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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1879, p. 4

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· CANADIAN STATES1\1A.\, ELEGTIOtl OF SCHOOL TR'!TSTEES. , Then1anuerofhold1ug e1ecttongforSohool _1j(r\i\'MJ\~YIIJ FRJDA Y, DECEMBER 12, l S7!l. A GR I c P' L Tu RE. ~ the Sc,hool A1.;t pa&sed at the J last sessi(IJL of the Loe 1l LPg1slatnr1? The .A.ct apphes to elcchous Hl c1t1e;.i, towus and lnco~rporat od v1lh.l,t si and to the rnral sections only so fir as th1~ holding nf the au11ual school 1ncCt1ni 1s cp11ce1 ned, \\ hich,' the Act says, r>n st be un the last \Vednesday in DcocnJ t1e1 'l'rustees has hPcn completely chiinged by DECEMBER WORK 'BEATTrs GUWE \ .oLoox::s FRo::NE $1 u=:E~. l Pi NEW JEWELRY STORE ! I --TO- ~ p:) I ~ 1 Q ~ p ,,-. ~ ElECANT WRITING I r-1 ' - ' ~Ii DI: .. JBCY.J"-G:l[~A,~ ~ ) i0 I 1s ~perfect self mstructor ~ " (f,A m OF TORONTO), n.i;;.te~Jd of the Second 'Veduesday 111 .lanua.ry ,ls hitherto. As the hme 1s appro3cl11cg when a choice of trustees v.:111 .lla.\'C to be nni.de, 1t geems ti) us not a1n1ss top 1h JSh f1ir future gn1dance - thc regula Hons l t'~,ird1ng the mode in \\ hich tho e 1 eot1uns are to be he d '! e nutde by tl e Act, are as f P L 1,\,.. ) l ·'A meetu1g of the (;I 't -i 1 Deattu' sru1'de PENMANSHIP! D 'J ll TO bi the""1 " 1 " 1" 0 h young people JHll.V blcon10 good \\r1tersu1ashorttime. · P!~.';~":;'~~i'a~;,~: 0~~.1~,~~ W. Watc~aes antl.Jeweh·yRe1>aired inl~irst-ClassSt}i, , and explanation, a large number Of COPY SLU-'8 for lpract1s1ng, a BY. 'lUIJFUT ~ begs to thank his numerous customers and friends for the lLheral I"'.· I F'=i imtronage extended to him since commencing busincRs. H" I~ 0 wishes to infonn tlic inhabitants of \Vest Durham that he hn, t::i:ll h-4 ~ just received an entirely new stock of CLOCKS, WATGHE8 !;:di~ ~ JEWELRY, STLVERWARE, ,~PEGTAOLES, &c., of the V<'l\ 0 t:"""1 b es t qua1 l'ty, 'VllC I. h h e WI11 Se11 Cl1eupe1 tl 1a,n 311)~ }1ouse 111 . t 01,.V11 ~ Tbcllolu1.1u.L.ncrand~tomach ~ v,:1thoutmed1c1.ne ~ 1 l\m,i~ting in, part ,o~ ~la~k and Uolu1ed CashmeieN, Como and Empr e's Ulo!hs, C'.iey Su1trngs, Lusties, Check and Plain \Vmcies C"otl" Flannels, &c, &c The aboye will be found sp'lendill ' value Ask to see tlw TT!N D:RY- G- 0 OD S invites attention to hiH well ,elected and ch0ap stock of B T jjTS E W Pail cures CA NA D I A 1V I:l 0 S .IE R 1'.Jdi' l 18-~7-G4 REED ' S BLOCK Bowmanv11ie, Oct. 15, 1879. 1101111nat1on of cind1dates t 1 r 1 tt on>-AME:<TAI. """' J. and a Public School T111stees sh;,:! .i.l,1 HANDSOME CAi:!J!: to con bun noon on the lcl$t \"Vedncsd r.i tl1 rnonth the "liole. of Dcce1nbcr, d.nnu,1lly, or l .~ 1 ol1J y, on I 1 t'1e day follo\' 1ng. at such plncc nr. ~hall Price post-paid, $1. from tune 1u tnne be hxe<l hy re~ lnfaon A.i.lJcss ( f the Pobhc School 1303'1J , 1nd 1 muLn· c1pa.htioa d111u.lt1d into wnrd ·, n1 ~~"Ji ward theref'f if the Board u11ts d1 crtittoIJ ,_h1nks as n1H..{ht have done; that d. tile drinu n1 fit. , , so1ne field wonld have been th~ means of . 2 "The Pnhhc SJ11ool Lnri.rd ~1 '{11 by I dcubhug- the crop,&c ,&c. If such tlnngs 11 re;,iolutiou u une t e rotn1 1·l 1'g oi lu r or are notlc~d and noted, It will stimulate to ~)ffir.ers to pre::-1de at tlu:i incctin~ or nieet nnprovements in the future. ~ A fa1lur(j 1s ~u~s for tlu- Tif)n1u1ation of candidates, and not altogetl1cr a loss, if the cause iii seen OntaJ.'10 Bus1ness College, ln case of the anBencc )f 1:1uch ofhcPr, the and a detertuinat1on m8.idc to remove tbaL ch111rrna,n chors~n b) tne 111cct1ng shall pre- causo or overcome the difficulty. Of BELLEVILLE. ONT. stclti, an cl tho Pnbltc School Board shall . cohrs~ no bett~r rnea12s for nTI.provoment ---~l\'t::1 at least six days notice of such meet· '" can be had than a good supply of ag11cul\ - - ONT,t.B.10 1n...: tural reading. Every farmer should have :1 "Jf .lt tile E.aid me~ting on1y the 80010 agricultural paper, so thit he can nece«.:iary number of candida.tes to fill the conipare the experience of ot.hoc:s with lus v.:~caut offices ::i.re proposed and seconded, O\\ u,a.nd if he has anything th':tt he thinks the retur n1nr1 officer l)r person ptestding, w, ul,l be of nse to his brotl·l·r farniers, BELLEVILLE, sh.,\l] ufttn the lapse of one hour, declare inake it .known throngh that medium such 'candidates <luly elected' but if t\"\o F,\rmers' clubs should be n1ore common ( Fomided in 1869 ) or n1orH candidates a.. e proposed for any than they are. Nu\\ i1; a very good t1ruc such nilr·f! and a poll is demanded by any to organize for a few eve1uugs through the IL i>i noted for the thoro11gre ndida.td or e1ect'1r the retarning offict'r or ..., inter. Of course those n1eetings, to be 1H~ss of 1ts work , and Uw 1 cha1rn\an shall adjourn the proceedingti for carried on successfully, require E=On1e read· practical benetit8 o! 1ts teaching. fllftnffsuchofficennhlthefirst'"\.,.ednesdayof ing and thought, 011 '",he part of a. fcnv at theu~t)nth ofJanuary,then next, \vhen n poll least. But here is JUSt where l'L great part IIS s·ruDF.N'IS or p lls shal1 be opened at such place or 11 f the benefit is derived. That reading after going through the p}nces, and In each \Yard, where snch exist and thought brings knowledge and kno't\cou1He arc competent to fill good pos1t1ons, or conduct as i!hall b~ dt1te1n11ned by resolutLon of ledge gives potver, and power enthus1ai!rn. hus1ness for themselves. said 'l'rust_ees A. nd vnth ,such qualities farming niay be '1 " The poll or polls shA.11 be opened c:arried on with a greater degree of Rnccc8s IT1' J·JC:INCJP A.LS at the h onr of ten' of the clock in the fore- and ~a.tisfaction. Ilut although \\e recotn· are accountants ofpHt.etica.l noon : nd shall con~t1nuc open until fi.\:e mend to farme1 s a thorough study and expenence, and tt.utbors of o'clock u1 the afternoon, and no longer, knowledge of their business, we do not the best "' 01 ks on book· J,_eeping and pcn1naneh1p a.ad <JTIY poll may close at any timo after think th~y should stop there. A vn.r1ctv published. el~ven o'clock in the forenoon when a full rif Teadlng that \Vtll tend to develop an<l hoUr has elapsed without any vote ha\'tng improve the mind should be d,ttended tn Parent"' and l'onng Mf'!n are n1vi.ted to send tor the been polled. through the wmter season. It is too often College f'1rcular and spem J. "The Pubhc Sehool Board shall he- the ca.se that farmers' sons and L daughters, men of Penn1ansb1p. fore the second '\Vcdnesday in Decen1ber as soon a.~ they 1eave ... school~ fool away ' Address 1n each yea.r, l1y resolution. fix tho place their time w 1th the moat childish tn1h·s ROBINNON & ,JODNSON, or pl aces for the uununa.t1on n1eet1ng, and We do not wish to say one1 word agn.1nst .-1.lr;u fnt holding the electio11 in case of a a certain amount of amusemenl and re 0:-11A1uo llU8JNE8S COLLEGE, poll, and al ~o nan10 the returning officer creation. But thore ahould be also a cerBELLEVILT.... B. ON"TA.RIO who shall pres1de at. the respective polhng tain amount of tune gi1'cn to the inurease 653m, October 21, 1879. places and fo1thw1th give pnbhc notice of knowledge 111 vartoUE! d1rect1ons. lf t.,H·reof this were done more gen1-1rally, by farn1crs' 5 "The returning oflicer or person 80118 aud daughtC'rs, it \\ould ao n11.ch to prasidun! shall, on \he ilay after the close raise agriculture to a higher pos111on th,111 01' of t11u election, retnrn the poll book tu the s f 1f PnbLc School Board with a solemn declar- it at present ucCUJ?1es "- ncccss u ann1r g, \\e th111k, is, to not only to draw from the ttlon therio annexed, th,it the poll book :-:icnl a.11 the comforts and en,1oyments of h,\s bBt\ll correctly kept aind contains a l·F~,hut also to develop, as far as po~s1ble, tr11J record of the votes giving at the the nobler facultie8 cf human nature. OFFICE polhng pL\ce for which he was returning ELEGANT 0 1-i 0 anu b ...... ;t II .,.._. W9 1 Ol· k W ;J.19Jl·:JJl eC · t J WR IT IN G 'I no. 0 . , N . B.-AJl my goods arc new, I huvP no ol<l stock that has 1 · een yearn accumu atmg. B0wmanv1lle, Nov1:iwb~r 2VJ 187D, 69 tf. HONEST, EFFEOTIYE &IIAlcMLESS. -tt3: 'l'h1s tro,itmcnt is not onl;v cndor:,cd by thou sands of people, both lll thF1 ancl other countlICS ~ b11t is hung endorsed by the highest mcd1ca authorities ,-1 '---------..----·-------- '--! """' ·· u Scud fu1 (]t~:-;cr1ptn e treatise For sale at OLQO:::K::S FRQJY.'.[ $1 LJP _ ROBINSON HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO., .Uox 4~, BOl<l'lUUlll'ille. Sept<: tHht r 18, 1879. D. ST<)TT'"' "' · '1'01' L', tJ Dl'UU t ~:J .\.~ Bow:11.A~VILLE. A carefully seleded stock of the ~t styles and beHt qualities of Fall Au<ll»ss.i11orders and Winter Goods may be found at 60 If A CHOJCE STOCK. - I JOHNSON,,1 GREAT CLEARING SALE AT TI-IE 1 J.'l"lerclw,nt 1'ailm·ing Estabh<hnient, nert clom· to 1lfardoch Bro, A choice variety of Tweeds Clot.hs Coatino T"I ousminos &c ' 'c of' . l" ' . ' '=" :--. ' ~ ' u:, ' superior qua ity, and aG pnces which cannot fail to Ratisfy, made in the latest fa'11 i oirn and a ·~usiness College, Glasgow House. E_ight per cent ~ ~ll~n~ ~::t~rnc~ ~Jer!:1~I~, ~ie~~ C~l!, ~a~;:~ ---·o--- In order to make room for his fall importations, the su1Jscriber has determined to offer his entire stock for the next two months at greatly reduced prices.' Great bargains will be given in rwery kind of goods-especially in Tweeds, Carpets, Silks, black and colo1ed, Linen Flannels, plain and fancy, Sheetings, Towellings, Table Linens and Damask, Hosiery and small wares. OUR Il\11\iENSE STOCK OF OHOICB investment at par. chiefs, et:, m great vaiiety. ~TRY A PAIR OF FISKE'S SUSPENDRRS ...J@ Call and examine mv oood' " h i ec t Lhe al tention of 1nvestors to the advantuges 01Tc1cd by !he P1eference tltoclr of the lon1pany as u. p111 tH uliuly Het nre and rem11neral1ve in vestment It ie111eHenb:i n1ol't gi.1ge<>. on Iteal Estate, ,,..,]nch in no cu.st exl'eed one-half its caBh value. Rlld has 11 fhst ulann on Urn «11ntal of the Company to the umouut paid 111 h)' the hokler'"-, and also on the profits to the extent of eight per cent per a.nnun1. For fullhe1 11art1<lilnn~ appJy at the offtce of the Co1npany, ODDFl4 l LO\V8' BUJLDING, LO.ND01', 01 by n1.a.1l to mHE DIHEC'l'ORS of theFINANOIAL Ji AS::::lOCIA.IIUN 011~ O~ l'_A._lllO beg to di How1nnuv11Io, Oct. Irl, J879. JOS. ,TE'FFEH 12 o'1 r. 'Z"~E G-~E:.A.TEST EXHIBITION IN - BOVtMANVILLE IS AT EDWARD LE Rlrn:Y, Ranging from five to twcnty-tive cents per yard-scarcely half their value. Parties furnishing will find this a most advantageous and desirable chance. 61 tf Managing Directer. I TEMS STRICTLY CASH. W. BRITTAIN & CO. ha.vc opened out a choice stock of Ban lzing-Bouse THOS. PATERSON. TEAS, GROCERIES BURK&JONES. where you w1II,tind the best selection in Fur~, Hat" and Gents' Furmshmgs I,n Furn, Seal Sets and Caps, only best quality kept. Pluckc.:~ Otter in ~ets and Caps, A l. Russian I log and Gray Lamb, in great va1ietv. Bal tic ?ea] and Astraehan Jackds; Sleigh and Buffalo Robes; UloV'es, Im itat10n Lamb and Plush Caps. In H11ts, the latest styles and la1.,est stock alw'.Lys kept on lwml 0 and prices from 50c upwards. In Gents' Furnishings the best selection of '.ties, Shirts and Winter Clothrng. Remem1ier ~he sign of the Big Hat, opposite F Henderson's Hotel Persons hn>rng Fuis to repair should bring them in early, hef<11f' the ~usy season l'ornmences. All kinds of Fufo altc1cd and' 1epan cd.Cash buyern preferred P S-Cash paid for Raw Fms. MARKT:!S Il'J:AYEU. 88-t.O 1f Mayer's Fur Establishmer1t ' HOWMANVII~LT<J, .A:s hlany fal1neis are killing their hogs about this tune, \Ve should renund them that the \alnc of pork will depend t"ery ADVANCES MADE n1uch uu h1 wit 1s cnt and cured. 'I1here the day frillf)w1ng tLe r. tnrn of the poll is altogether too much carelessness 1u this on personal ancl collateral scc11ri ty. book 8 pnt up 1n so111e consp1cnous place r~spect. After b21ng killed it Bhoulcl not HI the niHn1c1pnhty, and at one or rr1ore of be allo\H;id to freeze, but snnply to cool NOTES DISCOUNTED. the s.zhool honses th1~re1n, a state1nent anrl stiileu. Tt should then be as 11e,itly showing tho number of votes for L'ach and sn1,Jotltly cnt aHposf.!1ble. If cnred Jn candidate, anCI a rna.iouty 1n number of brine, It should not be tu the ba1rt>l where 5% interest paid on deposits of $4 and upwards ·rr ustee 8 remaining 111 office, shall ho a rnPat hRs previously spoiled, and the brine qnortnn for the foregoing purposes. should be taken oft after two or three days 8. "ln"'case ttvo or more candtdates and boiled, sk1m1necl, and c 1oled, and the DRAFTS ISSUED have an equal nun 1her ot votes the mem- n1cat kept JD tlns, entirely under, hy so 1no bel' of the Doard prf sent who is assf'ssod \\eight L\_fter three weeks it nngut he on all branches of Bank of l\fontreal hiO'lH~st as a rate oavr-r on the last revised 1 taken out and smohed, and kept in a dry, in Canada, New York and as;essrnent roll, shall o.t the titne of de-\ cool place t1ll time to put away from fhes London, England. ciarina the result of the poll give a \'ote in the srnng lf dry salted, tho bauis for on~ or 1no1e (f such candidates so as to sh·5bld001aicl lirat oil an Jnchned table, in Private and Building Society Funds demde the election." as com1lact a form a~ possible, rubbing loaned on real estate at each one well with snlt, " v.:hen layer is best ratPs laid sprn1kle them freely with salt Then lay the ehoulders on top, treating: them m tho same way, all the better if a little NOTESANDACCOUNTS .BY J H '\VIT,:-.;ON, Y..tiIMRINAllY SURG'FlON, I a!tltpetre is nsod on each piece at the bone COLLECTED. LO':fDON, ONT. ol' Joint, as tlps ~pot, on D..ccount of the -I blood Jlnces, 1s \ e1y drfficult to cnre l)rsentcry In th~ hor8o consu1ts in an ...:\fter a few d"iy81 or 'lB ~00·1 as the sult is BANK STOCKS, 1ofl.nnn1atina ot the 1nucons 1nnngs nf the dissolved it shonld be lifted aud again BONDS, intestines, attended w1th a t1nclceuu1g of trea.ted 11 ; at first minuE< the s11l1petrP DEBENTURES, the coat and an increased quantity of t1Je1r 'J'he 1tnulh of tun: it 8},ould he and be uatu1al muc >us secretions, and as t?e chs tre,tted ~coa.sionalty in tb1s way will depend and MORTGAGES e11se advances of a 1norb1d alteration of un the stze of the plece~ and the tc>1ni ert'1-1.t secretion. Dysentery in the horsG ts ttturc of the place where, it 1s 1)1ng, beu~ not r.:>.cogu1zed by some veterinary authors, Bl..! 111 mind that it w1Jl not tal\.ti the salt BOUGHT AND SOLD. bit in 1ny opunon there is every evidence ptoperly 1f it freezes 'Ve think that the INVESTJ\rnNTS MADE. of 1ts cx1stencti an1ung the 1ower an1ma;s: best way to utilize tho heads ihu1 part of .-ts well as ,1mollg the human family '\e the sides, a11d all the va.uons tr1mniI 1 gs, is Bov.rnanv1lh~, Feh.12, 1879. 29-ly. frequently find it assnunug both an epi· I to work therr1 1 uto sausage meat, salt, (.leuJJc<tl and endem1ca.l character. season, and pack in pails or butter firlnns, (\,lMe~ -Feeding 0·1 u1arshy lands,n1ore kept as near the freezing point as posinble, Will find almost e>erythmg m the !me of P"·-hcularly those ih<it 11ro covered with and shce uut as needed. , 1 ate" fa t a gren/' r:or tion of the sumn1cr se>1son, drinking pntrul of stagnant water '!1 R h ld 1 t wt Ul't) there li3 a gr~at amount of aeco1nHOSE AYIXG )Oung n!_)p c recs s ou m m"V picscnt stock, '"h1ch has been uosed rnateua], either of a vegetable or re1nen1ber that field mice a1e very plennfnl rcnc,vcd by recent purchases ant nal nature, also feeding on musty hay this year, and take son1e n1eans to prevent lla\1ng bonght toad"\antage I can sell cheap. Ol' ,Jftun. 0'<t:1r-exertion in very hot I the1n g1rd_hng the trees .. A. cone of e ~th \\ either IS a1so one u£ the prevailing arou~d eight inches high w1ll be quite sufficient, or tramping tl1e snow around each treo \\ill answer, but is very llke 1y to IN ALL SIIADES. he neglected. Ottamansandt'il1pue1 JJH.t terns,a nice u$sort111cnt, THE BE8T TIME to get up logs for saw Tl"imn1ing Sll!i.:~, Pl 1nncs. l'eatllers nnd 01·1u1n1enlls. 1ng into wood, 1s early winter, as soon as the _ground is frozen ; before n1uch fn1ow Mme. Ilemorest's Patterns for ,Sale. comes this should be attended to. Bonnets and Huts al"'" ays rn sl-Ock and niade to order. n1g aft.,r th mot1ou has passed. As the A Goon D11AL of difficulty is frequently U1st' ..so ad\ ances 1t incre.tses in v1olence. 1 ex.perienct:1d lll gett111ri bnlter to con10 in 'Iha f.:.:eces novr beco1nl' tinged with blood cold wea1her A. thermometer sh:.inld be llres8·UaklnJ.{ ·loll(! as usual. a.a well as ntt'cous-enntt1ng a very icct1d 1 used and after the cream is slightly sourt·d and offcnsn·e odor '!1he pulse HI qn1ck 1a1sed before churning to from 62 to 65 anrJ feehl ·, tho appetite is gradually Io~t, degrees. tlur:st "rn'n br>cornes intolcrableJ the month parcl10U and dry, the eyes become pallid A and sunk0n, aud ,dtugethcr the animal prespnts ,1 haggard and p1nh1l nppearance, .ind if rehef ts not obtained in a reasonabl~ t1rue the animal in a few days dropf' and )lllee. 7 "'l'he Pnhhc School Buaed shall add up the nnu11Pi of votes for each candidate for an office as aTJpeara fro1n the poll book so ieturnccl, and ehall declat·e elected the candidah"' 0 1 ca.nd1d,1tca ha.v1ngt\"\O h1ghest nnniliei of yotf"fl, aud shall at noon, on KILLING HOGS. No. l Temperance St, MANNING NOS ORTIIl A large stock just received of all l,irnls of tovcs manufactured ot the best quality of iron, of the finest fini~h, and the most handsome of any in the market BUTTER, EGG.S~ PORK', Bow1nanv1lle. Septe1nber 16, I.~7U. Etc, for whtch they ·will pa} PAR 'T' CASH and give due bills on '\V. ALEX ANDEi{ S for NO QUESTION ABOUT IT! The New Fall Stock at DRY GOODS. HIGIIEST PRICE PAID FOR GOOD BUTTER! GOOD BUTTEH. ! McOLUNC BROS. IS SUPREME ! Cook Stoves Coal Stoves ~Don't of all sizes nnd superior class at a g1eat reduction from last yeai's priceR. FRES:H MEAT. J!rc"h rnent c,rn be obtai11ecl till 7 pm , f1om Young' & Ca"'ket ' s, b} applying at W. B & Co's Store. ~--A J,AROE LOT OF HALL PAR· the Onta1io !or and Cook. No~worthy--01)posit<i - IT IS A CASH STOC K . Bowmanv1l1c, Julv 1st, 1879 frmret Manni11 0 a & ._, Bank, Bowrnanville. Howma.n'\1lle, f.!ppte1nber 26th, l87V, GRAYS' SPECIFIC .MEDICINE. TRADE MARJ{ 'flu~ Greut Eng· TRADE llsh Bt'lllCdy,An unl a 1lu1g( urefu1 SIGN OF THE GOLDEN ANVIL. 61 Senunal \Veak· ness, Supc1wa~ tency, , to1rhca, L. CORNISH Is goillg to let others do the blowing, while he will sell of Viswn, P_._t wuturc Old Age, and n1a11y othe1 Di.senses that lcu.d to Insanity or Consumption and a P1emn1uro Gra.\ e. Jt?VFull particulars in 011r pan1phlct, which we desire to send free by rriail to 01' err one l'hH f\pec1ftc l\.'led1cine 1s i::old by all dru.gg1sts aL $1 pe1 package, or s1x packaqes for ~5, 01 will bh !lent free by mail on the receipt of the inoner bl- addressing Befora Takmgioss of Tulemory,After Taking. Cru" en;a 1 L1u:rn11 mle, Palll 1n Lhe Back, Din1ness Jowa>jaseqnonce of tlelfAbnEe,as D1~eases and all that fol· Impo- -AT-- McClung Bros. CASH PR ICES. _ _____ __ _ _ _...;i · Watches, Rings & Jewellry generally at prices as low as any other house in town. QLQ@E~ THE GBAY MEDICINE CO, Toronto, Ont , Canada.. /,.?Sold in llo~manv1llc by all druggists, and eve 'whpre in Ca.nf!da an1l the United States (32) I bv a11 \\l101P.salti and aucl 1eLail dJ. ngg-1sts LADIES vmitlf (JJlmEJAP. 1 N. B -The demands of our business have necess1tntcd onr 1·cnlov1ng to TORONTO, to\\h1ch Dres_s Goods, Cloths, Cl9th.ing, Millinery, House Furn1sl1ings, Carpets, and a place please 11dd1oss all futu1e oommun1cat..1ons -- MILLINERY AND FANGY GOODS Repairing done at ', low rates. l , ----cu~~TEBs~Cheaper than et er at - FIRST CL.ASS SLEIGHS, WAGONS, CARRIAGES,&c REE'S BLOC.I( KING ST. EASY'. Bowmanville, September 19, 1879. 6(', BERJLIN WOOLS M 0 :RR IS' CARRIAGE WORKS. and repairing ot tt.11 knids dm e with promptness 1 T P..\LILORIN G DEPARTMENT. Some very profitahle buying may be done in each of these departments --AT--- -===---- -- -w-. cheap Farmers and others v-;anhng <1..nything 1n this line are in~1ted to ca.11 and learn ho>\ vory the~ <an ~et a firstcltt.ss artH !ti Pa1nt1ng ~Wishes to intimate to his friends and custome1 s that he has now his al the 10\\otist paying pi Ices. 1 FEATHERS GLEANED AND DYED. SP R I N G AND SUMMER STOCK OJI' l!JlAll~ll ~ ~~All1~m ~It1f ~~@IP!~~ all bought before the mcreased duty, and will be sold at the lowest price prn<sible Dry goods were never so low as at the present time, there will be no advance on tlte present stock Call and examine our gomls and prices befoie purchasing elSPwhere. Remember Dry Goods will neve1 be so low again, now is the time to buy. Dress-Making carried on as usual by Mrss POWER. She good satisfaction. Bowmanville, ]\fay 1, 1879. Bov.nian\ i.llc, Noi;. 28.1878. Mcclung I Broth~rs for Casl1. 1 FRUIT TREES. I a.m prepared to furnieh all kinds of D01"'l' l·'ORGET 'l'UIS. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Fl.OWERS AND SHRUBS, EA.OH DEPAR'I11VIENT ABOUNDS Il~ CTIEAP' for CASEI 111 trees "WO runted true to tJCJlrJ<' chc:l. T1cc1trnent -A_s soo11 as the pract1t1oncr discovers Uiat he hae a Cdse of dy~entery to underb1ke it is a good plan to adrn1n1ster a. dose of ca>1tor, ot· linseed oii, con1b1ned w1 th a sedatne, for the purpose of nlla"V1ng tlle irfitat·on Say one onnce of tincture of opnim and a pint of the oil; then follow up the purgn.t1vo wtth calouiel and op1nn1, giv1ng a scruple of the ca.loruel and a drnchrn of the opnim at one dose. Ad 1n1n1ster the dose at 1ntera]s of three or four houri';!, aceordnig to circumstances, a1f';o gn'f' occas1onally sulph1n·1c eather oae OLITH'e Ja.ndannm one ounce prepared 1 ch ilk 'o ne otuHe, and tincture of catechu o lH' ounce. (] 1 ye u1 cr1]d water; also give fl our grn"'l to d1 nik. Should the case p10 ,E to be a very SP.r1ous oue and dangp,r of enteii~s tietting in, which rnay be knowu by tho anunal hecnnnng- more restles~, the stranung more severe the pnlso becoming , efy feeble au<l wiry, the th1r8t more 111. tense. th1:' surface of the bo·ly heconnng cold an d t l<1rnrny · it then 1Jeoomes r1eces· '""u y to c1pply hot foiucntn.hons to the Abd< men by tJol1h: n g a heavy bb.nket and fi'0 ~lenn1~ it underneath the hody and po11r1n 1 lll the warm water froni both ~inde5l , nl;c, give 1u the gtuel four to SlK ounces best brandy as soon as the vi Jent symp· ornR abate, r11b dry and eavelop the body ir1 a rlry blanket, b,tndHg:c the hmb8, give hirn a goDd bed of clean straw In oi der that he 111ay ]ny down and rest; also exer· c1sc great ca1P 111 feeding nnt1l he thor onl.{hly recover11 £ro1n the attack.-London Arlve1ti~er. giveBI n1,d f1sl chis Address JOHN CHAPLIN, P.O. Box 55. Bown1anv11lc I ]{F:!.D ANl) LRARK FOU YounsEI ll'.-1\T any "\al11a.ble d1scover1es and n111ch u;,ieful knowledge is kept froni _:~i.~ \\orlcl,1Jecause I ?£ the 1111mense expense HI _making the1n .1nir,wn to the people. This 1s not the case with DoflCIIEE's GERMAN SY1tu1~. It~ sale~ now -reat~h every tff\~n a.Pd villrige in Canada aud the lTn1ted Stat a )ts \\OU· derful succe~s In curing l'orn;urnphon, severe Coughs, PHe111non1a, Asthma, .in<l nJ.l o~her diseases of the throat and lnngs 1 was tirst n1ade known by d1stnbnhng e\ ery yea.T, fo1 three yea.I"', over" 400,000 bottles This Great Household Medicine ranks amongst the leading t? the afflicted, free of r·l~u1ge, by Dr·1gg1sts necessaries of Life, ~ o such· a test of merit n·as 1~ver given. before to any other preparation. ,,. Go tu lhese.famous Pills purify the BLOOD, and yo1n· Drugg1s~ and get:. a bottle for 1 fi cents act most pov; erfully, yet soothingly on tho and try it. Si-nnplo b ,ri ttlcs 10 (ents. Liver, S'to1nach, I(idneys, and BO\VELS, g1v1ng tone, energy, and vigor to these grcut l\IAIN SPRING8 OF LIJ.']J 'I hey a.re confidently recommended as a. ncve1 fa1hng remeclyin all cases "\\here the const1tution.fron1 - --==------ 27-40 W. H. WILLIAMS, GENERA J, Much that is attractive, Much that is new, Much that is well pleasing, And everytag is undeniably C,heap. ---H--- Novel Designs, New- Ideas, PleasMcCLELLAN & CO., BLACKSMITH. ing Feathers, Great ImproveDE A J, ER S TN ment in this diversified lowest rates. AGltlCl'LTIJC-lLI:HI·:LJ~IH.I::NT8 ltEI·~i1u1rn stock of COAL ' WO 0 D ' LUMBER ~ 'I A.-11 kuHls of blacksnutluug done in a thorough nlan11e1 and at Spec1alattentiongnentotheironingofbugg1e a:nd carrrnges for counlr) shops. Shingles,- Lath, Posts, & Square Timber; SOLE AGENTS FOR B.e~fa~~W1~t.Wcst, oppos1tethcne~"L>ylotllc0 Bowman"\i ille, Oct. 23~ McCLUNG BRO S 1878. Sf and G.tJ SH gives complexion to tho whole.'- ::a:::_ B. R.A.THBUN & SON:i -IiOR- Doors, Sash, Blinds, Pickets, Mouldings, &c. whatever cahse, has become 1mpaired 01 Yieakenecl. 'l'hey are "\\Onderfu11~ efflcao1ous in all allments 1nc1dental to Fflma.le>i of all ages , and LLs 1t GR'X'~.. RAL FA::vr:IT.Y J\'lEDIC1NE are uusurpassctl. ' "\Ve arc prepared promptly to fill orders in tbA aho"\ e hnes, and to of the tov.-n. The highest price paid fo1 Lumber, "\Vood,etc. We buy for< I.SD, and sell for CASH. It-drOftlce and Yard-Corner o! King and G~or-g1:i SL1eets, A:Ml!JIUCAN GRl!ll!JNIJACKS AND EXCHANGE BOUGH'!'. JOHN :SPEOlAL "SHOTS," IK DJ{}']SS GOODS t SOMETHING "A\VAY DOWN" lN TWEED SUITES t BARGAINS ]iOS'l' "001"1.FORTABLE" JN OVEHCOA'lS ' BOWMAN VILLE, CARPETf> FIT FOH LORNE 1 Agent and dealer 1n all kD1ds of the lntc;;t and AND SOME1 HJNG GOOD JiOH E\ ERYRU D Y de:Jivcr l1rticlcs in all pa1ts 1 01 R. W. JA DIE S, I :t'lcCLELLAN.} Vi.1 lLLIAM C.ANN. Ilowmanv dle, April 17, 187 McCLELLAN & CO., 38 .A.nd all the best and moe-t irnefn1 im:plcme11lM used in the household de.pm tmcnt sue h as Sewing, l<111tt1ng and \.Vash· ing ::\l,tl h1ne~, \\ringers, ACRI GU L T°U llAL IMPLEMENTS, Call and faike notes \bank notes) and see wh"t cash can do \Vlren at war with credit. ~::LcCLUNG Holloway's -Ointment, It.'!! Searching .1ntl Ht·aling Propc1 tie1-1 a.1·e kno'l'Jll th1oughont fhe Wo··Id, For theJm1re nf Ro\ D LEGS,BadBreasts, ~~..............""-"':'..........................................~~,.-,-- Old Wounds. Sores and Ulcars, it is 11,f.1lhble remedr If effectually rllbbcd on the neck :'Incl chest, as f':alt into meat, it Cuie SORl:C THRV o\'.'r,D111hther.rn,Rr onchttis,CoughaS flolc1H and ei.; en .AS fH::\-fA For Glandul111 S\'iel11n}!;"S, ~o\..Usccsscs Piles Fl8tulas ! CHEMIST- -A.N-:B--DRIJGGIS'L~~] CLOTHING TOWN HALL BvlLI>lNGS, B01VMANVILLE. ~- D :- s "- T DEALER o IN ~ T T KEPT ON HAND. ........................................_....._ IREPAIRS strict to sta1 and. ~th·nhon Buwinau \ 1lle, September 30 1 1879. BROS . 10 30-~' ' 02. paid , ITil'J.f luneR prompt!}, Li:o 6 Bowrn1n"~~~t!2,1878 _ _ _ _ 131y. I ' ) ::;· ~ Ladies' and Gents' J.OI-iN Keeps constantly on ~iand I i 1 1'8 I~ 0 Gout, Rheumatiwn, aie sold by nll Vendors of Med1c1nes tluoughout '!he BEST StLVE In the world for C'c1ts, Bruis the C.\1ltzod World; with directions fo1 use in reost every language. es, Sores, Ulcers ~all Uhen1n Tet1er, Chapped jr-:H'.Pnrchasers should look at the Label on the hands, Chilbl:nns 001 ns and all kinds of 8k1n lf the address IS not 53.1, F.1 npt1ons This Salve 1"' guaJanLeecl to give .Posts and Boxes Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. ue1fect satisfaction 111 ever} (;fl.f!e or 11101wy l'C The Trarle 1\far>ks of my sa1d ::\-Iedteines are funded. Price 25 cents per Box. For salt! by \Vm "\Yoon, OshD.i'i'ia, also R. Fo~he1g1ll New- reg1steretl ill Otta'"' a, and also at~,_ashington. ;N'aej;!e A-pril 2.S. !879, &lh!lm, And e' ery ki.nd of SKIN DTS:F:.·.'\.S E , it has never ..been known to tail. The Pills and Oiutmeut are MH.nufacturcd only at533, OXFORD STREET, LONDO);, and Drug gs' Medl. "'l. nes and Cl1em1· ca 1s \.J ,S : ;: : -g ... ~ ,g · a good stock oJ- - CL'EANED OR DYED. Uye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Perlumory, Brushes, Combs, Suap·, Paints Oils, Paint Brushes, Coal Oil, and Coal 011 La1npa, &o., &c. PYYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONR CAilEFULLY COMPOUNDED AND ALL ORDERe CORRECTLY ANSW~m 1m. ~ Fo ~. J:l '8BI! 00 ;:;:: ~ ~ ri: i::: M ~ ~ j I~ M ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 mii: ~ ~ ·. .:= o S Ril ,.5 ~ ,,, ..:l ~ ~ "" 1lt!I S I I l(aflecl Garments bi ought to !hetr uatuialrnlor, r·dies Drcso Goods te-d) ed \.\1tlloul tal;._1ng apa.1t -Fcathe1s cleanetl, d :ied and culled 1{1d Glove::. cleane \l ·H.nd dyca..Second hand clothing bought ond sold All gannents Vi arianted to be a standing color, and so that no one "',11 kno\\ them f"on1 new rr they s! ,·l(l fail to be so I inll i ot ch11rf mu fa.rtl111 g for mvtrouble . -GROCE RI ES, PROVISION S ' I Crockery and Glassware, _canned Goods, TobacI cos, Soaps, &c., &c. I An kin.els of fa1·m produce taken in exd111.nge. 10-'.f - I a ! farmers and Physicians f· om th< Oo11ntry '!t>ll t1ncl o ., .,.,fo=-kof Med;cim s..;om bost qtwlity. the lialf-fndcd coAt, Bow1nanv1Ue. 1 j;!O"O manville, J uo <, 1878, li},tt ~ THOMAS PF. _ .\'.rK, I Clothes clcanc1 and d5 t l . is1gn of l Bowmanville, Octobel' 1, 1878, . ·-

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