CANADIAN 8TATESMA.N BO"":MANVJLLE, :FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1880. FARM AND HOUSEHOLr Hnng111~ 1,as1~ets HOW TO HAVE ICE IN SUMMER. , Inh th1tanls of c1t·es have tlns (fUCBlH.>ll solved iur them- Bl .." p1etty exp1·11sne ! R should. b kept fru1n the ways )metnnes- -by the per1pa.tehc "1et1 v l [e,v days aucl Nell 1uutdtened. Col. L1ttlei. of Devon part, Iow -, (sh mau " Hut dwellers 1n su1all \:Lll"ges ao1l n1 lites the value uf bntLe1 now 111 l<lt: iu on fnrms a.10 gener 1.lly obltgcd to do with 1 creameries in that st,1.Le a.t $50,000 yc 1 an ont. the luxury of ice in suuuuer, alt.hough f or n11.11y pnrposeH lt ts 1nora neccse1ty num mad1.1 up STuVES ! STOVES ! L E - \!\!. M c M U RT R Y, C"' E!il'l' G:ND HOU~E) If you want a stove don't buy until you sec Has Just Received a Large and \Vell Assorted Stock of Nothing is better to clean sil"·~ · th,1.11 alcohol and a.o)monta., after rubhi11~ with this, tako a httle whttt!Ula~ or a. ch>th and polish Iu t 115 wa.y C\eu frosto.: l 1nlv~n, which is iso difhcult to cit au, mH.y IJe 011sil 'r' made clear and bt1ght A gentltHD<lU l.,,;111~ tn Th.rl i,S!I, L~h bl~en engagtd for several yea1s iu g:rad11 lily set ting out a large peac n orchard This Jea.r he wl'l.s rt:wardec.l ... 1th a splendid crop, a1nonnt1ng: to .1/500 baskets, v. l.uch he ·old at $3 ,, b"skct Olle of th e ~r a.t n.dva.ntages of <lratnin~ tho sod is t) Insure the free ucces~ uf oxy gen A plant can no rnure h\e 'vithout; oxygen than an anuna.l. Oxy,;cn Hi one of the best fertihzers 1 fol by its a.vtiuna iu tl1e aoll 1t prepares the minf'l als for food for than Juxury to theu1 'l'he rottson they do uot have it ts the snp,)osed expense of keeping it As ·" n1atter of, however, the coat of ,i.11 abund,nit suppl;} need b·i very ~h 6 ht, if one kno\.\ a how to n1 HlllgA Lt Pile the tee 1u a squ ,\re body under~ > l><d hoviug a Morthoro cxposurn, with good dr un< underneath the pile, and sa,vdu::it filL. . d 1n around and abovn it '£he 1n~thorl of prepa.ung tlns eaa1ly consrrtt<.:t ed "1ot; ·liou1Se ia thus described I\_ pile of ice s1x. feet high, eight feet \\lde, and eight feet Jong will m.1lrn 384 cnb1c fet"t And t}11s is enough for the llfieuf an 01dmary 1am11y for thet"'ble and t 0 cool the cre!l.m, etc Six team kn=lds till an 1ce huuss which contains a.bout four bun MR. P.H. FRAY N, COOKING STOVES: cook, tl1e best genernl purpose cook stove made Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, nnmen·e st.ocl,, amongst which will be found the followmg HEl\TING STOVER: 1 HECOUSTESS--NewStyle THE NORTJ!WEST-woocl, for 1881, handsornc1 than ever TtADTE1VT HOJ!E--old and new styles, ,mgle&double heaters, THE 1 'VARQl'lS-woodcook is a beauty GOLD CO JN- with and with out oven. Tf-!E DUCHESS RANGE, for coal 01 wood, th e best Range made in C.marln plants dred cubic feet. '.Ihe blocks sh0uld be cut ··smooth as posa1ble and ·quare, so they SHlNJ.VG STAR-with oven. \\lll tit closely, a.nd then 1cu 1nu5t be chov- Pou1plnn p10, 1f well, with a good crust (not too r1ch), 1s a \ery p datLblo d1sh , but many p ers HlS orefer to use sq uat.h, as a more dehcate vegota.bk· ped up fine aud crlnhded in bet9.een the pieces so as to n1ake a solid niass The closer the 11.:e Is packed, and the mora sohd the ice l s united together. the better 1t When u1 ice hou-:1e 1s too close rf1tere IS as 1nuch d1 fft~r0 nce bett\eeu pu.up- will keep k1n and st1uash tor pies H.!'I betW\een 'home \.\ h1ch rn ll1..ea the whole co11tlj11t11 wet and tllere IS a. great deal of condensat10n, spun' and tine broadcloth ·r"acl1 ever.} person in your eml:'loy, as clr1pp1ug, and causes tlie tee to rnelt rap1t:I well as yourself, .1lw.t}S tu pat every tool ly The n.1r rnnst keep as dry as possible, bacK in its place as soon as done with, no one aecret of keeping ice being plenty of ventilation The more ice there is 1n a uia,t ~or how great a hurry ho may be u1 B etter sp! half a m1uutu now HJ du111h p1le the better it will keep A small qna11 so, tha.n for yon co hunt half an hour \\llh tuymust be covered deeper and thicker than a. la.fge mass A large mass w11l al u. or man \\ aiti ng rnost keep itself It does nut reqn1re th e Two Y1rg1n1astock breeders have pnr protection of S(l.wdust, but straw or a AND 'THE l,fJ.B.GEST 11SSOR'Tl\;{EN'T OF CONSISTING OF (FormcrlJ of Ty:rone,) · B ·11 Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, Black and Colored Cashme1cs, mallookrng anddurable R hedesirestheladrn· R as openerlb us1ness in owu1anv1 e, to n ote p11rt1cul arl~ that sl e 18 the only -person rn the , ~hop m the reat of Mr R \V Black and Colored Lustres ' Costume Cloths, l\Iarmora Cloths ' that doest he work w th>< mann er rn the Urnted Counti e s, and they n1 ay 1 eJ)' upon it being ~ James Implement Agency,Kmg St' Pl am and Fancy Wincevs, Tart<u1 Plaids, Plain and Fancy she repreeeuts ·t Orders may be left at M , ,, I Ma\ to r ~ "'tore l{ 111g St or at l1e1 re81dence i n 1 w1 ll b e Plea~e d t o receive Fl a n11els, Black and Colored i\'lerinoes, Sheetrngs, Shirtings, NeadsJJlockovcrMM"ier,storn,Bowmanville. wh ere .ie a call t1om .old fnends and all who Tickmgs, Towellmgs Towels, \Vhite Turkish Towellrng, I llowmanvillc, Aug w 1880 109 tf wish anythmg rn the horse shoemg H M I p 1 ,' · d H or blacksrmth ,, 1 n Jobbmg \ eavy L a ,e, ii ow Cotton, White an Grey Cott0ns, oop at;~'d'ded :~· Skirts, Black aud Colored Silk. Black and Colored Satrns, I · ' 1 B roca d \. d S']J B r,~ca d- ed S a t ins, m · 11 tl1e ~p opu j ar Sh a des _, sole a.gentforthc celebrated SATlSFACl'IO~ GUAitANTEED. · 1,~· a 1 A TRI.AT. SOLICITED Faucy Silk l ics, .~ilk and Lace Squares, i; n l lrng,,, Rusheo, DOMIN TON OltGANS AND PIANOS , ii&-·m Ruffimb"· Laces, Embroident s, Insertion Ribbon, Plain and DARLING'ION r01 CL the ·ownshlp· of B0Vinu~nv1lle , Oct 29t h, 1880. ~ Fancy; hibbon Velvet, Fancy Gloves, Kid Gloves, Black and ' · A RKE,& CARTWRIGHT, L c \VATCH E S. L c Colore d ; Cuffs and Collars, Fancy Wool Goods, Fril:ing Encouraxe 17ome .lndu,try I Wool. in all the Popular Shades; Jersey Jackets, Cloud~, [\"" B uv ~ ou1 i n s trum ents frmn me, and save ' W oo I :--quares, iant 1es, l\"" iantle Clot h s, U J ster C loths, Sliaw ]s, duties,freighton<luoxes. Breakfast Shawls Skirt" etc w wr;s r P R ICER AN D LIB E RAL '1 ERM8 1 fnll1· call t he atte 11 L 1on of tho ladies of Howrn i ll\ illo a nd "\ie1n1ty to t he fact th at Nhe bas a fter a great 1le!il of tune and expem!le lea1 ned the m ethod of Itootir..f! Ha.11 com b1ngs 1 an d rnnowprcpaied to make tbbm 1nLosw1tohes' < u1ls a nd puffs 1n first class style a nd on shori I notice 1 !us n1et l1od or. rooting the hair is in every wa:\: supcrio1 to the oltl method of doing hau "01 k, Jrorn the f,ict th11t th e h a1r receives a thorough cl ear tng and put Lh 1011 g b a.n cnt1rcl) new proccHs, co nsequentl y 11, is much more ua.t- lM RS A DAVIS wm, LD RESPECT- W RU S E - - - 1 Hall, Parlor, Box and Cook Stoves IN THE COUNTY, AT L. C~HNISH lll.!Lrkets a' er)! Jarge stock of spienct1d goods, 1 , ' .. , · MOL'TO- ·stu ,\LLPROl!'11s &Qu 1cKR..11:1unNs,; A I.A.BG E ASSOR'J.'Jffl~N'I' OF Has JllSt r eceived from tba best BOTTOIVI PRICES Don't mistake the place, LEE & EDSALL, i\1cLeod's Old Stand. lH tf comprlsmg ~ ~ Gold, Silve>, Stem un d Winding Watches, 1:;1c l'oloHd Gokl Sett,, Gold GV.Alitds, chased 10,000 acros of land near .F'ort double wall uf boards will be ample. Ilayon, Ml.BB , wlnch they propose to entirely stock w1th full blooded rnermo·. Lf these gentlemen succeed in their enter BUTTER FOR LONG KEEPING. prise , l\Irns1ss1pp1 may soon becowe as i-1 ~ ~I G"'?i<ttti,s, SUITS MADE TO ORDER ~ I At the Shortest Notice and in the lf1 Latest Styles. Rings, Key b ~I Canadian Tweeds, Scotch Tweeds, Irish Tweeds, Bath, Plain and Fancy ; Worsted Coating, Overcoatings, Shirts and Drawers, Mnffiers, Mitts, Socks, Umbrellas, Scarfs, Fancy ,..., , _, Ties, and Carpets. Send for n ri w catulogue of style a nd puces to V\T. RUSE Dominion Organ and Piano Co 101 t:t Bowman \ illfl THOMAS BING HAM~ Fire, Life, Marine, Accident Insurance Agent. Noth£11g but Fznt-Class Companzes represented. .Spectacles, etc , etc , A TL (JF \\1HCII,V1LL ~ nm !'!OLD .A.'I' ALI WILL BE SOLD Ar THE LOWEST CASH PRICE noted f ur h er woo] crop as for her cottvn Any laud that will grow goon. wheat or corn will g1 O\\ rflspberr1es The µround should Oe well ploughed, an<l receive a l1heral coatin g of manure beforti planting Plant .Blackcaps seven by three feet, aud the r ed varieties six: by three feet in ro?< I!'., or five feet each way if Ill hills, so they can be cultlvate.:i way Ewes rn lamb shonld, as far as prac\IC able, be fti & and sheltered sep 1r.ite fro1n the 11011 b reP-dtng anunals, U.R the crowd 1ng and 1nore rJ.p1d mo\ements i>f tbe lat ter artl apt to result InJ11r1onsly, w h1lc suoh seoara.t1ou makAs n1or~ cou\ on Lent certain httle attentions to winch br~ed1ug ewes are entitled afJ the yea111n~ sea811n ap proachcs, and wh1oh may be protitably .le corded tu them on ex perience of smL3ons says the 1 Pvnhry M onth]y," we havo ad upted system of wa.rm111g the fo uU a.LI throUJh the n;1nter and cold wcathci, both mor1rng and e\eoing, and ,,e at 1 1Lbute the excellen t laying qualities 0f the fowle, iu a great rn easnro to do111 g this The food, whether whole or broken, 5ra1u or other food, either dry or mou~tened, 1hould be warrned well before fded111g, One of th e most U!'leful agents f r tho prevention and cuie of the horse d1a1en1 per so prc\id ent this fa.II 18 India. cnrry powder A d ose of a tea spoo nful on the tongue of the anima l at in urn111g aud night keaps it 111 good health and condt tion I f 1\ell, it wards oil the d1se.Lse , 01 if ill, it. restore s the appetite and tones 11p tho ayah·m s J tha,t the patient u1 rs td1 y enabled to overcome the d eb1hty of the I The Subscriber has now received a large and well assorted I would say, co111e before it 1s ready to gather-t1ll the but· stock, suitable for 1he present and commg season. ~ where you w111 find a go0d selecttcr will separate from the buttetmtlk, and Tholl gh goods have advanced am! still contrnue to advance [/) 1011 at r, 01,_.8 t Rute· rtsti to the top hke creao1 1 wh1ch it will al wn.ys do beforA gathering At this stage in price, owmg to his having bought largely m anticipation the cuutents o[ the churn are cooled down of a rise, he will offer many lrnes at old puces, and having to 56" or 54" by 1ntrodnc1ng cold water or brine, and the wbrk finished by churuu1~ determined to reduce his enormously large stotk, he ~111 sell N n - Tne Hundreds of Walches slowly. The butter will then form into many at less than old rates, thus offering rnducernent to those L. C has sold rn the last 15 years pellets or grc1.nules, 1nste1Ld uf :nto one to day Ticlv'"in.g the grand choru s sohd lump or a few large lumps The but who wish to make four dollars do the work of five. tor thus gra.nulhted ts separated fro1n the A n1ethod by which butter 111a.y be kept for a long tune 1n a perfectly sweet cc,nrht10111s described by the Neu York T ri.I.nine, 10 antiwer to the u1quiry of a correspondent. It consists simply in granu Iating a.ud packing the butter 1n brine The process is as follows The mode of granulating butter lB to chttrn tho cream 1n the us111tl v.ay hll JU t CLASCOW HOUSE! ---o--- ~ Ii] itOCK BOrIOM PRICES. ~ Bov.:manv1llc, Oct. 1880 W.McMURTRY HS ll\QIJEJ'lr 'll'Q LQ&~ = Iat the lowest rate of interest ~ To pnrttes H articles 111 quest of any of the ~I ~ ~ JOHN McMURTRY, Keeps constantly on hand a good stock of Ofiice lately occupied by Dr Bi!:lTH, IUog St, nowmanvllle BO\\ manv 1lle 1 August 1 l.-!80 105-ly. ~GROCE RI ES, PROVISIONS, · Bo~ Notice to Farmers. Farmers will please to take notice tha1 there is now a free and open market m Bowmanv11le on each and every Saturday. No fees charged except for weighing. The market will be conducted on a proper prin. ciple and selle1 s of all kinks of produce, cattle, sheep, pigs, gram, etc., will frnd t op prices here A price list will be placed in the Marke t House every Saturday mornwg as fl gmde for both buyer and seller. Make rs of butier can get highest pnces for i -mnd rolls or prints. Crockery and Glassware, Canned Goods, Tobaccos, Soaps, &c, &c. disease Some w~iv or other agriculture seems in complete wHhont a floctr of s!1eep They are essential to the thick-set longevity of the old grass-laud, and a.H the world over and In olden tlmes they were esteerued as lUOet 1n1pllftdnt 1 aud In the moat unpro10ed .tgncult.urnl country of England they are ¢her1sht1d by ovttry farm er, fro1n the htl{h e15t to the lowest ':l1he wool ts oue of the 111cun1ea \\ hH h c,1.n not be disposed \v1th , and tQ.e flocks are so n1 11 n'l.~ed tha t the tegs cut hea.\ 1e:r ~iud Hl ro '-'<duable fleeces than the o]der shet: µ , 1n f,Lct. teg fleeces in England not on !y weigh 30 par cent The pot ato cr op itJ Ireland 1s r e pot h~d 11eav1~ r than those oi ewes, but n1nke 10 to he sunpJy inagni.fic ent The London ut· mo1e per cant hi~bei prices lhere 1s l'i1nf..'J · h :ih co1 re;p onleut s ay ~ that 'wl1at no excuse in t111s oour.ty fir the uhsence fe w tr> ( n ca.n re collec ~ s "'e1ri g 1 is uow seen of sheep on every fa.rm, 011 all lia,nds- tields beginntn~ to wh1th< r ,.v1t! out n. sign of disease Tlus l~ olnetJy owing t o th ~ ch ange of seed, th0 'Chn rnn ,F> .. 19 ' b~;nng vlaated on a ll hand;s (rou1 e;.ist o._ .ve s~, a.nrl. fullv beann-{ out the goo<l tluo~s. spoken of the1n l'he prH e of a nd cattle h 11.s d oubled Mt n ce last year, that nf pl.JS 1uore th an donh 1ed ~ oat<> 1Lre a QOod er· p and tul'nips n.od in u1gols ne\Ter J oked bet1er ' ' ln dressing turkeys for market i t H~ a gon<l plan to ~et through w1th the uper ·'-r1on b tlfoce tbe aunni:lil hea t t-aoapes 'rhA It · ·s shou ldbo plck~d dry, an<l the rest (1f High Prlt:c1l ButC~r. t llt: hotly ::;calded tak1nrr care not to cook Buyers pn.y the h1ghest -price l'o· 1'gLlt t>dgc 0 < I Th es t r1pp1ng ft! ti f ti buttcr,'butv.:antc,CJytuhtobeane\'enbr 1J.{hf, t u ·~ .s, 111 o ie rat <~a 1 colo1 'rhey recOn1n1e11cl lheJ t patron8 to use ~ t: 1~ t h e u1o"t difficul t part of th e task, a.s nnl} "\Velis, R1cha1dson & Cos Pe1rcoted Ruttet JI 1 ~ C~!snt1a.l t o avoid breakln(J the skui Color, as 1t 1s the 111ost rebabl e known and '\Hll ., give.a perfect colul" It rece1\ ed the onh award ~1 1d ~p niinJ g t he ap 1 at the International D1nr1' li'air fo 1 ·superior )ea.rance of the fo~l Aft e r .ill the feathers are re111oved 1 the IJ!Jrlt) st1ength, p~1feot1on of color and pt'!rma.~t-.~ rd .shou !d bo d tpped 111 the ociddiug nenoo For saJe by Druggists a iU G1oce1 s \\ tter a.Ll',\I n, an d aft erward pluuged i nto --.. -- -- - --- 1Bar col 1 ~ ?iter and hun3 n o by tho heels ZOPESc\ - I have .cco nred the agency f or tlns new componni fur Dyspe ps1' and 1n a cool pl :te e L1 verTronbles It co HH:i to 1ue under 1nost 11 _>Vf\ r ln q11 iu te ~ s , ::i.s well as plenty f nn- favnurt.blc ,lusp1ces, bein~ ve1y highly t·nbtLttQU.!I fo/<l rnnst b e pnniclecl foJ all dorsed and recommeurlHd, ftl'J wonderful etf)ck \1 h'"'n the 8table;i; t'tre cold, ani- aftinity to the Digestive Orga.n11 and the rn alB cnun u1 1e ninch niore food to proiluce Llv~r, 111creas111~ the d1ssolv1ng JUlce~,cor· tlu~ sa rne rt'"~1 1 l tA l\S wh 9n they a1a kept rect1ng the acids anO. carry1uq off 1mp11r1\H1.rm Oold, frt>i z1n g weatlll' l' (Jrtes up ties of the n.nd regnlatinrr the cows iaptd l) , but tl11s l!l:\ Y hi: 1111t1gated to Ltver, ca.n }Je teiitt~d by securing a s~mplo i. !lrea t fl 't'fent hy Jl' Ol'i d u·::; wa.i n stables hottle v.:hlch aells at 10 cc11tsi, or largo It is cl~utn~d b;· inen of large expeuence E1ght1 1 ;i; bottle, 75 cts, .,,J, HIGGI:NBOlH.AM 1iiha.t g r ~11n- clei\n, W <'l ll cured grain - or ~ay from culuva. t ed g1a..e8es, 11a.k1s th a SI\ °'ete;i:t , 11e u. \1 e '3 - un d inos t p erfect nnJ, BfHt'" t nd "' ~ r10"-~, ~lt "l Ont grain, JUlkH l[i ta better, aa a rule, tu riheel 111 ' trees putchJ.i3ed 1n the fall than to plant the·n nt onct! , even 'vluln har<ly enough to e·1dure the aold 13ut hcohng In sl.ould be very carefully 1lone Sl:'lect. a d1y. 1n1-1l low so1J, prepare a .shallow tro.:nch fo,r the ro ots 1 lay thl:l pla11 ts lo a reclu1111g pos1 tH111 and CO\ et V11th fino C101l, 5 ) that all the ..Jnterst ced of tht1 routs will be filled Bu1k up ~tround them and b0at the surface .smooth \\1th a sp ad e. P1ofessor S 'l'li,. Johnson 3 1y~ 111 a ro cent paper th at the p1n.ct1ceof adultcrajang milk py add 111.; "a.ter a lon e, e nables peddlf:irs t<J 15 ~ fl 11 nnnally in N ew York «:tty 40,000,000 <)U arts ot th is lw.r1n1ess bevl::!r a::o a.t a.o ,t \Yei·.ag i' of te n ctnts oer quart, n~alizing oi,ooo 000 a yea.1) or $12 000 ppr d,iy J t. li'\ J1a.r<llv trne to P.tyle w a t~red mtl i< a ' ' horu1h:1b.s" bi Vt rage, howe ver 1 nuce u1fa.11 t i:t fe i npon it ar.., J Hpnve d o( a large pnrG of the 1n1trltnant LIH·y onght to Jecu tve butterm1lk HI auy con\en1ent wu.y, and wa.shed either in cold uater or brine t1Jl the water will run off clear' two washings ate generally enou~h A tight cask of tho s1ze desire], and suitable for hol hn~ hutter, is prepared beforehand, nnd filJed partly full of brine as strong as it can be made frorn pure t:1alt lnto t111s the b11tter is put as sOt)Il as washed, without any "ork1ng or salting If enough is not ruade in one churning, the butter must b~ kept down under the br111e till the cask1B filled, an<l then headed up tight. Thron!:!h a holo in the head any li t tle 'acancy tha t may exist uiust be filled P"'rfectly wi th bnue, und the hole plugged It lS then ready for transport,t.tion or loug keeping \Vhen \la.nted for use It may be taken from th e ca.~11.. and press ed into o.ny soltd for::n desired, and the brine adhering to 1t will se11,son 1t a.bout as moit peopJe tlesue it If wanted fresh 1t may be washed in cold water, when it will be as fresh and rosy as when it catne out of th~ churn. 'l'ho salt for the brmc must be of the beat and pureat kind, or the butter w11l be SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO Carpets-Jute, Union and All Wool Coloured and Black Gros Grain Silk Table Linens and Dama8ks Large Lot of Tweeds 50c upwards 50c of "To L. Oorni~h fot good, chf';ap 1'~ All kinds of farm produce taken in exchange. man ville, October 1, 1878 lO-tf atdiea" 114. Bo'\\ruan\llle, Oct 1st 1880 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -- l " c SPECTACLES. l c M c C L E L L A N & C 0., DEALERS IN 20c Respectfully ieturns thanks to he1 many customers fo1 the very liberal I SOLE AGENTS FOR 15c Black and Colored Cashmeres pat1onage extended to her dm~ng :::E-I_ :::S_ R..A_T .H:::SUN & SON the yea1, and hopes tbat by keepmg :> White, Scar!Pt and Grey Flannel 20c , -FORa well assorted stoclc, embracrng all Doors, Sash, Blinds, Pickets, Mouldings, &c. Fancy Flannels and Shirtrngs an Immense vanety, Hosiery, the latest styles and novelties, and aellmg cheap, to be favored with a \Ve aie pi;epn1eU p1omptl~ t o fill orders in the above hnes, anll to dell Yer f'rtioJes fn ttll parts contmuance of their esteemed ordern of the Trimmtngs, a ver,v full stock. town, Tlie h1gheatpnce paid for Lumber,"\.Yood,etc. We buy for CASH, and sell for CA.Slf. " " " " WOOD, LUMBER, IISS DICTAVIS HCO~L, Sh1ngles, Lath, Posts, Square Timber; W. BRITTA IN, )iANAGER, Bowmanv11le, Sept 1, 1880 110.3m. OUT OF THE FIRE. l.\l.l:Jt'l. ~ TllOS. PATERSON. NEW GOODS ARRIVED. Bow1nanv1lle, April 29, 1880 1 D2. 4'W'Offl.ce a.nd Yn.rd~Corner o! King and Ge nrge Streets. VV E>:E 'YJS AMERICAN GREENBACKS AND EXCHANGE BOUGHT. bleached by lymg m it. THE SHEEP FOLD AND RUMORS OF \VAR IN IRELAND, Her stock of Fall and Wmter Millmery, Pattern Bonnets, etc has an n ed and a carnful mspect1 on J s solicited. S(·ooncl Door We~t o.f '\l..1.llinm" Bu.t eJ1er Mall. Bowman \ilJc, Oct 8, 1880. llg 'vu r 1 \M JOIIN 1\.TcCLEL! AN,} CAN:Y, :McCLELLAN & CO. 8 Bov.:1n n. nv ll1e, .April 17, 187 Zill TM :UZ:rn&:L - Ctti ~ z kept, as usu1L1 ie ::;pectfullv in forms t h e public that she hits moved into the store formerly occupied by l\!Iessrs 'l'hompso11 & Burns, King St '\V88t opposite 1\1eMu rtr v s Store, where i;ihe will be pl~asHd Lo meet her old custoiue1s and the p11bhc gene1ally .A. good a~c:. ortment of FANCY GOODS will be For Cheapness and Quality, go to Oysters, fine, fresh fat and full , acr vcd up in excellen t style - o- L UN CHE S HO'l' 1'EA A ND COFFEE A.I' A LL l'iOURS Choice Co11fce 1Io11cry A.l1v.tJ s o n lt.nul. MR S. W KEYS'. llowma1n1llc. Oct 13, 1880. Ilti tL AND GET BARGAINS IN FRfNGH ANO AMtRICAN GOO OS JN ~\ LL ____ ,,..,,,,_~-- JUST ARRIVED TllE LATEST STYT, RS, an11 rn il e lcrnuned to sell them at a verj small proilt ---o--He has now the largest and Cheapest stock in the County Don't fail to see his Stock of German Felt boots, the best and cheapest m town For Ove1shoes and Rubbe1s, be sme aml give !urn a call, as he has an immense stock, bought at Rock Bottom Puces fo1 Cash Oo and see Ins Stock of Women's, Misses' and Child1 en's Boots ,JUST THINK OF IT-Women's 011 Pebbl e Button Boots, Solid Sale Leathe1 Insoles and Counter', at Sl 25 and the Balmorals of the same !me fo1 $11 5 Misses' and Oh1ld1en's to match in Style and P1ices. In Wcllington Boots, he has a full <::tock of M.iclnne and Hand-made, m Mem', Boys', Youth's liJld Ch1ldien's W O J\>l E N'S l\I I S S E S' A N D C H I L D R E N ' S only $1 oO, 300 Mantles JUSt a<J cheap, Pl1111h a nd Ca n1el's IIalr Hats, from 00 cents Up\.\ardE3 Old I.ad1es', Laces, 'I'1fs R1bbOn8 Feathers, Flower.s , Vel\. ets, Ul~te1 s, All-wool We a1 e m receipt of la1 ge sh1 pments of goods, to I eplernsh for the commg season, the various brnnche s of our mcreasmg trnde, in which we feel confident no othe1 house m town can approach us in quality 0 1 prices Come and see for .)Olll'selves ! All our customers a1e delighted. 1 ioor & saoa EMPORIOUM 1 --ATTBE-- Silks , Se.tins, V e1lmgs, Velvets Fringes, etc.. j Han· Coinbings wade ove t for 35 c per oun ce l Ln,Jics ' and Gent· Hats ck"oed and repaired /I U nde1 in all tl1ri B tyle8 [1:EJAS ':J TEAS - 60 Cases Boots& Shoes. A lthougl1 materials of allk ndshave ad"l'.anced from 25 lo hO per cent , not as yet cha nged 01n p 11ce:-1 of boot s and s hoes 1:1 1nce November last h ut are g i\ in g ou1 c usturn erH t he benefit of l<trge 8locks ln1d lll pre~ 1ous 1c: the more r ecenL ad\:ances As '" e are the l<trgest dealers in boots anu shoes ln the to,,.n custo1ners ca.nnot make a. nustalte in enlhn.e: on us Our assoitiuent 1s; la1gc An C\ crJ department and we arc prepare& on obtam1!lg all the stock ueloie 1nuclmsmg el·e"here I to 2.'5 per cent less than then present maiket, value one u oa r ""':·~~·.. ~:~~~~~~!; eloc, stor e . G1 een and :i;,iack Teas 50 cts per Th, fuliy wm th 6il cts Gieen and Rowmom 1lle Oct s 1 sso 116 Black Teas 10 cents, woieh to-day 90 ct" , an excellent bevernge One I t11al will seem c yam hie-long patrotage Our Japan Teas are uncxcelled m flavm and strength. BOWMANVILLE. 3 and 4, MARKET SQUARE LadLes v.lll do ,,. eil l,o call and our b e.IOie t le recent a vance in pr1cos-and ar e no'v otfe11ng Tea. fully 20 !' this head we can offer special ba1gams having bouo-ht la1 cte] y l d , r o , h to otre1 great 1nducmnen ts to all who may f&TO!' us with then patronage Custom er s may l'ely W. BRITTAIN & CO., Shops No. C o.uees, .w Sugars, Fruits, Etc. 1 LATEST AND NEWEST STYLES tn the ma.1kct, at LO"'\V PRICES. I I th1n 111lill .P o~' el!I an d 8l o p ~ lnJnre HB flavor "u1d ru i l~e thin 1 n1lk G 1as1 or h:ty, and br;in ..-lone Ill tkes tin~ t.11lk, althou~h \V~ 1l e s.orr11:~ Gra1 l 1uust be with gra.&s, r o,>ts or l1ay, to n1alH! rich Jntlk --------------->---- If you want a choice cup of Coffee, this 1s the place to get 1t <: 01111rr1 e1 ons that 1t would be1muossible to gii;e u f ul l li s1, but ~ e co.n Ufld nre our cusLomera and Havmg made arrangements with , the pu blic generally, that the> "\\ 111 find the Suga1s of all grades at lowest puces. lurgest anu n1o st -va1 rnd i1cs01 t m en Lthat can be Mr. M Davis, who gets A large lot of Women's button Balmotal and Congress found 1n to'\ n Fruits of all kinds at exceedingly low pnccs Prunellas, very fine stock-m number, ~2, 3, and 3t, which he is ~ell- TEAS DIRECT FROM CHINA CUSTOM WORK 111g at less than cost Ladies wcaiing those sizes will secure ba1gams by we shall now be able to offer to the Parhcula1 attention is paHl t o tJ, u; bra n ch of our bu~n1e~R Gentlcn1en s Fine 8eY1 cd ~'ork 0 calling on hun Owing to n large in c rease in this pubhc,Teasin 5and 10 lb, hoxes, dcpfuln1ent v. e have had to em ploy extra hands Ord!lrad work. in fine goods a specialty 10 pe1 cent lower tb:_m we have I In this brnnch of trade, we defy competition. Fall and Sprnw wheat .JAll:l! ES PO P IU.lll & C O ha~e appointed u:s i,,ole ngcnt ni this tow 1~ and trM"' Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. .;JEtl prnv10usly sold at " e mtend to I Flom,-hest L,~,1dR G1 bb's patent Flour Buckwheat Flour. "'crnck<'d sur1ound1ng conntrJ fo1 tl~mr standard 1ndes mak e I Wheat, Grnham Flom, Cornmeal. tru ct .:i.ble, \\ aterpr oof nnd 11veted s0nm boots STAND-Neacls' Block, next door east of Lee & Edsall's. pat< n t erl 187U. '1 1 u s scam rn mad e b:\ a combin' TEAS A SPECIALTY! Fish of all kmds oatmeal a spesralt.r atio n of eernen t sntch1ng 121. a nd a contu1uous hne November 18.1880 or 1net !:l mnl~ing tl1e sea m not onl) wnterproof but a lmo::t 1ndestructa.b e, gn lU f{ a dnrabillty W having had thnty yeaJS 1 Pq ual t o tVi o pair s oi boots n1 th e ord1narz. ' expcnencc m England, knows JUSt \\a y ] what will smt the Canadian tea .JANI i<~ S l1G~' .U-:Jlfi:'El.', dnnkeis _ .SOAP--Og_r lyo1y 2nd Amber bar Soap throws all othe1s in tlte - Pi:opa·wet.or , --·o - First class quality of grocenes al- 1 shade -The Elective Soap 18 nowl1e1c compaied to it JO H N S U A.D.i·', ways on hand w. B & Co pay RRUSHES - Scrnb,Sto1e,Ha11,0loths,Boot Brooms,Pails,anclWashtubs l'llr,nager. B o wmanv11le, :::lept 13 1888 112. 'I' HE R AG E pDar t bcal s lh f?r butterW, egAgls, pordk, e ;c. SALT -In T'ai tels an d Sacks Fme Liverpool Salts, in baas weighma 1 A LL Is JUST N_ 0W s given on exan e 1 io1 I respect n eIy .-HJ ~it s., l I 2th · t he convemence" of ' the pnr"' _ 0 __ d ue I d us, 22 4 lt:JS, to smt The fall and \Vinter r;ooods are bemg opened up and the 1 bgoo st f t k ,_ chase1 ,-specially imported fm dairy use a no orge our mar ec on j r<OAL OT L f l b 0 H dl h · people-ever on the alert for the Best Goo d s at t h e L owest Satuidays-Top pnces paid foi all v ' o t10 est qua1ity . nr ~a 1g tis wmthy of a tual and I Invn1g CO""n n enced to m anu facture Pnces -know rt and go there to Buy. produce. bound to give satisfact10n WOODEN PU !VI PS 1 Our Stock compr ses m part-.a fiue selection of Black and: TE!l.S, TEAS, TEAS , 20 F ull er :-i Old Bu1 1d1ng, C0711E AND SEE OUR GRAND DlSPJ,AY IN Colored Cashmer~s 1 at yery low figures. Bowmamille, Jal> 12th isso. 103, OPPOSll 1' TRF}LEV E ~ >< 8 HO L STORE I a1n repa1 cd to turn out l\Iantles, Ulstt:is a11d M~ntle Clgths-new patterns, at good - - - - -- - ii-' I RST cm,&ss p 1V !Ups. value. Pun1ps i:epa1red on short notice Boys' smts, a fine assortment. I ~·h all st1ll continue the hnfi1nes s of CarpenteI and Con ·1 a.cto1 A share of patrouage solic1L P.d Dress Goods, every variety and price. WC TYLER Brocaded and Polka llot Velvets and Satms, all shades. 76 This department is well stocked, regardless of expen se rn· Ladies', GenL's, and Boys' Fur Caps. cludrng GHA ~ITEWAH J.i', in various sizes and patten;s; Woo!Jen Goocs and Hosiery, an immense stock. ;::FINE GOODS A SPECIALTY.:: Olu l ntoH m Lhe lJoot nnd sl1oe depa.1 Lrn~:n t are p RO VISIONS. ,t I I I I ======================_,....,,,,,....,......,,,,,,.,=- DRY GOODS! SUNDRIES. & Son's Dry Good Store ! Pumps} Pum ps! l t Crockery, Glass, Lamps, and Fancy Goods. TE.Ai DINNER AND CHAM~ER SETS. I r Carpets 1 a gogd choice,and an endless vanety of other good~. 1dho Tailoring Dapartmont G uarant ee , "-' · ---Fol\--- PURE DRUGS A.ND AFirst Class Cutter ---Perfect Fits J0HM d 1 COMPRISES: AND UN ADULTERA'IED Readv· made Overcoat~ and Suits ; The fine st aEso1tment of s;, otch and Canadian Tweeds ; Worsted Coatings ; Overcoat· lll 0 R SE A]\'~ D CATTLE rno-s, '. 11 Bowm1rnv1lle. Jli EDICI.NEI!!', go to I l'ij CHEMICALS I LANJP s ! A ehoice a;.so1' tmen t of Cham her Sets, 111 V1 }ute :ind Fd!lc' Patterns, ol A l qualtty. Wo ha ve lately tmportPd <lu ec t fror~i Paris, spec1,tlly for our Xmas ti .ide, a fine selection of']' EA :-iETS, of be~t Fre111'h ( !alia; these me really umque, and are fast herng disposed of. and A large stock selected with great care, ~mtable for OHRISTlifA S AND NEW YEA R to GlF rs HIGGINBOTHAM'S A NOT~G~ ! The highest price has ahrnys been paid by)Vfnrdoch NOfIC.E ! Br..·s. for alllkm<ls of farm produce. ha>e been made \11th som r of the le:i.dmg honse!). ~n S WRIGR'l' IS ?' OW PREPARED TO out customers with goods not mom line, 50 'hat ~iuti~ do a.11 i't'Ind s of .Hilect1 0 P la1u g ·n a satrnfactory manne1 Bnd )';111 be at his ~h..,p (opposi te Tre· to drnpoiie of, can do &o to adrnutage. ~~~~es;rodce~!ore ) after 6 p m e' el'y dar. ;g,. Deaem ber 18, l&/'il. ' Powmanv1lle July loth. ! Oil A f HOIOE ASBOltT:liENr OF TER.~~ Bowma.nvi1le1 Oct, 7lb, 1880. ,-...A.~ ~ S MASON & SON 'Jlii, ~ ~. PERFUMERY, TOOTH, NA'.IL AND Aua1 ,geuie HAIR BRUSHES town, to supply JUST REO:Bli'Y:llD bavmg produce llolflll"llVlll·, Do·, 17 !S7 Bow man ville, I I i