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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Feb 1876, p. 3

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., . . so c ·r J'L T :.·. I I :· i , ' . ODS C_; ,_.... ~-'t .,. ' - R. E.AS'I10N, Bo:mnanville and ;.Liridsay.' R; EASTON, · Bo\vmanville and 1 REOPENEDr I lrn;rn pleas1,ne in infohning the public tha,t .I hav;i i:oopened :in ~ny · old stand, (two Joo rs WestofthePostOffice) ·1 with ah entire new " . stock of f1 csh · ' J J.; 0 N D 0 N, .0 X '"f. J3 IV IDEN D ------ ,'I I r . No. 7. IGveat ·Bargairis ' ' I , O::{ AND AFTER J anµary 3rd, 1876. ORGAN IMPROVED AND REMODELLED Books, Work-Boxes, 1~ya111r · 1 ' 1 \ATriting·Desks and ' s.haH tc' 1io .j;'h F CJ d ' AND .KEEP tll6 BEST o~ er · ancy \Ul'OO' s at a RELL A1; 1'HE ·· 1. Great Sacrifice at R. Easton's.' i Lb'V\TEST"" SP.LEN D:I D ST AT I 0 NE RY! r ;:~~::~·:l::~d~:~~il~~Le Bib~e·s, , _Serv1ces, B:ymri Book:s; CJ.:\.SI{ SYSTEl\1, Scl1ool Books, Blank believ'-ing it to · be advatlt11ge.01.1~ I NOTONLY to TH~):llJ.YRJ{ Books;Jeweilery,.. · bbl!t: also to tile SEp,E;P... · Wall-Paper,. PARCELS D~Ll'VERfili ' ' ' &c.,&c. · to AtL ·rz.::R<:rS / 0{ ' 1 ri 'I' ' '1\1 · I 1 I . ·r.uur.~ . , GROCFJRIES. ' 1 "j ' . I at .= --1 Q" ---. --0 ~ ¥AJ:JENillINES. R eductiorr a · GJ3;EAT : ' ··: a .oons, . ' t~ the town .\v:ith ' I 'l lll . = --I !:t"' pracucal rne11 fron1 the Foct.ory of Clough & \V .irre.n" o~g~u · C~1., J?etroit, ~1i~h 'etU..:h t~ki11~ an l\Cth·e p~rt i~1 · 1Jii;1. 0W1l P.artienlar. dcpnftHltlllt.. a.ud are no\V n1&1111f;1ctnl"i1l!.! ·&11 OrJa.n EQU.AL, and 111 i111.u1y poiuts ~UP.ERiun, to a ny 1~~a.t 1 u~cicturer~ iu the D nitcd -Stat\;1S,.ur Oa.ua.<l ~. · rno:d c:= Easy Pr1c.es for Hard Times! ... 0 Pi"' 0 . .. , .· · · · '. = c:::> -c::: ~ AU wool'Union · '\Voollen Shirts and b~,iwe·rs ..· : ......... 60 '\ '\Vinccys, Plain and Sttiped. ~ - . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ' , '..AT"Y-LLIE'S', A.s r:8UAL FOiy 'i·nE Ho11~Avi c-hMp: tow1·: 0-'ld a" ii!' .~1as b9ught cht-'ap, YQU·Will ilr~d by call111g on him he call sell cheap ·'"".~ , '· ~ Pi>t.,frl',.:ihe~I a.11d b(·st ilsso.rtPd !'tock of' CoJ:fec' l;·ncr.\·. Hbcniis.' t'aJ~E"B , FrrJit, Oyst.f-rS; &o., in \VYl .LTE has on liand the lltrg-est, --I ~ · wnu1EsA t.r; · ' . _. _ ._ oa a"Eiiu,: _ , i'"1 1', · ,,: .' .,,- OOMPA~'l HAS T _HlS ,.ad:di,ti-on of thrtie of the llECEK'l'LY BEEN REORGANIZED. BY THl!l,. '" " arc now preparing for ST00K-TAKI~G, and will rnalrn ':i: Chrhitm11 s 'c?mr. d_1;:1.11 ..cn1Cc a' y;ear,, 1 know Y(l\1 all well _know Jt, ,~ __So dorl't fo rge't tO c~nw 1:1J.ou.nc( ' ' And citll upo'n the Pu'et~ , :"·- , I I IIe's tcm s of c. a1·il)' l;i~g roti1~l.z " .Ancl ca·n·t fi1ld room i-0 silo\\' U; I<'all!:J Dress Goods ...... ~ ·... ~ '. '.... : ..... 12~ . ' ' . ~ THOROU..GH OLEARAGE!l Yout1J mront:j! saYe, hycoril.tngin'. · 1<. ' 1 And buying fron1 t:hc: Poet: A.a'-()nr Ct:ilebr:-i.ted "Vux Celeste." "-~\rnx Hu1ua.ni-!t" \\-~i1cox Paten~ "Octave Cor(plej'," "Cl~ llo" nr '·Clarinet" Stops, "' Flu,de lfurn," "Dulce~," '"...._-Euliue," " Cr6u1101111, 11 aull Grand U, gan Stop, and CAN BE OBTAINED ONLY IN THESE OHGANS. Twt3nty-Five Different Styles I .< !lOR THE PAHLOR A~D 'f,f!W CHURCH, 'fHE Jl)<;Sl' ~IATEUIAL At\D WORKMAt\SHIP. .C ORN \N:A.L.L ' ' REGARDLESS and in others " GOODs. r OF COST. CALL ,and SEE! ,a1i.d SEEING, you will l3LANK'E VERY I .. C~W, BELIEVE! Consider t~ie :Following · ' . t Dress Goods. , . , , . , . , .. , worth 50c. for 80 ·for 35c: :Fo:r ·cash only. aq F. Y : ·COWLE. · "(/). BLACK LUSTRES. . Trench Merinos:~ ~ . .. . . '. worth · 50 . Blankets .. . '. .. .. ... . .. '. worth $5 ..'iO ·for.$4.oo ShMvls ... . . . . : . . . . . .' . . wor:th · 3:00 for · 2.00 Railroad Wrappers .. ~ . . . worth 5.00 for 3.7 5 "' · " ,_. ' f?ailroad Wrapper&.. ..· · . . w91ih 6.50. for 5.00 · ·~ 0 0 ~ · ~ l Buffa]~, R<.>bes . , , . , . ~. : .. ,~orth 15.ou for 12.00 Shaped Horse 'Blankets for One Dollar.' : Overnoats Cheaper than I J 00 .t: J.icpusit11u-;y or rr;\;.;fi.f~'n ·~ . '_ Pleasnr~ ~~t1 1 Ji1struct:oa/· . ~, [ ~ver you have seen thefo.. I . fI arp er'.s ,· B a~·a.'ir, "Oowma.rlville, October 'IS. " 'All this ·and: much more ·at 'I ' lLLTJS'l'lU TEii. " . ' XJl'fJCE~ OF ·.'.f'~i~~ .,P,JtESS . . ,., ' ' . .: T ·i ~ 1Y1...: .McCLUNG· BROS. ·THE · ·EL~PHANT __,___ HOUSE. a~r and tal~nt. !hn,t ·we "rldnm ftnd in any jonrllttl;, nud th 1; jo11rnal , i1_~df i~ '.tlie oru1.:u1.of thp·~ . !l'C11~ \Y< ,rJcl ot fashion,·-Bos fr1h 'l'ra1:lle:r. . , · The /Jazarco111mcnds it:;i(:::)C to ·ev,er.y mcmbe1 ,f tho bo<1::.\cho!d-10 . the children by drolttil.ncl' ' ·.fcr t .v idet.11rP-R, 111the yuun>!· la.di'e:"J h);.its' tiishil'·.ll· · irit~1.1 1 tti·n!Hf r1heehiM:r:en'sc1othe's: toprt't er'· f1';m1lia~ , h~· 11:-i tµ~.IPTnl cJcr,1Jtns for., em9,rotdet~p ;h f1p~1'8 1-'uTJ:l l11xu 1]1)1 ,IS dJ'('S5llll{ ~O\Vfl!', .J;;{ut. tbe ·1~ad1n,i.:·u1atte1· of .tht1 [{a,"!ar is ·lU1if,1rmallJ of .;rca1 exc~Jle11ce . 'l lw p;:ipr:i.r has acquired a ·v:idt>i J;rmla;il~y r tl~e ~l'e~i ii e enj~)y1ncnt i ~ atfOrdS',. Tho Ba.zair' i~ edi~etl with.'. a,. eorr1binutlon pfate,s in erul 1 ee1is varic.'t:y. ?o the lH"ov;i~enLm.ati:QJJ ' ' SOMETHING _, ----:---A ,SUIJS-llTUTE~ fOR tATH A:~10 . ':; --:~ · NE'W~ Murdoch""Bro's., . Iii .it" '"'a.Y .~,here isrnofhi 111{ like lt . . ' ~~i-e~h . 'una· t.ruStw<1rthy- u;::; a fusliifilt.guitlf', itS ..storicia'iuul , _,·s su.. '"2: i~s \·(1E't.r.v-:i11a Sq_11~b:;i,_ a 1e '!II invigorating} : o the nu~~c.. -- Chicago Ercninu Jnnrnal · .; ·: S.Y.E1Jen1nglo8,. , !. . ' . · ,, " "· ' , PLASTER: ' ' The Patent Alumin~rns and Ornamental Building J?aper. . J\tper Oil-duth and 'i:;arpetirig. UJ, J~'OH 'T'I-II&? PLAOEG. . A · la\gc'stock just received,, of plain, ~nd oriiamental, both for walk and tloors. · ' . . · . . The Paper Oil-cloth and Carpeting is a cheap-,a nd dnrab!e' s\1bstitute for oil-cloth. , The chemicals with which tl1e paper is saturated .render it · pr.opf against rats; moths and mice .. SOLl-L · A .Gii:N'I' 0 And a'S our stock is so well known it · requires ii~ rewards i---a· r\ ~ ~'. , Remember I I M11rdoch Bro:s · is the place to buy your t· ' , lfi~UCEffiBfifS Ch~aper . - - - - -· · . {OUR induct) t~e people: fo buy. lNDOCEl\1EN'i'S AllEt ' ' VARNISH POLISH l · · . A!\01'Hl~R THING MUCH WANTED. .I " . This Polish gives a most. elegant lustre; and dries instant.aneously.,Nothing ever discmrnrerl before to equal this Polish. For PIANOFORTES, ' . · For BUGGIES, · CLOCKS, CUTTERS,, . u; ,: PICTURE FRA.l\'IES, SLEIGHS,, and ·;di kiuds M ond ·Bil kinds <if , V,..arnished .F'utni'ture. 1 ' 0 ~· Ho· 1 · Gf'Call and sec for your8elv~s. and your fri@ds will fulknv.J.iall · TERMS STm'c'JlLY CASH. · ··--· - - ------ ~- ---------~--·-- -- --·- ·"' goods and better quality for); less ,money than can b.e g >t elsewhere· lnducemenls " · · '. · ' .. Rememl::ioc · · Remember Murdoch Bro's , ' TO · Al't>. ·· COTNT1'~G 1\10~,I{Y '! with. t he f~ 1uouw ·v...-arnished Carriage.s ' :a A. TJJJPIN G ' s :.Bll).i\. D~SIG:NS; I · SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. YOU .WA.NT ' tj' 1 'fht! F'rench _l·;!i ;ti,(rn of,which sflls fur $Hi"' 00· i~ri(~ \he L;.n·:;m\ J1;di1 i~)n fo17 $200. 01'r' Poll-'~lar · J1d 1t1on (<i5,,,~~. conU.nnlng Over : on ... . Htindrf> ii fu1J-r.ag1;' qu1rrt_u ~'.~tl.i~~. ~~· the an11:AP,ES'l' anil' 'I As usual, a large stock on ban llJld Tinware; .all of which will be sud at.low figures. '"-~'!:nnatoD'BlD 1diJi,;::e, Augµ~t u·.18'15. 'of Hardware, Paints. and . ",;, Murdoch . ' . Oils, Stoves I ;.,. an.d C:S:EAP DRY · GOODS . VIGTO:rtIA · BUIJ,DINGS, Bow.m..,11>f)lo; Siiptemher 22 , lll'I'~. JOHN McJliEOD & Go. M4~Cl'j:ESTEJ\,.IIOUSE, BOWJIIAJ~rV'ItLK , ·1 ·:·.,:,, , I 1no8t EJ,EG.\~".r 1111!J 1ca !·Hnl 1n /q1 ,erH'a atid tlm 'I BP.:S_T .To ~:r.r~t. ,Gdtic:<i vi· with e ach .' oiher·i u vra1>-1ng it. and thD 1na sl':flfJ "fin11 lt. F'ro ·,, a l(lcnl u.~cnt in $011thpor~ Gppn · "ln: ftllr, \--iJ.J1u~c flf eii;di;y bo11sps ! h,a,·e ftikf'T1 -~ixtj . . five nrder~: have C11nyns.f'.eQ 111 all r~bout t""h1ve , daY~ (lti ~1Jl1t;:re , anrl c(lu.n 'try!. »n-(1 have taken , · \ o~ders f·~r ori e lt1:mr1 rc:l a1~rl six co rJ&:1! ~ J.B. F'OHD&C. O.;.Pnb. Hshers. ' FULL PA.RTICTL.i:u'J li ';t ~;J;;. .Add'rt:$S 0 utos. nnE. 'Gen. Ageut<, liamUto,,, Ola II.. ·· .-

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