~ nu1,y_ be t'~nfu\ ou file at Ga:o \ A~id.e from thos;;~culiarities - ~~- wbic~ -A retriever owned- by a. Nap,,· THIS PAPER P. ltow<. · Co'· Street) News. .· we 1 · d I () f com ', posit.on · · ll,apcr .<\.dvertising Bnrean (fO & swruce iave ~~ t' elTa · , llie ~ t ye , "·.ou ld ma ke a first - class .whis 1· !'here ·advertfsing oont.ra.-cl!\ HE y · ORK I was anyt.a1n~ but credr~ble to nuni who lu~ la.Lest feat was to bru-. -1 , 1 1 STATESMA!\ . .clU\V.Mik-~VJ £E, FRJl)A Y, JLLY,9, Jo HJ. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!..._~~~~~~~~~ "The larO'cst, the very best tented exhibition ever seen here." · · " · ·, - Toronto Gwbc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~---~=-~·~~~~ -~ bo~tle of whl~key whi- · .M!l.V -be ma.de for it in · , ~B ~l ¢ ¢ iHl:a:diitll$ la1~31IliUl I - -~ --~~-~-~~-'~-'~ , . . . -.....-...~ ~~ BOWUANVILLE, FRTDAY, JULY 9. honsehold ha_ d ca· ion. It is no wonder:Jhat comptl~_itiou woodshed. and writing are so much neglected wlfen 1 Cttpt. Mc teachers of the lLigher ranks_of their prv· .i 1.respoiiCI fession cannot write an 'o rdinary . ~usiness . rour letter as it Bhould be done. . . :i. E!-re expecte4 to bP. models. The .pehmanshiD too was inferior, with a single E!Xcept- MACHINE OILS Rangoon Oil . · · Castorine, Lard Oil, Seal Oil, Castor Oil, Stock's Oil,, A~~ericans are becoming ~reatly alarmed ·o ver Ute extensive importation of Australi·a n wool into -the country, which is interfering materially with the sheep husbandry . ' Of their country. The Colo11ial Chambers 1 -> of Coli1merce are appealing to the Clu1m. . be~s of Oo1nmerce in the leading _.\.1nerican citjcs to raise their influenc~for th" abolition 01· ,at lea.st the rednction of import duties of foreign wools. Severa.1 Boards of Com.n1orce have agree<l. to nee their influence with Con~reso to that effect. They ia.k~ . th~ ground that th_ e free adn1ission of 1\11st.ralian ·w-oolis will _ aug1nent the trade in ri.1anufactured goods with the Auatralian· ·colonies. In oui· opinion it will simply be repeating what now exists in Canada- the already highly protected manufacturers will be still 1110re highly protected at the expense of the agriculturists. It fa high time that legislators should give the interests of the tillers of the ·oil at leaot "" much con~idCration as they give to the man!Jfacturcrs' intereat.s. A. B. FIFTEEN EL.E PHANTS IN BOW. MANVILLE, JULY 13TH. One thonsnu1r1'le: u a.utl Dorse!J-1,500 "'Jll ·tJmensious--A.. llolhhtY :for All! Ben~18-Acrelii nf tlan vn.'!i;- Itl nuar.v Hunttit. -A. 1nile of illnssi."l'e f;Ju1riot!\l-llnlloonl I Forepa.ngh's spectacular street displaYi and his great show .will (nlfil their adver tised &nnouµcen1ents at Bowma.nv.ille, Jul 13th inst. N othiag so grand and magnifi cent has ever been Beun in Canada." The grand marelt is led by Prof. Rus1 soil's :Military orohcatra, seated in th~ jeweled and respl~pdent _ classical Oar o~ the l\ful!eB, .adorne·li . with artistic statua.r1 repretJentations oL Plio, Melpomene, Ter psichOre, Polyhy,rbnia, 'fhaHa, l,Trania, Euterpe, Erato atiil C;il!fope, followed by Commaoder of the Faithful, accompan,ied by his Sulta.n_ a, slaves, jeweled ·warriors, and a royal retinue of r~chly-rebP,d pro· ce1:Mionists ; droves of black .a,nd w hi ta camels and a gorgeous Car of ludia." "TJ1e lotts c1inriot, then, Of ebony, with gold and gems thick streV.·n, Even like the starry night. 'J'he spokes were FOREPAIJGH AND THE · SHO~! GR EATE SJ" 'OF A.LL! Nr"THt lARGfST TtNTfa lXHrnlTION IN THf WORlO I ONLY GREAT SHOvV Coming to CANDA THIS YEAR Harvest Tools: ... ~ 1 ~BOWM .. AN-y_-ILLEl, ~VENTNG. Second Visit to the Do1ninio11 in five years. A1'~1 0,ys tho Ja1·gest ; nO\.Y ten times large1· Lhau ever. Si xteenth .A1111ual Tour. 'Vill exhibit at · · 1 . 3 . Scythes, TUESDA"Y,JULY ' · head downw;;~rd - - ---·,""'--- ·---A'FTY.R explaining to l\{r. Butler person~ riJ!j' and to oi1r read ~ ra in our la.st - issne our·' position in regard to the discussion on the "Immersion Queetion," we did not expect to be again called upon to allude to the matter. · But Mr. Butler, it would nppear from the opening paraRraph of his let,ter, still holds us responsible for the views advanoerl in the extracts pnblished from the pan1phlet, as well as the i'ema1ks lt'e made in reference to "the man and the' pamphlet." Without criticising the subject ·matter.of Mr. Butler'A incongruous ~ comm_ \1nioa.tioo, '\'0 may remark that we . ham not grnduated in theology and therofure shall- not, 1ike son1e others we know, rnoh into a theological discueaion only to 1how.011r iKnoi-anca, Still, did \Ve desire to fignr~ conspicuously' before the world as ~n advocate of a cardinat' pri.nciple of onr church's creed we _might t·hcn call to our aid a few of the learned men of our church, and by their assistance present to the reading and thinking . Vi'orld arguments tha· would lead the11o to believe us to be a 1na.n of deep erudition in theology. Or we might go to a man ceeply veraed in theology for an -a.rticle in defence of our belief and we could father it. But we have a particular dread of theological dis. cussions and shall retire from the arena. We would remind our correspondent!! that we much prefer that they should disouss tlte subj. e el and not eaclt othe ... THERE is a 1nan.ifest. feeling of unreat among ou:r people, that would lead a toretgncr to conclude that our country is not what jt is -represented to be-one of the best agricultural countries in the world. The story of the dog and the shadow haa a1 noral that heeded would sav.e to many Canadians thousand!!._ of_ d_<>.lfa_:s. Within the lJa.st fift een yea.rs· we have had- ·what might be tenned the California. fever, the Kansas fever, tl.1e North Carolina fever, - _ tllJlJ);:Jawai:aie:v .er; and-·li~ht touches of sevm:a.L2J..her ,~Jnericm1 fey_ers. Canadians have been carrif!d _p:ff in great numbers-Dy all of theae fevers, and where one _ has been satisfied with the change ten haVe sorely repented of their action. There are thousands of Canadians in different parts of the United States who would gladly return .to Canada if they could riiapose of their farms for what thoy gave !or them. Still there a.1·e many in Canada. who are piniug to go to some of the "~r~en fields aud pastures new" across the lines. We warn Canadians aqainst beiug lea.d away by the exaggerated accounts that are to be a~ en in ahnost every American paper, Before us as we write lies the leading agricnltnral paper published in New York, whbh in its leading editorial aays that prices of land in North Carolina have risen from thirty to fifty dollars per acre abov.e former prices, and tha.t it often bringa to the grower $500 per acre per anuu1n. Such stories are increilible. \Vith feilows of strong bra.ss; the naves 'verc brass \Vith burnished _ _ gold o'.rlaid. and _diamond rinnncd; - ._, ~ Steel were Lhe axles, in bril.{ht silver case; Tbe pole was ca~mcl in silv er~igh a.loft, Like a throne lhe go1·geoas Reat was fram~d Of ivory part, ·part silver, JlHtt gold; On ~it her side a golden s.tatute stood." gold . · AFTERNOON AND · · ·_ fhousa,nds everywhere fioc$ing. to.see the lirst, the only., the ,.,.·onderful, 15 .Pei10rn1ing · Elcphll.nt.s, and the i\'1irac1e of the 1\ge, Snaths, Cradles, Hay F orks, Barley Forks, Loadcd·~,vith -Puvtder, fired in full vjew of thc - audiei,icc~ _and GJ)ugl~t hy a I..«-:i.tly panging fronJ a lofty 'frape"-e. · . / A Human Being SHOT FROM a Monster Canon! / AT LOWEST" PRICES. LEE d: EDSALL. Ilowmanville, JuJy 1st, U!8U. Representing the mystic rites of lJRAHMA 1 '\' !SHU AND SlilYA. No kin,R.ly coronation. no civic or miJitary procession, no ttinn1phal celebration, not even the glorie11 of Cezar or Sa.rdanapalus ever equaled in vastness, splendor or sublimity the gr&nd march uf the majestic monarch of the show \vorld, the Great Forepangh Aggrei(ation. The Car of Freedotn, illustrating religion, education, io'fe, victory and peace, all surmounted by an allegorical representation of ·the Godde.. of Liberty, follo1Ted by Nero's Leonine Chariot, drawn by 10AtU.A.IIC,AFRlU.A.N AND CEYLON E;LKPHANTR _,.{ and / itL_d fron1 'mount to b~ /'.'--1. for county / dtl.on ·Departn1eut / IJ.s for school pur1. Rayues iu -re~p e ct ; wn park. 1." additional plank to be _ /Lhi;, two-=-plat1k wo1lk oJJ , St. West, was referred to the , Streets Co111n1ittee. 1yor entered at- t-h~ stage of the ngs arid took his seat. lJurde11 ·pre11ented Ute report _ .of the a Uo1nn1ittee, rec<.1mmending pay. Jf the following accounts : S. Cli1nie, printing ...··. · . $l4 50 . D /,> yle, work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 -. Mcltne, work ............. 12 50 C., blacklJoard. . . . . . . . . :l 50 Jone~, /ott: / .:it. 15 101. / -, Ore~s Buntings I AT upon the canopy of which stands a living Lion loose in the st.reet, roaring, glaring, and shaking his shaggy mane at the spectators, while composedly sit. by hia side the youthful, beautiful and fearle88 female conquerer of th.e king .of bes.ats, . with & keen, shining sword drawn and held over the 1nonster's head. · Hirst's 1\o1arine Band, seated in the Car of the Seasons, drawn by seven white · ateeds, followed by the superb mechanical masterpiece, a 100 RORSE-l'OWER ELECTltIC ENGINE, n1ounted on wheels and drawn by col\lblack horses. In front of it is visible tho lightnmg-producing tlluminators, which l\re dsily to be s~en in operation beneath the manunoth pavilions. lntermingled along the line of this moving marts of splendor, appears U1e rnirthfUJ mardi-gra.e masqueraders, illuetrating the carnival season, succeeded by wide-open dens of terrific lions, tigers and hyenu, performed by their trainers as . the procession moves. It is an undisputable fact, in this mOus .. ter street ci cmonstration, there is exhibi-1 led more wild beasts free . in the public streets, for all to look at, than is ex hi bite~' beneath the canvass of many m·ena.geries, l\Jingling .with the martial strains of th . bands is beard the thundering tones of th~ :r-rusical Steam Orche.strion, 1naking 1unsiJ for the million. J The whole forms one unbruken lille o. splendor, unpa~alleled in its ·.vastues.a an d _ I magnificience. · ', "A sc_ e ne where, if a god shotild cast his sigh~ A goQmight gaze-and wondc_ r .with dolight.' 1 W.J A·LEXANDER'S. To hand this morning, another lot of all wool buntings, in every shade, at 40 cts. per· yard. All wool black Delaines, very-fine make at 35 and 40 cts. per yd. White Terry Cloth at 25 ·and 28 cents per yard. 4-Buttoned Kid Gloves 1n every shade only 75 cents per pair. Ladies long armed Silk Mits in all colors and black from 25 cerits to $1.QO. FOR CHEAP GO.ODS AND NEW DESIGNS, GOTO , n. Fi·hley, work..·.··.... .. . 37 50 H. ). o: work ........... .. .. 84 iJ4 :r. '!'hos. Creeper, work.. . . . . . . . . 6 00 Cu]e, tea1ning ...... . . . . . . . 6 80 Ji"". Borland, repairing coat .... 1 00 J. McMannus, "Ork .... _.... 10 80 G. D. Fletcher, sundries.. .. ... 6 75 'V.P.Pl'ower,cuffin fur Palntl'r, 10 00 Ila.rt '"~ Rawlinson, stationery, 1 !)5 A. Burk, black earth . . ... , . . . 7 50 $18~ 14 j\1r, Piggott prpsented the report pl the Publip Properly Co1nmittee- ·~atiug tl;ia~ the weigh scales h~d been put jn gpod repair. Re~eiyed and fyleq , · Mr. Burden preseu!pd the Fire Cpmmittee"S report, upop. wlrich the Council went into Committee of the whole. Th& report was pas~d withou t amendm.e nt. A res 'J lution "\l-a ~ passed authorizing the purchase of 200 ft. of first-class hose, and instructing the ]'ire Oo1nrnittee to advertise for tenders for the erection of a hose t.ower. . j All the above described .features will bi see11 ~n t_Qe. gra_nd proce~sion wllich.._ '"':illh1 made at BowmahvitlU.011 the morning ·o the 13th inst, It is free for ·II to see, "" the grandeur, novelty. and magnificonc of ths spectacle, will ·attract thousands o visitors to our town on the 13th. Ampl provisions will be mndO by landlords n-n othars to feed all 'vho come, and di,~tan re·idents shonl\l reach here by 9 o'clock in (,fder to wit.neas thf1 snperb spectaclol .A Balloon ascension take~ place at the close of the st.reel procession. Mr. H11reey was deputized to watoh the actiou of the Court oil some appeal~ that are vending against t.he deCeslon of t.lle Oonrf of lteviision, Council adjourned. 1- - - 100 GRE.A._T ..ACTORSI I1i th e Gigantic· Ci~cus, exhib.itecl in TYlO SI-JrARA'.l'E R~N(l $ ! (6) Six SCHOOL llOA.RD. co~~.~~~~:~.~~~T-I Midland iM still shipping ice to the J -- - si'i:.rickleberriee ripening fast at l:ltoneyl Lake. 1 Heavy thunderstorms are reported fro J all sides. Oakwood now has three resident min· iaters. r The crops look well, says the Whitb~ Oh1·on:i.cle. I A Midland butcher' does his killing on Sund11y. I THE SCHOOL MASTER' 4BROAD. Wheat ru·ting in Lifford, 'l.nd seeming!~[, lf there is one time more than anothet everywhere. when " teacher should exercise especial The Orangerue;, of Orono will oelebrate care in writing it ia when making appli· ih N ewCastle. ~, cation ro a. School Board for a situation. For the vacancy in the teaching ataff in The crops a.bout . Janetville are looldn . town thel'e were so1u0 sixty-isix: applicants exceedingly w.eJI. -call claimiug to be gentlemen of high atThey bay crop everywhere is reported tainments; and. indeed, juda;D.ng f['.oin uuooininonly heavy. thti testi1uoniaLs they forwarded, they were The Glasgow House, \Vhitby, iii beinJ . teachers of wonderful ability and marvel- rebuilt for R. and J. Campbell. lous ~nccess. Ilnt these doeua1enls had 'Elliot's 6aw n1ill at Balsover, has bcon no weight with the Board ; for t-hey en- burned with contents ; loss serious. gnged a geutteman, who sitnply asked for the appoh1tment and did not f~trnish testi. Th.(! "']1itby Chron· i.cle comes Ol.lt strong~1 monials of any kind. ly for the projected woollon factory. ~rhcre were several peculia.rities noticeThe L. 0. L's, 0. Y. H's aud T. B's o able in these applications. Some appli- Beterboro, will celebrate at Cobourg. cants sent the1r photo-one-a rnarricd The Orangen1en of ·Lflkefield District man--sen t two ladies' cards, his photo and will have a picnic .on Gin Island, Stone)' nearly .twenty" testimonials of merit; but Lake. none of these things moved the Boan\ exKing Bros., uf Wnitbv, the other <la cept to laughter. One hopcd the Secretary shipped twenty . tons of tallow tu En. ~la . nd. \1lon1d return an ea·1·ly ·reply ; another-a !\-Ir.·~. w. Haui has returned to \\-rhi~b)il1 nian_ ;Jf "hea~·y altail~nien~s"-"could nfte1· a. three years' trip_ all round th , fur'lisn ·uneqtnt7oeal testl~on1als" ; whi1A world. .. l'tnQ_ther sent recom1nendat1ons showing his . _ . · · -- .. . · - ·----~ " cah_a~ity" to te.ach! _ etc. ,A. youug_ m_Qr_ :._;_. ;F~r;t! i. ~-n_n~~-4~-t~a . we,r_ e_; 9ot~ firnH;d ,. ~Y, a.I uia.n. .Mg&fi_ by saying u I hel'ew·ith apply Brnhop Sweatn1an at U xbc.dgc t-~1e othe etc.~· and continued ' 1my term of Buee.c.,,efu,l day. teaching is 4 years "-~bnt did not say how Port Perry farmers co1uplafn of having tnany years of 'nnsuccessful teaching ho had far too n1uch rain. The rust has se~ bad put in. He closed an adjectival appli- in badly. I cation by requesting a. meu1ber uf the The services of P1·of" Ruppel hc.ve been Board to visit his school, which is some ente,agud hy the directors of the Ontario 400 miles dtstant. AN ormal School ap- Ladies' Ccollege. plicant says "If niy scr-vi<~es rneet your ~c· The Orono Sun4ay School pjcnic in the ce plance, etc., let me kno,v:" Another grounds of R. Colville, Esq., was an hn~ experienced " applicant says " I am a mense SU!We&fJ, holdet of a. second certificate and "I saw yonr advt. in the M«il, fo wh-foh I ani a They could not get ~ q:norum of the reynlctr sHhscri.b er." He did not know Educati?n Board at Oehawa the ot11er day; much ·about \\Test Durhan1, or he would cause, sickness. not haY_ e a.nnounce<l his politics so clearly. A cow owned by F. Edwards, Douro, Still ¬her was a" member of the pro- made a return of 23 lbs. of butter for a te,gtant fai~h,, and another '~ pa. 11ts:ed the fortnight's feed. 1st (N. P.) examination in July," but does A careful survey is going on with a view not state the result. A very prewnlious to t~sting the practicabilitt of constructapplicant "had had nearly a year's ex- ing i'he- Murray Canal. perienc~ in editing a conn try newspaper A young child n[ an Angus storekeeper " rhich I regard as invaluable 1n the teach- named Smith, }1ad one of it.~ eyes picked ing. profession," A Quebec 1uan holds a out Ly a ~anie-cock. degree of HA. A.," whatever that means. An applicant from Dufferin, wbou1 ,\·e adThe crops t~1rough Le~no . x a.nd Adding- I vise to apply to H. W. Burk, Esq., for the t.on are lookmg magmficent, · with tbe po~i~ion o~ jail~r, in. his couuty, says ,he exception of l1ay, n·hich is light. 1s 6 feot high (111 lns socks), weigh· 180 A handsome stained windolV has been lbs., was never sick, and incloses his photo. placed in the Episcopal Chnrch at T,akeIle apoligizes for his bad writing and says . field, in memory of Kate L. Strick/and. he wrote in a. hurry~ which his "salery_" The rema.iue of ririr. Da.wsun, a fiftyand "coppied " w_ auld plainly indicate. years resident of Cavan, wore on the !J7th Perhaps the most s11ltable applicant in the interred in the burial ground of St. John's! batch was one "well up in the first six and church. / 11th and 12th books of Euclid, land sur'!'he son of Mr.W, J. Watson, proprietor v~ymg, J?la.ne an~l spher1cnl trigonomet.ry, of the Hamilton House, Beaverton, wa::c ddferenhal and mtegral calc~lus" but .a run over bv a. hay. W&".On a.nd instant] / murderer of the Qncen'.s Enghsh." '!'he killod. ' = y last we shall refer to wished to leave his The mairiag· of Mr ,J F S ·th 0 f ·rion "toge~. · ,mt ' .ofI pressn t pos1 .. o. . . a he ti er pace,"Canninrrf_ .... .._ _ with Miss ~ Bessie King where he ,hoped lte l"O,ulil ")le more IJal \.lie socio! ev·nt in'.thel successful. 1 weok. ~re o.the~ Everyth ing New, Origiru.t-1, a.nd _4-ttractive. ~egular meeting Friday evening. Mr. McDougall presi<ling. !->resent Messrs. Burden , Oubitt, Fairbairn, · ~TcClung, Horsey, Higginbotham and Williams. In the Great Double Ring Circus; and first a-ripeara111..;e Ju~re of the frunuus ]'re11eh ~1inntes pf two former 1ncctings read and Lady Gy1n11<\St ? confirmed . Se"f"era.l tenders were presented for rep·irs to be made a t the Unicri Buildings. The tender of l\'IesP.rso Mun- '\\rhose wonderful feats of c:rossiil.g the high 'vire 6Q feet ·1n inid-a.i.J", an cl bli ndfolde<l, also with son & Gilbert was accepted for the wood work and Mr. Jewell" lender for the n1aso11. Wo rk. Thi;i following n.ccpnnti:s were ordered to he poid : W. F . 4lleQ, lnsurancc, .. .. ···.·. $10.25 1 Glol;e and Mail, 1\.dvertising., . . . · · 2. 75 t' !J J. J. Till ey, E"!.it!ninat.iuno, .. .. . ... 10.00 A.ND l'tf..l!l ONLY l~X"J.Li llJ'l'IOI\ lN" '1'1lE \Yo1;r.11 WJ'l'l-{ U. C . I~uruituro Co., Sundries. , , .. 13.60 M. A. Jarnes, Advert1s:ing.· . ,., .. , · 6.25 Performing Giraffes, Mimicking Monkeys, Dancing Bears, G. S. Climie, " . . . . . . . . . 6.24 Trained Horses, Educated Mules, Performing ·Ponies, Sundries ...... . . .. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.40 Famous Clowns . . Noted Cash Store, Bowmanville. Take your Butter, Eggs, etc., to W . Brittain & Co's., Market. Square. . . . · ·5 0 TRAINED -ARABIAN HORSES ! They will' give orders on me which I regard as cash. ·nowmanvillc. June Ii, 1880; ALL BAREBACJZ:ED RIDING w. --=-c:: SCOTT'S Z U ·I LA, TH E FE M Al E B 1::- 0 N D I N, ~· ··-~:··:;~l~t~::~jf·ij~~' ~ ;~a~,m ~11gan ia ~~i~~J f~w lf "J ~~w f'J ~iYJt ~J Jli1J ~ Ml v : Bo .ot & Shoe Store .. _ . · FOH - --- -·-----·-111----- $58-50 That part, of the resolution passed by the Board F6b: Gth, in reference to pay.went of teachers' sa1aries \Vas respiµded. The Board adjourned. Trained Tige rs, Acting Elephants, Learned Seal, Disciplined Zebrns, and 1,500 RARE Wild Animals! BAR.G AINS. .---v--..."' -...,,,...._. '-'"._,--...,-..,,-~-.._....._-~~~ Annual JJleeting ·. . Stock-liolde1·s of Up1Je1." Canada Jtu.tniture Co. will hP- heh! at Urn Co1npan·y'_ ll" office, ~r MEEl'ING OF T HE ANNrAL the THE in the town l f th 1 _ nt :P,q.lf pa.st Bowmanville,- on Satunlay ··July ~ o'p loc~, orii~v. ' Jiy p. -rn~ . The whole stock ·has been purchased for CASH at greatly reduced rates. Men's, Women's, Misses' aud Children's. Prnnella Boots sold for half the regular prices . Ordered Wt)rk promptly attended to, :-wd made up in the latest approved style. Repairiug neatly done with despatch. · . f , F. Mc~Wl'H!JH, 1 HBoa.giug Dit:a:tor. nowmanvilJe, .Tuly 6th, lSfO. . 10~-hv. To Painters .. 'f E lt S W I L L P A.IN plca13p tak,e n.oHPP Hint I have just received fron1 the . . Cementing done properly. Trunks and .V alises constantly on hand. G I Y E H I M A C A L L. Bowmanv1lle, April 29, 1880. flHf . NAPANEE BRUSH CO., :i, large a,ml _<;pntpletc stock of paint and other bn1sbtis which r will sell ii.t lo·w~st rates: D, S'!'OT'r, Ohpmjst . & Druggist, ~CLASCOW ---:o_ ~. HOUSE! -- JPJ, J39wmanviJle. I The Subscriber has . now received a large aml well assort ed stock, suitable for the present and coming season. Though aoods have advanced and still continue to advance in price, owlng to his having b.ought large]~' in anticipat!on of a rise, he will offer many Imes at old pnces, and havrng determined to reduce his enormously large stoek, he will sell many at less than old r!!tes, thus offering inducement to those who wish to make four dollars do the work of five. i so;;:~;,rouowing t::~::t1:~.:;.~:,~::,;:~-1 MOST GIGANTIG MENAGERfE IN THE WORLD! Mr. C. --WATCHES--!---1 w. M. f!qgJinn, llvmt1'.\vnEB.i< .i_i1Mw'rioi; 't·o Bl< Tiril SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO 'Carpets-Jute, Union and All 'Vool ... ........ ........ ,.. 50c tip\rn r.Js Coloured and Bla, c k Gros Grain ~ii k .. , lNDL UlHNG TIU~ ONLY Dear Sir, -.--'l'he "\l.'n,tch that Wq.ij bought f1"otu you lust sun1mer by Dl}' friends in RnniekilJen for me has kopt excellent tin1c. I take great pleasure in rccorumen<ling you to a11y one wanting a good time keeper. Yours:respectrully Leviathan H ippotomas r Six Ton Rl1inoceros I _,\ _ NH ,_. ....... ... . . 50c " DA YID fi£HRIS. Mr. C, \V, 1\1. Hughan . Dear Sir,-'l'he gold watch I bought from you last sumn1 er has turned out, just as you represented, I conlll not \vi:;h a better V.'atch. Your.:. truly TRIO OF ARCTIC OCJtJAN SJ!JA LIONS. And nearly every Beast, Birtl and Rcp t.He known to Natural history: UJ" ltl.\.KE ..\NOTE OJi' 'l'HIS. Ji,fl'All the l\i'llnmoth Pavilion Table Linens an<l Darnai;ks .......... .. ..................... 20c Large Lot of Tweeds ....... ..... ................. ........ ...... .... 25c Black and Colored Cashm eres ..... , ............ ...... .. ........ Hie Jllun1inated by the " " WONDERFUL ELECTRIC LIGHT, which can be seen aft.ernoons as well l'IS evenings. UOBEU'l' AHll!S'l'RONG, Don 't fail to see the BALLOON ASCENSIONS from the Show Grounds. White,.,Scarlet and Grey Flannel. ..... ...... ...... .... .. .. .... 20t: " " I I GRAND W FREE FOR ALL W MONSTER STREET~ I'AH.ADE! Fancy Flannels and Shirtings an irmnense variety, Hosiery, ... D·l'llilgton, April 18th, 1880. 'l'he lai.,,:est longest mosL llrilliant and·1nagnifl.'cent public proces3ion e\'er made by nny Show ~ ' in th0 worltl. Sta.1·ts fro1n the e..."Chi.bition grounds betweeu nine and , J\fr.. C. w. -n-r. Hugbau , ten o'dock on tJ1e forenoon of show da~'. n ear Sir,--The wat ch I bought fron1 you last . Exltibitions afternoon nnd evening a.t auU ejg ht o'clock. AUruission 50 ceuts. [all has given 1ne perfect satisfaction. I think I Children under nine years, 25 cents can ~afcly say it is the cheapest and. beit ·watch Reduced rates and excursion b.'ains on all railroads and stea1nl1 oats, Seo bi1ls, posters, &o., lever 1.nvned. Yours truly, . . . . -· for details. · · zt Trimmings, a very full stock. THOS. PATERSON. Bowma.nville, April 29, 1880. ,_ WILSON POW ADAM FOREPAUGH, Sole Proptieto;r. . "- -~ l _, / ' J .! '-· I L 7 -----:.