tho B ro nchial 'l'll i,~ J t v .:ommon i n this c;.ui.ngca!)lo climate, A-. 1.r.!\:\, Cif~~n~lv~ Urc~th, Dlccrate<l Gum1:1, ul·ll i1oU 1l '.':·: :1~·~s of t he Month. ll'or Pa.OUc tipenkcr11 A:.: ·.l 1 : i n g'~hl It fa Jnvtaluablc. Tho in:H'edicnt.I! (;Jl· Port Darlington Barbor Company. tb.& annua.t meeting ot the stockhold· era ot tl1e Port Dartingt-on Harbor Compo.ny, for tlrn election or Directora, .to., for the ent5uing year, will be hold at the otHce of tho t."'-Omp_ a ny 1 at Port Darlington. on MONDAY, the TIIJRD na.7 of JUNE next , at '1 o'clock p. m. Notloe ls Also given, that a resolutJon will be submitted to said meeting, to conftrm cert ain ar~ rnn:gen1ent.1:1 partially entered into by tho .Board of Directors, 'Yith tho 'l'owu CoUllCJI ofthe 'fo~·n of Bowmaii.Yille. v-:ith a. view to en'e.ble the said 'l'own ot Bowmanvllle. to aid in the construction of tho Bawmanville, Linds!l.y i~nd B obcay~on RaHway. D;rorder, HAYING BOOKS MAGA I :>ERSONS ZlNlC:-:;, i~ Pamphlets, or a1iyt.ning the book llne, which thoy wil:ih to have bounrl cn-n have heir orders .tllied in the nc1~tcstnnd rlloat du.rable style, and on the ~hortest notice, b:r lea.Ying them ~t tho S'r~Tl1:!3MAN oftlce. Br1ng aiong youl· bindrng. W. rt. CLlMlE. Tho Grocery Department 1.~ al~ MACHINE AND IMPLEMENT MANUFACTURING M.AXUll'ACTOira THE N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT i .. ~ ...:; ~1 i~t-·.~ thi!i Gargl e nre us et.l by nlf Phy1:1ichuu1, -.. h·:: c1.n·e of the ubove d1aordere are i1ow, t: '.l;.! ->< -<.ijdly, th~ moElt 1io~ul a.i· in tho .Matenla M:..;;; ~ l.'ric1.1 :.rn cents. l LH McCLUNG BROS. For Sale! GOOD FARMS IN WEST SEVERAL F-or npJ?lYJ. Durhtun. JHlrtlcnlars March, 4, 1872. supplied with N ~w Fruit·, Spices to COMP.A.NY . N, RUTLEDGE, ---- ~ L _____ Orono. i'OLI,OlfING I T.'!.h_~~~f:'lC:;'A'N'I' is a snrc prcvcnt1vc or T"MH:lua . !l l!d . l .J· ~- llr:1t1 i·twcr1t, Cllolcrn, Smallpox, !L-D ll ~i:: ll in· f ··~t1 . .... _. c_lho.1~e':! . lt wlll nrevcn t Cont!lgfon 1n ~.~ '. : ~ -!, J t l-3 Cl_'. S >tnvn.1119.blc f or Uhdnfectlug 'Vater \.'J )!'..,:' ~. Dr:!.L 1:1, C l~f'.Rpools , S t nblett, Sln. ~ghte r. Ii : !\ .· ··. ·~:~ .· U i!~l f o r clP.~ t ro·1lt1 1?: niitrneo ns elllnvlR. f-n ".:i. , .. ~ . ~+. (,r . : =: c::i. 1r senrisin!?, IL ' d ll drtre nway }fo: :,, ·1.· J··'~. ··1o;Ju.. Fllcs C0cliroache~, &c. Meat Vi 11:.·~ ...~ . c -_ ·!~· b c pr ~acfvcti from putrciact1on byiti n J1 1 ~ - '.r~;. 11 r c Ad '1 -..vas selected by Her Ma.jcsty·g lti ..:~ f 1-:,,:u ml!:" io::i o_r-i.' , in profercnco ttJ sll otb.er r·:, ;J ncts. n~ ,th e b\~i::t Disl.t:.fectnnt f i)t' the P?CYC!l· t-!o:::i. ot lnkcttor1:::1 di!)E-&Ges. Pl'.icc 25 cents. WOOD'S SELF-RAKE REAPER, BUCKEYE Jl!OWER, HILL"S PATENT PLOW, Nol3, SCOTCH CANADIAN &; GANG PLOWS, STRAw CUTfli:ns, ROOT do .· FIELD and GARDEN ROLLERS, FANNING l\[Iµ,S, CULTIVATORS, U. O RSE POWERS, WOOD-WORKING MACRINE!'J OF ALL KINDS, SA WING MILLS, SHINGLE MILLS, HEADING MACHI!><:!!, PLANERS, IRON LATHES, DRILLING MACHINE!!, lRON-PLANERe, Bowmanville, :Ma y lat, 1872. J. MILNE, Secreta.ry. 39-td Pig LGif. of the subscriber, Bow1nanviJle, about two months ago, n SO\Y PIG, n,lJout fl.ve months old ·potted hl nck and wbit o. An~· person knowing of the v:here~bout~ of . -ibnvc J)ig will pleMe inform t.ho und er signed, or make san\e known a.t the te. Non· "batter i· quli y,and non! STRAYED S T.\ TESMA:S- FROM '!'HE PltEMISES First Pri:.lle Cultivators. mHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD DIRECT two-horse Iron Cultivo.torsmanufo.otured by hlm n.nd which have for l'lix years obtained first prtzci. &t Provincial and Loca.l Fairs. They n.re nn¥ donbtedlf the best implement ot tho kind ill uae, and will in a very tihort tlooA ooore thM l'ftJ\"-Y tbt.ir co11t, In the e.ftlciencr and excellence of their work. In11pection luvited.. A. supply ot Calth·a. tors now on _ h and for the spring work. and will be sold &t l<Ywest rates. cheaper_ .I. the attention of !n.rinore to the one-horse and SPRING STOCK, ofticr.. RoWinn.nville, :?t!a.rch IYGI ~ 'VG, . !), '\Vm. AD.!.l\!S. 1372. 32--tt. PI.t.NO, \'IOI.IN', RAllMOXIT'M QtrA diseou11t will be mad& .AND THE '.rilEORY OF MUflIC. &:c:., etc:., lte. lllUS. DOC., ENGJ OHN CAMIDGE, ot ()'Har&, StalAonere. .tnaktre' Knives, PJsneDits and Chiise.Is,i~c. Noth· bur has ever been dlscovcrcd which· pas ~pl'Ung 1Dfu poplllarlty more quickli or bt':come ol so ·uch valoein every h on1:1ebold lind wo.rkah op ~for: ,115DCral usefalnel!s. Prico 25 cents:. This PI:ft.AtuTION iL'I nn!'9.n&lled tu ·Its ra :p1dity forBhlll>~~ and PoliehingCntlery, Tabf~ and :rocket·Knives,R11zo!'E!, Surg!c&l Instrumen t ri,Shoe- IRON HARROWS LAND. 'feaeher -the a.bovo. A.p1lllcnt ion tor tc.rms, &e., to be tnade to M66isra. .EL &, 11. 4.2-3m. >: w ·E KEEJ:' NO :PEDLERS For Plows. and other Small Implement·, of a r.uperlor kind. a.1110 oa h&bd. Groceries of TWO .um ..1.-BALV Pl!:M BUGGIES .A.ND WAGONS Dental Notice. AVING DISPOSED OF MY DENH TAL Office to G. WE!)STER, L.D.S. l oan 111 r; S. with plea.auro recommend him to all requiring his servic:es ae a. skilful Dentist. ot.\ band for !!a.le. ar All kind.B of :Black11mlth work donn o· th· ahot;teat notice. A ca.n &o1ic1 ted. e~nRtlJ,ntlt Ontario N Bank I But will sell such artielea &t the Works for prices le·· than any · establishment can do which pay· large conuniaaion· to t.r&vellel'IJ, Farmers '"'ill therefore get & 15-3-ltt. I, WJiJSTCOTT, Bowm&nvllle OENT. Ol1 eMh purehttaes ewer one F'ARM :for SALE· ·being the South 00 Acres, e.nd 10 a~ · the North-enet c'?rner of-l.ot 9.t..in the Uh ·eon . ot Da.rllngton, 2! 111Jlea !'rom..the Town of Bo-,v1nan· ville, ?o ucree clee.red, and 30 in Woods. Cotn!~a.blo DweJlin$'. House, ~ Ba.rn, Sta.bJa, and Shed ; some Fruit Trees on the premises. a good Woll, also a. streo.m of Spring \\rater. Fort'U.rthcr partiouln.re apply to the proprietor THOMAS WELDON. Tempo P. 0., or to JAMES "\\rELDON, Lot No.13, in t1ic :Ith con. or the above Township. 17-33-3n1, T. J. JONES, L. D.S. BownttU\villc, Jo.nus.ry Bl, 187.:l. :ZT DIVIDE:ND NO. 30. a dividentlQffo\1r per cont upon th~ i;aid up Capital Stock of this Jn!";titutioni fo1· the current hall year, haa this day been dee a.red, a n rl that t.he same will be pay3J1le at the Bank lLnd its Branches. on and a fter ~..:\.1' UHD...\. Y , the l+.,IRST dn.r of JUNE nex t. The TransfcrBooks\viU be closOOf-rom the 16th to the 3let of :M'.1:1.;r, both da-:i-·s inclusive. Notice is afaogivcn, t.hutthc AN~·LUAL GENEU .A.L l\1EE1'l~G of tho Stock.holders for the e](',ction ofDirectol's and Am.c.ndments of'Bv-la\\'S will "be )11!.lfl nt th e }!an kiug lfo·us r:, h L noWrnl;l.11· ville, on 1\lONDA Y, t ho 'IIIIHlJ da.y of JUNE ~lows, &c., at thG ?tln.nufa.ctory, at ped~ loo ACRES OF GOOD LAND Complete in everiy Department, "l'l7 n n tell. T RELS g0od winter appleH-, deltl'(}red in Mo.rch. ,,. Bowmanville, Feb. 28th, 1872. dollor, Hcee_pt Flour 1 md Grain. O'rICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT reduction from usual prices equal to what is usually paid HREE OR FOUR HUNDRED BARBURDEN k WERRY. lcrii. · A few reliable .A.gents are engaged in bking ordora for Reaper·, Mowers, &c. Orclcrs entruoted to thorn will receive pron1pt attention. . ALL; WORK" 'fl:RNED.OUT IN FIRST CLASS STYLE, AND W .ARR ·.&..N'fED. ::J 0 AG~BJNCY O~ 0 ' R. HUTCHISON. AND WILL llE SOLD l'HE BOWMA:NVILLE FURNITURE next. .'l'h e chair' tu be t,aken at 12 o'elock , noorJ, pre· c1eely . MANUFACTURI.KG CO. appointed ret1i.il n.;;nnl by Lbe B\J\.., · , niun'ille Ftll'nitu.re Manufacturn1g Co., is now L n o.· poki· · ion to fill all orders o.t us low n l'A.Le tt'.l any deal· Te&, Dinner a.nd ()1&m bor. &to.' in China and Stonewe.re. Dy ot der of the Do:'l.r<1, D. JJISIIETI, Ca~hic1·. FAREWELL MARKUS WINTER! MAYER ALL THl!-: NOVELTIES F Olt THE T HE S)JBSCRIBER HAVING BEER 1 ROBT. S. MANNING. J)owzP4nviUe, Avril 20, 1872. J D -~ ILY 0::-.l"l'A1UO BA~'K, ) Spring Trade. NEW Try cr i~2~he CQLml;y, LINE -TO- ROO HEs .rrER. SPRING Corn for Sale, GOODS CoDle and 1e11 our Ohina Hall. llespectt.'ully l.nvit-OS:i t11e a.ttentlon ot the public to the !aot that ho half. opened out ·]\lfl S'rOCK OF HATS, The like O f which lta.s never been surpassed. in Dowms.n.ville, R. Hll'.l'CDISON. CHEAP for CASH Whole or Cracked· lfl.1ll).tf. Joltn JttcD011gall. Wl'or one month -.rt will gin a · R. HUTCHISON The CLAIR1'.ION'l' ifil a dandy, The 1'.llLROSE a Cavourite, i1BeUinggoods, boughtunderthemost The SARATOGA a beauty, favorable:circumstanccs, ntprices - ' 'I'he CHICA.GO Much Below theil' P·rese·1·t Traz, ... . 'Vill, Oll IJl" u.l1on t. l st Al)l'il next. _connnl~noo he a gem, " y ~ "'r,. · regular ru1ily ,,., ,,,, 1 100 per m itting.I And the 01.'TA WA tile best oC all JJr~ C.A.LL AND BUY" THE!,f~ ~~ Leaving Cobour~ cvcr:r worJ1i 11;; 1u 7.ao, Por t , rrHE NEW LAKE· STE.A.MER Lumber ancl Shingles N OR S E Th{ A N F OR SALE, AT J\fY MILLS, Dulington. IN diaconnt 18-tf on Croekery of TBN- PER D a.rlington, Nov. 29, 1871. A. B. CAMPBELL. , - - --- ----·- - - - -- - - Hope at\) o'cloek, for R()Chestor, cou ned iog t he1 ·e with New York Cent ral, N ortbcrn Cmltr nl, a.ud Such .in array or Ila.ta nnd Caps, nnd such styles, n1ust t ...mpt the moat miserly to invest in a heu.d ornament, , .Kn.niBkillcn, R ~91~\J!n~'f'J.iG, FURN+SEI:N~S~ Lna.ves Charlot1;c, Port of Hoche.ster,e verr ovenIng at 0 o'clo ok, <except Satm·days, when she --~NOT,U~ING--;-THE M]i)MBERS OF VOT ui>-irEER lcavesM2o'clocK,l>. 111- :for Drigltton ). l\.fillt1aan~ ..:1 Thn Stca~ercall> at.Bdqht-0n. Monill1ys andoth,crs who have ...,_ been In the / Thlll'f.lda.yA; at,Colborue, cyery tla y 1 except \V"otl · - . ,): ~ ·. - -' . . j ~n.bit ot"fil~ctic!ng ·with ball oo.rtrldg"1 on the ilesdtl.y; ·nt .V\Thi \.. by, Oshawa, Dal'lirtgton and ' · · "' & & & ·· I a.t, wi :plf'l&5c bear in mind that' rrom tru,· NeWcaatlC, on \V cdue!::iil uy, shou.I.d frcigb.t.'ofter. c.' .c.' ~'..\ p,rcsont tlmc, n.ny coneent, hitherto given me , s absolutely "-'ithdra.wn; and any on"by found. · -. Dealers in stock \Vill ~ll d lhii:i l.lu~ t~h~a~ cBt Be HUr() n.nr1 e~U ~t the 11lgn ot the "PLUG,'" Corner King and Dlvls!Ol\ Sh'eetli, ud ycu will wilfully ooutinuing Rifle pi-n.otice &ft.erUtls nO_tioe ~Q. q t~q:\(eGt r oute to ..>Ubany, Boston, New! get suited both.in pdco a.nd qua ._ lit:r. must be dealt witU as the lu.w direets. . Erie Hailwa.y. for o.11 pojnt.t:; J!;ai;f'., t!onth a nd' .i\~ril ~·. ~~Z~: GENTLEMEN'S ·~------ ~.tr~ A S11lenl·1d F:trm Col' f!!ale, CENT. to b~e~iat.~0e t~own of Bov.· ma nvillc. Application · J. S. BATE.15, Propriet6r. i!>U elllib pureh&s-. wa.nt Bargaina JN THE COUNTY OF DURHAM, Bowmanville, October 4th, 1871. Sh·1r t $ · c 0 11 a rs N ee k t 185 ' J3 races [ MARKUS I Notice. "' · , 10-tf, For pel'!lon~ who ,·- - Notice. ~ D. WILLIAI\!S, n1ust p((.y present mo.nth. a.nd have tho woney, MURl)OlJH .l LL PAllTlEll INDEB'l'ED TO M_ llp ork, e,c. 14-tf .uarc. ,., R. c,_ CARTER,r ert Hope, Ont BOlfllUWl'iUo, ..lp~ W, l!R. :MAYER, ·~wmanvi!le, Mq SO~l8fl. I", IU.YNJ:ll. -. during the BROS. is the plao& to go, &ml !l<>w B@wmanvllle, Fe'b. U.th, 1$7"21

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