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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1880, p. 2

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~ dJIAN -- STATESMAN ~ .HOWMANVILI,E, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1880. \VA:S'I'ED pp.r mouth and expenses pa d la.rs address a s above herman Co 1farshall M ,.Ja' ch want an agent m th s& county st once at" ol 'JOO Fo1 full part cu 7Q..ly 0 ~ ~~ Every farmer ha~tock shoula teed ) m _... m m 11::::1! I ..a.- ' - ' -.... ..IL~ ' ~ I t:ONDI l:ION l o-,l'DER' MILLINERY & MANTLE tfALf'ij ' p J: ;'IY' ~ ~ GREA'l. ~ § · The Greate. t Wonder of the Age ! _ (. 11 I I 0 - - - ++ - - ~ E ..I: (. ' CARTWRIGHT REEVE Teuberr.} The ne'v po" der for ' h1tcn mg the teeth sweetening the b ea.th and st mulat1ng tl e mo th Ihe br ghtest neatest cos st htt e gem extant .Ask J H1gginbotl nm fo Tea erry .Price 35c ~~~~~~~~ I t'l.S without except on t ile best blood pur1fie1 eve1 used of I n rnent· lllisWI> Lot on.' &c for stable use We have Ctlso a large stock ~ AT / TS N 0 ~ PREPARED TO SELL 0 UR S PECIALTIES. S<10TJ S COUGH Sl'l!l P Tl e best remed:y lu ow for Coughs Colds &:c James Parr elected by acc1amahon DEPUTY REEVE Ta 11ake Gtlt Edgetl Bu ttcr WM. ALEXANDER'S FURNITURE CASH STORE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Arch Lattlmor electea by acclamation UU UNUILLORS CATARRH H,EMEDY \Veareprepa1 n gthebest Ca arrhRe edyever offered to tl e T ubl c t go es 1 eriect sa1f~ fact1on 1n eve1y case Price 50 c e n11J Hah llrns bes frout ~5c CicIEAPER THAN E VE R John Goggm Wm C "an Teasdale Whitfield John McKee John Enghsh NEWC !I.SILE Reeve-Mr A McNaugh ton by a.cclamat1on I Counc1llors-Messrs D J L Strowger W Grose Rickard CLARKE Reeve - Robert Colville ~lectecl by ac clamat1011 1st Deputy- J 0111 Carveth and C H 'larnblyn 21d Depnty-J A Reid by acclamat10n Counmllors-Thos Stanton Jonn Ren v1ck A Gilr y and w c.th art PORT HOPE MAYOR to $ 2 75 Pel't1unc from 10 cents to $1 00 lhe largest stock of Toilet Soaps 1n the country PURE DYE STUFFS OF EVERY COLOR ware moms will be found a full suppl} of e' ei \ thrng needed m \ Everythrng m our M11Jrnery and Mantle Department to At his the Furnltu e Line Look in and examine pr ces and J 1dae for yo 1se f '\ be clea1ed out regar<lless of cost, MY HEARSE is THE BEST IN THE COUNTY A.ND MY UNDERTt\.KING DEPARTMENT IE COMPLETE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES fact ou stock is compete n e' ery line £\Jld "warranted ge n:iine of the best quality o.nd II be so _ d t the very lo est pnoes Our 75c Felt Hats to be clea1ed out at 25c Ont $1 2fi Felt Hats rerluce<l TO 50 cents Our $2 00 }< elt Hats reduced to $1 00 See our $4 utraw an ~UROUDS Etc. STOTT, l ructJcal t:Jte1111!d and n1 n..,i:i~t ' .: dF I I 11 d b Id t75 e t l ats;i\e tnmme ,to e so a c. I ,_.. Tow N HALL Uu1r nr1'GS BowMAN' ILLE $3 00 Mantles reduced to $1 50 I $5 oO Mantles 1ednc ed to $3 75 , d d $450Mantlesieducedto $2 75 $700 '1- 1antlesre uce to$475 50 dozen Wlute and Colored I ies made tc the finest polished casket manufactured m Canal~ at p ICes t · It e>el)OI e I By keeping n1v own horses I an1 prepartd to r 1 into the cour try v. 1tho t extra charge and by hVIng on the prernrnes I am al ·ays ready a t am 1 ute s n otice <lay or night By dealrng \11th me JO 1 can do better t han with an v oH er house 1 the cunty s1mplybocause[underatandncybusmess id n y ovn bu, 1 8 , atd attend to it. mvsel f knowing 'vhere and w} e to l U.},..., rl11 and a lways b uy fur cash Cotne and aee for vourself Should ke'l_p al'lla3,onhiindafullstockof OOHI~Sfromtheplamhome WIDOWS' MR!i~IUINGS Dr Herriman Mr Mr P R Randall C Qumlan C JUNCILLORS Ward One-Messrs ~ G John Walker Joa G Kmg Coll ms Ward I wo-1\fessrs Chrts ti. man D Smart and James These gentl.,_rnen personal y a.ro quite All elected by accla nat1 n War l I hree Messrs J W w >rthy of the u sit1on they ha e filled H H B 1rnham E Bnd~e T the chair cred tably before and but for B D Deermg J H Am bre>se the manner lll wluch they were brought HOPE out we should have all wed them to REEVE unaided by Mr H Elliott and Mr W H lST DEPUTY RE.EVE Button Kid Gloves rednt>ed to 50 cents credit stores ask 90 c for no better goods Our noted Dolla1 Kid Gloves retarn their ;\ell eat ned popularity ]< 01 THE DISOER N J NG P U BTJIO need anything l i ID) hne I shall be h appJ to de al w th them on the most liberal terms Thankful for pa.st patronage l st 11 sol ctt a cont1nnat ce of the sane WISh1 ng you all a Merry Christmas and Happ, Nev I ear the Cheape·t and best ass01t~d stock m the County go to W P. PRO~Ql"i . J~ / -----...-',,; ALEXA~DER'S Noted Cheap Cash Store. MAYNARD'S OLD STAN D, 54 57 60 64 68 75 Bowmauville D eco'llbor 17 1879 KING ST. Bowmanville January 1 1880 73 tf Messrs J IamblJ J Rosevear MP P, N Peters and Joo Hams 2ND DEPUT'Y REEVE. NEW GOODS A 'f OLD PRICES Messrs E ti. and C Garbutt Powers 11 W COUNCILLORS r Messrs Alex Beatty J B Jacobs J Bark well H c mrnod 111 Thompson Thos Campbell E A Powers W D.r 1 ng Robt Bwkell were nomm·ted ll'lANVEltS "m Bowman~1lle Jan 1 1880 -~----- 1'ende1·s '17 anled T YELLOvVLEES, News Agent Nov 27 1879 LYLE & MARTYN HAVE RECEIVED A CHOfOE AND EXTENSIVE STOCK OF WINDATT cordially mv1tes all lns fnends MaJ or-Mr Harper elected by accla _)30\o era.l of th~ lea hng ct lzens ·et on ma.t1on Reeve-Cbar1es King and Jas Saturday evening to see If they could not Cami bell Deputy Heeve-J R Ph h p et a man to contest th e seat with the and Yeoman Gibson ConnClllors-Nor 11 g d Ward J H long J C \\ esl ey Wm c1t1zen referred to above, who has prove B 1rna D1 Bogart James Rntlerlge Mr Mc Coutre Ward Henry Annes Wn Hood auch a. terror to tho aspirants Arthur was choeen and after considerable Geo Cormack VV1n Ba.rnes J ohn Kelly sohcitat1on consented to stand for the 'V\ 0 1 Dun ley South Ward R Huggard , B t d t od by C F x John Snuth Frank Clarke Jorn positx n of 11J.ayor e I n ers o Blow all th a he IS not brought o it by a1 Y OSHAWA (Electors of Darlu glor ) FAM l LY GROCERIES FOR THE WJNTEH TR\.DE COMPRISING I NORTH WARD. GEN'ILEMEN liav1ug been for 18 years conneoted w ~h 1\-' lunic pal l\latters during six l ear s or which 1 was ri. ember or the Counties Co incil and \l..arden for one term a1 d hav ng been soUcited by manr; ele"Ctors of the!\ orth ' ' ard t o t eco e bnt was Sugars, Fruits, Canned Fruits, Fish,Canned Fish, Canned Meats, B-A·L-L-0-T-S Fresh Meats, Teas, Coffees, Pork, for at approach ng MUNICIPAL ELECIION Crockery, Glassware, Wines and ELECTIONNOTICE Liquors, Coal 01 1, Wooden Ware, To1aEELEcT0RsoFTHE Fine and Coarse Salt. NORTH WARD, Hee1d~' "'full assortment of >anous othe1 goods too numerous to and enemws rf he has any, 10 MARK THEIR h n1 the i Jot 31 Con 7 na.rl ngton a red calf the owi er lM requested to pro' e propert) pay expenses and take it away SAMUEL SOU CH JJ;nfie d F 0 Darl ng on Dec 9 187Y 33 C AME TN lO THE ENCLOSURE ON Yom Vote and Interest are ment10n Om gcneial stock is about the la1gost w e have eve1 offered to our custome1 s and has been ve1 y ra1 efully sdectPd Pm cha·ers aie ie Respecttullv So1Ic1ted fm spectfully mv1ted to call and examme goods and puce· befm e buy mg The Re electwn of -.... GEO PIGGO'I T 1 Counc1llor For 1880 .... Re1nembel' we ahtr.t;, is "'ell at tbt lo\vest hn11g p1·1ce!l and \VllJ n c." be unde rsold LYLE & lV.L.i\.RTY _ ,,r, King-st B _9 wmanville JanuarLl_1880 e lent ~arden contalll ng a splend d "\ ar ety of fr t lhere a..re soft and hard water wells on the 1 rem -'-'-~ n ne A B R lc,K 100 HOT SE CONIAINING ns and a r{ood ce Ja r 11,ith an ex ses One of the most con"\ en ently ar ranged ho ses in town Rent $7 per n1onth Apply to WR R CAWKER NORTH WARD, TOWN OF BO~ Cows Wanted. HOUSE and LOT for LA HGE FIRST CLASS SALE. T wo Dairy Cows Wanted Apply to Bowma1 v Ile Ihe house conta ins seven rooms On the prem ses thete is a sma l garden having a cho ce select on of fruit trees planted there n nlso a good ell !1ame stab e and '\ ood shed all the bu1l n ngs bemi:;r in goo 1 re pan Terms Fo further part1c Ila s apply to NEW MANVILLE Dowmanv ll e Your Vote andinfluence Are Respectfully Sohc1ted For R.ICK COITAGE AND QUARTER B of o.n aore of1and s t.uated at the corner ur tJntario and Albert Streets Jll the town uf STEPHEN COTTON Bowman Ile 68 REMOVAL OF tf of" 1S7~ and Amen m ng In the "atter of ~cis THOS. BURDEN NOMINATION 0 F CANDIDATES FOR .MUNICIPAL OFFICES LrNDSAY-C 1 Deacon Reeve PETERBnRo - J J LundJ Mayor EAST" HITin-Roovo R Molthers11l M NOTED CHEAP CAS H RR LOSCOl\'lBE 1880. Bowmrun 1lle Apnl 16 1879 - - - ----N ottce 38 ly JOSEPH BRYA~'.I BO'\\}lrnHLLE An Insolce1 t s ereb) gn e1 tl at under and by v rtuc of the power vested in me as Ass g ee of t1 c a.bu'\ e named Insol AJ t by the said .A.ct and Amending Acts and pur uanco of the directions of the Inspeoror arid Creditors of the stud estate I \VIll otter for sale by Pubho Auction at the tver1one that Cultivates the Soil SHO ULD CO~ITA RE THE ORIGINAL JNDEPEND F.N'I' CONSCIENTIO US Dry Goods Store! --0-§ RURAL NEW-YORKER RUEBOTTOM HOUSE with other papers 0n account ot tne great mcrease m our busmcss we am necessitated - - I N l'HE-to remove mto new and morn commod10us prennses that em numeious TOWN OF BOWMAN-VILLE IN THE customeis may f ave an op101tumty of bemg "a1ted upon w1thoLit the mconvemence o' c10wcling wch as they ha>e endmed rn the past Our County of Durham on reputation 101 selling the cheapest d1y goods m Bowmanv1lle we are determmed to H tam and will not be undernold by any house m the country :):-----H++-+41:++-+-+H-----:t:-§ CHRISTIE We have to announce the death of an McArthu r nounnated by John old an d 1esp cctcd ctbzen of BowLnanv11le Lyle seeonded by W T Scott J ,.., l\icFeeters nomi nted by W 111 \\ho ha s passed aw ay from our tn1dF.Jt. IlorRey seco1 ded bJ Geo P1gf;!ott Thomas Christie Es 1 died on the morn F Cubitt r ommated by W McClm g 1ng of the 30th instant at the age of sixty seconded by S Bn<de1 four years Mr Christie was born in llEEYE Scotland and after connne- to Canada re S Burden nom nated by llf Porter, sided for an 1mber of years in the now· secon led by D F1 l<l1 1g Province of LowerCanada from wh ence 1 e DEPtJ fY RE EVE M Porter nomma1 ed by W F Allen, r emoved a bout twenty years ago to this town, where he has rern a lned til l death seconded bv t:) B 1rden ~ nt a per od to lns exIBtence Well know u SOUTH WARD to every one as Coroner Insurance Agent, OOUNCILLORS and Agent for Steam Beat Raih1 ay and J os Br1ttam nommated hy C s conded by - - Loan Compames his bnsmess brought J no Smale n mmated by D h m n da ly contact w1th his feUo\oVS_, and PRAC'flf \.L DENTIST seconded by W " llrnms for all I e had a k u 1 word and a pleasant NEARLY TWENTY "\'EARS EXPERTE~cE Dr B yle no i mated by C n1anner Many will miss the genta1 and 1\itr ·ns: Oxide Gus Ad1uh1Jste1~d tor I aiJJ-le'°~ seeonded by P Day o an Jr o f' Rlce nom1na ed- by Jot 1 kind heartedThomasCbr1she lvh o leaves a; I OFFliUI Oiierau lt::c:ttJNf.: ~BLOCK Osborne seconded by Tho· Jewell wido~ and large family to mourn an 1rre John Allen nom ated by C Hobbs parable loss and who have the war n syrn ISSO. seconded by Thoe Ilr die Sr pathy of the whole commumty among 111 T releve n n ml rn.ted by D whom ti o departed had none bu t frrends seconded by Alf H obbs ILLUSTRATED WEST WARD MAYOR F F i I WE SELL Heavy Linen Towelling for 5c a yard Good Plam Wrnceys for oc a yard H Heavy Lmen Table Damask 230 a yard ++ +~ RussellC rdD ressGo<ds (not shoddy)IOc a yard Hoa'y Cru1ton .Flannel 9c a yard Corsets from 30c up I Ladies Krd Gloves from 350 uo I j Heavy all " ool Tweed (not shoddy) 35c a ' .rd j' I + I A I I §-:j:-----H ++- t-+!t++ -+ -+H :t:- § Oct-Ober 22 1879 0 J, M, BR IMA COMBE, I or !Sale Ex peru ent Grounds of 82 acres owned by The Rt RAL NEW l'.oRK~ and \\orked in the nte est s or its subscribers w It tt ll J elp y01 to nake nionev and spend I t j'ud iousl y ff!A GAZI1'F S'c e ce and ..drt TAILORING! ""TERMS CASH own1a.nvllle October 29 18 9 Bleached and Unbleached Cottons ve1y low A full assortment of Laaies Ma ntles from 7Dc up best assortment of W 01 sted Coatmgs and 1" eccb m Bowmanv1lle A FIRSI CLASS CUITER Per fect ] it Guaranteed. NEADS .Li :e w 13EOCK:38 ::i6 66 ., _J 1880-36th YEAR HARPERS MAGA ZINE. THE SUN FOR 1880. 111r Nwholas Awrey L beral hos been declared elected for South WentworU1 by nine votns o\: er l\.'.Ir Carpenter \\ho has en Joyed the l onors of tl e seat smce the oth June last 1\'Ir Alex Robertson 001 servat ve has beer unseated for c rr 1pt auta of agenta 1n West Hastu1gs l\fr J oseph Jameson has b en I Con:.er' ati ve ata 1aa1 d bearer in La.na1k Tho vol nes of the Maga zi t.e bcg-rn vnth the Number for June and December of each year Wheu no time mentioned 1t will be understood that the subscriber ·w ish es to con1 t 1once wit.It the N m ber next aft er the rece pt of oidcr "Tue " nu Ne'v Work (tty

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