I 'f I CANADIA..\T ~TATE81V1Al\, 07 "" ' c'O. -Almonte wrnhes to be · town. i.YOollen trade of Ahnonte is b --Tw tinty two Belf:.i.st riotors ff inonths each. -Gladsh111c's physicians, adv1 voyage. -RoRton rnughs routed tl~ -1 1 h1._~ _ .i\..riny. - Russin. is studying ho\T. wtth Clnna inevitable. -]1 0~.der went to Irela WEST TORONTO ELECTION. r. · .., I ' -General Bull~r Turo.1to is 0110 of cons1dcra.ble wurmth . ! Tbi re arc four--crtndidates in tho Geld, l in fa.vo1 of Uen~1a' na~1ely, ~l\ldcrrnan Ryan, the Reforrn - The ha1·vcst / can<luJate) J an1es Beatty, the Conser\·ative, w1l1 nuL lie abuT J.\. \Vnght, the "or king nit-n's, and :J\l[r. -A. pa.l'ty ' lf Tlit· 1 su1·pristi;d 0r1' Capt enl represents hunse . .atter st er t'li o have been hfe long Conservatives, _rrhe y ~ttld if t:H·y shonlrt be desirons of occupy- sed 108 tl· ing the poaitio11 uf 1epresentative for \"'lest. n1ons. TL·ronto. they have JUBt as good a 1;'·:;,rht to -)f that distinctiun as anybody else. Their Brit1· chances upon this occasion, however, nrc \ ffif)r Jll alun 'l1~1Ry1nay,as they will nndoubted~y, h.1J·Ue tu "-Otu'~ extent the other cand1c1a.tcs, hut no ntie balieves tliat. e1thcr o~ thB1n havo the rentotest d1ar ce of bcfn~ elected. Rcgn.rd111g ~Lr. Bs.,,tty, tit(\ Co~ ser'i"a ll\'6 canrl1date, he has cl~1n1r" npOD1 his p::trty secorifl tn none., and . yot hi~ elect1on iS c1Jn"l1dered exh~incly d H1htful H1t1 record is nut. unsullied. Ins p:.:ut n the Pl:lctl1c Rca.ndrd business is be1ug pres~ ell ho111e upon tun w1th crushing effecl '11 heu the 1u1qnttous t,\rlff, ~iddal, j go111g to give hi u all t11e load ho '~1.sh£ 1 tu carey. The Itefonn candlllat~, al 11 houg ~o(neYihat nnlnldi\n to the outside puhh1 has ,1, strong hold npon the electnrs I l'o~·onto. --~ ~ an a.Ld.ern1an for -th~ -..P'J two years, he has achieved q111te a po~ I lan\y. A. ready speaker and thtn1)11g~ ----~c:"c:: ---- -independent in his v1iaw:s, feu.rlet:1s lH !t lhe conte1d now bo111.s waged lll "\"\est 1 death 8 of horRes 1n Qp nary course of busmesa 1 Aggravn.ted influe' FULL OF BARGAINS! Factory CottonH, at old prices. Splendid value in Bleached Cottons. Blcad1ccl 8heetings, very low. White Quilts, h·1lfprices. line, andnO"i;v ls the tnne for .lll who want Fast Colored Print~. only 8 cents per yard . GOOD BOOTS c7' SJJOES Table Linens, Crash To"welling, and Hollands, cl)eap. Table Napki11s at disastrous prices. to pa: ant shop a v1s1t. l: ou all know that for custom w ook Sl\lALllJ is not to bP ex('elled Diapers, Toilet Covers, Linen Towels, extra cheap. either in tit, material or '\'i'Orknu;.n-"hHJ. I -White and Colored Shirts, at 50 cents. Our Prices are to suit t!te times, I Cullars, Cuffs, Ties and Bows, all priees. I Linen Handkerchiefs at 10 cents. and our Goo1is are to ;mt you. lYory Buttons, in -White, Black, Navy, Cardinal, Browns, 1 l< T KYERYBODY PLEASE l'IlE Pink aud Slates. --I~ TUE--- BOOT and SHOE NOTl~ I BOOT AND SHOE STORE, n.ING STREF~T, ~Secure some of these Extraordinary Bargains --AT- NEXT DOOH. \Y 1£i'.3'l'OF LYLE &.1\IATI.'l'YN'R. ----- - - Yilomm and S,Gis tea· - ------- - - ~ah· . A CASJI HUSILVESS. W.ALEXANOER'S Take yom Butter, Eg15s, etc., to W. Brittaiu & Co'~., Market S11uaie. They will give orde1·B on me which I regard as cash. Bo,v1nan\i1le. .Tuly 28, 1880. 10.'.i. BILL POSTING. will be prnmptly attended to. ,HHiN §f!l!A.Ll<.J. l\1ANAHER. 0 A LL _ . .:\_ '.I' NEADS' DRUG E>TORE ! WHERE YOU CAN GE'!' THE advocacy of \\-hat. he conai:iers to he rig t! !!.._ , , I his brother -m. .-:.~ ant~ have 11nutH111d\ 1.;onfide11cc in h1m , a.1d tho hurnbls ... t ele{j or in thl'1 d1v1,,.; on r g~rds hinl with favc 1st, 1880. llowma.nv1llf', .:\ ui~. 1:!, 1830 lOL VERY BEST VALUE FOR YC>UR MONEY in all the lines of goods kept by hiu1 for sale, such as Regal'drng both of tho re:d uamlid,: J bhey ha.1le war1n fnends, hoth htn.~o occ pied official pos1t1011s in the cHy, fLild tl battl~ 1nusc he short, sl1arp, 1--1nU tlec1~iv · I ACROS1' IC! ' J JBU1t>n<lous sloek of School Books \\holt'- Saturd iy night will tell t-he result an,l if l\' .Beatty, \\ith all h s per.'!· nal infhH~nc and a certa;n amount of - pripulartt~y , m l be e\~cted in n. acat vt>~caled by"" ~ Tor r1)prPsentat1\.*f' 1 then t11e NatF-11al Poltd sa.le and Retail. '{on can't do better anyr-ihere. rn very tr,·.v,,1Jer should buy hiii ti.:..ket at To Painters . Yanttty Hall. f; ~Hge lines lll Fn.Lcy gr,otlr.. P AIJ'I TEHS NAPANEE WILL Lfl rger still in rnuulUin~s& p~ct.nr;;i fraaie1.:1. pleose take notice thn.t I have.just teceivedfro1n tho is \'1ewe·d ~Ith rnure favor in the c. 1 ~y <l Toronto than it is in the rural const1tue11 cws. \-Ve scarcely believe he can, ~q1d " hor1e lie tn~y not. E 11dently he is not l man of high personal houor, el;ie he neYfi could h,t\."C pnt his narne as the au thor c the two letter< rnhm1t1ed by l'lfr. Ol·k< the electors vf 'J\ routo on Sa,lln d.1 Jf Postago at~mps, we alwD-ys keep n Sl~pply. nnusn 00., Soa1:Js, Perfurnes, Tooth Washes, Hair Oils, Dyes, and Renovators, Combs and Brushes, Cosmeti~u-e $ , t6 t/j1re a1h-'f'rf'd e:eod~ . aud bn.celets le. .~diug Bty:es Lo ok at our ng2ncy !J3t, '~a can do so met hIId! fur you ;:; vening "GJobc" at :~2 ~l'nts per n,r-nth, I the cheapP-st F:\ e1nng paJJPr p1· l1lii>liBU · ~ cnnorr1y ,,. h1spers full Yfl.luo fur yonr inootJy ht-re. )undn;y school hhraTie~ at. large dise()1111 t l3. a larg(' and complete stock of p8,int and other hrn,hes wl1icli r will ~en at lowest rates. D. STOTT, · l:hemiet e.:: Druggist, Bo1v1nanv11Je. TH OS. Yl<:LL(J \\ LK)']S, )1nwrnan\ille, Ang 17 1880 N PRgss-To BIB PuB:Lr~, nr:n lN ,I \XU\hY, 1881 Sponges, frnd Chamois, Patent Medicines, Dyestuffs, Fly F>oison, etc. t have tho lal'gcst stock of Soaps in town, and very cheap. &YD" My stock of Perfumes, in Dulk and in BotUe, is verv rnmplete and of the bost English, French and American rnttkes, tlw r11rnli1,y of "'hich is unexcellecL ~ See the " Ball Room Boquet., and "Sweet Tiye and Bye" m Bottles, the toniest and sweetest in the market_ ~ -- Co nnse ' ~ - NEWS OF THE WEEK. w 111 --------------- -·---create five uowmanv1ne. July b, 1880. EXPRESS OFFICE BUILDING ~ .,., ,., ' - - - - 'Ring St. East, Bown1anvHle. ~.A_I~ TI:::rsf ::EL N'""::ELA..D S - Hie uoet Burna fot iVe\ York 1u s Jn<,t Leen cu~ilplcti~d. ) ~ -'i.roob Kl1<tn tas 111'1.de :i.. detrr1nit 1e1 bnt unsu1_;eessfui nttnck OH Oanc1,ihnr. I -T~10 8tct.tue uf :Mr. C. 'i-V 1\l. lll11~ban, nar1mgton,Apr1tlblb.1&~0. ! j I JIRST ·W. MCMURTRY '-' '- I 1JXHTBI'l'IO,N ' fl·") I fl r' Q I Association - -ON 'l!H: 2o:rn SEPT. 10 OGT. 21m, 1880. /Hus 1 ·eecived, and opened ont PQ,\1PADOUR PRIN'l'S, Bcaufallho3~"e"':1'.P"'1"'t"'1· t·ction, Ith,nkT tiLl patterns price 8, JO 11. 12+. and 15 cents. 1\lso a can ~ufcly 1uy ll' i::i tl.e ul1t ape"t ~ind best " atch ] , 'J ; , .( ~ ' 9v l r cvoro""'d Yc4rs '"lJ, ot of P.J , JN1S101' 1, 9, 10, 11. 12~ Ccl1:_ts, first rate v~lue. wrLeoN 1·owm: W Il IT E SHIRTINGS for - 8, 10, J 2, 12!, 14, 15, J 6, 17, 18, 20 cents, the best value in town . ':-. DAILY LmE TO ROCHESTER. CORSETS for 30, 50, 60, 75, ct;;., $1, $1.25, the best make SHEETINGS, 10 up to 215 ce11b. \ ' HOLLANDS from 10 to 30 cents, ' GRAY COTTOKl'l, low as lis11al. \ , SEAMLESS BAGS, the bc:st make, at low phces. TOWE~S, fror~1 5 up to 50 cents, Towelling. WINDOW CUitTAINS, at low prices. A lot of DHESS GOODS at cu:st to clear. WHITE DRESS SHIRTS. for 60,75,90,cts.,$1,$1.25,$1.50. REGATTA SHIRT~~. from 50 cents up to :\i'l.25. and TIES; HOSIERY, etc., etc, nm' Sn,-1huvaccldooughtfro;u :ou loet 0 "NORS:BJMAN." HALF DIME MUSIC. Jlas ll'<tther been here,"-<::11lcnd1d tcu1pc1anco WEST END HOUSE.· u a Harniito voting fc officer 1s sn,1 a nu1nber r by the forcr "Ung, o Nan11y v; ilt. ihon ,.;ang "'i\1' inc.' One mo1c RnTc1'Jo cros.::" t; ' AL30, GREAT STRENGTH, of $1,000,l}()C sto1 ru on th f:' Several li vcs Ladies' Attention. 1Tl SS. l\fr'UYISH hei!s to announce to tho la.di1~H of Rnwrnnn ville and vicinity that she has oµenetl <JUI a gene! .,11 assor trnent of ALSO Plca,.aut and Refr{',,;bh1g qualities. '11.DARIJNGTUN, l gent, SPRING AND SUMMER ILLift'ER.Y7 Two doors west of I1lL D. V{illia111s' Butcher Tu·.ed or repa: ed can :have then· Rtt endod to by leaVJng "'-·ord at the DoM1NlO='f Ona l N' 1 Co'"' OB l<'H.;.&, Bowm8nTille. _.\ tlrst-class ma J ,1st to l·n,l1il, nnother lot of Bleachd Turkish 1 nov.: being in their employ. 1'owchug-splend1d value at J\<lcClung Bros. Bowmauv1lle. April 1st, 1880. 88 ly, P _\ RTIES W-lSHING TH Eh l PB NQS