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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1872, p. 4

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· .' , J 'f'Hl JltSIJA'Y, " Cl ' ristmas time c.omes once a year, Ami when it comes it brings good cheer.'; AUTUMN' F A SHIONS! ltlnO]IMBER ib, · 187'2~ D wmanville, J a n. 3, 1872. Fall OpeningJ TO L ET. The ~u mp S h .o p Wood f"o1· Sa le. la nd, L>ctng n or t h half o f lot 5, 4t h CQ:t · .Dnrin g ton, is offered for sa.le in lots q.o s uit p urchu.slr.s, or in ou e lot,, .Ap ply on the 1n·c m i.H oaj J .t\.l\tJ:i:S " V EA ~ rn . Darling ton, J u ly 3, 1872. l\i-t!. WITH HORS~J-POWEH & y,ATJ-IE, ~"'-t present worked b y the s ul.JS(.,l rilie l'. P osscss1()n giyon im mediately. trir On ly buH lness of the kind in to'"'"11- plen1-y of yu :4 o rr L - r a tc chance for a b"OOd Pwnpn1aker . }l. S I L VJ~R. 1 Dowm n.uvllle, J\:Cay 25 1871. I T S ave You r Bon es A.nd jlet 50 c l8. 100 l b1:1 . for them , at HE WOOD ON FlF'rY ACR M S OF Prepare for your Ch r.istmas Pudding. Prepare for your Christmas by vitiiting Magnficent --OF-- Dispay L Jf,o:u1. OA.NS FOR FIWJH mm ·ro TWEN. t~ 1'Ioncy YOUNG & BRITTAIN'S. . Ontario Street, P . S .- Thoy Jnust Uo dry a od oT cun. 1 Cake~ Prepare for your Christmas festivities,. 'J.IY years, to hn r c11aid iit iw:i tltJ ·ue n t s t.o auit 1 bo rro·w ers, ·w h,o a.re o. Uow cd t o ma l.;.e sn ch paynlents, in. a d dit fon t,o i nstalments , a R t hey ino.y ilu<l conveuien1 ·, 1.nay be obtained fro n1 l11 0 Ca nada P er1.nfi.nent Building a nd S n.vi ng Society , b y a1Jpl ying t, o F AI-:E \Y E J . r.... ]:fcQE E & RUTLEDGE . · Sohi:.:itorl:!, .Bo wr rian Yill c . l'J JP:r i.vate ftuJ 1 ls L o lom1 . Gl I }.few and Ridi Dress Good8. 1 j N ew B usiness 1[ H.eccl '.s busin e ss has chan ged h wuls, h e has. resol ved to op en b nsi nef'1 5 on L i:~ own nccount ill t he s hop two doors "'iVest of JY! ur iloch Bros.; w h ei·e he w ill keep on han d a fir st-cla.ss s tock of lloo ts a.ud Shoe.'! su itfl.ble for tJ1 e sea.Soll - Or der work w ill have h is p r on1 jJt a t tention. T wenty five yeR.1 ·s ex-pot·iencc int. le t r ade, m or e th an t h e la s t .two of ·which he h a s 1:1pent rui cuUer, a nd gc;:ncra.l nianagcr in 1\.1.r. R~cd 's establlsh1 nent., has gi:ven hhn opp o1to n it.ies of le arning ·w hat tlw people rcn.ll;y: w a nt. I le h as t h ei·efore n o 1lo11bt of bein,.,. able t o · g i ve s u.tiafiiction t o nU who shnll favo r l1i.J.n with a ~H..ll, a nd h opes l(Y ·~ i ving d ue atten t ion to h1 tsincss to l'Cceiv o a. 1 fa h· share o! pub1ic s upport. J_ S11f.A.L E . 'l 'hc n ew stoclCwlll be open ed h R.vo th o wood on fift y a cres o f la n d c ut in .S Coril woo tl a.s rapidly a s p ossible, \viU pay to g ood caoppcrs the f ollowing prices: Du ring t he n10nth of Oct.obcr, 80 e cnt.s per cord , D uring t h e inon t h ..i o f N oYetnber a nll ' Dee e1uber, 7(1 cen ts JJor cord. On nnd Rfter Jnn un.1·y 1s t , 1873, 70 c l."m io per cor d . . ALSO, WANT ED, B o a rcl :uul L odg ing'. C hoppers Wanted T1 -nvo OR THRE E RESPECTABLE H E UNDERSIGNED WISH ING TO 'I to T p cr i:io11f3 can obta in ·- - -·--- - - -- board b y appl ying H I. MUS ..JOH N FA HEWELL, King St. Dowmnnville. McClung Bro's Grocery Department. Murdoch h& .yo op,c nad Ollt '... u m HE SUBSCRIBERBEGSRESPECT1 lfU LLY to :i n forn1 t }1fl p uh1i<1 l.li at a s M L·. R . B ros. J.&vV. J. M'MURTRY& CO. I AitE l<O IV SHOWING· TH H E E snh seril1e1·. pr~m l sco, T E A 1\1S T .E RS, applic ~ t.io u Rails a n d Pos ts ! o-r sale, e lther at the s tump o r delivered . .fA~rns A NY QUANTITY OF GOOD CEDAR D ru·ll ng t.011, De c . ·H h , 1871 . Lo t 5, VEAL. ~th · Con. 19tf .Pa r tic ulu .. ti inatle known on to th e Boa rd w ill bo pr o vided to1· v1orku1en on t h e it < lcr.ofrerl . ~oltice. ln tho businese ln.tcly carried on by me , in Bowma.nvillfli to my sonaCha.r los ~r. aud \Vtlli11m R. Ca.wke;, hereby r cqueat all those indebted to ·m e by book account or ot hcr wiao, t.a call and scttl(l forthw it h . Ilowmanvllle, J a n. Utl.1; 1872. 1 u1n1Juse Stock of 'l'HOS. 'fHOMAS. A. F U LL ASSORTMg N T - ,,.·O F' - N. B.- /\11 pcl'sons JnJ.ebt ed to 'f_·r n oMAS, by note nr book account, fol· lJla.<Jk s mit.h's work, are l'liq uestctl to settle tbe sn1nc l mrnod tately. Bo wrnanYlllc, Occ. 16, 1872. l Z·Lf. H A VING SOLD OUT MY INTEHES'L' ! NEW FALL Goons. · No stems in McClu ng Bro's Raisins. No dirt in McClung· B r o's Currants. No impurities in lVIcClung· Bra's Spices. ~.~.---................... I I -.I , On § at;wcfay, ll.JHll i u f.lt.a n t . . R mncmlJel' tile pl ace, Lwo d oor;.i '\"V es t of )!ut· d och B r os . .T, F:. Great ca.re has been taken in buying the Stoclf, and as nothing but FIRST- CLASS GOODS have bee1l. purchased, Customers can r<ily on get ting good value their money. P hotography I J . 0. . & -R . H .. Henry ! - ___ _ I YE HA Jlu c nc1v Ga llery, --- - ---·~··-- - --------- ·--- - ---- GOODS , . . "\V ni.D. J.owe, D .A.J,.L. B., j &c .· &c. ffioo ELIZABE'fH CA \\' KER. 2'-tf. ....... ---'-. B ARRISTER OU ......,_,.. - ..,.-- ~ · L A \V, Solicitor ln Chance1·y a na.J:ngo1 v enc1· A.ND A.TTORNEY-AT- onloa.n t ermx 1 1 to~a. Sllvor St1·eet, Bowmanvllle, 'ea Jt.f lG-il ------- ____ , Fol' Sale. SECURED l\IIB. SEX1'0N'S for I EVERYTH I NG N EW, [S TYL ISH & CHEA 1 A. l ' ULL Sl'OGK Oll' 1'HE HA S just ORANGES, '1'. D AilJL IN G'.li'O N, received a qnantity 0 etr oot, &t 111-e6.,ut oc. ~up ied by J, Christle, E.iq. Station Agr.nt. F or pa.r ticula.rs enquire of \ Vm. 'fH OMPSON, Kin g St, E 01'1'U" 'l.UViile M ay .26, 1871. QTC'I E CC.TTA«:E ON LIBERT Y -·- Corner of King & Temperance Streets, (E n trv.1100 o pp osit e entrance to Town N o.11, on 'l'c1u pctu.nc o StrcoL ). It' w ill b e th eir nJ1 n t o g ivo sa.tisfa. ct!on to au-W 1'o n1ay ia·ro r t he1n wit h a c all either a t their Gallery i~ L~;MONS , Excellent Fall ~,lour for Christmas pastry, r ' . :...:. " DressG oods ~ COCQANUTS, PEANurr s, T o Jle nt. OSH AWA OR BOvVMAN VnJ,E. r.{'hey mako nil s tylos a n d s izes of F inest Fam i ly Groce rie~, Choice fancy Biscuits Plain and F igured Lustreil, for Christmas guests, ' Plain and Tartan '· PlHiOT OGRAPT!S, , LE'l"l'ERG RAPHS, P hotogra ph s ln porcelu.in or ivory , 11lain 0 1· col01-cd. P hotog r a1Jl·s ii 11 ish c d. in Jndla.·Ink or Se. pi.~ , t1.n d c Olorccl ei th er in ] SAL'r AKD PLA STEH AL1YAYS ON HAND. Con . 5, Cartwr ight . T he moat of the land _ >\..lfJo, Kennet h Ca.1npbeH's c elcbr &tod Boda hus been, in past ure a n d meudo'v for 10 yea.rs . Water , L e1n onad e 1Llul Su.t·fm pa:rilla, ver y .A. quantity of fa.lie n cedt:Lr o! excellent quallt)r sui ta ble for s wrw 1e 1· d.1:i11ks. Apply to All the a lwve ·w ill be k e pt cons tan tly on han d for SD.le. duri ng t h e hot '"oatl1er. R ev. W. LOGAN. Darlington has j uSt rccci .,.od an o th ~r lot of Ca.rt w r lght,S ept. Oct. 1th, 1871, 10-tf. v ery flu e 'f EAS, wl:ic h will .be sold ehea.p for --··-ca.sh . Dowrnau vllle, Ont. t .Book Bi ndin ~·. A BOUT' 50 ACHES OF J, OT No. 14, Rich old Cheese for th~ Christmas table, At -McCLUNG BROS. 1 '.Metz c;~;~~ed-Repps, . .Wool Poplins, The highest price paid for But ter & Eggs. .B.u JVC eimoriam.. in honor of the do1.1d,. llouven htt.$ utrorccl n o lH'Ol dbitlou, nud. l:art;li is not injured, b ut benell.L t.ed., b y them . A ll tl10ee be au tiful entblen\s w)lieh adorn the m a ny t ornbs aroun d w .h ic h \Ve. love to lin ger, ns a ure u ~ w e lll'e in a. w orld o! w a rm nnd lovin g hear ts ; t h o a dorning of tho sepulchre s o r J.h o " lo ve d on es" alJeviat~s otu· griof a n cl soothes tho wou nd ed hea rt . I t also ch eers t he bcroave(l t o k nr:iw tluit an a.chlitlonal e1nbellishrncnt of the grn vc presen ts etrongei· a tt raction s to a r rest t h e " atten~ tio n of th o s tra n g er, a nd ca.u se s him to nt.u se and le arn t he un.1nc of one 1vho rn.s f.ih a.red so largely in t h e love o! ul.h ei·s. "\"{o take l h is m e tJi.::id t o infonn y ou that wo ca,n fi ll ord ers for decorating the ~3 r~ vcs or d e pu.rtctl fl'iondn, o.t low ugtu·cs , execute.o.:1 in . Urn b est st yle of · wor k.1n3J.1sh lp . . and an endless var\ety of.o_ t her: . new D ress Goods,. . . ' . ' 'E~i~ress Cloths> wATER O_R OIL C~LOURS, I Photo Crayons, &c. · .A GAINS'f l<:XPENDlTURES line, "\\'hic h t h ey 'vish to 1u:i.ve bound, can have t h eir ord ers filled in tll e n eB-test u.nd most durable 1:1 t yle, and on the shortest notice, by l ea.v:ingthcm at tb ~ STATli:S?tf.AN office. Br ing a long your bindug. RSONS HAVING BOOKS, MAGA] :>E · ZIN ES, P amp.h lets. or n.nything· in the book amGNJ OJr T HEJ GOLDEN LI O:.l', King Sti·eet, B o w 1nanvillc. -- - ---- - -- W .R. CLI MIE. ' .. , J . There never vvas such TEA at the price as the . Everybody's Christmas Tea, at fifty cents '· Black Alpaccas, ·Double .· wa:r1> . l Black Lustres, Bl~ek Colw urgs, .. I .. . Black .Pa;nimattas, · · B~aek Cr:pe Cloths, _ii.{hey;1~;~rev~·; '°;;iws I "\Vautcd Immed i ate ly. ..C:\... pa.b lc of doi ng gen or n.l work. F:mp luy tn('1 1t-. Bow1na.nville 1 Ju110 l!) L h 18i2. A FIRST-CLASS SHOEMA.Klm, CAConst.a nt ~ Such O:s views of Residences nn(f G!lr dcn s, Cr;_) .q ue~ an cl P~c-.n~c _G ~o urie, flors·~s, Cnttlc, &:~ .. ~ ·· 1 Jl:JJ"" " P articular attention pa.id to lh c co11y ing a nd: 1°C1p 1·od11,c;ti on of old ci,n<J,)"udcd 211'.ct nrcs . JOH X S:r..tA J"E·. ··I I . ' T D -~- 1 ·S .G - .W eb s t er Ll . . · f~ . I I1 liow1u n.nvillo,. Jun c 6t h, 187:!. . iS-t f . . 'i"wo ; Dwelli111g· H o u,.efl fo a· S:d c , ,-il)c. REASON ABLE TERMS, IN A O~ d esir able loca.llt y in t h e Town of Bow1nn.n-:i For partl ouln1·s 5-tf. BLACK METZ CORDS. A ND. :... ~ MONUJ\1ENTS, TABLETS, ETC ., ITLI O J'I' T!lf: lt'lNEBT QU AI ,T.'(Y OF' 4]1.r cf: .AlYIEI-~ICA N 111.A RB ~tp pl y to · H ·. & II, O'H .ARA, l\iarket B11i ldinge, Down1a.nville .. 1, i ' ...L.. LE Al<D S00TOI! .ABE RDEEN GHANITE, Notic e . 1'1..TOTICE IS HEHEBY GIVEN, THAT At lVicC LUNG B ·R 0S. Bowinanville, Dee. 10: 1.8'{2. N. E W supplied on s h or t n otice. Evr:rything pertaining t o Cen ietery "'Ork will 1u ee t v;ith promp t attention, by lea v ing or · clors wi.th .l.' I will not b e res»onsi ble for an~· dBbts, c<m trnoted by nl y son, '\. 1Jlia m Jn,rr1 os Sulloy. W I LLIAM SULLEY. Darlington, Juno 12, 1871. '6-t f MILLINERY .~:· S urgeon D ent i$t THOSE WH O HAYl: ' '£ ,C.[' ti .. Fall .8J:rid W inter Dry Goods, C h __ -- 81.1v e r · as. I AT- O. DOUNSA.LL, Bowma.u vlllo. P ro Dono !Pu b Uco. Tun1orn taken out an d without t h u \J.: ~ use of tho knife, by D R . B . PAT'l.ZRSON. 'l 'h o best or reference s giYen in Ilowmanvtllo and Eilea whcr o. -OFFICE-Cburoh Street! B ov·rna.nTllle. · Bowm fmville, Fe b. 21s t, 872. SO·tt. 4f.1i 'JC'][J; ' ICI:A L J;I l.'mll . I DGlng abou t tonu\kC n cha.ngo in hl s b u e ine+1s \V l ll~!:! cll h:is stool' ot' A LL KINDS OF- OA.NCERS c nt"~d M OJ '-,'"':---, HENRY E LLI OTT, H A M P .T ON.· Jr~ ~· The exhibition -of'.Millinery and Millinery Goods is very extensiv0, and in t rimmed trimmed That don't fit:, "\YOnld do W(!>ll t.o gt \ e h i m Teet h Guaranteed Bowmanville, Oct. l Olli, 1872. Groceries, Crockery GLASS AND STONEWARE, ---------- -- - - ----- a 11erfcct 11t in t be m ost Uifticult ca scl'l . ~ - G. "\V, h ria been vc.ry' eucceJsful in illsert.ln g A T COST! CaU at on ce it you want in deb t e d to hiE1 w ill a,nd settle n.t on(H:. p]e~. Ge .C orn fo r S a le, or C rac k ed· John. !U cDougaU · .....;.-- ARTIFI CIAL PALATES, BARG A I N S T Wh o l e ..,./ h er e t her h n.Ye b e ou destroyOO by lllscase. o r t ho :result of cong enltu l defect. 11'. you vrd 11e your he<W U1 dOn 'L n c g-lecL y oue Teeth . :E3: ~ -·'r'~- 9 ·~EAUTlfUll GO lD fill NGS I Furs S_t\.. Y Comfo r ·t . WHAT YOl:J PE.EASE, ~ ""-11 p cr~ oms c fi U 10-39-tr. ~ - --. ,..-.... - -- ~----~--- - - - - - - · J lt:eersch aitin and B1·w r Pipes a nU i\11 ki n da of T obu.cconiat'a good11, a speciality_ Wotic e . M ili tia u.11d ·others who ho.ve been ln theh a bit of practicing i.1ith ba ll ca.rtrldge.l on tlie fl.at, v..-ill please bear In l.Olnd that lTOTn the p resent t irne, any consent., hitherto given by n\e1 Is absolu tely with dr£~Wn: ·and any one ! ou:uu wilf ull y cont.luulng Rifte pr actice a t'ter thlii notice must be dealt wit h as th~ law direct s. rrH E MEMBERS OF VOLUNTEER Offeril for sale one of tho most extensive and complete assortment& of Good· to he found in any country store in Ontllrio. i ns ert cll on a n ew principle. REMEMBER THE P LACEOno d oor east o! l!1 · Y·. Co wle'a ~ Bowmnnvllle, N ov· ~ 'i. 1872~ PR ICES . -AN DR oom s. form.orly occu pled l)y '.:J;1 · ~T. J ouel'l. 01.'er I'. M c.A.rthur'i store, Kb.g ·~ t ., Dowrna vilh·. ·"J1en J ohn f r ost r eign1' it .!H '~it.h P . tyrapts s·va.y: n ot cont ent with whistling thr ough . k<:Y h oles a.nd routt.i ng fig ur"'~ 11poi1 the 'Ylndow pa n es, he strikes terr o1· to tha mult.rtu do ,vlto thlnf I!Ot of his approach. 'l'o pr eveu t sudden uttack u pon ph ysical f!y s tem.s, Klng S treet 13-tf. DRY GOODS, ~-- BOOTS an d SHOES, P AINT S, OILS, GROCE RIES, H ARDWARE, eROCKERY, BONNETS, ..,, ~ . ... ' --·-~~:-~----·-· ~ I l\'.[_._l\._RKUS ~ AY ! ~e I I WILL .li:EEP ALL COSY AN D ha-o r cceiv cil :Ju ch A stoc.:k or :F11ns , th a t E R W A1'tM. F . HAYNE S. · °"' a n ted , faot ory. Bow:tna.n~ ille , 11.'Lay 30,187 22-tt i.a pl'ep arod to :JUpply all oomGrs, a.n d fn ep!t e of the F rost I{ tn g A tra.Ue~ m an COMFORTABLE HOUSE, FOR A w:l thlu1 } & mlnut'°~ Call at this oruce. P;~ ize '\Y!l.lk of t h eo Wan.t e d ! MIDDLE-AGED MAN AND WIFE, .A ns general servant s in o. smallfan1Uy. '.l'h o man \Vould requi.J·e to u nderstau cl gardening and t h e Ctu 'O o r 110ra oa. F or pa r ticulars ap ply t o U. J) . 8 1'.A..LDIN G, Esq .. · Hcugog Street, 1 111·ovi<lcd.- they ·entrus t tJ1eJn8el vtis t o his proLectlon. HI.s - - - -- -- -- -l"il·st Cultivato1·!§. the a i t.ent ion o ffa~ ·fru) : ·K to th e one-h orso u nd t wo-horse .lron Cultivat orl:'l lllanufactlu ed by him , ittld ·wh ich l 1n.-ve for sL-c year s obta ined first in'iz ca nt Provincial nnd Lucl\l li'itirs. 'l 1hey a re u ndoubtedl y- tho b cr.t irn plom en t of the kind in us e, 11.11 <1 will u1 a vc1·~' 0l1ort tim e Jn Ol'O tlni,,n repa y their cost, in t h o effl.ci on cy and e:xcellonco of their woi·k. I nspection invited. .A su pply of Cu lti vators n ow on han d for th o spring work , a nd ·w ill b e s old a t lowest rntcs. ·B uffalo and Sleigh Robes, Fur Caps, HAlLHOAD covm~ , COLLAitE TS, GLOVES, LADIES' MI"K. CHEPE, A'.LASKA M l Nl.{, ~ <\. N D every taste can be consulted, PATENT MEDICINES. as the variety is so great. · I n ' CEHM.t\. N S ETS, &c., T HE SUBSCRIBER WOULD DIRECT Bo·;vm.nnvlllc , Augu::it 21, 1872. 4-tf. al'e go t up i;1 thl'J best st.y1e, and 11rc well worthy inspection . His J . HIGGI N llll~r1·J!ll A..M, G- ENTLE~1:EN"S GENTLE~1EN'S SUI TS made to order in the f OWE RS, iND ffATHERS, late11t and LACES, ETC., B NO UNCE hu.s r eceived a ·well as eortc tl stock of Gen u ine Drugs and Pur e D YE CHEMIST AND DR UGGIST, ,la, ... All kinds of F urs alter ed and rep ;tired. IIighe.st price in en.sh paid £01· r a'v EGS RESP E C'l'FULL Y TO AN - f urs. A ca.11 at the corner of ICing l'{; Silver S treets will be to t he advantage of intending pnrcho.sers . Bownu 1 .n villt:, Oct.. 10. ";Z, ~IAR!(GS A I'E FU LLY AS S OR'fED, FURNISHINCfS Lhat J1 e E n glish Chen1i.cu.l$. .A T~ o . n. spl endid stock of the rnos t c arefully Eclccted ~ IRON HARitOWS MAYER . of n superior kind, u.lso on h(,u d. I n the To\m of Dow1r.anville 1 '11 we n ty · eight acres of land belonging to estate of the late DAYID DOWNEY. For par· tieula rs enquire of most approved manner, and on the shortest notice, from FMhionable 8:11d Th e latest New York F a.sh10n earefully selected Clothe~ and Tweeds. Platlls ~·egufo.rly received. BUGG I E S A ND WA G ONS h H E NRY ELLIOTT, Jr. Hampton,- Nov. 19th, 18'/2. we claim t o have the finest assortment t o be found. which ca nnot be sur p1i.qsed for excellency o f q ualit y An asso rt n1en t of .An ilin e Dyes kep t constu.ntl}' on ho.nd, togeth e r wit11 a ch oice s cloctio11 or DRUGS, CI-IE I\-IICALS, P ATEN'f :VIEDICINJ<JS, BARGAINS. :SAJ:.GGA I ~S CREA'l' HAHGAINS ARE NOW GIVEN AT ·rnE THOMPSON & BURNS .. -.; Bowrnanville, ]\fay 23rd, 1872. 43-tf . cons tantly on hand for 15ale, ft!fJ' A ll k i11 ds of llln.G;tr$n.1it h " 'O rk Cone on e:bo r-test. notice. A ctl)l soJicilicd, . . '£S t . f BRUS!IES, COMBS, SIIOULDEH-BRACES, [SU P P Oit'l'ERS, &c., &:c. OILS, P AI NTS, ' V AR1\"JSJrn8 , ) and f\VHITELEA.D &¥At tho vory low est. :prices. CO T~ORS, ' - - - - --- ---·· ·-~ ~ ·-·-·---r----~-·- ~p . . . ~~ ~ -..idt il BOOTS AND SHOESI MANUFACTU RERS AND DEALERS IN ~:a,_SC>1'J- ~ - In Black and White REAL LACES AND C h e ap natu rnl laws wh ich govern the <Jpera tioris of di-· geation and nutrit ion, and by n. car e! ul npplfoa ~· 1 ,ion of I.h o J hlc properties Of woll-eclected cocoa,, :Mr . E p ps bas pr ovided otu· break fa. et to.blee i.vJt h n dcn ca tcly flavor ed bev era ge ' \ hioh ina1·. saYB us many h ei:1.vy doctors' h iJls,"- OiviZ S e.1-vit::e Gcu:ette. Mnda tdn1ply -.;vith DoHlng Wn.ter .on M ilk. E t\i~h t1a.ekct i s in.helled-" JAMEa EPPB&. Co ·. Homreop a tb!c Cben 1il;t.s, London." .>\.leo, makers of Epps's ~Iilky Cocoa (Cocoa. an d Cm1d ens od :Ptf llkJ. 7 l3RB AKF..o\ ST.-EPP' s Coc oA. - GRA.TEFUL .AND· COMFOR T I NG. --" By a. thor ough knowledge of the: · HORSE A.ND CA.TTJ, E MEDIOINES. N. D . -Co1.1 ntr~~ Corner AGJ1JN OY OF T O l!I StOrc115ekorsl :5 U:PPlle!l Oh a d OF: EV E RY D E S CRIPTION. ·~~:~geous terms CAR R IAGES! ----· - · --i P ·U BL IC 1 1:.1.g fu.lly JlL·:iL~ ti e d Stor e 11 BOW!lfANVILLE "FURNITURE MANUFACTURING CO. OPI N I ON you can got .L appoint ed r etail .a.gen t b l" t.h e Bowma.11vllie F urnit ure Mo.nut'acturlng Co., is now in a. p ost~ ion to flll all 01·clcra nt u.s low o. ra te as any deal lin t h e county. · 26 111'1HE SUBSCRIBER H AYING BEEN GENTS', LA.DIES', MI SSES" A.ND CHILDREN'S LA OJ~ C OLLARS. · FELT Gaiters and Bal~norals in great varieties. FELT Ove~~dhoes RUBBERS ke~~ ch~~td.ntly we have a large a!isortment .A.l._., o. l&rge quantity of 'rRUNKS- Saratoga and oth ors~for b!l.h. · m:o satisfied t.hat it ia thanks ti1"tho i:i uhlic fot· p ttl:\ t lib erul w oulcl a n n ounce th nt h e ia rio·Y prepared to fil nil onh.H"H i n l ds l brn in a man oei· f:!C:cond to n o cst.o.blishinen t in th e co L1 ntu:s. Jam es M o rr i s,-. I N RESPEC1'l!'ULLY Itl!:'.l'URNIKG pa tronngel CARRIAGES. W.AG GOKS, CUTTJms, SLEIGHS. &c., MA...~ U FAC.:'l;UR!i:D A~D O~ R OBT. 8 MANNI:r;G. th e 01·iginnl i<loa, that at the " Corner Store The Q n ebec l Rubb e1· (:ompany F I T _,.I 'E D WELL SUITED §till Ahead . s omEES, 'l'EA PARTIES, BALL SUPPERS, PUBLIO DINNERS, B EG ot 1'0. CALL THE A'rTEN'£ION . tho p ublic to tl1cir New Style of Pat en t Claap Felt Beot, a grent impro·v em en t, iloiug a.way w i. t.h all a nn oyuucc fro1 u the old style o.r atl'::i.p ~ a.ufl buokleer Fm: sale by Bool' A NT1 Ruo::i:: Dr1:,u.Ji;ns Q.NN"ICUALLT. -- - -- - - -- ~ ------- We AT PRICES TO DI J) ) GrC>C>::OS t he jiubllo 10 bandaa mely to patronize tll!, a.nil we ftnlr no com l)et1t1on where1-t; raia'llt-.t orward t.ra.Q.U:i ii t~ Wa.."lted; all that w u afll{. for our g oods is 90mpiU1.110n.--th.u let blm who haa merit War the pa.lm . w .b.Jcb luduoe.s ·- --· OU R S T O C l {: ~ or Iital"(:: C hance. IN ,\NY STT'T,li: DESI'Rli: D, 'l'lIE. Sil0Il.'f ES 1' :NO'l'J.C.E. "\V"EDDI~G CAKES i Got u p in A LL ORDES · u:Ul RECEIVE ou1· BES'l' ATTENTI ON CUliTOM WOR K mad· to order under the !llanagement of MR. J . REED, who bu ho rn the loading workman in the :Pioneor Boot & Shoe Store for tho pu t 16 :\'·atl. .. . R~n) CUlb e r t.httt n othing h a t t h e bes t mate l'ialiS· use U, and best v.·m·kn1en c mployod...:..tb tt:-J cus w:· Ing d1u·n bility , eleg ance i:md co mfort-tho rno;;;i import.nut requis ites in a conveya1w1.,; . H cp n.irin~ , b y tht: l'!ubsoriber. · l'he nhitest , I und be1:1 t bread delivered dully to " n parta or tbe t oW1l. tb~ best lltr,le u.nd on I reasonable t erm\11 tl1e sweetes t (~u.1:1lo111ers4in 15..S or de!iirous of g etting l ~1to u. bet ter paying · one sl1.ould not fall to ~ end ~1 . 00 for tull parUou ~ Ill.I'S, in ~t ruc tio n8 a nd 8l:Llnpl ~a , Whereby t h e y will b e ena bled t o m uke : l'ron1 $ 1~ to .$3000 per a n · n u.rn ail ili·c:.11 ~ 15. A I .L PEUSONB OUT OF BUSIN ESfil ' H ENRY F. LEMONT St CO., in nll b1 ·a n clles of t h e t r a de pron11)I· Robt:r t Youug·, U.ATE of tho Ontar io Vc tc 1 ·inf11·y college, to i nfOL" m 1 .Jie inh ublta n t s of Bow1n1tnv ille and sur r o111Hl ing cou n tr r th1 1t h e hi\~ co1nmcuccd the prac tice nfhi.s pvo tessio n , n,nd cu.n be c on· s ulted a s to the diseases of horsef-! a n d cattl~ at Glover'AL h· ery ofBce, King Street , Dowinan v tilc, H JJ:STDENC K art Brodie's l i o tc L ALEX. FLETCHER. 23GSt.. J ll.1nes Street, MontrW . A ll _ Wo1·k G11m·cinteed [as:Represented, ly attcndcu t o. .A.nd from our facilities we feel confident t hat we c1.n pli< ce before the Tweeds, Fancy Coat ings, P ilots WORK, public superior goods at same rate.~ a~ those charged by others in the Beavers, Petersham1, l\folt.on~, B LACKS~AITH S A1'18F ACTOilILY DONE trade for an inferior article. 2 more first-class workmen wo.nt-0d- nonc &c., &c., &.c. , lN A SUPERIOR MANNER need apply. ·~ '13- When yo1 1 'vu.nt r~n ythin g in th e THE HIGHEST PRICJ<-: IN CASH FOR H I DES. corri.a ge line, J Alim;:; MO.mus a AI,:L KINDS OF E'r ERINA.RY V bcr;s SURGEON, GRAD- - - - ----- -- -rrHIS IS THE MOS'£ EFFICIENT - -·- - - - -- - -- - Cit1·1l o C '.l'ban J; s. I j oth er ANDERSON Tu. ed ' ~ .~j CO. S ~nd. Will be foun~. Unusually large, MURDOCH BB.OS. call, nnd he will snit you. One d oor \Vest of th o On tarto Hn11 k, ) 8-ly give Old S _ an d c c-01101nlca l .1Jru n1 in Use, and will rUs · tribtn.c inorc heu.t., oc cupy l ess room, a n d auswel' all v ur vosa lJ etter t·h11n a.ny othe t . Dr i ts ·1 sc o. house m~n be m uch helter hen.ted with ( 111 1;) s to ve Ou.n unllet' t he old ay st e1n -.,.yflh two or three toves - thllil more t h an pa:ying fo1· itself in one 2:"hlif. season b y n savl.rig of w ood, A ll who have trled them would not be 'lh1thou t them for mnn y tim es t_ h eir cos t. T ho u udotf1ig ned has sectu·ed the For Sale! R ig h t for B ow manville, Darlin gton, Car twrigh t , Cliu·ke a nd Manvera, flHd i s prepared t o :OH a.11 EVERAL GOOD Ji' ARi\fS IN "\YE ST o r:<lers on the short est n otice. .A. full assortmont of Cook, Pa1 ·Joe awl Bux- l.'31 ovc1:1, constan t ly on D nrham . F m· 1)ni·1.tcnlara .fLPPM" t~ ., hnnd . J . N. l\U .cLLDOF- , F. 'J' . HOSll1N . 10-18 l\-!n rtl1 , ·L, li7t . Or on o. JR. . P E .A. 9:PE 'l1 A ILOR, TURN h is sincere t h anks f,o l: is nurnerou0 on stomer s and fr iends, a n d wou ld beg to say that· .h e h its r emoved to tbc corner of King n.nd On t ario streets, w1rnre h s wlll be glad to BOC 1'18 many of the g ood-nnttu·ed an c l g oo d·t mnrie1'tfll on es a s I please to g1ve him a ca.11. l. B<YWlnllJlrtllo ?l;""'oT. :r .tn1t, 1871. _ 17-tf W OULD RESPE CTFULLY RE· -- :

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