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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Dec 1879, p. 1

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Postage Prepaid bjr the Pubhhser ¢~e ¢an~dia:o $tit~~lllin f IS PUBLISHJllD E.-ERV FRIDAY MORNING, -HY- 1\f A. JAMES, \T TIIE O!l'ElCE Poi;t OOlce Block, Klug !i!tffi~t, Bownianvllle TEE=S TERMS $1 50 per Annum or $1 00 1f paid m Advance IHE WORLD AFTER\\ARDS M A J Al'rIE:s EJJIIOR A"D Pnomrn ron } GOLD FILLINGS. Godaswetellour sorrows and confess back and you know theta sutordmar our sins tly much- conversation 1ll a person 15 ISSUED BY J We can never begm to understand back these pool as we should until WC see how f beheve you are right Jeff ~ rnuch ess of mer11.1 there is u1 our better But in this case I t\ c nt1nu od, warm ly, estate a.1 d of de1ner1t ln theirs than we I !Ht :v throu.,.h her bH ck all that waa go l can co nrnonly imagine These things we tog on her nnnd ' H Wlf yo r face ss unburnt rough arpel S .I'. OUng eop e. have done to'"' our bette1 1 hce are Poetic insigh t I h"ve I eard of it be or co\ ered w th pimples tr) one ILL "CST RATED but the shadows of what nature and pro fore, b lt never knew 1t to act so p er bott e of Katharion which is sure v1denc~ have done for us in our birth and fully as it does 011 you to cure breedrng So [ say without hes1tat10n Yes and m proof that 1 am not nna -:1.t:ADE A~D SOLD BY that by graco we are saved through faith taken sho did JUBt what I knew she "ould from send11 g our clnldren to back doors do beforelland I And what was that I p1ckmg up cold scraps There arc many who have fallen on 'How good tlus chabllB lB The first misfortune, and can neve1 get on their tb1ll~ she did was to paddle straight out Oh Ohl' st nas I n erry Chrrn mas! feet agam except we lend them at least a to sea She did that to try my faith Tis not so\ er} long Ji ger, who cry to us to help them-the Did she suceeed ! Since other v ces l len led 52 poor over whom the angel of pity spreads 'A poets faith can move mountains ' With the carol and the song! his wide wmgs aa he wluspers to those said Jeff a httle inconsequently 'Had lf we could butlhear them smg ng _ .A.a they are s nging now about them What are you gomg to do I been as others-had I been less terribly Ir we could but see tho radiance for these poor ch1ldreu of God 1 m earnest-1 should have got discouraged Of the cro"n an each dear b1ow Somutlt ng we can all do There 1s or offended and given up the chase But HARPERS PERIODICALS There would be no s gh to smother not a ruau of us who is not a.s rich as the that ls not the Pnnt1an style I kept No hidden tear to flow ~etors 111 compa11son with son1e poo1 fel /right on nnd at last I forced her to alter As we liaten 1n the sta1light loVI "c kno\\ of always at the edge of her tactics To t1ebells8Cl0SS the SUOYI: win er r sorne wido v shrinking back 1n And all t]ns through the back of her shau e as she tries to 2nuster courage to hea<l \\' ondcrfnl Oh Christmas merry Christmas st'e the Poor R ehof Co1nm1ttee \Ve car '\iVell so she altered her tactics, and I his ne~er more can bo mvites bis old customers and tbe pubhc generally to call and mspect bis 'Ve can not bring a.gain the days take hold of such d estitute folk JUBt where .. hat do you thmk i new stock It rn complete m eve1y depa1 tment and is admitted by or 0 Jr unshadowed glee "e find them, no asking over eagerly as to I haven t a ghmn1er1og tiavelleis to be one of the largest and best assorted stocks m the Domm But Christmas happy Christmas ~here the money "ent they ought to ha.e She stopped-ah01t said Jefi !ear mg INDUCEMENI:s FOR 1880 ONLY Sweet herald or good .,111 made when tlmea were better pechaps and a.cross tbe table with his hue eyea wide ion Goods m all lrncs have been selected with great care this season m 'V-ith holy songs of glorv lll"tead or g1 v og them the scraps from our open and ap~aking in an unpressive un Tb rteen Numbel'i!. of HARPER s YOUNG PBOFLB the Emopean Market b:y myself and ai e pronounced by competent Judges will Bring holy gladness stll1 be fuin1shed to every j early subscnber to table take a li tie thought about puttmg dertone and there sl e sat perfectly to be of a 'er) superior class Om stock was never so complete befoie H ARPF.R ~ 'VEE:KI y for 1880 or HARPEH 8 For -peace and hope may bnghten "hat we do mto a good shape so that still with her back stil turned to· ard Yot:NG PEOPLE and HARPER~ \VEEKL'Y will be And patent love may gloVi and we are dete11nmed to sell cheap o ir gut may be robbed of the woeful look me se1 t to any address for one year con mencmg As Vie listen in tho starl ght rt must take on without such a tender So that you might cont me to read he< "itl the first number of HAnrEn s \\ l!i]JKLY for _AN HU~fBUG. To the bells across tho snow louch A.nd then if with this we will thoughts 1 Tanua1y 1880 on receipt of 5 00 for the two Par od cals 'Campbell f tru·t you are not scoffing j We mean busmess and will not be undersold by any catch penny Ohr1stma.s is at hand again following so make up our mmds to get at the secret of their poverty ar d try to find a sure rem l\fy dear fellowRemittances should be ma.de by Post Office Come along then fnends "- ith the cash and we "'111 convmee you .Money Order or Dra~ to avoid chance of Josi close upon 1ast years Ch ristmas day that edy for that g1vmg them the chance all You aro my fr end, but there are some Ne-wspapers are not to copy thu; advmtwement I wonder 1f I am not listening m a dream tho time to do son ethtn~ in return which th nizsCom that no Jew or Gentile can under sell us w thout the tXtP' as ordeJ of HAE.l'.ER & BROTH to bells JUst rung Have I been awake may sa.ve what crumb of pride there is N otlung lilJUres fr1endsh1p 10 much as ~na Addross HARPER J: BROTHERS throttgh the spring, au1nn1er and fall ot NEW YORK another year 1 Yes 1879 draws neor tts stLll 1n their na.ture-adorninµ ourendeav un3ust susp1cioua Jeff,' I aa1d, with a end Snowflakes are fl.yrng now to wave or with a genuine sympathy a.a to a poor solomn1ty ahnost equaling hIB own He Bowmanville Sept 4 1879 its burial robe Roon 1t will be folded brother-we shall have dona someth1np; to softened at once Forgive me old fellow I was hasty ofinterest away tn the past never again to be seen answer the angels who l'tlll be haunting at the lowesF rate ur warm rooms, and lookmg at our well The blood of Bunker Hill, you know by us except with memory s eyes Well, and so I gamed upon her-and Friends what of the year~ "hat has spread tables omce lately occ up1cdbvDr Not without a caution would I urge heres her health Campbell it brought to yon a.n 1 111e ~ To soma of BF,ITH, King St, Bownuunille Let none of us Bumpers said I and agam we set ust deep J y-pl'lrhaps in happy marriage even g1v ng m charit:J Bown anv Ile August l 18 9 03-!!.__ bells perhaps m prcc10us baby eyos that gne wh~t 1s not thoroughly our 0\\11 to down our glasses empty I began to feel give a htt!e "armed up ill) self are JUSt learn ng to ans et lov ng snules ~ ~~~~ I! ill 1 tlunk it is uot hard tu see how At last I was w1thrn ten yards of her perhaps in tne bless r g of a friend who1n J W i'flcl.nnghlln, M ll , one year ago yon did not know It may \6 n1ay spa.re O\en at Christmas tide aud Tnst then I ran into one of ti 015e hornd IClJlNTI ~TE OE THE ROY !1.L COJ LEGE '"hen you enn ha:ve thent '\vlthout at of Ph~s c a.ns anll nlember of the RoyH.l be some d ark do td that hao long brooded yet do more and better 1han if we spend blu e Jelly fish, and 1t startled me so that I If a 1uan spends the money ht: ought made a spla11h and shcCollege o[ Smgcon& Edinburgh KENNEDY'!!! over your life hae thIB year been dispelled QffiP.e MORRIS BLOCK King at Bowman to save t0 pay hIS debts when he knows Turned round 1 I eugg-ested, for he it 1nay be that anxiety and ca.re ha\e gt"li eu ville very "ell he can only pay his debts by had paused agitatedly place to rest and peace Dear friends who A la1 ge stock iust iece1ved of all kinds.of toves manufactured of saving he may give wha t he buys right Any other woman would have turned are thus blessed God !<rant to where all kinds Are made of both ·fl I left with an open hand, and it will be -she did not She Atnrted perceptibly, the best quahty of iron of the finest fimshL and the most handsome of added blesging dipped her p 1ddlc on the right side uf the "'OOL, any m tie I mm lmt Uoon others of Ul!I h.-s fallen sorrO\'i s to his own shame I l ai. e never digested one of the best canoe and sh t d1 ~gonally 1award the in all colors lot Death has come and taken away our snp rs I ever sat down to in niy ltfe left For a mo nen I saw her in profile 1 1'.Jao c rntoi 1 "ork of horo.c made yarn done dearest and beat beloved Cups of m of all size, and su peuor class at a great to orler 'Well d ln l sh +1p you a. wink 1 I tasted JOY have bean dashed t the ;:round tl ulgh lt 1~ yea1s SUH.:e I ate it because as it came out after rny ho.st owed for it I e~ ;} o r pa. ~o J t:fl upon my word I reduction from last J ems pnces Perhaps sweet baby \ 01ces at e ... fore~ er oc ks and Stocking' Refaoted at the store and the debt was never patd n1ea.n d id s !1e ut t tho mon1ent of the hushed Perhaps pa.rsnts 'it'0Qp for clnl po yo l a fnn il<' or J(lanoe Kn1thng JUacluncs Col" Sal~, A LARGE LOT OF dren, aud children cry out f r fath er 01 I don t want any more of those suppeni profile be iustJ uctions free mother Dear n1ourning friends the Thero are m lh ns of d llc:llS spent tnery f enc ura o-e nd t? and Cook "\i\ hat enc r agen1ent did I need Y Chmtmas bells will hreak your hearts for Christ nag of t r rn ~ a s money Not a memory will ring an1ong their chimes the penny ought +f) be laid out 1n gifts one Besides the tune f r encouraoe1nent bad ~Don t forget Mannmg & , Nosworthy- opposite the Ontario One dt or vest of!\-! ID '\VIILIA.J.'US Butchet Stall bells of other days "hen your belOTed can well let alone h-'Ien who du that get not yet coine I \Vas still a.t th~ period of July 22 i879 u2-tf were with you God bless and comfort drunk on their generosity though they probation Bank Bowmanville never taste of wine and 1f they are met Her ta cking theu was a fresh trial of you H e only can Yet what of the yeu, my friends m of conscience the headache a.nd heartache your constancy 1 'Nut of my constancy-tint wa· al other ways than theae 1 Those who know of gett111 sober will be none tlbe less for the r 1not1ve in getting drunk ready confirmed-b l t of another quality61 Bo,vmanville ~eptember 26th 18 9 us may speak of our ) ears open book ' Vi o should never spend "hen we my self reapect n~spect C:i.nipball, us but what is the writmg that we read be tween the Imes? Has the hght m our ought to spare especially 11 we h"'" fam C\0r the baus of t le !o,e ! his was a ihes One of the sadaest th1n 0 s T ha\ e most critical J :lnch e in o l r n.cqa rt tnce 0.} es grown aweP.t a l<l tender through all these months 1 Has our presence carr1ed struck m my l fo has been the s1~ht of Hau I slaviehlv foll ~ ed her ta k l ·hould JOY and comfort l Have we made th· year fa.n1l1es left desti tute throu~h a certain htve lost l n r e ,.,ro nd 111010.l' than I No I aid n t ta1.;k , a better one than any that went before it i ea13ygo1n,I.{ generosity ID the man out of gained m1te1 al lJ Have we filled it with kind words ·nd whose hie the3 sprang who would have I kepi stra1 0 ht on and ass e had paused everything of the beat.t trustlng to his luck again I wafJ soon beyou<l her l t was at good deads i Christmas IS at nand- the time of pe·ce to cuine ut alt ught who wontd spare tn1s suprem e i n ent that wo found our and good will 1t ts also the time of beau nothing it ChrIBtma.s timE!'. or any other selves enveloped in the fog-alone to tiful extravagance, when our he a.rts groW' time so that he m1ght have thinJ!B hand gcther bet w~en soa und heeven t Jeff lh1s is becouuug exmtmg warm together and all our klnd im pulses s me while he did no lay up a dollar for 'l kept on By and by however I rise to \'i arm other hearts and scatter seeds a ramy day or for that mstant pen! of of JOY It is the time when we spend our death which do!(· ou1 footsteps between stopped I could now barely detect the ---o-hard earned money o· though it had fallen the cradle and the grave Sanug is so outlines of her canoe through tho pallid fhn1 of the m1st but anon the onthnes ke manna from heaven We e loyally slow to somA men and so hn.rd l In 01der to make room for his fall 1mportat10ns, the sub I can say this for niyaclt that horn grow d1at1ncter-.she \\as n1proach1ng ! generous scriber has deterrmm d to ofter hrs entne stock for the next It is well that rn memory of a blessod the day wl en I got as wuch insurance as Right on she came with gTacef 1 8trength L\.D!ES A:ND GENTS birttt in Bethlehem c 1r hearts ·lro Id th s made 1ne ttel at 1e that whatever mtg ht and paused w1th1n about a paddles length two months at g1rntly reduced prices 'A moment to eye thoY st·id, R bf.le lbe1s '\ho send et for n. years subscr pt be filled with love and kmdness Let u· happen my old neighbors and friends o before Decen1ber 28th il receive 'l"he epreak the goo Uy board and make r aady wo ild nevor have to e.ay Poor fellow The poot and the pagan inaid ' "\\' eckly '\: orld fron1 tl e date of the r s ibscript Gr eat bargarns will be given m every kmd of goods-es ion 'Jeff this 1 t beautiful gifts and lot Chmtmos be of all he ~as too generouR with h1.e money let 8 poe r fLEA.NJiD \Nit H·PAIRED us pa.ss round the hat for h1s family the ,A TO !U AR()ff 5th ISSl pecially m Tweeds, Cmpets, Silks, black and colored, Lmen the year the glndest dav po1&on for me has boen taken out of the 'erse I composed a.t the time D o IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES This v; 111 include the Prt:~31dent al oleotlon While we preoare wi th loving hearts t you hke 1t 1 Flannels plam and fancy, Sheetmgs, Towellmgs, Tahle Lmens and f d ti t.lle 1naugeration of the next I resident s1ngo ea i ·c REMEMBER THE PLACE 01<1 subseriOers who send $1 before December good things for our beloved, do not let ns 0 Death I where IB thv stmg 1 the an you ask I J3ut thl8 suspense is ancl Damask, Hoswry and small wares 28tn for the renewal or their s ib .t ption for forget that others have claim· upon us One Door West of Bucklers Jewellery Sto~ apostl6 cries I a 1swet that to a \\ ttll wearing me out Do, pray, come to the 1880 "Ill receive 'Ihe Weekh \'\ nld to March All who need am om brothers 10 Christ ' point K1ug·st , Do'll'1nanvllle lit.h 1881 wlthout1nlssing a number bred n ::tn of our serLous home loving W} t t d C They are our neighbors whom we are btd OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF CHOICE October 13 18 9 6ttl H ia ~OJ~h ea> t a~ipbell 1 This otre1 will be W1thdra"n den to love as we love o 1rselves The rnce It io more surely m that mtolerabl S ~ 1 l t 0 p~rn ~o ' tact said the poor, the s1ck-we ca.n eas1.1.y find them pa n he feels wl en I e kisses his "1fe ana December 29 c nldren the last tine and knows he has : J "fi 0 un erst 111 vo 1 for the world teem· "1th want alld ·uffer Take advantn.be of it at once A;. f h ffil1J8S1Jit.: e ma"" 1 o 11.r 11s10u or t eir future than it G \\I d d b once Rcnc-w at onoe ~ddress mg anunon o un ersran s etter is iny possible fea r of what dtath may du J 35 Park Row New York A lady shoppmg said to a 01erk to btm «nrl T sh uld not take much stool than a poet the dramatic nE esatty of a blanl<et is much to good I want it for 1u the n1au who would not clo<io instan tly point IH contact 2 Here are your char charitable purpoaes w1th the propo>lal of a. deceut con1pete1 1..:e I ac~r s Jost-I n1ea.n d tere are yo;r poet Let not tha17be th· spmt of our charity fo r the wife iL d c h-lldre n in exchange for a~ y ou r pagan mai oat~ your og .l!' t ..... - - I N THE-Let the blauketa we give be warm ·· our Will find almost everythmg m the !me of ~ h e open ga.ter1; of Hoave n and the angels s ay1n,g eye to eye Bev -bacn of out hearts at Chrrntmas h".le n~ U8 use our waiting with a ...crow n if he had the s1<ie help you ar"' tl.. in all to each other Parties fmmshmg will find tlus a most advantageous and money freely 111 well d orng cemen1ber1ng chance Bo1 JO'Ulr counttiss Bon-Jowr mons1eut not to abuse the power it gives desirable chance There are uoually many thmgs that f ~e a~peah to be lost I fear you are m my present stock \'\ih1ch~as been HE FREEHOLD LOAN AND hnc andnow1sthetimetorallwhowant renewed by reoen t purchases can be spared from our hotre at Cbr1Stma· 1 ,:::;;.~ w~the t~?sc ~he '.!'Jhght of cold sa,mgs Compan;v "' lending money ou GOOD BOO TC' & S'HOES Having bought to advantage I can sell cheap time 'lhere are toys "'nd d lls that can ffi e ouv ess ma.ra won farin prop rts at moderate rates of interest to .1 ~ be re aued and redressed aud they may su ce to t eatoro ine were that the case bo repu d by instalment oi a fixed term Icrms of pavment will be extended from three to to pay} nn a v181 t 'Yau all know that for r iake the heart of som& ch1ld gladder tha11 Pe1haps If y<.ou we1e to iest your baud on tVi enty years to !!nit t be borrower ] or full , any llC'\1; plaything will 111ake our QWll runwale she continues 'You over pn.rticulara apply to c tston1 "\\oak SMALE is not to be excelled IN ALL SHADES either u fit ma.terrnl or workmanship child s hea1t There are warm clot)les em me f murbur you ~af I dwou~d Otto.mans andSlipoe-r patte ns an ce assortment. Jv1ng i lle but sc.mewhere eome one Is ref you y rom e1ng O\ erw e me 8 e Trlnunlng Silks Phuucs leuthers Our Prices are to suit the times, waiting for them and needi ng theu1 sm1 es ou are my guuhng star you un4l Ornaments 123 51 Bowman ville Lot us look over what we have with an exclaim 'If I only knew whither to Mme Demorest s Patterns for Sale So Ho! Gentlemen oC Fash- and our Goods are to suzt you oyo f r ti e good of others, and. with a gmdo you And ';'amma will be so anx Bonnets and Hat s always in stock and It is told of Dean Swift that bomg asked ~e.nerous Christmas heart ioua she sighs Knows the Couuiess ion, not so tllst. LET EVERYBODY PL:KASE NOTE made to order to preach a charity sermon , ho announced And so a merry Christmas to us all Semaroff that we are~together ~ you m as hts text He that giveth to the poor I have written these few hnes And may we follow tie example of that quire Just at tlhs mstant another of And all I have to 1:1aylendeth to the Lord and then leanmg good man who was no matter to wha.t thosEt horrid blue Jellv fish comes along, That you can find 1 e stiU at home Dress ~lakin g done a" u~ual over the p 1lp1t and .fixu g hts keen eyes on c!iuich he belonged Gods ahn oner and ca.ua:ing you to fr.Ve another splash and I am not trone away So all n y kind oldf11enda may come If Jon hke the brother ao far of J eens Ch1 st his congregation aatd ' sink She screams etretchcs out her And all the yo ng: ones too hand to save you you cat ... h 1t, press it security down with the d JSt T hat was nd get their garments nicely made h.ING STREET imp ils1vely to your lips Well his sermon it bro ight a11 1rr1rnense collec In fashions that are new Where old &nd yo ng dea.r fr1en.det ma.y meet NEXT DOOR WESl 0~ LYLE&; :MARTY~ S th Pt"" s your point )f contact-now go ton and it i~ as go d and should be as \.welcome g-reet1ng by R PEA'IE ale d patent \o day as it was when first uttered Qp.;e give It wlll do yon uood I Give The close and se1 ous attenhon which .(2 Front St East and 33 Welhngton St East A CASH BUSINESS THE COUNTESS'S RUBY I Tell had given to this sally of mme had and It shall he gn en u to you Give for TORONrO stimulated 1ne to raakP it as absurd a.s posa. higher rea.son because God corr11nands With an pm ties wl o have not paid th<Nr MACHINERY BROKERS Ftur.i Frank Le.shes J.1£agw;ine siblc and maybe that last g ass of chabhs us to ca.ref r the httle ones They crowd A1""D DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF accounts promptly vn the past I have de CIIAPTBlt v -CON'.UNTIBD j had some th ng to do with n1y spru(--.tli the \'\:orld these poor s1ck helpless ones C· HAR.NOE°~'<, L. D.S., termmed to do a S1RIGTLY GA~H SECOND-ff!ND MAUIIINERY who all belong to God lhat l\ e may repLesl:!.ed rny cur1os1ty during the J ness But Jn pro t urt ion as 1 warr.tled; GiaduaLe of the Royal Co11ege or Dental BUSINESS All over dt1,e accmr.:nts and wea1 ' el vet they hve 1n ra~s that our meal but when we had settlad down to Jell seemed to cool he leaned his cheek STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS liome~ may be palaces they srn ken m our second bottle ar d the ciaarettes I upon his 1 >1 1 1 and directed a profound Swgeons On taro notes rnust be settled at mice ---0--='"--' tenements Let us show them that thev fixed my eyes on my cornpamon "'and said 1 ~aze into tl e 'h. (to m of hu; en pty w1ne OFFICE OVFR AJ;EXANDERS STORE I have mcrnasedmy staff of work no are not friendless \Veil~ glass At long-th he n1 1ttered these rungu On aGcount ot tnc g1 eat mcrease in om busmess v. e are necessitated Are !hey alway· worthy of hcli 1 Prob Did :l ou see that dive 1 he asked lar words GOLD FILLING '\ SPECIALTY men so as to meet the demand for to remove mto ne"' and more cornmod10tis premises that our numeious cash P tld ably not bnt neverthelc·s they need and Hers 1 How cu r aly tlungs con1e out I' ordeied work and repanmg wlnch customern mav ha' e an opportumt:y of bemg "a1ted upon without the neither vo 1 nor I can say huw far they are Hers of course lo:vorythrng 1 say 01 'But what h·ppened after you kissed "\\ ork exec ted in the lat<st and most will be promptly attended to rer;ipons1ble for their poverty nor how du mea1 s 1 er now ar d fore ver one and hflr hat <l 1 mconvemence of c10"Wdrng such as they have endured m the past Our improvedsLyleof the Dental Art .JOUN SlUA.f,E. 1nuch of ou1 own prosperity is to be rnsepanble cried Jeff, upon whom the I didn t kiss it Blghod the poet repu~ahon for sellmg the rheape8t dry goods m Bowmanville v. e arc TEEfH EXTRACTED V.UHOU~ PAIN counted to our credit wine was beg1nn1n~ to work Not after a.cceptlng the support of hc.r 39 Bow man' Ille April 24 1879 detennmed to 1etam and v.111 not be undersold by any house m the GENERAL Ihe spears of fate and fo1tune have all But "hat abm1t the other young lady 1 canoe i b) the use of Nitro s Oxide Gas without injury country lain "ith their points slanting upward as Sink the other young lad:>, sir J I du'ln t accept it she d1dn I offnr 1t o the patient l\0 ohmbed the steep and have only ri~en no'\"er have seen her and I ne,er want Nor spea.k abont 1t at all? Particular attention paid to the regula.t 10n of' ( tD threaten or stab us whtin we t\1rn ed to '8he said n tlnng I a:nd 11Gtlung §- t - - - - -H+ +HUH-+ -+H----t-§ BOWMAN VILLE 1 a thorough about and tried to head do"n But sup CHILDREN s TEETH I 'Well then ahout the ti·.:ani Dtd the neither of us said anythmg ' I I pose the) had slanted the other "ay as fog reveal your souls to one another~ Thell 'vhy 1n the name of sinpafact1on .!J©'"ALL WORK WARRANTED~ CAPITAL, PAID UP, · $1,000,000 they do for so many-that the way down Now Campbell I wish you would did you take the tro ible to get lost 1 ~ Heavy Lmen Towelling IOr pc a> ard had been easy and the ""Yup hard sup 1 lease not chaff said Jefl serwu·ly I the fog with her l J3ette1 1 ave staid on TORONTO HEAD OFFICE, pose this awb twu and delight m rismg there Teally nothmg aaored to you any shore t Good Plain 'v\ inceys for )C a yard :BRANCHES had been left out of our nature and 1n '\\here 7 We Busto:p,ums are not bxought 'Had I kt O\vU the vo u1 tess Scmaroff H Heavy Lmon Table Damask 23c a yard H 0RILLIA OSHA WA, stead of tt is we had found a rareless up so and th s is a sacred snbJect to me was there perhaps I should said Jefi, CoBounG, WHITBY Rus ellCordDressGoods (not ol oddy)lOc a yard easy going q 1ahty eown with the geeds 1~ ot more so than to rne, my dear tel lookin~ up BowMA:!fVILLE UXBRIDGE Heav) Cat ton Flonnel 9c a yard of evil 1~ppetites f~orn a fo:rmer genera.hon low You shan t ha.Ye cause to eornplatn I colored in apit6' of myseJI I, a. man woulrl not such a fact as tl11s alter the of me again Corsets fr 111 30c llp of five and thirty, had been carr1cd away 1 his Bank in add.1.t1on to ransacttngtheusua standard of Judgment before the great banking bus1nese offers to the. publlo all tho ad l aocep j our apolog; to reveal to t ~" boy tlie secret of my ac I Ladies Kid Gloves from 3oc no I vantages o1 a Sa;vings Institution w.1.th tho se white throne 1 And oo may not the Judge d1gmty quamta""' '" h these ladwa I should Your he alth Heavy all" uol I weed (not shoddy) 35c a yard j' our1tv of a large paid· up capital by tho means of all the earth be sa) m!( to you and me We empt1ed ou r gla.sses :n.ow \:u.'\l e no excnse to offer for not intro of a SAVINGS DEPARTMENT You ar e not half so good as you thmk Interest allowed on a.11 dcpoe:1te of One Dollar Who \\as that hanasotne ducrng htm Verilv that chabhs cut both § t--- --H-+- + ttlt+-f -+-+t-t !-§ WITII TEETH WITHOUT TllatTff and up-wards at tho rate of FOUR per cent ) ou are neither a e those who havo ne'er lady you were talkrng with 1 Jeff eJ«ed ways I hastened to evert to our origip BEAUTIFUL had your nature or your opportDmty to be The questwn rather t0ok me ab>'<>k al topw a.])~~ffito?'S aa.u withdraw erther the w'hole of Bleached and Unbleached Cottons veiy lo\\ any vart of the1r deposits a.t anv time without weighed against y u ln the l"lcales ' You are more the trai:ht \Jto-1 Yankee ' So there 'vas no point of con'ta£:.'li, aftei: A full assortment of Ladies' Mantles previous nouce ' O, master I one of t11ese poor folk than I hau imagined you pretend to tell all I Specia.1 rates oflnteresta.llowed 'Q.],1on deposits said once to a gentlema.n if vou only a story, and only ask a qu6stion As for with notice of withdrawal TO :an CONTINUED Artid.cial ·reeth American cnrrenoy and Silver taken on de 'lhe best asso1tment of Worsted Goatmg, and Tweeds m Bowmamnlle kneW'h'i>w lazy I am I thrnk you would that lady I never saw b9< before m my __posit give me a shllhng, and the' ery1mpudcnce hfe I should fnn c< ' ·er \l Pole or au _,. ~----··· .-...__ __ _ A FIRBT GLASS CUTTER Drafts granted fa.yablP.1~G-reatBritain Un AT A !d IlllA~EFEE ted of the man as I have heard drew tbe At:stna i But do f! · on with your stor.r - .,,- The Hamilton Committee of en maers ~tates and al pat.rs of anada Perfect Fit Guaranteed ur Depos ts can be remit d by mail address ooln But was 1"1at only impud ence j [ '\'ii. to the DominionBank{registP.red) when in all Thtire is 110 10,...1 story with a. beg1~nmg, \appointed to test the respective J°erits 0 £ Teeth Extracted Without Pam thmk it may havo been a truth so sunple mia ~Jo tr;~d ond But !if· doesn't ar range the Ronland and Silsby engwes ham re case a Pass Book receipt \Vill be sent by return NEADS' NEW BLOCK'. TERMS CASH 1 paste and sincere that he could have told. 1t to J A. CODD .A.gent itse 1!!-"<·80 way ported m fovor of the Oana<11au maoh1ne. J3owmanv1Jle Octolx!r 29 1879 J M, BRIMAOOMBE, L D 8 MARRIAGE LICENSES W.E. PETHJCK'S BARBr.:R SHOP W · R · CLI MIE, Nuniber 14 fl ~ ..11' ' , . ) ~uiubci :l~ a secret meaning to my eye Why for e. -=~~:'""::"':""7~~:"'"'"7,.,...:"'::"::---:~~,.,...,,,..,,,._,.,...,.,...,.,...,.,......,,.,...,.,...,.,...,.,...,.,...,.,......,.,...,,,.,.,....,,.,.,...,.,...,.,,,,_.,....,.._,,.,...,.,...,.,...~~,.,...,.,... ....~,.,...,.,......,...~...,,.,...,.,...,.,.......,,,,,,.,...,,,.,,,.,.,...,,,.,.,...,.,...,.,.......,.,...,.,.......-,.,.,,,,.,,,.,,,.,,,,.,=,,..,,,,.,,.,......,.,...,.,......,r~~ ~,.,... a q Ht.I ter of bo 1rsee aft~r 8tart1ngbut out this : _ ____ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ --- -- - - - - ........,.,...=...,,.,...,....,.,...,,,..,,.,.,...,.,...,.,.....,,.,...,,,,.,.,...,......,..., ----- --------~ mormng l an could nothrngher "E 1V SER IE S' l BQ""tXTMA NVJLLE FRIDAY DECEMBER 26 1879 Nrtu '.2\'bucrturcmtnls There 13 al ways a nnddle at any rate ' I will Illunge in medias e;; then Did you observ 0 her padulmg out? 'lo be ·me I did I Aud di I vcu d" me her obJect l Well ~ to t hat-My ae. Campbell don t you see that 1t was a c ~s o.: J tyit inter salices 'l She paddled ou t n1 orde r Lhat l might pursue her Oh l:Io v d id you find out that' By int nnon er ed. the poet, en thus1astically We are in such co1nplete sympathy, she and I and I feel what ·ho feels A rnouon of the shoulder a turn of the neck a Jhrt of tho paddle all bear l VOL IM E xxv -- H arper s Bazar, 18$0 p fitli'Ltititi.]'f1.~Mir&!2"' ~ff.- ~~~~iff~">¥ CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE GOY. E. PETH I CK I BUCKLER NO Y KEE I I AARON BUCKLER, Sign of the Watch, King St. THEWORLDforl880. ltt~Ult~fi lirtd~t!. I WHY WEAR SOCKS WITH SEAMS MANNING L S TOVES. KNITTING FAGTORY - Cook Stoves 0 KENNEDY COa1 StQV8S-··101 SIGN OF THE GOLDEN ANVIL. 0 ' · GREAT CLEARING SALE THE STRAW AND FELT HATS I 0 ( , an1 ° IMPORTANT ANNOUNtMtNTi LADIES MO.l.'vEY TO LOAN. BOOT and SHOE MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS I T I TERMS STRICTLY CASH. BERLIN WOOLS THOS. PATERSON. REMOVAL OF thh k I I I SMA.LE'S FEATHERS CLEANED AND DYED. BOOT AND SHOE STORE, DENTISTRY. NOTED CHEAP CASH I Ory Goods Store! y I J, ' I W. H WILLIAMS, THE DOMINION BANK, BLACKSMITH. WE SELL I DENTISTRY. I I l j + I I I TAILORING I ~

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