-G curteUtJes or Medlen l :Practice I.It the CATARRH.- .A. new 'l'reatment whereby a SometblnR'. About a. Widow Whom Got· 'FlowM-y~K'logdom . permanent cure is effected in from one to threa ham Society Woos l.D Vain. treatments. Particulars and Treatise free on A Hong Kong colTesPQndent of the -BYreceipt of stamp. .A.. H. DIX0N &. SON,!3<17 A coITespondent writing to St. Loui~ London T elegraph, writes : A quack mediKing Street, West, Toronto, M. A.JAMES, from New York, says :- I am not quito cine dealer was offering to a ·~rowd, nos- · AT THE OFEICE, WHAT THE REV. E. B. STEVENSON, B.A., A su~e whether or not it ~ias ~ppeared in the trums for every complaint. This genLle- restores, with the glons rt1 Hl frcsh nc!-=s Clf CLERGYMAN 0~ THE LONDO~ CONFERENCE DisJJG:tch. I rather tlunk it h~s not. ~ut- m:i.n, whose stock in trade consis' ed of a youth, faded or gray hail· to a 11at.ln-:Ll, rich I" .ts& om cc Bloch, King St.,Bowmaa-ville,Ont OF '.l'Hm MaTHOIHST CHURCH o~· CANADA b rown colol', or <lccp b lack, as may Uc desired. HAS TO SAY lN REGARD '1'0 A. H. DIXON & I beh~v~ every other paper m . America few bottles, h ad a number of cliagrams D y its use light or retl hair m:ty 1)C da rkenctl, TER~S: has withm the past ~?nth p~bhshed the purporting to represent the course of illSoN'S NEw'l'REA1'MENT F'OR CATARRH. thin ha ir thickcuctl, ttllll balll110:;s oflcu, $l150perannnm,or$1.00ifpaldtnadvance the widow of A. nesses in the human b ody. As a matter OAKLAND, ONTARIO, CAN., March 17. 1883. announceme~t that not a lwa ys, c nre'l. T . Stewart is_expec~ed t. ? re-~;itcr tho o" fact, they were absolute nonsense, but tllough Payment strictly in advance required from Me.~srs. A. H. Dixon, &: Son. lt checks fa lling of t.he hair, m id :::tinnl· DE ~R Sms-Yours of the 13th instant to hand. New York soci~ty tlus wmter, and for the good Chinese who stood with open eubsor1bers outside· of the county. Orders to dlBCOntinue the paper muet be accompanied by It seem.s almost too good to be true that I am several years tlus announcement has been mouths around him and listened with lat.es n. wenk n.11tl sjck ly grv wt,11 to vigor. l t p revent,s alH.l c ures scur i' :uHl lla nUrufr, :u al t;he amounu due, or the paper will not be stopped. cured of Catarrh. but-I know that I am, I have . . wonder to a.U he said, knew no better, so heals ll e~l"ly every < subscribers are responsible until full payment is had.no ret.urn of the disease and never fel t made each fall. lisc(neo pecnlinl' to the bette1· In my life. I have tried so many things made. No ? Mrs. Stewart will. never aga1n ?e that for all practical purposes his pictures sc:1lp. 1\s, a Laclie~· Hair Di·<'~si11g, the for catarrh, suffered so much and for so mariy years, that it is hard fo1' me to realize that I aru iseen m N~w ~ork Society._ S.he will were good enough. RA.TES OF A.DVEUTISING I I~;;; Vio on. is unequnllod ; i t t:ou1,a.iirn 11c iti1cl' oil better. \sp~nd the remam~er of ~er .life m memCurionsly enough, however, J1e was nor d ye, renders L he h air sof:it, g-losf' ~'. n.JHL Whole Column one year ............. $5e 001 ~ ~,,; really I consider that mine was ·a very bad case ; it " u Half year ... ... .. .... 30 00 ~:;~ .va.~ mj 1rn PEI: RY DAVI3 J'AIR RILLER a.eta aggrav11.ted and chronic, im·olving the tories of tho past'. m c~er1shmg the fame most eloquent upon a medicine, which I silken iu a ppea rance , a.nd i111pa,r t::s a. dc:Hcn1o, " " One quarte~ .......... 20 00! z:::; throat w!th 1 0,, 11 clerlul rc1 p iclir11 nnd 11·ver fails as well a~ t.he n:tsal passages, and I of he1: husband., m dom~ dee~s ?f unos- have since found has just made it appear· agreeable, antl 1ast.ing perf ume . Half Column one year .. ............. 30 oo;- - thought w:1cn t.ak"n n.r. the corn mon~cmcI't ofn.n attn.ck I wollld require tho three treatments .. " Half year .............. 20 001tcntat10;is cl~anty, and m ~nJoym~ ~ho ance in England, under a pat ented n !l.me )[It. U. P. B 1uc1 11m writes from llfrb11 . ()., to r ':7c C hr,lera, Cholera 11."Jo·bus, as but feel fully cured by tho two sent mo, and I 0ne quarter. . . ... . .. .. 12 50:y :J, 18:;'.Z : " La~t f a l I my ha.h· c~1111 nll'llCC d wc! l ns fill s1;.1u..aur complaiuls of1t similax na.· He declared it .lnl am thankful that I was ever inliuced to eend . compa1.nons1up of a select circle of life- -namely, l\ient hol. fa.lling ont, a 111.l in }L S110 l't t i111e I' ·b ccamo Quarter Column one yesr .. . ., ...... 20 OOjt urc. to you. would cure 11li diseases if rubb~d into Hearly b"lJ . l nse<l part, of 1t llot.t!e o f " .. Halfyear ...... ..... 12 50 You are at liberty to use this letter stating lon,g friends. " .. One q narte1· . . . ... · . . 8 oo - 5 that For Suc'!.Ci.c~ ColO.:;i, Sere 'Ihl'oi.t, Ett:c, Our chomi;t s and clrnggists Avmt's If All' Ywmt, wllicll stoµp<;cl tlic fall· I have been cnred at two freatments, and . ~he spend~ h~r sm~mors i1t Sarat oga, the skin. 1 ing or tI1c hair, nncl started n ncw"l;<rowtll. J 3ix lines and under, first insertion . . $0 50,= I shall gladly recommend your remedy to some hv.mg there m imperial splendor. She now advertise it as an antidote to neur- ha.vc A toMpomifq l of f' AT" · l\ rr,1,r. n t~kcn At the n ow a f u ll hc:Hl of 1 1a.ir g r o wi ng virro r~ Each subsequent inaer.tion .., ... 2~j of my friends who a1·e sull'erers. h<'e-if't"'!iPrr <f an ntt.-1ck wi ll l ,.,.,,.c OT\ StllliOSt dnves out, she walks, she attends t h e alcria so that after all the Ohincso quack ousl y, nnd nm conYincetl t h :Lt h ut f 01· tho lfrom six to ten lines, ftrst inse1·t10n., O 7., _ Yours with many thanks. n evtH' failh.. g cure, end Bl1YO11ut...:;11 s ufferi ng. uRe of ')'OlH' p 1 ·cpu.ratio n l should lui.vc be.e n superb go,r~<m concerts. Indeed, she d;ct~r was n~t such a ~·ogue :1s he looked. e 11t ire l y bahl. " Each subsequent insertion...... 0 35!-10 REV.KB. STEVENSON. )ver ten lines,first insertion,per line 0 lOJ .· i'o~· ~ooth:i.c:n.~. :.e1."s ::.s. C c ~::.c ,~. Cuts, seems to enJ oy life t here as fully as do Tho price of his drugs was high. He had ·.roRONTO, April 2t, 1882. Each subsequent insertion, " 0 O l!j.-. J . \\". l3owE:s-, proprietor of the ,l fc Ar l hnr :Srui~os. £:0. any .of t h e ga;rer a;nd you1!-ger guests. nothing under two-pence, which is a h rge (Ohio) fi:uqii·lrei-, "'Y· : "A nm's lLU it \'JGOll A. H. D1:xon, E.qq., 30.S Kina St., U7est. 'l'he num Ler of lines to be reckoned bJ'.1 ·Ohinu, but is :i u1o>t e xcclleu t prepns ation fot· Lile hair. th~ P AJ:<· E TLT.F.!l. will bo found n willi~ P." 11lll"· he space occupicd,.measured by a scale of; DE.A,R Srn,- We take pleasure in stating that In Winter she lives l l l her Fifth Avenue sum among the peas:tnt.q l speak of i1, f ro1n l)ly OWH cxp r 1·io n~e. H i:: sic ia n rc:i.d v rn ~ nbh to r r:do~o y ou r Flttffering solid Nonpi;:reil. 1 -15 our junior uartner, who had for years been mansion. A MlLLIO~.A.IRE's HOME. sold.great numbehrs of packets and did a u so promotci:; t h e . gtowth of 11cw )1 :..til', :w tl without delay, u.nJ c t a. very insigni1iciA.llt eo5t. troubletl with Catarrh. was successfully cured nut.kcB i t gl o~BY a w..l soft. The Vr(:o n is n.lso 1 roanag trade for ours. presently had by three ti·eatmonts of your remedy. ThG snre c ure ~or 1 1a.u dn tlf. ~ot.. wi t h in rn y :li'llr Colic, Cr~::n.pz r,ncl :ovsentciT Cattanh wasmnch aggravated, with continual Both Mr. and Mrs. Stewart had a taste an opport unity of seeing how li t t ie cliffer- a. J,. l'OTTElt, Jl.D. knoll"le<lg" !las the prrparaL 10n ever Jailed in :Horses t he p 11,,--K IT.T.f:R }io,g no equal, dropping into the throat. accompanied by loss for books imd works of art, and when they encc existed bet ween him and t he re· to gi\' c cut ire saLisfaction." R.A.DUA'l'E of Que~n·a College.,&;ini;aton; or voice, hawking and spitting and blocking up and it. bas nc·<: t' b een known to f:i.il to effect a ano Member of Ool.-)ge of Physicians and of the nostrils, all of which we are pleased to moved to their old F ifth A venue mansion cognized professors of Chinese medicine, cure h1 a sir.gle i:.htan co. I t is used i n some l\I l t . AX GU S ITAi ltl~AlR~. lender of the Surgeo11e, Ontario. . ' of the largest li 1"P~ ry ~t:.lJl~s itnd ho1~e infirmsay disappeared almost immediatelv after the t ml "li .,n.irbai l' U l,..,mnily " of Scott ish Ktir o.nce and Hesldence, Enniskillen. 17. reme::ly was applied. Your remedy ls certainly they began gratifying their t iwte pret t y being taken by the leamed Dr. E itler t o cclcb1·a aries in the world. Tore~uscit11te yonng lu mbs V ocal is ts, Wl'itcs f ro rn n os/on, J lf tt.ss., Jlcb. (i, freely. Th ey bought thous;mds of vol· a native hospital. Here, seated on three or otbe-r stoek c~1 il!ed :mil rJ,~ing frnm eold, a an invaluable on'e and we hope nll who may 1S80: " J~~ ve r sin ce my hair began to give sil- ------ littlo P .ux-K 1r.r.F.R mix<>d wi : h m ilk will r&be suffering from this disa~reeable disease will umes-not indiscviminately, but wit hoare- little stools at three -tables, sat t he very cviJ011ce of th" ch:u1ge "Liell J tccLiug Dl'. A. JH'l'l'H, ~torc them to !:cu.Ith very q uickly. give it a trial, as we are sat.isfied they will find ful selection. Paintings . by the ablest "faculty" waiting for patients. The in. t ime procureth, I l1ave nscd AYEH'S HArn RA.DUA'l'E OF THE TOUONTO UF<IV:l~R success. YtGOH, a nti so h:wc been a ble to maintain ~Tho. P'1in-Kiiler is for en le by Druggi,>ta :r SlTY Physician, Surgeon, &c. Office King it a complete masters found place on the walls of their digent crowd as it came in, selected its Yours very traly, an ~ipp oarancc ot' yout hfuhws!i-a. rnfttter of Apotl1ecar ic,, <:.lr ocers u.rn.l !11cclicin<3 Dealers StrE>.it, MORRIS' B.LOCK, Bowmanville. WM. NORRIS & SO?<", ·s, orahome, and marble statues al most worth own physician and went to him. Then co11sideraUle conscqucucc t o mi11iste1 throughout tho world, Wholesale .l:'iaH(lS and Organs. their weight in gold found also lodg- ensued a species of treatment which was t ors, n.ctor::;, :\1H.l i n faet every oue ·wiio Jives iu tile eyes of the public." No. 8 Adelaide St. East. J. W, l'lle.lllUghlln, JIJ. U., ment there. about as curious as can well be imagined. l\[nR. 0. A. P1 u:scorr, writing from 18 Elm lCl!;NTIATE Ob' THE ROYAL COLLEGE ~ When they decided to build a new h9me The Chinese have a theory that there is St. Chm-lestown, Mass., April H , 1802, mys : of Physician9 and member of the Royal P<"JlR I ' PERRY 1 years ago ft.b oa t t.wo-thinli-; of rn y h air ·' 'Iwo at Fifth .Avenue and 'I'hirty-third street, a different pulse in every limb. They al. Colltige of Surgeons, Edinbur~h. · Continues to do a General Banking Business a ca rn e otf. .It thi nnHl ver y rapidl ~,i, and I was Office: MORRIS' BLOCK King-at., Bowman· they determined to m ak'O) it what it is and so liold that all complaints are connect ed f1 1st growin ...· bnhl. Ou us ing AYgu/ s lfAJit itsBowmanvillo Branch. ville. is l~kely to remain, unapproachably t he with either fire, air or water. And t hey VI GOU the ¥a.Hing stopped and ~L new g ro wLlL commenced, and in :tbout a month my head DEPOSITS The above works are running full blast to finest relfidence in the city. An able place immense faith in the benefit to be was DR, J, C. lllITCJBl~J,J,, completely < -.ivorcd with short hair. I t up with orders. Some very large orders. Italian painter and his assistant spent two derived from puncturing any affected has Received and foterest allowed thereon "a.t the conti11ne<l Lo grow, and is no\v ns good as EMBER 01!' COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS keep have been received lately, including a hand· rate of FOlJR per cent per annum. No notioo aud Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. So it came before it fell . I regularly used but 0 1J0 bottle some Monument for Isaac Best, Clarke, Alex years frescoing t he walls and ceilings. part with a long needle. of withdrawal necessary. All deposits p!.yable tl10 Vwoi1, but now uso it occasionally as Office and ltesiuence, Enniekillen. 71. l!'. Carscadden, Clarke. WE EMPLOY NO AGENTS The carpet of each room was woven to about that when a man entered,. and con- of on demand, a d n.:::ssiug ." and are selling ·romb Stones, Monuments, etc.. at low.er prices in consequence. Our cm to· order in a single piec©. The furniture of sulted one of the "faculty" about a pain ·we h:we hunclrccls of similar testimonials EXCH&.NGE D, IllJJtKE SUIP80N, mers get the commission themselve~. It will each room was made to order, with ape· in his leg- probably rheumatic in its na- t o tho efficacy of AY ";R'S HATR V!GO!t. It ARlUSTER SOLICITOR, &e., MORRIS pay any person who intends erecting a monu· mal intent to h:w-monize with t h e carpet, ture-tho lettrned man, after glaring at needs but a trial to convince the mo~t skepti· Rought and sold and Drafts issued upon Eu.rope, P.· BLOCK, up' stairs, King. :-itreet, Bo-.vman- mont to the memory of a departed friend to frescoes, lights, and shadows, and uses of him for some time through iin enormous United States and Canada, also Go!cl,Silver and c:J.l of its value. wri.te me or see me pcrsono,lly hefore placing United States Green backs bon1tht and sold. vllle. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. then· order. I gua1·antee first class wu·k at the room. Every convenience and luxury pair of goggles, proceeded to feel " ankl e· Prh'ate l'lfoneys loaned at the lowest rates, PRE P..!.REP BY lowest possible prices. COLLE<JTJONS that genius could devise, or money pur- pulse," which, when found to his satisfac. Dr.J. C. Ayer&.Co., Lowell, Mass. Promptly made at current rates upon all parts chase, was obtained. Each window in tion, indicated some very wonderful facts . ·John Kcltll Galbraith, of Great Brittain, the United States and Do· Solc l by all Druggists. the building consists of a single sheet of The man was suflering, ho remark ed, MARBLE " WORKS, AR ltl ~TE R, SOLICITOR, NOTARY minion of Canada. ' 251-tf. PORT PERRY plate glass, those on the :first floor being from " fire" in the leg, and must be PUBL.IO, &.c. Office- Reed's Block, o.ver 'I'. Battmgs store, King Street, Bowmanv1lle.· Telegraph Tn.·ansf'er'ii 6x15 feet in size. rhese, as well as the punctured; saying which he stirred up .Money to lend mirr0rs that adorn the rooms, were made the limb with a long needle, t ill, I who Made for large or small snms on all pal'ts of Canada. 1'his is especially advant'l.geous to expressly for the house, in a factory speci- looked on onJy, felt positively ill. '!'his ST··JOHN II. UlJT(:llESON, We beg t o annonncA to the public that we persons living in Mamtoba or tbe North-west ally constructed for the purpose, and operation complet ed, ho produced a tiny are prepared to do a general insurance business, as it makes the funds available a t onoo at the ARRISTER, & ATTORNEY. &c. representing as we do a number of first class special looms were built for weaving the pl aster, prob1ibl:..- an inch and a half place of payment. NO'rARY PlJJJLIC. MONEY TO LOAN· Companies we shall be glq,d to give prompt at- car pets and curtains. For furt!-ler particulars call at tbe Banking square, and giving it to the man told OFFICE-OVER STATESMAN 0FFIG!ll. tention to 1>nything in that lin e. We r epresent. Ilouse. also the Ontario Loan and Savings Co .. of HOW THEY LIVED, Af'D LOYED, .urn him to put it on t he leg a t night. The GEO. IvicGIJ_,r,, T.BRODIE, Oshawa, ancl accept deposits on its behalf al· PAJl.TED. patient, who seemed to have perfect conManttger. Accountant . ROBERT A.Ill'llOtllt, lowing 4 & 5 \)er cent intere·t Crom date of 2~7-ly . ....._ .A. '£. Stewart founded no family . fidenco in t he doctor, hobbled Q.ff, and the Jr) EGISTRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER rer,e!pt. tur·n of the next victim then dame. He Guaranteed Cure for Gonorrhoea. and Gleet: Parties ref.]uiring loans will find i to their 't "'\ of Marriage Licenses, Barrister and Attor· " When his widow follows him "to the laml cl . . b bl I Safe, pleasant and reliable. No bad effects . rniy at Law and Solicitor in Chance~y. Money advantage to get our terms. 1. 1 d of the silent maj outy" there will be none 1 la a pam m 118 iea ' pi·o a Y laving from its use. Does not interfere with business 1 )aned on Real,Eatate. Office on Kmg street, . k' ~ d h J smoked too much opium or drunk t oo o· or diet. Price $2 per box, or three boxes for$5. 3owmanville. f h 1s name or · mcu·e to-gat erupt 1e 'Ve are agent.s for a number of first class remnant s of the splendid fortune h e left. much samtschu. The doctor was quite .Written guarantees iasucd by every ·d uly · d 1 · ·r h "l l b t equal to the occasion. He seized his n. T. J.>Bll1l.J·S lines, among which is the White Star Line the b e 1 u n nm. wo c 1 c ren were orn o vict im hv t he h ead, and takino"' a small auth<;>ri·ed agent to refund the money if thre ICENSED AUUTIONEER for the County best fastest and best equipped Stc11mship cm them in their early married life. Tho , boxes fail to cure. Sent p~stage prepaid on the Ocean, and Car tickets to all points utlow· of Durham, Sales promptly attended. its frail life out in its first iron r od p roceeded to rub h is n eck t ill he . t 0f . est rates. We also represent W. D .Mathews first breathed Addrcss- Hamvton P. 0, 59. r m ade an a brasion at least an in ch square. rcceip price. or 'l'oronto, amt aro prepared to pay highest - ...--- - · - - - ..... cry. The second only lived three months . 'l'hen he r ub bed at :woth ei· s ,,ot, and y et DR. FELIX LE DRUN & co... 81 & 83 King prices tor Barley and all kindH of grain. It. lllJTCWSON. r st E t "' t s 1 p t s ld by P.irGies interested will plea3e note these facts. lt was, l k now, a great source of grief t o both M r . and Mrs. Stewart that no chil- another, t ill the ski:t was off in thr ee 'as . or~n o, o e roprrn ors. o AUCTIONEER, CONVEYAN:\ a,\\. tb.e Year 0 1 laces. This was all. The pat ient was all druggists m Canada. L ICENSED CER and Commss!oner in B. R. Sales at· 1 dren. should grow up t o cheer their later \\~el). -ll.iz<I. tended to promply ~nd_ at reasonable rates. , life . But it was no cause for m utual i'e· told to go. He. too, was suffering froi!1 1:-di"A.ddress- E_nmsklllen P. 0. JOHNSTON'S · " fire . " Yet ;there wa s no sound of a .... - - · - -- ·· · - - -criminations, nor even for a 1essening of mutual devot ion. I write this bect1use , murmur. The operator e vidently was OHN HUGHES.- Liceused Auctionfor any quant ity of as one who knows, I would like t o set t h e considered a V Ol'Y clever person. eer, Valuator and Arbit.rator, Fire and Life brand of u tter and wanton falsehood and Inside t he h ospit al the wards seemed toll Insurance, Notes and Accounts Collected, - J 'OR- · Money to .Lend on reasonable tet·ms. .Addree.s brutality upon the story so widely current be in excellent condition . . The pat ien t s Cartwright, Ont. 472 tlVE~ C~MPUINT, at one time, and, perhaps, still believed, there might ~i:we gone to a European And for Purifying the Blood. tlmt Mr. and M rs. St ewart lived many hospital had they so chosen; but t hey A FULL SUPPLY OF GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO it h as been iu'usa for 20 yea.rs, and has years in a state of estrangement, if n ot preferred t,he doctoring of t heir own peoproved to be t h e best preparation in the ev'erY man wbo buvs his Licen~e from ple, who, from all I h eard, are cer tainly I ·actual enmity. 111arlwt for SJ.L;.K HEADACHE. PAIN IN HENRY SYJ,.V:F:STEil. Ennisldllen. 198tf. ·nrn Sl!)E GR. BACK,_, LTVER COM· lt used to besmd that Mr. St ewart was verJ clev:or at . put ting frMturos or dislo· l'LA.!NT, P!MPLRS O l.-1 THE FACE cat10ns nght. , l>YBI'EPSIA, PIL1~S, nnd all Dise,.se~ ,} AT BO'l"l'Ol'll Plt1CF.S. R. YOUNr', V. S., r. ~s removed to displ.~ascd b ecause his wife r eared him n o I went into the pharmacy and found thr,t arise from ~· Diso1·dered Liver or an ~ the residence directly opposite the Drill i:npu re blood. '.l'ho,,se,nds of our best All kinds of farm produce taken sons to share his name and fort.1mo ; that the medicines were nearly all vegetableShed, forpierly occupied by P. C. Himes. Hie rcople t.c.ke it and give it to their chil· office will be in Mr. John McMurtry's Grocery in exchange for goods. his love for her had va.nished ; th:1t he h ad one, the rind of oranges, b eing in g reat <'n:~n. P.hys:cians prt·s:cribe it daily. Store. Hours from 9 to 12 a.m. and from l ;o 5 gone out to other women and lavished his request. But everything seemed harm' i"!wse wbo t.1!5() it oµce .reoou:unen:J. i~ to 1 228-,f. p.m., Sundays excepted. · oLhers. devotion and wealth upon them ; that less enough ; and if the patient s die I ltis made from Yellow Dock, Hondu· rtts Sarsn;)arEla, Vilu Che1Ty, Stillingia, 3owmanville. children wer e growing up that migh t claim should ~ay they are killed b y the disease ONEY TO LEND. - Loans can be · 7J2 Dandelio:i, bassafras, Wintergreen, and him as father, but not his wife as mother, and not by the cloctcrs, which is m ore obtained through the subscriber 'upon o~her well-known valuable Root.s and Farm l'roperty at an unusually low rate of and so on. than can be a:ver red !lf every English hosHerbs. l t is strictly vegetP .ble, nnd cau· interest. Fixed charges for Solicitor's fees. F. Lies ! lies ! lies ! worthy of mention her e pital. One thing I noted, however, and not huet the most deiicate constitution. CUB1'r'.i'. Bowmanville. 239·tf. It ls o!la of the best medicines ill use for only again to brand them as lies. it wM th. a t t he notions of anatomy were Regulatil.;;; t he Bowel~. Those who knew the Stewarts well; very vague <tt this place of healing, for all 0 o~; a~rf !A?f~F t·~u~ ::i~~~:li;: o~~J~~i~1:! Pianos Tnnefl & Repaired. knew well that while the quiet, almost the diagrams I saw were wofully wrong, for five doll<i.rB. ' X hose who canno~ obtain i> bottle of tbia grim, little old man was cold as ice and and could not ha.ve existed an hour h ad mcdicine~from t heir drugg-ist mny send us ono ARTIES 'WISHING THEIR PIANOS dollar . an·i. we will send ~it to tl!Cm. hard as flint in his busint;iss relations, the Chinese surgeons ever examined a Tnnedlor ;epaired can have them attended fl\' VI. JOI!l\'S'.rON II !JO,, Na;mi~oi1l?era, ,.. and while to t he world he showed few dead subject. to by leaving word at the DOMINION ORGAN Amheratburi;, ;r.Out. _ D~iro,it, ?.:l~J Co's OFFICE, Bowmanville. .A first-clas man sympathetic traits, towards his wife his ~---·· ~ .' JOW being in their · mplo:Y·. manner was always chivalrous, devoted, Albert Victor at Cambridge. tender. Two days in every year-t he AlbP.rt Victor will remain at Cambridge ROF. T. L. DOYLE,Pianist,Organist anniversaries of t h eir engagement and of and teacher of Vocal Music is prepared to their marriage--they never to the end of for only one. school year. He went there - El"'S?'"~e a. few more pupils. The best of refer· their 'lvedded life failed to remember and in obedience to the special wish of his mce can be furnished Great care exercised 'With beginners, and special attention given to commemorate with tender love -t okens. father, but in the education of a prince 'advanced puJ>ils. Those desirous of takini; ,'ttff" I am fully prepared to attend Funerals on To the clay of his death h e regarded her other things than the wishes of parents fl'n.str.uctions should apply at :Mr. Doyle's res1 · the shortest notice, at the lowest possible rates. as t he loveliest of women, and to this must.be considered ; and so to prevent ilence, 0r make it known by .directing a few Caskets and Burial Cases ready on short notice. lines to P. 0: Box 49. ·rerms $7.50 for tweh·e First-class hearse on very moderate term11. day she thinks of him only as the truest hard feelings between the two universities 8118ons. 239-tf Shrouds and Coffins oonstanth' on ·hand. Fun· and noblest of men, whose like she shall he will spend a few months further along eral cards supplied at once. Furniture Shop &. at Oxford. Then at the roquost of his not see again. Show Rooms...:...Bouneall'sN ew Block. royal grandmother, he will studyat Bonn, All furniture sold by me is made by the U. C Furniture Co. of Bowmanvllle. I do not buy in Germany. This, because t h e lamented slop furniture and represent it to have been Prince Consort was educated there- for Dr. Wilson's Case. made by the U. C. F. Co. of this town. the Queen, has not quit e forgotten Also agent for the LI·QUOR TEA for this town and vicinity. · It is cheap and as good as can be The case of Rev. Dr. Wilson, of King· her late husband , and in various got in t he market. A valuable prize given ston is exciting a good deal of interest in little sentimen t al ways she still !with every vound. church circles in the Lime Stone city and testilies her respect for him. But a good deal of attention among all cl asses aside from the sentiment involved, one throughout the country. In identifying can see an appropriateness in a young himself so intimately as he did with the prince who has not a drop of pure E ng wr.rn TEETR. Salvation Army, there is no doubt but he lish blood in his veins, finishing his edu WITHOUT TEETH. -HAS RECEIVEDdid violence to the usual custom of min· cation in a foreign country, and it is MY STOCK COMPRISES: isters in connection with the Church of hardly to be expected that a people who NEW C.A.SHMERES, LA.DIES' KID BOOTS .A.ND SHOES, PRA.()TJ()A.J, DENTIST, NEW BLA.IJK CASHMERES England ; and many another minister has are willing to have for eigners reign over been dealt wit h for irregularities no them will make any objection to t his LADIES' CALF, KID. BUTTON &LACED l\"'EARLY 'l'WENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE. NEW LACE CURTAINS, greater. . 'l'he conviction is strong, how- course. How long it will be ere Prince LADIES' FRENCH KID, BUTTON & LA.CED. Jlrttrous OxtdeGa 11 Administered tor l'atnles NEW QUILTED 'SKIRTS, ever, that in all this he was prompted by Victor, should he live, will become King 01·cratlons. LADIES' KID SHOES, BUTTON&. TIE. NEW FLANNELS, the purest and b est motives, showing a of England is, of course, beyond human OFEl()E "tf()()J,UNG'S BJ,OUK. LADIES' GOAT&. PEBBLE, BUTTON & TCE NEW SHAWLS, willingness to work with those accomplish - ken t o determine. There are two l ives Also Mens' and Children's of the above goods · ing good to men, even thoug h their mebetween him and t his goal, one of them, NEW PRINTS, ISL~ND thods wer e not in harmony with his own. though old, very tough; for I am told MEN'S LONG BOO'l'B, COARSE AND FINE, NEW CRETONES, g~~s ~fft:tt~~~~~~~~~~i~~ ifi3 t~ ~ ii~t£:! We~t On that accoun t sympathy seems every· that the decadence of Victoria's physical MEN'S LACE BOOTS,UOARSE AND FINE, NEW LADIES' COLLARS, ~tl{~~t g~~~~e;~f1ci~~e·b~~~ecea~r pa:~~ui~~ where with the Doctor . His large B ible powers bears no proport ion whatever to MEN'S FINE SHOES AND Gal'J'ERS. sas City, Council Bl u lrs, I1caven Atchison, NEW WINCEYS, class are urging his r estoration to his for· the rapid decay which seems to b e set t ling Minneapolis and St. P a ul. It connects tu Union MEN'S AND LADIE~' SLIPPERS.Q 7.f.~ 1 1 mer position, and a large number of the down upon h er m ental faculties. The NEW MENS' UNDER SHIRTS, Rtc~p'1~1~A\Tua~n~~eJ~~ ~~f~)~ 16° oae~~,~~a~t~~1i;n1~1: m eut i s u nriv al e d and m a gru flcent , being composed All the above goods sold NEW MENS' DRAWERS :i1ost !n~uential members are also joining Prince of W ales, however, is n ot ·st rong, 1 ~argr~i8Jc~l~~i[~~~~~e R~1lJi1~~t 6~~,~"'b.,.;,,~aj~ft m a similar r equest. The D ean evidentlv though he is getting corpulen t . Since lnn.u~s l?r cttie s t Pa.lac e Sleepintz Car s , a.nd the Best NEW ACTORY COTTON, feels in an awk ward p osition b et ween his sever e illness t welve years ago, he has Line of D in ing Ca.rs )n the Vi/ orld . Tht'ce Trr.iina NEW STEAM LOOMS doing what appears his duty to tho rules had to b e very car eful of himself. M any ~~;_v;~;\~f~~~~0c\~,~~~s~~~iJi~~:a~gf~tsau:fS~ Paul. vin. t he Pamous HARNDEN, L. D. N"l!JWFINGERINGYARN, ·of h is Ohurch and doing his own p ersonal predict that h e will n ever r each the throne --(0)-I "~LBERT 1!..IEA ROl.,ITE." Graduate of the Royal College of Dental NEW CAN.A.DIAN YA.RN, pleasure. The Bishop r efuses to have simply b ecause his mother will out live A N ew a u d Dir ect L ine, via. Seneca and Kanli;:a... ,,,, any thing to do in the matter, very him. But t hat the Prince intends t o kee,has r ecent ly beeu open ed b etween Richmoutl Surgeons, Ontario. N orfol k , N ewport N ewe. Cha ttan oog-a, Atlan tll. Aujudiciously standing aloof from a delicate choat these prophet s i£ h e can is sh own ORDERED yusta., N ash ville. Louisville, L e: : dngton , Ciu r :-.nat i, OFFICE OVER DICKSON'S STORE. 8 Parties buying Goods Will question in which it does not seem neces- in the trouble h e t akes t o bundle himself oii~~~~Pgi: P~~ ~~~~:i~i·lt~~J1ic?t~1 ~~~Il~ f.A.N'D GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. A ll T h rough :f'asaenge rs \i'1·a.vel on FaS~ures~ sary to interfere. Bishop Baldwin has up as h e emerges from the theatre into the Trains. -- -,. Pl!i-te Work executed in the latest and most Ticke ts ror s ale ~t a.11 p1·inci pal Ticket Otnccs in openly avowed his sympathy with Dr. night air, and in that abstemiousness of improved style of the Dontal .A.rt. the- Unite d States and Canad a. Wilson by t endering him t h e first vacancy diet which leads him to confine himself at D aggage checked tJ.i.roug h and rates o'f faro always ae l ow a.:s competito1·s that offer le~s advanTEETH EX'l'RA.CTED WITHOU'!' P .&IN that may occur in his jurisdiction. The the rich est banq uet t9 the plainest food. t agea. by B li.yrng from by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas, without injury receive prompt attention. Fol' d e t ailed i:ifor m atiou, g et' tho Maps a nd F oldindications point t o the fact that the r e- - L ondon Cor. Har:tford 'l.'imes. e rs o f t he , ~ to the patient, lig-io.us world has become sufficiently in CREAT ROCK ISL.AM O ROUTE, STOR7lJ: One door west STATESMAN office !'articular attention paid to the regulation of At your n earest Ticket Office, or a ddress earnest about r eligious work to overlook To speak with calmness and deliberation CHILDREN'& TEETH. R, R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, ordinary methods of work so long as prac- o:i all occasions, especially of circumstaces « CALL .A.ND lSEE.'ii91l Vite-Pres. & Gcn'l l1'g'r, Ocn'l Tk~. & Pa.as. Ast. JR!"ALL WORK WARR.ANTED·. _ Bowmanville, .A.ug, 30, 1883. tend to irritate, which tioal good is being accomplished. 266. CHICAQO, 16 PiJBLlf'!HED THE CANADIAN STATESMAN El.ERY FRIDAY MORNING, CATARRH. THE WIDOW STEWART. CHINESE QUACK DOCTORS. AYER'S Hair Vigor F armers Please ·Con'.:lider This. Col) 0 of G L l MAR BL E WORKS THE ONTARIO BANK r ( M W. SHAW AGENCIES. B DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S 0 B c~c -c.T JEl. El ' .- - - -- - -- - - - - - -- Ocean Steamships. L _____ _____ T. YELLOWLtES. W. F. ALLEN. Highest Price Paid I I I· i :a, J WOOL &.BONES. LEWIS QUICK, l I SARSAPARILLA DYSFEPIA, A Stoves & Tinvvare D M P P UNDERTAKING I L EV I MORRIS. .... ..·-· - --- fAMAN DENTISTRYl FINE W. M~M . URT·RY Boots &Shoos. J.M. BR IMA COMBE, CHICAGO, ROCK e &PACIFIC R1Y c. CHEAP FOR CASH. WORK s., _ ___ .Jap- Save from 15 to 25 per Cent W. McMURTRY, REPAIRING DAVID DAVIS.