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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1879, p. 1

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) ( ) E'tER'l'" l'lllDA"l' MORNING, BY- M.A. JAMES, AT THE OFEICE PJJstont~e Block King Street nowmnnTllle t $1 50 per Annum or $1 00 if paul m Advance OUR TtHVN AND COUNTY FIRSr TE:RJY.[8 BOWMANVITII.1E, FRIDAY, LICENSES W.E. PETHICK'S BARDFR SHOP, CLIMIE, ro get your llAIR-CUTTING and SHAVL~G done At the same t e get some lOBACCO an:l CIGARS a! he has the best nan fact red He has also a fine n.ssorhnent ot Bna.r Pipes tor l tle - - - DECE~iBER 19, 1879. Postpone yo tr ecstactes you 11 be a rheumatic cripple for hfe as 1t ls Do you know yon ve been In an hour 1 It dtdi; t seem ten mmutes-and yet I ha ve ltved a lifetime, too' You have water on the brain D you know where your pet rnoir 1s? Somewhat to my mortification, he did and as he threw 1t over bu~ know 1 shoulders remarked placidly But really I m not In the leaet cold ~Icn of n1y age have hearts, Campbell and a heart on fire keeps the blood warn1 under all ctrcnnistances It takes a. Bo11ton1an to hav& a hoe.rt warranted to bqrn nnder water for an hour ' And then he continued without heeding me, did not a goddess keep the flame &live with her ambrosial breath 1 'Decidedly he must have had an a.dven turo thought I 'But dtspatch your - · to get filly an 1le ont 1 J sea and at that d1sta1 ce t here were strong currents "'h1ch m gl t s veep hun away nltof,!'.ether I scat ned tho wh 1to blank before me with thougl a 1x10 12 6JGS b t 1t rev ealed nothlt ~ Poor Jet! slow I began to expenence that uncorr fort I nbie sensaho occa.s oned hy knowing a N CONSEQ1ENCE OF CONTEM P LATED chacgcs necess at ng 1en oval of friend t be i per 1 and feeling the neees stock I will for the next four ~eeks sell at g1cat s1ty of doing something to rescue M ore ly 1 educed p ces (from 25 to 30 per cent.) my gr1evo 1s but n1or o con\on1ent is tt when tst'ock of Shes not accomph shed-no indeed poor dear tl e ll1bvltable occ 1ra at once and sa.\08 us MONUMENTS HEAD STONES &c J I d a1e assert the annoyance of suspense [ cc;uld ha\ e IT COMPRISES She does not know the latest sla ng I fca.r sorrowed heartily and smcerely ove r the SI o e; not a flirt Scotch and Canadian Granites poor poets dro"ned body laid out upon She could n t name the WlllllCr of tho Oaks the shmgle but there was no sat1sfacl1on American Italzan and Can Sh e does not bet t 1 taking measures to aacert a1n wh eth er I l pret y s e she ne~er even smokes adian Marble in Monu or not tie corpse were m accomplished A c1gurette fact-t u pust,>one m otl er "ords the lux mints and Head Stones A bcauty1 \Vell sh es not coifs dered such 1 ry of grief for the mgu sh of action Your g rls know best boing o\ er $0000 wo1 lh of the l P.st ! ual y of A. Rroup of sa1lora were collected round stock and the work nans11p equal t hat n Iler dearest friends do 1 ot abuso 1 e 1 1 ch any shop n tho prov nee a boat at the waters edge which they \.n d that a a test Pe haps sbe has not Mrs .I.r---y:s eyes INSPEC'IION IS E <1.RLY nn: !TED seemed to be on tie pomt of launchmg as an opportunity of ti is kn d doc8 notf c quo1 t Or rose leaf skin A lady was harangu111g them earnestly ly occur st ll so s eet a :!'ace to er Heise As 1 "pvroacl ed I recogn zed her to be mv1tes hrs old custome1 sand the pubh c generally to call a nd mspect Ins Where downright sin the heroine of my late adventure with tho new stock It is complete m eve1y department and is admitted by i;eignotr She was say1ng - - PROPRIE 1 OR travelle1s to be 01 e of the l argest and best assorted stocks m the Damm Sl e does not scream when skittish Polly rears It " as ro that ihrecl1on that I last oaw Not ehe and wa t 58 tf 10n Goods m all Imes have been s elected wit h great care this season m Twonld do vou good to see the way she clears lier She is already perhaps a k1lmetre d atant There ts no time to 101e mmd l five barred gate the Em or ean Mmket by mys elf and aie pronounced by competent Judges ~ ou Behold me distr acted to be of a very supenor class Our stock was never so complete heto1e She cannot sing bravura ins anU 1:1hake~ Here was my opv rtumty I could kill She does not sh no and we a1e determmed to sell cheap When seated a t a g1and but tl en l e1 cake:i both my birds with one stone I otepped forward with ra scd hat and placed my .Are JUSt dn u e NO Y .AN KEE HUMBUG. self at the <l18posal of femuuue dtolro.. \~ th l gl heeled boots she ca es not to d1stori Hav nit respectfully recalled myself to her We mean busmess and will not be undersold by any catch pennJ Her p etty feet recolleot10n I begged to be honored with Her 1 I es and her roses ·were not bought Come along then fnends with the cash and w e will convmce you tho d1·tmct10n of bemg perrmtted to In Regent street that no Jew 01 Gentile can under sell us promote the allev1at10n uf the nnxiety And still more shock ng llregret to 8tate under which she appeared t o be labormg Her want of tastcMadame heFeur ou \ ouchsafed to inform Sl e cannot be induced t u cu.ltnate me that mademo1selle her daughter had A "'a.ap like waist paddled away 1nth herself mto the fog Bo 1 au ille Sept 4 1879 You '\ 01 Id 1 ot n h er hn1r a vestige find and there was fear that she m1gl t be lost Of golde.e t inge 1n unknown oceans She 'veers it in a sunp1e knot beh1n 1 Entreatrng her to be tranquil and to 1' o trace of fr nge expect my rctu1n with her daughter 1n S ch pretty hair I so lustrous a1 d so]ongloi:is tl an a q uarte1 of an lour I olam A modest bro\'in F lse Idai:esayl Nay mu.am fo:ronce ~o re bored mto the boat with all poss ble dig nity and dispatch and bade my men sl ove .. ...,,,,.. off l\iodamc observed my departure with t down J \V McLa.ugblln M B eyes that were gen l lely n 01st JCE N IIATE OF THE ROYAL COILEGE It """ a tolerably mild piece of heroism J of Phys ans and member of the Royal 'ff hen you ~nn hn-vc them "\Vithout at Had I been ten years vonnger I mtght Co11cge of R rgeons E<linbnr!lh have WlShed t1 at the waves had been run Ollloc JIIOR1US BLOCK K1DI!' st Bowman KENNEDY'S ville ~~ -www ~~ _ mng mounlams high but at thirty fiv~A la1Je stock 1us t iece1ved of all kmds of toves manufactmed of ~--~~ the age of sense and of feeling comb1ned THE COUNTESS' S RUBY I wa· helter 1leased with the condit10ns ' the bes t quality o f: uon of the finest finrnh and the most handsome ot where a ll k nds are n ade of 1 oU as they vere I adnu el too the kmdly Front Frank Leslie 8 Magaz i ie COTTOl'lr AND WOOL any Ill the market ngenmty with which fate hnd brought me acquainted w th the n1a nma of the beaut1 CH!\..PTER III -OON'.I l.NUND inallcolora "I f 11 d J f ll pagan and under circumstances so Alsocnstomworkof home made }alll done 0 a sizesan s11pe1101 cassatagreat No I could not steal not beca iee I was prorn1s1ng to urler reduct10n from last years prices too honest- far fron1 it a cowed n1an 1a But it ts nuafe to call fate ~ocd h m acks and Stockings Refaoted beyond the reach of scnples-b1 t becauso A LARGE LOT OF RALL PAR I looked the courage to be a th el I ored it s1 oils her temper Our boat was bar.e1y afloat when an event occurred which U:u1tt1ng !Uaclunes fOI' t<ia l e, Q V8S·-·101 and Cook feared detect10n and knew I lacked the rendered our proposed voyocre unneces i.nsfr11cU n1s fr~c effr on tery to brazen o lt the robbery sary Son ehow or other ~1thuut noise ~Don t f01Q"et Mannmg & Nosworthy- opposite the Ontano Should I pretend that I ne,er bad nnv and withou t premomt10n the fog rolled peigt oir and stalk wsoucmntly through swiftly back to th e hortzo l whence i t Bank Bowmanville th e crowd and up to tho beach as I " as) ca.me and thei:e was inademo11:1elle not lmposs1ble I had not th e spmts for n ore than a l undred yards from the such a to" de force m the first place and sl ore Sne was paddling ID with adm1r m the second 1 had not th e fig ire for 1t able coolness and indifference and close Bow oan~ Ile September 26th 1879 61 b'loreover the m ai ie had issutid ed1ots behmd bet I was happy to see the black against bather s pron1enad1nµ- w1tho it peig head ar d rosy visage of the poet who was f!IE! rw lll s and the thought of being arrested sw1mmmg on hlil b,ck with every appear by a squad of gendarms and marched m ance of ease and con fort my p1eseat cond1t1on to a lock up wa.s not CHAITER IV I to be contemplate d / l must therefore either stand where I AT THE I hastened to got on shore and offer to ..., as until my peignoi r came to me, or in madame my congrat1 la hons Sha roplled st1tute a <lehbernte search after my peig that her obhga.t uns to monsieur were JOUN \'VBIGRT t tun To search perhaps for hours none the lass His courtesy his ch ivalry ARRIS fER AND ATTORNEY AI L A\\ amidst a wildern ess of spotless hostile had been such as one never s 0 es paralleled Sol cltor in Chancev &c Port Hope skirts and im m n.cu la.te sh111 k cg pa.nta Mons1e 1r covered with oonfns1on at John .licUh Galbraith, loons for a p eignoi scarcely d1st1ngu1sh con1ndera tion Bo undeaerved changes the .ARI ISIE!t ATTORNEY SOTICITOR nble from any other pe gnot11 and which - -- o--subJect by calling the attent10 l of madam· Notn } Pub:Uc &c Office-Reeds Block too rrnght hM e alrcadJ oeen appropriated to the char ning p1ctl r& made by made over T BR tings store Kfng Street Bo,., man "'1.lle Monev to lend In order to make room for hrs fall 11nportat10ns, the sub by some person more heedless (or more mo1selle Ill ar proach tg the beach Ra.d ----- -----possessed) \Han myself Doc1dedly, he h ad the sketch book with hun he would scnbe1 has dete1 mmed to offer lus entire stock for the next self J BINGHAM the e are times in a rr an a hfe when he is have been tempted to make a httle draw NBl R !1.NCE AGENr FOR SEVERAL forced t o a"\ ow that Providence has omit 1dg of mademoiselle two months at greatly 1educed prices~ fl st class con1panles also agent for Ontario Loan and :Savings Company "hichlonds money ted to endow human betnl(B w11h tho only ll 0 BE CONTINUED Ah I monsieut Vt as then an artist 1 on raal est.ate a t low iatca .All bus1nel!IS cond boon really w01th havrng-the po11er Maden1e and mademoiselle likewise were enttnJ For pa.rt1oula.rs address Great bargams will be given m evc1y kmd of goods-es na nely of instant and unobatr 1cive self all g iven to artists They had ma1e p ir J BINGHAM T yrone A RHYMING ROMANCE pecrally m Tweeds Carpets, Silks, black and colored, Lmen ann hllatton CLEANED ,L~ REI .lll<ED chase of se' era1 pictures during their res1 My search bel(an I went to a JX"gnoir dence in Paris A LOVER AND SWEETHE ~BT~HOW IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES l lannels, plam and fancy Sheetmgs, Towellmgs, Table Lmens 11nd exa n1 Jed 1t- 1t vas not mine \.V1th Monsieur will 'cnture to call h1m11elf aud Damask Hosier ~ and small ~ares shaking limbs I blundered toward another HEM.EMBER THE PLACE an artist and will furth~rmore have the \few yards off-it was not nune r lVei.; I o fU n c klcr s Jewel1e1y Store At this JU cture I heard and affected a.sau1ance to make mad am acqu ainted wt~h 8 "vntanl'11le OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF CHOICE 1 ot to 1 ear a htter of laughter \'nth l 1s name-M Claude Campbell at the 6Hf my heart fill of suicide and murder I service of m11dame But trnly at d did Mrnsteur Campbell oounced upon a peignoir quite near at hai d It wa1 the some I had exammed 1 appen to know this Campbell-he the great Campbell-he ' I o pa nted th'" ptc t rst My brain boi(an tr reel Rangmg frnm fh e to twenty the cents pei yar d-scarcel) W LUCAS Mons cur said a gentle \""Oice near turo d1vme which exhibited tlself at the ICEN t;1J IA UC TIONEER F OR TUE last Salon aud wae ent11led the 'Rmned nle Pardon moneJeur half their value Townsh pol Cart" right lownship Clerk Could such words be addressed to me 1 Rampart' Com in B R I ssuer ot' Marriage L censes As I tottered on the sh1ftrng pebbles .Add.re55-CBrtwr1Q:ht P 0 Mons10ur even in blushmg and bemg - - I N TH.E-~mg dazed glances here and there I overwhelmed assures madame that he is Pa1ties furmslung will find tlus a most advantageous and tbro became aware that a la.dy middle aged t hat same fortunate Campbell whose un and of noble deameanor "as standing be worthy effort madame comes from qualify desrrable chance side me with a folded pe1ynovr m her ing with s 1ch generosity HE FREEHOLD LOAN AND ln1c nndnow is the t 1 e for all who want hands Grea! God Monsieur ts 1 e then m ...__ --._ Ravi ngs Com-pany is lend ng money on fa.rt propertJ- at modorn e rates of nterest to Pardon but did monsie 1r chance to deed that sublime that adored man of beret a.id b;) 10 talm nt or a fixe d t erm Terms to search mg for anytlung ! she asked in gentus? What happy ch"nce 1 What o! pa-.,: ment. v1ll be extended from tl ree to Fteuch twenty years to su t the borrower Fo.r full harmrng renco t e. But 1n this case My petg> ovr-particula1s apply to J K GALBRAITH ma<lame hopes that the name of the Coon l have perce1 ved that mon1neur drop t eE1a Sen1aroff will be to monsieur not Barnster [ ed tlus upon entering the water 1t altogether unlam1har 1 5ly sl all be his perhaps 1 And with a Oh heaven Is 1t posSiblo that mono .Bowmanv1lle Ju y l6 1879 smile too truly polite even to seem com ie tr 1s so happy as to krns the hand of the So Do' Gentie1ne11 oC F .u1h· and our Goods are to suit you passionate t lus angel of mature years noble lady who deigned to consttluto hor 1011, not so J!tst. placed my own 1dent1cal peigr1.oir in iny self the purchaser nf the above mentioned LET EVERYBODY l LE.ASE NOTE Hmned Rampart i l\fons1eur 10 of a I have written these tew lines verity tr"a.nsportcd And all I h ave to say Tha :> ou can find me still at home The Cou1 te~s Semaro1f observes that la not ~ono away the n1a lerno elle-the Countess Almara So all my k nd old t'r end s may come An 1 all the voung ones too in effect- '.'1 1 J artakc of her ma mm& s nd get the r gnrments n cely nu1.de enchautme1 t n 1 eet ncr l\'Ions1eur Camp &.ING !STREET 1 fashions that are new bell of whu'e gen u~ she IB an ardent \) here old and young dear fr end~ ma.y meet NEXT DOOR~810l LYLE&;M.ARTYNS "'- "elcomc ~eeting by R PE.A.TE admirer Our r de anrl Al'tlfss t lk v;aa suspended at this p'o nt bv tl e d <wbarka!ton of !he CASH BUSINESS Counte·s Al m rn Apprehending th · t the s in phc1ty of 1 er c st 1m 0 1n ght re 1der my i m1 nedrn te preset tat on undc~1rabJe H ARNDr: l'J, L. I excl a r ged a coril al an 1 e.vo r \Vlt h the C unless Sernaroff and d creetl.} with All ove1 due ace -nnt.~ and dr ' The beanhfu l pagrn after exchangmg --0-OFFlCE OVFR ALEXANDERS STORE a few sentences w1th heI mother the I have mcreasedm) staff of work 1a.tt ei speaking ear nestly ana 11 e f rmer 0n account ot tne great mc1ease m o m lmsm ess w e a1 e necessitated UOLD HJT,TNG I SPECIALTY men so as to meet the demand for l au~hmgly proceeded to take I ei turn to iemoH 1nto new and m01e cornmod10us premises that om nummous mde1ed wor k and repainng >1h1ch t po' ti e d1v1 ig board and acq nte l h er "\\ ork executed n tl e latest and most custome1s 1 ay have an opportumty of bemg waited upon w1thout the seU in a n anner truly adm1rnbla She will be p iomptlJ attended to n proved sty e of the Dental .Art mcomoemenc e of c10wdrn 0 such as the) have endured rn the past 0 n do1 e hke a pl lmmet and her white fe et JOUN SJJALE. 1EEfH EX~RAOTED 1'I1HOU1 PAIN flashed beneath the surface as succ nctly reputation fo1 sellu" ti e cl ea1 e"t cl } goods m Bo>1 n am ille "e aH as a m e1ma d s ail Up she cam e fresh Bowmanville Ap1il 24 1870 39 determined to retam and will not be undersold b) any hons~ m the b} the use of N t10 s Oxide Gas without UlJury and dripprng w1thm a few yards of o the patient country r etarned prodigal the Roston poe~ PaJ. t c d ar attent 01 paid to the regulation ofl no 1:11gn d of 1 euogr it10 1 that I could de BOWMANYILLE tect passed bet\\ een them To suppose :j:- - - - -H+-+-t-t!h-t + -Ht- ---- ! - f C HILD itEN S TEETH that. the arden t a11d roma ntic Jefferson $1000 000 p;r-ALL WORK WARRANTED-., CAPITAL PAID UP had fa iled to i urove tl e occa1non of being: isolated f~om th e world under such peen - - - - -- - - -- HEAD OFFICE Heavy T neµ Towelling tor oc a :1ard TORONTO liar ctrcumstari c s with the s 1bJ0ct of h1s Uoud !'lam W tcO}S for 5 a yard late rhapsod1P.s eeen ed to me however BRANOHBM highly improbable But the young co nn H Heavy Lmen Table Damask 230 a yard H ORILLIA OsHA. w A, 1 tess had <loub less 1 l vcd dISc et on under CoBoURG WHITBY J,R iascllCotdDreasGoods (not shoddy)lOc a yard the watcl f I mater al ·Je and Jeff per BowMANVILLE UxBRtTIOE Hea,yCa tonFlannel9c ayard haps in ten de l to c nceal his escapade fhis Dank in addition to ransactlngthc usun. Cornets fr m 30c up fron1 my fr1endlj u: quuution I wa.s banking business offers to the public all the ad r esolved nevcrthe esB to penetrate }\ s I Ladies K d Gloves from 35c uu I a.ntages of a Sa.VJ.ngs Inatitt tton with the sc stern-so reticence and 1 ron1 se l 1nyself the pleas { cnrity of a large pa d up capital by the n1can s +j Heavy all Woo! Tweed (not shot' dy) 35c a yard o! a SA vrNGEI DEPARTMENT ure of listening to a n enterta1ng story Intereat allowed on a11 depos ts or One Dolln.r yore-he WITH TEETH WITHOUT TEETll § :t-----H~ 1- H:t::):tt + -+J-t---- - :j:- § over our deJetllY!-tU As to my own a cc1 and p warda at tho rate of FoUR per cent BEAUTIFUL annum dental 1ntroduct101 to the countess s Deposttora can withdraw either the whole of n1other and th e 1 expected tie betwPen any part of their depos1ts at any t me Without B!eacl ed a n d TT1 bl1->ached C o ttons v e1 y low ns I JUdAed 1t advisable to forbear men previous not1oe A full a s sortment of Ladies Mantles from 75c up Special rates: of nterestallowed upon deposits Honing J uat at present Artdic1al 'J:'eeth. w th nohceof withdrawal The poet l'0ached h s depth and lladed .Amonoon Currency and Silver taken on de The be' t a s sortment of ~ oISted Coatmgs and Tweeds m Bowmanville posit ashore I stepped forward to meet lum IED AT A MODERArE FEE Drafts granted fs.yable n Grea n tan Un rau1 1 g ny cap A FIRST CLASS CUTTER ted States and a l patrs of Oana la 'C& ptam Webb I prest ne! Uf"Depos ts can be ielli1.l1ed bymai a.ddress Perfect Fit GCiiµanteed feeth Extracted Without Paw M to the Donun1onBank (reg stAred) whon1nall ' Oh- but Campboll Fxcla1med case a. PasR Book receipt will be sent b y return wtlh an mctfablc look was she not T ERMS CA.RH NEADS NEW BLOCK postf!I J M BRIMACOMBE, L D S J A CODD .J.aent heavenly! Bo Vi man 1 r: Octobe1 29 18 9 SS-OtHl6 I I SELLING OFF 1 I l j A. BUCKLER C. BouNSALL, ~ AARON BUCKLER, I Sign of the Watch, King St. ~u~iut~~ f ittdiat!. ,_,-.~,_,. .,,,_,.,/'... ~ ~.._,...,_,. '-./'V.._....._, ANNING & NOSWORTHY I WHY WfAR SOCKS WITH SEAMS KN ITT I NC f ACT 0Ry ' I c OOK Stoves 0 Oa1 St KENNEDY SIGN OF THE GOLDEN ANVIL GREAT CLEARING SALE I B B -- -- Glasgow House. I STRAW AND FELT HATS L MO.NEY TO LOAN'. BOOT and SHOE S Bunn·N VI nrden T TERMS STRICTLY CASH. THOS. PATERSON. REMOVAL OF Sohtr f the SMALE'S con BOOT AND SHOE STORE, D:BJN-TISTRY. NOTED CHEAP CASH c D. S Ory Coods Store! f I Horses are tnl en fr m the sheda in Osha"a and driven away by othets than the owners Oshawa Y M C A 1s n t kely to be resurrected and tie V dica.tor snggesls a 1\-lechanics Ins tu e THE DOMINION BANK, I WE SELL I DENTISTRY. I I I t+ I l Tho Oshawa Town Clerk 1s tluealenmg to prosecute per.!!lons who fail to co i ply witt1 the Reg1strat10n Act The bonus question is no~ ag1tat1ng Oshawa ratepay·rs ll'lt Glen aaks for $5000 for Malleable Iron W orke A scheme IB mooted to have 17 lamps on the street bet 1een the town a1 d the stat10n and th e expense paid bJ a frontage tax The V 11idwit01 Sa}· Jlfr Handford a lecture last weE k 1n that town 011 Olner Cromwell wa;) the best s1nce Pnncl on lectured there Mr W1n l~oC lure a l1stu g i shed grad 1ate of lifcG1 l Un vers1ty Montreal, has been appm ed Mathematical Master of the Oshawa High School nt a SP.lary of $800 GOLD FILLINGS. TAILORI NG! il.t the last sess10n of tlie East VI h1tby Council Mr N nnceknel apphed for $400 damages for bemg thrown from h a buggy on the lull bet· een W h1tby and Darlmg ton and was allowed $GO Ladies wanting 1VT 11 1 ry cn.1 be sai gfted and gratified either ai:I t.o artwtic no i.m s 11al t~ or price at McClung Bros ------------ - ,,--

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