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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Feb 1882, p. 2

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Ours is not a stock-taking sale noP a change in the business sale, but a Manitoba Sale I At H,)ll 'S ash ouse fl WINNIPEG LETTER ... L_ ¢~e ¢aturUan $tateaman '--~ ~~ ~.~~~~~~~ CORRESPONDEN(,E BowMANVILLE FRIDA.Y FEBY 17 GRAND REFORM RECEPTION TO MR BLAKE AT OTTAWA When } ou decide on this then buy your ticket v a Would Respectfully Inform the Public that tne1r Stock of GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY, the @est road the best com:ieotions and finest Cush10rn1d Carn ThIB lS the popula1 route and their rates are the H y lowest Be sure that yo ir t cket mads v a Great Western Railway 1f you want to combme Speed Safety and I Comfort 'I ckets to all otl et ]. arts at lowest rates THOS YELLOWLEES Agent Staple & Fancy Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, Glassware, &c &c IS NOW COMPLETE Goods of the Best quality sold at temptmgly low prices Customern treated courteously and waited on with dispatch Notice matters Ho Farm Produce Taken at Market Prices Goods Delnered Promptly to all parts of the Town JOHNS & JEWEJ_,L, McClung Bros ' Block Bown1anville 't )'(==>k==~=:>j(== A SUCCESSFUL YEL.~lii weeK!il ago eng aeer cases We are pl< ased to he able to mf01 m om cnstome1 s that the past year m om p1 esent premises has been exccedmgl;i satis factory Our sales l ave exceeded our most sangume oxpecta t10ns and our profits have been sat1sfactor.} Our success tells us ~ e have a cmrect system We k eep the best goods procm able m great v anely We sell good goods at low m ices We are already ieceivmg la1ge quantities of goods for the Sprmg Tiade man.} of which are of entncl.} new designs and not procm ible anywhpre else We will open next week several cases contammg ScoTcH [WEEDS (with gold wne) CANADIAN TWEEDS (nobb) patterns) EMBROIDERIES LACES ConsETs, etc The New DUPLEX LACE CunTAINs and C1R rAIN NETS 8 COTTON 25 Pieces of Dundas and othe1 SHIRTINGS bought at an ad' antage not now obtarnable as these goods have been achancmg smce 1Vo Balance of Wr~rnR Goons will be sold at a sacnfice discount humbug but a genmne Sacufice Price to clea1 T. GEO. MASON. J. JEFFERY. --da The Undersigned have mad e arAtfiltWE~0raf£il PRE~ENT rangements to procure Bag Salt direct from Liverpool , G od e r 1 ch Salt in Bulk or Barre l, Cayuga White Plaster in Bag or Bulk, Oswego Gray Plaster in Stock , Crown HOJ'\ JOHN HAMILTON F lour b y th e B arre l , a 1ways sAMUEL THonNE Esq Jewel 1 o~~:~:!~:~~~~~URa ~~.·t:e Pos t on an l on hand we are Sole Agents for P1i~p1ct~· of tie Bon ds g v ng f 11 pnr ICayuga White Plaster a nd C1~0 wn THE B ANK OF MONTREAL Jewel Flou~· Dry, well screened Coal f o r winter u s e, a 1w a y s In s KENNEDY & co New York stock. Sash, Door, Blind s, etc a Wood and Lumber taken in exisl change for Plaster or Salt. Cash L O O ::K I paid for any quantity of Wood and READ I READ 11 Lumber PAN11£~ ACCEPTED B Y LHE cm1PA NY A HO AND A Cl UED II' IEREST T PAY111ENI OF I AND" RECEI\ ED FRO){ rH] GO\ ERNl\!EN r ON DEP OSIT FROM INSURANCE COJI! PAR AND Crown Jewel F lo ur. AN D ALL I TS Bl A NCHEs ABO'i' E B OND S TAY lJE OBTAINED ALS O THTIOUUH BU RK & JONE S E OVi M !cN\ ILLE 2n and be ast omshed at the Low --Pnces that-- Mc LELLAN & CO, December 22 1881 --(1 78) TM Boots&Shoos! Rubbers & Feltware, Bowman ville WINNIPEG AND B-RANDtJN LOTS FOR SALE Ti mks T-ra\ elling Bags a d \al ses --AB.E REINf.: ~01.D AT-- The Biggest Day of the Year-lo Mens Smts 2 u Boy,. Smts and ._., Ov ercoats Old fogy1sm IS pla3 eel Ol t 1 oung Men aie bound to succeed Call on the g1vei of good fits- "'1' ~ H.1"1,..E BOOT & SHOE EMPORIUM ~ This lS the place you w II find tie La gest most va ed and best sclectc l ><tock of Boots and Shoes of All Kmds and at the ve1y Lowest Cash Puces Call and ex amme the above Goods beforn pur clias ng blse vl e1e · VVINTER CLO ,-fH ING. ~He will fit j J 1 eve y time W J. o Baggy Coats HANDKER ~His CHT EFS Stoel of CoITARR Smms Trns GLOVE.S and SILK are the best value m town Hrn Rtock is all J. ei NEW BUICHER SHOP. BUTCHER STALL Caledonia Mills I Forme Jy known as he Soper Mills Credit Fancier Franco-Ganadmnr -01\TTARIO Dll li~lON (JAPIT AL O«ers Loni s 01 1' ot tg!:U(.es rte nnde1s1gned would respect ~ Prompt att.Bnt10n IS gnen fully 11fo1m the c t1zens of Bow manv Ile ti at ti ev l a\ e opened a to this branch of the busmess Custon1 Department $1' 000 000 t GI 1 f ent ht; S TARTLINC DISCOVERY?

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