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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Dec 1879, p. 2

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' l ANADIAN S'l'i\TESMAN, BOWMANVJLLE, FRIDAY, DEC:KMBER 26, 1879. PRESENTATION 'IO MR to BoWM'<NHLLl!: I., TEAS, TEAS~ The Greatest Wonder of the Age I ---++ - !I.bout 1000 s bscripbou· e xp re this number vie shall be very sorry to lose ar y of our present s1bscnbert":> It JS N01' PREP!l.RED ro SELL FURNITURE OF ALL DESCRIPTION:; C HEAPF_;.R I'HAN E " l<~R n eeded m MY HEARSE is THE BEStf IN THE CO UN TY AND M"\' UNDERTAKING DEPARrMENI I" COMPLETE IN ALL ITS BRA~CHES SUROliD~ my paper words I enclos here\ f r tho STAIES'HN for 1880 Coffees, Sugars, Fri.iits, Etc. d1scontu ned __ _..,__._,..,..._...._ _______ If you v; ant a choice cup of 0 Jffee this 1s the place to get 1t I THE DIROERN 1 NG PUBLIC Sugars Jf all gra lcs at lowest price, need anJ lh ng rn my lme I shall be happy to deal "1th ti e 1 on tie most hl ernl terms F1 nts of all kinds at exceedmgl:y low puces Thankful for past patronnge 1 still so 1c1t a cont nuar ce of the san e "\\ ish1ng you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year l\'.TUNICIPAL AFFAIRS The non1111a+1u1 ~ take pl :tee on .l\fonda.y "\\ e regret t an1ou1ce th s "'eek that S Vanst ue Esq tbo present effi c1ent and p pnlar Rtieve of Darhngto1 declines re 1:::lect1on for 1880 V\ c believe he has filled the position v. th satisfaction to ,11 ;\.s that part of the tow1 ,11p will now wa t. anutl er re1 rescntatn e we beg to suggo8t J\.fr Peter ' ' erry to the cun s1derat n of the electors IIc is well a iahfied o fill the pos twn of Co mcillor and we ho~e he will allow mmsell to be el cted to tl at l os1t1on wlu h the electors will u doubtedly do if ho ounsents to oiler next W. P. Fish of all kmds Bowmamille December 17 1879 PROW'El~ ~. KING MAYNARD'S OLD STAND, ST. 73 tf WM c01diallv imites all his friends (Electora of D rlrngton) SUNDRIER. SOAP -Om I' ory and Amhe1 bar ~oap th1 ov. s all other, m the shade The Electn e Soap is nowbei e compared to it BRUSHES -Scrnb Stme Hau 011ths Boot Brooms Pail s andWashtul s SALT-In Bairels ar d Sacks Frne Lnerpool Salts 111 ba 0 wughmg respectnely .J6ills l] 2 ills 224 tbs t J smt the com emence of tl c pur chasei -specially 1mpo1kd for d11115 use Our Headlight 1s worthy of a tnal and COAL OIL of the best quaht} bound to gr; e satrnfact10n COJl[E AND SEE OUR GRAN'D DISPLAY IN GONE = EAST. · he will give great bargams 101 OAsH in for 1t Jlfr and enemies 1f he has IO MAI K IHEIU BORl:.aA. NJD B-0-0-T-S A-N-D S-H-0-E -S. On account of ha\lng 01 dcrnd a large stock before the recent 11 e m leather and rubber goods of from 20 to 40 per cent purchasers will save tlus rise by bu:ymg horn him at once His stock 1s now complete for the Ohrrntmas trade MUNICIPAL ELECTION NOTICE TO l HE ELE l vRS 0" THE NORTH Vl ARD, Your Yote a1 cl Interest are Respecttulh Sohc1ted for lhe Re elect10n of rh1R denartment 1s well stocked rega1dleRs of expense, m cludmg (,-RA 'l"ITEW ARE, 111 vanous sizes and patterns, TEA, DINNER AND CHAM~l!;:R SETS. A cholCe ai:;sortment of r ham her Sets 111 VV hrte and Fane.} PatternR, of A 1 qualtt3 "\Te have ldte !J m 1ported direct from Pans specially for our Xmas trade, a fine select10n of r EA '<E r s, of best French Cluna , th se am i;eally umqne, and are fast herng di-posed of. 0 ORDERED WORK IN FINE BOOTS AH D SHOES ,.\ SPECIALTY. REPURING PROl\1PlLY A;llD NE<\.IH DONE I Ce1nent ng on Patuhes Properly Do1 e and W1Jrrar te 1 to give Sahsfaot o GEO. Remember the stand-NEADS' NEW BLO One door East of J,EE & EDSALL s HrnDwARE. STORE and do not fail to gn e !nm a call Bowma 1v1lle Deo 8 1879 l~ M 61 2 ---·~ TO THE ELECTORS OF THE DE DI CAfION OF 'IHE Nl,W 111 CHURCH ENNISKIL LEN NORTH WARD, IOWN Ol BO\\ MANVILLE IAM'~~ I~ LM f""iill A large stock sdec1ed with great ca1e, RUitable fr UHRTST]L\.o; AND ;\! E ll YEA.RS GIFfS I I B01'1'YIANVILLE THE NOTED I NOTICE! I The hi2;hest pnce hati always been paid by Murdoch Bros for all km<ls of farm prriduce NOI'ICE l Your Vote and Influence THOS BUR DE N I \ nangemenb I ave been made v ith "Orne of tl e leadmg houses m I town to supph om c1rnt nne1 H w th 0 0 d, n t rn o 1r lme so that parties I ha'm~ prnduce to dispose of c1n d1 so to arhantage Bo" man ville Deoern ber 18 187 l 73 Ory BoodsHouse! L ease Opened out thJS mornmg another case of New Millmery or 1 of Mantles new st:y !es twentv Jn e pieces of ne~ D1 e's (,ootL >en fine and specially good value ~GET YOUR "" ~ THE SUN FOR 1880. Millinery, Mantles & Dres s Goods )JW"AT :SALE CHEAP '\.FIRST CLASS F OR par of a. ne "' three kneed Bob sic ghs Apply to !1.LEXANDER S ~ 1 FAMILY MOURNING' ---H- -Qutfita by special auangement at a great savmg m cost r ument of Mourmng Bonnets and Hat~ v. ell tnrnrned Mantle and Dress makmg Department are unde1 others rna-v still Vests Ladies J\.{cr1no 'Tests h gh llt)Ck ar d 101 g slee\ e~ Every I ad;) i n \ ant of fine Vests should oall at ALEXl\.NDER '> CASH S10HE TRIUJ\iPHANT ! VARIETY HALL GLUB··l880 r11c Flrst hort!cn1t11r 11 tud A~rlcultur ll l.uth >r~tJ. 1n ='..111crtca An Illustr itell! \.\ eekly For All P<:t. t of 0 Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED li or the finest gooas for the beat as~ortment for the cheapest goods go to ALEXANDER'S NOTED CASH S TORE Countr) SUBSCJ:~IBFJ

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