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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1880, p. 1

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Postage Prepaid by the Publisher ¢~~ ¢~n~di~n $t~la~nuu1 18 l UL tJTlED ~- I ~ Ef' ERV I BIDA.11' lUOIUU!'liG, -BY- Tui, A .T _t-\._MEB, tan BOWM.ANVILLE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1880. 'l1H1£ MAG NErrrcoN." --o -LEFROY ONT AUGUST 10th 1880 I HOS J MA.SON ESQ Deur Sii -The poor old man concernmg whom I have piev1ously \\ 1 ttten you "as attaci..ed some fout years ago with typhoid fova1 which seemed to have ,cttled m Ins spme rendenng him so helpless that he ---FOR--could not even turn m bed On wutmg tu yqu you could not .promise a cute but"' eie satisfied that he might be helped Yonr pi om1se m this has 1 een fulfilled most sat1,factonly as though still to some extent AND c1 pplc l he ,, able to get al:>out a JOOd deal and c iltivate a mce little garden I hat-e gieat plcasme m ti.ms beaung testimony to the beneflt deA.ND UN ADULTERATF.n 11\ed from your Bolt m hrn case which bad reRisted every other remedy HORSE A.f;,D teso1 ted to by t 1e most skilful phy.icians ;TfEDICil\Et! g.a to 'i ou may make an} use } ou please of this letter and as I have seen the old man evei3 cla3 and am m no way mterested further than to perform the pait of a nmghhor I am not likely to be decmved or state .A. CHOICE ASSORTMJl:NT OF "'hat rn not true PERI UMEH Y 1 OOTH Nii.IL I am 'ery truly yours HAIR BRt:Rff«S S1ANLKY SPILLEll leacher S S No 8 JUST RECETVBD Inmsfil Co Simcoe --~- o··- - - For Rap1c11ty of Actwn, Convemence of Apphcat10n, and PURE DRUGS CHEM.ICALS GRAND TRU&K RAILWAY JJOWMANVILLF. STAIION AND '.UME J0H N HIGGINBOTHAM'S. Ne 1nen in A ner1ca C<.1,ll do so much t6 ·lay the hauc of the battle aa God a n1!n i.sters We can m<an.ld the sentiments a.nd f'lrachce of tha cl t rches We can re&eh m1lhons ,,.f hon es "e can l elp make tho A m111eter with a rather florid complex ton had ~on into the shop of & borber opmen that makes the laws Are we all one uf hl.8 par1sh1oners to be shaved co run~ up to tl e full 1nea.aure of our dutyl The barber was addicted to heavv bo11t<1 of D <hyler ' ' C,-, g cgabim al,.t drrnkmg after winch hts hand was consequence unsteanv at lua work 1n shaving the m1n1ster on the occas1on re feored to he rnfl cted a c 1t aulllc!ently deep to co, er the lower part of the face w1tl1 blood The mtntster turned to tho ' barber and said i n a tone of solemn sever 1ty "You see Thomas what comes of taking loo much drmk ' Ay ropl ad Thomas skin verra tenner Thorouoh and eeimanent Effect, WC claim that No Other Tre~tment can produce the results effected b; the Summer Goods I nre u1 a.nd t.ro con n 0 111 at MAGNETICON APPLIANCES I as a careful corupanson will abundantly demonstiatc Pa np'ilcts and I 'orniatio 1 Free ADDRESS HILL'S All the l !3Wei:-t THOMAS J. MASON, (31 39 1ll) 125 Church Street Toronto EE and nobbtest sty es in Lacltes', Gents' & Ch.ildrcn' !ii D1) f.ood!!. Suits Made to Order r CO~IE ONE l\ND ALL "WHO NEED GOOD FITS 8nils ncsul} 1Untle Goofl Style a.ntl Fit, ,,. U h Sox Glo"'\CSt Uollnrs nn<l Ties lh1o'llll in, fo1 $2 1<> .A J !\RG"R I INB OF FURNITURE --TC>-- ER'S whete ;ou ca i find e\erythmg m that line ahrnys on hand and sold at the lowest puces STRAW COODS rn the I.test fashions will be sold at less than it cost to make them MY HEARSE AND We are great on the SBIRr TR !\.DE, dun t order j o 1r al11rts from Toronto Bummers spend JO 1r n oney n your own town th ct will help to make c'sh n1ore plenhruL of got ig- to the c plus cash CALL AND ;;EE US \\c can cure you s to 8pend yo r sµ r U 0 TAKI B W. P. PROWER. Yours respectfull;i S. F. Hlllo 90 tf t he dea.1 home nes t y sweet Vi re K tty uml I F on labor nnd care ma:J cease Wela' c e n ough and age can bring !foi;hmg but Io e nd peace BRANCH IS TJtE BEST IN THE COU:'.\!TY Encourage Elome Man tjact,we I atten led (day or mght) promptly, ordeily and qmetl;, at prices to smt eve1j one New Woolen Mills m leskaro1 CARDING WEAVING FULLING DRESSING COLORING 'U!i l\.fa1ket pr ce paid for " ool the E actory extra charge for attending Funerals in the country w1th.tn ten in1les. S-t-\.TISFACTION GUARANTEED. ThanUul for past I atronage I still sohc1t the same Bowm u ville, March 9 1880 THE GREAT NORTH WEST THE IEMBIN.A MOUNI.AIN 00-L~TRY PE'.!ER SCOrI l\fanager, JOHN CAHYETH C~ &" FURS. WOULD ALSO ANNOUNCE THAT I all orders at the other mi ls w 11 be punctually attended to as l s ial n FLOUR AND FEED LU!IDEll. AND ~Ul.NGJ E~ I-:IATS I HATS I HATS l has i cen ed tho LARGES r SI OUK of Eelt and Stra" hats C\ e1 shown rn tins county In Stlk Hat.9 the latest and best style always l ept In Felt (soft 01 haid) the Brnwn Connaught is a beauty the Metz 1s a charm the Rigmold (black or drnbl Milton Atlantic and the Park cannot be beat aarOrders sol clt.ed ll!ay 25th 188() JOHN CARVE'l'H 9t<tf THOMAS BINGHAM, Fue, Life, Marine, Accident Insurance Agent Nothing but First Class panies represented BU L-tKE SLil'lPSON ,.Se1 t 19th 1879 47 60 ~o Bo' ~.cuUc1nen oc Fasll· IOU i·Ot SO C."ls(, - -- - · GENTS' FURNISHINGS ! the best variety of Shirts Ties and Collars MtO>!IJ:mlr at the lowest 'F@ rat~ LO>Ali of interest SO OOME ALONG AND EXAMINE MY STOGK & PRICES. MARKT) S 1\'J:AYER. Office latel! occupied b) Dr BEITH King St , Bowmanville Bowmunv11le A_ngust 1 ll\80 105 Iy DEI'{TISTRY. c. HARNDEN, L. 01 P S-H1gbcst cash puce paid ioi Raw Furs Ilowmanv11le March 25th, 1880 38 60 87 tf Pumps! Pumps I WOODEN in Fuller s Old Bu1ld1ng OP! OSITE TRELE\ ENS SHO:W S IORE I am repared to turn out In the preparation and an a.ngemento for tho burial lot as httle time and money be expended as possible for showy .eur iouudtug- lhe less of the'1G thlnos the better Have only eno 1gh .sl uw fc r pro per respect f r pub he lecor 1m and social respect ' ' e are g tt ng t) mingle l l ' I I Gradu J e the Royal College of Dental ::>urgeons Onta.no OFFICE OVFH AT EXANDER S S'l'OP.E UOID EILLlNG A SPECIALTY "\Vo k exec ted in the latest ll-Dd most j npro'\ ed. style of the Dental .Art TEE'l'R EXrRACTED WITHOUT PAIN I' I R S '.ll' CLASS P iJ 1'I P S W. McMURTRY Has received, and opened out PO HP ADO UR PRIN'l S, Beautiful patterns, pnce 8, 10 11, 1:2~ and 15 cents. Also a lot ot PRINTS for 7, 9, 10, 11 12i cents, first rate value. WHITE SHIRTINGS for 8, 10, 12, 12~, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20 cents, the best value m town CORSETS for 30, 50, 60, 75, cts, $1, $1 25, the best make SHEETINGS, io up to 25 cents HOI LANDS from 10 to 30 cents, GRAY COTTONS, low as usual SEAMLESS BAGS, the best make, at low prices. TOWELS, horn 5 up to 50 cents, Towelling. WINDOW CUkT AINS, at low prices A lot of DRESS GOODS at cost to cle<ir. WHITE DHESS SHIRTS for 60,75,90,ct:s ,:llil,$1 25 $1 50 REGATTA SHIRTS, from 50 cents up to $1 25 Full Imes m CC'LLARS and TIES, HOSIERY, etc , etc, Pu1nps reprurcd on short notice I shall still cont1n 1e the business of Carpente1 a.nd Contractor A share of pa.tronage solicited W 0 TYLEl{ Bo"man~1Jle by the use of Nitrous Ox de Gae without inJury o the patient Jan 1880 "'tJ ra1 t cular attention pa l to the regulation of CHILDllEN S TEE1H MRS. DONNELLY Hmu st received a Jargc stock of ~ALL WORK WAR.RANTED~ FRENCH AND AMERICAN DENTISTRYl 1¥1 ILLINE RY anti. s bound to sell then1 at pr ces that ha never been offered n the town or BO\.\i manv1lle 'Ihe stock cannot be surpassed in QUA.LITY AND CHEAPNESS call and see fo yourselves s sts of The stock con llULTINERY SILKS FRINGES, VELVETS BRAIDS WITH J, M. BRIMACOMBE, lllS ()Ft,C:E lt!ct.:LUNG ~ JUO(I( HAm ORNAlliENTS, L \.DIES L ~CE CAPES L~CES OF !\.LL KINDS YEILINGS, FRILLINGS, COMBS, &c , &c L!l.DIES AND GENTS HATS Al\ D RE SHAPED Boy.; maDvillc April 8th l 880 61:-S9 tf LEVI lYiORRIS, GENERAL CON I RAC I OR AND BUILDER THESE GOODS ARE SPECIAL VALUE. CALL AND SEE THEM. W. llcllU T Y, WEST END HOUSE. Bo 'manv1lle Au;; 19 h 1809 lOe.tt', n al ne:;:, and will be at l s shop (opposite Tre !evens ~hoe Store) afte1 6 p n every dn.y to I eccive urdea.s S WRIGHT IS NOW PREPARED TO 10 all kinds of Electro Platmg in a. sat sfaotory Bowma.nvllle July Joth ~03

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