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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jul 1880, p. 3

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\' Po ·epaid by the Pnblishet. l:l:INTS TO ASSISTANTS. THE sPRING WHEAT. I KEEP oN Ta.E FARM. crl.! wd1u~ l 'fhe crop repor rs b1 ing r::nt the fHHgu lat~ the<!u dull 't\inEs. \\.'hen 8cures of fact th:-tt, v;lnle the spr111g whP.al Lhreat- 1young rnln arc out uf etPpluyuH·nt, and en& to lie neatly 20 peL ce nt l0sM thtlll an I otbc·rs :ll"' average crop, tht"· y1eld of tlHi otl'er ripr1ng graius pron11ses to bt:i co11sirlert1bly above au p\·er~ge. 1',lkln!( 100 as rep1esentn1g nn nvCr ~ ..:e r'<111dll1on, oats sttJ-nd at 111, ,..r~ · y a t 103, a1111 pea~ at 102 1 1 1-s nru~'t·<· ll lly fanners that tnc pnllt:' pal Vttr1cty of spnrg '"heat In 11se Scotch }'1ft' 1s ··1u·nnng out," afttlr the' Lnnnner (·fall improved va.1ict1cs t,· .w~d wluch a rigid po!icy_ of ~elect;on8 is not pursued. Then 1~ is pr( 1t!ab.y t11e case that a ureat quantity 01 8pttug whea,l wa!1\n1t, in hur1 eily on lu1d that w.ts not prepared for it. Ln February and l\il~r~h the price of spring wheat 1'1as pretty hi~n, and in fact fol' severnl 1nouLhs spr1n'! wheat ha.a been bringJ11fJ' more than w1nh_,1 wheat. Added to tliese J ~a sons there 1.s no doubt that_ onr Ontario laud is becDrn · ing '·,vheat sick." -;\n<l_ on top of the8 J dra1vba.cks con1et3 the fortnight of hot,. moist 't\eather, just at the critical ttme for the wheat. rJ 1 hc result of i~ all is 1hat ruat is found to prevnil to a "lre,1te1 (n· lt ss extont alrnost evP.tywhere. lt rn now we)l ~ kno\YTI that, given the neces8lary cond1tiona, r1rnt is Sltro to n1ake ils appearance. Rust is a fun~ns belonging to the 1uysterions order cf pL1nts having alternate generat1ons in different fotms. The spores of rust ready to take root ftUd gro\V in tl 1 e sap-vesseJs of wheat are alway ~. p.i'esent in the air All that i1-1 wanted H! so1n0~ thing that will rnµt.ure the sap-veS$ela, or so entecblo A.10 plo.tit c1s to \'Oakt>n tho '.l1ha.t condition wa.lls of the sap-vessels. is obtained \Vhen a previously weak plant is-'";._ snbjccted to a great pressure of sap sent np by roots acting under t,hl) 8t1n1ulna of a Eudden acc0.flS of moisture a.ud hea t . The ~aap-vessels being ruptured, the ruttt fungua takes root iu them, or the stalks of the wheat arc Jt9pt n10L'it Jong enough for the rust spores to attach Lhernselves and to send their root.a into the sap-vessels. .As soon as that is done, the v1g<·l' that ~honld l1avo gone into the grain goos into the fuuguses. If thoro ar< enongh of the rust plants to absorb all the nut.riu11:1ut,the development of the uraln i.s stopped con1pletely. Ond cause "of the eon~titntionG.l inabihty of our grrun crops tu w1i..lu-1tand the attacks of rust; C(>nl ~s from ~he 1;;.x.i1austion of the ph,,sphates in the soil. The effbct of the exhaustion of the phusphal ea is to di~turb the balance of the soil, and to leave nitrogen in exce8s Every farrneJ. has noticed that when an ex~iess of f 1:i,r1uyard manure ha.s been pnt ou a smH.11 sur face, tla1 graiu grown there is apt to 1nake a prod1g1,1tu1 growth ,-..f sira.w, but IS un usually subject to rust ;vid lodging'. Th1E! aris~s from· t-h e eAccss of introgen ied t n the plarit 1n the barnvnrd manure, wlncb ia princi~):tlly n itl'ogen. Now the .absenc 1! "do.:i.ntted H.nH,Jl!Z 8 I I I 1 1t 1~ well t'J gt\C wide ptihl tclfy to such fcicts as n.rc 12ct f( Jtth HI thP foiloi'Oi!1g oxtntet fron1 the Nf--lw 1'-un'- Jo1l1·ual of Ooni, 1nerr,t: ·- Ont> of the great prohh ms of our d,ty , loo Litle discua:.ed by thuse who have the ear of tlu puhhc t!Tough the i;ress (·rat the f<..lrurn, is to furnish the yontig in('J! 11£ this :..e1H·rat1on ,v1th re- I u1uneratite e1np1oyn1ent. rrhe professiuti~ ' 1 ate all ov0r-crowded, fhe s1ioµkeeper8 1 are by f.ir too HttnH:1ous Ao-{·ncics uf all lrinr1s ::-.. n::! Ho Hlltltiphed thr1t thP. occupanlf1 trea.d Oll f' ~-1.ch othcr's"toe.s, a1,d are a bord and nnisinco to the general public 1 ~\-t~k1ng fo1 so ealle~ "ge11te~·l" s1tnatiuns, I 111 fron1 other places I The PAIN KILLER Is recommended by Physicians, Ministers, .Mis·ionaries, Managers of Factories, Work·shops, Plantatzo1ts, .-.7'rurses in Ho~iials,-in short, ' everybodrt everywhere who has ever given it a trial. TAKEN INTERNALLY, it cUIS Dysentery, Cholera, Diarrhala, Cramp and Pain in t11e Stoma,ch, Bowel Complaint) Painter's Colic, Liver Complaiut 1 Dyspepsia or lrnligestion, Sudden Colds, Sore Throat, Cougl1s, &c US.B:D EX'l'l~~RNALT,)7, it cures Boils, Felons, Cuts, B111ises, Burns, Seal~ Old Sores and Sprains, Swellings of the J 01nts, Toothache, Pain ii%_ the Face1 N eu:rala gia and Rheumatism, Chapped llands, Frost-bitten Feet, &c. 'I'he PAIN-KILLER is put up in 2 oz. and 5 oz. bottles, retailing at 2G and GO eenta rcll}?ectively,-large bottles are therefo1e cheapest. --<>-'-- set V H for 1 'i Cirks out of en11.>~oy1nent a.ncl willing to i :.i. pittauee arc to be reckoned by j their hP1s of thousan<ls. Book-ket!pera ( with hunJry f}'C·'.l ;:ire rt.mdiug the ad'\ el'- 1 fi ..,12n ent hst;s ::.u tlle Yfl in hope of ttn open- I tug fu1 Lhe1r ap1.>hc ... t1ons. ColJecturs, ine~sen!!ersi dootkEe11e rs, wa.tch111e11, conductors 1 it.ud a g1e.<1t "tiiety of othera, a:ready exvert, st:teking cnrploymcnt in kindr ed t"il!1ri::rs. are anxiously waiting for so111e one to e1np10y thenJ. E 1.rery possible form of t.rrv1ce t.hat can be reckoned in the Jun. of hente<'l occupations is eagerly sought after h): the multitudes who have uo other prov s1c.n for their daily needs. Tb~ rncn who have b~en trying to live by their w1tr, nn1at gu to work at the bench 11 · in tlie tield : of thcso the soil off{'r.S th~ n1ost' acccse.1blc, an<l at first the n108t ren1uncr,tthre employ1ue11L. 'l1he1n,u1s of tile 11nernployed inust seek sustenance frorn the hu/jon1 of 1nothor enrth. Land lS cheao, arul there is a wicle area th~t awaits tl10 taller. The hack rnay c 1che, and the skin blister ju the sun, but the bread can he 1nade without fear of failure, if the labuurer will be faithful to his cu.ll1ng. It needs lo::s wisdon1 and forethought th.:ui prttient n1dustry, aud ,the ruan with a cornmun ntiut1 1.uay eat his harvest in peace. ____.. . ... ~ _ __ 1 PERRY DAVIS & SON & LAWRENCE, PROPRIETORS, AN ew York house has issued a book of · instl'nction to its employees, from . which we take the following useful hints :Towards custo1nors be 111ort1 than reasonab'.y obliging ; be agreeable, polite and a~tenhve ~ whether they be agreeable, or dl.!"agreen.ule, fair or unfair considerate or exacting, without any rega~d to their claae 01· condition, unless, indeed vuu be tnora ohligiug and servicable to tho" humble and the ignorant. . The more self-forgetting you aro, and ,he mor0 acceptable you are to whornso· }Ver your cnstotner ll1JtY bo, the b9tter you ~re as a salesinan ; it is your highest d u ty o be agreeable to all. Cultivate the habit of.doing everything apidly ; do thoroughly what you undorike, and du not undertake rnore than you ·n do well. Serve buyers strictly in their turns. If ;>u can ~erve t\vo a.t once, very well; but ; nut lot the first one wait for a second. In your first ininnte with a. customer 1u gh-e an ih1 presaion, not of yourself it of the house, which is likely to deter'. rue not \Vhet,her t he customer bnya of iu, but whether he becon1cs a buyer of o house or a talker against it. \ If yon are indifferent, he wtll doted it fore you !'lee hhn, and the first i.mpresHJ is made before you h:tve utt"-e red a At the ou~sct you have tu guess" wh at acle of good"' he waots-high priced or 1 '-i p~1ced. !f you do not guess currectly , · qn1ck to discover your error and right urself instantly. It is impertinent to insist on showi ng ods not want ed ; it io clelic·tely polit e go to exactly what is wanted adroitly i 011 the sligbtest hint. Do not t.ry to change - 11 b11yer's choice :ept to this extent: Alwavo use your owledge of goods to his ad vlLn!affe if ·wavers or indicatf'ls a desire for ~our ...~ice. MONTREAL AND PROVIDENCE. R. I. 100-ly 'rd. .,1 I The Subscriber ha~ now received a large and well assorte' stock, suitable for 1he prese11t and coming season. Though goods have advanced aud still continue to advanc m price, Qwi11g to his having bought largely in anticipatic ·of a rise, he will offer many lin!ls at old ·priees, and havi1 determined to reduc!l his enorinously large stoek, he will s1 many at leos than old rates, thus offering inducement to thd1 who wish to make four rlollars do the work of five. 1 WILD RICE, I SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO ] Carpets-Jute, Union and All Wool ................. ... ... 50c upwar1 Coloured and Black Gros Grain Silk ..... :: ........... . . 50e 1 rhe worst blundfl.· yon can maka !a t o imate in a snper6ihoua 1nanner that we JP better goods thari he ask13 fOr . Show goods freely to all colliers be as vicable as you can to all, whether buyor not. ~ell nothing otl a miaundfil.standinv · kc no promise that you have a~J! >bt about the fulfillment of; ~nd, hav; made a. pro1ni.se, tlu more than you r ·re tow.rds its lulfilhnono ; see that th e rt after you docs his share, if you can. 1 ; NEW HAT AND.AN OLD CHEESE. t'robably the meanest trick that w~s played on a wl1ite 1na11 was played t \Veek in this city, and tho fact that 1 ere is no viAilance comn1ittoe het'e is the ly reason the perpetratorff, of t11e trick 9 alive. A business nutn had just pnrased a new stiff hat and ·he went into n loon with· half a dozen frl"nds to fit tho t on his head. They all to-0k beer and ssed the hat arouncl so all could see it. ie o_f the meanest men tha.t ever held B 1ntry office went to to the b'ar tender l cl had a t,hin slicti of Lim burger chee::i:e ~ off, and wh1:.1n t.ho party ·were Iookin " 0 the frescoed coiling through beer-alasa this wicked person slipped t he cheese' der the swe.at·lealher of I.he hat, and ,, man put it on andAValked out, . Tho n who owned the !1at is one of you r ·vi:us p~ople) ~ho la always complaining being Sick, ~nd .who fceLa as though 1e dreadful ?isda.se was going to tD,ko f1ession of 111n1 and carry him oft: He 1t back t o liis place of buEiness, , took his 11at n,nd proceeded to answer some ors. He thought he detected a. smell, when hls partner ask(jd him if he 11 't feel sick he said he believed he did. 1 man turned pale and said he guessed vould f!O home. He n1et a man on the walk who aaid th e nir was full of ~ma, and in the street·car a man who t1cx~ to him 1novcd away to the end ie c:ar, and asked hin1 if he had just e from Chicago. Tbo man vrit]J the said he had not, when the strani.;er they v.rero having a great deal of 11 pox there, and he guessd he would >llt and walk, und ho pulled the bell i.nirps d oft'.~~- Th~ cold ~verspiratiou e out on the fol'ehead ofl,hS Inan With new hat, a11r1 he touk it O ff to Vi·ipa orehead wlien the whole picco of se see1ned to :rolo over and breathe_, the man got I.ho full benefit of it, and : u no nca... faintiug <:\Way. He got e, and his wife 1net him nnd ~ asked I wJ1at was the matter ? Ile ~ ~mid he veu mortification. had set in, and sbo ~r -···----- " " rrable I_Aincns and Dan1a8l{S .. .. ..... .. ... . ... ............20c Large Lot of Tweecls .... ...... ., ...... .:.... ..., .. .................. 25c .' \ * that inuch of the los~ fron1 r113t could be ;:ireventcd if our fa.rUH:ff3 wonld purchase and apply phosphatic manures to the11 land. - - - -........ of tho µhosr.>hd.tes le~-\vtts the su1l 1n a some,,vhar similar Q,)ud1tl(ln H8 respt::cts 1he excess of nitroroP.n. Tho inference ;s plniu Bla~-k and Colored Cash-meres ....... .............. . ...... 15c White, Scar1Pt and Grey Flanne-1 .. .... .. ...... ...... ..... . 20c " " Shitting:,; ; n.. unrnen:se variety, Hos THE IllODEL FARM. ·---·------ T1'10·S .. l.l>ATERS()l J.92. can be put on so as to give sat1dnct1on. , , U.\'IHth·ju::; promtltly ~nu1 HCntJy: <lone. 'l'he only plo.coin town v;hP.r e t c11urntel1 pate\ lliR Motto is sn?an profih; and quick retnrn:s, and his ter~I ' " 4 R . E CASJBr Good Wh~l~lna Harvest Drink. ...... REMEMBER THE STAND-.NEADS' NEW BLOCK,' next door ea8t of Lee & "Edsall's Bard, ware Store. .· I ~ one whiff a3 }11~ tol1k off his lH~.t, and t>l-72-81-8H. she shovitl think it had. "Wher~ 1 011 get it f" EHtid sbe. "Get into it J" the rnan, "I havo 11ot gut iuto any·, but aon113 deadly disease has g~t of me~ and I shall not hve. Slie bim if any disease that ·melleu ltke )J [!880 NEW SUMMER DRY GOQDR, ~I ' .JUST A ·RRIVED AT ' Packing Egg·s to Preserve for Winter. -~ ---·--- ·------ -- For this purpose there have been re cc n1 ~ mended aever<U methuds. '\1 e have had ing in salt. A. box was put in a 1 1.ad got hold of hin1, ·1 fril wn.s going chronic, she felt ~s t11ough ho wo1i1rl burden tG him&elt' if he live<l very 1 She got his clothes. 0-f\'1 s0.iked liis n mustard water 1 and he slept Tho slept and dreamed that the smaUlag was hung in front of 11is hou&l1,. hat he was riding in a bntcher wag11n e pst house. The wile sent for a.: r, and when thu man of pills arrived )]d hin1 all a.bot~t tho case. The- doc· ckad up tho pstient's ha~, tried rt On ot a. f1niff'~ He said the'hat was piok· fore it was rlpe. The doctor n:nd ife held a post-mortem examinf'.,_til>r..o. ound the slice of Limburger. ·· Fe"" hort )Vere the pr~n:crs tfiey R:Ud. n woke the patient, r,ii(! to prepare ind for the re'!eiation thn.t was a.bo11 t 1nade, tho doctor a~k"'d hin1 if h1a ly nf.t1'~irA were ' in a salisfacto1·y don. H e insped and said they wen·. octor ac:oked hin1 if had made his He said he hacl not, but thtt~ he d a lawyer sent for ' at once. The ' nske<l him ii he felt as !hough l.e rep·red to shuffle off. · Tho man e had always tried to lead arlifferent nd had tried to be done by the same wonlcl do it hiI.,D.self, bnt th at l1e Jiave made a miadcnl some ·w\!y, a,,ui vld like to have a 1-ninister ~f!.:rtt for P an account of stock. Then the hrought to the bedside the haL l np the sweat-leather, and showl'd ing m·a1 \Vbat it was that ~ffu.:11e(l l to1d hitn he was as wr,H as a.11 , · the city. The patient pinc.he(l 'to 3ee -.!, if he i.vas alivP. and jnmpcd ThB~}aflt \·C ~aw cf bell and ulilcd for hta rev1.1-\e", P.nd toe ooul!]n't kee')") 11n with 11 1n on 1 dt)Wn to-."n. oot ShoeStor~,I FO!t riferonfl ci~i.S";en he was ur y1ng to 1t1 har-tander to tea him wh1ph one ' pelicans it was that put il:.t. Rlice ;;o in his hat-lining.-Exclui11~1e. _BARG·AINS. crrca tlv "' . pn ces. Children's, Pruuella Boots 1 f)rnN·T ·rHrNK So.-A 1uan was wood in a back yard. He severed cka as big as your wrists n..nd then 1to the house. " 1\iary /'said he to e, "n1y couutry needs mo ; there's of talkilig, \Ye've just got to slaughthoso Iujuns; no trno p::-.tritJt can ected to hang around a w·;o<l pile lays." "Joh:Q. n said his wiie, "if iht Injunfi: as we11 as you saw wood 'Pt.J01't your family, it would take undred and 1?ighteen like you to ·o one squaw. and you'cl ltave to her when f-lha had ihe ague, an(l pepper in h er eyes.· , John went o the woodpile ·-wondering" ho told fe all abo11t him. i·nmor th.at ltt1sisia w1l1 prevc,u t tho r expo1·tafion uf grain is ng,~la. ro~ 'J\iken in connection w1th tlie ulfa.vvrablo crop in England, thi"l on the pa rL of the Russ1an Go\·erns looked upon as likoly to greatly ~e tho prices of iuncricRn "·heat, as untry will be called npon to supply ts heretc fol'e supplied by ltussia. R,epairi ng made up in the done with despatch Trunks and Valises constantl}' GIVE HIM A CAL L. 1peor< to be ; ettled that Oapill take the po't in the OaBinct, ·l by the generally regretted reti re>f Mr. Masson. Mr. Chaplean will oss prove a strong acquisition to tho a Government,, as h~ is- not only u nrn.u of political r.x perie1lcf', but. a nontary speaker of undoubted ·kill i\'lr. :rce,

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