2-il [\ l .! ~, l\!A~, B(;V\ MA.N 11.l_,J~ FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1880. FARMERS I SPECIAL RE~~CTION SALE Will find a complete stock of such MASON'S CASH STORE f articles as are commonly kept for sale m a. genernl grocer3 store at D. BEITH'S, formerly McCLUNG BROS all of In ordei to make room for: fall goods and kP.ep out stock 11.hv&y1 f1esh and attrnctive wo have concluded to offe1 FOR THIRTY DAYS 1 EXTRADRDINARY iNDUriEMENTSI 1 be ~old at lowest cash In all departments of our cheap and well 8 elected. stock of stotple and fancy dry goods ~ A Splendid Assortment uf Dress Goods at cost, of Hats an·d Caps at cost, of Parasols at cost, oi Alpaca and Lmen Dust ern at cost o{ Are icspcctfully invited to try om LADIES ., o~ all TEAS On llfonday eve1 u g last Mr C Walls had the mIBfortune to fall and severely fracturo h1s arrr Confirmatrnn servwes are to take place rn the Church of England next Friday evening The Good Ternplars held a soc al Tues day elen1ng adm tt1ng men1bers onlv We have Fn}e Gieen Black A full assortment tl1c and Japan Teas the choice ft.6' pat ent acl1ustable always on hand ATHLETIC Sl SPENDERS brnnds 1angmg m pnce fiom 25 cts upwardti at 50 cenls Ask to See our 75 ct OU! 05 CS Olll ShnLs We sell a splendid Tea om Olll Olli OUI COFFEE GROUND TO ORDER. A BEAUTIFUL lilIRAGE Col d , EXTRA BRICHT SUGARS I of the finest biands SALTI Liverpool Salt, FOR DAIRY PURPOSES Om Ta1l01mb and Gents furn sl ng department is not surpassed m Bowrnam 1lle Om pn 08 the lou ;t ai1djits pe1 tect A full !me of find kmtted Horse Co1 ets Lace Om tams m greahanety ilolll 75 cents pei pan UIJ An excellent choice of \\h1te Dic, s Muslms at cost The cxtrn. stock at 1educed pt ices Please call and examme om Stock and Pnces ~ lllPEH.Dil:S CA.SEX.. S MASON & SON. AT TIE, FllllTI rn 0 ~ · A SPLENDID LOT OF CROCKERY WARE AT BOTTOM PRICES · PORK, t:Q ALV'<AYS ON HAND $8 l l 0 0 0 0 3 00 lu lQ 60 3S 60 50 "'o 9 00 0 26 o rn R 5 7o 012 010 0 70 0 50 r uthe1g11l Ladies' A ttent1on. l\'.!ISS !lfo'l' 1"OSH I begs to announce to the ladtes of .Bown1an ville and v10m1 y that she lias opened out a general assor nient of CHIMNEYS llURNERS Ll\,NTERNSI PAILS, MA1QHES PICKLES UAPERS SAUCES S1'RDINE8 SALMON LOBSTERS COCOA CHOCOL<l.TE, UORN srAlWH ELA.OK LEAD BLACKING LOOKING GLASSES RICE,t SAliO 1APIOCA, MACCARONl ARROWR001 CORN STAlWIJ, FLOUR OATMEAL POT BARLEY SPLIT PEAS, CRACKED WHEAr, &c It is with no small gratification that we contemplate the success \V hi:ch crO"\Vned ou.r efforts in Buying and Selling during the seasonjust past thrcugh; and 1t 1s pleasing to know that the patronage accorded us was never so liberal a s it 1s to-day. We have been bestirring ourselves, and are in an excellent poE<1t1on for meeting the increasing demands of our customers, whose approbation and good will wa intend to retain. We are det er1nined t o enjoy the HIGHEST HONORS, to keep tlie Lead, and t o take the FIRST PREMIUM for serving anq pleasing the PUBLIC. SPRING AND SUMMER 'JO UE ILi A D \L OUD I~ I J:I E :E AMITY WH Tl re re se vf r 1 'ld Lurs 1n to\!.'. n ILLINERY MANTLES MADE~ ORDER. Two doors west of M. D Williams Butcher Stall,K1ngSt Howmanv11le. A uil 1st BUTTER AND EGGS, And all other Produce taken at market price in excn&ni!0 for Goods LOOK IN AND ~ YOU WILL ~f IT I I be delighted w1tl our ( a1pet"-handsome new <lcsig1rn be pleased "ith o u Last) as,01 tmcnt of st.} !es m l me Scotch English and Canadian Titeeds cornn end om st ock ofLaceCurtams Countei1)ane' etc find the TAILORING DEI u UlEN r to be sustammg its reputaLun nll de "er the firsc load of and will be pleased to receive a call from he1 numerous friends and all othe1" wantrng an}thrng 111 the M11Irne1y lme to the consumc1 that th is will be "HE'\. DQU AHTER8" fo t SPRING und Su MMEll Uoous --) that the 13AIWAl1"S ahead} otfeied a1e hut tlH Our 111m 18 to sell the Best Go H] I Remem~ern ~I FormHUNNERs of othE rs ) et to come To sell them at their actual V!!>lue that om store 1s a TRE~suJ..Y 01 Cm, APGoons I To sell on!} s ch r; Jous as we can recommend To please all who fav01 us with their patronage To represent om Goods only as we behove them to be To sell the gieatest quantity tbat we can so that with but a small And now for the LIVELIEST SEASON in Seven Years. 1880 88 1y IMrORTANT ANNOUNfMtNT. -IN TH~-- FOP. magrn of profit we may Let Live nnt Lne and Pt1re Drugs and Dye Stuffs! GOTO BOOT and S_ H OE e fo r II vl o Come tnd examme goods and D. STOTT'S DRUG STORE. 0 0 --( \)-- 0 0 We keep constantly on hand a large stock of all the Popu puces, an l 'ou will find 1t to your Jar Pat1::nt Med1c111es of the day crnd ever,} thmg usually kept rn a first class Drug Store · ath antagc to buy fo1 Cush f10m Every article Is wa11anted pure and 'old at lowest pnce"· Another lot of that \ery cheap soap T1y it D BEITH, GE'.'<ERAL H WILLIAMS, 1 r 7 1c~ 1c X>~STOTT~ ll Cllc1nbt nn I Jl1 u..,glsl To,.,. n 11 ill Block 1~01 .. nutnvllre BOO T AND SHOE STORE, BLACKSMITH. man er and at lov; eet rates \GllIUIJiIURA.J, l3 - 'Il O!'!C who ha o 0101 1 g to do sl o ld g ve u s a ca.;1 a8 ·we have a lnrgc aF :::orln1ent corctully selected Dye Stu ns of a ll colo1s wh1ch " e sell cheap wholboale 01 retail or .All kinds of bla.ckemlthing done In u. tl orough lJlPJ.E~IENTS The Reason Why GRAY'S VITALINE le fast becom1ng Ice CJt t ~tn1 Pa1·Jor . Ill I 'IRED Spe 1al attevtion given to the ron1ng of buh'b'1e and carr ages f'or country shops King Street West opposite the Re1nehy office Bowman ville onv1\h Oct 2i I~ I!, & THE POPULAR REMEDY OF THE DAY Is thnt it will do aJl 1 a.t isclanned fo in the P a mphlet R ead the Pamphlet carefull~ t $100 Reward. be n :mrtl) attended to an 1 ta ke it o.ccord ng to direct ons an<l yo and all Dr gg st.:: THF. GRA"l: 1\IIEDICINF: co 'I n y one bol Lc · ti fi U tel et and be perfectly sa t sfied that L H wortl $1 Sold bl D sroTT Ro~man v Il e t Fa1·111. Co1· 9 SaJc. .JO!!i!V Sil!ALI:. l1!!A>fAGl'R Bowmanv 11~ July \st 1880 TORONTO OIL COMPANY, :to Sherboum St , Tvro11to 97 JOl you to sec it c ear Y go nto Ifughan a pair or spex that wlll n11:kc lt clc"r 101 oron o ~ hav;to hold this pnp cr a d st~c-; fro1n l er to a.J d get a I lea.red first class l ild ngs and f nc- a and m in n first rate stale of cultivation lpply on the pren see 01 to J J ltOBSON 1\ewcn.etlB f THE NOlUH HALF OF LOr NUM_ bcr 6 n tl e .-:. l on cession of c arke All ROBER'fl AP.1\-IOU R Barnater Bowmanville... Bowmanv1Ue, Jq e, 17 1880 92-3m