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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1882, p. 2

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all goods are sold at actual cost without reserve. Leading lines are Cloths, T\veeds, Clothing, Dress Goods, Gents' Furnishings, ..... Ladies' lVIantlBs, Hats, Caps & Furs. A BIC RUSH EVERY DAV. TERMS--~GASH. 'I'HE TREASURER IN ACCOUNT WITH THE CORPORATION OF THE TIJOHNS&JE fl l Would Respectfully Inform t he Public , that their Stock of 209 o~ 2266 05 TOWN OF BOW MANVILLE Staple & Fancy Groceries, F or the Year Ending 31st Dec, 1881. Provisions, Crockery, CR. DR. 1881. Dec - To Balance. $ $2312 9l Glassware, &c. &c. 1881, 1886, 31 272 57 To Public P rop erty. $696 80 254 80 By Public Property By 8alar1es a. ' :l I THE S·1'ATESMAN and Ho1se Book for the bala11ce of 1882 fo1 75 cento. A u.ctiou l!ales. Tu.e:SDAY, MARCH 21-Mr James Pollard, Jot 33, con 4. Clarke. will sell his farrn stock, im plements, et!da r p osts hay etc ,wi.houtrescrve. ACRES TJ;;MPERANCE COL Sa le at. 1 o clock. See po~ters R. Moment, f) 0NTZ ATION L !1.N D, t akeu Oct. 22 tor sale at $260 premi 111 Adrlres1-1 Auctioneer. 'BANKl\:H Box 93 BOW"MA.l'l. VILL & Salt aud Pluste1 . .A.rnvcd, 1000 bogs Coarse Ln eriiool .Salt. "l:"ITANTED A HOUSEMAID- GOOD 2 oar loads.finest Ltve1pool Dairy Sa.It l 1f wagee v iven 10 a i::nitable pPr~on .Apply to MR' E G BURK, Large q u a.nt1ty Land Plaster. 189 tf .. TH EVERCJREH:N S. .. J. & D. MoDOtTGALL, Bown1a11v1lle. 216 30 l'o To ro To Ta L icenses 836 0[) Cemetery 880 05 Proceeds of Notes D1~countcdl99G ~9 Taxe g Collec.ted 19413 06 Sohool Fund. 4-88 00$2.\782 40 By Sundries By Poor Relief IS NOW COMPLETE. Goods of the Best quality sold at temptingly low price>'. Customers treated courteously and waited on with dispatch. 219 26 3J5 00 613 03 IBl L~censc Acct Rebat[\, By ]1re Department By Elect1on Aocouut I B o; Cemetery Ac<onnt By Pi mlln,.t Accou nt 20 VO 1121 16 u ... .._. u z > 85 00 76 80 6 33 157 10 0759 00 702<> VO 2035 00 !By Sheep K illed by nogs. 1:·40 l By Debentur es aDd Coupons j Farm Produce Taken at Market Prices. u 2019 ---- By School .Account I By Notes Discounted --- 1 $ 2.5061 97 \ :By County Rates , . 905 15$23005 Bala.nee due fi-om Troa&urer 83 1 07 Goods Delivered Promptly to all parts of th e Town . $ 200,;j f?armer s AUentlon T"o car loads fine Dairy DRrrPl Salt, Large quantity :One Da11y Salt in 60 lb, 125 19 a nd 2-10 lb bags Vla.te1 Lune and LH.nd Plaster at Munnoc~ A e:nbeoriptton in 'l euJpf'r~neeColoni"atlon lands, (6!0 acrt-'1-) mlrld le: of October, open tor a few days, Apply to or ~d dH !!\< l\.TORI B-WJ£~J' LAND FOR SALE ..l" "NORTH 'V}~Sr,' ¢qe¢a1adian$tab~man ..................~------~~-~- STATESMAN OFFICE BnoA, Bowmanv1He. W-o hereby Certify that we have examined the accounts of the T reasurer and find the same correct. Balance due from Treasurertwo thousand and fo1 ty-mne dollars and eighty-tin ee cents. Bowmanv1lle, Feb'y 6th, 1882 CHAS KEITH, I I JOHNS & JEWET rIJ, McQlung Bros' Block, Bowmanville: Wanl~d . T. H. VANN, } AUDI'lORS 13tJWMANVILLE, FRIDAY, MARCH 17 THE Onte n o L f g1stature was laat Friday afternoon . pro ru~nt' d A 190 SMART BOY TO LEARN THE Dry Gomlsbu ,,1ness .Apph hnnic,htttrlJ ELLioON & ro '.l'ende l's \l' auted. bm ldin)C SOx60 feet. on apuh ca.t1on to 19il l'>'i 7 McLEAN, t he Qneen' s nssa.1la.nt, hiu· been comu.ntted fo-r trial on a char go of high treason THE t ot ll p 1pul a.t1 on of ~1' a.n 1 tob a l.:i 65,954, and <if t he Nol' th V:lest Tl1rnlorhs 56,446,or ahnut 125,000 for the whole · f the No th \Vt'sr In r u i d nn1u! ers there ts 400,(100 000 a1 TL s' fl iud Io that couotry, wh11h le.,.ves 1he pr i sent po1ul. a 1 1~n at n.huut on~ per,,.o u to 1:1very 8,000 acres. There 1s a big g'p yet to fill. F OR THE ERECTION OF A FRAME SuLINA Fm ther tlFI' t1culars ·~vM BATJEX, I. WESTCOTT wishes to return thanks to Jns many custume1s fo r past favors and begs to say that he has a la1ge number of IJRr GO ODS · , Fe ;1 the1·s ll auled, the UPPER 0AN .\DA FURN I TURE COMPAI'Y, Ro>,man ville, fo1 v. luch good pnces will be paid. Cheap F 0 r AT- SOLD c.as h A LARGE QUANTlTY OF GEESE nnd Chicken Feathere wantPd at once by (;lunclt of" the _, 190 Disciple~. IRON HARROWS! now ready for use, which he offeis for sale at very low prices fo r Cash Also a number of ONE a nd Two HORSE A. DICKSON'S I (SUCCESSOR TO W. ALEXANDER. ) n ya is ht!lll!.( 1ia1~ 1 n thr1 ·8IR Samuel I, Tilley'· list uf t.111 chrn1 b o]y da1nagtd 111 us1 r1:11hm1~ CITY OF THE DEAD. fif.::.T OF l'PR:·vr~s INrER t ED IN nqW\fAN~ VfLLE CEME TER Y SI "<OE .JANUARY lST, 1881 u_h 1h ~ co ntitry T he ~t J uhas Teleg raph s how~ up 1t-. f.ds1ty us for i:cs th.,_ t c11y rn c· 111<.:e ned, aud n w t~ e Loud~ i ti Ad\i t- r ns ·r 11i:es to remark "The ltsr gtv~s a fuctor y 1\8 I a.1 l! g bei-11 '"ta t d tn Loi don en1p 1oy111g 130 tands Theie ta U t) 1SU1,;h fal t r:.t· h..-11-\ ' ed to 10· au. ~ 111 ate 1h~ ~1 1<" a "'"- 1ll Gut a 1 h;i s l een 1e111 puce I t y th e Co n t 1\1 r~h :.i. l to d1s11 1s al f, 111u th H army lo s of s la y anrl Se\' e1 year~ · c nfi11e1ue11 t Th i ~ S r i! e11 ce we a f-' MUr ~ w l\ gn e ev...-rytu d u more n ·sp ct f 1 SAR G EA NT J\lASON 111p CULTIVATORS I BLY on Rrown Streit a pair or gold· f1a.m d l'pPctacles 1n Je111bfT Caf:\e A n y JJersnn rl:it 1nn'n g them to this oftlre or t o Mr \V R \TCl TFf.E 01 M PROUT will be su1hthly re \\ arderl , 190 2w* O N OR \BOUT MARC Fl 1st, PROB A Piano C.w Sale. nowrnodyfo..... W Fa1mers will do well to call and examine these i mplements. ~STAND -Corner Brown and Kmg St1 eets. 189-4w The last Chancel - - - - ( o ) -- - - ( o ) -- - \\h ·" t **=*::;;:.*=*=*=*=*=*=* II *T .E3: E~ II ~ **=*=*=*=*=*=*=*~* EI:OUS1bi 4 *=-*=*-=*=~==*=*=*=** DON'T FORCET IT I (o)--- - of th v l t.v Jtl tht:1 O u 1t1o< 8t1t ~ I)r b hly t1 h n fir1 ~ at helpl{!!S a .~ a~s 1u }l:tsot tl 0 ght h \\! is II HJ th e to t y How ,t. BR10.K COTT AGE ·1th ELEVEN We take great plea.sure m offei ing our thanks to om flle nds for their ~'-\. I ACHES OF LAND on E'""I' ~.·ct, ext< ns1ve pat1oi1ao-e an I for mc1easrng proois of th eir con ficlAnce in our an\ 1ll e 1>pµI} to "\V ).I ARMSlR~ ?'G 011 b j ·h · 1 r< """ ' pt-rforn.tn!! a11 I ~ro1c a< t f r wl ich h nn,...h r . . c .,. i11 a n o n1111ul pn111& l1n1 ent ann a retl r~w r:i, but he h ..i s i.li h1111s~ lf 1· (ntwd b]<1.111 e tf he now fin ls \ h .-u t oo Hou se Vi e are plea<ed to announce that the bulk of om Sp1 m g pm t lrnuc e fot· .ih~ih·ed chases have now arnved and owrng to the g i owrng requuemento> ot our )"; 11·in ei·"'· mcreasing tia<le. we shall ohow 0111 custume1s mo 1e r,nve1 ties, more designs and moie staples than "e hM e evei before exlnbited Our goods this season have cnme to. waid prnmptly and eaily \\ e a1e 11ow m excellent tmn and shall be p eas13d to see ou1 f11ends · 189 DICKSON'S - - - ( o ) - -- - Fine Clothing to Order. The .finest Crompton's Corsets. diffe~rent makes Both VVh1te1;1.nd C ofored, a l1::0 the WO\ en 0 01 ::ie tA 1 ThompBon s p:lo\ e fitting The choicest stock of lfate11 ls for fine Clathing A full line of thcso celebra.ted co1se t.s 1n ni ae corsets, etc , etc est IIO\eltrn"', 'All oumpar1,,fln8 are 0(1Hrn " If youreqmre flue c lothin;; "··the plentoful ,perhaps petple:x:mg, prom1sc t uus profusion on J Th Leather lloth, d b d u1 e:-.oee mg1y s11 st.an t 1a.1Em comp11.rative1y THE BALANCE OF I ourshelvesandcountere, __,,.,,," ch oana1 t 1 o le1s mcetrng with th e a ppco<alo! [all who ha\ e given it n. t ial \\7e lune just opened anoth e rcttsei f this p.>pul.u ma.tcnal ALEXANDER'S DRY GOODS STOCK ~~ ' 1als ha,ebeense utto 1h pen1te1 t 1 >1ry,'-'l1 0 if they had been 111 En 1 n f " o ulrl be per m ttt:id to " " a k abroad 1n the1r ow 11 nHl.Je~ty ,, \' htin the r1nb l 1 c found th11t Tweed was r eJoilly the s~111dl tc r an d t111~f the ne\'SP<lP~'g cha ued h in wi t h being h~ and his ooofederates we re pun1"'hed Ju::itt1ce in lue l'lace was sJow but sure, MAY. Shirtings. Solid Check Shirting"', G ·ileter~ - -EOUGJ!'c:ZT StrJped Shirt ~T-- Annie E Hill, 2n, consnmptwn · Ja.u e A111r1ay , 78, w Jrro J\int ray, o1d a.go Fa.1111 y 1 72, w R o b ~ rt D "r, ;ip 1-'J.-xy ~ -.,;aniu 1 HuglH s, f>G, 1~11 ked b,! a }i, 1se Katy lTa1 1e_, 26, d S11nl Il1rnrj co118ump tun Mary, 42, w VV u1 McDoua. 1d, ca.ucer .TUNJ~. (185 tf) in the Caii1:: of Gn1teau n1nch l1ct-n e gl' eu to Amenca llt:!WSL aper5 Bild they take Ddv,nl11ge of it to auch a degree tlrnt they bnnu forword >he mos t outrageous charge 1:1.g a111 ~ t pol111{ al opuou enta, and the conseq11ence 1s that" wolf" is shout~d so of~~ n tl:a.t when he doe ~ come pet1ple arc slow to believe in lus pre ¥ 1snce Bnt le~ the American people orice understand a maa 1· guiliy, · and, l thou;ht lo ts ( f time nmy be gt' en him, le IE! sure to 1neet his dt:st"r ts Su lt has been with M, oon so s hall it be with G1111ea· &a it HJ Rev S muel Gibbs, 73, apoplexy Malu1 'm , 38, s Hugh S1nuh, pa.ralysi1 Mi\rt hi-i, 70 w \Vnt \V~1r , ahs1ef B E1 1za, w Samuel Arni 1 ur, ch·ld ~1r t h Robt11 t Strutt, 74, u1tla.mn1anon lungs JU L '\: DAKOTA, &c. \Ve >v1 ll f:l <'nd D1 llyc 3 Cel ebrated Electro VoltH1c He ' ts and other E lect11c .t\.pphanc.:a ,..,n ti ut.l for thu tl du' s to :roung n.cn and o lder peism s \\h o ur e offi1cted \~Jth Ne rvnus Deb11Lty LusL V Hahty et< . v. uurant.. e ing speedy relief and complete restoration (if vtgora.nd ma.n h nod AJ-..o for H.het11nat1a rn Neuralg a Para l y's1~ Liver nnd Kidney d 1fflcnlt 1es R up t ures .l.\Od many other d 1s ea:o;es lllu strated pamphlet sent free Add1ess Vo lta1c Bc1tCo l\1a.rsball Mich. Ot1r spa.ce does not permit an enumeration of Josepbine, Jovin. Florence, Dent's Corset Kids the 'arfou"' hnes kept, b ut a cat'el:ul in~pec1Jo n a nd our special mukeu.t 0. populorprJCc tn 2 and Wtll d1'd...lose lhe fact that we bave ma."l:y des1r- [ Kid Gloves. Half Cost P rice, must be Sold Out to make room for New Stock of STA PLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, MILLINERY AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS. - - -- - - (o) - -- -- to Manitoba Frank, 5 s Robt Cherry, b1hous fever Elza 12, w Sa.ml Leachma.u , ct:.111g lungs Jnst'j ph An ,new, 87 old a~e No1vHl \V~nt, 73 (Oshawa) Ehz 1hot h~ 37, d I-l R 1t1b1ns, onn oer Joh n F Al w, 38, hemorha"e of lung· .AUGr.'ST GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY, !lleans Cqshioned Carn all the way, ta.st time and lowest rates f~GE'O~'~fAS'ON:~:~TJEFFERY TH IR TY DA YS I Stapl e ane Fancy Dry G<>o?s Olo t h rng to Order, 1 The :2 ale Will I. ast for ' I - - -(o)---- I ~-~-·-- R o b t , H 11 s W "'l kl' d hy h 01s t ~ ~ 11or, 1 c 1 Kate, 37, w J, se!Jh Net} pttl t n ius Ehza, 66, '~ Sam Gl ddon , pHr<tlys1s Emma L, Um d WR Pi¥gott, dysentery \\ 1 ha.10, infa nt , a Edm lJ!Jd Brown SEPlEMBER. Mack's Jllng1U'tle Jl e<l i clne-the g-1eat b1ain and nei ve footl-w. Jl re><lo1e Jost natu1e to young 1111dd e .wed a nd old Life ls too ehort to 'vaste a\.\ -.v Rea r'! the ad' errlsf'ment in anot her ~Te o· lu mn a.n d 1f you are afthcted make no d(-lay in p1 ocntlnl! the cheHpest and b~st wedio1ne Toi cvel' "'old Stotr &Ju1y, agents SPECIAL EXCURSI 0N TRAIHS I = = = = = = = = = = = = = THE PREVATLTNG hPlZOOTIC ' AMONG HORS ES Ch·· Payne, 32, dr psy Arth. D ., Um, s j N Kev11l, conu- brain 'V m HenrJ, 25, a Thoe '11 cw1n 1 1nsiu11ty, Chn st1 fl her ):[ nnti , 68 par 11ysis R .\nah, 74-, y; Joo 80111e s "r , deh1h ty R lper t Go !Om, e Geo E1n1ns, 1 ecthm~ \\ m P l'J ley, 59 dr< psy R htot r L1 "P, '19, 0 1 cl ~gR coveting the di~tance between onto and Winnip?g in three' days, a feat whioh no other road can touch . RA T ES L~;ss '!'TI AN IN TORONTO THOS. YELLOWLEES, ft atlroad and Steamship 'l ieket Agent Bowmanvllle , l\.1a1oh 16 18$1. I BUSINES_S_CHANGE ! W. Brittain&Oo. having bought ou t LYLE BROS' GROCERY BUSINESS, ( Bounsall'· Block) beg t o call Fannei s' attent10n to this fact We shall now be able to supply all with ehea p a nd choic e quality of !Spring Goods AR. R.XVIN" C~- .. - - - - (o) -- I - N ·E "VV'- ENNISKILLEN STRIQ'I1LY ONE PRICE. =· " Ger1tu~e 20~ d Hugh Mnllen. b1l io11s fn·> d1&f a J· hu Ch ·R, Tienr\ ' 3 m, s F J n . . . tley, dyBrl.ut ery Groceries & Provisions. We shall also be able to take all kinds of Fann Pro<luce, namely .~ The Bi_gges_t Day:.-0£ the _ Ye_ar-1:P Mens"--S mts, Jo ROys _ Butt e1 ,-Eggs, Po1k,-Laid, Po11lL1y, etc, etc ~mts and <> Uvercoats. Old fogy1sm is played out. young Lyle Rros will cvntmue tben· office hete and buy every description of Men are bound to succeed, Call on the giver of good fitsGiams, Se <ls, etc , etc -po not f&1l to give us a call befote disposin g of your produce We will pay part cash fut 1lutte1, Egg,, etc Lyle B10s will pay cash- for Mir.cle, 73, es __ :qQ\:E1tf.BER \farga.,.et, 23 ~, d fno Smith, cnnsnmph n M,,ry, 78, w J110 Fr:ink 1 rhe umat1sni P!Wfll!~ EI' ANY QUANTITY CRAINm VVINTE R LYLE BROS, Bowmanv1lle1 Mai1cl1 9, 1882, ~ - H. JVES @"He will fit y.>u every time, CLOrfii IN G. t;M"No Bagm' Co(its 93, w Jo,.hu!l Hay "' ard , ©}~1 R.f! A Cha.1 les inf 1d;,~ 'V l\.IcC nllo11gh conv11I~ ' ns HAIAn , 4_3 d l)uncfi.n l\IcKay, O<i!U i!UDlflt'n Ly<l 1 ~, W. BRITTAIN & CO., Grocers, (189) Bounsall 's New Block Krng St Grain Merchants. ~His Stock of' COLLARS, Rll!RTS, TIER Gwns, and 8 rt11: lIANDKEl\CHIEFS are the best value Jn town His f:;cock 18 all ]i ew P. T. Barnum Falls Into l rne Vi!r111u ~ exchanges, we nOdce e,,; ~ t'CPt.} dl Bll !lcl JOll gH f')l ]Ii pr1 llll Sca.nn1ng £.!Ur n01 t Ne,... Y rk d;.i1l1e~ to Ba.1n11u1, Ba1lttv & Hut lnnR· n s sti O)! e 1 1dors~~ mf;'Ot f St J.iroli· Oil >s a pa1n-rd1·\ er TheJ tOrl, Ennrnk1llen , March 16, 1882 RICHARD SYLVESTER. tl l'l!O' ~008 , 100 i w. haV0 f~) len lfitu J Ille H WOUid E!e tllll Rare C hance fo1· F£J)RU.!RY, 1~a1·m. -Oinc·1m1ti(U) /i. llquirei Ma lueNcws. Hop B1tters. w h1ch are ad vertised in ou1 eolumns are a sure cure for a1::u0. biliousness and kidney complaints fbos-o "ho use tbcm :say they cannot be too hu~hly r-ecommended 'Those atH10ted snould µn e ~hem a fau trial and w111 become thereby enthus1Mt1 c in th e praise .of ~heir c urative qua.htles - J->01 tland A 1 fJUS A b'ClV Dcpnl 1in p Richard Squire., 40, conge·t·on lung· Ed wa rd Silver 71, paralysro Phehe Am,, 67 , w F Y Cow le, bronch ha Cather1ne,8Z, w 'Vn1 K111sm'ln, corig lnn~s \Vm Rob:-.1t, 41n, s Chas Fox, scrofula H elen, &2, w Duncan McK0J, old age l/AJl.(iH \\..,..e Uc n£Jt a.aver·1se oux- ::;tock c.t ccst netlber d o w.e cont~u1 pl.,,te _g()mg t ~ he N ( r' \Vest, but ·we nr-e deternuned to Sell Pi.J~Ji: ])nuag As cl cup a;:i an~ hOUfl O 1n the uade Gh c us a 1tr1u.L J . H1~v r '"'"' :!><· ..rl , _

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