llLLE, .FRIDAY; SEPTl~MBER 10, J~ 80'- ABY·LAW, 'o a· i d and assist " 1'h13 Newca.~tle Woollen . 11lan1lfri11 turing Gompa1~y," qiiriny ~ix 1 d ll 7 ·1 C-, b thn'lS!f!Vk o ;;irs to t ie sa.1,0 .ooipaiiy Y wm1 o· Ronn.~ · arid to 11r01,ide jor the · 'J ' "L ·i.ssuiny of 1fobe.nt·nm~ thuefor. BILL POSTING. up DILJ~ POSTING, but is still prepa.red to do· all kinds of posting and delivering at the following low ;ates: Sheet bills, $l per hundr ed; READTHISANDDON'TFORQETTHAT G. D. FLETCHER HAS NOT GIVEN P"'. :BC>Fl.T-11..A.N"D And wi1ereas it will .require the special aum of· ilx hunrlred ui1'1 eighteen dollar~ and eleven cents to lie raised nnuually for the pnrpose of prov i<ling for the payment of the said debt and And whcre3.s the am~unt 01' t..he exi~ting deot" of the saicl Municipality is :i;:n:m.Hx wh.,reof no suu1 is in arrears ei i,her for µriiu:::.ipa.1 or iatc1·cst, And whereas part of the nforeeiid indebt.eaness· namely, s;1864.68 is payable unto u,e United Counties of ::\orthumberland ar.d Durham "Un·' der the settlement of the .Municipal .Loan l~uncl; and will bt1 all due and p;i,yable in three yearB from the Jlrst day of December last past, A rnl where:1~ Urn sum of $1875 Lhe balance of I.hp, &>id ind.,bledues~ was gil'ell by way of 11 Loan to the X ewcastle HaTl>or Oom-pany upon Ltw securiLy of it~ freehold property and the tolls of the said Harbor ancl is pnyable ove; yearly and every year by tho said.Company to the sai~ Corporution anu the time foi· the full payment of the said.loan wm expire on t.l;le e!eYenth day of September in the yenr of our Lord 1883. · And whereas t.he valne of th<i whole property rateable uncler I.his Hs·ht\\' appearing- hy the.last r evhied A ~:-!es~me1nHoll of Ute saicl J.1LLuicipality ls $238,696. 00, ' And·whcrcns for pnving the instalments of mtcrcst and creating a 'yc11rly sinking fund !or paying the principle of the said debt and· i nterest, it will 1·equire a specinl fate to b'e levied in enoh year for.the next ensuing fifteen years on the assesS"ecl value of thereliul>le property And wlrnreas t,he sai.1l debt. of six· tho1tsancl dollars is cr.,ul<'il on the secnl'it.y of l.he special rate hereiu ~<~ Uled, Has opened out the largest and cheapest stock of Boots and Shoes that ! eyer came to Bowmanville. half sheet, iiO cen~s Jl~r IQO; q1~arter sheet, <lO cts. per hund1·cd; du~tr11JuL111g c1rculara, do<lKerH, Come·: and sec his M:emi's Boys' and Youth's Celebrated Rock Island, etc.. 10 cents per hundred. , f G. D. FLETCHJJ;R. . Hand Made Wellington Boots, the best awl cheapest: boot in tlw Dominion. \Yhereas "'l'hc Newcastle ·woollen ' l\fanufucllowmanvllle, Aug. 12, 1880. 107. ' W om~nsl. Misses' and Children's French Kid and Polished Calf buta.ring Company," a bo<ly corporate, carry_ingon usin~ss in the village of NewcuHLlc, m the The Wavei·ley House. toned boots and balmorals · a specicdty. !ounty· or DL1rham it.rid Province of Onti:L1·io, itely had their lmildiu,11:·, plirnt aml a large porFull lines of Womens' .Misses' and Children's Prunella Goods sold at ion or their st.ock in Lruic dc"Lroycd by fire, TOURIS1'S VlSITING ROCIIESTER A.nd whereas it has been deemed proper and :-<. Y., should not foil Lo stoµ at t.he ~Vave~' and below cost. · XTJ<J<li<mt on tho part ·lf the Municipality of the I ley House, as it is first clsss in every respect, A nice lot of Slippe. rn also in stock. ·11laµ:e of Newcastle and .the so.id Municipality 1 being newly fu:'llished throughout. 'l'ne r11tcs 1ave detcrmine<l to grant aitl and asslstanetl lo 1 have been rcd11eed from 2.50 to $1.50 and $2 per Ordered work in fine goods ci spechdly.. he said" 'l'he N'ewoast.le Woollen Jl.1anni'act.m·- day. o.ccorcling to loc.ation of rooms. Tb is house llg Company" (hereinafter referred to "'8 the is centrally .Jocntcd, being near the New York ' Company") by way ul' BonnH with a view to Central Depot, on the corner of Railroad .Ave. E,epairing neatly and p"romptly done. he rc-cst.iiblishment 1<nd wil.h Lim object of pro- H.nd State st. Our porters meet all t.ra.ins. Cemented patches put on properly and warranted to .stick. J. A . .MAX\\"ELL Proprietor. 'n?tinf,( tbe hnsinc;,; of Uie ·ai~i <;Jompany in tl)-c ;clld y1llagc of Newcastle br giving to the said . ' ~ompanv t.hie s um al' six thousand dollars. GEO. B. MILLS, Clerk, . Be suro and give him a call and get bargains I I · · r (formerly of Harnil:~~-?n".:l_~ - ~Ol?t. Bowmanville, Se_ pt- 1880. C..A.S:E3:. SG-111. - --~ inlel'eSt- li@r'STAN:O-Neads' new block, next door cast of Lee & Edrnll'f'. t ully call ih'e attention o-f the Ill.dies of Bowma11 ville an<l' vicinity to the fact thati she has, , af!'t'r a ,gre.it <\eal . .of time and ex]le nse learned.the method M Rootinir . Hair combings, and ls now prepared tu make I.hem into switches, curls and puffs, iu .thst elass style, and on short notice. This me.Lhod nf rooting 1.he hair is in every way superior to Lhe old met.hod or doing hair work.from the fact that the hair receives a thorough cleaning and put through a.n entirely new TJrocess, ccnscq_uently it is much more nat· lll'>t.l looking and durable. She deslres the ladies to nole particularly that she Is the only person that does tlrn work in this ma.nnel"in the United Counties, aud thP.y may rely upon it b<Jing us she represents it. Order" may hA left at M. Ylaycr's stQre, King St., or H.t her reSidence in N~ads'Block,overM.M>Lyer's store, Bo wmanville. j:!owmanville, .Aug. 26, 1880. 109-tf M RS.A. DAVlSWOL'I;D R.ESPECT- FU~L OF BaRGAINS ! .Lnkes oJ" Musliolm. IlKTUHN TrnKwrn at Lhe following 1·aLes are . OU sale at Whit.by Station, \YHITBY, PORT PERRY & J ,JNDSAY RAILw A y : lie it therefore cna.ctcd by. tho Corporution of the l\fouieipality of tho village of Newcastle, J. 1'hat it sh,1ll be lawful ror the salrl Muniui· p"'lity to &id and assist" 'I'heNewct1stle\Vooilen IVfauufactuMng Go.mpany" by i,,>1ving I.hereto the 3Ulli of Mix thouMa.nd dollarH ~ithtW in rnouey or in debeuLures by way of Bonus. ·' 2. 'l'hnt it shall be lawful fo.r tho R.clivc· of the said municipality to i·aise by W(>y.of Loan · from any person orpe1..sons,bcdiea or bodies·corpora.te who may ba willin$ t o ""l\·an·ce the same upon t.h<J Cl"edit of 1he uebentures hereinafter men· tiune<l a snm of money not exceeding in the· whole th" sum of six thousand dollars and t o en use the ,,.me to be pai.d into the hands of the Treasurer of the said villa.µ;e tor the purpose and with the object. above reci.ted. ~ 3. That it shall be la wflll for tile said Reeve to cause any number of debent.ures to be made for such.SLllll of money not less thtJ,n $100 cneh and~hat the said debentures· 'shall be :mated wi. th .IJ1e Corporate seal of the said Municipallty and ie si~ned by the Rceye nnd 'l'reasurer of the, .aid Mnniei'palitr. ' ' 4, 1'ha.t. the said. debenture· sh;il'l he made 1ayable frum time to time within Ofl.een .yeal'B ·om t.he ,<iay hereinanp,1· 111entio1rntl fo1· th.is ;;-la~1· to ld.ke effect al tho Stuudat·d Bau!' m lC Yilll·g<> of N ewcasl.k, or at such other Bank 1s1\balLbcthcmlocatcd,audshullhayeattaohed o them cottpons for the payment o( mtg.rest. Portca·r ling ..... : ...........: ...... ;. 6.25 Lake Hosseau... ... .. .. . . .. . .. . .. .. .. . 6:7ii Lake Jo$cph .......................... 7.25 All Hound the Lakes . ........... : .... 7.75 Ticket.s are g11od for flO <luys, but not a.!ter NoYemher 15th. Daily boat for .Braeebridge, Port Cnrling and Rosseau leaves Gravenhurst at 1,15 n. m., connccti:ng at Port Carling with steamer fpr_Lake - ~ Joseph. Tickets for "All Bound thA Lakes" include both Lake ltosseau and Lake JoB.,ph. Il.ates include transfer of passengers and 60 lbs. baggagoe between Midland nnd Korthern .Station at Orillia. JAMES IIOLDb;N, .Managing Director, l09·4w. Wlntby, Aug, ~3, 1880,. ~:~~~b'riji0'.·:.'.::·:.':. :::::: :~~~-::: ::: $~:!,~ Factory Cottons, at old prices. Splendid yalue in Bleached Cottons. Blclached Sheetings, very low. White Quilts, lrnlf prices. ~Fast Color'ed Prin:ti;i~ only 8 cents per yard. Table Linens, Crash Towel1ing, and Hollands; cheap. Table Napkins at tlisastrous prices. Diapers, Toilet· Covers;· Linen, Towels; extra ch.eap. White and Colored Shirts, at 50 .c ents. Collars, Cuffs, Ties a'rid Bows, all prices. Linen Handke'r chiefs at 10 cents. Ivory Buttons, in White, Black, Navy, Cardinal~ Browns, Pfok arid Slates. ·--.A'f.- Notice.to d ville F~rmers. ~Secure some of these Extraordinary Bargains k · B lll owman011 each aud every Satur. . . ·. . da)' · N 0. fees .charged except ~ · Take your Butter, Eggs, etc., to W. Brittain & Co's., Market Square. for weighing The· market will . · · · ' · They will give. orders on me which l regard ris cash. · 5. 'l'hatt hcsaiddebentnre~Sh(l.Jlbearlnterest be 'COildllcted 0Il a proper Pflilm Bowmanville. July 28, 1.880. 105. ,t the rate of six per cent per annum from t.h.e · d , f 11 k" k late thereof which interest shall be made pay- Clp}e an .sel J.ers 0. a Ill S ,ble y~a1·ly a t the oftlce l)f t.lie 'l'reasuret· of the · f' ., d , , ttl e, s;h eep, pigs, · .aid village. . . o p10 uce, ca. CALL 6. That the.said sum of six thousa.J1d dollars ' · t· '11 fi. d t ' hall be made payable hy imnual inst.>tlments grain, 8 C., WI 11 Op prices ·Orr~spond!ni; in ~monnt with the dt1bent:m·fl8 l1ere· A .1)rice.· list will be 1erem«.fter mentioned L n each year fol' a11d · · luring the period ol fifteen ye9:.rB next afLer _ l he pl aced in t.he Market House lay appointed for the commg mto force o! tlns c , . . . .. · ~y-Jaw for which said instalments debt~11.lnrcs every Saturday morinncr 'RS ~ or the amounts hereinafter next 1rn;nt10ned o ·eepeet!vely shail oe issued 9:n(l ma<le yuyable O'uide for both buyer and seller. WHERE YOU CAN GET THE ·t the time heremafter mentioned that.is to say: b . · . For the snrn of :j'.2:i8 in the yea'1· of our Lord .. .i\!Iakers of butter can get 18\1-~,r th<1 sum of ~zrn in t he ye!!.r of om Lord highest prices fo I' JK1Ulld roJ i S VERY BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY F armers Wl '}} p1ease to ta} \.e · l th ' OOW · a f ree · not.tee t lat · ere lS an open rnar ·et W.ALEXANOER'S NEADS'D. R UGST. O RE I 882 For the o;um of ~~89 in the year of our Lord 01' pnnfS. · · ::Lor the sum of $308 in the year of our Lord ~%er For the sum of '$325 in the yco.r of our L_ o nl the sum of $3'1G ill the year or our Loni 13'f70l' the sum of :1;365 in the year o_ r 011!' J,ord For the sum of $3SG in tl1e year of a.ur Lord 1888 l'or the Sl.:m of $·!10 in the year of our Lord For l8H:l For 1891 For 1892 l<'or 1893 For 1894 l&l9 t.he emu of $135 in the year of our Lord . the sum of $462 in tho year of our Lord ' the s um of . $400 in the year of our Lord the sum of $519 in the year of our Lord the sum or $55v in the year of our Lord ' nf l;?::::v.i .: ..... ""' · ..-···-~· -.P ........ ~ . . .1.oHJ~r t.hfr~nn1 . ..J., 7. Tlrn.L t.11erc shall be r~ed ann11ally by the I corpora~ion of tile said Municipality during the currency oft.he said 1lebent.11res ibe sum <;>f. two hundred and ei.JJ;hte·m doll:irs·and eleven cents for t.hc purpose ofpu.yingo I.he inl:eresl: of t he ~«.ill . debentures and also the sum of four hundred dounrs mmuauy tor the purpose of paying the principal of tl:c said debe11tures, in . all t here shall be raised annually the sum of six h u11dred nnd eighteen doilnrs nnd olcvci1 , cenrn to pa" !.the pri.nc~pal of t;hc said, debentures and intercs~ i as they shall respectively become due. 8, 'I'hat t.h<~ said sum of sl-,,: hundred and i eighteen cloHarH and -eleven cents re(Jt~ii:-ed as arore~u,id Lu b" raioe< l and Jevie(t in each year shall be so raiHe<l a111l levie<1 i n each year by a 1 special rate sGffideut tlrnrnfurou all tl:e ruteable I property m the Municipality. · 9. '!'his B:duw shall take cfl'cct on the J1Ctcenth d ay of Dcecu~ber in t he ycnr of our Lord one . thousand eight hundred and eighty, ·· , JO . .And it. is hereby declared that this .By-law iH v~ssell :m hject to t;he f1Ji_lowing conditions un the perfurrnanctJ or"' hich 1 he said sum of six tho u8autl dollar" nr t.11<· Mai<! debentures (as the _case HH.i.Y be) sbaJI he handell over to tl:le said Company, (a) That the said. Company shnll eniel. 'in the said villai;ie of Newcu.stlc a buiiding in 01· nea r the site ol tllefr former factoif for tho pllrJIOHe of continuing the business as forrn.e rly carried ?n .by t'.'e sai'.t l'.ompany.and shall. put .tl.1e same to pay.our:shop a visit, You all Jrnow that for cust.!)m wook, SMA T, !·} is -not t.o he excelled either in Ht, material or workr,na.ns.hJp, Soaps, Perfumes, Tooth Washes, Iu fla··· R·T A.'l, 1.T A·.N Na·U ·N [ uE 'N TI ·Hair . Oils, Dyes, 1¥1! fill [IYI · and Renovators, Combs and Brushes, Cosmetiques,. BOOTan· d SHOE Sponges, now -- ----=- ang Chamois, &UULJ b'UU IS & SHOES Patent Medicines, · Dyestuffs, ' Fly Poison, etc. ·O u .r Prices a.re to suit !he times, _Bowmam;H!~· Sept :_ l, i880::__110:_~m. 0 W, BR ITTA I N' in all the lines of goods kept by him for sale,' such as l\L~~-HmR, .... - - I N 1'H.E-- line, ·a nd ls the'time for all who want a1id our Goods are to suit you. LET. E YEHYH<JDY P LEASE ' NO'.l'E THE I BOOT ANO SHOE STORE, I~ING STREET, NEXT DOOR WEST OF LYJ,E & MARTYN'S, ~I have the largest stock of Soaps in- town, and very cheap. ~ My stock of Perfumes, in Bulk and in Bottle, is very complete and of tbe best English, French .· and American makes, the. quality of which is unexcelled. .~~ See the " Ball Room Boquet " and " Sweet Bye and · Bye " in Bottles, the toniest and sweetest in the market. ~Don't you forget the place- A CASH BUSI.iVESS. EXPRESS OFFICE BUILDING, King_St. East, Bowmanville. I I mruunmgorder. <b) 'l'hat the said fil.clory so to be . erected a aforesaid shail be whitt ie camrnonly knowu .as fi~i;\~~~r~~~~tl~J~;17;;~ 1 1?{,len l\1111 at: an Eng· I · 111 U (ro) 'rlu;tt the sai<l Gom[lany into a will bo l)romptly attended to. · Rollll with I.he Haid <Jorp orat.rnn bmd1Lg them-1 I scl vcS t.l1cil· succeusur8. _urnl -a~i::i_ gns th~t the.y .J 1 ~ tr:: J71'Tj 4'i ft,,(, .. ' 1 will establish the said _ W oi.>llcn Mill asaforesald . l · ~. · 'II.HI .'Vf ... i . . null will mail1tain t.llc $an1e i n the village or PnormmTOR, ' ::\'eweastletorthctcqn of tc11 YC»J'H from t.he .JUB"r liil.i-.IA.-E : dnto oft.he tnkiug ~tfe.ct ofthis By-lnw. n1 ~".._. · ! (d) That the said Company shnll insure tho MANAGER. sntd Factory and l\lachinery t o be placed thereUowmnnyille. July 1st, 1880. 101 in at anclin (.he sum of six t.housa,nd dcillnrs in _ .. ____ _ _ ._ With all parties' who have not pa.id the.fr ~JY-[_A_RTIN" accm.mtB promptly in the past, we have deBowma:nville, July b, 1880. terrn-ined to do a STRIO'l'LY GA SH BUSLN R_ 1SS. .All over <lite .-;r,ccv.unts and note.'! rrrnst be settled at once. · , "I'° _ I '. "X ORDERED WORK ANO lllEPAIRIN" ~h.all _ent.~r . HINE Oil-. MA 0 8 ·· 102. _ _. . a -_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ._ ._.. ·--·...:....... - - - - ....... ~ E_ -.::N""E..A..DS · . . - - . ·. .. . .· , -i .· ·. I ~ Castorine, Lard Oil, Sea+ Oil, Castor Oil, Stock's Oil, a.nd shall a:-;sign U1P. Policy 0!1 t,he Harne to the sa,id Cor poration of tlle villag-e of Newcas1.Je l.o be heltl by tllem as security to the extent thereof for Lhe continuation of the sa.id Co'iiipany for t.hc s"'id term of. ten year;,. · 11. And it i~ further enacted by tho 1\funlcipal Council ·aforesaid that the votes of tlie qualified cluctors of the said municipality shall be tal;:en on th<i proposed lly-law by bollott pursuant to Chaptor 17! of the Hevised Sta.tutes of Ontario on· J\fonda}' the fourth day of October in the year of our Lord 1880-at the Town Hall Newca.stle from nine o'clock in the forenoon until live o'clocl' in the ·iifl:p,;noon a nd that George C:urt.ls, Jl:8qmre, Clerk (;f th" 8aid :wnnicipali.Ly shall h e Ret.1u·uing Oillcer lor t.al·i11g the sa.lu votes at i.JJ.e.saicl pol!ini;c place, · ·rhai' Tuesday the fif ch day of October in the vear of our Lord 1880 at ehwen o'clock shall be Lile time. and the Council Hoom in said town the place whel"fl the Clerk shall sum· up the nurn bc1· .of votes givon for and against the Bylaw and that Saturday the second day '. of Octobc1· in the year of our Lord 1880, at. ' elcYen o'clock shall be the time, and the Council Hoorn the place for the appointment. of p·'l'·ons to attcJl.d.n..t..rlli.>_i:>Q.11.i.t\g plrwe and t<l the 'ttnulc -:;Llln"'m ing up uf Che vo.tes by the Clerk Tespcctivcly on helm.Ir of the persons intert'sted in promotmg ' or npposing the passage oI the .l:ly·la w respe~t·· \vely. . · some rdiablc Insurau{jB Oon1pany or Uq~panies .' To Painters. Rangoon O'il. P Am TE RS WILL . please tako. notice that. I ·have just receiYed from ·t he ::.tAPA.NEE ' BRUSH CO., ·a large and cmnplete Dfo(~k -<if Ji:tint and otbei' brushes which I will sell at lo·vest rates. -·D. STOTl', Chemist &; Druggist, 101. Bowmanville. Harvest Tools s_ c ythe s, . '_} · · l ' Siiatlis - - cradle~-' NOTfCE. The abovo i<I a .trne cop!' of a, iuoposed By· law which will be take11 i1\to c1.11rnidaration hy the \_:'.01incil oft.he viilagtl qf N ewcustle 1>ftcr one ;, lr\Onth from the puhl"'ution · t1rnreof In "file Can«dian Statei'mau · ,_now~:i:mpcr wl1ieh first publication was '(i'1·itlui-·1hc t<-ntl1 dny of Sep· tclmbel' in the veal' of our L ord 1880-and .that q,f, the hour of 'qiuc · o'clock in 'the forenoon of .IJ l~ IY! ~ V t:on ilay the fourth. day~~ October. i~ t.he ye:;ir The Pioneer in the Graded System. and ALf!O in nnr Lord 1880, at the I own Hall m the said ~ vears' cou1·se of instruction adopted b~ .Amerivillagcof Newcastle," the votes of the qualift· I can Medical College Association. Begins its clylectors will be .talren on the sai.d Il~·law.. [ next Session Sep t. 28t.ll. Ph:rsiological Laoora><Hl f'oll to he contm1~e d op:"n fron: nme O'clo"k i tory established. AN.A.'fOMICALMATERI.A.L' !1 the forenoon until .! we o clock 111 t he aft.er- ' lX GNLl.MI'i'ED A BUND.A.NCJ£. Seats numroon of thc nforesaid da.y. bered, and secured in nl'd.er or application. <1T<:O ..CCR.'1'1S, Professors' F eeH, $711. P ractitioners' Course Town Cle1·k. through April, Fee l!;;~o. Fo1· announcemeut or. September 8th, 1880. informal.ion, a dtlress · · - - -· -- - - ·-- ---:--· -----·. - -·--·---DR..l . Hy HOLLISTER, 7Q 1Wol\roef3t., U!l..icau:o.· Ha, y . Forks, Barley Forks, AT· LOWEST -PRICES _~ LEE de EDSALL. llowma1.1vi!Je, July lat, 1880.· !!--"'-~ -'!.., _~~ "' -~ - = -. ~:'.'._'! .. -_~'! ,~~-.~======='!~~"'=-!" ._ ~.'!~'!= .~ · ~ '!~..'!~~-=~ '!-~~".'.""~ "HIC A!"IO MEDIC AL COLLEGE. 'l I _ _ . ... .. · A CROSTIC I Y llambu rgs, LaceH, lUbOl'llS, Fringfl9, etc,, if rear1e y a ' .n· nn: "J,,t..DU,f>' r'A:WY STH 1a::· ·quested, V\T., Hell Wholesale 11i1d R etail tor Large lines in Fancy goods, Cash down. 4. · combinatioIL s.vstem en· 'll · . ld' & · t f. ablesusto<i110Leverycloscpriccs. Wehave$1, Larger st1 mmou mgs pie ure tames, $'i't'" Speci<tl atteritiou g inm to S·l'A»:l?J"NG~ re .1LJ,,, , e .1:" r1. ,dz·is·!r ··v / $2 and $:5 pat:~agcs·of notions which cannot he Of postaae stamps we 11Iways keep 11 full .,.,1r-=it iw·. "'! _-::.:--:.·. ·. ~,... _ .f;. 7. E ncO·tJ'a c; :;:, .l tn.<" ./ . bought l'Or twice· the money elsewhcrc,all wanL· "1 ' .. I........... "' ·~ .... ed i.n evny family. llioney returned if not supp Y'· · · . .Bowmanville, April , 1880. lluy _rour_ instruments from m P., and ,ave ~~.tiHfacl.ol'~". HOVGH'l'ON & DUTTON, .iill ' Wire silvered ii;eo_d~., and brncelets are · - - - -1 n'"' 6 111' St., Rosi.on, Jlass.·..~------duties, f re i;i;ht auu boxes. · l;ia<ling styles, · LOWEST PRIOU:l:l AND LTRBRA T, 'l'F:lU·TS, 11fiEl! Jotl"-l'll .T·e·legraph . y and eaJ.'n Look at our agency list, we can do some-! Ice Pat··'r.:. _··.· ·'O""I'O-"~ .· T' m'ITS &; Quwr- RmTult:-1s" · Ill.I Ill I~ .it;Jt~ to i:;,;llH_,~ rno_n J.h. Every thing for vou. J - - -· 10 . ., YJ.. , ' ?.L-LL. rt~ . ~ -~ ~ · 1.1ro..~ n~te"11.a:ra.ntt~<~(la.nay 1ngs1tuatio1i.A<ldl"ess · .. 1, ., · , KF'YS B,,, G· ·T O 'N . _ . -- . . . . !.'"' R'.vAI.EN'l'TNE, Manager, .r auesville; Wis. Evemng Globe. at. 3? cents per . ~enth, . . - . n · ' . -"' . ,,._. Send for n~w cata.loµ; 11e or ,;tylc a~!l P.f1Ci'~ tQ ·-'--·_ _ _ .... - .... ... -·- -. the cheapest evening paper published. . :n!'unce to the citizens of llo .vrnaJ'v1lle W RUS.U: · · a Year n:nd expenses t[) agents. Ont l. f 'I al f and y!cmity that sl1e has opened her ko Cream . ' Vo minion Organ aii<l P.iano Co.. . . · . fit.free.· Address P, o. VICK.ll:HY, E11onomy .w uspers Ul V ue or · your Parlor fur the se1Lson. Tell Crean'. :'"!'"~d up; lOHf. Bowurnnville. Augusta. Mamo. . .. . money he.r.e. . ~l·o !'.olil In an! qu,an lity Io pers~rn, , '~ 1shmg t<> ·---· - ..- - ---------~- ..... - . - -··-- · -· - -· - . --. .,-·· · ·· ... - - .. · .. · ;i i _ ' l lib " · t 1 rge discounts ,,.J,c it to th.c!r. hom~s. Ico fm sa.c. J,emon; \\ie consider that we have the best stoek a!J,d C, W. M. Hugh an ~as~n8treceiv ed "bt'antifu J v uut.ay scnoo rurJea 7a a . .. ' . Ade, 'Sod11. "iV ,.~~,., Cmgcr Alt', .nrnl an assort. : t11C, best v nl_ue in winceys. it. has ever been onr , assortment of clock a d1l·eet from t.l1e United TIIOS. YELLOV/LEES. mc_ n_ t qr Oonfei;t10ne~y always o.i ! ,end. ' plcasui·o to slww, i:;eo them.-- .Mc(.)lung Bros, ' Sttites whicb he lsirell!vg ve1·y cheap. Bowman ville, Aug.17, 188(), · B owiµanvllle, .A.pril 29,.1880 ,20-tf· for the tewnshi PH t>i' ·RLI" - '"G"I'ON·r, OLAilKE,& CARTWRIGHT. I) .,,_ -' \YlLL FIND AN E XC}l']LJ,"'.J',['.r L· -;\.DlES A:i-ID . STOREKEEPERS- TMmendous stock of Schop[ Booka wholea;:;so1·Lu1e11t of . . .. You ca11 get Choice Goods cheap, by writ- · sale a.nd Retail. sole a~e.nt for I.he celebrated irig c;n a Postal for our PT"i:ce t.ist, w:tiich enables You can't do better anywhere, UNDEH.WEAR, LACE.ii, TIES, 1 "' · vou to Qrdei· l~y im1ll the hest way, and see the . l~l: JLLJNGS, B.RRLU...: WOOLS, DO:HH'l I O:N t)fiGA1'\S AND P[ANOS inany l~inds of :.VIercharnliHe we keep for sale· at Every traveller should buy hie ticket at surprisingly low pric·es. \Ve sernl samples of y · t H ll , MOTTOES, 'l'OJLE'l' AH'l'ICL1£S, e<c., \V · R U S E ' ou LADIE .,,.,w ·I Ivouun I MRs--- ur Urea~:n s '\1 $77·7