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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Oct 1876, p. 4

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CANADIAN STATESMAN AND MERCHANT; BO:WMANVILLE~ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1876, BLOODY MASSACRE AT BATAK. 5,000 '\TEN, 'VOitfEN AND CHILDREN SLAIN. - - - FOR - on,- The foll o,ving is an extract from Mr. · Baring"s official report of the Bulgarian BY MRS. MAY RI LEY Sf.flTll , atrocities:- · Son1etin1C\ when all life's lessons have been "I have 11~~ to give an account of ~he learned, . ·, most fearful tragedy that happened during .A.nrl ,.;unB and starS fofet·er mm;e have set, 'l'he thingEI which om·qveakju1lgrnents l~ere have the whole . insurrection, and about which, sp1wned; till a very short time a.go, little or nothing The things o'er which we grievetl wilh lashes had been said. The ; Medjliss of ·rartar ,Will ;a:~ bcfoie'us, ou't·ot life"s dark night, 1 · Bazardjik, hearing that preparations for As stru.'S shine most in deeper tints of blue; revolt · were going on in 1his vtllage, or.And ·w e shaU see bo·v all God's p:ans were right" , dered. A.c1 .n net Agha of Dospat to attack 1 1..ntl ho..,· ·vha.t seemed l'CIJroof. -wo.'3 love nirnst 'it nnd this indiviOnal ha.~in<T joined 11is .force~ with those of ¥oh111nrr1 ~d A.gha of nd we shall see h ow, ·while we frown and sigh, Dorkovu, prOceeUed to carry out these urGod's planB go on 113 best for Y011 and me: ders. On arriving at the, vilfago be sum· ow')· when ,...-c called, Ile heeded not our err, Because His \¥isllum to the end could see. mon~d the inh?bitants to give up their And e'en as prut11n1L parentf4 disallow .. nri11!:, w11ich, as thBy n1istrusted him 1 they ;roo inuch of swet~t to craving babyhood, refused to do, and a desultory figh t soc~ o God, perhaps, it-; keeping frQU!.~S now, "-- ~ Llfe'ss·veetest things, becauseitsee111ethgood. cceded which la'ste c.1 two days, hardly a,ny SOMETIME. TO R E N T ! ---:--The · subscriber, m consequence of the late fire has termined to In .the Field Again! O"ring to the retirement from bupi.?te:ss o{ 1 - - - - -:o:-----· CASH PRICE, 9 cts. 10 CREDIT PRICE, 11 cts. 12tr " ..t-~ in East 'Vhitby. (5-4Vl' .*) A :F'AR JVI OF ONE HUNDRED ACRES D. HINKSON, · osha.Yi'a. 1'. B ASSETT, Apples,! Apples I HE UNDERSIGNED WILL P AY T the highest price for any quant ity of good rcl1 antablc appl es and Tull Butter. OfficP. of Messrs. 'l'hou1p Eon & F. T. HOSKIN has comm011ced V.'ork again on Jiis o,.,-n acCount and has opened a true · · ' ' 0 · Sell ·off his ·Whole Stock · . NEW TIN SHOP AT 'GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, in t.he bu ildi ng t,wo dours west 17 $1.00. " 20 ~il. 15. S. BUilDEN Burns · of Messrs lol';!S being inflicted on oithcr side. On ATTEND]!;D, 1'0 PlWMP'!'LY. . !\-lay 9 the inhabitants, seeing that t}ling! Our Stock is orie of the best m .'r('{( __~ I · J iJ I lines of ~~~~t~1~.~·,;nt~'EAVETROUClilNO Be s1n·e a wiser hand than yours or mine, Were going badly with them, and that no The stock now held needs no exaggerated pulling to ,commend· it , to (putcnt sen.med, sole right for th e county-ce Paurs out this potion for our lips to drink. aid came from Without, had a. parley with vVATC HES, and sec it.. ) ' · A_ nd if son1e friBnd we love is lying low, All ordei·s · lied at very wost :figures, an Achmet, who solemnly sv:ore that if they public approval, but is known as one of the largest and' besfi<elections of Vi-'llere htunan kis:;cs cannot reach his f11ce, satisfaction guaranteed. FLA TED \ \'ARE, only gave up their arms not a hair of their Staple .11.nd Fancy Dry -Ggoods. ever placed before the inhabitants' of this 0, do not blame tho lovlll.g fa.ther so, .A. call':from old and new friends solicit ed. But -.,ycnr your sorxow w'.ith obedient grace. head,s sh onld be touched. A certain num ~ town and' neighborhood. Howmanville, ~1.ugu s t 3, 1875. , NEW CUTLERY, And You shall 'Jhortly lcnov,. that lengthene1l ber of th· inhtbitant s; luckily for them, I nnd PRICER will be to suit ovel'y :person, as breath , took advantage of this parley to n1ak0 unue CUJl be clisappoinLt~tl, as all inul:lt be sold FAMILY EXCU RS I b N.S Is not tho s-..veetest thlng God sends his friend, their escape. The villag'ers bolievad AchAn early is solicited. AARON BUCKLE}<. .And that, sometimos, the sable -pall of death - TOn1et's oath and surrendered their arms, 9-tf. ~e:ptember, 30th 18i5. Conceals the fairest boon llis lo ve can send. ·- -- I J ~' · If v.:e could push ajar the gntes of life, but this demand was followed by one for ·, And-.Ht,a.nd..within, a.nd all God:'s workings jol~ e, all th~ i noney in the village, which ha.d al- ,aarN ow open for sale on Corner of King and Division streets. '\Ve could interpret all this doubt and strife, ' --Sowmanville, August 29,- 18iG. so to be acceded. to. No soon~r was the And for cnch mystery could fi;1d a key! . -~: ;;· r ~. ~~ -d:~ money given than the Ilashi-Ilazouks ~et But Iwt to-day. Then be content, poor heart! THO~AS. upon tho people and 3]aughte1·ed - them God plun's a:re lilies pnro o.ncl \Yhite unfold. Bowman ville, Aprii l876: · ' · like sheep. A large n111nber of pe9ple'\:Ve Jnlllit not tear tho close-shut leaves apart; Time \Vill reveal tho ca.Iyxcs of gold . J)rubably about 1,000 or 1,200- took r eA ndi( through patient toil, we reach the land, fuge in the churchyard, the latter being "\Vhere tired feet, '\-'iith sandals Iooeo, 1nny rest, surro und ed by a wall. The chm·ch itself "' ' · ~/ "« ' '\V~hen \YO shn;U knov: itnd cleD,rly u nderstand, SPECIAL IND'CCEMENTS. I think that \\'O ·vill say "God knew the ~est!" ~ a solid building, and i·esis:ted nJl the at-Boston 1.'1·anscript. -----:o::--t~ mpts of the Raahi·Bazouks to burn it lJ. .J. U I G G IN B 0 '.I' llij A J I S A SPECIAL INDUCEMENT TO from the Oll tside; they consequently fired Families to vii;it the beil. utifnl City of CHEIVIIST AND DRtJGGIST, in through tho windows, and /getting upon Rochester during the wann 8lllnmer nwntJu;, :WHAT IS PURE BLGOD ! ! -BEGS m0;SPECTFO,LY 'f'O A N tickets good for , t·vo dars {including date of the roof t,are of the tiles an.cl .threw Qurn: issue) will be isRued hy stea,Tl"'ler.. Norsem1Ln 1 NOUSCE that. h e has r eceived a ;vell as Presi~lent Welch, of ihe Iowa: .Agricni. ing pieces of woou and qgs dipped in pe- Begs most respectfully to inform his Customers an<l the Public unt1J,__15th September n~xt,a t. the nnder-1nen L ion t<1o r t.ecl stock Qf Genuine I>rugs and Pure T i:nglish ed rates from Port IIope 1 name11" : Chen1ioaJs. .Also, a 3pJendid stock of the most tural College, made some remarks on ' this trolum among th e mass of unhappy human r:arefu11y selected For a Fa1nily oft,\vO 1ne mberH o CbarlOt.tP. and generally that he intends closing his business at the old store, Hcturn subject at a late Short-Hurn breeders' beings inside. At lost the door wns forced . - , _ ~aoo l . DYE STUFFS! Mill, on Thursday, the 24th inst_, and will re-open at For ca.ch additional 1nen1ber, 1 00 1 near the Nhich cannot. be su1-passed fo1· excellency o meeting, as follows: - '.' "\Vhile coming here in, the UH\Ssacre oornpl ote<l, and the inside Children under 15 rears of age, 50 1 ual it.y An assort1ucnt of Aniline Dye:> kep 'l'ickets must he procu red from the und erto-day I w·as th inking <,? f the important of the church burnt. Ha rdly any esc:.ped bis old stand in Reed's block, on or before the 1st or SeptemGOu8l.a ntly on hand, together with a choice se mentioned .Agent8 of the SWainer or (uTi fare lection of pes. ·to have a good portion of his ·wjll be cha.rged. subject, how long shall a thorough-bred out of these fatal walls. 'l'he only sur- ber ; fabont which time he ho_ DRU GS.I D. ROSF., T. YELLOV \TLEER, animal be bred from crossing with a scrnb, vivor I could find was 011eold woman: who . · . ·· Fal_ li. :Siclck to ~a4d;';which:wm be f9µnd , ·. · CHE:111U.ALS, Agent, X ewcastle, Agent, Bowmanville. PA'L'BNT MF.DICINES,l before becoming pure plood 1 The English alone i·e1nained o~t of a family of scTon. N. 13.- In connection 'With the above, reLurn BRUS HRS. CO.\'IBS, tickets per G. T. Railway to Port Hope will be SHOU T ,DF.R·BRACES , r ule i3J to cross four thn,es 'vi.th thc female VVhen the door waS broken' in ; and' .idle. , issued at on~ fare, i~ UPPOil'fEHS, &c., &c and five tim es male. We take a half-blood was expecting inu,nedia te death, a T\lrk OTLS,' and CHEAP for PAIN'rS. 1 and cross with a pure blood, and we have took her by the hand, and saying, "Conu~, COJ,ORS, a qnarter blood, and n.t the fifth cross we old woman; [am not going to h urt you," VAUNISHES Centenninl Excursion tickets.at g reatly., re·ndWITT will have an animal that has thirty-one led her away and saved lier life. duced ratesfrom $15AO to · $18..40according 1 Tke t!3i" At the very loweirt prices. to choice of route; also for saJe by the u hderparts pure hl00U to 0110 part scrub-th;i.t spectacle 1vhich tho church and churchsigned. · HORSE AND Q,\.T1'LE MEDICINE S . Bowman'l'ille, Anguot 22, 1876. 1 D. H08E , 1·: YELLO\VI.EES, , is, if we cornpute the crosses aritlune'ticn.lly yard presEint uiust be seen to be described; N. D.- Country Storepeekers supplied on·ad Agent, Newcastle. Agent, BowmanviJle. l; antageous terms - bnt "hen we take in to consideration the hardly a corpse has been bnricd; where a July, 2Ith, 1876. ~ 52-tr. fac t that the pure blqoded animal is prepo- rnan fr,ll there he now·lies, and it is with t t;) nt-over the scrllb, then the animal J1as difficulty that one pick's one way to" the THE GREAT bnt a n1inUta portioJ1 of scrub blood.- door of the church, tho entrance"of which -'· -When a pme blooded Shor t-Horn bnll is is barred b_v: a ghastly corpse stretched orossed with a. scrub CO\Y, t he result cannot across the threshold. I visited this valley be co~puted arithrnetica.Uy for the prepo- of tho shadow of death on July 31, more N RESPECTFULLY RE'.I'URNING TOW.N HA.LL Bl!ILDINGS, BOW~TA.NVILLE. ~ thanlrs to the public for paet liberalpatronnge, tence of the thoro1ighbred anin1al over thu than tw~ tuo~ths and a half after t'h o n1asDEALER IN would announ ce that he is now . prepared to fill . .· scrn b controls to a. greater or less degree sacre, but still the stench was so overpowall orders in h is line in a manner second to no es~ t ablish n1ent in the counties. the value of th e progeny. The fu ture ering that one could hardly force one's CARRIAGES. beef an c l butter -of this connt.ry depend on · way iuto the churc-hya.rd. In the streets l)ye Stuffs, Patent Meoiicineo, Perfumery, Brushes, Combs, Soaps, Pnints and WAGGO.::{ , the valu e of the crossing. I cros:::;ed a at every step lay hnman ren1ains, rutting Before Taltj.ng·. Oils, Paint Bruohes, Co&! Oil, and Coal Ou La!llps, &o., &c. CUTTER , con1mon cow, a. poor 1 nilker, with an Ayr- and swciterinz in th e s uuuuer sun; here -,ARE UNEQUALLED FOR · TEIGH_ &c., shire bull, and th e result was an _i\..y r~. hire a skull f;f tin old wo1nan, ·with the grey PYYSICIA::>!S' PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED AND ALL ORDERS CORUEC1.'LY' ANSWERED. MAN'l"F.\:CTURED I N ANY S'1'¥LH DESIRED, Cures all NERVOUS DlsE:\SES, such as fRF.MORS, calf rese·ubling it~ n!a le pnrcnt, and ,vith hair still , 1 a ttatched to it; there 'tl1e false AND O~ '.L'HE SHOR'l'EST NCTICE. I Dl!:BTLT'I'Y, PRO$l'rRATTOK, etc ., which, in n1any not' ono perceptible poi nt in favor of its tress of some unhappy girl, slashed ln cases are prmluced by over iru1 ulgen ee in the Rem ember that nothing but the bet.lt materinl is ~ Far-r. and Phy.ioian1 from th· 0011..try wi:ll find o ··r Stock of MediciMs com use- of tobacco u'wl alcoho lic ,spirits; but the ' .,,,.,,,.......,....,,.,.;.,,""""'""'""'""'""'""""'""'""..,.."""""'..,.....""",.,;""""""""""""""'"" us~n . aud best workn1en emp1oyed-t;hus ensur~ tnother; thus the scrub \va.s almost en~ire -half by a yata.g hau, the h ead which it had Speei:fic Medicine fa more especially1·ecommending durability, elegance snd coinfort-thc most' o,.d of the b..t 'Jl'aUty_ ed a.IS an unrailing cure f rSRMfN ALW KAKNESB, important requisites: in n. conveyance. ly lost. It is impossible tp say that acer- adorned having been probably carried off SPEKMATORHHLA, lMPO'l'ENUY, and all diseases Repn.iring in all~branchcs of the trad0 prompttain nuuiber of crossel3 will :prod nee arith- to be devonred by some of the dogs, who -,,~~""'""'""""'~~~""'=""'"""""""'""'="'"=""'"""""""'"""""""'"""~~~~~~;,,,,:?;::,_J.t~hat follow.as a segnenee of :Self Ab11s~ as Lo ss ly attended-to. - - - - -· - - "~~.---·-11'- ,l\1Elli:ORY-- 1:;N1v.ER8:'\L ·tr1 SSITVDE, VAIN IN meticaJ results. 'rLe Short-Horn b ull is up to this h ave been the only scavenger~. 'l'H_T<; BACK, · :br::\I'NE8S 01', VTRTON, PRE~IATURE ALL KINDS OF 0Ln AGE, and u1any other di seases t hat lead to the n1ost prepotent animal on earth, uot J ust ontslde thB village , I counted n1ore ] NSANITY or CONSUMPT ION and H. PH~MATURE GuAVE, all of whieh. as a r11le., are flret ca.used only particularly, but qeuera.lly ; and for than GO skulls in a little lrnllow, and it ·· ~ by deviating front Lhe path fft' nature ancl over SA1'ISFACTORILY DONE inclulgenee , example 'v 0 will take the seventeens,..:__ was evi iant fr om their appeijra.nce that 'l'lte Specific . 1\ifed ici n e fa thf' result of a Hfe UPERIOi; MAK~ER. I LN A Suppose ther e have been nineteen cr osses n e arly all of the1n ' had been severed from stndy and tnany years of ex perience in treating OCTOBER. 10th, 1875. these Mpecia l rlisea::iei;;. Full ,particulars in our \m,. VVhcn you want anything in the aince the importation of 1817, at the pres- th e bodies by axes and y ~t,aghanfi, · From pam phi et, whieh ·we desir·e to sen cl free by rnnil oarriage line, give . JAMES MOl1RI S a Io P ·ery one. ent tirne there would be one two-thou- the l'em ains of £en1ale wearing apparol 1'ht' ~pecific l'vf Pclicine is sold by all Druggista call, a'l1 he will suit you. sandth part of scrub blood in a strnight scatterr;,d about, it is plain th11t 1n:iny of Every buyer should see our 's tock a l. :il per paeloi.g-t', or 8ix packages for i5, or ·will It is my intention on the above date to wind up the long.Jue rloor \Vest Qfthe Outal'io Bank be se11t. by mail on r eceipt or the money, by ad· seventeen; that is, it it was computed the persons here n1assacred we re women. dressing Bowmanvillc. Oct. 10, 1871. lS.Ir WILLIA.M GllAY & CO., , a.rithruetically; bnt when you take into It i~ t'o be feared also that, some of ·the winded eredit system, and eel! only f~r C-~sH~ or its equivalent. It requires \Vind sor, Ont. consideration the preputence uf the pure- richer villagers were subjected to cru61 WSold i u llow1nanvillo bi J. Iligginbotlt ~m SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE, and D. 81,ott, a nd all Druggists everrwhere. no argument to establish that it is to the advantage of both buyer and hlood u\~er the sCrub, you 'vould havB an tortlJIC before being put t'o death 1 in hopes NOR1'HROP & LYMAN . 'foronto, anin1al n.s near perfection as it is possible that they wollld reveal the existence of 28 V\,.holcsa.le Agents Time, Money and Labor Saved. seller to trad e for ready pay; the buyer thereby getting goods at LOWNll to get. ,. V hat are the excellencies of the hidden treas urc. Thns Pet ro Trianda· :Ji;~:Jl::'ltEI'l:J"CJae short-horl)s but hrn merit and power to phylloss 11nd PopeNecio were ro asted, and Every buyer should our stoek of PRICES, and the seller being saved from. loss by bad debts. We think Victim. tran~n1it that excellence and merit to his Stoya..11 8toychoff' had his ea.r,s, nose, 11ands vrogeny 1 I rceoguize, a lso. the value of and feet cut off. UBLISHED AS AW ARNING AND Enough, I think, has th en tha t all parties will concur in the wisdom of this change on ou r part. ' f or the benefit of You ng i\fen and otherS stl'ains of f an1ilics. The value of a strain been said to :show that to . A.chffi et Agha who suffer fron1 NERVOlTS DEBILI'l'Y, LOS5 This French Oil Polish is preparod fo? Oll, MANHOOD, -VIT Al. P O\VRR ~ etc., giving Our goods will hereal"ter be bought for CASH only, we and is bec<:1.use that particular fatnily produces and his men belongs the distinction of Carriages, BuggiGs, Harness, his rules of Scl.f-Cu,re, after m11c11 su:fl'ering and the best-Short Horns. We often find having committed the most heinouis crime expense, and sent free on receiving a stamp for Boots and 8hues, return p_ o stage. Add.ress NA'l'IIAN IEL l\1.A.Yshall , thereby reap t he ad van tagc ·of Jorge t~ade discounts, whieli ad vantage that., by r evjsion, a very homely or inferi- that ha.-:i,stained the history of the present AND AL L KINDS OF' LEA'J'HER. FAIR, P. 0. Box 1531 Drooklyn , N. Y [48·6m. or b ull, if he be of a guod fa.1nily, will cont,nry- Nann. Sahib a.lone,] should say, ' It will g iYe any a riiele of Leather a m.ost brilwe are dot.ermi ned to ~ive to our cus tomers. Parties purchasing from us 1 liant appearance, and at the samo t ilne f-ron1 its breed back to sorl::te of his ancestors and having rivalled thoir deeds. As regards Every buyer sho1dd Befll our stock of oily properties tflnd s much to prese1·ye i1,; tt wil a,J-.,.,·ays Oe moist and pliant; a nd niay be exposed repruduce t hem. The principle that like tho numbers killed, I h&ve before stated -~·Y therefore depend upon getting good; at least ten per cent. cheaper to water and 'vashed and >Yill not hme its brilbegets like seems to be the true doctrine." th·t abont 5,000 is my estimate. liance, and it is not to bo feared that any crust I am 'vi ll settle on said lcathe~ \vhen preserved wi th , than under the 'old plan. aware that others place it higher; but, be the o.bove oil. ,rff For the \YOOd v-i·ol,· k of Buggies , Carriages this a.s it may, whether the slain nrc to be Your Whiffletrees are too Long. and Furnitu1·c, tliero is nnL 1:1. hi-oLLer tuti0le in use. 0'.M.'AW October 2, 1875. , .Our stock will this Fall be more replete than ever, and a still connted by hundreds or by thousands Manufactured by A. SIMON & CO., Tanners an{l Carriers , formerly of ~.,ra uc& J.OW o.f v:1ilnUTHORIZED DISCOUNT on AmerMost plowman have such long whiffle- does. not le~sen in the least degree the dclphia, Pa. . __ - ican lnvoiCQS 'lntil further notice ~2 pe hi gher class of goods will be kept, We therefo re gun ran tee the ,g reatest L-...i-STHUCTIONS-Shi:i.ke lJotl le, A few drops on cent. tree· that it is ofton impracticable to make criminality of the ·layers. The intention Every buyet should see our stock of a pieP-e of s1 1ongP-, apply iL lightly to the lcnthei-, J. JOHNSON, any plow work satisfactorily. Excellent was tn extcr1ninato all except those few and .~o u will ohLa.in the fine st lustre. , .atisfaction to all who may favor us with their patronoge. · Oil'tmissioner Of Cu~tmns. plows are frequently denounced as worth- girlo (probably abo ut 80) whom thoy carPrice 76 cent.8 ver Bottle, or $7.50 per dozdn . J . SMALE, G en Agent. less, and rejEct cd simply b~c~nse the ried off. Those that escaped, owed th~ir Th c f~llowing lines will be found full: Bowmanville,·August 13, 1874. - --~ Ch1·onic .Diseases. clonblc whiffietree or t he ox yoke w~s too s~f;ty to their own good fortune, and not long. Yet the plowm<.ltn never sUsi;ected to tho tender mercies of their neighbors, Ready,made Clothing, Cloths, Tweeds, Dress Goods,. Silks, R. JAMES ,ELECTICPHYSICIAN, VVould reapectfnl1y state that he is now· wherein consisted the true _cau so of the For this exploit Achmet ~-gha haa retreating succi>n'*lfully the follo-.,ving diseasos :Shawls, Skirts, Cottons, Winceys, iliffienlty. Our own practrne, from bo.r- ceived the Order of the MedJlJe. Epilepsy, or falling Fits, in their '\-VOrst form Con8nmption, in it.~ Yarlous stages, ('\'dth Dr hood ]ms b een to make the double whiffle. I I am, however, 1villing to a certain ex- Every buyer should see our stock .of J .'s re1ned1es con~11mption is no longer an ineu Blankets, Buffalo Robes, &c.,&c. rTITIE ESTATE OF """' LATE THOS. tree £0 lowinrr never more than two fee t t~nt to believe that the Turkisl~ ~uthorirable disease); Bronchiti:-1, Catarrh, .d.sthma .l.. BROVirN iR offered fo r ;;al n, in ·w hole or ju .r P "'ties wure not aware, before I v1s1ted Ba.Gravel Dropsy, General Dropsy, &c .. · paticnta parL, Seve n Brick Dwellings, desirably situated 1 \Vho have b een tapped several times are em-able between thi points of attachn en t of the tak of tile horrors that had been commit.. aa fullows :made to order in city styles, on shortest notice under Dr. James' treatment· diseasefl the singJetrees, which were about twenty-three ted' there. The place lies in the moun'l'}le II 0 Illes te" d on Brown Street nt a. , presentoccnpicdby EYE AN:O EAR, inchcs in length. \Vhen it was df'sirable tains, ei_ght hours frotn Bazardji~, is so1ne· Col. Cubitt, l\Iaror. Large and con1modious Errors of vouth, Nervous DePilit~r, Premature dv;;·elling, gornl barn and outbuildings, a.nd one Decay nna a ll the eft'eeWJ of ind.iscn~1.inns 1 '. BO\Vlll.A.KVILLE, October 1, 1875. to low nal,'row furr ow .. slic'Js, the single- what d1tfi9ult of access, and till. I went I of the best fruit and vegetable gardens in town. youth-a cure ls gua.ra.ntecd; Dyspepsia, LiVt'" p . there no onti had gone 1vho l\'·as hkely· to Diseases, and discn.sos o~ Wo111-en and Ohild1-e1· New BrickDwellinu on King St., trees were attached only twenty-two i nches gi~e thtJ authorities a fa ithful account of b built and lateCa.nccrs,eured 1\·ithout cutting, and liLl,le pain apart. L t the plowman attempt to plow what he saw. Had they really known ~i.~. . _ . . .. , y_ oce11pied'by~ tM nnderei-gn-e<1- fonrtcen r o 01n 8 Sore L~s, :Salt Rhcmn, and Scrofula in all n .. __ besides closets, ete.,-one of the most complete fm:msh r. J. is hap Y....- tQ_sa:.:. diseases---·whlch "~ith a doubletree six feet iu lengtl1, and that t1:_e pJace ,!!a~ a mass_of_ putrifiying havo h1 herto been t~ought iucnrnble are now ~ ~ ""l!l'..::r Q -·~ ~ ~ ~>. "'{8"._.:oeresidence·intown. Good garden uttachcd . h0-wiH readily Understand why a plo w will corpses, Woul<:~ they not hG1.Ye tak~n some ra-pidly yielding to his trcat1ncnt,,.y.,s his g;aLefu 011 Kini,: " ' - ' .AJ;;".;.JL ....._.,, .J,g;;;;)) ~ """-" ~ Brick Dw'ellincY (double) Street,ut b patients are \Yilling to tcstffy, No Calo1nel, no . measures to clear thern awa)' before I mercury, n o l\fineral Poisons, \vill be admmis iiresent occupjed by J. n.ankin, Esq., collector not run correctly when tho double t,r~e ls reacbt>:U the scene 7 A Turk who accon1i 'I!! of Customs. (iarden att&ched. tered in any form, in uny disease. too Jong. Whe n the doubletree is too long, paied me from Baza..rdjik, and who on the The aft1ictcd, who ca..nnot obtain r elief frorn · ck D""··lli"no· on King Strc el., at BI.1 - n· \' b present occupied by oth!:3r sources, are particularly iln·itcd to call and 1s the place to/buy your the plow will b~ drawn too far from the way had been loud·in his! denunciation of l\ifr. Jol1n 1-lurdoch. .D1ost comforta.ble resi see hitn. furrow to the unplowed gronnd, unless the the rP.bels, changed his to~1e completely Jtr:tT O:fficp in Neilson's Hall, Rellev Hle, Offl . dence, \.Vith good garden and outbu ilding-ti . hours, 11 a. m . to 3 p. m. 1 n makes 3 cons ta-'nt effort to pre- w~er,t he really saw wh a t hts country1nen ~ BrickDwelling (double)~~·,:;~~~; Yours inost respectful1y, P O\VID~ · ~ . hall done, and wa~ not Jess horror-stncken . ' and Church Streets, at present occupied by two !I.MES. l\J. vent ths i1uplemcnt from cutting a furrow- thnn I was. Edib Effendi's report as retenants. Garden attached, slice wide'r than can be properly turne<l 1 gards Bata.k is not worth criticisTn, I am on King st,·eet, ' 't.1 &-f ' ) I Brick Buildin"' J h occupied as a lately I Ioop · · ' v ..11..\J _ Skirt Fr.ctOlT. V\1 ith little outlay a good reai~ over. The agricultural work~ at I lion, N, informed tha;t he neve1·. went ~here.. I One Box of' Clarke's D 4J . · dence could be made of this Uuihling. '. y ut us one of their riaht handed hard- shoi1ld _only h ke to ask him two_qtu~sttons: 'l'he r esidences n.b ove mentioned are of a su . , se. , t> , 1. Was the 'vh0le v1llage~ wlucli 11:;· pr1n, Pilli.. 7 pel'ior olGt ss,wcll built,"'i.tl1sLone-walledcclla rs is the place to buy your ened steel llfrhawk '\alley Clipper plows . cip>lly built of stone, b Lm:t down by a _I anc l all necessary convenn-:ncP"!. i~- rare opporS · WARRA"'ITED TO CURE ALL ; , ' · I unity is llO\.V offered to JHffsunR -..v1shi11g to profor trial, which operated so beautifully few " batisses en bois" being set fire to clis0Jui1·gcs fro1n tlieUi:ina1·;1-0rgans,in either ' ~ c111·nsupcrioi·re"idcnces,a sthep1 o:perty.Jvill only sex, acquired or constitution a.l,Gi-aveland Pains that we per3uaded a n ear neighbor to take near the chtU·cb 1 . · · ~ be op en for Httle for a shor t term. Intending the Back. Sold in Boxes, 4-s 6d each, by a l purch aser sarn:e.questedtoview thcproperLy. r in it and give it a trial for corn. He could 2. Were the women wh o were decap1- Remember Chemi~ts and Patent Medicine Vendors. J.V..LoJ · For fu1'ther mformation apply to T. 'l', Cole . . . . , t ated outside the village, and whose bones 1 Sole Propf'ip,!or1 ~,. J. CLARI{E. man, L. Cornish, or t he undersigned. do nothing. with it, ~a it would cut a-n_d the dogs were quai-relling over when I sa.v... ·APOTHE CARIES' HALL. LINCOLN, ENGL'D JOHN COLLAitD, cover in spite of all Ins cffor+s to n1ake it thern, killed in that "co1nbat terrible" Expo1·t Agcrit~. B~owm_·mv-illc_A - - - rn n ri" h t. Of course the be'autiful Clip- which is supposed to h ave t..1.ken place 1 B1ugo.Yne, Burbl'idges & Co., olema.n Strce per w~s denounced and rejected before he Batak was a flourishing village, and carLondon. is the place to buy your , · h fi ld ur ried on an active trade in planks. The Nc·wbcrrv & Sons, 37 Newgate rcct, London. had plowed tw!ce across t e e .. n e srt"w1n1 ·11 s h a.ve a11 b een b urn t , an cl 30, 000 Bnrclay & Sons, 95 Farrington Street, London saw a.t n. glance W1e cause of the trouble. okes of jron carriecl off or destroyed. The Sanger & Sons, Oxford Str'eet, J_,011clon. And all the London "'iVhol esale Houses . '\V'ith hi...;; permission we bore,d holes in the loss in cattle is ale.o great-1,000 yoke of Agenl1o1 ht Canada doubletree) so as .to brlng the single trees oxen, 2~000 cows, ?,000 sh~e p and goa.tsJ Remember Montreal.-E-Van s, Mercer & Co., Whole~a1):'1 Druggists. t en .inches nearer each other, five inche:J and ~qo h?rses ~J~ving ?ea~ stolen. The ' Lymans, Clo.re & Co. J . s:11rvn·111rr inh abitants lnrc 111 'vooden huts Toronto.-Elliott & Co., \Vholesale Druggists. ~ J!.'JI I; ~· 'Ii~ ~'V .,, " j11wrt.rd from the holes. · Then he tried construcl:edloutside the village, and ai-e in nd if, sometimes, comnlingled ·with lite's wine, We find the wo1'11nvood, and rebel, and shrink, 1 · · ' old stand . in 11rder that he may reopen at 'his· with a stock e~tii·el~ tie~: · .. ( Thompson & llurns' otlice, where "'ill always be found a fnll a ssortment of everything in the 'l'IN and Sheet Iron line. Tl1is will be st ictly adhered . · NEW GOODS 1 \Vorthy of notiC;P., and mu_ch more so than Edi fiol's of N e-wspapers. · JC>BBIN"G to, ap_d only six .months on .ave age accounts. Accounts now due must be paid. , can' resp~ctfully Rochester · N. Y. F. Y. ·O(:)WLE. · 5:· : ' ; ' '-.;- PATERSON. THE p uBLIO N ·OTICE! "NORSEMAN" T. BATTIN""G- A NE -W-; A T . T J:t:A.. d TI V :E:J 'OAS :a::_ CENTENNIAL EXGURSIO!'l TICKETS! D. ST 0 TT-, CHEMIST - AND _ DRUGGIST English Remedy! DR. = F3 al . I 0 ~ I [Ij James Morris, . I Druggs, Medicines and Chemicals, - CRAY'S - SPECIFIC MEDICINE Purity of Tone and BealJ.ty of Finish. MURDOCH ---*' -Wind ing Upl BLACKSMITH WORK, or STAPLE GOODS. see Fancy Dress Goods. P OIL POLISH f - . BLACK LUSTR~S. A I J Fancy Woolen Goods . _ l I I D Real Estate fdrSale: CENTS' SUITS AND SHIRTS 'MILLINERY Good$ F_ -- HILL ~ T E A S. Coffees · I C H Q Q L B . 0 .Q 'K s .I N K S S LATE S 'T"f{'D I TING PAPERS S CH 0 0 I BAGS PENCIL S s'AT c HE LS, 1\/fachJn · e Needle f:!!. S rr A 'I, I 0 N E R "Y..,..' '.'!"" ,., -'L.... s p E ·N s. · s 1 Mi1rdoch Bro's Sugars. Murdoch Bro's S PLENDID J"E\J\{"ELLERY, Toy Bible Society Depository. AT . s p LEND ID F -'-~- N CY GO onS .s S A TI N R,Q 0 M \ p A p ]] R SI 41~ '..; i/'& ~~ ~"'< ~ ~ ~ ~.,~ <:; ;/'/ ,e;;, h $~~S" ' Ha1niUon. - Winer &Co. t he plow again ; it r :;i,n beautifu lly. He great misery ; they are &tunned by this Halifrr2. - A verv,Bro \Vn & Co. smiled and · laughed, and laughed and disaster, and do not cvi;in try to b11rytheir' s 'the place to buy your snliled. - He could not su.y enough by way dead. So1ne of the vromen I sa.w sitting I on thp, ruins of their houseR singing the Farin for Sale. ?f co mmendati~n. The p:9w ·vas the sa.nie 1nost 1nelanclroly sort of dirge ; others implement durmg both trials; no part had wandered about the churchyard among the Reinember 0 ACRES, BEING COMPOSED 0 0 ofpart ofLo t1'.7 o. 1,9t.hcon. Darlingbeen changed: hut the cloublctree was so corpsP.s, 'vhile a feiv, who seemed more , ton; ahont 70 acres cleared·, an'1 the balance well long that the draft W l?l.S thro\Yn five inches I than half bereft of reason, rushed about wooded with pinG and oak. If not sold bv thr; · l , tearing their hair; be.ii.ting th eir brows, 11st of April next, the cleared portion w{ll b11 too far t o,\·ard the nnp owelt grounc1. - and u tt enng · p1erc1ng · · S,irie l · ks. '.I'h e f ac t s eaeed. For :particulars enquire o! 1 el B. BJ? A.DSHAW N. Y. He1·ald , of this tragedy :-ire no'\' in the posses~ion is the place to buy the BEST and -" - · . :- -------of t.Jle Turkish Govonunenl, and it is their URE CUltE .-on SEMINAL WTt:AK ~,. bounden duty, b"' n1aking a striking exan1CHEAPEST Goods kept in town. NESS, sent to any address (-post-paid fa ,~ B'_ERE B t-h_ e v~rd1~t of a. l~o.nsias 1u 1;~: ple of Achwet1\glnH.1itJd :Thtiohammed Agha, ')ollars. Addr ess ·Died of a ki-<lr IR che stomach from lu.s to prov;> to the wodd, tl1at it thoi-oughly YICTO BtiILDINGS H .H.T. Box 33, 1vife, and _ h e never kuevr what hart hii1L" 1 dis~ppro-ves .of. t.l:~eir infamous conduct." :BowmanviU-e, Septemb~r 22, 1875. "· Shapter & Owen. .,/ "~~§'q·/.,'li'"~a ~<>~ ~ rY ·~ 4 ·~;;"' <8" I~~~-~: ~ &~C!>::;I 105'~~0 ( ~ y~~ CROCKERY PICTURE FRAMING, MUSIC, 1 .. ~ ~ ~ Murdoch ·Br6's ·' 13 I J R.,_ 0 :Kr 'S,/ and DOHENY BLOCK, LINDSAY. . , . ' . l I Town Hall Buildings,' Bowanville. Bowman ville, July 26, 1876_ I YorkvillP, O. !iii I I ., f~ ~ "'"'~ ~~'"' ,;,'§·~ $... ~ "~ ;y "'i"/~0 ~ S.,'-i ~~ ~Cl ~ . / '5' 4'°-'*'-S:' v-,:, ~ ~"' .,..{' ~0 :ir· C!<t (J~ ,"? b :;- ~ -$ fi" ~.~.. ~ ~frfJ$!$'t:.:f' !1 {;' ~-"~ ~47"0!'7 ""\;s.t ~~~y ~r..,-$'"> ~...., $'.:;s, ~ ~,,,~ ~0 ~·c,,.,,~ I -~·,... cy ·-..,- Ol> "' :Q; "' §; ~... -y ~,_.-,.ir,q,'}·"'~t;"' ,.._ .............. ~ ::-i "" fly· " ' '!' .t'"':? ,~"' ~ ~.; ;s-- .o~~ ;J "Y t:1 <.Lio ~ ..v l:.'-1 \. ~8 ·.S-~ ~ 4' S "'i :i i I s;" ~o .~ -~ :$ :,.";$ . .... .~ ~ !:? .,, "i!'...--~.~'---1?---·---'------

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