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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1880, p. 1

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Postage Prepaid by the Publisher tono unt tl alter the imb1bat1on oftmctnr& of ar~entu m-a. sou d dose Thts so f~r as I can recollect was the last noticeable episode of my Summer hol!day TlIE ENI IS Pl UL S IED I ., ER i' UlIDA I' MORNING , BY MA .JAMES, A E OliE CE FIRE RECORD P E TROLIA Jan 15 -Thi· mol'blnc abo t one o olock a tar tank at P'nnk Smith s refinery exploded ca aed by bo· tar betn~ r 1 l i n wh ch gt"onerat d gal ouffiotent to cause the explos on The IOA Ls about $3 000 Po11 t Office Bluck King ~ t Ro1vma i'\odlc Ont $1 00 1f paid m Advance OUR TO\V N AND COUNTY EIRS1' THE WORLD ol.FTERW.ARDS l\f ,\. BOWMANVILLE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1880. LICENSES ISSUED BY CLIMIE, ills SCOTT'S EMULSION PURE COD LIVER OIL Has sh e not stood near you When loat hson1e disease caused a 1 othera tofiv To co1nfort to solnce to nurso a.nd to cheer 61 THOMAS BINGHAM, Fire, Life, Marine, Ac c1dent Insurance Agent. Nothing but FirshClass Com j>ames represented 1m1tes his old c 1stomcrn and the pubhc gcncrnll) to call and inspect Ins n ew stock It IB complete m eve1y depa1 tment and is adm1ttcl by travellers to be o e of the largest and best assorted stocks m the Domm ion Goods m all lmes have been selected with great care this season m the Emopean Market b;i. myself an 1 a c 1rnnounccd1 y competent Judges to be of a very supe11or class 0 u stock "3.ll never so complete befme and we a1c dctermmcd to sell chea1 I NO YAN KEE HUJ\1BU G . AARON BUCKLER, Bo vn · · v lie Sept 4 1879 Mt@lfll'lllf 'i\'QJ Jlii@AlNt at the lowest rate of interest Office lafeh occ UJH('dln Dt· Sign of the Watch, King St I WHY WEAR SOCKS WITH SEAMS , hen JOl c:u h 'e the1n 'lllfll 1t MANf1ING &NOS ORTHY STOVES. I tf I tt IiENNEDY'S KNITTING FACTORY COTTO"'if AN 0 in all colors Also custom vork too cter wh rn all k uds arc n ode of both A la1 ge stocl 11rnt 1ece1ved of all kmds of toves manufactmed of b t It f WOOL, e es qua l y 0 iron of ti e finest firush and the most liandsornc ot I any Jll the market or ho e made yarn done ocks and Stockzngs Refooted Kmttmg !Unclnncs tot !oiale, in11tr uctions free '-, ~"ZNN EDY 52-tf IQ0 a 1 St ove s W" Don t fmge l> C OOK 1 ..... StOVeS of all sizes and snpcuo1 class at a great 1educt10n from last } eats puces A LARGE LOI 01! RALL PAR ~--lor and Cook Mnnnmg % Nos>\orthy- opposite the Ontario Bank Bow manv1lle SIGN OF THE GOLDEN ANVIL ILLINERY! MRS DONNELLY 61 GREAT CLEARING SALE AT TH1'~ Blasgow House --- o --LA.DIES AN D GENTS STRAW AND FELT HATS In orcle1 to mal,e room fo1 his fall 1mpo1tat10ns, the sub scriber has determmed to offer lns entlfe stock for the next two months at greatly reduced pnceh G1 eat bargams will be g1 ven m e" ery OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF CHOICE IMfORTANT ~NNOUNEMENT. I - I N TH£- - DRE s s CO ODS Rangmg from five to twenty five cents per yard-scarcely half their value ' · A CAitD -To all who s !fer fro n the arr rs n.nd ind1scret1una uf -youth ner,on' ~ e·knese early decay loss of manhoon ~c 1 will ·en~ a receipe h·t will enre you FREE OF CHARGE Tht· gre&t ren1edy was dtecovered by a m1sa.1ons.ry rn South Amer10a Send o. self add reo1 ed envelope to the REV Ju;:,1.-..."H T INMAN BOOT and SHOE 1 ne and no v s the t me for all '\'\ho want GOOD BOO TS & SHOES to pay him n. s t 'You all know that for custom wook S!\-!ALE is not o be exce led el her a ma c al or workn ansh p Par ties fm mshmg '"ill find tlns a most advantageous and desirable chance TERMS STRICTLY CASH. MO...~LY TO LOAN Our Prices are to szut the tunes and our Goods are to suit you LET EVERYBODY P .J..E.ASE NOTE THOS. PATERSON. Bowmanv11le Julv 16 1879 i 23 51 Stati-On D New York Cit11 '.. SMALE'S J K GALBRA11H Barrister 6lv BOOT AND SHOE STORE, I '!..ING STREET " --0-- N otice the following from among recent letters Trr'F. SouTH PARSONAGE CALEDON Aug 25 79 the began to feel ts benefit and ha e no doubt from its act on thus far that I shall soon be perfectly y, ell I would not to-day take $50 !or it if J could not get another Mn.. Tnos J lliAsON, notes must be settled a once Respectfully yours GEO A LEWIS E XETER MR C HAP.NDEN, L. I lave mcreasedmy staff of work men so as to meet the demand for ordered w01k and repan ng which will be I iomptly attended tv .JOHN SIUALE. D. S, B9 Aug ~o 1870 Trros MA80N o aauate of e Ro} ai Co lege or Dontnl S a-eons On ar o OE FICE OVFR \LE XANDER S SIOUE BANK, BOWMANVILLE VOLD FlLI ING A SPECIAL'I Y CAPITAL PAID UP HEAD OFFICE $1000 000 TORONTO BRANCHES OSHAWA "Hl11iY UXBRIDGE I Propo cd to them for it l B lt my dear Campbell ti at "as all settled from the be~n n og Do you mean to say lhey have a lw tt ed yo n as a. su1 tor 1 Why .I at else could I mean ! And yo 1 on ted to tell then that m case you marred her you would 1ta.ve but three hundred po unds mcome 1 Indeed I told thom noth ng of the sort Why ·ho Id I i Becauae au honest man in yonr place wo Id have told then I replied coldly "You are sa !mg 1 der false colors Y~u are g vmg yo rself out to he am ll onatre when 'o 1 have only the salary of a clerk But 1· t a clerk lH h te n tho 1sand a y ea,r a pret y lecent m1lhona. re ? B t yo 1 · ill have ton thousand a~ ear o ly as long as yoo arc unm arried That is so far ti e ca.se LI at afte r I m marr cd I sh·Il 1 ave twenty thousand a. year-my wifes mcome added to my own Well M nt~om ery I don t care to beat abo 1t the h sh with yo 1 If you can reconcile your conduct "R1tl yot r own code of honesty its no concern of mine But 's r egards the Counte s Aln ara-I go '~ to marry 1 er yself You Oh you are JOk ug 1 I I ave lo ed her from the first ~ QNEYT O LOAN ThecMagnet1con appliances are sent by post or express to any address on receipt of price ADDBE;:;S THOS. J. MASON, 125 CHURCH STREET ~TORONTO 3139 J A CODD .Age· Bowmiumlle Septembet 4 1879 j loves zna- Oh I s v Ha ha ha Ha· told you so' We I ave not openly declltrnd o 1r11elves n so n aoy vor ls-yo 1 are welcome to ·I ate er cunsolaLwn tl at m ay afford yo 1 - but ti ere are o ther means of comn g to an u derstand ng than by words "ell that 1s h 10 at any rate It s for ti at I came to ask your pardon Camp bdl B I really was 1t not m great measure yo r own fault U pan my word Montgomerp 1 fall to catch ~ 01 r drift

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