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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1879, p. 2

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CANADIAN 8TATES!\1AN, BOWMANVJI,LE, FRIDAY, DECEI\1BER 19, 1879. V '~OUNTY& VICINITY ' Ganadm.n THECANAJJALIFErnby Jong od<ls the 8afes I ~ Ltfe Insurance Col?: pany and does GLEANl!iD PROM OUR .EXOB!\:NOES, The followinK peisons ha'fo p~-t"ho1r su becr1ptions for ] 880 John \Yorden , John Plum1ncr, 'V C Blackburn, John :vl. Joness, J oho P1pe, C L~~~~~ri~~!~~~~~: Z~i t~~S:t!~~~.n aJt~~~h~~h6f 0 1 Cobourg has an mght cent store 745 cluld1 en attended Cu bourg schools Wtlharu Sandercock, Geo l\'I. Hogg, John in N ove1nber. H Brown, l\'.frs. 'l'hos, Bradle), Willrn.m 'l'he Port Hope Choral Society " meetOrmiston, Jr., Chas. '\\r, Snnth, John Colwill, I. L B1own, Eh ltobbrns, R ing \\ ith success Green~ H.J, ,J as. G1ml"t, E C Bernau, James Trtlweer, V{1n \Jolwi11,(Ne\\cast1e). Robt Conrhce, John Tre.1H:i\:Jr, 'l horn as Baker, John 1\ioore, ~'illtan1 Brent, V\i"'" R Oobour~ the company u1 of the ut1nost 11nportance 1n life 1 for the cormng wmt..er evenings. stand ing insurance, aJHl I he Cauada Life 1s safer fi_nan 1 umm i n n. stoic, with the prh e1lge of ]el}n n1g c1aJl~· than any bank in th e countr~. '\V. R 1 Lheir b icl,._8 tga.rnst the counter, to see a1 1rl. be CLlrtUE, Agent seen 73 lW. The Unprejud iced Physh·htn. I B)T A 1 "' aut~d · GENTL_E_M-AN AND LAPY, r or t:heapness and Qu.alitjr' go to [ The Greatest Wonder of lhe Ager ---++~ woulen nulls do a yearly bust· 1a l'6SS of $140,000. _ Mr. W. J. Marshall ness in Port Hope. '\ startmg It is very pitiful to isee the bloonung girl 01 seemingly stalwart~ out.h eurlaenly snecumh, as the unsuspected seeds of coni:;nmpt.1nn beg1u to develop in their systen1 The Phys1Clan knows th ~t Cod Liver 01l 1s the onl:v I,.no'\"i'll cure, and if he be unp1CJUd.iocd us he will recommend Sf';oU'~ E11111lston of{'.od Li"le1· Oil JH~ph oti pJ1itcs of I.hue uotl Sodn, llRI I l.,;P Ito~ OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS the Furniture Line. IS NOW PREPARED TO SELL m b11s1- Cole J. R. Colo, J as El110tt, S Pollard, Mr R Hall ts now the proprietor of R. White. Thos Hoar, W. T Olm, Thos the Frmklm hotel. Kn1g-l1t, 11 hos. Pa.rne, .John Jewell, l\frs Dr W tllough by will probably bo re· Hanay, J;Irs. P Murdoch, 'f~ Meader, Wm. Jewell, ,.~lm Lorr1111fl.11, H Ke.oner, elected Reeve of Colborne Da ve Ha ll} Pon; IIope's Deino~thenes, (l'Iau.). !'I1~s B. ~ .Mn, Rnn, }; Y, \'V m, Caldwell, Thos Weldon J. "" Plnllips, con te1upla.tes a lecture tour Geo. F1aher.-To be CO il tnl'" · ]\fr Sam Jakes hao leased and fitted up Pon1eroy hall,Cobourg 1 as a b1lha.rd parlor The exte11s1ve a.n:r1cn ltn ral works of Peter Ha1n ilt on, 111 Peterboro, have been re-opened. M1. Ja.111°s Caldwell, Perrytown, was BowMANVILLE, FRIDAY, D c. 19. attncked by a steer last \lieek, but escaped severe injury. A good deal of petty thievmg is gomg THE MUNICIPAL ELEC 1I NS on iu Port Hope at present, clothes line str1pping, etc. N.K\YOASlLt: We are pleased to learn tloat Mr. A. .McNaughton, wh'l has s o efficien tly ch11rged the duties and borne tho responstb1hties of Reeve of Newcastle for a number of yedors . is likely to be re elected by acclamation 'L1 h18 1s as it should be , Mr McNau~hton has pro<cd a faithful advocate of the interests 1Jf the village and the tilectors should she. \\ their appre· ciatlon of h1s serv,ces by rL turning lnni by a.cclama.tiuP CARTWRIGHT, "ltitlt Hy· as it ie; not n1uch better reinedy, but bciug perfect}\; palatable can be taken cont1nuoualy till full health is r estore1l ~ _ _ ___ only t:1 We am in receipt of large shipments of goods, to replernsh for the coming season, the various branches of our increasing trade, m which we _feel confident no other house in town c.in approach u" in quality or p11ces. Come and see for yourselves ' A11 our customers are delighted. FURNITURE C H E A P E R 'I'I" IAN E VER . At his ware-rooms will be found a foll supply of eve1ythmg rweded in Look in and examine prices and J!Hl ge fol' you1seH. TEAS, TEAS_ U nde1 this head we can C'ffer special bargains, having bought largely MY HEARSE is THE BEST IN THE CO GN TY N rm '.3lb1mti.srn1mts. Jlloney Found. a sum of money It will be g iven up on sat1sfacto1y e\ of owncrslup n.nd by pay 1ng for tlus notn.:e. 'f'HO)..IAS CREEPEH. Bo\.vmanv1lle, Dec. 18, 1879 AND MY UNDER1'AKING DEPARTMENT IE COMPLETE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES before the recent advance in pncos-and are now offermg Teit fully 20 to 25 per cent lesA than t heii: present m:11ket value. SHROlJDS, l~t e. Green and Black Teas )0 cts per lb, lully worth 65 cts Green and Black Teas 70 cents, woreh to-day VO cts , an excellent beveiage One I keep always on hand a full stock of COFFINS f10m the plain home- ' trial will secure yom life-long pati:otage Our Japan Teas are unex- n1ade to the finest pobshed casket n1auufactured in Cana L..,, a.t 1Jn0t-s to atnt everyone. celled in flavor and strengtb By keeping n1y ovtn horseR I a.m prepart;;:d to run into the ·COU I1try w1 thu 1t t extra l\11 John Reive bas sued the Colborne i"chool Board for $552 Ou for work on the d1sschool preuusea The closing exercrnes of the Dennll Co1lege, prior to the holidays} were held on Tuesday evening. !\.fr. John Brooks, forn1erly a resident of Oshawa, but lately of Chatham, has gone into insolvency HAS FOL"ND T HE Ul'iDERS!Gl'IED idence TO THE FRONT. ...L'-:i._ we wiAh to inform our numerous patrons that ,., e calculate to take our old stand in sup· plying .. Coffees, Sugars, Fruits, Etc. If you want a choice cup of Coffee, this is the place to get it. Sugars of all grades at lowest prices Fruits of all kinds at exceedingly low prices ,t. S XMAS IS DltA WING Nl>ATh, charge, a.nd by hving on the prem1aes I am alv.ays r endy at a nunute's notice, day or night. By dealing with me you can do bettei than with an\1 other house ln the county, simply because f undeistand my business an t r Llll 1.:y own bus11 r se, and attend to It 1n"j.self, kno wing where and when lo ou:y goocJs, and always buy for cash . Oo111e and see for yourself Should the d1acert,1ng pub'tc need an) th1n(l' in rny hne I shall be happy to deal with then1 on the iuo;:.t liberal tenns ThaJJkful for pas't patronage l still sohc1t a cont1nuauco of t11e s ~me. Wishing you all a l\ferry Christmas Se1·vant Wanted OOD WAGES WILL BE G X a good servant by girl and Happy New Year. PAID TO Cobourg Bible Society sold 89 bibles and 41 te!ta1nentf! dunr.g the past year. the township faithfully, and seldom or Two young Jad.H s have Oeeu playing never has his conduct been adversely crit- bnri.:l<trs at Coldspnng8. 'Tis dangerous AME IN ro 'JlIIE ENCLOSURE ON on Lot 31, Con. 7, na.1hngton, a red calf, 1c1sed. He may Justly congratulate him. game though, one of them lost a tooth, theowner1s requested to prove property pa) The TtJnes suggests per1od1cal cattle expenses and take Jt a,.., ay salt on his success as a pubhc 1nan. SAMUEL SOUCH The followrng gentlemen are hkely to fairs in Port Hope The idea is a good Enfield, Po 0. one and applies to Bown1anv1lle as \\.·ell 1 Il[r. R. B. Spu1ks~ aftet' se1 -.1ng in the load. The hay was dry, too. Couuc1l for nearly a quarter of a century, A bottle of ammonia burst m the hand dnr1ng the greater part of wluch he h as of lift- Geo. Hall grain dealer, Port Rope, occupied the positlon of Reeve with credit and inJnred hts eye seriously. Rev. J. _i\.., Hanna's ministrations are to lumself and the electors, of his own attended by good success 1n Perrytown. accord iet1res. Mr. Spinks has served The Church 1ne1nbet1'htp is increasing Its receipts wore $130 33 A man came into Cobourg "'ith a load of hay, and got drunk before he sold the MRS. W. JEWELL Queen St. Bo'ivmanv11le, Dec 18, 1879 73 tf, that can be procured, having purchased some cho10011nhnalsf1om M ESSRS WERRY, JoNF.88, STORY CLARK DAVEY and otheIS The great est attraction will be A PIG, THE BEST MEATS AND W. P. PROlNER. MAYNARD'S OLD STAJ\tD, Bowmanville3 December 17, 1879. PROVISIONS. In this branch of trade, we defy competition Fall and Sprmg wheat Flour,-best b1ands Gibb's patent Flour Buckwheat Flour. Crncked Wheat, Graham Flour, Commeal Fish of all kinds Oatmeal a specialty· Dog l,mrt. '\\h1te feet. whtta tip ou tall. and ,vlute spot on breast Seven monthR old .A. suitabl e iev.:ard for information leading to his 1eco\ e1 y May be left aL Mr. McMurtry's grocery store, JOHN l\UNDI,E. Bo1'ma.1n1Ile,Dec. 16, 1879 73lw. THE LARGEST BEST BYY &C KING ST. A '\'l'J:'li BLACK C OOLIE DO G , · 73-tf. ED Also somo CHOICE LAMBS, F" 1n fact oni:: stock EYER SLA't:OHTERED lN" BO',YMANVILLE, · Will be complete, It can't be beat, 'T will be dressed 11eat, SUNDRIES. Stt·av c:au: C We'll sell it cheap The beef fed by Werry Will eat lLke a cherry. 'Tis JUSt the place to come to bny A Quarter, R1iast, Boil or Fry \V 11 gun.a.rntee we 1ll not dece1ve, And ku1dly your patronage receive. B C. Church, Fleetwood, with good sucCo unci lllors- ~Ies&rs. Job r.1. Goggin, ,John cess The T1mes says 10 pounds of butter wa. McKee, Anson Taylor and Teasdale Whit ccnfiscated from a fn.rn1er'a w1fe offering field. DARLINGTON, offer for the Council for 1880 Reeve-Mr. Jas, Parr. Deputy Reeve-Mr. Arch I,attunor Rev Messrs. Wlntlock and Metherell are conduchng rav1val services in the Darhngton, Dec 9, 1879 73 3'\'i", ~~--='--~-------- ·-~- HoJ1-Sleighs, - YOUNG & CAWKER. BowmanvJlle, Nov. 4, 1879. '1l·lm SOAP.-Onr Ivory and Amber ha1 Soap throws all others m the shade -The Elective Soap is nowhere compared to it. -----='----BRUSHES -Sc1ub,Store,Bair,Cl uth s,B oot Brooms,Pails,andWashtubs SALT.-In Barrels and Sacks Fine Liverpool Salts, in bags, weighing respectively .i6lbs, 112 lbs,, 224 lbs, to suit the comenience of the pur- has removed from the Post Office Block to the store formerly occupied chaser,- specially imported for dairy use by S. MASON & SON, NJ£ADS' NEW BLOC::K. where COAL OIL of the best quality Our Headlight is worthy of a trial and he will give g1cat bargains fo1 OASH in hound to give satisfaction COME AND SEE OUR GRAND DISPLAY IN GONE BOJl-t.LAIVD B-0-0-T--S A-N-D S-H-0-E-S. On account of having urde1ed a large stock before the recent 1ise in leather and ~ubher goods of from 120 to 40 per cent, purchasers will save this n se by buymg fiom hnn at once His stock rn now complete for the Christmas trade. CHEAP, A FIRST-CLASS TRIUMPHAN T ! -F OR SALE, to pai.r of a new three-kneed Bob-sleighs Apply 13 oz. rolls for lb rolls week m that towp last ]'. BORLAND'S Boot and Shoe Store. Bo\o,:n1anv1lle, Decc1ubc1 1" 1870 72 tf. vAmETv HALLcLuB--1880. 1'here is little doubt of llfr. Wmdatt's election aa Deputy Reeve, as there seems to be a general desire over the mun1c1pality to have him at the Council Board. Our Hampton correspondent says rumor... has it that Messrs. Rnndle and Smith \\tll rehre 'Ve have not con lersed personally with these gentle111en, but were given to ltnde1etand from other sources that they are n.t the service of the elect ors Other ca.nd1datoo are likely to offer for the position of Councillo1 s, Public Sclio1)3 fEx:naH natfon. LIC School of Bnwmanv11lc, V111l take place in the varJ.oua d1v1slonH, on Friday, 19th 1nat , at 2p m. 7 E R, B. A, Pr1n1 IJ)H..I. \ \7 0Ll\ Bowman ville, Dec. 10 18'79 72~2w, Crockery, G lass, Lamps, and Fancy Goods. TEA, DINNER AND , CHAMlfER SETS. 1 T HE ~JXAMINA'l'ION OF 'IHE PUB- ORDERED WORK IN FINE BOOTS AND SHOES t. SPECIALTY. . REPAIRING PROMPTLY AND NRATJ,Y DON~. Cementrng on Palches ?i;~perly Done and Warranted to give i:latisfachon This department is well stocked, regardless of expense, ineluding GRA ~ITRW' ARI<:, in various sizes and patterns; business. '],ho Jovial editor of the Port Hope 'I'imes hais fece1vetl a pre5ent of pra1r1e /Remember the stand-NEADS' NEW BLOCK& One door East of LEE & EnsALL's H umw AR1" STORE and d o not fail to give him a call. Bowmanville, Dec s1 1~79. 61-72. N ewfomull:uul Dog. A choice aRsortment of Chamber Sets, in White and F ancy Patterns, of A 1 quality. 'Ve Paris, specially for our Xmas ~ETS, of best French Chi na ; fast being have lately imported direct from trade, a fine selection of TEA these are really unique, and are disposed of. ch 1rken all tho way from Mamloba. Lnckr b' y The honso and barn of Mr A Gr1ftlo, loi; 2, 9th con Ca\ an, were destr1Jyed by tire on 'rhnrsd ;:i y last. Loss about $800; insured for $250 Bowmanville Dec. 4tll,1879 ---- i...----"--~--HOLIDAY FESTIVITIES 713w* 'l:y1·one Pubhc School. LECTcRE.-Thos Kirkland, Esq , ~1. A , Science ]..1nster Normal School. Torooto, will tell "The Htory of The Eiu th " i n the l\.fus1c Hall, N6\\U<tl:!tlo. on Tuesday e\en1Pg, Dec. 2:1rd neg1 ns at 8 p m, Tickets 15c, rser\ ed seat 25u Tto lee ture w1ll be 1Jlu£tra.ted with the Sterecp- I - hcon. Proceeds 1n aid of S S. L1braty Fund, TEA l\fF.RTINH. - A pnbhc tea \vrll be held ln the 0. l\i Church, \V Jlhamabnrgh. on Chr1stn1as Day. Ten. 't\ i l be eer\·ed from 4 to 7 p. en After tea a public meei1ng will be held in the Ch~1rch to be addressed by several speal~~1s A Christmus Tree v;ill bo held In c0 nnect1on with the eveniag's entertatnn1ent Adm1ss1on to tea and meetmg, 25 cents. C1ntlST.MAS TRE1~ - --iln entertain ment and Christn1as Tree exh1b11.>1on will be held in the 0 . .M. Church, Hampton, on Cbr1s tn1as Eve. ..A. cap1tal vrogia:mme 1s in preparation aud no eilorts \\ sll be Bpared to make this a very enJo able occasion All are 1nv1ted. Admission ( nly 10 cen ts proceeds for S. S. Funds, Proceedin g~ begin at 7 3(J See bills N.ti:\V YEAR'S TEA -'l'he a1 nnal tea of the Presbyterian Church, Enu1:0,k1llen,-w11l tn'ke plact1 on New Year's Day Tea served horn 5 to 'l in Kennedy's Hall Public n1eettng in the Chutch after tea, when addresses will bs deltvored Good music. The lad ies of tlns cougregat1on) are noted for gett10~ up exooll ent teas 'l'1ckets 25 cents. Cluldren 15 cents. See PUBLIC EXAMINATION WILL hcen~c>~ Jn Campbellford, and tn add ition lm J1eld 1n the Sohool Building on next ~? a $20 fine th~ Herald lectures him on 'ruesdHJi evening at 6 :JO o'clock 'lhis g1ve;:, an 1 opport.nn1ty for those who have business en A w.:1sted hfe. gagements durmg the day, and also the teach J A man named Clapper has been sen· ers of the ne1gh'bo111lg echools, all o.f whom tenced at the Cobonrg sessions to one " e cordially 1n"1te. ..t\.t the close of tile exam1· :aonth's lmpr1so111nent for stealing Jogs nation, the qun.1terly report of the p1og1ess of the school will be rend, lllclud1ng the nameR of out of the rtver '11 rent. the pupils who have atta1netl the lugJ1est standing '\Ve hope all 111te1e:-ited in thewelrare The l\f, Jlbraok ~Jesse/ujet says Meses of the School v;i11 attend, Suttt"·n threshed 9! bush clover seed in GUY ANDRUS 3h and 40m and asks who cau can Qeat 'ieacher. ::\f osea ? 11.'he STATESMAN \Yill undertak e 'l'ytone, Dec 18 1879. 731\V, the JOb, forward htm at once. The sh1pn1ents fron1 Port Hope during the .season have been as follows \Vheat, 296,522 buahels i bar}gy, 475,477 do , r"fe, 17,779 do,, pens, 38,288 do. , 50,· John Kehoe sold hguor without a 20 2.00 11'() HO A IA. MOO ! L"1rn= Q ~ A large stock selected with great care, rnitable for CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS I I '60 l.50 T. YELLOWLEES, Nows Agent Bros. for all kinds of farm produce. Arrangemente have been made with some of tlie leading houses in town, to supply our customern w,th goods not in our line, so that parties having produce to dispose of, can do so to advantage. Bowmanville, December 18, 1879 73 NOTICE! NOTICE! The highest price has always been paid by Murdoch Ory Coorts ouse! ----H"---Opened out this morning another case of New Millinery, one c&, of Mantles, new-styles,twen y -livepieces of new Dress Good( very"tine goods, and specially good vahw .Jiil'I' ; BOWMANV1LLE, THE NOTED l TO THE ELECTORS CF THE _ NORTH WARD, TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE HO I 000,000 feet of lnlllber and rn,311,000 slnngles and laths The protj 1 )ects of the P1cker1ng College are sn good t h at during the Chr1stinas vacation the nu1nber of ioon1s fo1· studen ts will ha\e to be cun ... 1d<:"rably increased .11'lr. 8 F . 'Vood, First A Provincial CertificH-te, h as been engaged a::i Assistant E nglhh a1uJ Oo1nn1ercrnJ 1\fo.ster after the Christmas vacation . The Grand Jury of th~i Court of Gei.~P.ral 3ess1on t}1at opened at Cohouru on 'I1uesflay of 'last \\eek, was c0nstitutej ns fol lows D L Simmons (forcn1an). Ric hard Allen,W1n Ball, Thos B<IBsett, E Budge, W t\_ Clark e, Samuel Curtis ·· Tohu E Cruise, 'Vm Elhott, Jan1es B ]lflerr1an, F E. Gaudtit:i, Win He nry, Jamee Haig, Thos. Hagerman} 1Jav1d Hunter, Thos I ----~' Your Vote andlnfl.uence Are Re3pectfully Solicited For 0 lt--- ,s! CASH HOUSE Millineryi Mantles -& Dress Goods ANDRE w dET BILL'S ' YOUR ~~ I THOS. BURDEN PURE DRUGS .AS A.ND bill· .ANNUAL TEA - Macklm, Matthe\\ Milward, John McRev. Mr. W1ndel's Murtty, Wm .Pernn, James Rosevear, .James Staples 1 John "'B. Stone, A Spinks, and Rob~rt "Young. congregation will huld their annual tea in the Town Halli VV1l1rn.1n3burgh, on Dec 31st-New Year's E, e-from 3 to 6 p m, An unusually large and highly lnflucntrnl A pubhc ineenng in the l\ierhodist uieeting of the ratepayers of Port Petry Church begins at 7 P· ni. when addres&es and surrounding muo1c1pahhes was held fton1 gentlemen from a distance, music m the Town H;.;11, Port Perry, 011 the from a good choir, tte' will e~terta1n th~ evening df '\redncsday, tbe 10th inst ' for Tickets, 2a the purpose of discussing the merits of a good friends who atttjnd ce11ts. See bills highly i111portant ra1lw11y scheme whrch is TYRONE S OF T.-:-On Chnstn1as Day betnq e.g ttated and meeting with unqunlthe Hons will hold their annualXmas Tea tn approval alou2 the en.tire hne of tbe the \~.stry of the C. 1rI. Chu1ch fro1n 4 to P"Oposed inub~ by 111en uf means and 1n-1 7 p rn. After tert a huge prog1amn1e will el]J:gence 1 hf) leading spu1t-s 1n fa.c t 1 be served up 1n t he Sons' Hall b} .i Jarge alnng the entlre route are tak1ng lnndly t~ array of local amateurs. From the pre· the scherneJ and are detorm1ned to pnsb pa.rations being made we cooclude that 1t. This is the Goderich & Ottawa. ltailthe Sons will have a "high time " Every- way scheme. 'J he proposed scheme m~t lJody 111 the Donnn1on is invited to par with the unanimous apprGval of the meet· tic1pat e in this royal fe~st 1'wenty-tive 1ng · ~ 1 11fied cents pays the bill. Seu bills. M.A.SONIC SuJ·T'FlU. -.J K Kerr, A noon to Far1ncrf;. I.>ast Grand fi'Iaster of the :L\fasonio Grand 'l1he fa,rtning comntunity will be pleased to Lorl(?e of Canada will deh ver a ~Iasnr!lc l~·arn that. l\'I1 R D Foley is agajn in the maraddress Jn the Presbyterian Church,Orono 1 ke t a1Hl 181n1 par~ll to pay the hi~hest prices for Admissrnn l1y all k1nd:-1 of guun and for 8.J.lY number of dressed 0 l Tt.esday Dec 30th ' 1 t·~i 'y ticket , to be Ii 1ltl from the hogs rlehve red at Simpson's Storehouse ;near co1up.1men null men1bers of Committee. .A.ftor the a '"t ' druss a. ~fasontc supper w1ll be given n1 1 I :Esq., I ' , ·. --~~- New Overcoats ..... . ... from $4 50 New Ulsteis ........... from 5 00 New Suits .. ,, . ..... . . from 7 50 ---H--New Tweeds. . . .... from 30 ELECTION NOTICE Outfit;; by special at a great saving New Dress Goods .. .... from 10 TO THE .ELECTORS OF THE New Flannels ...... . .. from 15 il~EDliCINE~, goto ' , New Winceys .... . ,. . ... from 5 New Blankets . . .. . ... from 75 Your Vote and Interest are New Towellmg....·...... from 8 Respectfully Solicited for · cBornE AssoRTMENT oF ' New Hollands ...... . ... from 10 A large "~sottment of Mourning Bonnets and Hats, \vell trimmed, The Re-election of PERFUMERY, TOOTH, NAIL AND Q New Fur Caps..... . ... from 1 50 and at lo\\c:t pn( 1..:s · ' HAIR BlWSHES These are afai1 sample of the prices The Mill n'o, y, Mantle and Dress-making Department n,ie under JUST REOEIVED 72. of our goods. t-1fficient snper1nh.ndancy, and mourning orders, which take precedence of all others, 187!.l. In so doing I request a comparison are executed with the utmost possible despatch Councillor For of my goods and prices with othGrs. The startling advance in all woolens Nom1na t.iot"s "111 ta.ke pince on Monday, the Our special make "Of fine Black Cashmeres 40 mches wide, m.1y still I am offering a ve1y la1ge as)lort- ],as actmt!ly taken place, but the 29th, Dec in st , and the elections un Monday, Cash Hov,se tooK advantage ot be had at 50 cents per j'ard. { The l~rge den.Hl.nd for ou1 50 cents Caslun eres JS the t~Ja~~~~1o:x: -'~ 733w ment of Photo, Sciap, and 'Autograph I the situation and bought best proof of its cheapness~ , th e san1e efua hty credit stores sell at 65 cents AS USUAL, Albums, Presentation Books, Vases I largely just before the rise, Just to hand, Ladies' CashDJeie Vests LadL es' Laml1s Wool - Vests, Inkstands, Velvet and Fancy Frames, n,nd for the next two Ladies' Merino Vests, luo;h neck and long sleeves Every ~ ady in \\ tut of fine l}lonths will n,ctually Pictures, Ste1 eoscopes and Views, Vests should call at ALEXANDER"l 1 CASH ST01"E sell at less than the UA8 ON HA:"D A LAHGE STOCK 0]' , Dolls, Xmas and New Year's Cards, old low prices,thus CO NFECTIONARV' O YSTIERS I Seventeenth annual gift of Premiums to the and every one of these lines is a giving his cus,ind other dchcacies for the Holidays} I Subscribe1s of the tomers theadCASH STORE. whlch he will as usual sell off vantage of ol 57 60 61 68. Specialty at Special Prices 2 ,j per cent. for the Holidays. in all the11 branches car1 iNl on, on tho prein1ses, wholesale and retail Positively takes place on Coon Overcoats at the JAMES W YLLIE, Dowmanville, Dec 17, 1879 Councillor For 1880. C HEM I CAL S J 73·3\ NORTH WARD, Thanking the public for their liberal patronage ot my establishment during the past year, I solicH a continuance of the same and invite AXD U~A DULIERAlED H 0 R SE AM D ll)ATTLE your attention to my present display of For December 1879 to January 1880. ffe!t" A T ALEXANDER'S I FAMILY MOURNING! J0H N HIGGINBOTHAM S. HQ L J DAY GO DS ! GEO. .... 15,000 \,/\/Y LL I E l IN CASH! nAKI:ai::~t~0~;~~~r.~;NARY Detroit Gommercial Aoverliser WEDNESDAY DEC.24,1879. 1200 Premiums 1 R_ J _ S:::S::.A..-W- 7 Poet's Corner , Bo wu1anv1 ll0 l.1. GENrr FOR the l\fosomc Hall at 8.30 p rn Trnkets for gentlemen $1. 00 , ladies 50c See htl's Ranging f10111 $2,000 to$<> Rakes. Massey :1.'!n.nufg Co's, Rea pers, 1\iowers, and l\'[asson 1\1anufactuung Co's , Supeuor S1nglu and Com h1ned Seed Dn lls · Tolton Bros' Pc ~ Harvester. ALL MACHINES W ARRANTIW rar.rrteHI' \.'il.ll find 1t to theu rntereRt to ~OH sult. memlher personally or hy letlPt, before ordering Ma< l11nes ~ .Age nt fot Lht~ Iia.r ded Banh.1ng & ·Loaning Co lla.m1 lton U.EPATRS for all machwe5 ~old, kept at l\fr, J Mou1s' Oa:ri 1a,5'e Shop I ·will b e in Bowman\ille eve1y ~aturday. Orders by Mail prom ptly attet.ded to H J SITAV\' 1·. Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year. Ea1 h Subscnbcr Pai tic1pates 111 D1etribut1on. I have m add1t10n to these fo!I lines in all kinds of Fancy Goods. Bowmanville, Deo 10. 1879 62 72. Stationery, Books, Toys, MusLc and " ------------Novelties, an enmnerntion of which ln!>olvent Ac1. of IS7:i is impossible f An1e111ding· ~us . ] In the tnatter of S. F. HILL. SU~SCRIBE AT ONCE. In the News Department I am! JOSEPH BRYANT,BowMANYILLE, offeiingspecialinducementsinpremi-\ · , dn Inwlcent. urns and prices and ( N1itice B 11ereb} given that under and by ' WM. H. BURK, :PUBLISHER, Office, 44 Larned Street West, I th.:' \i rt.1above e of the powei -vested tn me as Assignee of na1ned Insol vPnt, by the sru.d .A.ct and Anu·ndu1g Act;:,, a.nd pursunnco of the d1rcct1ons li.7DERSQLD of the Inspeeto1 a"d Crcd1101 s of the said estate, WILL NOT BE Ui· I l will offer for sale by Public Auction at the given first Deoo111be1 next. Apply to Vt. GLOV'li;Il Bo\\mn.nville, Nov 13th . 1879 ti8 ti', by any one, m any department of - - I N THE-Decembet· 10, 1879. 72 ly. rnrnCNB BUILDING, DETROIT my business, which will be conduct- TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE, IN THE 'i 'o Rent. ed in the future with all the enterOounty of Durham, on HE PREMitlES AT PRESENT EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL. prise civility, promptness and hbei-- S t d St nd for circulars expla1n1ng om occupied by A '\"i Crav. ford as a :flour and a ur ay,F e bruary 14,A ·D· 1880, I 1ced store, and coal and '\ood yard Possession NEW SYSTEM FOR OANVASSING. ality which has charactenzed 1t m 1 o. Box 10!, BOlVDl!lll'lllle. R1.IE TIOTTO:NI HOUSE T · · · · 1 - - - - -- -- - - - - - ----- wonderful success JOO snh· ~crtlmr.., to 1000 n1 lial~1 f.1u t s, Our publlcat1ons are 3tanda.rd Add1c~R 1'1u llCJll'Y Rdl rublislllng Co. Agents ha~e ttie past. ' I 11, 43 and !5 Shetucket St ' NORWICH CONN. 'i3-8w. Jot 11, 31 d con nathng-1 on, on l\:1an \ P.n1 :road, adJofning lown of Bo·vmanv1lle, F rame house, stable. barn, wood shed and good well 00 choice fruit trees and a lot of small fr mt Particnlars can be bad on the p1em1ses, or fro1n 1'.fr Chas )'. oung, butcner p HlLIP B.A.ILEY November 8, 1879 68 2m F IVE ACRES OF LAND, PAR'r OF ----~ ----------JIO N'J!Y MA1i1NG 1l' .\.'18 ~I lV il_l,r, Sl'. A ~l.:rRne J ior lnvc\ltors . - ShoYI s how Jay No trouble whatever to show goods, and whether you want to (,ould, Vanderbilt and other rniJliona1res make purchase or not, T extend an invitamoney 1n stocks Copy sont free, with oftlc1al repor ts o" the market. Address 'I . l:'U'IIER tion to all to COME AND SEE V. RIGHT & Cv , 35 lVall St, New York. --THEN-- 100 ACl'Clil ot· l·'ust l,;uui tor §ale. - ~.rt;b~~ expenses guaranteed to Outfit f1cc SHA\Y & Co. Auaus1\,1\fAI_,,_ E _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _~--a Yeat 11.nd expenses to agenta OutAugu~tH. ::S::O I =8:0 I FO!t $777 fit free.· Add1ess P. 1\Ia1ne. O. VJCKEHY, AN DREW Bowmanv1lle, Dec. 10, 1879 'S 'lI 7~. ~~r;;:::n a~~:::::~:lya:~ t~:t ~:: I ( ount1cs in said Pro,.mco of Ontano foliow,n~ Thci c IS on the 1 uren11sei.; an excellent two sto1ey h11ck bn1ld1ng, ntthc hour oftwno'dock1n tho afternoon all the estate, nght, title, 1ntc1cst, ci.nd fOUlty or re dempt1ou of the a bove named Insolvent~ and of myself as Ass1gn- e of hts estate and effects of u1 the followLrig lfl.nd .-Lnd Jll en11 scs, vi.z A..11 and singular that c ertatn part:el 01 tract of la'iidand p1em1ses, si tuate 1}in).!;a.nd be111g1n the town of Bo ww.11n' tllE", in t..be Collnty of Durhan1 and Pro\ 1111 e of Ontario, conta1n1ng Jlhout one quarter of a.nacre of land by the san1e, rno1 e or less, and may be iuo1e part1cularlJ kno'\\n and desci 1berl. as follo .vs That is to say-tnwn lot number two hundred an d e1ght (i08) frontmg on Tcmpcplncc .::St1ect, as laid down on plan o( lots laid down on plan antl. registered in Register~ Office of est Rid 1n,..,. or the Count~ of Du1han1, by Robel t 'l' 'V' ~yncA and Ellza.betb Ra.pies assignment of "Munn's Imvro ved Sash Rega· lntor," w1th exclus1\e territorial nght in the :1: :::.:e December 10, 1879. WI!,LIAM WERRY. Ehun1I1e P 0, 72.J\\. Nassau Ca.rd Co., Nassau, N. Y. U.S. 20 All Chroma Catus. t'...oscbud, l\1otto Jap anese-your choice with no me 10 cents. 73-6m. lr 1cto11a. Dtuham, Northun1berland Hastings, Pctcrboro' and Pnncc Edward Tcrmsand cond1t1onsn1adeknowat the tin1e " of sale. JAMES i.VIcFEETEH.S, Oilicial Assignee Bown1anville, Decen1ber 10, 1879. 72·10w. That ts tn 1:Hn -No1t~ Ontario, South Ontario, I

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