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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1879, p. 2

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" CANADIAN sTATESM.Al\, BOWMANVJLLE, TOWN COUNCIL. A spec1al meet1ug of this connc1l 'vas 1\fernbe18 ) ~FRIDAY, DECJ·,MBFR 1:2, lR 1~. I Ho·r ~ FOR [1879 ,. and Thanking the public for tbeir_ estabJi,qh ~ ln action and some f·irther uuin1po1taut rhs cnsaion the Board adj ourr1ed to the ca.ll of the J\r1ayor . . ~---- ..... --- __'1 s GOODS! I the n1nnicipn.iity. acer)J..llH r,f 01011 pntt1n~ thc1:iselvfll'l for\v,\n} 0thers will not stand r. contest bcJc,n.~e they know that ireq_ltBt tJy electors abuse the pri-,,·ilege gi\·en t1:(,tll in the f rf\nchisc ~d \\antonly snpport n1en totall;y unwort~y of either snpport or confid·111ct>. This ' fact ia paterit to an who have w1tnessep. election CJntests, a1.d part1culai:Jy so i~ 1 bnrglnr;; and day . I reqneR t a compar1spn .I I n so c l omg of my goodR and prices with otliQlS. I am offering a very ]~1 gc asso1tmont of Photo, Scrap, and Autogrnph I" DURING THE XMAS WEEK WE WILL ·OFF E R thJH h1Wll. As far as we cnn ascertai n ihere is 1iki;ily to be a hvely contest in all of th1 c ionr rnuni:ipaliLies in this r1chng. T:PCurt . . . right JYfessrs. SeyrnourJ Taylor and Spink8, we arr told, will rc~ire . Se\"eral names are mentioned for th() \ acancies. We behove tl.ere is h1Lle don ht but that Mr. Jen1cs Parr will be elec ted to the Reeveship by ecc~mation. W c hope he may be, for we believe he is well qualified for that po3itiou ~ and evon if ther r Specialty at Special for the Holidays. r have in additio11 to Liql uors, ' ~rid.' Ftesh Meats. IN G ·ROC !. ~ ' ' '<.,_, ' RIES S&LIQUORS Alica1it~ WineJor ~[ecljcinal Purposes. E[O I ,Er:O L FOR ':l1eas bought before the advance. Sugars as ~heap " as the cheapeBt. R~US~NS.-.-N cw ' ~ Sandican1 P~rt '\-Vine for " Thiisa Sherry " " " " " ' \. DR·E W'S! Valcnciµs, New Layers, N C'\-V Bernard's Ginger" Hennessy Brandy " Tu'Iartell's Brandy Jamaica· Ruin. IIolland (:iin. " " " -sultanas, Choice London I.ayers. .. ,, .., of couu~e there \'ill be a \\atm <::ontest there . To speak of our t own \\e feel ~omewhat out cffe11d1ng some l,UP CURRANTS.-N ew, in Barrel a11d Case. Spices that are Pnre Jndeed. For Decernber 1879 to ont. New Orange, Lemon and Citron Peel. Also the usual yariety of Sundries kept u1 Irish \.Vhiskcy in Wood or Bottle. Scotch " " " " , Canadian-5 ye<~~, old-Bour~on, Rye and . }\~J;Jt . a 5 first-class Grocery. 1 i the to-µ,rn. for J 379 two, '" f.l belit:1 V<3, will offer for rc-clec iv~1-1Vfessrn. Burden and Brittaill \Ye do not tlnnk the clccturs need hesitate a m'·u1cnt in decul1ng t.o vote for " th®0 75 8 1ng. - l\'fr Jr.n1es B1<1.rk who die<l in S<JuLh Ca101ina, i;;,,,si hn1i, d 1n OsLaw.1. last \Vcek The,e are a .(air 'With }!11soni,~' r1on.J.:-:':i 1'Ir A.lex l\IcLcan o~~ltW::t ha~ 'uried on Tfiursdnv hy 1nernUe1" uf the Iron bioulders (TnioP. (Jf Labatt'f1 AJe in '\~·ood and BottJe. 10 1 50 two gentlco:ien <1g:t1n, rhey havo, a:tfJ:t as wo can Judge, beeu faithfn1 to,.,t he h~nst 1 \he contidecl 1n th0rn. l'h ~y ln1vt.., 110~ allowed Syl'i"~Sto1 1 1 J\1r. Dilnicl IIic 1u:nn lia~ snld, to 1tfr. of Fu1ci><k1ller1 1 the right to the:r inc11vidnahty to be sacrdiced to the impJrtnnit1es of a11y chgue, ring or pnrLy. \\ e believe thc.v have a,<-dt~d fro 1 n p1 i nciple and have acted on their owu judginent, and have not allowed thamsal\'es to be nsed as tools 1u the hands of tho ruling 5pir1ti:i. \Vo honor thi;im foy the course they haYC taken throuzhont the year and hope the electors will reward thern by re turning them hy Iarg0 maJorities \Ve inust not be unde1st1)od as endorsing ovcry a1n.nnf 1ctl:ie tl1e Sufkv I-forsc ltako fo 1n1erl,v tnade by t,bo B·~ekeye I\1anuf~etur ing Con1pany. Li gr.Lher with the pa.ttt'rnii and stock on har~<l . sample of the prices of onr goods. The sla1tling advance in all w-0olcns lms actually. taken place, but the . Gfa.<h Hotw tooir advantage of the situation and bqught largc·1y j ust bef'ore the 1·ise, al](l for the next two months wm ac~ually sell at l~ss than the . old low prices,thus giving his customers the advantage of 2.~ per cent, Coon 0ye1 coats at the G·R O ·C KE 1::t Y Fluted (}old · " " " Bass' Alie in llottles and Gi1i inH:~ss' Porter: L1ne '(ea ·Sets_ DISPLAY OF FRESH MEA 'fS. Pia.in 'Vhite and .Gold Line Behi. J\.'Inustache Cup~ and Saucers. ' LAST BUT NOT LEAST J Durharn Co\v, fed by John Colwell. l Eleifer, fed by H,obert Skinner. _by_J :..1s. Collacott. 2. ~Tho1:~ug~~-b1·ed Heifers, 2 years old, feel Jhumh·cut Act 4%.n1ending Cha1nberware~, and a general variety n1 the ·1 Crockery Line. . Notice is hcrob:r gh en thnt under and b;' \ 11 tuc of the PO>\ er V(!Sted 111 me 11.:i Assignee of the abo~ e na.med !nsolvPnt, by the said Act and .A..mcnd1ng Acts, and purBuance of the dU'ections ot the Inspector and Creditors of the said estate, I \\'-111 oifer for sale PY Pllbllc Auction at the · G-rade Heifer, fed by John Chap1nan, .Joln1 Ruddock, , I liUEBOTTOM HOUSE GLASSWARE. 2 Oracle Steers, ~ed /by John Foster. -lO Lamps in Great Variety. Chimneys of all Sizes and Shapes. sition. ~ Head of Sheep, fed hy 'Squire llunking. ' ' ' (. 5 Bcrkbhire P igs, by Andrew ~icFeet ers. ' . fed ~ ' 5 Suffolk Pigs, fed»by .John T\·ick. Sausages"1nade by Lyle & ~iartyn. b1ncc the a.Uuve JS in type ~Ir. informs us th·:1ot he rn a c;v1d1date North Ward. Tea Sets, Con1ports (Hass Bonds, Goblets, Wine Gla1Sscs, etc., ~tc'., etc. POU'L TRY u1 G·reat fra'l·iety. CALL A. N D SEE OUR DISPLAY AND OBllG'E I~-Y-LE Bowrnanville1 Dec. 111 l879.

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