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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1873, p. 4

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Mor r1s, G NE I })..,I.ACHED RESIDENCES !"' T. C.& llll 'iOUP. PP.OfE!l T Y INTfl!f - \ D- if\ ~ 1 .n~llatna·aa Un!lHHh&ee ~ o CARRIAGER WAGGON o Sa e Haif You; l!"~~· · ~.~.ti·@~~ Mone; Kmgstoil C I.rIG, , SIJ UHS o:l Ha Tl l ~I ;nl l!:i:o O.a",,.;i~,!i~ ... Cffi e or Cana!la }<j ~ , ec~~i, t b a n I ope t T" a J Rf'I I Isa cs ...,. l c 1e;, ll loa · ~t )U ' ' !u rr c Gra~nd. Combir1a"Gio11Org"t.tns "I1 m:i;n J. h {! 1 Pun~p b h op th,J ,ub To th,. $;atte up of a c ub o l2 Ci9P 71! ill !find 'bot of t o.e chromes- J'he Oi,t"CI" &1.nd Tho ..Af;QeptlJlce ......-.'.Llong w tll O :u- Dfi.t' n.1 QI' .A!'.ktilg <\ Blcso 1.ng" QJ l Our Da1llng ro .ff,~&' up of a club of 24 co pi~ ~· will &end. a B ri.!islng, 'lb.e Otl'er T.bo .Acc epta;rrc.J and O;:u- DM-rllni .. \\.ill tl e gotter up or o1 Qs 0.1. O 9 and 12 p ~se b ei p ;ri:1o;:Ui..r and r t i w b,st prOl!l-11.Ulls Jl<;jy d ·ire qnu,B' '" R ..., Q uv.l:b. '-~LA P /:). ' TR il.!.NG 1 "UP'"' ·'"·'"'r~ 1 QTTL-,v J.. 17 .i; ..u.c:::; '1 7 1" r Th :v ~-, !.. VE FED Iat p. esent w01ked by I Bo,..:o::atrl"!!l· ~ Y" "r H NOP. E PO'\\'F.R & LA 'ri'\1> Au ~uv~n 'on hn."i1 ng a most m ort t b..., rug o1 } e flt LI'!i 1 ... p;..c.t won 0 ~ Ee d In st.r~mi;;t1 ts b y maa.u:i:- c f -wl 1 ~ h t G c ~a y o \ olume or t...-ne is ,e,-f le. g·=ly ..... 'l crer"'°'e.. i u Cl. t he qa ility o9 +oue endered. · Ti:~E cnb"'r Poaa.easio.r.. gt en immedla t;l:Y O;.J.11 l $u").G:S!Ofthtikin.dintown-pl~t;r o Ctlit9ZD rG.N c.hr.;i .i~ f'o u. ~ o.;;. r:iutOJ?m~\tor 'E SJ...L V"'.ER 16 l SCIENTIFIO AMERICJ.1.N, FOR 1s~s EQUAL lO TllAT 0]' TT' I· :B)]2~1 P~PGA .·S Oli' T.m: SAME 0-U'J..OI'l'T 0 thA D D CALVIN, !I! !" P, s anding of tl e Agr ... ultural I o~ur~n c.e Ooi;npanv unu do fully coucar wltb .lifr o~ e 1n recornma r:Jlog tt to t ll~ Farmert o .. t t.IZ..S P rcv nee r.s o c pG fectly saf8 ~.a d r tllab -: n 'l"'!Jici-. 0 ll UU: ii Cl property '1 We Cave e4 mtoed Lato bG aoa dlt1oa. and f> . Vox Ilt tu~n· o Clnrionet W1lcc:i: Step Our Nlob:rnt l Oct ·~ · Yo-.;. Ja .. 0 T 0 1 ? w "' t Couolo tno cl arra n g Ool o r ie t ('d{;brr .lie<I !l>:i;:t, .a NJ u:~nne rm. '§~<ll{'.k ' 'I "'1d o.a r;:m.;. wwc The P om s si:.ut ta \.i_, urt:f,; c.ra en y fo ~ ulec. wn ... ;:i tha .A LT THE LATJ.i: 0 IMP ROVE~f ENTS 1 C \ LAilK Bank~ r J Ot.nnu II.i.l s & Co G i::o A h.1 n tt P:ATl:.I.ca: ll M ll 11 10 ht f!; cmrncu m E.:.;,o DE ~T .i.\'Um:: IA 1..1 ii~ D 'W ORKIJ:L"l i::<H.IP - - o -- PRIOE FRO_,)/l 850 'J'O $500 rt::'"'OOlh ~ COP u & OONGRER" ~~s DETROIT 2u cent3 Broadw·J 1' nrc.<o; lDDRE2S SIMJliO S 0£ n. . . "';">1tER -o-- c, ODGE ORGAN CO DETR OIT J)lICRIGA"l I will rnn Stocks 0 l a galn~ t anr othc \ H r. o I ON f o e the anu he Ip used efcr it to either .--------·=------~ ,,,.. ..___ ...,_~ ~ 0 I Dom.lnlon c I o anyo on &£..!111 c pc m or n Joscpl I!n ' ' o 1 s oil in Com for~t l '1 B,A Q1:~ K.F. .:,.P nNv d d ii m ' " \. H r..r II ard Fu1 oe F UB .NI~ S- :r ~ ets ""T\JT1' h gh~ n-11 or~"·'::~~' 1 -~----------UDn·onic :f:i T1--T G S nn I E:. 1 r ci l'I" D.@c~§es he t" now t: ::-& ..._,,, ~o in ~ eb ~ f:i. (l !l..n~ga ..., ~ ci ·~ J: l.l)f .rtt'\V 0 I I f or fn.lil 'i'! Fltl:j, tu their worst tor;Ql C:ousu:mDtlOD 11 n;s a o~ tttl\ftC.3 w th D.r J :i ren;a¢.ies oo.....s l!Ilption 1.s no l on~er an LuQ u Ep.Uepey t.."ez. jn.i \ilould J'AI>1E8 ELNOTIOPJTYBIOL.l.J.f re~'° uD:y eta.ti) ~l e.t sucoes:~.. ullv tho fol owtng diSOMlbt ._ l\~ At i MAnIL J..~o R:~u.\1 0:5' 7ho na· EC<¥tn< 0 ti >¥ " h To. M "'" W oia/t '"' (}old Do11 >·A'""" & LONDO 1\, F1RF AND LIFE om ooa 1100 <> l\\!'O®@G ~ G I I ' , -"--l A s , '""'- =-~= ,~"'"".....:r · lr.J" \1V r, ~ ..l LJ - ., -u..j I G1-'6VC1 DropS} G'e11a-tll D~v &.:;, pa:tiwt! j ;vho Mve 'been tau:pe.::1 saver illiies ar~ qurab.;.e UlQ.Cr D Jam.es. h-eatmen. 5$6.$~'i or tho .Decay arid all t.U13 effects of U rlli!i~t1 on_$ o YOUU!-4 cure 1 ¥Uomnt%d D yspop·W.. LJ, or D~e~Oi &nd d1 11 e!Ws of tVomen a td 0 ld:n:n lr1W: i;i raOle CU.eoail:,\) Bronchi~. Cat&rrh. Asthma, 4 -~-"::;;i. ~, ~ ~ . . . . ., T f£a::::u or ycu.UJ;.., N e cu.a Deb lltv PtQ ma.t i.:. a EYE A.ND EAR b"'"'i · ~ S(ire Di n Cai cer11 cured w w.out cut t1Ilg, n.nd l!ttle m<..ln Lei:!;; Salt Rheum :o.nd Scrofula in ill t! fotms. D1 J is h a ppy t o ea.y d!sresas which ha. (I l 1therto been thougnt in cure I lo axe no v rapidly )ie.idln;} to .bis l! C.:1.t.men ti.,a s ~ giate.f'ul ptiUenti a.re VJJ ln r- to tef;t. f\ 0 c ......om I no mercury uo lvlit ~ td PW on .,.., ill b~ id.mu I\! krod in any form in an d cr1se 'lERY Fl!LL And not 1 «Office in Ne bou s Rall. Boile·ihe hours ll n m to3p m vith·tnndmg t l o gr n:" ~ l 111'. ce u. t1."' p r cl3 of u.ll 1 nd o gl)Och.i from ha\"lngYoi: r mo t re pcctfaU~ t 1oc b un- npDrec1 ·blc , az 0 on H JA'.>!En e oo J ho i. l 01; d to 11 I Q ~'1 L Jfl CT l ~ ..w.. ..e4 · other sourct13., are p ;.r ioulo,rly in The affhc cd J o cu.nnot oota n re ef fronl ..,d t o call and seehim Oilll':e MD 0 v rs l THE Tri~ TO SEC'(; P.J: SPECI AL e..TTTi' ,TIO' \'ELVETo C \.~.AD1 \?>; n _._ 1 "i.ET TA ELE LINE fo r~ f'ALIED TO 0 ~ris STOCK OF BT !.CK 0 VET"\ ETE" S IL KS A $ 5 P icture Free ff~1rnc C \. A D A T01 EL TWEED· Qt: IL Tt1 o 11 o a" "\· Eli:llL V · d D COC ' <TERI \l\E· v[O ORT:i. ';'.'.j L THE FArA.:ILY PAPER! FO! !ill CO' 1~( :issortm 0 i cl :;-,;I: Fo'tr Doifa1 s .. Ye.n .n Advance i o , l n~ 0 lo ' At tl1e Iron rn t"JY] ae-rv ! C..-" t/ SEWI1JL Vv !, ~ fil.tt~'Ji. liJI~ .~TED ~OR-- BY I J? j LTIA.P I" G !>ll OlU?"'l: ,,uJ<Vb.Opay$£1i-O'"'lllr oo' othertrm.u> Yo-tuaa. . .: t t orrn ye.n.1 nnd ~a P:ratUlron f. po3t psJd opy ot tho .swucru--Stao.:.-.Pla.t~ mnq1"tl<t41 0 ent1Uei.l Biftlill·D ~ MoF.'.xl.."'fO oa TrlE: G.rn DSrnt:R°lt P.R$S2"'"T.'3 -A Bc ......Utru. e.nd :p ~.q.sin w ]\_ lFI"~ ~l\j' [d}l ~ {) i}i!'l Ii '\i'['i:,ils I IJ' THI: DOMI!>IO' ' Oli' C4NA.P-4 IT HIS PROUD POSITION rr HAS U SE t Picture worth~ In £at;t h'~ fu.rnl.SA !li""<~.rrood: ,- ND VJ LL .h\. TJJ.Tp4 n ill P ~'-\._ TNTS, l a.u.!nod tbwugu tto f.llher.nt iooOO qua.litie· Tht-Je q'J.:illtle!!! ltN g>l..n:rollctt;r dur&bllity e.J.oganoo, MB.ptabllitT ~eeldeo u ore ll!Or oofe<J\U\ ~-POTtlUl.Ce For !ull :ps.rtte;..Uara e.ddtei., to h.;: THE :BEST P !.t l'Ei" la k Mot<> 4:.1< u ·d a:nd ro Ild D~r~ ..un11Ufs.atu.rar .. AND BEoT ,l."'1\E.1I1UBI, t 071 nrn LEAST i? A YI dre~ TLill.:~, ln .c..f11"nn OJ-$:; w o. '"i'~J, ( v!w. '.Pre!lllu.m ll:I}Zl'n. riug _po:5t pald Drn.. ts F O Order' a-..ct lt~ f!(&.,(fl'O<.' Left&r at. c> L'l' r k A<t TITEIR COMPOSITION CONS S'l' _ ;:01 ];Vo- - l ~ al L1brar y 0 ... ;.S':LING or Pv. re Col.or Pi e "Hli· e L ' D 07 T'h peTit 1 ea cl D ;,a s a bi r L-1111 se' l Oil Spiri :.d ac ' i+ iJ "~Uy c mlnned ~ th ~ n 'I' :V.l-3-0iliE I;]~.,,,. Yle ""k CU ;; As-e s or Dur .ti:m and. 1i co '\S ' '0.uU IES F1LLED "\YITR ' olor. 1 o ly p p 1 Cano ·nd ~l ' .,.r.Lt 1'.n O"' d.o"' b1 rumse.lf or .l~ IHALLO ! TI:--IE HE l _ __ I I ALL oo:;p~ PU.C:E Vv 1-IIT b.: L £ >:017 WHO NEED SHOEING t .C r.lo:ug &nd got Bargai.;s for i 15 a c E-"lO '""loog"'U. br tuo:s of cxp0r!cm.c t A large ~tockJLlst rece~ed 10" ~~utuam Pai no chrect from the Eng1 1°h l\~ '1JlU1rctu c s ,., JAMES Gemnno and C"lebrated Rooste,. branci-G uaranteed nme x )(()COOK PA.RLOR HLL a e ln ti c C u D~ 1 ~ D .bOX. srui1 ITS 0 m " ng and no ' on } xh1b tio enu JI a n.ro Ca fl e largest n l cl e";! st s oci of 'V uf 1.1 igo C ooc.~ l :r. u. t,'li!;. np;ton Ihli.ld.lng no 'i' mEl vlll<.' c. l J O:!:--TN · · ------:--------

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