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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Sep 1880, p. 3

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Ct\NAlHAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILI,E, :FRIDAY, SEPTEMB,&R 10, 1880. The Dramatw Entertainment FARMERS THOS " J De rrIIE ESQ ~IAGNE'rICON." --o-LEFROY O:>T A UGUST 10th 1880 i; unernl Sern1on A sermon will be preached Church in this town on Sunday e\ en ng next ha ng reference to the death of the a. 1\:i B ':Vlll DB formerly McCLUNG BROS all of be sold at lowest cash Hehl Over LADIES Are respectfully mv1ted to try om TEAS STRA.GIL:&R EsU1nnte11 for the T wns1tl1· or narltngton We have Fme Green Black r Sir-The poor old man concermng Vih om I have previously written you was attacked some ~ " ;earn ago with typhoid feve1 wlnch seemed to ha,vo settled m his sprne rendenng lmn so helpless that he could not e\ en turn m bed On writmg to you vou could not promise a cure but were satisfied that he mi0 ht oe helped 1 J ir promise rn tlna has been fulfilled most sat1.facto11l:y as though still to some extent cnppied he is able to g<>t al:Jout a good deal and cult vato a mce httfo ga1den I have g1 eat pleasme m thus ocanng testm Oll) to the benefit de uved from your Belt rn his case which had rn<51sted eve1 v other remedy reso1 ted to by the most skilrul phJ sicrans You may make any use you please of this letter and as I ha\e aeen tl e old man every day and am m no way mterested further than to perform the pa1t of a ne1gl b01 I am not likely to be deceived or stat@ what is not true $1800 00 700 00 ~oo reacher S S No 8 lnmsfil Co Snncoe oo 80 00 3n7 86 SRle Bllls "\\ o have special fac lit oo for pr nting sale b Us and parties ordermg then at th s oftl e w1ll rece "e U el enefit. f a frf!e 1 otica in ti e FOR DAIRY PURPOSES ST..AT'ESMAN wh ch ia worth as much as the b lls The STATESMAN cl.l'culates in cv.ory part o:t:" est Durham A SPLBNDlD LOT OF CROCKERY WARE AT BOTTOM PRIOES PORK FLOUR & FEED ALWAYS ON H\MD It is with no small gratification that we contemplate the success \Vhich crowned our efforts in Buying and Selling during the seasonjust past through, and it is pleasing to know that the patronage accorded us was never so liberal as it 1s to-day. We have been bestirring ourselves, and are in an excellent pos1t1on for meeting the 1ncreas1ng demands of our customers, wl1ose approbation and good will we intend to retain. We are determined to enjoy the HIGHEST HONORS, to keep the Lead, and to take the FIRST PREMIUM for serving and pleasing the PUBLIC WE "/ study the wants of om c ustomern I ~ v1s1t the markets every week (at least SHALL hMe New Goo ls constantly auivmg ) secure the Latest Novelties m e-veiy Department l commce you that vurs are the very Bottom PnceB ( seo much to admnc rn om M1llmery Rooms which ( be satisfied with srn tll profits I SPRING AND SUMMER ILIJ MANTLES @ @ @ @ @) @ ·~--~~-------- RY BLAOK Ll!l<lD BLAOKING LOOKING GLASSES and will be plea<ed to recerve a call from her numerous friends and all others wantrng anvthmg m the l\hlhnei y h ue MADE~ ORDER. 881 018 012 575 010 0 30 0 30 Two doors west of M D . "\V1lha1ns Butcher Stall,KingSt Bowmanv11le. April 1st 1880 ltIOE SAGO TAPIOCA JIU.CO.A.RONI ARROWROOT CORN ~TAROB, FLOUR OATMEAL POT BARLEY SPLIT PEAS CR..t0Kl11D WHEAT &.. YOU ILL 1 l j con tams elegant and 1 eel ercZ e goods be struck with the cheapno,s of our new Dress Good~ be shown a. choice and new stock of Sprmg Hosiery, Gloves Ties &c be del ghted with our Carpets-handsome new les1gn11 be 1leased with om tasty assortment of stvles m Fm& Rcotch English and Canadian 'i 1Gced9 commend om stock of LaceOurtams Counte11 anes ete find the TAn ORINl D;:PARrMENI to le sustammg 1t~ A FINE LO£ OF STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS A..mertcan Englhh S'1Vhi~ Italian 1"1r,n(';h tJa.nad!nn and o&bcr S cnery lnr;lndlnr; BUTTER AND EGGS, And all other Produoo taken at market prrne 111 -0" Remembere ~ j ! exchange for Goods that this will be "HE !lDQUARTERS" for SPRING and SUMMER Goons that the BrnoAINS already offered are hut the FORERUNNERS of others yet to come that our store 1s a TREASUR1i oF CrrEAPGoons -views in BOWMANVILLE p ::E;c <;:> T CEMETERY El &c FOR SALE A1 THE <> <> -OF C> :ila: El 1 I to Ou\ e.im ia ta 1011 the Best Goods H. C. TAIT & l\'.LL';YILLF CO'Y., MARKI> I "QL AP.E BO~ ~1~,,s~~~;~~rai ihoir ltctual v&l11e I To please all who favor liJI the LIVELIEST AndSEASQ now for N in Seven Year's. 'Io sell only such Good11 as we) can recommend , OF ALL KINDS AND 8 ZE3 cOl UN,. BROS. a FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. llOl-:tDINGS FOR SA.LE 1 y the ft ot or ·lick with IN THE PHOTO LINE their patronage To represent our Goods we believe them to be ~=-====~=-:.--:o'=uF=E=IN=.s=uR=AN(IE PRl)FITS I U 11 DEfl!iONSTRATED To sell the gieatest quantity that we can so that with but a small magm of profit we may --~J Those Teas are noted fort W. BRITTAIN & CO Shu s C'lo ~ Let Live Come and examme goods and I prwes, and you will find it to your advantage to buy for Cash from GREAT STRENGTH, .ALSO l CHINA D. BEITH, W H GEI\ ER ~L and qnald1es T DARLING'l'ON, .8 gent. BLACKSMITH. on for all Don 1P o of ( snada TEaH 103 W G PEl<RY Agent T.orontQ

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