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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1873, p. 1

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· & _ __ -...-& · · JL!r QLrn th rnn ,£ltatcsm,m (J ui !y]Je, bno f:>J) 1 tel :t.nd l \Jlisl cd Etcr ~ ·.rr1nu1·"'da) I Uoruiug 1 P P 01 cto vv ]\.[. k l NC I-~ c I.. t..' L [ l\j e IE,I O N' ! O i J H)i -Post Othcc Elocl<, STJ l E J HO"\\l\lr\N\lLL~ Ii VOL. XVIII. BOWl\iANVILLE, ONT.~ TIIURSDA )'~, APRIL 8, 1873. llOt theu UllWhOlesorue s1cle J f C\ ClJ 111 tn knu\'i tl t he n1 lst Garn lns b1e 1"1 01 go without lt, ~ oul l htJ not l>t: 1no10 c 1 li 0 0nt t o e::rrn an d 1:no1e c 1reful not to\~ LS tl \i llat lie dul not\' ant7 Ir a Ltrunl :ud 1 new th Lt lns cluldren \\ Ould sh'u vc unless he feJ t hc 1 u woulU he n::it pu t t slr on 0 lJl ctnb 011 hrn a.ppt.:hle th u J.J.0 \ whun hu knO\ l.l thn.t they \\111 lH t l 0 11 C:LlO of :tfGCl t f as111on l 'Ihc cxpcr11 1cnt 1 ever " ill be faic<l fo1 n obody rs stnctly log1cnl or w1ll sec H1fI011ng \\l L hout 1uhc\1llg tl "hoever 1~ t o bla1ue to1 it o:i: 18 c..:onfiuned In hrn 81DS Ll1e1eby bui 1f chauti; ,... hi le bold1ng out i ehef in Ono 11 ~u ll \\ 011ld g \ e ~ gooJ. J1l t some sha.k.u1 g up w1th the 0tl1 er it in 1 ti m es lie JUSt ts i 01' 1cen.ble <).I to p 11nt pa.uperrnm .1.h\ 11vs as an 1n t e1ost111g nud rorn 1nt1c co11d1t10n - i\ e G \ 11 11 de r NO. 36. A MEAN JOKE ~~~~~~~~~~~--.~~,.-~~~~-----..,,..,==~~,,..,....,,,.--~~--"'-"'"'-"'-~ -~:,-:::====""'==,,..,,..~~--,.-=~==,,._.~-,,,,,.-.---,,,..,..,-==,,,.-~"""""" I-IENRY ~o ELLIOT1~ Jr., Pl1otographyI · o ·o 0 0' 5-0 u t: ~ 0 7' o o::i HAMPTON 0 J. 0. & R. H . Henry \VE SEC lJ RED 11m SEXI ON S I ::J~ ..i. c nc ' fll G <1.llc MY AIN COUNTRIE Fo1 iu.J£ S i: ul.jjs :u \~ 01 tl 1e s 1Jo1 1 y 1 ill!! wll lell:,i Jn n ' au1 coun1n c D eked l J e ithei and bl 10 boll ~ Corner 01 Xrng & 'Iemperance Streets, o 1 J c rnpe1 a w...;e St llei) (Ent1 t cc or 1 OS Le e l 11 n. ICO to lo"' n Hall In tny a1n count.ue 11 er e the I nt1 e s wgi:; ts Ja.ys l\1nng Offei ,fm sale one ot tbc most extensive 1wl complete a"sm trn cmts O f lxoods to be f mnd rn an} count! I t\ 11lh 11 c 1 a n tog \e s n.t 1 facho n Loa.Jl nl o I 1 1n~ n.101 tt e 1 w ih a. c ~n e ·il c ut the l G Ile .1 1 the flo\\ cr y bnnk s :::i.n b1 n.cs \\-Jn 1r th e lJ 1 ue 10\\ s an pfo} s [nru)a1 1..011 he OSil \_ \\ '\. OR BOW~L\.""' ' ILLE I 1 I t J' l ~ i 1 styles a.nd 1:>:tt:Cf:I of .lame" Undlcdi:,c, DHY GOODS, GR00-ERIE~, B I A 'V l-'ulJhc ~Q.. l\'.f o ARRJSrL h A"ID ATTORNJJY H Scilc1to1 m ( J l 1ce rv Rnu. Not1ltY C) fo BOOTS and :::>11 PAINTS, PHOT OGRAPHS, 1 01e I -r e 1 1ERU r· APHS I c., fl a ,,lJ u 1oa l r ~ n1n countJ e \\hen U c.r kLSs the pebbled al o e 0 ill} a 11 euunt ue How I 1 u.vo lo' cd ~o roam Whcte tho b1cflke s bea1 tU foa To its c 11eincd1 ocky h o ic I n .. 11y u n co i ntric lfo n a 1le1nenlsl lo'\ e l '1h e\\1lc1'i~a in c"-tme1 t on inost fa;\ ornble t orn s oFli'IOE O' c1 sto1e of J S.: W T 1\fcMl1rtt'y &": Uo HAHDW 1 \HE, OILS, P \ 1 E N T~MEorc 1 N1:s. In lll:Y mn com toe? !\I so1no f~ 1 i'.Y i 1u1c r oven Frnc my a1n con11t1 lc Some v. 1t.h1n the grit\ c arc Jau CROCKERY, WATER OR OIL COLOURS, 0 Some have c1osi:;ccl the r aginp 1 nmn Aul 1-; Hl nc e1 i et ~ U \ nga n lom} a 1n~otult1 e ..A ftIU.ropn hri n yte11 U JlAlIWAmN BiR IU SIER T · 'iLto1ncy Solw1Lor &c n dsa.1 nm Keen a n o 11 s B lock ~] & C il'i Ollfl &c n r: l"tl so p1c1 iro<l to J l tke 0\ ct T Bca.l.l s Book tote Al I · KINDS OF VIEWS, Fot mv ain counttn': F'oranld f1 cn(ls andnecbo1 s dc1 Jn ny a1n co untue 1 01 tl e U un and boskj glen For tlic '\\'On1"n cl tl e Jnc1 ltoberf Aa·n1onr. of I' (1 T CC< Sf! " Ba1r1 tCI a.ng Attnne1 T 1\\ aJ (l ::,ol c o n Cl i c c1 y Atone~ loa ed Tifu. 1' s t at e Otl1cc on }{.1ng I AGllu l ~le et T R \.R I ')EGIS \J l\farr at llo\ mn.n-\ illc · \\E ST DURH U\1 GENTLEMEN'S SUITS made to onler m the J,1tcst and most a ppm> ed manne1 and on the shertest notice fr om F aslnonable and cm etully selected Clothes and Tweeds The latest New Y 01 k Fasluon Plati: s egularl3 rccen ed '1'1 a t I used lu,ng sync t o J c Inn y tiu: con1 tnc Oh nui.y J{caven snul c on a I n ID) m n co11n t r1e 'l1 dlet1;;t 1ll 1t.s ble-.<:u s fi On Jn} a.In CO\lntue F orm} hea.1 t ,,tiJl d ~ ol lcth the1 e n..!anp· 1ts hills a1 d wood lands fa i And I'll ever waft a prayer Fo1 HENRY ~t. ELLrorrT, Jr. y till countac J AI\fES \ V° lLL1li: John If. llntchcs{ll1. Hampton, No> l9Lh 1872 and tL ) 1,,tcloorct c Do wnuun ille 1.:t:a ruh 2G 1872 IER, ArrORNE) SOLJOI B ARRIS roR N l hl - l tofl ost01llce O~ J:<lUb ~ upslt 1 Sna:n·t & §uuth, A 'r L A VV Solu:ators I \ C h :i.ncen ~ nd lnso veucy Coin 1 yanecrs N otnr es So l c L ot s f01 OJ O 1tar o Ba nl &c l\iou ey fo1 11 'cst1 ncn t ,nt rt.It Imes o n most f tvo lLi lo~ 1 l n s B ARlW'l'Ll!:RS AND AI I OHNKY S The Sale will Continue. THE GREAl SALE POOR PEOPLE 'BX (AIL JI t\ l\ll J [ON W. § JJo\ le, ill D , ,.... I LJ :::> of J 1u ity Colle ge J 0101 lu md V1c t n1a College CoboUJ g L ce 11 l ate of tl c College of l h.} s c uu1sand S ugcons On t Otti.ce onc <loot , , I.St o f L c l s l ':! n :-i1 lc1 ( C - ~ h er street G R\DUAfE OF THE UN l\EltSI OF on o lo sontho f. U1 HcLiH 1:n1gcn v Uc 0 t Do,,m a n D1·. Davul~ou, l~A.DUA'LEOP lHE R01'A L COL ] I G F of Pt J s cutns of Ji ngh 1 l and U1 nm >;it~ of\ icto a College Col.Jong dot ~ du t l o t d [ e oa l oi t! e U c fu1 3 of G A l fHE U1 h. I g,, l n CD I r 1 College of 11 ) RlCJa l :l &1.nd 8 1 gco ts d O t:n o 8 1 .rgo1 t u l Re s dence 1 l:,;o K 1 81 fl ~" nd doo et1st of 1\1 :\i:t) lltld 3 l!O Ccl 1690 101 011to a t d 1..: u eu; I of <lt ee l\ o Collogo BEAVER BLOCK .J · .i' 1eltb11;;-, J U D. J ec Jl a.tc Hoyal Col l ege of ..Phy r :ncuu1 l 1 nb irgh (Tate Hes d et t l.c u::i tel 81 11 01n ls Hosr tn Lonltou 1nl1 y f J on rloP !\ct1 Jg Re::;1dcnt JHedlcal Oflket C L l!osp1to.l fo1 IJ er nBes of the Cl est ' Office Dr He i 111 Ln s Orono F. ni;l 1 d 1'1EMUER 1..f S 1 gco11s 01 ROYAL COLLEGI OF HAS BEEN SUCH A GlnND SUCCESS F. M cART 1=-I:UR:(JJ HAS CONTINUED I T POR No1Ice-Ue1no'l al. to Uc 1 o use l tteh occupicll by \\ell g o Sheet : -: . l!o{O y 1tt 11 s old r est l enco ~1lvc1 .;.;: trccl 0 lice hm rs rom 10 a n1 to Sp 1 16 4tf D Dr C -- H UEID lf\S REJ\fff\ ED HTS H s1denee O'\\ ]e o l -- - - - - -----t} Dr. !l. Beath, l Jni.\l"e1s n S 1 rgco n &c TWO WEEKS LONGER, u1 Jrdor to 1nake a cornplete clca.1111g out and J l\e fl.11 a chance for 11e ltADUIIEOF THE 'LO l tONTO G Ph1stew. Oftico onl\.1 gS L1 ect e xt h o to)ello ..,]Ce8&Q1 \ ar.1ety Sto JJown1anv1llc Ont inu .:.~ ,J. Ill. D1·u1mco1n be, IL. n. s., GREATEST EVJiR OFFERED Bowm annlle, Febr ua1y 13, 1873 BARGAINS IN 130\\ MAN\ ILLE Gold F1U1 g8 1 L erte l 'T eeth extrn.ctcd lot ... cen ts co.ch 'l..n excollent looth Po \ d er for :;a.le Otllce ul\[c CJ u1g s lJ locl S UIWEO N DENTJST SUPERIOR t'. G. U:tnning, Cn Ji t gu c"1 11nc1 l nncl Agent ltl0>1de oe t..otl) :Jr dc on Oud gtOJ "'fta.tt l eo rl ce o"Hobc1t \..11ou ~ .. .....,,.,._ P RO"\it INOIAL Ltt cn ded to LA.ND SUR\ EYOR Office nnrt All0Lde1s pi onpt E .: : q N E vV 1U Fall and Winter Dry Goods, Al - H AS I 11.~GE~ E ATTIN"'G-'S, CHEAP FOR CASH. Bm1 nrnnv1lle, Oct lOoh, 1872 S. c:Jhcskrficld, ....L~ V IT J E intl Darl ncion ll.cs1dc ncc Queen ::i c c~ 0 Jc s p ct D~ ~Ltc llcll t.o Cl l ges J\'fucler ttc 1~ A UCTIONEEU FOR BOV\ MAN D. CHEM ITS STOTT, AND nn: \! Br rn ~ 'l'hon 1.rn S(onbouse. UC1IONEER, APPRAISER AND Ge e ul ~ge1 A L ~ p101 1ptl y 1 lLcndcd to t ]) ulu 0 !0 1 Cor trc S1 lcs DRUGGITS I: . t he I o' nsl p. TOTVli' 1IALL BtTl LDINGS, U011Jl'U11'fV1LLL'. l'Olc!, Ru.lea p101n1 t TC J' NS ED A lJCTJON llE R FOR te1 dctl to CJ! ip ofDtuhngto11 rgcs 11odcrate DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, D\e Stutts Putout lVIed1c1nes Perfn1ne:ry B1ushel:!, Co1nbs Soaps P aints 'ln(t Oils J=,n,1nt Bnu~hcs Conl 011 fl.11d Coal 0 I l iin11 s &c &:c P'i> SIOl.A.N~ PRF.SCRIP f!ONS c;UrnFULLy COJl:IPO UNDED AND AL L ORWRS C0ItliU£CfLY ,Ufo WEiutD poor peop le I lnea.n not those '\ho l1:ive greater 0 1 loss 2ncon:1es, 01 "ho arc fo1ced to ha.id 1vo1k but pQoph who ie n o t sc.!f su1 po1 t 1u 0 not iudcp cnd( l t -.-t he pe:1. sous \\.ho h tV e to lie helpctl t o1n house ou., of i.ts l:t\\ful d 1tws iwt I . . t 1 pose we ongh t to c xpecL the in to ho cheate d las r ornpoL1lo1s 111 the tin tnicle cauLuikeruns f or t h e fact of po'terty 111 a ou t of thou fu1 clitncc 111 co1npe.i-1t1011 I counhv hk o t ] 8 18 a pr e::;nnJption of d e j All t 11e s e cnc111nstun"es '\ere calt: nl wtcd to f ec ~ I he l! n l l$ 1.lu<.1.i.l f1. 0 l is I lcnLif ll , Lttr let f ll.\ ou1ble nt tenL1on to h11n 11 <l. h e and I ~bot ::::~ ~ 1 iJ uid Ju 0 h govei 1 Ut;)Ht pt sutu.;"t.b]J ~a.1uo to 111 L111l \\'J.ll t l nb~1 111:.l 1.111 i,] uost imp tla.bl c \\hat d o lh sha.re of t h ,. ., g o ) U ' \l t> 1cs of ]us aud it or s h1nde1 aJ ij nian fioni caunng lus own hv thnn I S l!i.SUa.lly bes ~o\\etl u pon a <lcbutn.nt u1g 2 I llness inay coino, sudden cu.lannty Ho rcnte1nl:H::H cd the rudo ftppo1ntincu ta I 1nay f:tll A.gain t these e'\ en energy nin.y and i rnh um ents of h !1 n n.tn o G ove1 n111ent b8 po'~ crl8SS but ip ~rt frOll). t l l Jt l:J to \V rth d1sd111n rJ1e Queen lie S lcl, I be tssu1ned t1 a.the \\ho fai ls frnls bcciurne had nt lnm ::i t rn1 yloyal suhJeC~ ho lacks wisdo 11 i,nd not opportun itJ _ hopes of the contn1cnt cont1ed hunt:efo1 eq .A.nd t he ~~un e weakness which prei; ented wn.rd tt Otta\'ia instead of ~a..,hi nJtOn ' ~ lun1 !.loin graspinJ the oppoit urnLy pre ' lho Un 1tecl St atc::i w1s 'vorse bo H 1uccl ... vents Iuin keopi n;-;, h old of it after it 15 put thn.n '.\ustrrth a Ilhnolf.1 was in parb.culat 00 ~ I into h rn Jrn.nd Once 111 a. "lulc once Hl a ' ery bfi llJ oil lI0r !egrnli1tors p1c i..cd So great 1i,.l nlc, a hin ely succor nv:nls in a thelr teeth \\ 1th tho r fo1k~ ill 1 ltnched ~ inom ent of ten p oi aiy ,\cal ii ess or a.vet t s l 1cx.pano.::n t:1J tnd 1nfo1n1:.illy 011 bre lcl ind the consequence of a tnlstakc, n.ncl the ma.n 01non s in tho lobby The Speaker put ]us - - -st. . u ts ahead :i.,t a 8 wingn ig sp ace But of feet on the desk \\h1lL.: the Hou::io '" n.s 111 ten the resultr.; seein to indicn.te t hat it 1 ~ ~eSS lun T 1oy \'i e1e l 11c/) feet an d onsh.. uct of very little ns., t o hel p people w 10 can ed the v e\\ of t he n1cmbe1s \... su i...lue(l not help theinscl ,.,~ The very c lnscs that hut obJechonabl c colonw..l elcn1011., pe vact made thorn pooi l cep thcin poor It 18 cct lus. ollic1 .tl 01 tg n1ng~ He called t he DOG th it societ y b ears dowrn haHl llpon n10111be1s ' old hu::i ~ l he S up1c1ne thcn1 !1.i is tl it t h cv are self I ldulgeut Co urt Ll U1j s n.dJOll nod when t h e n1 m a If~ on sec <1 wi<l \ antl fn e childr en s1u~ 0 er 10 c in1c olont> to "'C tl e eleph1nt s \ un he rn 0 1 VVh t a pcoplo Hl t]u;$ 1::a1d euu 0 O'\er a fe 'i 1..: 1nbers yo 1 pity the1n t h xi P i::ilt <l. B en Isn1 acl of the Al u.bs w ho1n and Jou n1ust send the1u co al bu t vou ' 'Iho inen c Lnnot h elp feeling t wr i.thful contcm pt at l1c had boon s ent t o go' e1n 'J'. DAUJ,INGT@N, :ue \\1thout rehg1on the woinen with out knowing that they all " ent t o tl1 c ph oto JUSt rcccn ed a qun.nttty g1apher s yeste1diy .::tn cl hn.d t 11 e1r p1ch11es dHt\'i ers: and t he 1101 ~es w·1th out b idles: take 1 ifr.er bu; lllg a cnuple of trentJ' .ii' o l\.11 Do 1. . . t is uot i eportod as Ju.\"'111g tp on cent brooches o il1 "' way t o ado 1 thon1 plL d ex 1ctly these 1111u110 L~ olJ.::.e1 \ a.t10 s l 1 ~10::</S slito1s of th" t l:!Cl" es " ith tl 'Ihe 'ery th111 0 s th!.1.t j o u to t he c1t1zens or the lcg1 COCO.A,NU1S yourself would h cs1L:tie to <lo on account celcbru.ted VV cstcrn Stai e, but the absence P EANUTS of a lttetal repo1t of lus rel1a1ks con1pels '\ lso r... c111 eth Cn.m plJell::; cele brated Solla oft 1e expense people '~h o are partially \\ nt c1 Lei lOnn.ctc anti. Sa sa1 11 11 t , 013 dependent on) Olll charity \Vl ll c1o \\ i thout us to cko out lus ineanu g by the tH.l of i:; tulu.J le 101 8 r u i Cl dr1nk >i conJectutc " h;.i.tcve "' lus 1 0 t"C n., for ( b \ll t l c n.bo'i c" 1 11 be kcpL eo )~l tnLlJ o n hand hesit ation ~ \\he10 you \\111 i1acbcu i 1t i ., Ll e l ot 'v cs..ther nal u1al, el ceifnl uutl11nk111g t>el1don1 \l 3echng .,o strenuo11sly to lULnou~ they \t"ere D u.di gton I fl J s t rccc l u.uot hm lot of tppa.1£ntly 1c1y e u ne;,t ones He was \ c1 y ilt c l L \..8 1' h cl 1 I h sulc.1 cl.ie a1 fo 1 t hey \Vlll p1acticc n1 cq ua.lly chee1ful 11nc.l cash uuth1uk1ng self uululgcnce The rein niihcr hard on New- Yo1k but he bore Bo \ m a n1 lllc 0 t. . uy nauts of bread t h tl ) on d1y 1n the oven down on I llinois with s .1cli cx ti: a.oulu1 and ,,,,..tve f JI fu i.n1 c use they tluo\ a \vn.y Se\ cr1ty is to call 1 l-" Cl :i.rltou Ch n ton Ii o f1 ag1ne1 ti1J '\est s1ce';:O th \t you l sed to 11' e lU Ill11101s belie~ es 111 11 r fasluo111uto L fhd 1ro11 h oltle1 they pl t in alth oug h c11cu111s tu.nces 1 n e 1111 l < h 11 a n!lHE l:NDERSlGNED WISHING 10 ...L htt\clhc1voodon 1ifty wroo of lruc1 cutrnE tv t h e rag b Lg ancl b ny new cloth for t h eu: On.u ch tn incl u. ine11 ber of P nlrn.n1eut Cord\' ood us 1ap 1rll:i, as poss1blo \\ ill pny Lo g ood h olders '\\Jietc you 11sc :i.t s1 t h ey he He ~wop t down u p o11 Dudgo a.a t1 H~ fu1 1.JU.Oppe10 the follo·\ 1 \g pae<::s bear1Dg b ut tard ily :i1ousc cl h a. :i; k SWC (;'l l)S Dunng the u101 th of Octo1Je1 SO cc1 I:"'! J e1 cord hll h alf j st se<e n Where ) ou ' all D uu 11 g the u ont h s of No c ul.Jcr and DeecJn the"\ r de do \ l upon the bu u1n1 1s a11 l 111 tpl ro \'\ hc1 c you puis lnd watch n1d I l)c 7o ecrrts p co d D oUgu piu fe.... Jwr 1111 cl 0d fl t u lL~l Jlt :1. .} ls l 18 :l '"0 C Cll L6 p c1 str1\;e to tlo yo u \Vo1k thoronghly 1 the,,: p11ato g Jsl 1 1,~ 0 th e u.1 L af(lO lie ons t t tf Ch d t o1 1 ..Hv ai:e content vilth au\ t1u11g th it w.ill ans \ L SO \VAN LEIJ ptctty 1 lf11nly n1t11H::.ted th:Lt l)odgo "as 1' HREE '1' E' A MS'I F.HS, wc1 Ihat is the reason why people a.re i.notlt er and s:ucl ]us con' crs1on. lVa~ p1 <.1 1 T1us is 11 ot i. sentuuent1al v e'v to TO DR A '1 " OOlJ too s udd en nn i r...,d 1cal ~ o 1 e b el ie\ e] 11 1 t t1 o of novcrtv but, "'O fa! i:is n1J o bser' i P rUcular131n ldO lruo-.,, n o u1 plicn tf on to tl e :i t v h avo been the son t10 . .i goes it is tl10 trn13 one I h n o boea Tn v~ in tlnth seenH :Jllb Ci1ber lJou.rl 1~UI Q IJlO\ i cl o orl 1ncn 1 U 1 fa1 oftcne1 nrp11.. ,. ed to see h o'v toe will ti1nen t of the Charnb"'r E'en tho 111ould1 rn e1 ses if d os 1c1 lHOq I HO;\IAS to '\'iurl tr1un11 hs O\er obottclt:s, thin I est and c.l ro vs1cst old To11cs ' n th scra.tch N B - \ ll person s I u.lebtecl to T l HOM AS by n ot..c 01 book account for Black5m 1t.h B \\ ork rue ha\ e to see how- 0Lst toles tri umph 01 er \Vtngs an :l ear tnunpe ts, wero alal'm cd a t r cques tod to settle tbe S[l.mc nnmediatcly tlie w ill to work l x.1ght antl left n.re \T O the energy ancl prec1p1tancy of t 1c11 ie:i.c B owmain tll e Oct l G 1572 12 tf tn en \Hth nfa.nt cluld r' n, i ncapable or in t1onnry convert a.nd ally H Socie ty lS do 1utl1.: s~ clun l)j but il sljen1s to be son1etlrrH~s as 1r poo1 peoplu a1 o L he inost contc nhe ous set that eve1 "ere fa.sh 10ned 1 ut of the dmt of t he c 1 t h Dy As' c U not tp].Jl \e ofp1rrctuu.l JCklis i t lS 111u\ ita.blc that wo she ild 1 cg::u l ,\ tt.h so1.1.ow t ho p1 ocee<l1 n g~ n.t Jhown a O\ el 111 C l. mdcn the 0Llw1 el l) fliowu 1s <t tokr ibly .sound sl co1 ct n,nd onO i..ftc1 1oun I u~t \\et'lk h e l ·J <l) \H ln Ju;:; roonL at tho hotel to taki;;; L11 tp One f Ju~ f110Hd s we11i.; io1tnd tnd SC{U e l np ~C\ e ra.1 sc1eul1Lic ni cn u.ntl d octo1s ~ 1d told t hen.1 Lh it t he r e 'if'a.s t \Cly i mnn.1 t able tnd i nter est t g c so lllJ it fht.: hut e l 'I ho1 e was i 1n tit \\h ) h tel IJeeu t.!Jlecn s11co .N e \ Ycrtl a d L ~1 l they conkln t \\ake lu1n J I CJ 111d t11 e l eve yt.I ng 'll1ey had sI1aken t h at ln:-i. 1 acr e tin ed 111 ]us c~1 pi nch ed hurL th10 \ ll cold w·nter on h 111 anU. do110 < \ e1\ oth~ r th n 0 t h Lt 0 o 1ld b o unaguied incl ~ ot J c wag ati ttt:HtlH]-.ri~ e'\ tt - 80 L.u.. :; doct or:'5 IH:!d p1d 1 c:onsu lt n1 on "' nd ag1e"d to invesli;::o ttc the phcno u enon and it t h e "'n.rn.e ti no t o {F11om t li c J-.c.w Y o1 !. JV01ll) cndea\or Lo rouse the \ 1ct1n fron1 lus stn That t he \lays of an er l ant pi1t11ol por r hey form eel Jll a body tn l \l'T01lt up are not \lWaJ S \'V 3.J S of pleat-1uftBS8 to Bro" n s J con1 ~t t gu: en f : llgual o ic nor h rn I a tlll:! Llw ays paths of docto1 fire d six qhut no m. a. ievoh 01 nn pea.ce tho cxpe11encr. of dis tant Do<lgc othe1 tluunpcd 1 d 1un1 a thu~l w] 1 stlctl d isastrously attest s 1'if1 Doll6e \\as foi.01 011 Jn s fiugers, a fourt h executed a solo l n orl y a c1tizcn of the U1utecl Sta.tes he 1s the cyinbrtls 1 fifth ltred a canuon un l ur now a f'J ttbJect of Her IYia1estJ ti o Queen B rown 8 ,, 1ndon, and a.il tho icst JC! cd w1d an1en be1 of the Can than Pirlu11ncnt j hke t pack of Cc rn incho I t dians-all Li t I n his inud( n sr c och before th~t a~se ::ubl v, one iud he prod led Ih )~ 11 s left le he cn.1 11e ont 1s a 1ed } ot 1Io1y, sp ton the sa tCte]\, o ., h~o ..~ ;1 th ce ttu1es w1 tll a ear vui g~ a.bandun ed eagle of ]us nati ve land tJol{ 1 fo1k for tho purpos1o1 of exc1ttng 1rr1ta.L1011 playful and affectionate or:ttor1cn.l hoist ou The sleeper was 111 oused Brown ,\ ol c tho tail of tho colmu ll hon ::i.nd as crtcd 111 11 of a sudden with h s hau er ec t ui l h11nf::Bll t.::. one of the L 11warks of loJalL:v Ins cyehllls piotr Lldin 0 H!j did not, .ut Ch 1nae of climate aficc ed Dodge as 1t af for an expl.?.u Ltion he did not 6 \ on p 1 sc fects so me var ieties of oecn 1-lu; eo1k foi tho purpose of goin 0 U.Ho the forn1 ahty fi e\\ out F loods of BhllR sw tshed round of bo1n.g introuuced to the con1p~ny llo the Canad1a.n ch:1.uibe1 ind del uged the made one n1ld and awful dash fur tho dtuufou ldu1cd Ott n\an11des Once go111 0 wlntlo\'i 111 went 0 1t h eaclfor eiuost _ Dodge cculdn t stop lio 1eal1J seemed to l hc de ct 1\ e.i:c g ratifie d and they" ent 1\ ant t{ tbohsh the Constitution of the down to exairuno Brown to see ho\'i lie .felt lJmterl States by ~ct of the Car111han Pai l t a.ppc~ns Llu.t ho lit npon the ruan wh o h a.n:ient IIe w LS a foreigner who had was co11ducting tho opo1at1otrn of t I10 ar bseu ualu1 ihzeJ Ly special act of i~ u Jin. tlllery \Vluch n1ado the cann oneer rnacl n1 ent Ile \\ a..'l l cn.p1t ahst "ho hacl u1d 'vhcn tho 1necl1cal caucus ~n r 1vetl the Lou sht Jrug p1opcrt1es w1Hu n tho Do1u g 1111 c1 had Tull Brown dO\H , tntl \\ 1s c 1 1n1on He w as ~ 8C1o u uI tho ..:011 me1v1 il dca\01111J to l c n1 ove !vl1 D1own s nose h ou se of once illltstuous n in1a i n a. <l1sb.1.11t v. 1th lus t eeth l'tit D.1.0\\ ll ahvays l ocks city ancl with pnus ewor thy I uhli c spu it the <loo1 ~nd ch l.uu1 a bu ll clog tu the in 1l h e p1opoaed to de'iote a portion of ]ns 11ow \\hen he sleeps in the dn.ytia e tune L tl1e soi\ ice of tho countr: of 111s I'/,la S11 1 lo D '1 it I i:tdophon Ile h tel 11o t sw indled t l e c i ;:,i I' a Lt Tnurn c1us1u:1d to on.rLh t lt 11 t 5D \ l bh C 0 0 3 LOT'E \1111 r1s 1gau1 say i! n11 t n 10 1 o s an u tern.al t ransp ort b e ·a11l ul canal 1 oot "r1tc1 IS ll o sn.n1e 1n1ght l ...\..N Intti:ina <lcucon w.s fut i boy~ the y oungest cf" h ch 1s n n.111e l 1) x. 1lOe-J lle ~ the last of t h o huu J ] x:l .ERL\[E N'l ' T plu lo::;ophy- :i. sk 111g a J ou ng i a.tly to 11u1.1 1y J ou N a.t tun.l phil usop1ty-look1 1g 111dn'fc1cn t uu.l S9.) 11 J yu n\\ t::1con1v 11 J1 u 'bt:n .she 1efnscs \;Q ll A FEARFUL VISITOR r ho ~ OJ ' :-.iio1y ib.~ R1 e Dc~ca1 tc~ \ is ::illt1ug 111 1 et I nlor n. I , E x:cc ~ J t h rt b t s nc tsn fe \ days sin ce, :J..\\ i1thng her llnB.banc1 s re t o J on~s ' ht t I l inst s \J Jou n. e an in ttnn to d1nne1, "hen ri n1an of' ild and f in10 18 6cound re1 ' P n doJ th rn Li t of h iggn.td ap1)ei1r i111ce cnterocl anll se::thng uou-y s i<l. JoJJ es V:1 Sn rt1 1s ho lnmsclf opuos to t~ h ('1 1ddres .:1{.l h e In k nocked 111 u tl u"\\ l with " pol er tho fol u\tJHg te1 n1 I a t n 1 ~1eat docto1 I c u c:flectually c uc all 11~ ~tl .i.ch'::; 1 H mc r. p Y" to cc nlJ. d u t.11 t ho bu.s111css havehctrc1 t1atyo 1 sufiel favni t lt.,tc use htJ \\Ulh.:d to 1'1t h Jut d\ t:li trning, ha> t 1d I t1n coino to ctne JOU The Jndy b t.lt:Tl coir1p. J !ed to 1 rlvc 1 Lrn~ Lt lu:; t The pcrce1v1ngth atsho h :tc1tode:t.lwrLhaniicl I new l.cl\1Jr1 1 s t:1 1cnl; J .,, It" llc..:d Sl c .. 1ff s man pr ~tdtntlJ see1nod to f:tll 111to h rn hu i:5 tlo nor n.nd a l..e~ \'111at 1~ s hu~ 1netho l uf P1tt':lb i e Jl ::. Hl h ..., ;:;1..1 t "":"!. k tho., ) t1e:i.t1neul S11nplc cno t gh 1~ ad 11 t 00 11, ,... ch Lur f th t r g ....,e said he dia ~1IlJ a. razo fio1n l is pocl c t i l }?IC .... ti Shv ~:t)S sl a I cut ofl the h e tel and t hen ~fte1 h a. ~1 th "'cna u 0 h fo .. well cle inecl i t J I plttce l it u p011 t 1 el p shoulde1s Upon tl11s l:ic pr er u cd to t5 l t an s w11e the .-.,c1;.1Qn to hrn \\Olde. :&--1adame B 1 l o r 'i lule her b is oat Ll i. .. s neau \\ ti gre<1.t c ooln ess profe f:lsv l 1 1.:icely \\ rth a nea 1':i id 1 er ll:,1 ad1ntis ~ Lo s ub1u1t to the Op"'HLhon Lt I it \ a::. tl e on ly ti 0 l1t s.l1e e \ e ... saggcstea t at sh "' should fetd1 :.1. to\ (::1 ]1 1.;h sh"" th ~ 11ul ca.a llo fr orn th e n ext roon1 t o pre \ e1 t her ch .s be1ngst 11 re 1 » nT ltl tlu Lu; !) 8 voors c lcl bless I A litLlo ho"rt \rall ull 1utu s1;hool tt a tc n.chcr s cxn. ition :1.t Oswecio, last Pal;, ) Su relates tl1 e follolV U\::, 11ntl b \IJcd out \O Utfclle1 I .A n o. dau1 e Boni e u ln111g in thr. IS cl Hvn t 1 use oi 111.3 1 1111 1 \\C CI Ann i, J He r 11::;1LJI atfaon t d t I the 10 souableneso of t 1W3 su c .,,t10 l ~ 11'r.,,iNc:r <:i l ' 110' 1 ~ thc:: rs u ll she left. tl1e I Oum , lock1ng .4.h~:1001 bel I l Jf hv1 ] \ u i l 1 l a 0 11..ca :i C""' C ':ii u once he1 lT pon her iet u1n 'v1 ~h so1ne rohcc i 1en1n1 ( ltoafi1cndwho 'ia'i 1 10\ u1g t he 0fi1ca1 s they fonnd th1t tho un.fo1th11 alt i cn i1n,_, Al<.Ls hlV oftv1 l1l\0I bmged 1na111n.c h 1d cuf ]us own d 1 ro~ t but u L tho.:i" be l l 1 1 :i l>1" nu; 1<'1 I L n "Or fit tl ly ft wa s "Sce1 l uned that he ] 1 l rj fv t n o 1 O!'iC tped f on1 :i Inna.t ic l!':lyln u al C e1 1n ont lcs P1 a':I .,.ucl lrn. d bccu l n.1 nly :i on.;;. 1l~ ~l lc o! a gr t e 1v:.i..~ ..... s1 for d nu1 g L vhole ntonth n ot tll t nph::ts\1 l l C" .1.1 n sa1n ho I C\Cl HOW WOUJ,D THIS DO !N CAN AUA \I t h et vl Choppers Wan ted I !!I . H . '.ii'nrner, u fonn tho 1nh a.bitants of Bo \in tn\ tile and f o.1n Cl'!:! of \ V'cst Durhn.m tl nt I c is now 11re1 nr el tu u ttr-nd toanv !Sales II rtt1ia.y be cn tr l "l ed ol Cluugcs 1node1a.t e 10 t f A UCJIOiSEEit rrHE UND I "\\OlJLD BLCr IO etc and of the bost qHaldy ,$.J',j... Ji a1'1ne1~ and Phyaic ttn fi f1 ( ni the Gourd y icill Jt icl ottr St oc k o; 1 11 eel ci ncs cc 1i iUoue~ 10 J,e ntl. II\\JJliG BARGAINS. EAR.,G-AI N"'S GRE A.T J3\RCJAIJliS ~RE llSJG~ED to is v ropa.1 cd to negotiate loans Oll He tl ] t::itute s1:Jcu11t, o\th e most f 1l'onra.bJe t0111 fl 16 19 J B ]AIIlBHRN h ccn uppom tcd ngcnt for t11e P O\ 1 eml 1-'er t inc nt Dulldi ug a1 l :Sa 1ng 8 Societ;; of 10101 R. l"e:atc 'lt'adm·. EN rLEl\'IEN S \::.D B01 S GAR {~ ::1' 3'1EN £S ade n the B O\\ man' ille Feb Hl 18GS N llWJ>S1 S1 YLE S NOii GtvE N AI IHE 30 tf \V. R. Climic, lJER OF :M \ RRHCE LICllN SI S ] !cS B tl 01 t -;: or H s Rxccllcncy th~ Goi. ern or C: 1 Cheap U.l'.\.lli: of tl o Ontriuo \ etenna.1'\i colleg-e b~gs to inform the 101 ab1tn.11t of Ho·wn1anville ands ir1'0uu dh gcountry thut heh :i..s com1 )enccd the practice of J lS p l ofcssion an cl can be con s ultcd u.s to the diseases of ho1ses n.ntl cnttle flt Glo' er s Ln cry office King Slreet Bowmnnv1J le RE SID EN CE at )Ji odw ~ Jlutcl 23 tf V ETERINA.llY SURGEON, GRAD vahcl, " ith rl s~1pa. ted hnsbanda, >Jlllll1ount 11nd:r:.i 1ccs ::on 1 earning not onl:,: a ln Ho,,'° Pur DowN HrnLIN - L ots 111 z, b11 t a con1petence by sheer pl11ck- v1lle, l{y h ts a 11"\ C1ucf of J>ohce, Col 01 1.f that is not and lrnussable .; ord will on el Johnson, on w 1 om 11he is to b e con I sec 111en " ith lllclitft J cut l ea.1th but stnr gr :-itn ri t e l H e lia.s begun his dn11 ust1n. tly s If reliance a 1d c1cc1 t bl0 de, oy hon bj shu t tinO'up n.ll t h e gn.mbh ig he uses t eu.dj 1nclnst1.} bu.r1n 0 nd l n1lchnf! b f .._, 1 1 Lh ~ most J,U I l n-=>est o towJ , as houses lifting r tortgnrres n.nd ~-1) in!! "'b ... ~ h w s cailed by t f1c late D a.v1<l Crocket grtdnn.lly and su1vly 1n.to prominent res He eil"....:vtod tlns Jrt1 clo by stat L on1ng at pectab 1htJ ,. 1vh1lc others, \\ h O :.ita.t icd w1t] the door of each den Hl officer ins t n . a.:ted appar ently eqaa} or superl )l ud va. 1tages to i. ake do;vn tlie I't.LlrlC (f lY tnd all p or f tlte1 and fail, snnplJ f1om 1ndolencc or sons cnte11ng tho same 'J he officers \ ere 11 L" a ~ Lon<lon cxclutnga says a co1 1espon l ~ "\"<.)P. 1 y 0 l 111.l) oilers t he follon u 1C" cn t send::. n., the follow111e- ] ot long ad, 1co t 0 ul:; _ \\hcnc\c :1.fe1l o 1~ p ops since Jn tr~\ elln1g fro111 Bisel (Da.slo) to t h e (i t v~t iu 1 loi t blnsh r u 11 ~tn.rt tOJ out Pu.1.s '\e beca.1nc h11ngrJ' As if d n111 1 0 fee t 1 ~ ,,.Juo' yo l a1n1s ro in cl hu~ 01 11 cuntl1ti JD the gna1 1 p 1'" lu., he 1d in n ee k lo h 1 i. 11 i 1 t1 10 fr. co nd corn tt th e w1ntl w Jf the t nn and po litely t~ .K ell ~h~ll I 01de1 u1111101 fur ,;:on :ti. tliu next sta.tioll? I: it \\ e do no t s t op I .HO'> \ to rn.y be snbJ e"t i n t ho iu,ght 1oug eno igh fut 1 t " l.S oui rep ly lrne t 1n10 to t l l Le c11tcL1t1n0 I a n caJh.: Ll ct .1.1np 1t , ~ 11 Ue sci vccl lll the tnun for i.luoe will b e c101 b tlcss g <lc.1 io lea.rn t 1a t by fi iucs nd th o d 1 sh ot; rc111018d it ~ the nex t ·yinJ 'Y lan d of t ~1 d ,,c 'Cl,y tig ht J3y a.l l 111,_,;ins ortler it ronnd th"" 1 0 11lln c t ttC' y 1b:n e the s topping place: 'I he tolvgraph ca1 ued tho on1cr tl.!11 in1lcs j 1 r BG t 1 '"" n pie is int ~i.: D"':t. l 1 " ll be in n.head Ia i ino111ent ill l wh en t he tr a. 11 I st il..nt 1ne uns j i "'r l O\ I t dre w up ~t the n ex t s t ti ion t h o door \Vi 1IRU'l 1 :; co r '"ed w·1Lf1 111 ht ! L b bct a re opened tnt! n. cncul ttr basket 3ft high I lngh]y r e 1 t t\ c~te1 l I!l \ e1 a.ad l rt Ht chtmetcr, w1.s pnt 11 our con1 to uot t1io co1ne1 one" of the pLtrtn1ent l Tponthetop \\ as LkHifCallllt11nt:lhi 0 tl hutof d t or 11 l J C: s fork , spoon ·1.ncl n lpk )t1 a. bottle cl wa.te lti rn r. a c .1 t l rtl '\ tll1 n. ht lle 11 acL 11.: e one of and a. flask of wine, un 1 ::.i. g1all" u. l t L lc t h e .. c t rur ki! e1 i be iuauu !'. o DO 111 0 in to a. sal t and peppe1 and ~ hn 0 e 1011 1\ e saw ha.ggaJc car \ hu J "'ll l J :r y ri..101c foT'co fOll.l S} i;;,l\ eS 0 l OtiCh $HJC ft cl1sh rJ1e th:Ill 18 e:spc l 1cd O l i e 1n i 1 tS 1° :1.l ~lCk~s fu st ~as ;t hot son1 tho second a slice of 10 \\ Ill U 3e a let moil!_, bocf t11c t]ura \cget ..i..bles LI d the fo n tlt half a clnckcu and o ihu \ bun ch of clel1c1ous gr:tpci:s " ""s r. !.ao f ou11d o 1 ouc of the s11eh es \Ve tte 0111 dinn er quiet ly a ld co mfor t a.bl:y 1~l11lo tl e ti In r rshed ~ lonJ at thnt rn1let:1 111 h( 1r, tnd t h e11 1osi..01 ed the cus11es to ihe1r pl tees V\7l1cn t he nex t sto1ptge wal) inn.le a <l por ter rc1no11 e t 1 le 1 tsKc t n.nd r ecc1veJ noL 1 , the pay I bn I DC:1:.:; ..,o J ncc1 rlncc:'-\ 11! n ) life no1ghb·T' th t J)nn l ed ll e JJtltlcl Ur:i t 18) do rr '-1 feeblenc~s of purpos\.:' \Ve p1h; th em but"e~Iso clesp1sc tl1eui: R"iery health) mi ncl m nst oesp1se t h ,., !". tt \l t wlnch p e e ase c al O ftie e at t I e St tl t a noffice Cor_,ner J ames Crycler111an, UNDB;RTAKER B. Shen n & Store Furn itur>eI ~N D DEALHt I N I IRS I CL ·SS tu·h; a n1an 01 1' on1an to pr efer 1gn0Ll0 to a chgn1fiecl thougn h u~lly en.rued lndeponden ce ~ wl11cl1 pcr1n1ts tl1c day lab ose1 t o liv e bot nt1fu1Jy on t:.i t 1 tj i:; \\ages -w.1. tho1~t layuHz . . . by ~HY :-fto1 e fo1 tho 111or r o\v, on wh ch he c::rrnno c '~ oTk \Vh) even tho beasts of the field ] DO\\ better PUBLrc h~~ f OPINION Jon ca.n get rI A {.C:: s; :i: OV1 KES 01 D ..., ]'y_I A full m1 pu ly o( P T 0 z \ PD ) N ~ 1 I I than th d .fta., c \\ e l)ecn alJ our hfe~une re tU1no il 1r. fiblcs of bees nrcl Lutte1fhe~, of lad:\ bngs n.n<l uits, t J t lunl no Jt is p1etly ond pathetic" id not drngrnccfnl for llE.11DY-M.LiDE COif'J_1TINlS tlly J 1 .:.~ fwd t I c 01 gu t.l ulca, tha.t '\.t the ' Cor net S to u.: AND WELL SUITED. :i. n1 nn to be 1:d11veru1J hku i, l:uly buo ln the winter tune £01 which he l as madeJ o AND SJIH.OUll~ provi.e ionl ' Vhonisce ho\v1np uvuleutl y AL VV A y S O N HAN D . people will ;pend then molle 1 m the f , c A I excellent lfe 1 e pi o' luu wJ1c 1 re 1 ut cd o[ poBsJ1J1ble want and certn.111 Head of eeun Rmnpton nee 18 187 ~I Olll) I q 1ushon w he" her out ch;u1t}eshave I [ --- --= · - - -rehoved cv ery s1:s: hours Ihc10 were fug I \ 1\1 <\..Tto::n.; I ll g1 l p1 ese i.ted h 1 1L1 , e :t.Lt e1nptM :i. t ev asion son10 ot tho lo ve1 w1t,1 a pn.u of pnls0 wrn nersbl 1cklegs t :i.klng re~go in hote ls ancl p ri Don t Jon Hunk tlns 13 a little bi t 1nem vato housco; with cxtrcnJe sccrecyr:tnd cn.u 1t u1e? 1'i :tothe1 etu1uqncs t100 "Why ~ tton resuming then eiaft But Jo the ' Pre.;i-entlnJ Jno with a pau of b ibyst 0 uk pohcent l.il alrnost 111111 "ltatcly ap 1e n ed u1gs bt fo1e I i.;e rrot in+o t hat hue of l 1r. i1Jld 1'5t :ttLvned] nnself bv t 1 e dool note UiS 1 ~ were J he go itlc yo tng lady tl1d nt ' ~ t 11 I up a t airs book 1 n ha.nd 0 i: 1n1 perfunttory in Uex S1J one WOit1 inor..., l')lh ((j ( tble not to bo rntimid::i.tcd 101 caioled and told her b1othcr th it hc.1. l ov er h cl I He b ro ti ier ca11 and t lle gamo" ts u p Ihc g tmblers aic 111su lt Ctj Jie1 n Ij lV'a11~cd dop~rting oltt of the la.ncl wi th Ill ,ny 1 cl JW l sta.n s 01)ened t l u front cl.001, t ook cui"'e 111 on Colon e] Joh 18011 incl1ns ,~orks t] o lover by the b ick ot the necl antl t h e ::i.ncl that .... d1nn tble ofl co1 s gn1f.1 es lu~ J!Ol:l weakc rt p irt of the p;:tnts and tht ew huu itne <lete1n11ri at1on to keep lhe o1ty ch:u ou t on tl ie su.Jcw111k ' Hl(l tJ ten cl a11 ce d n. of theru dur111i ]us tlnce y c;u s inr 1 11 of b1 oa.l1.. clo\'\ Il on Jim J1cn.d A ncl t lt o lover office doer.nit knov.. Jet " h :i..t ho h a.d. done t o Yot1ng Iacl1cs s]1oulU 1uusctlu s '" ngcr l M \IE l' mHn WJ111, - \ mixttae of be c rvlnl uot to m he pre"ei ts wlnch honey w1th the p ucst ch :\rcoal \\ 11 1 I O\ c tnfH I lo\ crs c1 on i 11 u 1~ 1 1-) t 111 1 t1 o t 18u au atln111 a.b)f cl ea tl:!S1 of I n. stnn. l1 p o"'!" 1 1v1eni u p fo clngnan T11e ha1r froin bo l es t 1lat h t' c t 1ea A"ron1 col ta.go 1 d1~c"s 0 s, should ne c0 n. c 1.:d a t .., i 1ous o1 l! 1sc ~ l l ~w, n.n 1 I n rnhe<l ac cord1ng l . ., ~ i:..n.11 ,0 l nJ l 't" us i Ie1 t 1e11 i t Jl \S i ts T J1o 1nnltl t u d 11 1 1y n1 n.r 11e<l \~ n1 Clayt on \'i ho is suit cf tl o sa.Ints cf Sa1t Lak.., C1+y JOot:s o 1 l ::; 01.... re one " ifu c \ iy fvu1 \ eel s hv clop"'111en l:. ' \ h ch rc unncb u s ol the } ustu n t'1 n c s c] l t I pol 0 'vc<1 r w1th ont losing I ! n101H.l doco1 ~tcd co it wlucl he coul c.l DC\ er L fo,\· of Uie JClll S ~ Ch1Jton ~ 8fy·k h onci7'e1} I:.J i 1obl\.bly lll can l complc u, o I ·t , 1 1 1 b, , long hn1 c JJ cfo c 1 c ca 1 Le cal1cct m t hn 1ost loncson1u sc11so ofth<.J ~ OJ (l ~a 1vidO\\ ei . -

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