Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1876, p. 4

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CAN....\DIA::S NEW LUMBER -AXD- YARD JOINER'S SHOP. schooner" ~au ...y Jack," niy first consign· 1 .1 mnL from th,e DHLn ufactory of IL B. Hathhun & Sun , Mill Po.int. I beg tooft'er to the people of Hrn\'manville and the surr o1nHUng co11ntry IH.t pd1..\es that idefy connJelition) Sash,Bli1111s, D1111rti, a ncl tv.rcnty-fi.ye d ifYr-rcn1 ROl't8 of monld1nv;~ . Al:-.o \\-t ndO'\V o.nd Door :Pran1e 8Luf{, ready t<: pnt 1o~e.1hel'. 7 x n I~ light i:meh at t:2c.; kiln llr1ed 2ft.tin. x6ft. Gin . panPI d oors, 0. H. nHmhl1 ' d two sic1es . t;l.75. The differ ent s izes of ~:-i~h Mc ·· A r thur'T~~oo~n~;~l~hu~~va~~~~!~gH "~'~ I j . ~-01· Sale. THE 1 Book A gentiJ and Good Sales1neu .A're " COINING ?rION EY" with ·the famou !t ·wo storiP.s h lgh, eight H AYfNG .JUST Rl!:CEIVED, ner I I -ISI ro o:rne: goN1 cc · f' 1 l u.nd soft water. coal house, nnd other <'C n v enceS. }'or te rms.and nrherpnrticulars e1 q of t he subscriber, on the premises. ,_, l. J OHN l\icl!tiUitT R Y.i ( Howman v ille. Sept,29th, 1S7.'.'i ~M~tf. BID.A D~SIGNS, tiUd doors k e pt in Rt.ock . .L\ lso on h[\nd a [.oocl l'l ll pply tJf lu 1 nber, d re s13ed tto ol'in g , ebip lap a1\d \...-. sldin.g;, fa..ths. flhingles, pickel s, fioid postA !PSYCHO MAN CY I 01· Soul Chm·ming. 'H·, ow ATE EITHER SEX MAY li'AS-1 ~ffecttons I j CTN and i::,ain the love and of any pert>on they choose insta.n tly. 'l'his siml)le mental acquirement all can possess, free, Oy m ail, for 25 cents, together ,~·Ith a Marriage G uille, F,gyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladie;.;, &c . A queer, exciting book, 100,000 ~old. Address 'I'. \\'ILL£ AMS&. C o., South Eighth 8_.!!e~L, Philadelphia, Pa. '£HE ba,tteno;, I ha,\"e also opened 1L Carpenter and .Joiner',; shov in connection with the above fbusinP~~. n,nd h0po, by integrit ~r of dealing and:\ r:. l ow prices to secure your µntro nU.ifC. All go®s . warranted. i-.,nd a call oollclted. Mt 'forms str.ictly Ca-eh.1"1. W . McSPADDEN .' 8 hoµ uud ynrd in 1·cnr of R. W . Jan1os· fa.rm· i11g implement, depot, King St., Ilo'\l·ma.nvllle. Moy, !Hh,1876. ,n~u· '!'be French Edition ofwl1ich sells for ~l~.00 a nd the L ondon Editi on fo r ·$20Q. Oar Popular FAition {J.JO), co 11taining u\·ei- One ffiindred full-page quarto p\~tes, i::! t11e CHEAPEST a nd most ELEGANT publica.ti On in An1erica, anLl the BES'l' TO SELL. Cdtic:a vi~ wit.h e8'ci h .other in pra,islng it, aµd the 1nasses bMy iL · From a local a~en t in Southport, Conu.. : " In. onr village of eighty hou8es I have taken 1;i xt l·flve orders ; have ca nvassed in al1 about t:welve days (ln village and eountryf, and h11ve taken oi·ders for one hundred and six copies." . .l. B·. fl~ORD & CO., :PubU~he111.,., FULL PAHTICULALS FREE . Trios. BALlt~ Ge~. _._\gcot, .ti.ildress ' ll'&.mllton, On l ~AND IS NOW- M;~~N_!'.!Y SELLING -AND- NEW a -CYl,INDER ENGINE Stoe~ is one of .the best in lines RE::h!LOV.AI ' ' ' OFF Low -priced,serv iceabl e,qna lity u nsurpassed J\.f1tchinery, Tron and \\'?ood-working, o leHding Can1tdian anrl U . S . manufacture Cnl1l-roll ed Shaftini:;, Gea,ri ng, Belt.ing-, Dia mond Emery \\' heels, and Grinders, etc. JAS. lt. ANN J1:T'l', 51 90 \Vel1ington ~t .. l\'[ontrea.l Pl~R ot IRASTEVENE Has reraoved ,his Ba1'ery and 9onfectio1"Y eotobllsliment to more commOdlous' pren"· and ~·ill -- . ' :" PLATED WARE' NEW CUTLERY, nnd PRICES will 'be to sui t every perl'l on, as aone can be disappointed, .as all m111~t1,esold . now 'be fOund in the s'tote .., Stylish ·Millinery! . ' .'\JI chts8e8 of working- p11nple of eith er eex, young OT' old, make more mone at work for 11 s in th P.ir sp11re momeno1, or all th t.i rntt, than at anything l"l ~ H. Pal'licul a.r5 free. Pm~t cH.l'd to t h e 8t.nl~ 8 co81"' but one Pent. _,\_ !"688 G. STINSON &,CO. Portland, 1\.faim~. ( $5 To $20 DJ.1' .- A~~nt'°' \Vautrd BETWEEN:::~:.~: A full 1tock of Bread, Candies, &c., . BiscJiits, ~ (,Y:~& " I 1 AARON BUCKLER. 9-Lf. win oo kept on hand .. A GRAI'HIC DESCRIPTION OF TH3 ~ RESTAU:RAlT Just arrived at the Fashion l-1ouse J A Splendid Stoel.;; o Ne'v A:UllinQry; :Fane Goods, '\"ools, and U nderclothing. HIS. ENTIRE STOCK - - A T A -- Douliuiou 01· C:um!la amJ its Province !o\, , NORTH-WERT TERRITORTE8.· Al>TT· 1 COST! and LABRADOR, \Yith an A PPENlHX contitining- information of cspiicifll interest to the Emigrant. and a. TABLE OF ROUTES · . A most useful Book to send to t'riends in the · OlU Country. P mcE so o:wrs. Sent. free on rP.~Pipt of price.. LOVEL PHlN'l'l::\ G & PUBLISHING CO. Montreal. .,Tut:it :iccciYCd the latest EngliHh n.i\tl. New York styles 111 A LSO, NEW FOUNDLAND,, '!'HE DRESSMAKING. ST A~-1PING · Fur lll'aid anC.1!:1ubroirlei·y done as usual, Chenp for CASH. MRS. A. FLETCIIER. Bowman ville, Sept. 30th. 1875. -tf ·Time, ]i1oney and La'bcirSaved. :rr :n. :El 1'"!" 0 :Ei ' ARE UNEQUALLE D FOR J. lllGGINBOTHA.lU NOUNCE t hat he h as received a well 1t.8 stock of Genuin e Dn.tqs a.n d Pure ~nglish · Chem icals. A lso, a splcndici stock of the n1ost ~nrefully selected Purity of Tone arid .Beauty cf Finish. ~DENTISTRY. 1 TREMHNDOUS SACRIFICE I THE BEAVER BLOCK - - I S THE PLACE TO GET-- Confbisious o.f · Victim. DBT,ISRED AS AW ARNING AND othAi-s NJ~ll VOU~ ~J)ITBILI'l' Y , LOSS OF MA NHOOD, V ITAL'"'l'O\V'Jl:H, f'tc .· gi'Vin~ hh:i rnltl;;\ of' Self~C1n·e, after much suffAring and exp e nse, and sent free 0 11 receiving- a stamp' for r~t,urn posta~e. .Addreiss NAT l L~N IEL 11-fA YF AIR, P. 0. Box 153, BrookJyn. N. Y {4-R-6m. P for th e bene.ftt of Yo1tnP." 1\-fen find who :;;u ff<·r from Wi~din_ g Upl It requires I t ~orted B CHEMIST A:t'D DRtJGGIST, EGS HESPECTFULLY 'l'O AN OIL POLISH I Thi~ Carriages, F~ench (J:lBuggies, .Poliah' is p~!pared for HarteS6, Boots and Shoes; AND ALL KINDS OF LEll.'fHE R. I t "'ill give any a.rtiole of Leather ainost bril liant appearance, nnd at tbe same tiruf! from it· oily properties tends much to preserve it; it wil always be moist and pliant; and n1ny be C\-~ose d t o vrater and washed and will not lose tts ·h(illiance, and it is not to be feared that any crust \YilJ settle on said leather when proserved wi'b t he n.bove oil , ' ' «For the Woodwork of Buggies, 'Csrrtagea and Furniture, there is not a better 41.1·tk1e in use. ~1anutaot11red by .A. SIXON&, CO,Tauners and Curriers, formerly of }""ranc& J.OW of P !til&delphln,, Pa. · L"'iSTRUCTlONS-Sbake bottle. A fe.w drops on a piece of s ponge, apply it lightly t o the lee.thN', a.nd you will obtain the finest lustre. ' Price '15 cents peF Bottle, or f7.60 per doi:dn. D Y l!: STUF FS! OCTOBER iOth, i 875. TJ<.:ET'n, 'W ITHOUT Tl'.;ETlf, · BEAUTIFUL Cus toms De1>a1·t1nent,' 0'l'T.\WA. October2, 1875. It is my intention on-the abo ve date to wind up t~e longwindcd eredit system , and eel! only for, CASH, or its equivalent. nq arg ument to establish th at it nhich cannot be surpassed for excellency o 1naUty A n assort ment of _>\.n11ine. Dyes k cp ,mnRtantly on hand, toget h er with a choice se Iect ion of DRUGS,t CHEMICALS, , PATEN1' MEDICINE ~ . · BRUSHES. COMBS, SHOULDER·BHACES, 10UPI'ORTERS, &c., &o OILS, . COLORS, VAHNISHEH . and WHITELIM C.ff' At the verr lowest price~ PAIN T~. GOLD FILLINGS. Al't ificial '.l'eeth INSERTED AT A MODEHATE l"EE . Teeth Extracted Without Pain. cent. A UTHORI ZED DISCOUNT on American Invoices "Ultil further notice ~2 pe is to the advantage of both buyer and HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES. N. B.-Country Storepeekers supplied on:ad \ antagc ous terms .( SMALE, G eu Bow ma.nville, August 13. 1~74. Agenl. 2 ,. J. JOHNSON, Counnissiouer uf Cuo;toms. seller to trade for ready poy; the buyer thereby getting goods at J,OWER Fia·d Prize CuUi atorl«. commun ily fo1· hint in Uie pu st; and ,..,.·01l]d direct attention to InsureyourHo'm es J.'.RICE S, and. the seller being saved from loss by bad debt~. We think ,f i,,, A R..R I A G ES ! SUBSCJ1IBER HER.EBY DET HE SIRES t o return th&nks '"'to the fa.rIUing the liberal patronage extenrled to .J ., lL BRI:IIACOMBE, L.D.S J >e1:ernlre1·, In the Field Again! Owing tio tho retirement fl.'Oill business of T. BASSETT. CHEAP DRY GO 0 D S ___ __ ._ · j Awarded In the Isolated l Usk lnsuritnce Company. W. I\. CL!Mll£,_A_g_eni. · then that all parties will concur iu the u-iadorn of this change on our part · the Highest.Medal at Vienna . ' fu$0ur goods will hereafter bl\ bo~ght. for C~SH only, re and F. T. · H 0 SK I N h as commenced "\Vork a gain on l1 is ownaccount and haM open ed u. . ~ iii Llte building two doors west of l\fP8Hr..i. Tlwmp&on,,,'.t B1u-11s' office, where will alwayi; he fouml a full assortlnent of 1M"f' ry tJ1ing in the 'I I N a.nd S h eet Iron line. ) FOR THE NE'X T 3 MONTHS . E. &H. T. ANTHONY &GO., .59l' Broadway New York, · 'Opp. llrietropo1Han H otel,) llfANl:FAl!l'LH~;J{S shall thereby reap the advantage of large t rade di>co unt s, which advantage . we arc determined to give to our customers. Porties purchasing from us 1James Morris, I N HESPECTFULLY RETURNING . . . the excellent one-horse and h.,.·o-hoT'8e Iron L""nl· tivators manufact ured by him, and which ob· tu.iued First Prize'!?. last fall at the Provincial Exhibition in Hamilton and the Union J!~xhihi· ion in BowmanYllle . Thtty are undoub tedly thank~ to the public fol' past liberal patronage, th e best i1nplements of the kind in. use. wouJd announ{,e that he is no w prcµurcd to tlll a nd will in a very short time more than n,1111.y all"ordcrs in his line in a ma.nuer second to no es· their cost in the efllclencv and exce11ence of their tablisbment ln t he count.1eH. work. fuspcction invited. A HUl1ply of ,CultiY&-'· Lors now on hand fort.he spring work, and will CARRIAGES. be sold at lowest rates. may therefore depend upon ~ci ting gnuds at least ten per cent. cheaper IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ' than unde r the old plan. NEWTINSHOP All Wool Tweed Suits CH ROMOS .A.N"JD :E'~,&,.Jlll.l:E,IS . . ' WAGGON , · IRON HARROWS ' ' CUTTER , of a superior kind, also on ha.nd , \ TEIGH. &c.. B U G G I E S A N D WA G 0 NS I .Our stock will this Fall be more replete than ever, and a still STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS. i Albums, Gro.phoscopes ana Suitable ' VIEWS. MADE TO ORD}~R AT $8.· Bowumnville, May 30, 1876. I higher cluss of goods will be kept. We ther efo re guara11te~ the greatest . satil:ifaction to all who may favor us wi th their patrona g e, constantly c;>n Land for salo. 1ifANUFJ.CTURED D1 ANY S'l'Y J, F. OF.SIRED, AND ON THE SHOR1'1'.:ST N UTlr:E · m All kinds of Blacksn1it h work doae 0 111 H.etnen1bcr tl1 at notbtng but the hei1t material is shorteBt notice, A call solicited· usP.d, and b est \Yorkmen P:mplored-thus cnsur I. "°~ESTCO'I'1\ · ino· durability c1cgn.nce srnl co mrort-the mos+ Bow~a.nYillc. Feb. 19. 1873. 30.t'f,' l11~portant reqUisites in a eortvey1t.nrw~. Rep airing in a.11 branches of the trade ))rompt I~ attended to. PHDT1DG~'np~~ ' ~ 0 l\1 A'l' ;~ ALL Kl'lfDS OF The following lines will be found full: AT'l'l~NJJE D TO PROl\'IPTLY. It J A LS. " "'"' '"l'artic,u tac alt.en~ lt.Qllg'l\r e n Lu;tef l: U (pat.1·nr, sea1neu, so1e r1g1,1, n..< .. ·i.,,, ..,.,.._. .. ,_. - ..... anrl Hee iL.) All orders filled a t v1::1·y west figures. nr:d satlsfacLion g uaranteed. ,,\ C fLll from old an d nt'w friends solicited. Bowman ville, i~.llf!;'U'-'I, :1. 1875. l EAV[TROU"HI NC \Ve are B-c111l(iu11rlt~rH fo~ evei·ything l.n th Rcai~f'-made Clo,thing-, cloths, Tweeds. Dress Goods, Silks, <::1, rr rr-0·1,.. c::-1.;,:1; -r,,1f,,1,,,.. ~·,.,,"L-..Y ... , I 1 BLACKSMITH lN · SA'l'l~F ACTORILY WORK, 1 cu!Jltoms Dt:pal'trnt;iit.' ., 0Tl'.\ WA. Gth April. 1875. A ]' U PERTO't. MURDOCH ----...-·.r_,, _ _ _ . B 'R . 0 l' Stereopticons and Jl::11 graphic Lanterns 1 fJ2 oiu.g .1\<lan ufacturers of the Blankets, Biiffalo Robes, &c.,&c· Wg:; ,, h · GEMTS' SUITS AND SHIRTS ~arnage ine, give call, a~' ·l he ~ill sni.¢ you. - -- -- - -- - --- -- - - MldHO-SCIENTIFI C LA~T EHN . STEitEO·P-~NOP'l'ICO N . made...to order in city styles, on shortest notice. NEWGASTLE NURSERIES. TREES,SHRUBS, PLANTS. Every buyer should see our stock of SP.RIN G Ol" .1874. ATTENTI01· W Eof INYITEandTHE deaJers to arge and complete stock o Pla.ntera -OUT S. Fe. :EI:ILL . ' STAPLE GOODS. Every buyer should sae our stock of UNlVEitsITY STllREOP CON, AD-VEH'T'TSEH'S STEREOP'IIC:O ARTOPTICON, SCHOOL L_.\Nl'ERN, FAMILY LANTle!lN PEOPLIG'S LANTl£.llN . Each style being the best of its class jn the Catalogues of Lnn ter'!li;i and Sl!tles with dircc li ons for using sent on arplication. Any enterpl'ising man can m~ke money wit a !\.:lag Lantern. .taTCut out th i~ adverUHement for reference. ' insta ut., 1tt1rl nurler the authorf1y \';ee.te~ in him by tLc4tl1 sectio n of the 31st Victoria, cap 6. ha.t.> bccupleased to ordeFu nrl il11·e1:tt,J1at·t]l'fl' f0How J ··~ rloor VVestofthcO ntario Bank i.1j:{ article betra nsferrl'li tu , ]1e ,)Jst il.lf· goods Bo>""mnnvillc. Oot. 10, 1871. \8 l }' which nw.y b e iluported 1nto Canada free ot dQ ty,viz:, · ··Ground Gy-psvm for agricultural purposes.' \'¥anted By command, J. JOHNSTON. RF.LIABLE GENERAL A (i ENT (36. Cun1missioner of Cu etl)!Jl81 f or the ... ' It £V :}-}>u.-0:wan t:--- <'t.U:,}:tili>"!T·_".:::..._-.\-,,J,;:!,.,.,i+.'\l!e-~·'l·>;!!!!!!~i:c'." G_nY.ernor-G-Mft!~ · JAl\'!ES "llJ "RIS a r er ·in ounW, -~«re , ,the 3rd' O'l'ICE IS HEREDY GTYEN ,THAII a s Ontario I ! ,Smitn Ameican Ortan Com~an~. I ! 1 Burnett's Extracte' For eookinlr pnrpoaet. Burnett's Extract81· .. p,.....-..,.. 4'NV!ff*>I"." -Pu.rk·r B.ue, ~ ,, Stanaaas and Dwarf fr.uit Tees, GRAPll VINES, SMALL FRUITS, t I i l'~65,000 Orgoms mnde an d sold.~. ALt=IO ,FOR HOSTO N Burnett's Extracts L.&MON, 't'ANILLA, ftOel. ALMON D, Nt:CTARtNI, OILER't. ORANGE, Pt:ACH, .. UT~ ll G, · , CINNA.MON· . CLOV&le 81P~.e5R.. I I GEO. STECK & CO'S -(18i3)- ORNAMENTAL TREES, 8brubA. Rose::i, New ·and ll.ar e Fruit nnd Or:Jla lneut.al Trees, Evergreens and Bulbous ltootl' Srnall Pa.reels For,varded b y 1\-Iail _ Wep~ _do.. Hlred. P1·orupt attcnticn g i veu .Lo !11.l enquirrns. . J '. P. LOVEKIN & co., N owcustlo..Nurseriee . 30. Newcq.stlc. ·Feb. 3. 187i. ·F ancy :q:ress Goods. ver Chronic Di'sease!!I. R . JAMES ,EL'EC'l'ICPHYSICIAN, l Go J,D JllEDAL PIANO V{ould respm:Lfully st.a.t.e that 11e is now treating Euccessfully the follo\ving cl i sea..~s :U:pilepi=;_v, or falliug Fits. in their worflt' form Consumption, in its vurions stages, ('with Dr J.'s renJCdies consum ption is no longer an Jnc u rab]P. disease); Bronchitis, Catarrh, ~\.lilt lun a Gravfll Dropsr, General Drofi:IY, &c.. patients who .Ju1.ve been tapped sevora times are curable under Dr. James' treat1ncnt · diseasef'l tl1e D I I 1 I .' "'i: 1- - - · - -- ' NEW YORK. . For Te rms nnd Cataloguee, address the above I Companies. ll -tf. Burnett's Extracts ":l'.\c ... ~- di. won~rf." -!'ifth Av. Hotitl.K.. Y- Burnett's Extracts .. Uudcuh&riv~~:~~i"lloNt. NJ&. ~ 1-. I CARD. li'Ult:\1ING th e J,adies of Bowuinnville and v icinitv that I h ave returned a nd opeued th e s tore, On K i ng Street, one do_or wes.,I. ~f Mr. l\-1. V. W illiam!:!' butche1· s hop, with a new stoek oi EYE AND EAR, l!."rrors of vouth , l\Tervous DebiJiLy, P i-erna.t.nre Decay nnu a ll the effects of indi!.wrP-1ions · ' youth-a c ure is gnarauLced; D yHpepHitt., Llvt"" Uisca,: es , an d disr- <t~'"'" uf TVomen and Childre~,, l'anccrl) cured ·w Hhmit cutting, an.d little -pa.in Sore Legt5, Salt Rheu1n, and Scrofnla in all t~ forn1s , Dr. J. is happy to say, di8e11.ses whir.b haYe hithel'to been t.ho11gh t i ncurable are 11 ow ropldly yielding to h iH treutmeut, as)tis gra.tefu patients a r e williI1g- t.O te8tifv. No Ca]omel, no mercury, no l\.Iineral PoL.;;01f8, will be adrurnis · tered in any form , in an)' ·lisease. 'l'he afflicted, 'Vho ~annot obtain r elief from oth~r. sour ces, are purticu]arly invited to call and see h1n1. :--t1-0ffice In Nell;.ion's Hall, Belleville. Offi. h aurs, ll a. rn. to 3 p. -111. Yours n1ost respectfully, .urns. M. I TAKF: GREAT PLEASURE IN IN· \ 'I'HE ESTA:fE ~F THE LATE THOS. . The Best Patro{1ized, :Mos.t Thorough and practical B USlllbSS BROWN is offered for sail\ in whole or i n part, Seven Brick D "i"elUngs, desirably situated School in Canada. Ia:-; follow s:~ ·1Real Estate for Sale: Burnett's Extracts perffl1:t An Institution for' Business Tntm ing, where Boys, Young and Middle- o \. , ·\!!led Men can [)rocU ·e 'an Ed ucation suited to the wa nts of every d ay li fe MiLLINERY, . ... . l<'ANCY GOODS, BERLIN WOOLS, &c. , L~C., Si c. \\,T\1er<! T will be g lad t.o 1neet ruy old friends and i..:ustorn1'rs. I 'also intend Chl'rylng on Every bpyer should see· our -st-oek of F anc Y Woolen Good o. Q , · I we mg builtandlate'.1 'r h e subjec.:~s taugh t arc jnst such as every l\'.l:erchant, Farn1er , Mechanic and Profes- . N ew r1c y occ npled by the undersigned- fourteen rooms sional 1\-lan requ ire in tra.ns.actidg ever,Y day business, a.nU besides closets. etc. ,-on e of t he 1 nost conrplete residences In town . Good garden attached. embr ace the to11 owing: · Brick Dwellirw (double) on Ki ng b ~ Street,at Book-Keeping 'by Sittgle ,~ml Drn~ble Entry,· Rponcerian Penmanship, Con'nuorcial PapeT, Banking, Stearnboating, Conespondence, Arithmetic, B1·okerngc, Spelling, Corµn1ere,ial Law, .Practical Grammar, l\IechaDicul Drawing, Actual Business Course, Telegraphing, Phonography, eb. Our Course of T'r~in:ng- is urtder the 8UIJer vision of 3EVE~ of r1u::toms. Garden athtehed. i"'I · aM slrecd 1lmegtA. Thoy a.re war-~ ranted floe frQm the poiSODOO& oils and a.cl4Swh1$ " eJrter into tl1e COillpotiltlon of mallJ'Ottbefactitioq I ~~"'~;~~.,~~~l11 ~~~1~; truitflavorsnow lnthom~rket. Theyare,nol 'o'D.ly. 1 l!ol. Cubltt, Mayor. Large a'nd commodious tr~· tolh<lr namea, but are prepared from !rulta , d"·clliug, gooq barn and outbuildings, ~nd .one ot the beet quality &11dare aolliP,lyeonGenirato4.i Qfthe best fruit nnd vegetable gar dens u 1 town, · '--· ......... 'i 11 11__ ,. .~ ~ on King St ·- · 1 , ....., v-7 m- - 2'/u,.periorilyqftllu·Eztractecondll~"°'purity -.--n TJ1e I-Io111estead, B . kD Ir _.i. · pre"'-ent occupied by .l. Iiankin, E8q., collector MONTllEAL, P. C). A1- ... DomlalM D RE'SSM.AKING iu : c onnection ·with the :\fillinerJ and Msi.ntles, A. S. ANDERSO N, (Late with :\'.Te;i:u·s, J . &t\·. J . Mcl\{urtry & Co.) ~211 King St., Ruw1nanvitle Every buyer should· see our stock of ot· Cl:u·I·e'"' B 4J Pill!ii. 1 J~C- H A-P -L IN, Remember MILLINERY G 00 d S !I s D EALER IN FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL .TREES, Seeds , Bulbs, Flowers, etc., etc, A 11 Trees rurnisberl hy Mn. C. u.re guaranteed !lr11t Gltt-:.:s and t-rue tu -liamc--~- .· ..o\.ddre8ti P.O. Box 55, (26) Dowm&n~llle , disch arges fron1 the Uri na1·;y 0 1ga'lR, 1n r1ther B ex,acqu1red or constit11l1onal,Gravel anti Pains ' >i- o', u pa.tron agc is l11ndl larger, and our t·rms .less than any olllf!l' Busineas l!ollege in Ca n ad a . The U 'l tcd ahm ission uf ov-er one tbousur,i.d of our Gr aduates, now filling luc1·al.i\'tl positions as i n the-Back. So ht in Tio xt=>:oi, 4s lid euch, b:y a l _,\ccounta nts and Telcg-raph Opl':rators , are the p;nara.ntef'-$ of con1petcncy a nrl succe.i,;:,: we o.ffer. Cbemlft,i:; ,u1rl Patr.ul, J\.l mlici ue Ve udo1'6, ,1 Sole Proprit>!or, F ..T. CLARICE. · oplicatiun I APO'l'lrnCAltIE~· HAU,. LINCOL.>\ , ENGL'D _!MrSpecim.et1.~ of Penrnan~hip and Colkge Journal sent (1·ee Of charge wAltRANTETJ TO cmm ALL CQ1'iII'ETirnT AND EXPERIENCED TECTcC:>;Rs . l\'fr. Jrhn Murdnr.11, 1\'[m~t cornfort,a.hle rest· deuce, w1th good gal·den arH] ou L huildings. oucorne· b of Brown and Church Str eet8, at present occupied by two tcuaat.s. Ga rtll~n attached. Brick Dwellino- o n Kin" s1r .. r-t. at preseut occupiel) hr Brick Dwcllino· (double) Briel~ .111111'11 , BUINm f. CO, - - I B. G. lJA 'P'I'Y <~ OJJ. ,r HeUenille, On~ ; 51 1 Murdoc.h Bros Remember -- -· -· - ... J Fa··n1 Cor Snle. o_) of pnrt of Lot. No. l, 9th c on. Da.rlin~· to n; 1 tbout 70 a ores cl ea.red. nn 1 the bfilance '\VPll ·wnodecl w it,IJ pill.fl anti oak. If not ':'old b.Y the t~t. o f April n ext, t he cleare_d portion will b.e ]ea!-Stid. F'ot' P"-rtioula.rs enqwre <1( ' 8 D. BP illSHA IV l 08 ACHES, is the place to buy your T E, AS , BE l:KG COMPOSED . N ewh6rr~· & ~onH, 31'. ~f· \Vgu l.e rt·~; t ,' L01uton. ·r :ugtvn Strf-'·e t.,". London Ba.l'ctay & Soils, !J5 F(l 1 8anger & Sons, Ox:l"Hrfl Streel, L<ndlon. And all tbe J,o ndun. \\Tholcsale Hom.cs,<.. Agen'" ·1,, c'"'""" .1lfont1·ea l.~Ev1:111~. 1.\Iercer & Co., \Yholcsale Dr-n"l'.gblH . . Lvnrn711': Cltti·c & Co. Toront<J. -E lliol t & Co., \Vholosule Druggists. " Shn11te1·& Owen. Ilantillnn.- 'Viner,\ Co. !fal ffr<~.-Ave rr ,Brow n cf: Ct;i. B<LoU.trQY..E~. ,!_!i_urbridfi,,e!I_· &· _ c~··. . ni:'lon . Export Age ntM· cl l .I.)>.1·1 .. ·1· ~·11· { .,._ o occupied as a Hoop , Sk:irt·Factory. \Yith li ttle outlay ai good res1· deuce could he made cf this building. The residences a b ove mentioned a.re of a. SU· peri01· class," ell b uilt, \vi.th st,one-wall,cdccDa.rs, and all necessary couvcn1cnccs. A rn.re opportunity is now oftcrc d to porsOns w1shin~ t o proeuresuperiorresidences,n.s the PlOpcrt:'li" \Vill only be open fo~· , sale for a short term. ntcndiug pnrchascrs o.re requested to Yicv;· the :property. F.ID'.;;Jnrtbcr information n.i;iply to T. 'l'. Cole· ' fillln , L. CofnlSh, or tli ~l1hder5fgncd.~ -~ -- ·. A J,OHN ,c o1'.1'AHJ?. Bo¥tn;rn.nvilJe 1· Buildin0' on Ki ng Street, lately '·--· .r C.Mdi. ,, - -- -- -- - - -- - - - ,,. "IJ.., OR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE " ..£1 -8e0 D euterono~y, ·cha.p, xii., v-erae ·2g, CLARKE'S Cure oC Dt"~Delbilis · SJJllDSli'!EJ.D; ... 1 ATELY OWN"ED of BY '!'HOS. BEf,L· __j 1\IAN. in tho To\vn ·8-esiti.enc(;-fitt. sa·c.- - Murdoch Bro's is the place to buy your Remember · VTOT.-C'S Coffees; FLOWER AND \IECETABLE SEEDS I I< .. < .. ·1· ' ~} Wol~ad ~~~~d . ~1lo~~ti~~~~~a, I llowmanyille, cnnt;h-11,ingof 13 acres of land w it h g1 1 od brick house, L:1t.1~hen n.ntl ' '.rood-shed , s m all bu.rn and stable \vi th !d1eds, &c.: good orchard, with every otber convenience. If not Rold hy the 1st of May it vdll lie to let. For particulars npply to S. BURDEN, lfobrua.ry 2, 1876. 27 I is the place to buy your .Arc t.hc best the wor lit pr oduce:o1. 'l'h ey are nlanteii by a million people in A m erica, and t Le f.~u lt is, b<iaut.iful Flower!'! and R pl m~cl id Vege. I )> z ·1· I f~dm~ing and clearin~ the blood fro1n all impu-, rilh~.-;, irannot b(~ trn1 highly recomu1ended. Fm· Scrofula, Scurv.~r, Skin Dlsea1ms, and Sores The great blond lilirifier .. and re.-to:rel", for of all kinds it il:l a never failing and perrnanent Cllr~. t.n.Ules. A Priced Catalogt1e- sent free to all \\.·ho enclose t he postnge·: -a 2 cent stam p, t __ Bowma.n,·tlle I : Mi1rdoch Bro's R ell18}1) ber V.lCK'S - - -- - - · · - - - 1 Chas. Relly, ! ~~ARBER ANDHAIRDRESSER,RE·i n·sPffiCTJ!'ULLY annm 1nccs to the i:mhllc th<tr, h ". h as succeeded to the b usiness formerly i t"<l.triflil on hv the hlte 'v. 1f. Erl woods and ls pre· I d,fl.t"ed to n, \,lend t o the \Vttnt s o f t.he Pl~blic in hie. ! Irie in u. nutnner nnsnl'passcd by any ln the ~ov1nce . P articnJa.r· .qJ,t.P nLion given to the c~1tting ofLadies' and Cb.ilrtren'H 11a ir. A. Cl.ll solic1tcd:two door east of the P ost Orn.co, SO·tf . · FLOWER AND VECEf ABLE CARDEN Sugars. '\VOl'ld. is t he mo~t bea.ntiful · WOJ'k oi th e kind in the It cnnt,a i, n s nearly 150 P<tges, hundreds of fine iJJu st rn.t.ions, a n d four Chrom o Plates of :D'Jowers, Le.aulifnlly dra"·n a nd colored fro m nature. Price 35 cts. in paper covers; 65 .cents bound in elegant doth. Murdoch Bro's is the place to buy your It~membcr Vick,s FlorCil Guide CROCKERY. '!'his is a beantifnl Quarterly Journal, flnelr ilJustra.lt>d, a ml containing a n· elegant colored J<'ront.h5pie ce with tho first number. Pri~e only 25 cts. for the y.co.r. The :first numb er for 186 just issued, Address J_,\J\1 lt:S VICK, Roch ester N. Y A. ll'L .O::U:.U,i.!Jll' B:JU.S JiECT<:IVED THE APPOINTof lhe Oenet·i:tl .Al>;en0 y for o·r in ~! riune11t:-1. ITe will in the f11t11nt recciYe all nnlcn; and f11 rilish !.tU) informa liou required . SMI1'll .v.n:rnC.'.N OR GAN C0 111ent lt Cures nld Sl}l:'ffi'. . Cures Ulcerat.eit Sol'es on th~ Neck. . C ures Ulct)raJe!l Sure Legs. · Oiu·es Rl~ekheatls or Pimples on tbeface, C ' Cur~sScu1·vy Sores. · - · · - nCures Oancerout;: Ulcers. Cnres Bloml and Skin Diseases. Cul es Glandular Swellings. From whatever cause aris~ng. . A e this n1ixtnre h; pleasant t o tl1e t.asur. R.nd · · warranted free from anything injnrions to the · -,· ,. " · roost tl,eli cateconstitution of either sr.x. t.he Pro, · · '· ' · .· . pri&or solicits sufferers to give it. a trial to test GENTS 'V ANTED in every<'l1 ownship in Ontario to seU 1tbe famo ns"'-Prize lfeda I its va:lne. . . Organ ' n1a nufactw·cd by. the Srnil.h _'\medcan Organ Co1npa11y\~nd George Steck & CO'is 'l'hOn'!H.nds of Tcstin1on1n1 s from all parts. Pianos. · ~ · · ...... - · ~· ·' ~old in Bottles 2s 3d each_ , and in Ca.ses, con 8PEC T..:'\.L IN DUCEMENTS w ill be 0 uiven to firs:t ch:tsl} agents and cluba oi three taining six tilnes the quu.nt1ty, ;t:ts each-sufl:ici~ . h' t h ' ent to effect u permanent onre in ,t he gr eat ma. or f oar FIS I,ng 0 pur e asr.. jorit:i' of lonit-standing ~aS"J;"< BY ALL C H EM ANY ' N.UMHJ;:R OF TESTlMONIALS in fa>oro f those tii;st class Organs c_ on ISTS a nd PATENT MEDf<'INE VENDOR.~ befur:hishec'i., butastheya.reso·widelykno-wn - grea.t num bers having been solrl throu~hont the throughout t b c wo:r1d. , . Dominion , anrl having gi\'en sat isfaction in everv insta;nce-no testimonial. however ffutterkl~, Sule :proprietor. 1<"". J. CLARKE. Chemi!'lt, can add to their r epntat inn. . ' .. A TII HALL,LTNCOLN,W.NGL'D , ·1 · I .., FT1 '·1· J.. ·· ....J I I I A l J. c. CHA)[DE R'L.Al N, EsQ. - Thbi is to certltr that 1:1.buut thl'ee year& ago 1 became-tlffiicled·wUb. Bronchilis}.,,\vhich Jae:ted about eighticcn m onths. [ wa8 H n amicted for the wan t of tircath ·that It waB v~ry difficult for me' tu speak,· and in tfie night tilnc frequently throwin{ the clOth es o.tr' a. nil raising int.he bell t u keep 1'0m strou~'iin~. I tried three Of the ; m oat entin·t physicians 1n the County 0f NortJ111rnberland: for about a year wit11out rooeiving any bcncflL. · In · fact I continued gettiiog worse a ll the thne. At fast I was ad.vised to try the Grell.t Shoshoneee Remedy. I bought a b0titlc aud took it, 8.lld when It was abont finisJMd I bega n to feel n Utt.le bet ter.. I conunucd b0- l1Se it until I had taken three bottlbs, when, to m('f."Satisfa~tion, I _fop.n1if tha t r wa.s &II well as Ov-tt l had Deen. previons to my-.Wnen, and have been iw ever s1nce. , JOHN SILVER. Slh·orn ~me, at 8mit?11cld:, thle 6th day ot April, A. DI. 11!10. · ' J, M . WELLINGTON, J.P.'."' W ondcrtul Ctll'e o:( Dil<lease. BnooK;LIN, .Ap,f116th, l878. .J. c. C.t1;AMmrou.A1N, EsQ.,-Sm,-1'h1sis to cer tify that my wife was vorylow wnb Lung DJsetise 'l'hc docl.ur. had given her up. He sa.id her hmgs '\\'er e tnbereled', and tncdicine·could not h elp her As a last. resort.,.1 purchased a.bottle of t h e Grea& Sh oshonee..'l Ren 1cdy. .At the expirat.ion of two days, ht'. r s~tens were dc~idcdly b etter . - ShlO 1..:ontinne<l to im.provc so rapidly that by tJi e tlm· she harl t.11\u!n one bottle she was able to stt up· Bv the <~ontinu.ance of the remedy she ~&9' "1 fc'C tl v rf>:~Lorcd to hea.ltih. Y oU mJ1 1 y publish the facts !or t:Dl'l bend those sbnilaEly o.tllioted. :1 · T._C. BROWf Episcopal ;Met huuU:il :MiDtf!e1 1--; hibitor of musi cal instru1nents at t'be l'ienna :bJxposition inl873, THE STECK PIA.NO CO. <eceived· t he only gol<l med·l awarded to any ox, · ,1 llRE CURE FOR SEMJNAL WEAK anil SEO· STJ,CK & CO., Piano Mu.vufacturie"r-s, New Ya r k Murdoch Bro's i;i the place to buy tlie ·BEST NF,88 1 !ent to any address (piliit-po.id) fo >oll11rrs. _.&. ldress H.H.T. : Box 33, , · Yorkville p_. o .. A menca n, we would call atten tion t.o as berng ekpe crn.!Jy 11.(lapt,r.d fo r Ch'n rcbes a.nd Ilnlls, ttS pro fianger and Sons, Oxford Street. Londou. . p ortions a.re h'Tacefnl an1l it" nrn sical qualities arc unsnrpasse.d. 'T'h e grand organ stop gives th13 . '.And all the London \VholcsalellQn scs . p layer facilities for varionK anti splendid effectH; this stop can hr. m;ed so a.s to slowly increase the " Agents' i n Cn1tad a. volume nf tone f~vm a whispei· or s udden ly bnng forth a ll the 11uwe.r of the inst runlent in, a hurstl Monreal.-Evans. Jl.Ieroer a.nd t:~, 'Vhole a.le 01 Also, Agent for " th e GROVES'l'EEN & RULLER- PIANOFORTE.. 1 1'm<lun. , 'HUuc' H'ECi · · O ']] h I b ll d l · S ) , S . Ne,.vherry anil Sons, R7 Newgo.te Str. 1·t, Lon don. ~ ·n; i i..-, requ1r1ng. rga.ns ';l i: .1 era. Y eat w1t11. ,t.Y e 32, '"?~t h ) nanilayJtndSo.hs, !l5_F'a rriugtonStrcct,Loudon. Bu_rgoyne, B nrhriclgm1 & ' Ex'"""' A o. , C ohmta.u Stt·eet, "'"· Lan<! §tn-·rn!·in;r,. ·StH"l'eyor Civil i·~uginf'..cr, etc. , js prr.pared to 0 ...... ·)rr'I P. rf\ "'~ii.b "~hieh 11·} Ula~~ be f&nltcd.- ; p\ddrc.,3, B <l wm < l ll \ Hle P. 0 . .~I1lrrl4 15 tl! . lf:i l, 't h"f:i'A~·os l ND 'oRGANS f;;rnish;d' Whol~sale a~d 'Retail from ,any of the lir·t 011 " Druggists. . J L. REED, PlWVINCIAL LAND' I 'r1c·ro~ , IIUJLDINGS , . . ult~, sePte1ntier 2~, CHEA.P EST Goods kept in town. 1a7a. :WQRK\At ho~i.! ·.mnle or fomaJ e; $31S pev or cvenrng. {jnpitttl w~P.k,day ~o class American nnnufactnrer.i. Circlll,iiirBal.d Price LiBts sent frt!e 86,VDilll"l'"illoe. Ont. FOR ALlJ goo d,o. 'by ina.il. free. 'Address n' ith )uccent ret...ir n stan1p, :M. YoUNG 173 Green St. ,N. Y. 9·6m: - \l'f') f;eod valunhle paekug~ l)f . -· . .· ' . 1' " appl.fcati.on. . .. ~ A..1'1. 'nA.n1,Ev, Gt;neral Agent BGw \N· J-~.-.A.ll instru1nents warran h:t1 for fi ve yet1.r8. --PANT MAKER.S. · I TWO FIRST CLASS 1 . 'Va11ted.. ] . ZIN:B~s. Pamphlets, or anything inJtbo-,db90k , lne, which they ~ish to have bouud, .l Q O .D ,'.haJ.:& l t.hciro rdt~1·s filled m the neatest an_ d most durable atvle, a 111l o R t he shortest notice, by leavingtbem ;~ ·.he S·r.nEBMAN office. BrlDF Llengyourbfnd ·-· - ___ ·----.- .'· ~ _ , ::>ERS0NS RAYING BOOKi(~~~ 9A. Book lli11dii1~. ·1 · ll CLUN Gill ... ,.,_..... _ ,, _... ~,.~ .,~ ,, .- ~·· · .. ._.,,JI.,CLIMm

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