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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Dec 1879, p. 4

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CANADIAN - STA.TESMAt\, BO\VM.A.N V JLLE ,,FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26 , 18 9. ~ 'l... ~ _; ,, SCI ENTIFIC NEWS, \YR.LTTE::-f SP ECIALLY J'OR THE "RTA'l' ESMA!f ' BY AN E?!1: INEN T SCIENTH31'. The· eilectric lig-h t has been fon nd a useful s ign al in s urveying. In r ece nt wor k B}JRK & .ToNEis.j~87. 9] Banking -= House r · of t r iangulation in Algebra it is stated .t ha t the li gh t was seen a.t a dis tance of one hundred a nd sixty-four mil-es. Rece n t co mparati ve n1 ~as nre1n en tE!'. of th e crania of eminen t men and . of criminals show that, wh ile a capacious i n t e l1tic~ r equires a 1arge cran iu m it is not alway13 at- I ADVANCES MADE tended by a high order of intelligence . .,,.The cr ania of a consider able nu mber of on personal and collate1 ·al security. criminals were found to hav't t\ capacity 1n uch nbo\'0 th e aver ag e. NO TES DISCOUNTED. ~-l fte r some 18,000 exa1niua.tiflna 1 Dr. J effries a ffi r ms that n.bo nt one 1nale in tw enty . fi ve is co!or blinU t o a. l:!t'e ater or 5% interest paid on deposits of $4 and 11 pwards. less degree. He finds th o def ct t o be 1 u1 etirne$ largely h ereditary, althou gh s1 occasioned by disease or i nj ury. I n the '-'o rmer ct-tse i t is incurRble 1 but i n t.he No~i:=::~~~~- t, : ~ ; :·:l ,~I :B I S . T M :~ .S AT-, '" .. ~ ' ·· ·--_ --.,--:IT ; B ·A T T ·I NG. [18 79 · att~ntion DR,-Y G-OOI:> S T invites t o his well selected and cheap stock of 1 Consisting in part of Black and Colored Cash meres, Como and Empress Cloths, Grey Suitings, Lustres, Check and Plain Wincies C'oths, Flannels, &c., &~. The above will be found splen ditl val ue. Ask to see th e ~NEW I CANADIAN I/ OSIER Y. -d 1·18-27-64. R E E D ' S B f, 0 C K · Bowmanvil!e, Oct. 15, 1879. lat ter it n1ay be only a temporar y difficulty. on Borlin r ejoices in t he p ossession of. a. scientific cook i ng associ at io'n, forrne d · by h ousew ives of thEi city. I t bas a st~hool of in Ca1mda, N cw Y 01~k and London, England. instruction iu cookery; and a qualifi ed P rivtite and Building Society Funds loaned on real estate at ch emist gives me T ubers of th e Pociety JectnreS jn prac tical chemis try , .A labora. b· e·st rates. al~~~~~~~~~~!~treal -. "ll·;c.Y.~. ;, · : _ "· ·. :·i.~.E _ . _ ' l '..l,.:'_. . .;Jltlll "' ~ -- ~ S II .I B T( ·Y' 1 ,_ -. ____ J ~L~ ~~ r I r I f/ ~ 11 ' . -~ . ~ 9 ~ l \ II 11 A CHOICE STOCK. A carefully R elected stock of the newest styles and best qualities of Fa and Winter Goods may be found at --~ rJ., JEJli·Jli1 JECRY' lrferchomt Tailoring E sta bl-ish:ment, next cloor to .~1iirdoch .Rros. ,'r· ..,,. , t ory h a s bl;lell est<1.blished, in charge of the che mist, fo r the examinatio~ of ar t icles I of foo d, a nd, also , o f uten sil~ employed . NO TES A ND A CCOUNTS BANK STOCKS,· BONDS ·· ~ ' DEBENTURES, and MORTGAGES · in cookin g. . A recen tly discover e d fossil ani1nat, .A mphicaelih·i fragilissimus, is described as a mons ter considerably more tila n one hundred feet in leng th, wit h spinal ver tebr ae si>. feet acr< .,s, hind legs fo rty feet !o ~g, and a large and. . powerful . tail. tm a g1ne t he mo ns ter 1n nfe, st.:ind 1ng on its hind legs and catching. its prey with its fore pa ws, and _ a. str1 k1n~ p1c!ure ll'1 brough t t o m in1r frou1 th e ages long ago. To convince various scien1ifiG skep t ics in regar d to certain ev enlf!. of B iblical nar· r atives 1 A b be MoignoJ ed i t('l' of Les 1Wondes, of Pa.rie, purposes fittin g ou t an arch~ologica.l expedition to search for t h e remail1s of ·the Egyptian cavalry, lJ uried in I .. COLLECTED, DURING , THE XMAS WEEK WE WILL A choice variety of T weeds, Ulotlrn, Coating, Trouserings, &c., &c., of superior quality, and at prices which cannot fail to satis(y, made in the latest fash ions and a OFFER PERFECT FIT C U AR A NTE ED. All kinds of Gentlemen 's un derwear, H ats, Ties, Collars, Handkerchiefs, etc., in great variety. ~TRY A P A IR OF FISKE'S S US PEN D ERS .~ B0 U G - H 'I' ·AND S 0 L D._ · $_ PEO_ I AL lNVESTMEN TS MADE. B owmanville, li'eb; 12, 1879. 29--l:y, INDUOEJYLJ3JNTS -IN'"- Call and examine my goods. llowmanville, Oct. 15, 1879. JOS . J EFFJCRI. 12-64. the Red Sea. H is belief is th at these re- m ains can be fou nd by d igging for t_ h em , and tl1at the a ction of t he salt l.n which t hey arc b ur ied n1 ust lt<.t:\'e. kept thfm in a good sta t e of p r e servat ion. FrOm a study of the actinn of tea, M r W. J. Morton has r~a ch ed t hose con clusi ons : As wit h an y o ther d ru g, th er e is a p roper a nd. o n in1 propor U!!e of H ·. _Jn m oder atio n i t is a m ild aud har1n lese Stirnula at. Its immod e r ate use leads t o serious sy tn pt o ns, s uch a s headache, v er ti go, ring- Groce ri. e s, Eight percent , : " .. t ') . '. _ ,,. ~· EXHIBITION IN BOVJMA NVILLE .I S AT ' J Mayer's Fur Est. a blishment, where you will find the best selection in Furs,Hat~ and Gents' F urnishings. In Furs, Seal Sets and Caps, only best quality kept. Pluck&:'. Otter in Sei;s and Caps, A 1. Russian Dog and Gray Lamb, in g reat variety. Bal tic Seal and Astrachari J ackets ; Sleigh and Buffalo Robes; Gl oves, I m itation Lamb and Plush-Caps. ; . In Hats, the latest styles and largest st ock alway s kept on hand and prices from 50c_ upwards, · · In Gen ts' Fu rnishings the best selection of 'ties, Shirts and Winter Clothing. · ' Remem~er the sign of th e Big H at, Qp posite F. Henderson's H ot d. P ersons ]1aving Furs to repair should · bring them -in ea1'ly, before t he f busy season commences; All kinds of _ Furs aJ tered and repaired.Cash buyers preferred. inv~~tme"i1t .j at par. in g in the enrs,tre mulou sn ess, ner vousness, HE-DillECTORS of theFINANOIAL &xha ush orr, irregul ar action of t he hearh A SSOCTATI0N .O F.ON TA RJO. beg to dian d dyspepsia. M any of the sympt oms of rect th e a ttention of inveHtors to the a.dv8.nt,ageil offereil by th ~Prefere n~e S tock of the Com pa ny excessi \' P. t ea-drink in g ar e such as rna.y as a v articulH.rJy secure and remunerat ive inoccur with o ut a s uspicion of th e r eal ca.use. .,·estme.nt. I t r epresents .mortgaa;es on Real T Wir1es, i -----~- ·---~- - A CA1tu.-To all wh o suffer from t h e er rors n.ti d in discretions nf youth , ner\' o n ~ eight per cent. per annum.. . weakneee, ear ly decay 1 loss of ut anhoooi, For further particulars a pply at the offict; ol (_~ c . , l wi1l - se nd a rccej pe that will cnre th e Company, rODDJ!"JGLLOVi' S' BUIL.pING, · you, FREE OF CHAR GE. This g reat L OND ON, or by in.ail t o · EDWARD LE RUEY , remedy was discovered by a m1ss1on. a ry 1'1an:itging Dir.eoter. Gl-tf. i n S o ut.h A1 nerica. SE nd a sctf-ad d resEied en velope to t he REv. J oSEPH T . I NMAN, Stcttion lJ, N e·w Y ork CifAJ . ltEAD AND LEARN FOR YouRSELF. - Manv val nabJe di scoveries and much useft;! knowledge is kept fron1 the world,becau::; e of the in1 mensc cxpeuse in n1aki1 1g t h eni k n nwn to th e pPop1e. This is no t the case E st a te, whic~.in n o cal'm exceed.one-half its cash value. and haS a fi r st claim on the capital of the Co~_pan y ·l t o the amoul).t paid iu by the holdei-B, a nd ~I so on t he pro.Hts to t he exte nt of Liquors, and Fresh Meats. . . . ' MA R K'C S MA YER. P . S.-Cash paid for·Raw Furs. B owman ville, Septe m her 16, 1879. 38-60 tf. --~----·--~-- IN Teas bought before the advance. Sugars as ch!=lap as the ·cheapest. ' WINES & ,L IQUORS Alicante Wine for Misa S~erry ~fedicinal - · _ NO QUESTION ABOUT IT ! The New Fall Stock at · with Bol:5CHBE's GERMAN S·YRU!'. 0 ltE' sa.1es now reach every to\'i'Il and v illa Re iro Canada and the Un ited Stal <S . Its wo nderfu l snccess in curing Consumption ; se ve re Cou gh.':!, F'ueumnn ia, A.sthrua, and n.11 other d iseases of the throat an d lnngs, ' vas fi rHt made known by d istribn t iog every y ear, for three years, over 4-00,000 bott les to the affiicL ed, free of charge, Ly Druggists . Purposes. McOLUNC BROS. IS SUPREME ! Sandican1 Port Wine for " " .N-o Buch a test of nierit '"" as ever giVe11 before to any ot her preporation. _ Go tu your Druggist and get a bo t tlc _ f or 75 cen ts and try:it Sample bottle s 10 cenls. · Goon Anv1c.E.-Now rn the ti moot y ear for Pneumonia, L ung li'e1 Br, &.c. Every ----~ i;.i,wuJ- ~hou l d have a bott1o of BosCHEE' s GnRMAN· :S ~ Don't alJ ow for one w oment "that" coti"gti'-t9>-t.a.ke l1old Df y our child, your fam ily or ;yourself. ~ G~Tui..."lp t1on , As thm a, Pnoumon ia, Croup, ]Jem orrh r1,ges, and other fatal disea:H~ s rnay set. in. Alth o u gh it is tru e GEP~IIIAN S :ruu 1' l s th ousand~tof -- " " RAJ~INS.-N ew Th e Jl ollu a n Llve1· and Ston1acJ1 Pad c ures with out medicine. Valencias, New Layers, New Bernard's Ginger" Hennessy Brandy " Martell's Brandy- H O::"fES'.l', E:FFECTIYE & HAR MLESS. This treatm ent is DC!t only endorsed by thou sa.pds of people. both 111 th rn and other countries but is b ein g en dorsed b y the high est medica authorities. " Send for descriptive tr eatise. }"or sal e at Sulta~as, Choice London Layers. ._ CuRRAN'rs.-N ~w, " " " " " IT IS A CASH STOC K . - - A T- - POPUL AR PRICES --AT-- curin ! the.SE: dr('ad ed di se nses D. STOT'CS DR UG STORE - -- -· ' Be-\'HfA~VTI,LE: .Ad dress all orders : in Barre.I and Case. J arnaica Rum. Holland Gin. Irish 'Vh_ iskey in Wood or Bottle. McClung Bros. CA S H P R I C E S· yet it is much bett er to have j) t at ha n d whe n three dose s wiil cure you. One bot~ t !e will last yo ur whole f ami ly 11 winter and keep you safe t rom da n~e r. If you HO LMAN LIVER PAD CO., Box 45, B OTI'lllRtn · Uie. Spices that are Pure Indeed. New Orange, Len1on and Citron .Peel. ~ are consumptive, do not 1e.:;t u ntil yon h ave trie<.1 th iS r emedy.' S ampl e b 6ttles , 10 cents. Regular size 7 5 cen tfl. S o ld by your Druggist. Hu cklcn'i.i A1·nica Sa l vc. The BBS'l' SALVE in the w or ld for Cuts, Brni se8, Sores, Ulcers, Salt ltheum, 'l'ettcr , Chapped h ands , Chilbla ins. Corns, and all kinds of Skin J!~ 1· up t-io n s . '!'his SalYe is guara.ntocd. to give perfect s atisfactio n in every case or money r efu nded. Price 25 ccuts per Box. For snlc by Wm. 'Voon. Oshawa, also R. Foth ergill NewNast1e ------~- .. September 18, 1879. 60-tf. W. BRlTTAIN & CO. Also the usual variety of Sundries kept in h nve opened o'lit a."ch oicO sto ck of ..; r . Dress Goods, Cloths, Clothing, lVIilScotch " linery, House Furnishings, " " " " Carpets, and a Canadian-5 year old-Bourbon, Rye and Malt. Labatt's Alein Wood and Bottle. TEAS,: GROCERIE S and PROVISIONS. in shop :s.3 and 4, Market Square, a nd are prepared to t ake a.first-class Grocery. ( FIRST CLASS D1·. liiug's Cnlifo_rnlnGol(lcn <:o n·poun11. of dtomn ch , Low Spirits, Bi liousn ess, CoJ:lst i11a.ti on, Jaun d ice, Liv er Complaint or a ny a.trectiun of the Stomach or L iver, in the shortest tim e ]lo;;sible. You arc not asked to buy u n t1l you kuow wh a t you a r c getting. I her efore , a1\l you ;n i.l ue J·our e xistence, Clo .not fail to go to your Dl'ug~ist \ \T,. m, '"Toon's Os hawa; a,l so n. Fot.h e rg-il l s, Newcastle, and get a trio.I b ottle free of r:h a.rge, which will show · w hat a regular one d ollu r tm U,le will <l o. Ask for D R. K r Na·s CALI O f\NIA f' · . -O LfJ E:S C 0:1IPOU ND . and take 110 Other. S lo1· i.b ai t :ou g h. - '- - I s a s trict ly vegetable preparat rnn, and will po!?itrvely CU\'C Dyspepsia, SickHeadach e,Acid iL.~/ BUTTER,- EGGS, PORI(, E~c ., for whic1i the}· wi11 pay PAR'J' CASH and give d ue bills .on W . :ALEXANDER'S for " " " B_ ass' Ale in Bottles and Guinness' . Porter. ~'loss O'Keefe's AJe TAILORIN G DEPARTMENT'. Some very profit abl e buying may be done in each of t hese departments - -AT - - DRY -GOODS. HIGHE ST P RICE. PAID FOR Rose China Tea Sets. If you are suffering with a Uough, Cold, .Asthm11. Bronchitis, H ay Fe ~'er, Con sumption, lost; of ,!otce, tickli ng i n the throati,....or a n y nfl:'ection of t he T hroat or L uugs, u se v n. KI NG 'S KEW n1 soov ~RY for Cnus n mpt ion. This is the g rC'at rem edy t hat isca11 sin,11' so m uch cxcitem.ent by i ~s wonderful c neeB, curing thousands of hooclcss ca· s es. Over on e m il lion Uot tl oso fDR.KrNa's NEw D1suovERY h ave been used w ithin the Inst yoa.r a nd h ave given perfect satisf actio n in cvcrY instance. \.Ye can unhesitatingly S:ftY t h a t t h i s is .really the_nnly s-nre cwre for th roat a n d ~ ung- tt:ffect.ion s, aiiil can cheerfully r ecommend t o a.11. Call an d get a I.ria l b ottle free of cost · a regular sh:e f or $1.00. For so.le hy Wm. W oon, Oa hawa, also R , F othergill , Nc \.Ycastlc, f.:o:ru11uu1·t1on Cttrejl, GOOD BUTTER! Fluted Gold Line Tea Sets. GOOD BUTTER I · A ·. · .Mcclung Brothers fc> r Cash . ME 18 Q : 1$.PLAY OF FRESH . , · · · l ' ORGET DO~'T '.l'HIS. FRESH MEAT. Plain White and Gold .Line Sets. I ll-resb meat can be obtained till 7 p.m,, from Young & Cn.wk er 's, by a pply ing at & Co's S tore. B owmanYille, July lat, 1879. !9 ,V, B : Medallion Tea Sets. ~Inustache Cups and Saucers. for th e speedy a nd perman ent cure fot· t he s peed y· aod ·pe.rman cn t cure for Consumption, Dronchitis, Catar r a h, A shma, and a ll Throat. a n d Lung A ffectiona, also a. pos itive a n d radical on re for Nervo us Debility an d a.Jl N e rvous Comp laints, a f tP.r h a viu )o( t e sted its wond erfu l curative powers in thou sands of cases, h as felt it his dntv t o.mH.ke it kno wn to his sutrering fellows. Ac 1~,1at.ed by t h is inOtive nnd a. d esire to relieve h i1 ll)a n Hu ffe ri ng, I w ill send fre e of charde to all who desire it, this rcceipe. in Germa.n.:H'renc!l r F.nglish . with full d il'ections for preparing a ml using. Sen t by mail _by a ddressing with stamp, nan1in g this p aper. \V ._ VI/. S H .1£RAR, 14!.l Po wers' Block Rochester N . Y_ 64-13vt. placed in his hands by .a n Kast l n dia missiOna r y t he for1nula of a sin1pl c veget able remedy had An old phys ician retired f r om pra~tice, ba-vi~ g .J U!!\T \ 1' 11A.1' TOU ' \'A.NT l ' OR JLlRD TIMJ-~s. · Motto Cups and Saucers. ~ Much that is attractive, Much.that is new, I Durham Cow, fed by John Colwell. · · 1 Much'that is well pleasing, Heifer, fed by Robert Skinner. )And everytng is ::ndeniably Cheap. I " 2 . Thorough-bred Heifers, 2 years old, fed IN ovel Designs, N e-w Ideas, P leas- LAST BUT NOT LEAST . EACH DEPARTMENT ABOUND S IN J 1·racU ca l '\'fatclunake.r, Jeweller, d:c., B : ,-T\:8::~T E, -Cba1nberw.are .and a geµeral yariety in the Crockery Line. ·by . J as. Collacott. 1 Grade Heifer, fed by John Chapman, $ 50,000.00 of English mon!)y to I )all at a low ra te of interest. Ap-. )'ly to Tbos. Bingham, Hughan's -leweller y Stor e, Bowmanville. 61 t f TakP.s thi s meth od of thank ing hie ri.ume:rous cust.orner s fort.heir pa!:!t favol'Jj , h opin g to me1 'it a c ontinuance of th e san1e, a:nd let ting yoh - n ow tha.t I ha.ve got, a la rge i:; tock of Clock s, \Vn.tches JeweUery, &c., of the best quality that can b~ b ough t , which · w ill be sold c heaper by a big oilds th a n you c:an bu y elsewhere ; I '\\'lll also ca rry on t h e n1an Ufacturing of the same. All repairing entrusted to n1e Will receive · s trict a.tt ention a n d bes l.' skUJ h ither to una.tte mptcd in this p a1t of I.he countn·, a H you w i ll see by sotne of m y cer Lifi cates from some o f Urn largest shops in f'Atllada and the United $tate><, which I ha.ve had pr actical experience in. I am confident that a n y t hat, will fa vor me with a call will be m aster of th e s ituation. Clarke. 1 Grade ·Heifer, fed by John Ruddock, MccL ~UNG ing Feathers, Gre. a t Improvement in this diversified stock of and C.ASH gives complexion to the whole. BROS GLAS SWA:R,E. Lamp13_in Great Variety. Chimneys of all Sizes.and Shapes. Clarke. 2 Grade Steers, fed by John Foster. CUT'I'ERS, WA GONS, CARlUAGES,&c <tp er than ever a t RR I S' ' WORK S. wa n trng anyt h ing in nd learn li ow very - ·i article. P a.in ti ng ~· it h p1·o_ m p t11css \Ve take pl eas_ u 1·e in recomm en.ding J., B. Tai as a. tirst class workman, h a Ying \VOr k ed for us fo r a. long time, during which he did all our :fine a n d d Uticult jo bs. and we must say thn.t we have never h ad a cha nce to fill his pla ce with a n101·e~ practical watch maker since. He is compebm t of d'o in g t h e rtn6st a nd difficult '"a t ch -r cp 11Jring that can be done in Canada. or t h e Uni ted States. H e is a.bout the only one tha.t holds first-class testimoni ~ls . A. & J, K LI ZER, Toronto. · sPECIAL "sHoTs;· I N -DR E ss GooDs ! SOMETHING "A WAY DOWN" I N TWEED SUITE S ! BARGAINS MOS'l' " COMFORTABLE " JN OVERCOATS ! CARPETS FIT FOR LORNE ! AND SO:METHil'IG GOOD :FOR EVEllTBODY 10 Head . o f Sheep, fed by Squire Hunking. 5 Berkshire Pigs, fed by Andrew l\IcFeeters. Call and take not es (bank not es) and see what cash can do when at war with credit. M c CLUN G BROS. Bowmamille, September 30, 1879. 10-30-29 62. To u_,hom. it nl,a,11 Concern /'~ TliiH is to cert.ify tlHl t J. B . !J'ait has 'vorkce1 for ns for two-vear s a Lt.hej e welry bui:.iness a n d h E; is compe ten t of"dping a ny'-job .we think that_ t ha t may come unde r h is notice, Y ours truly, H. \ VEST_ F.Rl\'.CA N , N ew l !aven, .T. B. Tait worked fot m e'- 'three y.~ars, during wh ich t.ime he gu,ve me first-cl ass satiHfa.ctjon , bo th in t he repairing of ·watches, clocks an d ~ .... weli'y. I ca n recon1mend him to any verson \'i ug anythin g to do in h is linc.. Yours truly, -... J . H . JONES, 'l'errehaut, Indiana. 1 -lfv that J . B. 'fate i s a first class · · ~·.,,.,·ellcr, He wor kf'.d for _m e _ t he moot di fficul(jobs in the tjewclry repair ing. Yours, R . CHO N CE, P itt.sburg. ;r e in recommend ing J . B. Ta te as tch m a kcr , a s b e h ns worked fo r ~ to be a good workman. .Any \job will prove h im the ~am· e. H. SHOA.P,Alleghany. 0 -"" 5 Suffolk Pigs, fed by John Trick. Sausages inade by Lyle & Marty1i. POU;LTRY in Gr;eat Va·rief!?f. JOHN McMURTRY , Keeps constantly on hand a good stock of Glass Tea Sets, ' Con1ports, Glass Bonds, Goblets, Wine Glass. es, etc._ , etc., etc. CALL AND SEE OUR. DISPLAY AND OBLIGE "l' GROCERIES, PROVISIONS , Crockery and Glasswa re, Canned Good~ Tobaccos, Soaps; &c., &c. All k inds of farm produce taken ii! ex change. · 'Vatch,, 1gust Zl. 1879. ~Ii: Stroot. \ \ ....... -. .. Bowmanville1 Dec. 11, 1879. & · M..A..RT-YN. .. . Bowmanville. October 1, 1878. 10-tf- ~....::1..oa.~.......~--~~..::..~~~--~~~~...~~~"'~.,.: 1_ ~~\ ____ ---, "'"'

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