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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1879, p. 1

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· Postage Prepaid by the Pubbshe1 TRADING FOR CASH IS PUUL SHED E.- i':ilt>' FRIDAY lUORlllllllG, HY "' 1 A JAMES, 1It0rn1EruH TERMS $1 50 per Annum or $1 00 1f paid m Advance NE" SERIES Nuntber '12 OUR IO M A JAMES Eorrott ,urn I f BOWMANVILLE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1879 l { 1'01 UM E XX"V } Number 20 SELLING OFF lN stock uf CONSEQUENCE OF CONTEM I LATED cbacges ncccss at:i g e ova of stock I " 11 for the next fuur weeks eel at µ:reatly reduced n ces (from 25 to 30 per cent) my SCOTT'S E COD LIVER OIL Pl~RE -VVITH IT MAY BE YOUR TURN NEXT MONUMENTS HEAD sroNES &c Ir 00 U'RISES HYPOPB:OSPHITES OF LIME A.ND SODA. Scotch and Canadian Granites A mencan Italian and Can adzan Marble in ll'fonu ments and Head Stones bemg o~er $aOOO 'lvorth of tJ e b s qua ) of stock and the "orkma.nsl p eq_ua to hat n a y s1 op the province INSPECTION IS E rnLY TNVI'l'ED as an opportun ty of tJ s k nd does not frequen t ly occur C. BoUNSALL, PROPRIE10R 1879 58 l MILLINERY! MRS DONNELLY n return A. BUCKLER mvites lus old c 1sto ers and the public generally to call and mspect his new stock It is complete m e>ery department and is adrmtted by travell ers to be <r. e of thA largest and best assorted stocks m the Domm ion Good, 111 all lines have been selected with gieat care tlus sea.on m CLEA.nm ·ND REPAIRED the Emopean Market by m)selfand are pronouncedbycompctentJudges IN ALL THE LATE S I STYLE S to l e of a \ e1 y s pe or class Our stock "\\as never so complete before Rltl\ EMBli.H. 1 E T'LAClt and we am determmed to sell cheap THE COUNTESS S RUBY From Frank Lesl e 3 CH\.PTE:zt I ~fagazine. STRAW AHO FELT HATS One Door ll'e"'t of ll11ckler .111 Je'llellcry Store. King HI HOl'Vlllan'\ illc NO YAN KEE HUMBUG. We mean busmess and "\\ill not be undersold by any catch penny C me along then fnends w ti the cash and we will convmce you that no Jew 01 Gentile can unde1 sell us Oc ober 13 1879 6!-tf I· terms to suit bo 'I Owe s at he lo est rate ot interest Appl) to MONEYTO LOAN OONSIDERABLE SUM OF pr ate A ves mcnt on Far n Prope ty fo 1 ng o short fnnds has been placed ny ha ds for AARON BUCKLER, Sign of the Watch, King St D BUR.KE SIMPSON 47 GO THOMAS BINGHAM. " MA <i NETICON." - - 0 -- Fire, Life, Marine, AcNotice the following from among recent letters cident Insurance TH"& p RSON AGE Agent Nothing but First Class Com panzes represented Aug 2a 9 · lm@lillilll? ~@ Jl,,~£11 at the lowest rate o .f interest Office lately occ np1ed b~ Dr DEllH Kine St Ho~vmanville Dowmanv Ile August 1 1879 63 13 WHY WfAR SOGKS WITH SEAMS '"ltbcn ;,4.Ht c n b l'\e illent "'lllthout at liEilNEDY'S KNITTING FACTORY where all klnds a re made of both COTTO,.. AND to order W-00.L, n al color!! Also custom work of hon o made yarn dOnY ocks and Stockings Refooted K111U1ng !Uacl1mc!! f'o1 Sale, ntstl cli us h ee The llliagneticon apphances are sent by post or express to any address on receipt of price BOWMANVlLLE ADDREt>S THOS J MASON, 12~ CAPITAL PAID UP HEAD OFFICE HRA.NOHE8 0RILLIA $1000 000 TORONTO Bowmanv1lle September 4 1879 CHURCH STREET TORONTO 3139 UHAP'IER II Conou:RG Bow:lf..A.N' ILLE I OsHAWA W IIIT.BY UxBRir GE REMOVAL OF fh sBank n addition to ra.naactrngtheusua ba k g bus ness offers to the publ call the ad vantages o a. Savings Inst tut on Wlth these ourity of a. large pad-up cap ta1 by the means of a SAVINGS DEP ARTMENT Interest allowed on all de us t~ of One DoUar nnd pwards at the rate of FOl:R per cent a.nn m Depos tors can w thdraw e ther t h e whole of any part of the r deposi s at any time without previous notice Special rates of nterei:itallowcd upon deposits with not ceofwithdra.wa.l American Currency and S Iver taken on de pos t Drafts granted payable n GrcatBrita n Uni ted States n.nd all pa.trs of Canada « Dcpos ts can be rem1 ted b) ma 1 address '1 to the Dom nton Bank(reg stPred when1nall case a Paflfl Hook rcce pt will be sent by rctUl'n posts s 1V 'S NOTED CHEAP CASH Ory floods Store! --0-- C H ARNDEN, L. D. S G ad rnte of h Ro} al College of Dental S u geons Ontar o 0n account of tl e g Ht mcrease 111 our busmess we arn necessitated to iem<v nto r ew and moie commod10us p1em1ses tbat om numerous customers ma:y have an OJ I oitumty of bemg waited upon without the mcoin emence of c10wdn g such as they ha' e endmed 111 the past Om ieputahon fo1 sellmg the cl eape t d1.} goods m Bowmanville we am detennmed to reta111 a 1d will not be undersold by any house m the country mFICE O\Fit ALEXAN DI<;HS SIORE UOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY +~ I CHEMIST AND DRtJGGIST BEGS RESPECTFULl Y TO AN § :t:-----H++-H:l:++-+-++++---- -:t-§ WE ELL by ti c se of N tro s 0 o the patent Pa culnr ritte o pa d to the regulation ofl TEETH ~OUNCE that he has received a 'iVell DS sorted stock of Genuine Drugs and Pure English Chemica.le .A.Jao a splendid stock of the most carefully selected C HILDREN S DYE STUFFS .fi!?!i"ALL WOJK WARRAN2ED~ -~- ~------ -- - -- - DE NTISTRY. whlch cannot be surpassed fot' excel ency of quality An assortment or An line Dyes kep constantly on hand together with a ohoioe .ee eotion of RUGS CHEMICALS PA ! ENT MEDICINES BitUSIIES COMBS SHOULDER BRACES SUPPOR~EitS Heavy I n n To\\ ell ng for 5c a Jard 1 W ceys for 5c a ~ ard +;:Heavy Linen Table Damask 23c a yard +"'"-+ ;.':.RussellCur!DressGoo Is (not sh ddy)lOc aya1d : ~ Heal'y Oat ton FJa nel 9c a ya.rd Corsets fro 30c up I Lad es K d Glo\ es rron u5c un < I JHeavy all Wool T1'eed ( ot shoddy) 35c ayar<l j I Good Pia I I §-:t:-----H+-+- HU+ -+ -+H :t:- § &o &o Bleached and Unbleaehed Cottons >er.} low A full asso tment of Ladies Mantles f1om 75c up Tl c best asso1 tn en t of Vi o "te l Coatmgs and Tweeds rn A FIRST CLASS CUTTER Pe1foct Eit Guaranteed \ ITHOU'I: TEETH BEAUTIFUL GOT_,D FILLINGS. &1 tdicia l 'l'eetlt TED "'T A MODERATE FEE Teeth Extracted Without P atn MARR IAGE LICENSES ISSUED BY W R CLIMIE, .At hts residence K ng st .East BawmanTille J M BRIMACOMBE, L D S !iBowmanville Nov, ALEX Th ores a love of beaats and a love of b ds And a love of the lo'" gods w les But a. love that knoeks a pocket book thin Is the loTe of ti e latest styles

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