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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1879, p. 2

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CANADlA~ s'J ATESl\1A J\' BO,VJ\1A .Nv lLLh FHJJ AY, l\0VJ MBFR 28, 1\T rm '.il.Ourt ti~nnm ts --~~~ ~~~~~ Cottage to Rent 'Ihe exam1natto1 a in connect1on with the Normal l:;chool are postponed until the 15th of December Anony1uouij articles cannot be inserted parties sending them must send their names with them to us This rule ts absolute W~GES WILL se! Opened out ti rs mornm"' another case of N c ' JV lln e1y one ca e of Mant les nev; styles t"ll m ty hvc; I ee s of ne"ll Vte"s (,ood ~ r.) £ ne g-0ods and spec11lly good value CI-IARLES TOD, JM!i' <.ET YOUR $-z s JCON';u;E~;~:~o~ RY, I QUEBEC ELECTION~ 13HE AD&FANcvmscur1 MAKER lVIillinery Mantles & Dress Goods If !!ESH A. iilD C 1HlN EA P ONS 1 \NTLx The rece1 t elect ons n Qucb o resulted m the rotum of thet l- ee ?11 election 1v!r Rohn son for S crt.brooke !\fr Lynch for Brome and Mr Paquet for Levis It would ham been a rare rence if they had suffered defeat 0 -"'""li'----------------~-!1,~ F AMILy MOURNIJ::f G - - - H- -- ~ iT ALE X ~NDER 1 special arrangement at a gteat savmg ll1 co t '12 Front St East and 33 Well n gton TORONI O MACHINERY BROKERS - - I N THE-A.ND DEA ERS NALL K. N DS OE i-Bonnets and JJ ato well urn med a c under f all othero Io 1'I ant M:UNICIP:lL MATTERS 1 he season is coining ro 1nd when elec lots will bo called ur on to elect from am~ng themselves nien to transact the bns ness of the muntcipaltty for tl e ensu ing year As in most other cases the present occupants of the chans a're en lltled to first cons derahon It may v01y properly be asked who of them will offer for re elect1on 7 Arid as a sequence tt mtght quite as properly be asked who of them hav ~ d scbarged the dutws of the po::nt1on 1n a manner satisfactory to the electors who deputed them to fill the pos1t10n 1 Who has and who has not 1 Ha e a1 y of the members arrogated to themselves powers they do not l·g1hmate ly possess or have they taken ad vantage of their exalted and pri nleged pos1t10n with a. view to personal a.grand1zement 1 Has any member or 1ne1nbers shown a ant of busrness ability or rnaptab1hty for the postt1n11 of Councillor!! Aro the wn.rds or is every ward pr perly and fairly repres en ted 1 Are there better men offering fora seats at the Board than those w\lo fill them now 1 Is there to be a change m I lie Mayoralty or Tuievesh1p 1 l < a change des1rable 1 Will the present M flvor or Reeve ofter agam or will they be contented w th humbler positions ( r retire !tom the Council altogeth r 1 Should a strong part za 1 be elected to tl e Council ( Can Ruch an one leg1slate a.nd arbitrate J JStly and impartially ' Should men who olfe:r for the highest oosttio1 s in th e gift of th e people be men of good morals and st 11 dud rcspectab I ty 1 or these non essential quabficat10ns? Should men who have been successf ul in their ow)i bt s1ness J a.vo n. preference over men '\\ho have been ms iccessfiJ? Sho Id liueit tongued anl lung wn1ded 1 en ha~eprccedenceo\er men of few words but of good JUd&ment a u ;vi o are known to be shrewd tn bust ncss affarrs l Is a man to be selected for Counc Uor simply l ecause he will well 1 Sho 1hl an elector come for ard and ·k to be elected or should he wait to be asl ed 1 Shomd old meml ers be re elctcd bacause ti ey are old members or should they be asked to step aside to give you i,ge-........_ l en a chance 1 \\. e nught mul ti ply quest ws ad ii fi itv.m but these "e have proposed whether they be practical or oUier "f{. se will suffice for present con a1dera.ti n We do not now feel disposed to cnt cise the acts of nd1v1du11l members of the Boardre1ther n to ~nor to\\1 slips and sl H.ll not until we are informed of the r 1nten1on to uITe1 VV-e have ;vatched the course ours 1ed dur Inf( the year by each member of our To n Con 101] and can Judge pretty correctly of each 0 1 es merits as a pubhc officer That there are mem bets of the Boa.rd here who are t tally unfit for the poeit10n is be yond guest1on If any one m town should be mnocent of this fact and doubt s our "ord we resp eotfill} ask him to attar d oi e meet 1 g of ti is august bod v and he co v1nced Indeed tt is not necessary to attend a meetmg bu t simply ]Udge of their fi ess from "hat IS known of them m pm ate h ie Have each and all of the prC' S 1 t Councillors occupied seats at the Board becat so those who put them there co sidered them well q mhfied for the po· hon z We thmk not other and 1m proper rnot ves have actna.tt:::d Them It lS now tune that ~hia: state of th1ngs should ccu.se a1 l mon be elected on the1r merits alone This town 111st bo sterile indeed if a bettor set of Councillors cannot be found tl a the present m umbents As we s~1d before we inake n inv1d1c.us dts t cllon at present bu t we do want elec toro to halt a nd consider for a l ttle before plodg ng their ·otes to any man oi men It is to your interest to see that the best men are brought o it and then to ~ork for tl e1r election These men are elected to transact your b u1 OfR& and to guard yo1 r i iterests should not you then 11t fort] some effo t lo see that fit and proper persons are ele ted l l\.fore anon 0 BOOYf and Sf'IOE 8 tl e t e for all GOOD BOO TS & Sr!OES ------ 7000 Xmas Cards ! 50 Our Prues are to wtzt the times nd ou1 Gooa; are to sztit yozt LET EVERYHOD-Y PI EASE NOIE fine SMALE'S h.ING STREET ~ ALEXANDER'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE, A full assortn1ent of splend d FRUTT AND ORNAJHE:NTAL TRJ<ES iust iecened of all kmds of to es manulaeL 1ed of t on ol the finest fimsh and the most handsome of 1 I ha> e mer eased Dl} stafi ot wor k en so as t meet tl e demand for ordered work and 1cpanmg wlnch will 1 e p1omptly attended to .l!OHi'li l!HfJA.L~. BoWJnanvillo Cook Stoves d ail sizes and s 1pe11or class t a Jl eat ieduct10n ft cm last year ~ p ecs OF HALl PAR I@'" Don t fo et Mann 1 6 % N oswo1 tl ) - 01 poo1te the Ontauo Bank Bowi'nanv1lle l=RMERS, DON T READ THIS ! i' \l .llAl "l'O U lVA. Nl Ji0ll. llL\.B.11;t i'f"NIES SIGN OF THE GOLDEN ANVIL 61 NOTED CHEAP CASH t - -- - -H+.+- H-i:"'t++-+H - - --:j:- & WE SELL l :t:+ - - -- -t-++ +- H t:j:_+-t -+-+-!-+- - - -- ! BETTER MORTGAGE SALE -OF- HORSES ~ CATTLE HORSES a.nd CAT TLE whatever me.y be the r age and con d tion are vastly improved n every way by theuso of Bleached and Unbleached Cottono >ery low A full t"soitn ent of Lau es Mantles from 'foe up 1 he best assortmen t of Worsted Coatmgs and Tweeds m Bown env1lle FARM IN DARLINGfON TAILORING! TERMS CASH A FIRbT OL<\SS CUTIER Pc1 feet I rt Guarnnteed NEADS 1VETV BLOCli 3S 66 Town of Bowmanv1Ue, -ON- W ARE llOW SKOWlllG THE ILEE & 1D~ALL. SATUROAY,OtGtM~'R 13,1879, THE PROPRIETORS Dl:C :E:b. THE CAPITAL EDINDI RGH AND ~lONTREAL, Prepare also a. splend d ~ -OF- CC>. HEA TI~ G 'i/'l'O VES COOii:Ili G STO ¥ES -fHE- BLISTER OINTMENT & LINIMENT 'Vh eh are used tn the best stables in the world - I HE - Try DICKS HORSE AND CATTLE MEDlCINES a.nd be convinced oftb.ell' me11t. COUNTESS! Imorovca for 18 9 ahead uf all s sltll NORTh vV.cbT WOOD COOK I ng J Notu:e, Stove made 1n Cana.or. THE RADIENT ls the eas1e t an aN d nd most THE Au t uti rely n ew at d 1o The pros.n.cct to r the coming inter are p >Werf 1 heat 1 g stove n nde I H E- eJ \Vood none t o br 0 htr-.nnd the wurl ngmen in particular ar beg nFH,Jlg to compla n of wa.1 t of work Operation .. have ceased ou all tho Pub! c Works and Sir Leonard 1s caref l 1 ot to peer too cur ously nto tl e. om 1 gs of the Hum m the place th it rece vea the benefit uf it~ b rth . The followers of the Clueftam are bn g 1 1g matters to a. focus In connection with the long lookeu for banquet a id the affair "ill i 1 all probability take place about t e tirst of next month when it is expect ed that ~ir John will be accompamed by JJon !\'It Cl apleau and Hon Mr Church O ' d t theie is to be a dance mteropersed with short speeches An 1n1lllense ga.tncr1ng assembled 1n tho Dom 1 ion Meth od st Chureh on Monday even1og to ear Vice Chancellor Blake on the topic of Proh1bt on Tl e chair was a blyfilled by Ron Mr A kens Secretary nf S ate an 1 H on A W Scott occup1 a a seat en tl e platform Co k tl o e at y othet The ne v stove for 1879 is ti e ha 1dsomost t mshed a1 d n1ost ex mplete stove THE DUCHESS RANGE l ')R COAL OR OOD dso n6St a.1 d Best 1vorK1 g ;rel out Range nade ck oi cl eapei thh 1 e r sold ND f PEP.tE 'ED VICR t EN Da ung,tcn No 18

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