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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1880, p. 4

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\-._-,}. ( : ~ l F I .. _,t ~ e 1 11~!1.ibers all p:resent. '" The nnnutfl~ of l[U:)t 1neehng read aucl eonfirmed. Ja1nesHolmss p1esonteJl a petition s1gued bv Solornon Mu1rchead, IIeDrJ Poole, Wm: l\1unberd, Jarnes Holmes, VValte1 Dt1nn and '\\Tm Pu. 1r,pray1ngt11e Council to forn.1 then1 1nto a new P~);:td Dn1s1oh. ~foleil by 1\fr. Gogg11, ; eeondell by Mr l\fcRee, tb~t tho prayer of tb· peti tion be granted, and. that a. road d1v1s: on ~ ~: be established extending from the western hm1t of lot 15, in th!;} 6th con. hne,easter . _-.. ly to the quarter hne between lots 18 antl 19, inclu<~1ng half the length of a con. of either side of the said 6th con. lino, and that James Holmes he appomted pnth· master for s~nd d1vrnon, and that Albe1 t Spinks be appointed overseer ot a ronct between lots 16 and 17, and that the s1g· nature of tlle reoi; e and the seal of the corporation .be attached to this resolution Carn ed. !\.fr. Ba.1lP.V a.pphod fur a grant for d1tch1ng on the 5th con. hue opposite lot 4 Moved by Mi-. Laltnnor, seconded by Mr. McKee, that \be reeve and Mi Gog gin ha a co1nm1ttee to examine sa1d roa.d and report at next meetu1g of Council !\fr. N elsou apphell for co1npcn:::iat1on Jor one shoop allegecl to have been killed by dogs wluob he 'alued at $6 On motion an order was g1·anted for two thirds t110 111nount. The committee i:i.ppourf.etl to confer w1tli the Ho)1 J obn Snnpooion respecting a wharf at Croserea, ou Lake Scugog, hand· ed in their ieport winch waa received and ordered to be filed· !\fr. John Deyitt apphod for a appro pr1a,t1on to open a po1 tion of the l\ia.nvers ' ~onudary !me opposite the 10th con of Cartwright Moved by Mi L!ltlimoi. seconded by Mr C0\"\1111 1 that the members of. tlne counc1l ba a committee to meet a com imttee of tlte Manvers council on the boundary hne opposite the 10th con. of Cartwright to dettirm1ne what improve· n1ents a:ro necessary to be n1ade on the said IO'.\d, and the proper :itapb to be taken m tbe m~Lter, and that the Clerk be mstruoted to notify the counc1l of J\.fanver.s to tl..o a.bave effect.- Cn.r11ed l4If~iE'!, DRUGSTORE. Undoubtealy the place to get I COLLARS ONE OF, THE OLDEST ANO MOS'i' RELIABLE ~ REMEDIO:S IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF PURE DRUGS S \..TISF.\CTTON GUAR..lNl~.c..U Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and every affection of the It E P A 1 R l ni G. In al its b1anches promptly attended t<i on the inost hbe1al ter1118 [ hope by strict attent .. on to b11s1nes~ to DHnlt a fan sh111e of your patron\l.ge. '1ERMS LIBER \T DAVID STOTT, Practical and Du~ueustng themt~t, Bo\\ manv1lle, Apnl 1, 1880 is at NF.Ans, as he buys horn nono prescriptions but the most reliable bnu tieR, ar cl manufactures all the uup01 tantP harmaceubcal piepa1at10ns l1 itr1"L'lfro11n IIall Jhnldiugs . The public need ha" e no fcnr of im88 purities. Throat, Lungs, and Chest, including MY STOCK IS COMPLETE .A SUCCESSFUL YEAR --0-- rn cvciy lmc CONSUMPTION. A WEI,L-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES: H It does not d? yup a cough, and l!!a'tt! the causa behind, as tts the case witk most preparations, lrut loosens it, cleanses the lungs and allays ir1 i~ tation, th~ rerno't1ng the cause of complaint.u DO NOT BE DECEIVED by articl·s bearing a. i;;;u,ular name. Re sure you get DR, """'"' · CUSH PA.ID GOR HTDES WM. MORRIS. Bowman\Ille, ::.V.[arnh 31st Call and see for yourselves Amongst my stock of N.ll:IV WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, v.1th the signature of " I. BUTTS" on tho wrapper 50 C:cuts and $1 00 a Bottle. Prevar~U by S&!H vv. FoWLE & SONS, Boston, A:lass Sold hy druggists and dealers generally. Spring Goods I I no\'i 1n\ i!e spcern.l 11tt0nhon to my neYi stock OF MILLINERY AND FANCY coons. Tnc laot J e·1r has been with us highly HaLisfaetory. Our venture FANCY GOODS & TOILET ARTICLES mto new premises has been a decided success, ,md i11 view of a future mcrnase m h1b~ncss and an expected adv,m"c m prices, we were lead to buy early and m larger quantitie, than cve1 before \Vo me deterrmned to gne om p<1hons the herwflt of onr eaily pm chase Our :;p1 ing :tock is no;v complete m every department Onr assortment is greater, om stock laigcr, our faC1hties and arrangements fo1 the manufactme of ordered dothrng is better and moie ample than evei before Tnmmed Bonnets nnd Hats, Fcath-f ers, Flowers, Silks, Ornaments, etc , Scotch & Canadian Tweeds IN THE NEWEST A FULL LINE OF BERLIN WOOL PATTERNS. Bia1d,, l< loss, C'nm a", Han Braids and S\\ itches, nil of which I mtend 1 to sell cheap .MHS A. S AJ\DEl{SON, Kw,;st. Bowmam·I'e 1 P S -Hats n1ade over 111 th e Newest) ' REP_\_DY-MADE CLOTHING, WORSTED COATINGS, and the 01dmaiy toilets which ar~ the chrapest in town TOOTH WASHES A~D P ASTES ' ' of all b1ands _ _ ~ ,...,..,,;.,z-~ 1Note the followmg pnces nncl you will be convinced that an eaily cal I and a l.11ge purchase will be to :your advantage UOSYIETIQUES yoI tho -i;.'1ding "' '~ styles alv,a:y" i:n stock. I I>REl-iS GOODS IN ALL SHADES 10 LINEN TOWELING . . . . . . . : HEAVY T ~ BLE DAMASK .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. KID GT,O\ !<JS COLORED AND BLACK " 5 22 HatR,Caps,Gents'Underwear,Shirts, Collars Ties &c cen~~ up. SILY.ER, CARBOLIC, BA11BER'S FAVORITE SR AYING Stvlss f;! as easily digested und ass1m·latell w1th the blood ~· the srniplest food When tho blood does not conta.111 the usual quantity of Iron, the deficAcncy can be supplu~d by the use of the Bo"m·m 1lle_Apnli 9 t, 181JO _ 21o78S'.. PERUVIAN SYRUP Ills" simply by r_roNING It cnrcs a" thousand UP, lNVlGORATING, and The enriched and 1 . H B a_n 1 :ZlDg OF OUSe VITALizn;G the system vitalized hlood permeates -every part of the Uody, rcpa1r1ng dn1nages and wa~te, sea.rclnng out morb1ll secret 1 ons, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon Thrn is the secret of the wonderful Buccess of tins remedy in curing 'RK Dz; JONTIS Bu ~l. .JL L!J ~ 0 0 F' B' JC 1£ BO"'MANVILI~E. I Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint~ Boils, Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhoea, Nervous Affections, Female Complaints, And all diseases originating 1n a bad state of the blood, or accompanied by debility, or a low state of the system. !No. l Temperance St., I I OAflHMl<i\ES " " ....... .. ....... .. Lus1 1tEs ., " CORSETS . . .. . BROWN HOLI,A.NDl'l .. , .......·. HEAVY OXl< ORD SHIRTS (with collar) READY MADE surrs ........ .. SUIT TO ORDER ................. .. CC'll ancl examine, no troublu to show goods " " 35 35 " H h 10 " 30 10 51) ll \I, " $ 8 " " " " " " " PATE.NT JIEDICINES of a >my great variety, but want of space prevents enumeiat10n Although not the sole agent .for "Dick," "Tho!le} »" or any othe1 kmd of Horse or Cattle rn P1hcuws yet I have a full supply of eu.ih of these and a 'aiiety of othe1s on hand PJll'Sltl.\.~'S i".RJ...S:CJRP'IIO~S I\' 10 up. Bo" n1an v tlle, l\..farch 18 1880. S. MASON & SON = U.l<:(1JUJ1 1S 011 pr1;:io1ir1l and collatc1al sccu11ty CAUTlON.-Be sure you get the "PERUVIANS YRUP." Sold by druggJSts generally Pamphlets sent free to any address by SETH W. FowLK & Solis, Proprietors, 8!3 Har r1son Avenue, :Boston, Mass. 1VOlES D£SCOUN7:ED. )% rnkie,t paul on dq>ood" of and npwaids Gr a'auate of Oubrio College on all h1aneh@ of Bank of Montreal I Shingles, Lath Posts & Square Timber.1 of Ph,,1macy. m Canada, New York and I ' ' -0-BO\\ n1an> 1!le, l\ilarch 13, 1880. J,ondon, England. 'I SOLE AGENTS FOR vV · :::\f cl\i_[U R'T'RY Private and BmldmgSocietyJi'unds ::EI:_ & Would again respectfully an tounce to the public the arrival loaned on real estate at · _,,0 ,,_ ::i of s1ock of lH'>' rnd seasonable Dry' Goods, s111ted to the 11 e~t iates I D oors, oas ~ h , Bl'in d s, P' 10 k et s, M ou Id" ings, &c, MONEY LOANED. wants of all. An cxpe nence of ove r .30 ) e<11 s in pl ov1d111g 1VOTESAArD .1. CCOU1VTS _ Dry Good~ fu1 the residents of v\ etic Durham enables me to I "\~care p1epared promptly to :till orders in tl o nbo"\'e hnes, and to deliver Brtlcles in all parts NOTES DISCOUNTED. CO LJ...,ECTED. of the town rhe h1ghestpr1ce paid fo1 Lumber,,Vood,et0. \Vcbul for CAliii1H, and sellfor«JA.SB, select .JU St snch gooJs ao; the people want, ar,d my customers 1\af Oillve and Yard-Corner or J{1ng and Geol'ge Streets. may ie:y on gettrng the H' v best value fo1 their money. DRA Fl'S ISSUF.JJ -- ~"- "' BANK STOCKS, Al\IERICAN GREENBACKS AND F:XCHANGE BOUGHT Special attentJfJll has beeu given to the select10n of Spring on -nfi13ra~;es>-of the ONTARIO BANK. BONDS, JOHN Mf IJT ELLAN.} McCLELLAN & CO.-- A'.so Drafts bong I t-and s;;id on Now ~ ork .\'YILLIAM C.Ai:8N and Summer good~ for the season of 1880 ; "llct not\\ ithr.tandDEBENTURES, Bowmnni; ille, April 17, 187 38 and London, Eng ing the gic.:at advance in all Dry Goods, I shall be able to sell and MORTGAGES the present stock <1t old prices. I had the good fortune to have !FIVE PER CE~T ll!lltci·c"t my stock of Grey and Wlutc Cottous, Ducks, Demms, Tick· BOU G II T AND SOLD. allowed on Deposits ings, Shit tings, Sheetmgs, Hollands and ot ier Linens purchas· 1 ed before Hie rise rn prices. INVJi:fl'l'll'lE NTS 1\iUDE 2l! ly. My ~tock of Prints an<l general D1e~s Goods is large and Bowmanullo Feb i2 1879 very choice in quality and styles and ve1y cheap, ~-- - Ask to see onr ~arga as3or~n~mt of Laces, mcluding .MalW. vV. THULL.. tcse, Cluny, Bretone. and Val encennes. 82 tf. Toikt 10 THI~llio rnu l'ou clR:E INcmunLE DRAFTS ISSUED MiI Mc c L EL LA N & c 0., jCOAL, WO 0 D, LUMBER, DEALERS IN " · == - . 38 06 06 86 prepm ed with the gientcst accu.iacJ.,. REMEMBER 'l'IIE PI AOB "" Express Office Building, King St. East, Bowman' 111c.1 MARTIN E. NEADS, FOR ALI.... J3_ R.AT.HEUN SON ORONO BANKING HOUSE. I For Cheapness and Quality, go to A MIST A.KE! 22 on the 9th con hne, m~tlk the stumps required to be pulled, advertlSe for ten dors to extraot the sa1ne, and present tenders at next meehng.-Car1ied. ~ Mi. Wlntfield applted for n. giant to bmld a cnlvert on the 3rd con. hue op pos1te lots 12 and 13, and ou mot10n llfr I_jattimor was appointed to examine o.nd report thereon at next rneeting of council On motion, of the Reeve s1g1H:d orders on the Trcn.su1er as follows Mr. Bruce, sheep lulled b:v dog:r.:,.. $5 33 ~ Dnotcrs, Towellings, Cottons ete, , etc., m Gray's Vitaline ! Ne e1 f~ils tc 1 chc~ c ...,n<l." iLh prop ct use "ill i cule u.'1 ch case~ nu"'1ng fIOln impurity of the 1 1:1"! blcod "e are 111 ieceip t of 1arge s]upmen t s of G1ve 1Jf'l 1ut~r:a t'111 tr1~1 and j:ou \\;111 be I1ng season, the va11ous b1anche~ of our convinced that 1h1H1s Vi nHhrfnl remed:.: fi l t th 1 NO · the comgoorl R, to replemsh for Jncreas1no trade 1n vvh1ch we fee] · ' · con c en no o er 1ouse m to"n can approach bus 111 quality or pnces Come and oee for ) ourndve" All om customers are delighted. AUCTION BETTER OF HARNESS ! Bargains inHarness IllA.N" A'!'.. T llE A"\J,Jt-l.(. .:J, Jas Brown, repa1nog quarter hne,con o 00 DE~TTISTRY ! Jame:, Il(l1he, work 1 5th con hne I 00 R B Sp1nk111 1 a1d for W1ll10.m Spence 4 00 i\I1 Longhoad, 111d1gent aid · . · 4 00 Thos C1awford, sueep lnlled by O b :;;s...-: 4 00 On motion the council adJournerl till the \Vm. 1\1:civ.'IUR.TRY, West End House. COME ONE AND ALL WHO NEED 88 ti. Slst' d~y of May at 10 o'clock a m. LrEUT:E1'i \.N1-GovF u.Nolt l\fA{_'Do.NALD - will sell harness for the next Undei this head we can offer special ba1oams havmo bouo-ht lar<Yely THilUYDAYS b ' b 0 h · befoie the iecent advance m pncos-and am now offering Tea fully 20 ilt very low prices . to 2 5 per cent less than their present ma1l,et value. Our harness is first class in Green and Black Teas 50 cts per lb, fully '\\mth 66 cts Green and every Ie;,,pect and not made tJ One Black Teas 70 cents, woreh to day 90 cts , an cxec1lent be; crnge tnal will secu1e your life-long patrotngA Om Jnpnn Teas me unex- sell-but to we<1r. celled in !la' 01 and sh cngth TEAS., TEAS. JACKMAN & DARCH -- -l.UCI14.l~~~ ........... --. - OUR COLLARS are second to noncl. 0 lK T,ll\:NED llARNESl'!i A SPECl!l.J.'.ll'. .. · The Lieutenant Governor of 011ta.r10 has beeu rcq11ested to remain in his office 11 I the 1st of ,July, and though all hi, M range1neats had been made for r!jmoir al to Montreal on the 18th May he has con sented to stay His f.1m1ly will, however, 16ave Toronte on the day previously fixed No one kno\1iS who w11l sncceecl hin1 Ev1 dently \ha place is not yet filled -l 4.'A.ltD. To all "Who are sutH ung f1on1 the errors and --TC!?-- PllO IT URE 11REROOiiIS, I Coffees, Sugars, Fruits, Etc. J, M. BR.IMA COMBE., PR'<i.CTI{ ti. N1tro11~ Dl~NTil!'.iT, NEARTY 1WliN1Y 1i:EARS EXPERIEISCE OxJelt G.ts A. d mtutste.1cd :for P.ttule~ s OFFICE: If yon want a chmce cup of Coffee, this i's the paceogel. 1 t t 't ~ Farmers will consult ' their Su gin" of all grades at lowest puces. interest by g1v111g us a call. Fi nits of all kinds at exceedmgly low prices. One doo1 eas! of n:fay mrrd'fl OldStand ,King St. Bowman vil 1A. PI~OVISIONS. 1nd1Sotctions of"outh, ne1-i,;ous weakness, ca lj dceuv,lossotrr1 nhood, &c I "111 send ft re cetpt that will< ure you, EREE OF CII.AltGJ!, This grHat remedy WllS d1sco'\ eied bv a m1'3 Ion lll'Y 1n South .A.menoa. Send a self addressed en\ elope to the RE" JOSEPH l:XMA::-f, Slauon, JJ. New 1~01 le City \\here you can find m crything in that lme always on hand and sold at the low.::st prices. MY HEARSE AND · BRANCH lS TIIE BEST IN 'J'HE COUN'l'Y TA Funerals attonderl (day or nigh t) promptly, ordmly and gmetly , at prices to smt enny ()llt-l. Rakes l\{asson l\.lanufactu11ng 00 I:! , Snpeuor Single und Cou1b1ned Seed Dr11ls l'olton Bros Pea Har\ ester 41 I AJ:iT, :\IAC'dlNB~ V\ ~nHAN'Ili:D FarmerH Villl fin<i 1t to th.en· 1nterel'l:t to con QOA p . - () Ill' I vo13r ancl A lll b er b ar S oap tlu@JiVS all othc1s in the \ sult;1nee1lhe1 }JCl'SOnally or b) 1P-tter , hefore 0 01 Adonng ~laohmcs shade -The Electne Soap rs nowhere compared to it gent for the Landed Bn.nkmg & Loaning ' Co llannlton BRUSHES-Scrnb,Store,HaiI,Cloths,Boot Ilrooms,Paib,and\Vashtubs REPAIRS for all mach1ne;g sold , kept at ::.Yir I , J Moms Cmimge %op - 1 SAL1 -In Ban els and Sacks Fme Liverpool Salts, m bags, "eighing I "Ill be m Bowman ville "" r, R,1tnrdav. 11 espectively ,)fillls , 112 lbs,, 224 Ills, to smt the conve111ence of the purOriiers b> Mail prompt!~ attei.cled to 1 · t ecl 101 ,. d any · n J SHAW 1 1 ch ase1,-specia11y unpoi use I I'. o. nox 104, nowmarmue. COAL OIL of the best quality Our Headlight rn wmthy of a trial and Ma.Hse~ AGENT FOR Manufg Cos Ileapers, 1.Uo·v.;erd, and In thrn l·rnnch of trade, we defy competition Fall and Spunct wheat Flom,-best brands Gibb's patent Flour Buckwheat .Flour. nCracked Wheat, Grnham Flom, Cornmeal Oatmeal a specialty ~ Q'J 8m* MRS. DONNELLY IIasJnst received a large stock of FRENCH AND AMER C C AN I I I SUNDRIES. MILLINE RY .. Call ana. see fo your . . . eli:es. srsts of SILKS, FRINGES, cuernher lO 1879 ---- 72 ~- ) bound to give sntrnfaet1011. 001\IE AND SEE OUR GRAND DTSPLAY IN No extra charge forr r;tttf;'lnding Jfunerals in the country w1th1n ten miles. I SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, Dairy1non often woutlt:r how then· more fa, vored 0011ii, et1tors get such 111gh prices for their bTI.ttc:rthe:ie&r1ound. It1sby ulways ha,1ng the ln1foun g-1lt edged n.rhcle lo put tne "g11t edg-e 011, when the pastures do not do 1t they tum \.Yells. Richardson & Co B l'erfectefl UntLer Color, Every butter maker can do the sarne Sold c'l'errwhere and voarui..n!ed tt::> ha.rm Crockery, Glass, Lamps, ~~H~E~S tlHDP llllUf'lll"IHlEY, 'l'HOiiili~ ::NE'"'ml" . ~ Thankful for past patronage I still solicit the same REMEMPER THE PLACE THE Collar )faker, bas at last ·tarted bu-mes in llon n1a.nv1lle and Fancy Goods. · less as salt, and oerfec~ 111 operat 10u Gifford's Old Stand, l{ing-st. West. \7\f. P. PRO \!VER. JOHN McMURTRY, Keeps constantly on hand a good stock of · GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware, Canned Goods, Tobaccos, Soaps, &c, &c · All kmds of farm prncluce taken m exchange. ~owmanv1lle,~October l,~1878. 10-tf c 7ll-lf. 81).Jy, ' __ ( -

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