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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1880, p. 3

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,Jurea.u (10 Spruce contraot.S ;UtW ...-ior 1t 111 Ila.. ~LL -r;· found on me at G~o & ~"" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"""""""""""""""""""""~~~~""""""~;!"""""""""""~""""""~"""~"""""";;~~~~"""""""'"""""""""~""""""""""""!!i!!"""~"""""""""""""""~""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~~ . . . . . . . . . ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. . . l BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL. be 8550, and that he be engaged m the r B IRTHS. C·"lc~s L1cet1 YORK f ,..., 1880. f;A NADIAN ~TATESMAN, BOWMANVH,LR, FRIDAY, JA~U_t\RY n LOTUS. -I tlnrddiv1swnoftheHighSchool -Carded The record of Mr George :Elumphreys, Accompanying 1e given the standing of ~loved by Dr Fielding, seconded bv wagon-maJr er, at Lotus, in l\-Ia1 rvers t ow n Mr ll'a1rba1rn,-'l'hat the third clanse of alup, is so rernarkable a. one, that 1t &e after the wor<l s " eusu1ng year " I aertiug th e words except in dn:uuon No 8 , an'd tliat f or that d1v1s1ous Mu1a Krng be en gaged until the midsummer h ohday s, at a suln.ry 0f $550 per auuuni -Carned. _ _ __ ~--- _ · the High School pupils for the t 1rm end- , JACKfiON - At Leskard on the 2lth Tr 1 111 the w1 f e of M r .TH.n1cs J!:Lckson of a daughter. " 1. 1ifEnn - In Cartwright, on Doc, !l, tho w1foo f FARMERS U :~~r D E :R. ~ A.. ~I ::NT Q. · - -= ::l: - - - '!!"!..............................'!!"!........................ ~ .............................. ~ mg December 31st, 1879 Only the names the comnntteO" report adopted at last serves the fullest pubhc1ty ~ J ANU.A.RY ~RWISE. HE FAM ILY 2 o f those are given who ha ve attend ed with sufficient regulru1ty tv afford means of companson with one anotber ln regard to the Hiah S0hool as they are pursuing d1tferent ~curses ~f study the n1mes ' al on P, and not the standing aro g1ven n1ee t1ng of this Board, be amended by tn I reys was b orn in Catan, lrela.nd, Sundry R ccounr s were submitted, which were ordered to be handed over to the .......____ ' b e anew caru 1 1~ f \V l ij$ Du ring the past t erm also the Senior and Finance Committee. Interrn ediate forms have been carried Oil rrhe Finance Committee submitted a toge ther report recommending the payment of the oun d J UPPER IIIGII SCHOOL B S \T a.nstone, :;. D btott bas to say rn J · A , offer1n~ tn~m.en duU.! Ill· F ~ u Go11ds See his advt l\fartyn ha,e_the largest N 'l town. i See the r new an d n tCe a.re Muir ' Gibbard, ~berry, I following bills ' John Chaphn, for t rees. · . $1 25. H. B. Andrew, school law ... 3 00 D uncnn B etth, sundries · · · · · 3 45 J H1 gg1nbotham, d o 2 99 N. 'Vatson, ( G Ho~a1th, "lj ; G Hales ' Miss N Hambly :1ss Bleakley, ee, h1cPherson, r JU~t 52 yea.rs a o d h f b th g 'an Jg wi e was orn tn the e township of Cn.var1, Canada, about san1e )ear. Since he was twent} ye ... · s of age he h ns been inarried, and a mP-~:-'5'C1 of L 0 L. No 7U He turn s tlle scale 80 ' ' at 1 ponnds and hts b t er A.nd heavier half at ?OO. He h '18 ecu , ed $5 per day, in Farr s Fou udi~, by w od tug plows and his quickest feat JD tl.1s direot1on) \lias wooding a plow in 40 unautes. Ten years srnce he completely wooded n threshing machtae int ~ 1 d ays, ::ind out of the r ough wood, w1thou ( aJy madf' hubs and apo k es of the p u...i::i vnt day, he tu rned out a complete se·of wagon wheels1n 20houra But the most startlmg port10n of his and been mamed JUSt 32 ye~ rs, and are the pare nts of 19 children , 16 of whom are h1s w1fe 1srecord1sJet to come They have ]\{r Humph- :i?~~fTu1;ft~~r~dp1~io1~~f~hja~3gt~terult,, ' Geo Meddofadaughtcr Will find a complete stock of sueh the I HOOEY-In Ca1twr1ght, 11n w1tc ot l\{1 James Hooey or a the eon lith ult, the BAILE1 -Jn Ca.rt·wright on the 16th ult the wife ot Mr Hob~rt Bailey of a son ' Aifs~~lN - l n Carrtvi;r1gl1t on U11~ 14.th ult' the 0 wi e J..Y r John atson of h \1ns l3A.R'ILEY -InWdhamsbnrgh on the 19th ult the w i fe of ':tvir Geo Ha rtley of'a. son ' ·· GLO\ E R - In Do-wmanvtllc. on the 29th 1nst tlie ·wife of }fr V\'illlam Glo' 0r, of a clli"ugltler ' articles as are commonly kept f<YI sale m a general grocery store at 'i 'i D. BEITH'S, formerly McCLUNG BROS all of ' winch will be sold at lowest crush Miss A S1nc]a1r, is· ,Y Paul Trebtlcock, stationery H W1lcox, Ja.bor. ... . McClellan & Co, lumber 25 45 . ... 1 00 9 22 Ohver Bleakley LADIES A f . re r espe ct u 1ly mvited to try our We have Fine Green, Black and Japan Teas of all the choice bi ands, rangmg m pnce from 25 cts. W e sell a ~plendid Tea JC.:NIOR FORM friend, A BucKrnR 1\-fARRJ \.G-E $46. 36 no~ h v1ng There have beP.n, as he hin1Board ndJonrn ed. st·1 1 expresses it , "fou r paus 1n the l ()t" _ _ .. _ The you1;gest I ii fi ~ e yea.rl'I of a2.e, so that A call fs earne~tly solicited by ~outte"'-pected thHy have all b~en born to t heir parents in I 27 years. LICENSES TO A DISCERNING PUBL IC - -- · O As a. certam evil-disposed person has taken the unwarrantable liberty of circu!atmg a false and damaging iepo1t, to the effect that we wete about givmg up the Unde1taking Sranch of our b usmess, we beg to state to the pubhc that s uch rs NOT THE UASE We rlo not intend to sell out, but on the contrary, we intend gomg morn extensively i nto that branch, and in order to keep abieast of the times we a re about to erect Underta.kmg 'Va1ernorns on Kmg Strnet With our m creased facilities we can guarantee to reduce tb e pnces still lower than we have m the past, aud we can JUstly claim that we bave reduced the pnces m this business fully fifty per cent already We do not mtend to be driven out of the busmess by false stones told about us by those who w ould be greatly benefitted by our g1vmg np We warn the pubhc not to be humbugged mto giving two 01 three time~ as much as a job is worth, as we can and will furnish a really first class .Job and will only charge a moderate pri ce We have given enti10 satisfact 10n to tho,e who have employed u s in the past, bot h as to q uahty and puce Om goods m the undertakmg !me are of t he very b est quality and newest styles We ask the public to give us a fair chance, assuring them they will find 1t to their ad vantage ThlS probfic and hap py coup lo a .} ear, '\\ eekly, ie hte1 ll.ry ma.ga· 11 1e best t11ne tu off-ei 11f have 29 grand children , ll.lld are now onh7 CLIMIE, Town Hall B look BowmanTille 52 f d J THE Cheanest su.. er P lat ed Cruet Stands and o age, :..n a1 e apparently ui the best th e largest assortm ~1 t -l_n to~n at Lee & Edsall 8 of r ubust health This certainly 1s a reLad1es Fine l\1ink and Seal Fur~cleaung out n:i;;\ .. kt\ble 1ecord, .u1d 'i\ t; would hke to at r.reat'y red ucod prices at McClung Biui;i kaow tf tt can be be a ten -Times :n.rcelun~ Bros Chee. ::i D1ess Goods is t he JBaued "\V are by R MUNSON & WILIJIAMSON, (724w) Undertakers, King St. East, Bowmanville. general topic of conver»a.t1on am ong the ladteB tuuo fo " r ecen:ie - 1al Olll:l ir$1 50 nll Jn.n -~ __, was left at l\'Iessrs 1 Tg-1ocerJ store some u ine equeatcd. to clainl ~ pay fo r thiis notice .1.mes M1Uer, successor to ~fr tlv~ High Sch'"Hil here, was pre a valuable piece of silvtir 1 ier is ldre·s by the pupils of the 101 _ " ·d wf ek ad\ oc11tcd the / . l\e Mu n1c1pal Oa.nd1dates, ~cALth u r ,nd only lt.i 1h1s the clP.CtQ1s know "hat so1nc ' tllroug q §ptie a1 ker delLvtHe<l three dis " t llope Ir.st Sabbath. .,.... scr1nons Wore masterly a.net ) with bleathlesa a.ttent1on g itlOilf! T -z'"~ IUUBt ask ...... he lll .. era.I co1respnnde1 uts who .c } 1ward§d 11e1i.:s-\ ~rorn theu At the regular n)ont uly mect1ng of L 0 L 0d ~e No , 133, held in the Or ange Ha1l, W 1 lhamsbur~ h, on Monday Dec, 1st, the Lud~e was fo und to be 1n a prosperous cond1t1on, both wi th 1egard tc1 n1en1ber~ ga.tns, Rock Bottom Prtces and the hke ' and fin:-1.11c1al position After the gener.-1 F ARMER~ insure ~oar proper ty tu thoroughly reliable companies \\i U CLI::O.UE u; ai;,;ent fot ront1ne of h lBlne>:is was fini shed , th~· the bei:>t co mpanies, o.nd takes risks at l o\\e8 t Lo<lge then proceeded to elect officers for rates Office Town Hall block, corner of Mar the coming year, of which the follow 111!.( ket Squa.re IS a hat A special "ntessage " from McCl ung Bros JS B10 .J. H Devitt, W. 111 causing Q.U.lte a sensation among the people all round about 'V1th a view to oons1dero.bly re " l"t Green, D 1\-1 d nei ng th eu- lar ge stock of COLD WEATIIER " D De& con, Chan ooous this h ouse is offeung so me v; onderful " T Goggin, Sectbargains during this Jnnnth. " J Parr. Treas THE place to get good Photos Frames, Pie t ures, Mottoe s &< is at No ~ 'l'eml'e.rance St, " D. Eughsh, D of C opposite the fov.;n Hau entrance Call and see " C Qu in n, 1st Com samples a nd learn prices .Any pP-r~on \Vl"'-hLng " Dr Montgomery, 2nd Corn many Phntos for little n1onev ca n be supp1ted by TiIT & Co M arket Squaie, BowmanvilJe " G Bradbul'n, 8rd Cu:rn 1B FO~ $1" J Bryant, 4th Ct m " R l{eenan , 5th Com LEE & EnSALL have an im mense stock of S1h er\\ a re l1ough t dilrct from the iuan ufnctur ers Prices lo\ver than vver before \Ve are to go to 1\fcClang R ros to be sho v.; n the trnt" a.ud liberal n1ea-P1ng o Sacr1fl.oes Bar COFFEE CROUND TO OODER. EXTRA BRICHT SUGARS of the finest b1and11 BISCUITS, CURRANTS, RAISINS, PRUNES, CANNED FRUITS, :MUSTARD, ~OAPS, DIED CHRISTIE -In Bow m a11v1lle, Oil the ;J0th u lt · Thos Chr1at1e, El:iq, au:ed &1. CORRESPONDENCE KIRBl ----~--~~ -To the Elec::tor8 uf the 'I0'1l"l1Sh1IJ of Darling. ton, BR USHES, BROOMS, ESSENSEB, TOBACCOS, COAL OIL, LAMPoS, Au entertcuument was given by tlu" U 0 1o n S tar D1v1s1on S of T , a ahurt disevening readn1.12;s, GKISTL"El\IEN, I have accepted a norn1na ~ohc1t lll BOWMANYJLLE MARKETS, (Con ccted 'UP lo 1 o'clock p 1n everv Thu1·sday.) llY JOHN McDOUGALL tion foraseat attheDarhngtonConnci!Board tance north of this place, last Fmlay as Co"t NCILLoR, and respectfully k W o ho.v;;-oeen forced i othe; matter that sh<mld BOARD OF EDUCATION. the buss spent Proceeds amounted to $25 00 .-as handed ns An ad3omned meetrng was held on 17th The ~o od people hero are allowing the Jtions th is week ult , Jas l\fcCluug, E8q,, 1u the Cha ir ne1gh bor1ng villages to furnish them w i t h 40 subswp ~1ng ·t give 1\'lr The programn1e consisted of the vote and 111ftnence of every elec tor remt:ihons, dialogues, &c , tbe Townslitp I an1, gentlemeu, given by the members of Orono Dhv NC> Your Obedient ~ e rvant 79 The Orono Brass Band and Orchestra. LEH v HCA:V!P \'i cre in a tb:1ndance, and a good time 'i\as ~r" ~ "" " they wan 1 1Je ~ of our patrfns \\ho Pose of re arranging and fixing the teachcounect1on with ',! we ~ 111 supply the -:i.t the same tune. t .µi. One of our most respected neighbors ' Your committee appomted for the pur- Mr .John Galbraith has pa.ssed away. H~ a brother lo Dr Galbraith, near Bow for the PR.URIE 1 ors' salaries for the Higlx and Public was man~tlle, He lca\es a wtfe and seveu :-i. ' ed in k\u hou1s 1ot'o Cun1m1ttce of the whole on the follow· to mg ieport wlnch was adoµted Present -Messrs Couch, Cubitt, Gal ajiQ th· _ -"1'.aith, Fieldmg, l<'airba1rn. McDougall, 11 Hol'\;;;'> ~i.))1ams and Wmdatt _ ' , .. res ...-'. d on Sat~~ Afte; lrhc l .ztlili:Ites of th~ previo us meet4 Gordenear s, 10 ~, were read .1.nd adopted the Board went l l Darlington, Dec 30, 1879 75 l w* Clr...- ar Seed, per bush Hay, per ton . . , , -we have old maids enough to get up at GENlLEMEN -We hereby voquest you Wool, per lb to len!:it !.l. socutl not to poll any votes for us as Coun01llors BY JO HN McMUJ;ITRY. 11 he Sa'\\ mills ID thIB VlCll'.llty fi. re now on J\fonday next, as '"'e decl111~ to b e can Drwaed Hogs, 'II' 100 lb . 0 00 runrung at full blast, large orders hfivtnu didates. Butter, per lb best table 0 12 s J WJLLU.Xlg been recei \·od from Tor(.n to and e1sewhere Lard, 'II' lb . . , . . . . 0 10 WM. CRYDERMAN, amueement dum1g the holidays Surely ELECTORS OF DARLI NGTON Flour, per 100 lb $2 75 to $3 00 Fall Wheat, per bush 1 25 to 130 Spimg Wheat, per hush 1 20 to 127 , 0 60 Rye, per bushel . 0 65 Oars, per bushel. , , . .. , 0 30 Peas, per bushel, . 0 65 Barley, per bushel 0 60 0 & FANCY GROCE RIES. Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Honey, Syrups, Mollasses, Canned Goods, Sauces, Hams, Sausages and Chickens. Darlmgton, Dec 30, 1879 To the Electors ~f the NortJl '\Va.rd. GE~TLE:MEN' Egg ·, 'll'Jo ,~ .. - ~ . Apples, J:.- bushel . , , P otato·!!, per bushel , 015 0 40 0 80 Schools of this town for the ensuing year, and also for suggestm~ any changes m t he h ave ... .::ver !:hgh and Public SchoolsJ beg to say that after a1v1ng the rnattt>:r due cons1derat1on we wo uld report as follows l s..t As to the 1e a1rang1ng and fix1n~ the sa.lar1es of the different d1vis1ous of the pubhc school your co1nm1ttee are of the op1n1on that the salaries as now paid i ow prepared to sell cheaper thau the are not evenl;Y d1stributed ancord1ng to the cheapest. Good for lnm. 0BIDUJI SNODGRASS µosrtion of the d fferPnt d1v1a1ons Dec 23rd, 1879 You r oomm1ttee df'..,..tr.l it n ecPssary, and ·~ the d1ffer~nt d1v1s(CRUSH·n our LAST WEEK) children t o n1o urn lus departure. l\ilr Jan1es Po'i\ers and wife, of 8t, Charles, Ill , are at present on a vunt to their friends tn this netghborh ood, having been absent n1neteen yea.is l\1r Jamee Jackson, our storekeeper, has received his Chr1atn1as atock and is Having been IHJminated as a candidate, for a seat at t he · Council Board for 1880, I beg most re, pectfu lly to 1sk you no1 to poll your votea i n n1y favor Thanking 1ny nun1erons fr1eu<ls for thei r promised support, should I otand a.a can d1datc, I rt ma1n (;entlemen, Your obed11:111t eervant, AIN AND FANCY BISCUITS Bowmanv1lle, October 6, 1879 ' -JNGTON. ~ 63-tf No Nu No No I no tice lhe 8TAT1~S)1AN has a good. c1r- 1 cnla u on in our 'illnge and v1cuuty. l GLEA-~ED FROM otJ R :EXCH4liGl!JS.... ~ctJve ly a.J!e DO""--f!Aen m11ch u ~ ws fi:nn-. "h ,~,..,. l .. f 1.. !{;200 !'.:Ar .an.num ... ~~~tov kuowthat our village The 0Rha.wa \J rtbinet \Vorks have closed 250 do is 1:1fJ§>...m11ch Ct;nc ern as some places I read duwn ed from 1 to 8, ond aneR should be at ICOUNTYT;;;~~;~;y Dr Hinman ut leavi ng Oshawa to re nlove to the Prairie Province =-- ~ """' CLOCE.:S FRQ])L[ $ 1 UP- ----- do do do about m t he STATESMAN Kirby JS on the Wmter races at Port Perry on the 7th Clarke Gravel R oad , two miles aod a aod 8th of Janu ary ~ ,NEW --JEWELRY STORE! t r' do \\7h1cb, ln the op1111P.n of your Co1n1nittce, would be auffi.c1tintly iemuneia.t1ve fol teachu1g tnc different d1v1sio11s ~nd R s1Jec t.1net the salarJ eR now b eing paid to th0 teach~1s. of t he South YVurd ~chool your comnntt~e \vould reco1n '""""" me1id ti at no change be made 31d Yo ur co1nm1ttee would recommend that the staff of te<tchers at present enlployed be re-engaged at t h~1r present n::tlaty for the 1.: nsuuig J Cnr, but shnuld an y 'acancy occur during the ensuing year , yotu committee would recomn1end th a.t the ch'1nge of !Hi.lanes sha.ll go into 5th R especti ng changes 1n th e Htgh School depart o1cn t, yo u1 committee are of th e opuuo n that in order to keep pace with the educat1onal advantages offered by other towns 1 o.uLl ;.i}so to contu1ue to sns ta.111 t he reputation a.ud high position that our school has a.tta.1ned, v1z., one of the a rst p lStt1ons lll this provu1ce, anti v1e?t ing with plea.su re o ur In reased nla.nufa.ct~e, Vlconesdj R ~hoboth Acldresses uriug facthties and in consequence of a the deput.ti , Ituv J r -Ant,0 -l\1 l"""er "T erp ,~ ~ g,,...., mcre·se' to our population ' your D ~~nto , and .t-tev -- c-n.ni...r:n1ttee feel assured that greater school fJh behalf of m1ss1v. '·}'·"',... ~ i 'l will be necessary. Ant1c1lJ ~ Bros ha.ve h 1:1U unparalleltid success 1:~-ps111g of <!!_y .l{oods during the past ~ '1.tlre D nrn1 g lh~ month - of D e ~if' sa.les h \Ve gone far beyond their nost sangui ne expectations. Qy;1ng to ther ei.tensive silles thev have decidea to cdl'lili\le t~ - d1sp11sc of iarg e qaant1ttes ';f-W1 ter Dry bO'tit\g st1I:Lon ha·id at re duced W""" <iuun g the month of J an uai y ,r.cESS .1£xT R OARJnNARY -1'-Ies ~era No No Nn do do 550 1t stands on ht~h level grou nd, gIYmg a n orth of Orono, It has around it some of the best fal'n1s to b-3 found anywhere , c .. 0 ~ DJI.., HUG-:Jer:A.:Nf ~ (L.<\.TE OF TOROJSTO) S l""I view of the bua.ts aa.1 hn g on LaKe Ontario durin~ the summer season Its people nre industrious. and prosper in bus ness Th~ mechanic's ha.1nmer can be heard durtng wt,rku1g hours, and tirst class \\ ork is made up in the al. :::.p e of f<Jrm iug 1111ple ments, and BU(.'.:h h kt·, wh1 ch giveA the bes t sat1sfactton. Three gelltlemen hve in this place who have retirHd from fr..r mu1g and now hve in comfor t onJoy1ng the fiuits of t heir past la bors Several more gen tle.men h ve only a shurt distance out were shipped fron1 Colborue this vea.r A b e~r walked into a. c1mpany of pray· ing Halliburton people last Sunday 'ri,i,entv eight candidates wore ex.annned for S; ntrauce 1oto thcN or.wood High School Mr S M Thomas, of Brooklin, has go ne to D ela\'iare to spend the v.inter sea so n - 10, 000 sheep and 4 ,000 co.ttle C ASHIIOUSE CR OCKERY WARE~ 1 HILL'S A SPLENDTD LOT OF ~ begs to thank his nume1ous cus~omers and friends for t he libe1al pat1onage extended to him smce commencmg busmcss He wishes to inform t he mhabitants of W est Durham t h at h e has just received an entn ely new stock of CLOCKS, W A'l'OH ES JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, &c, of the ve1y hest quality, which he will sell cheaper thnn any house m tow11 ffi ltj Opj ~ AT BOTTOM PRIOllli f orce Th1rtcen Mi1b1ook pupils ha\e stood en trance exa.ru1n at1on for the Ou1emee high !Chool of the village I t is a very ple·sant place for gentlemtin to mak e their homes, it 18 Mr J H Bre thou1 has secured the as a "onder th ere are not ni o1e of them hv- s1stant n)astersb1p of the Colborne htgh N _ ew 111 g h e.re l mprov eo1ents we n ote- a new sch oo I N For December 1879 to January 1880. 0 v ercoat s ... .. .. f rom f "' 00 0 i om .... , .)0 f · · rom ft om 30 from 10 from 15 · , from 5 $4 " "0 r.ll Wa1ches and.Jnvcll'ylle1,aired inFirst·Cla ssStyh, and all Woa·k Warran ted. ~ ~ 0 0 H Q N. B.-All my goods am n ew, been years accumulatmg Bowmanv1lle, November ZD, 1870, I have no old stock that has 69 tf. .-I '-I I-ti PORK, ~"~ l\1c 1 Our arm is to sell the Best GoOOJ> Our cost about $8,000, dependrng somewhat on foul places far from their homes if yon ~au decided bargams m Buffalo the style of arclntecture ,rnd capa01ty of side walks ore m good order and no fault To sell them at their actual value to find m that direul1011 There have been Robes, ~vi:. Co<\ t s, Dress Goods, Ladies' thA build1ng Furs, J\'ll1\1er~, a nd all kinds :,if winter \Ve " ouid also beg to say that although many happy marriages m this village, and to the consumer 11oods;i;~"i~Hn_g_ __llros' Great Dry th~ erection of suitable bu1ld1ngs would no doubt the10 "ill be many more ;\rJb House cause a direct outlay of $8.000, yet at the On Christmas Day Rev, Mr Bell and To sell only such Goods as ~ we F id ·y evemng tho ruemba'~ of the same t ime the Collegiate lnst,tute berng MLss Burty Powexs, fo urth daughter of vantage of 2 5 per ~iiet~o d~st Chou wt re r oyally eii1erta.1ned 1n receipt of the Government and Muni Henry Po\\:6l'S 1 Esq, were united n1 Holy sentcd the organist, Mu:is Emily Gilmore, j can recommend , t' Pr..stor and family at the Par.sou- c1pa.l grants 1n addition to those already wedluok The Rev gentlemam and his ,nth $33 m gold as a Xmas Box lt'· mce cent 1 ' :~e·~t:I~f· > ,,. il i greehng wd pas,slng: enjoyed by the H1gh. School, 1t could be accomplished bride bavo the best WJBhes of to be an organist 1C O t t th To please all who fuvor u s with of this community I am sorry to bave to The Omemee Heral·l saye that by a new I oon ve1 coa s a e lowest pnce the CO f·' 1 !'! ~ ho rs~'<t ,,_ R ' !Flr1n!d-ui \ ~o placed as to be self-~ustaJ.nrng au , , ~1 ~1 ~ "'J)u:M!J V.. ~._. \ \V1thout malhng any reco1nmendahons tell you of the deaths of two old and res1 h ereafter aa~u Hl t ..... t , l b\l.;1-tled to ettJ ~~ aQbm1t the above for the earnest con- pectable r esidents of our ne1ghb rhood regulation baggage JU.a!'!.ters w1l their patronage , · · · the fc- . . t ..t.1i e._.J,t!l..er::tug Wae spent iii 1nderation of t he Board, and of the ra.te- who bave been well kn own ia our town be dispensed with at small stations a lon g ship, as they were some of the ea.rly sett- the hne of the M1dland Ra.1lway. Bowman,1lle Dec 10, 1879 62 72 n1us1c and fr1e1irl1y chu On motion of payers generally To r epiesent om Goods only as Mr. George Powell was dnvmg a team Mr c ii'[ Cawker Rec nded by Mr, W 5th Respectmgtheemploymentofteach- lers Mr John Galbraith, who l!ved on e J ewell ::i. hearty vnte ...,f th anks was ten ers for the pubhc school, your committee mile ea.st of this v1llnge, d ied on the 20th across 8cug:og Lake 011 Tuesday last, when w e believe them to be, deted to rrir , and )frs, J\1:cDo\\ell. to a.i~ of the opinion that when apphcahons Inst. He was sick only a few days before they broke through the ice and one of h ci1 Mr l\.1cDu\vell r r!':ponded 1n some are made for s1tuat1ons as teachers for bis death, He leaves a wifo and family them, valued at $100, was drowned Forty.three deserving fa.m1hes were, ha;py ri:n;iarks. This sucial tiven1ng will divis ions above No J, that the preference to m ou rn hts loss His funeral took place To sell the greatest quantity that not 8 100 be forgotten by thoso in atten- should at all tlme8 be g1'i en to app~1cants un th e 23rd inst., wh e n a large concourse through the efforts of a. committee of Gl' cctings a nd congenutl Snlututions F101u dance _ holding Oer~1ficates n ot lower than Second of peoµ le f11llowed his rem ains to Bo w kind hearted Oshawa citizens, oref!iented Tlic DctroJt 1<111 Pu~Si'! · we can, so that with but a small CJn.ss, othe ,. quahficat1ons being equal 1nan\ 11le Oemetery with the materials for a p,ood Christmas }l~o1n the unllmit.ed words of praise that have EYANG}.;1,IC.AL ALL:-'.'\( ~ M~.BTINGS l::i Qth Raapect1ng the r ef:ngnat1on of i\flSs 111r John Kolly who h ved one and a drnner been begtowed upon it the conclmnon is fixed T w. -During the firs~ week of K ing this co1nm1ttee being unable to ar A Ionn.t1c pursu"d sever al .Peterboro' t hat 1 he D e.lroit Jf'1 ee Press is the mm,;t JJopular magm of prnfit we may "Live and. -- ~ on January 5th , 1880, r1ve at a nnarnmous conclusLon would ask half miles north of onr v1l1age, d1cd on the in existence Nut that it has the great24th inst He \Vas working as usoalabout women on ru eaday night, u1 one instanc e Journal est c1r cula.t1on-though for that matter fe"' l1blass wxll be held t he B oard to deal with t he matter tbe h ouse that sarue a fternoon, \Vhen he throwing her into tho snow, an d greatly pspers have a more extended one-but that the Let Live" "gregat1onal Church p1ofound affect.ion for it exists among All of wluch is re·11ectfu'ly submitted said to ]us wife, that he would he down frightening others. Jie baa not yet been roost n1 rhe Pasto1 those who read and kno w its merits S1goed W. M HoRSBl, and rest himself R httl0,as1t was his(custon1 tdentifaed. Certa.n11t is that no Journal cont1:1.1ns so inany 1 Come and examme goods and ' o m will de R. \V1N nATr, active and original features it was not t nonght r emarkable. He threw Tbe tea table cover was dra"n oft by Dr attr EDJoyable in the h1ghest degree tt,, toneu~ the F CuBITT hunself on lus bed, and only lay then:! a Il1gp,1nbotham, of Ontemee, acct:lentally, purest 1Ls ltterar) st.andard tho n1ost exce 1lent p rices, and y ou will find it to yom J . E FAIRBAIBN, few minutes when his wife came into the the ot her eveo1ng, aild the oil of tw o lamps I t combi nes to a surpru~1ng extent i n its 1Aellfilled pages the grace learning, v,;1t humor, J AS l\fo0L UNG, room to ask h1n1 about something, when act running anti buru111g Coas1derable "\; ersablity and ge111us of the American people. advantage to buy for Cash from He had slept his dan1age "e1s d one t d the furni ture. Un ique a n1ong t he newspapers spr:ightly and cfOn was passed allowm~ Mr she found h11n dead reada.blc in e"\ e1} portion- it is edited V'ilth so Robu.s, ~aaitor, $20 i n add1t1on to his last i:aleep, and seen1ed as though h1;: ne"¥er '11btrty six pupils passed the entrance m uch tact 1ntelhgence and ci-Lre, that le aders regul11.r salary for th e (strict attention he made a w uan, or n Btruggle when he fell exa1nu1at1un at Oshawa, 25 froo1 the town of e very cl ass :tlnd it, abov e all others, the one into t he arn1s of de a.th His funeral ser schools and 11 froal the country Master hat sal1:;tlcs · i on Wed bas paid to his dutres Varrntl a.re its depart.1nents and its contentsmon "\\as preached on tbe 26th inst , by Bartle Ltunmiman o.nd l\-!1s~ [<la L ick, of the asto,. lYlll Hoa.rd adjourned whol ('; a 111ost J udicious combination If the Rev Mr H ansom, m theM E Church, Darlington, are among t 11 ( , u mber. one may h kcn intellectual to material things Jlii grven by --ft.old ofalo1 y, poetry, cori espondenoe anecdotes, after which hi s remains were tak en to for the \ CouNCIL CHAMBER, Dec 26, 1879 ¥1lt humo1, sen timent, b1story, belles 1ettre9 Orono) where he was buried, 1 McCiung Bros' Decen1t u p H~es for Dress kno"\vledge in its ill im1lable e:x:tcnt - mn.3 be TWO ]l)OORS WEST OF hu rch o' An ad1ourncd meetmg of the School 'I here has been a meeting started In the Goods are ma.lung an 1mpr esH1 on Ladies a.re ~ompared to a well ordered banquet And JY.[URDOCEI: BROTEl:ERS. on the qu 'l'lltJe, around this superb feast tn all its completeness ~t Paul's) \ Board was held this evening, Mr James ]\'.[ E Church here thi s -week, by an e\ ange~ APPLY TO Our atock has been well lnspecterl and is al bounteous ly la.id Vi 1th contributions from every lest na n1ed Hall He co1ume11ced on Sun low ed to be the best and chea pest in tbc- ch me Slts the blessed suir1t s of frater ruty and "\iior will ?r'.lc::Clung in the chair . ,.::ldress ~iembers present - }iessrs Horse~, day e.vcn1ng 1 and preached an hen.rt search- Domuuon ..A. BUCKLER good fellov. ship ' '\ R · B · "RE "t'f' · Tl tf F..VENING GLOB!!: snd EVENlNG TELEGRAM An1l then The Hous ehold, the bright, sym Bowmamille, Doc 2, t 70 r- for the Galbrnith, McDougall, Burden, W1lhams, ing ferruou from Psa , 139 23, 24 · pat.bet1e and kinrtly Household" N o de scrip rccen ed each ulg-ht at Vanety Hall One cent Couch , F1eld111g, Fairbairn, " 71nda.tt a.ud on should be o:tt'ered of· 'Ihe Household," it is per copy, 25 cents per month -T Y;H:LLOW LE ES t o, feature orunnal and unsurpassed, and none I on Fri Cub1tt THE largest assortment of SUv er Plated ~EW()!SFU. Knives, Forks and Spoons at lowest prices A ll can tau to arpteo1ate it ayer for Moved by Mr Burdeu, ·econded by ~N'IRA :SC E Ex.AA1INATION -The follow~ goods warralltCd as representefl at L ee & Ed natio ns" ~11 Wilhatns, - Tha.t t he Secretary get 25 s 111 s Tl1e 'i: ceklJ Fi ~ c P1 ess ~nul ~ r ite House~ \ oop1es of contracts with teachers accord ing ing candidates were successful in pa~s1ng WJBe 1 nan inRures 11fe and property, and bold together are furnish ed at $2 a )r-,ar. CONSIDERABLE SUM O!L pnY.ate the recent Entrance Examinat1on held 10 s THE craeful to ~elect so un n compan10s. W It ()lnt.-"! of n vc, $ 1.1fl each; Jihernl eo1u1uJ.sto the form by la\\ fonds has b een placed 1n iny hands for vil1age The names are given 1n order CLTl'ollE JS a.gent for the leadntg c01npo..n1es lD s tons ano-,ve tl ) ol al ageuts. Ill Vestment onl!arm Propert), fo1 long or short the sales Moved by D r F1eldmg, scc0nded by this The highest number of maiks Ca nada Specimen copies sent free .Addreas, terms to suit borrowers, a t the lO\\ est rate of and doe s J\'Ir \V1ndatt,-Tha.t !Yir Ouver's salary uf n1erit )![ \Till:r.IO~)' -Our stoclt of v.eddtnf( ruigs has THE DETROIT IREE 1~nESS, interest. App ly to 1~~ 1~~h~~ for the ensuing year be t he eamc as la.st made 'va s 460 , t he lnghest posSible n nn1- been well atteniled to by our frlends, but -..ve Detr01t Mich D. B U RKE SIMPSON ber was 560 1, John H A l~·u J 2t Harry have one left for J\hss M -, and a la.1ge stock ' ce 1n life ye }r, $1200 JHO. Chapel, 8 'l'homas Conw· 4, Wilham :Sept,JStb, /879. :e~ ~1~~ay yet ca.11 on us. Come and see lt?""W E CLUD 'VITI~;; PAPER AT ez,SQ. m \ er :JJ.0 aR Moved by ]\fr Wmdait, seconded by 'a Venner. ~;·' ' \ " · · Dr. Fieldmg,- That Mr. G11fillan's salary Kent: 5, .Aggie Coutie; 6, it wo U_ld ~ advantage to our town,your ch1ldren-1f there are not ~ood children comu11ttee would a.sk the Board to here, I do not kn ow where they can bo seuously constdcr the converting of the found The prayer n1eet1nl'J'8 ~ :-:tre \\ell at. High School into a Collegiate Inst1tuto, te nded twice a week One reason " hy we an d erecting sn1table building& for that enJOY so muc1 1 peace and prosµe r1ty, 11 hecause we are nut l!oubled with bar rooms pulp ose Your committee, after Lnak1ng due en to corrupt the morals of our young wen ' 1 qnny as to cost of btuldinge front infor and all who would "do good to all men" n1a.t1011 obtained, we find that it would should umte their efforts to remove such plans to hmld a first class· br>ck next oum mer. Four able immsters preach herethere are three servwea each Sabbath R ev Messrs Hansom and Bell are the \;,astors of the M E Church, and R ev Messrs. Howell and Barkwell of the Methodist Church There are also two luture. and behevmg that Sabbath Schools, well attended with good 1un:e a franle church, but are laying out school house \\hich has been bmlt and the Peterboro' 1s prolific m accidenls from cw Ulsters. · ·· · · · right krnd of a teacher has been employed slippery sidewalks, such as broakmg arm·, N ew Sll1t S . . . . , · · , · · There are two churches , the 111 E Church legs, etc, New Tweeds, _ . . " ·s a splendid brick bmldrng, wh10h would James Ciooks, Lmdsay, brakeman, had New Dress Goods.. do credit to ala1 ge town. The Methodists Ins legs badly lrmsed at Brooklin while New Flannels_ . CLOCKS FROJY-[ $1 UP- FLOUR & FEED \ ----===~""==== couplmg cars New \\'inceys , Mr P odlar's pacmg mare broke her leg New Blankets ~ . . · · , . fiom 75 on Frid·J last while be1ug dnven to the N ew T owe11' 8 0 sh awa Statton mg,. , . · . . . fI om N H 0 11 d frn m 10 Mrns Anmc Gilmore received a silver ~ ew an s' · ·' · cake basket and an address from the pupils New Fur Caps···, .from 1 50 of th e Wesleyville School These are a fair sample of t he prices The Sunbeam rn the nam e of a monthly Journal published 1n conn ec tion w1th the ALWAYS ON HAND. M cKay_ §LJ Milne. BUTTER AND EGGS, And all other Produce taken at market price in ex.change for Good!=!. I ·~·. I of OUI goods Ontarw Lodres' Colle!(e Th e startling advance in all woolens T he D ur harn an d N ort h um ber 1and D i has actually taken p lace, b ut t b c vis10n G ran ge w ill rnee t rn p ot erb orough One/> House too.Ir ad> antage oi 00 · N~W . RA!{~!1 ~~ ! ri'hursdn.)_,Ja.uuary '7th <.NO u '-' o At Whit by High School there were 61 candidates present at the entrance ex ammal10ns held last w·ek. Mi J A. Youmans wns p1eseoted with a '1lver cake-basket and address by bu pu pils m Oshawa Uenhal School On l\'Ionday mgbt of last "eek, the dwelling house >f Mrs. Qaackcnhush,Port Perry, was burned Loss about $500 St John's Church, Port Hope, has pre I I the s1tuat10n and bought 1 b f th large y JUSt e ore e nse, d h t t an tor t e nex wo months will actually sell at lPSS than the olLl low pnces,thu s grvmg hrn customersthead- NEW CURRANTS 1 Fresh Lemon Peel, Fresh Orange Peel, · Fresh Citron P eel, ESSENCES OF ALL lt~NDS, .AT McKAY & MILNE'S JBtA.OJ.BC..A. S F H I LL NASMITH JlTMBLES, CORN ED BE E F . To Him that fojo~s Goad Reading) TEA A SPECIALTY Bowmanv1lle, December 1, 1879 54 55-58 71. 'l""T.,. ~ I D. BEITH. l I McKay & M.ilne. vv. ~cML_TR'l'RY W ishes to intimate to his friends and customers that he has now his STORE TO LET, ~° Is p R I N G AND su M M ER sT 0 cK , l QJUi JUiAmi@Y ~ 11\~\~~:Lm ~:Ill? ~QO~lll~ Ia ll bought before the mcreased duty and will b e sold at the lo\yest pnce possible D ry goods were neveI so low a.s at the present time, theie will he no advance on the present stock Call and examme our goods and pnces before pmcli asing elsewhere. Remembe1 Dry Goods will nevei: be so low agam, now is the time to buy Dress-Makm g carried on as u sual by MISS POWER. good satisfaction She gives MQNEYTO LOAN I I I A _ Bowmanv11le, May 1, 1879. t- \,_ '

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