Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jun 1876, p. 3

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Cottons,i a~1d COTTON;[ FANCY . GOODS, &c., -&c., &c. All to be sold at the very lowest prices for ' I have hP-a.l'd 1i0thinfl to equn,1 it in sweetness of tone. HR notes are mor1· like those of our sweetest ~i.n..g111g birds, or those of the tlne:<li human v oice.. than an.,.. instru:wental notes I ever heard. \V'e are ct.ciighter~ ·with our instrument. J\fay you, be blessed \v1tl n·e11t a.nd de Parasols, I ! 'My aim shall be to · KEEP the BET AND EL'L AT THE LOVTEST PO.S SIBLE PR.ICE. ·, have determined to adopt tha served success. Yours trul~, B 0 0 Ts· J I 1 Town Hall Buildings. CASE: N. B.-Old Store near Thompson & Burns' mill, Bowmanville. I~own1anvil1P., ~1ay CASH SYSTEM, believing it to be advant ageo ul' NOT ONLY to THE BUYER but aho to the SE Ll.ER.. PAUCELS 'QR LTV ERRD P~stor 2nd Presb. Church, Princeton, N. J . SPENCVR L. FINNEY, SHOES. Bowman ville, .June, 1876. 18, J..~76. ..._ ·.rhe }i.fathushek Orch~tra Rqnare Grand Piano is brilliant, of wond"erfnl power. and inc.lodious in tone. ..&..LFRED H. PEASE, n.ochestcr. CHEAP · I ,,·as fully convi nced tha.t tJ1e l\.fathushek Vlas the CROWI'l uf all . My old tuner, ·who has ta.ken care or my pi a.no for the past ten Y··r" , SU)'S that the No. lO Orchestral just teceivml from you. is tbe best ninde n:i{d fine st instrurnent in this city. YourH,&c.,D.M.SoM"RvILLE,ClcYCland,O. - - H. RF.LL,\CK . 1 H as a very large stock of Boots and Shoes of every description in the ·· lat t d b t ' l r ti P.ll an es s"y es 1or le ot ALL ARE INVITED ~ SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE. J CHEAP FURNITURE! CHEAP FURNITURE! -AT- FURNITuRl!f ,I ____ .-··---- to ALL PARTS of the town with proi nptn c!l~. Highest price paid for all kinds o! pro<l.uce. . to can at the nothinoo can excel it. The tone is Rort 11nd fnll. leather of the best brands always on hand. Trunks, &c. The ba"'sis gran,l,a.1ul \\hen GOO vnico" are si.n~- J - - - ·o·- - __ ing together. tho Piano ean be distrnctly heard. . 1\ If' Every note rings out clear as a bell. · m.11. M. ' I lS 0 18 . .T. HUN'l'EN, P a'.'ltor, · l d w1' J[ gna.ra.ntee a perf~t fit , fro rn theiihest of stock. · s '\\'"ARRING K1-~NNEDY, Superintendent, tur1ng t eµartrne:it ~n SAMUEL F·ussv, Musical Conduct or. I ' Remember our st ock is good, was bought low, and we don't propose 1 . h t -. 1 to be ltniler-soled bv any house in this part of t he country in our line of goods if '\Ve know it. 1t :iuts given n1y fa.mily the very 1ng es s~t1s· · Come l.'!.nd see that V1-e mca!l. '\Vhat we iay. faction. REv. JOHN BREDIN", Harrie. J B L N in~~~~.';,~ ~~ei~n~i1·1a"s~~i~~~;:'f~"a t.Jg~ 18~1,,::.;1 ELM ST. w. M. s. SCHOOL, Toronto. Alim findings kept for the trade, Calf Kip upper and sole Vi' I JENNINGS · ·st1 ', 11 m · c]rnrge f t } ·-" muantuac- I Elephant House, B 0 W :.\1 AN VI L L E, MA.NNING'S "OLD STAND. ' The Bowmanville Furniture Factory having commenced running again, and the new Company ha1·ing appointed the undersigned Retail Agent for the Town and surroundi ng eountry, lie is prcparnd to offer the very be;t styles of Furniture. at prices below anything at which it can be procured elsewhere in the Province. . OR A D. Prof. J, lllise, -Dm \R Snt.- 1 fhe J,1ect1un1 :Wiathushek \Ve got frorn you gnes ent1re satisfa.vllon in every respect. I c an un he~itatingiy recom· mend it to all desiring a good pinna. D. STtHVA.H'l', Pa.stol' Prcsb. Church. OSJL\ WA, Feb lst. .r. R1t<Je,-The Ko. 11 Tuiathushek pttrcha.sed from you ia p1·onou nced, by jurlgPs h ere, a superior insLri.iu1eut. 1\i1~s. ll. Mn CHE LL. Ho\MPTON, Jan. 31, '76. E!'\NISKILLI!:'N' Jan11ary 13, 1876. Bowman ville. 11ay 23, 18':"6. (34.) I FirstClaois G E N '&' I, E ?ti E N DIR'!' on your garments, Iv.ill cJc.'l.n then1. Or it they are faded, 1 "viJl bring them to their tight color and make them so thut no one Will ~MEATS always on hand at ~ I F 'l'HERE JS GREASE, PAINT OR and learn how cheap they can ·gutter th.eir buildings. ~ · J!'unerals furnisl1ed in every respect in the very best stvles and at f prices lower than any other firm in the country. One of the finest H"'.arses in the .Province SENT FREE to any ,foneral furnished bv the subscriber, within ten miles of Bowmanville. · · Also, 'l!'·~L'y D .IE S 'I' ICU'J'I§ .i'la &Mart~n 's. I l! 13 know th.cm from new. ..1'l{r. J. liuse.-It atfordH n1e great pleasure in acknowledgini;:?: the cmtire oi.1tisfaction , nnd my high approvaf, ot the l\T11th usllcK Piano purchased fron1 you a few days since. S . J. SMITH. P~·of. ~~10 CEt~TS. Bownu1n-v iHc, May 25,1376. ING DOXE. SatisfactionDYE guaranteed or no charge. THOM.\B PE:A-TE . $Jr Oppnsit e T. l-Trntl." 8 Blat:kf.ln.Hh ·shop,~ Bowurn.nyille, FP-liI uary Hi, 1876. 0 EAVETROUGH AT 6 G'TS PER FOOT. I l TH :t~ DAIJ,Y LINE TO ROCHESTER Cornrnenciug on or about 'J'1IPRSD.A :{, the 2lJUi A !PlUL1 1876. ~ satisfnct10n, and proved itself a superwr in"!trument in every respect. I wou ld recommend all to see thern. hefore purcnasing elsewhere. H. '!'. PHILLIPS. Jan. 25, 18~1-5, Prof. J, llu-s e, .1lamplur1,- Dii:,1.rt 81R. - l have _pleaR nre in addn1g my test1111011y Lo tho JU[l,.IlY yon 'have n lrea.dy r eceived in fan or of the wellmet'itecl l\iathusbek Pi1tno pn1·ch11.1.ieil rl'on1 yon ENNf~K1Lr.1:K, Piano I :purchased 1ron1 ) ou has giv en entire 1IAM1-'l'lll\, Feb. 1st. J. R1tsc, -DIC,\R Srn, - 'The l\ftt.thushek CONUU'TOR PIPE AT 6 C'TS PER FOOT. "Will any one let the opportunity slip? agen~:::::::~~~~::::::~,~::.~::· New York. · having been circulated that the under>igned has been overcharging in his Undertaking department, he begs to submit the following figures , which 1 he chall enges ·any ohe to conti·a<lict , . · ' . :ic so I (;.REAT THE s·rEAMER En.g·lish Remedy! DR. rccentlv. I '1.Ill ·well satisfied with it in every respect: nnd cofl si<lcr, for beauty and tone. 1t is uusurp usscU by any instrnn1,,nt l have yett"eeu . .,.....,.. ~ -~ - ....... - ! a.1n,- S......C. Urr.T.u,;r~. }if. D. n1v entire f'tock of Toba.ccos, Cigars, J/ipes, etc., tu Chas. JCelly I would rocom mend my old custom ers to extend to hin1 the patronage 3ccorded to 1ne, 8.8 I feel s~_tisiied tlley \".:.lll 1ind li1nl "" sq~ars b~y to 1~~al ;;1th. G. ·-· ULIMlB. H A VJXG euld H I JOHN McLEOD & Co. PR I OES. Full AJ;1'1{-;J"e, 7 Octave, from $300. '- J>'ianos Ci·om otile·· 1·el iablc . . . l'flakers at Botto1u Prices. T obacco. Cfga.rs, Pipes, en·., nf Geo. R. Cliruic, at 1 nmously lo w prwes. I am no\v ulTeirn g the >ia.1ne at pa.n1c prices. Call and p1·nenre 1i.. barga,1n. l ·will herAarter kPop in stot'k the best brands procnrablo . .A call solicited, Stand, two doors east of Post Office. .,. . CHA.S. KELI.Y·. Bowmanville, June I, '76. (44-Lf, AVIN G pnrclta,ed tj1_ e e)ltjrestocl;< r<f 1 ---I N QR SE MAN ~ , (R. CllA.\ITDRD, Master;.)___ .\V1Jl make her rcgu.Hi.r trips on this ron te ; lea v 1 ing Cobourg every 111orn1ng at 7.30 11.ni. and Port Hope ~t 9 o'clock fo1; Rochester; connecting there ""1th tl:e Ne .w Y Ol'k Centl'al, :N orthcrn Centrul !lnd. Eric B..a1lv·.-·nye, and Lake Ontario Sho1e Division of the Rome, Wntcrto"·n and ~.g-g~~~~h~·gh RaihYay, for all points ca.st, v,cest HETUR~ING:- "\Yill leave Charlotte (Port. of Rochester} daily at!) p m. except Sa.tllrdays, when she '\\ill leave aL 3 p. tu. for Port Hope direct. Dealers in Stook. etc., Wlll find this the cheapest aud inost expeditious route Lo 4 Bostou, .Albany, New York. &c . .B1or flli·lhGr i nforrnatinn nptilJ t R. CRAWFORD, Por t H or C. F. GILDERSLEEVE, l ---1-------------------------------;_--! +--~- - Bow1nanville, June, 1876. ·---- Reported amount charged, $50 .... Actual mn.ount charged, $12. WI lll AM " a 30.. i: " " D. 45.... 23. " " " ~(). . " 40. Before Taking. CRAY'S ' ' .!.. " 0 · -~ - " - -s{}.-_-. - -~SPEf'I""fC 0 72 . ('n ... " all 1 1 ~·~T p P.;..,.ow'E' R VV Jc\; · · ~ Eowmanville, 1'-1arch 29, 187G, 35 · 1t·a;::ei; Debenuucs f'or Sale. NOTICE OF MOTION! are sett~ng the!r stock in moti_on · · C' · · · by offermg thetr goorTs at Jrresi stible P rices. ~tep m, and vou will find almost everv shelf to contain bargain, and evtlry corner ~n attraction. · .. ~- - - - .-. · L ;:.Wholesale < Agents .for Canada for offer for sale ]five Debentu 1 ·es of the Viln.gc of Nowcus tlo, value ~035 each, bearing interest at seven per cent. For f ul'ther p11rticulars apply to H. NICHOLSON. Sec. Ne1rcnstlc Harbor Co 23 T HB NEWCASTLE HARBOUR CO. DOMINION ORGAN C 0. ' s --- l ( ll~t'l l1' "· PHP:::l1H. \ '1'1U:>l, e ~ c. -.,;\· h ~h', 111 Jnauy a1 e prmlnced h:o' ff\ er indul.(!'eJJce 111 the ni:;e of lohaccc. and alcohohc o l)ll'!te · but the Spectfl.c ?t'lefli, 111 e 1,, n10J(· e:-:;pec1aily re c oi11mend· 0 N~;,;Ufi Drs"·~~~:""~.·~J'l::IORS. r·111c 11"'....,,D -r :rE ed ns an unfailing H.1'.:MlNAL\\"i.'°l.r.:N&~s. SPER:O.TAJORH:H!o.~, I::.u..101.1L~'ll'Y uise11ses. 1 r a.nct ail OF Jl.lE:\tOitY. L'}i!VENSAL LAS811'UDH:, P,\JN tN 'l'III·~ B,\cK, D1.!'Jxi,:ss or V1sroN, J>HE31A'rURJil thnr follow as a sequenuc of ::3elf A lrnse, .ui l...oss IMPROVED AND REMODELLED PRINCE , QRGANS 0 1 Killb'"lilO ll . McClung Bros 8!: COl\~8tNAT Ol'l O::RG-.A~S OLD AG\·,, ancl many oth er diseal:lcS that lc ud to ]i\SA);l1Y or CoKSU'.'llPTIO~ un<l u PHBMA'l'lJRl~ GHAVI~. nil of whh:h. aG n rule, tu·c firf't caused by <lC\' Htting f1om tho path of ua1UH.: un<l ove1· inr1 ll lgcn ee, The Specific Jl.Ieclicinc j~ the re!n:lt ,of n. lifo sf:ndy and !J.HLn7i~ yeM.rs of _;xpe1 i(·1H·n in tr:nting Ll w...se !>pt::crn.l d1see1.l>!es. } ull J1a1ticularl:I 111 otu· parr:pliJet. which \Hl clcsH'e Lo send fiee bJ 111a.il to r>\'er:v OD('. # '1' ® LET! THOS. FOWhE. l I 'AGENTS ~ · :;.. 'I. \VAt~TED IN THE VILLAGE OJ; HAM:PT ·JS, .Apply to fj;-UEL P 1-=-=[ Tlm S ,1 ecif:e }{<:!rlici11e i'"' sold hY rill lltug-gist.11 at $1 pe e park1.ge, 01· S'X p<1ekal.l;ll8 for $.1 m will he ·;ent by n .ail on receipt of the m1mey, by ad· U1·ess1ng TlVO STOl~l~S. Ydth dwellings o.ttaoll.P<L In .. evtiry City, Town ~nd County of the Dom1uion. ' Hampton, Nov. 10, 1B7!l. of Sewing Machine CO:rt1PANY. ':VJI,LL.\M GRAY &CO., 'Vinrlt'm', 011L, "'F~olcl 8 Addaide-St. E ast, Toronto, Norris. & Soper, . THE WANT SUPPLIED. l TH;.E OSBORN. .. """'". EXCITEMENT EVERY DA¥ I want a Web of Cotton at a cheaper r:ate than ever Do You you hough t a Web of Cotton before '? \ t10 in D Sto tt r:rH'.E PEOPLE OF BOWJVfA NVILLF: KINf,OF.AMERIC'AN SEWlNG ~L'\.CHINES being able at times t o procure ft.el. etc., the undersigned h.ave ftlled the \\·ant, by the estat-: li sh n1ent '>fa Depot for the traft1c in having hitherto b een inconven1enced in not . SOLE" AGENTS. R1JSE. COAL, WOOD, LUMBER, SHINGLES, Do You. manville? - - - - - - ------- - - - -- - GO TO McCLUNG BROS want to select Prints, cheap in price and . new ~n &tyle, from tl1e largest stock ever brought into Bow- -o c= ;.:-:;;;t -<: ~ GO TO McCLUNG BROS. and SQUARE TIMBER \JO:Q,t"<let·s \.V: ..e·ted. · b:. , 11 - · ,... ~·~ - -~ · ' · 10 t..Ho;~anvi11e ; ·J,:fa.y ~zg; A PPLY-Tu MR~.--coinimT, ...... .. , . ·,J \Vellington Su·cet. 18_76. !l.~-4w* t;'. '.J -'"'""-----------~· iind are prepared pro1uptI,\- to :fJl orders in th above line, uud to <l.Pliver artides in all parLH the To·wu. Tho highe:it price Jl<:.i<l fo1 LLUnlier,l\too1l, et K4f" \.Vo buy for CA.~!!, and sell for CASH. St~~~; 11ntl 1'.:nrd-Corner K 111:~ a.nd Gerwg Do.You Go · TO lJ1cCLUNG BROS - - - - - - - ------------Do y OU want Millinery, Mantles, or Fancy Goods?· want cl~eap, choice and elegant Dress Goods ? = -· = ~ · WINCATE'S Standard English Remedies. to ..,,-- - - - - - - - - . ;j'HIS COMPANY HAS RECE.'.)l'l'LY BEEN RE-ORGANIZED BY THE ~ GO TO McCL U1VG BROS. . additloh of three of the 1uost prncticn.L rncn frotn the F,H"\tory of Olongh '-~ \Y arren Organ Co., Detroi t, l\ilicl ·. , each taking an active pal't in JnH own p~trLn.:n! a. r depa1t- ment, and are now man11f.1ctnr1ng an Organ .!!;QUAL, and in 111any points ' 8UPERIOR, A:MElllCAN Joto 1\.laple Grove sP.hool honse nn the 27t.h hPlo ngin~ to l\:laple Grove Division, a reward of Ten Dollars will be paid for the apprehension an fl conviction of the guilty party. .F. T. AXE'OHD, · Recording Scnlw. Dllirlington, June 5tb , 1876. (15-tf. gf l\.Iay, and dest,1oyOO properly S OJ\'lE person or persons having broken MACHINE J~uN McCL,ELL,~~~~~~{~CLELLAN .loo Cr 1 LOCK·STICH , SEWING Wn.. LIAM C.l\NN. J -27-ly. GH.Jl]E~TBACK~ vnd CHANGF. Bowmanvlllo,Jan. :io, 1875. THOUSANDS THROUGHOUT CAN'I'lu~y ! . CJ1.ltD, .. -~THIS ~is tn' certify that I '\..DA ai:e now using theHP. 1\facloines. have Leen test.ed hPyond all queol um. rna.ko Lhe (favorite loc k:-s ticl1, ahke on bolh sule;:(, aud a.1·e r pronounced supcr:10r to any other nm.clime offered to the publJo. 1"or wide 1ange of work, per: fection. beauty and excellen ce of mechanism, j adaptability. strength anddnrubility want Carp~ts or Curtains, or other Rouse Furnish~ Do You ings? GO TO JJ.-fcCL UNG BROS. ·- ------------------·- - ---0 A UTI Q N 1---Dm:i't J?urchase your Summer Clothes Scribner l~atent Qualifying Tubes, · before mspecting l\foC!ung Bros.' most exten"ive stock of Tweeds, Worsted Coatings, &c., &c. McClung 13ros.' TAILORING DEPAR'l.'11IENT will take the lead as usual. and power, and any iuanutactured in the On1tecl States or Cfl.uada. \.Y.,.e tuke plt:>a.Sllre in anno 11nc1ng to our r.nsLou1ers and the trade generall.~· that we hn.ve sE:curcd the right to ma11ufucture and use, in the Do1nin1o n vf Canada, tht1 celebrated secured by Letters Pate11t in -the United St1-1.tes, England 1ind Ca,nvdn. By 1nean::J of this invention an organ contaiuiug two or three s ets of reeds becotnl::ls equal in votume I ha.ve hecu 'l'homa.'i. I can recrnn tncn d him t o any pei·son having as ·wing ma.chine to re:pafr. I loo It. on him ns a man that thoro11gbly unU.erel ands hi!'.I business. ~r · ·JENNING~ . Bowmanville. June 8, 1876. (45-tf. U$ing a. Sewi11,1.t io.fa.('hine re p a iie<l. hr G. H. A Card. errors and indiscretions of youth, nervuu~ weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c .. I will send a. recipe that "\\'ill cure yon , Ji' REE OF CHAltG)jJ, '!'hit. great ren1edy was d isP-o-.;ered by a missionary in SonLh .A.menc,a. :5end a self· nddressed envelope to the H..e;v. Jos.rnPH T , INMAN, Statian D, Dible I:lonse, "i'oi.,..etr· 1 ...ork City. (1.S-6m. To ALL \Vho ~tre snf?ering from the Purificatifm of' the Blood lnvigoi·ation f'i Che Systen11, and GenemlRestomt-ion to Soun cl H ealtt. lmprovement1-1 have la.tely 1>ePn m ade, enahl· ing the manufnctu1 e··~ tu (']uim it t-tM the Ne plu. Ultra of Sewing 1\..1:i,chines. H1111c1reds of tcst1I mon1als are being rP<'eive tl clmlv from ol«l as r we11 a!3 new operator.:;;: atteat,ing its wonderful capabil ities. ' W \11 <lo a ll kinds of domestic from the finest; cambric to the coarsest J SC\'\ring oYercoat or upper leather. I I THE OSBORN SEWING l\1ACHINE I HAS NO RIVAL.- ~ I I IF You want a Suit, McClung E)ros. will '· Suit " you . IF You want a Hat, Mcblullg Bo~. will" Hat" you. ' FAR SUPERIOR IN QUALI'fY AND BRILLIANCY OF TONE, to an ordinary reed organ of six or eight sots of reeda. Jj/fif" Oar cclcbrl\ted "Vox Celeste, 1' "Yox llumana," ~ \Vilcox Pa.tent ' 1 Octave Coupler," ' 'Cello" or " Clarin.e t" Stops, ' · Flugle Et>I n ," " Dulcet" "JEoliue ' 'Crc.irnona," and G1anLl 01gan Stop, a.uU .. -· ' · ' - I 1 IF You wa~t Gloves, McClung Bros. will" Glove" you. IF Yo u want a Tie, McClung Eros. will " Tie " you. CAN DE OBTAlNED ONLY TN THESE ORGAXS. 131 Guaranlecd to be as represented, or no sale. Warrantc(i for three years. The Osborn 0Ltt0i is con~plete and readily comprehended. Jt i ~sold a.tone half the price hitherto churgedfnr 11achine~ doing alike range of \i,.·ork, the iuanufacturera being determined to place it within ..,~ach of every family in t he countn·. A t rial b efore ., .1·cha.sin·g will convince all that. our 1111:1.cl11ncs arc unequalled. ----.--- ----- Twenty-Five ------ --.,--~-----....,.-· -~- Different Styles I SA.LllION FISHERY. DErAH'l'MENT 01" ].faRINE A:ND FrsnEtUES, Fislu:.ries Branch. OTTAW .A., Xth May, 1876· w ill be rece1veU to 15th June next for Special Licenses to UISe oue round or Lrup-net -.,;vitl1 single" head" for catch~ ng Sa~n1on at each of the following fishtng sta ions on Lake Ontn.rio, namel~· :- Grafton, Coliourg,PorLHopc, BowmanvillcandNewcastle The time of fish ing will be from dute of Licer~se to 15th of ~'\.ugust next. The.ex.act pla~o. p9s1tion ~nd extent of each , n~t ""·111 be specified ill the Lwens~. . Tt;ndera to state the amount offered for each ,.tatwn. s_epara:tcly, but not n1ore tho.n one license w ill he 1 ss~1cd to ti-to so.me holder. Rent1 payable 111 ad.vnnce on delivery of lk,ensc. . . Fm·thcr 1uf?rma.t1on iun:y b~. had on applyrng to the nndcrs1gned, or to S. \\: ilmot, Esq., N e>v· ,,.ca.st.le , Ontario. By order of the Minister. W. F. WHITCHER, Comul,ls.c;lone.r of Fisheries. eN.D.-Trap-nots Peloug!ng t-n thir> Jlepartrnent 1 Ube purchased fr0;1:l 11r ~ \V1lmct. I T ENDERS RIED out in Lhe treatment o.dopte<1 by the eminent Tndinn DOCTOR LEVVIS JOSEPHU8 in his n1 ost, wonderf ul Allerative and Tonic l\Iedcines knov1-11 as the Great Shoshonees Remedy and Pills . .z1,,r0 i11juriotts co1tsr:qncnces can re.<11t.lt from their l(,Se. jVo 'lnistat.,e can be niadr: in their Adinistration. Persons who l:J a \'e h~en restored rn ease, strength and perfecl Jienll/1 by the ~hole some power exerted by these Indian l\'Ied1c1nes is prc-onincntly the best Single 'l'hrcad l\:Ia· over the systi;1n, aftcrti;uitles~ trial of the whole chine offerc~ to the p·1bhc- h0nceits mar.vcllous haarinacopoo1a of :physic, attest tlus fact. 'l'he 1 ~ nccess .. "\\ 111 do all varieties of domestic sew. umerous testimo1ua.ls are stern. undeni able a.nd ing. Puces greatly reduced. · ncontestible facts sufficient to convince the most nceptical that these great medical compounds !land Machine, 'vith full o ntflt, $12; Treadle perfo 1·111 many marvellous cures, and accomplish do., ~17 . Each Machine guaranteed. all that is desired. ~o matte1·. whatyo:ira~lm~nt AC?ents Wan tecl Tiivenrwhere. 1ur Splendid may be, or o! how l!Jng standing, the{ will find inducements to rr1ok~ mciney.-.Applyto the spot, ana ast,on1sh you by the rup1d n1anncr ~ in which you are re1:1Lo.rcd to perfect health a.nC rull vig-or. GUELPH SE\\7ING M.£\.CHINE OO'Y. The Remedy and t he Pills are plc11sant and GUELPH, CANADA. sa.fe to take, and are warranted, and may possi blv be relied upon Io ni.ako ll. permanent cure o R. & !H. O'HARA, Agents, ail diseases of the 'l'hroat, Lunr;s, Liver, l:Cid neys, Digestive 01 gans, &c., &c . a.s '\\'Cll as Scrof t'.la.rket Building~, ula, the various Ski n Diseases, Humors, and ul (1 Bowman ville d iseases arising fro m Impurity of the Blood , ex ceptingthe t h ird stage of Cousuruptiou. Further in formation with full 1luections for using the :vfedicine~, ~ndcontarnirig testilnonials and cer· Val11:1ble P .rope1·t!-r .i°'))· Sale titleatc 3 of Cures , can be obt.dne1l b,v seclu'ing Ae Shoshonces Treath:.e the Haud·book, or the 11 Jmanac and Circula rs, 'rom a.ny druggist n th Domlfilon-FREE. eof the Remed A R.t<; PRIJSCIPLES FULLY CAR- Seeds at McClung Bros. Groceries at McClung Bros. Teas! Teas! Ch. e ap Teas at McQlung Bros. Salt & · Plaster at Mc-Clung. Bros. Highest Prices Paid for Butter' &c.' ~ ' FOR THE PARLOR A~D THE CHURCH, . ·rrrn IlES1' MATERIAT, AND WORIUL\NSHIP. Quality and Volume of Torie UNEQUALLED. PRICE S Factory and Warerooms, C~r._:l'em perance & Wei!ington Sts., Bowmanville. OO U~l'Y . T~E CUELPH REVERSIBLE $50 TO $1~00 0_ I AGENTS WANTED l.N EVERY $©-SEND FOR PRICE LIST'. PR, u., ::.!5 Ci.:N 1 s nm Vux ~ Sta11do1::n ' ~ lP1ti11 Ile!it~fi'-ra::: ~lit V.itrn y .l\1ed1cm'! ;.w,\\11 for iut<..:rnal 3.Jl[\ 1.:'ite:n.1! uo.;c lt Cl,.u; Cramp" ;-wd l).llllS Ill th.: :C-t<ll' .. dl, J,,1 ... k, s.ue. and 1. mb:>. Jt 0.:1.1.as ~u<lJeu Cd .... :., ~'11<::: ·1 hrtld t, Bru1~-=~. Burns, Rheunw.u~m. Neuralg rn, .:111d ,1rt I ;am~ :md Acht:s. J'1, JCP.:, 25 CEN1 s l'LR Uu1 l l~R. 1 Adoress OOMIHION ORGAN CO" ~OWMANVlll t, Ont. GENER.AL AGENTS FOR CANADA FOR TUE "CELEB}{ATED" AT McCLUNG BROS. This is to be a season of BR4DBURY PIANO , Sn1itl1's Green llj Monu~ain Ue· Il~l-'·UtOll".-\v'c ba'le lhe ~"le cvntrvl fur tho: Dom1:ncn of Canada, of lhu;,,.·c,: t kiiov. n n:n'<::<l:; , whicl~ ~ s .1 L.H.:r Corrccwr, am.I spccmc for aJI B111v1s D.sordcr· :md dera.ngcmenb an:.mg Jrom diseases of tho: Li Hr l; ullt."l.jllallcd ' PHlC!!, $1 oo !' PR lfor; i..1.: J. K. --- - GA.!LI!U.~Al'J'IT!! H .i.\ S returned to - - PERPETU..A..L Nr:OTION AT ilfcCL U!·lG BROS. .llowmauville, May 11, 161&. L ti nv . t he handsomef't and largest literary paper in the United State !'!. 1'he articles a re all com· W. J,UCA.S, pJ.etein en,ch nurnher. It also ronta1ns ~ pnge ICENSED AUCTIONRER for the of u1u1:;ic for the Piano. and double the reading Township of Cartwright. Town8hip Clerk, ot any other µu,pPr. Slxh·f-'n nu1111Je1·s vdll be sent to uuy va.rt. of the country, post-paid, for Com. i.n B. R. Issuer of Ma.r1·rngc Licenses oue <lollar. 1~<ldrcsR. · ~-\.dd rct:is-C'urt,l righ t P . O. · :1r 13!~ .:; A. DOW> Bost on Mn,o;:u: - -· -~------- hi~ :-:ild ollice, over lv!r. Paterson's Htorr.. I.\ ing Street. , Bowman ville, 1\-Iay 15th, 1876. H2-11n. T HE "WAVERLll:Y MAGAZ fNE" 18 It.ff The ubove Remedies a1·e i:;r,ld by all D1 uggit>LJS a.n.d d· o..e-rs in :M.E1chcu.1es. De. scripuv e C1r··ulars f1un1;-hed un c..pp 1c a· tion. nnd t11nglA prtc.lrage1:1 i;eut, p.re·prud.. on roce1pt of price. PREPAl:.:ED ONLY }H I r I I THE WINGATE CHErmCAL CO, (LIMITED,) l\IO~TJ-{EAL . 1 J / 'iltt' . ... - I i

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