t County Council mtJets un Tuesday. McChmg Bros'. Great Half Dollar Tea. JI, bas bo~ll foulld by GJtJJerhince that the . r . quirkrat and b&8t remedy for cluip~ed band~. PRO!'. ". vVn.T.RON !ms removed to Forn Jipa or roR~bne.a~ of tlio skin is t.he Ort- arxu'tments over J.\oir. Hi"ginbutlrn.m's dru.r entul l111st1 Dnlm. S'JOTT &; JURY. the He· · ,. . lr' b "' Hable Drnggii,ts are sole manufacturers. store, "mg st.rect. , Bulk or Can Oysters at the Grand · Ceutral. Conductor Barbc1·, connected with the Huntber horror, has been commiM;ed for trial on ti charge of numslaughter . .A a-ood frN· drlver.7 :veors old.forsale cheup. Apply to l>'fOT'l' & JURY, Druga-ists. 'L'he n e:xt sitting of the Division Qourt will be held in Newcastle on the 30th, aucl B owmanville on the 31st inst. Tlm memhers of the Town Cuuucil of 1883 'vill give a complimentary dinner to Thoae 'l'oilot Soaps ut STOTT & JUHY'S Mayor McArthur, at tho "Arlington," Medir1.I Uall aro .Jn&t what you want. Prices to-night. · riom J6o. a doz. up. Conf~ssedly cheap are Dress Goods, Underclothiug. Blankets, Flannels, Furs, Overcoats, Shl).wls, Ladies' Jackers, and; in fact, w1ntor goods, at McC!ung Bros'. S'l'OT'l' & JUil.Y, the l!eliable Druggists If you aro bilious or havo incligestion, .alway· cxerciso 1he greatest care in selecting their Dru11·, Dye Stuffs. etc., and persons sick h eadache, or dizziness, try na,'{ter's dealing wi1h them can depend on getting the M andrake Bitters, used iustead of pills ; _P_ n _ r_ 11~~:tlcles ut the lowest p_rl_c_es _._ _ __ they cure constipation. Price 25c. per bottle. !<'or sal o hy all druggists. Contributions were taken at the union prayer meeting in the Disciple church last Friday night for the Humber sufferers ; We arc now ready to sell you the Cheanest over $40 were rcalfaecl. 'l'he subscri1ltio11 Hair Hrnsl1es ever ottered in l:low111anville. list is now open :it Mr. Yellowlees'. <'all and Pee 1hem. 'flwy 11rediroct trom Paris, France. 8'f0'1"1' & JURY, the ltellable DrugR W. Bro. G. D. Fletcher, D. D. ~ gists. M., Bro. E. J. Burk, W. M., and Tiro. A . Buckler, S. -w., of Victorfo. J,odge No. 37, G. R 0., A. l<'. & A.M. 1 left on 'l'ues· day eve1dug for Stratford, to attend tl1e sessions of the Graml J,oclge: ~~ ,.~~~,~-~·~'""~ -- ·v-~~,~.-- CHOICE stock of fancy goods, wools, BOWMANYlLLE _, ]' ._ mDA . Y, JAN'Y 18. _ laces, etc., at Mrs. Keys'. ~ ~ The thircl of a 8eries of ch'enp and highly iristructive e11te1t1timnents under the aus}lices of the B. Young Peoples' Association will be held next Wednesday night, when a distinguished spc<1ker, Rev. Geo. :FAT Hogs wanted. Murdoch Bros. 'l'HE 8~'ATE8.l\(AN is one dollar a year in W ebbor, will lecturo on "Queen Elizabeth tf. and Her Times." Admission only 10 cts. advance. Everybody invited. MISS; BERTIE ADAM!:l is visiting friends A long letter on "Cl1.1rkc Municipal near Orono. AwrrnLJ>S for presents at half-price, at Election8 " ; the report of Cbrke Agriculturnl Soeiety for 1883 ; the late Mrs. H. Mrs. Keys'. A. Powers' obituary ; the report of the ABOU'.1.' six columns of matter crowded last mcctiug of Chrke Council with tho out of this issue. speeches of t he retiring members, imd Miss Cameron, of Toronto, 4as been several other lllttLters uf special interest to <visiting at Col, Oubitt's. the. Clarkeitcs, will appear next week. A Mus. J. J. TlLLlW, of Toronto, luis-been large special edition will be issued. visiting friends in town . CONFECTIONERY at Mrs. KtJys'. It. 8.AM OLAitKE is a member of Co· rg Council for 1884. Tmi annmtl Teachers' mee<:1ng in co~Nov:F.LTY.-Bananas at the Grand nection with the B. C. S. School, was 11elcl fast Monday evening, when t he fol Central. Call and get some. lowing officers were elected for the ensuMR. AND MRH. J. KEACHIE have return- ing y ear :- Honorary Superint.enden t--S. ed from a visit to Mar:klumJ.. Mason ; Supei'intendent- - T. Kirby; AsMcClu1g Bros'. are making 1Jig saleii of sistant Superintendent--'!'. C. Jewell ; Furs, they are selling them so cheap ! Secretary- IL Kenner ; Assistant SocroMRs. G. D. FLETCHER is visiting her: ta.ry- H. Nott; 'l'reasurer- H. M~inns daugltter- Mrs. Greenfield-at Patkdale. Librarian- Gel.l. Ball ; Assistant Libra .~ :Miss Rachel Cole, of Maple Grove, hus ian and Organist-Miss Neitds. r~urned from an extended visit to A BEAU~H'UL GrnT.- The Great Rock Hmn1)ton. Island Route has issued a u ew and most Misa Eva Nichols, of 'l'oronto, is visiting comprehensive Cook Book, of 128 pages, at .t he resideuce of Robt. Armour, Esq., filled with new and reliable receipts from Registrar. · the best caterers of tl1is and other countries. No housewife can afford to be THE Sons and daughters o.f Bowmanville · I · d 1 1 - Di.vision expect to visit Oshawa . Division wit iout it ; an t wug 1 woith one dollar, n(:\xt week. , ' , will bP, sent to any a.ddi;ess, postpaid, upon . rtJceipt of ten cents in stamps. As they :j\fr. A. W. Burk has returned to will go like hot cakes, send at once to E. Teronto, where ho has a position in a St. John, G. T . & P.A. , Chicago,Illin.oia. leading law firm. fuNTED any quantity of Fat Hogs - GllT-your coal oil from Murdoch Bros. er dead or alive fur which the hi1,th!'st They keep , the best American vVater price will ~-e paid in pash. J. B. Martyn. White. _ "Lost the cough I long did kuow, ltF:v. E. R. YouNo, the zealous pastor . Many years I felt its blow, of .the C. M. Church, delivered an inspir- Without the use of pills blister, ing .i.nissio111.1ry sermon last Sunday even- I cured· the same with Downs' Elixir. FOUND. COMPARATIVE WORTH oFBAKING POWDERS. ltO YA.L (Absolutely Pure).... ······11111~1§!111-m······Elll!llllillilMlll!!!!!EllRI GR.\XT'" I - - ---·- - --- - -- -- - - I (_\.lum Powcler)* _. . . . . . . . . .IBll!IB·IAll&&ll\ll!E!.1!!19'1111MJ'.WllllT"· JM:o v i n. g Sa.14 - - a t the-___;.__ UUMF'Olm'S (J:'hosphiite) fresh Il.L'iFO:m·s, when fre·h ......·r.r.··iilllll'l'lm·lll······B·IBilN &Ellll1':AWS .............. .......BmBBBllil!&iilllllBmBIBB·IBCllA..lDl (A.lunl Powder)$ 1 ...··1=·····Fi 111Pln=rm···B1¥11l!lllll!!l!ll!ll! ··················lllll·M ·····am·lll·flllllllW!llil = Horse for Sale. ..ULlZO:'I (,\.lum Powder)* S'I?AR HOUSJ to give room . for our increasing trade. CJ,En;J,A:'lll'S 2 Very Cheap. PIOXl· : Im (San Francisco) (ZAll . ........... -· ........... · ······"···Bl*lllBllllll JJR. !'ltlC:t:'S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. S"NOW FJ·.ua: (Orofl"s, St. Paul)·&······ Be ·Careful. ,,u LEWIS'. .. . - ...... ... . ........·.. - - - - - - - l:o:o.mmss .... --··-··-··· .......uumD···" llECliJo:ll'S .......... ---- .. -· . . . . . . . .. MR. JEFFERY will occupy th shop two doors "West, (Andrews old stand.) For (llJ,J.F.T'S . - .. . . .... --- - ... , ..... . .. 3 0 days we will give. to introduce ·t he change. when not fresh ... · · · · A:\"llltF.WS.·~ C<1· (contnin~ nlum1(Jlfilwm1ke.:i.) "ltq;itl."* BA~··onll'S, Now Ready. ... . sold loose) .. .. · RVMFOl:D'S. when not fresh ...· BULI· (Powder BARG-AI NS As to Purity and Wholesomeness of the Jtoyal Baking Powt1~r. "I have tested a. package of Royal Baking Powdm·, which I purclrnse·l in t.l1c open market, auil.1lnll it composed of puro nntl wholesome iugredicuts. lt is" cream of tartar powclet"of a high <legreo of mel'it, und ilocs not contain either n.lmn or E. G. LO"\'I~, Ph.D." phosphates, or other hljuiious substuucca. "It it u scientific fact that the Royal Baking Powder is nbsolnt.ely purc-." . "H. A. -'!OTT, l'h.D." "J have examined a packai;:c of Royal Bakin1' Powder, purchased lJy myoulf la the m01rket. I fin(l it enti.rely free fl-om alnm, terra ulba, or :111,1· other i11jurio1"l 0111,staucc. liNNl.IY MonTON 1 l'h.D., President of Stevens ln~1Jtule uf Tc.,lrnolog;;." " I have nu!l.lyzed a p!l.Cka1'e of Royal Daklu1-t Pow11nr. The mnteria.la of v.-lti <'lt 1t Is composecl are pure an<l wholesome. S. DANA lIArEs, St.nt(.l Assayer, ~ru,,a." REPORTS OF GOVERNMENT CHEMISTS T. C. MASON. -THE GENUINE- JOS. JEFFERY. ==================::. . Local and Otherwise. c. Cross Cut Saws. Lance Tooth Saws, ., Tbo Royal D!l.kln$' Powder i·eceived the hig!rnst awiml ovr.r nll em'1pctit01 q r·t, the Vienna World's l!.xposit.ion, lti'l 3; at t he Centennial, PJ1ilauclphiu, l S'if;; :i~ t;,0 .American Institute, ancl at St.ate ]<'airs throughout the co1rntry. No other article ol lmm:m footl hus m·c1· 1'CJeei1·c<l such high, emphatic. a1kl 1111iversal endorsement from eminent chemists, physician~, scil'ntbt", nnd Board; r Health all over the worlcl. NoTE.-Tllo above DuaRA.)f illustrates tho compnmtivc worta of variour, Bakinr; Powders, ns sltown by Chemical Ann.lysi$ nml experiments made by I'ro.f. :Ciclwi.::u . A. one pound can of each powder wus talrnn, the total lc:weu ia.:; power er wik1ci~ i .1 each can calcnl::ltcd, the result being as iudicritcu. This pn:clicml test for wo1:U1 by I'rof. Sclwdlcr only pr·;vcs what every obr.crvant consumer o! the Uoynl :Cakl1);~ Powilcr knows by pmctlcul experience, that, while it cost8 a few cc11t~ per pouJl(l more th!l.:i ordinary ~dntlo, it in f:tr moro cconomicttl, nnd, bcs iclc~, <tJr.or,1· 1lw :\d\'nnta~c of better work. .A Eiogle tl'ial of tbc Royal Baking Powder will convine.:i any !uir m!mlcll person of these facts. * 'While the diagram 81Jows some of the ;i.lum powilem to h e of n higher <1C/.".rt\C of atreni;th t.lrnn other powders r:mked below them, it is no!. to l>c taken u~ iudicating that tlle.y J1avti any \"lllue. .All a1um powders, 110 matter how J1ir;h their 1.1trength, are to Le nvoitlod ti:~ doLUg'crons. s::: wma:: Champion Saws, · Lightning Saws, Diamond Saws, Butting Saws. en· The new Council will be sworn in at 11 ii. ·m. on Monday. Bowmanville curlers will attend a bonspiel in Toronto next weok. M:rs. S. ,Evans Peck will lccturo here 011" the 29th inst., on temperance. BEAR in mind that M urdocla Bros. piiy the highest price in Cll.l!h for Egge. Elder · ShejJpard and ltev. J. Harris exchanged pulpits on Sunday night. "Hun" Cot'GH CunE.-cures a cough magically. 25 ~ents. ,Ask Stott & Jury. All Wool Canadian Blanketa at tho very lowest pricos. Couch, Johnston & Cryde1·man. Mr. Archie Bingham fell from a building last week and sustained slight. injuries to one knee. Miss Law and Miss Gullock, of Oshawa, have been visiting Miss McGill, 1~t the Ontario B ank. The Owen Sounct 'J'imes lJaYS a grand eulogy to Mrs. Dyke's elocutionary · "Hun" Couau Cum,;, 25 CE!\'.1'8. - Prescription of a "Boston physician, dispensed years by a Boston druggist. ONE DosE \Vill cme any ordinary cough. It acts almost magically. Ask Stott& Jury for a 25 cent bottle of " HuB" CoU1rn CURE, and don't be put off with any other: BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Oorricted up CrIOPPING AXES, The largest assortment ever shown in Bowman ville, · including the ct>lebrat,ed Bow:MANVILLE curlers came within one Thousands of aftlclavits prove, accomp~ishmonts. of winning the 'l'ankarcl at the Cobourg Tlrnt it cloth man's ills remove, Coughs and coldl!, and whooping cough Several of our . prominent citizens bonspiel this week. Cobourg won by ten By its l>Ower soon are of.)'." a. t tended an · assembly' i11 Oshnwa on ahota. THE annmtl Teachers' meeting in con- W eclnesday night. J>.u;11.s0Ns who order their IJaper to· bo MR. S'l'El'HEN EDGER has gone to Mardiscontinued must forward the amount of nection with the Canada Methodist S. ,a~ears before tlieir names will be struck School, was held on T uesday evening last. shalltown, Iowa, to re-enter tho sorvice of . off the mailing list. · 'l.'he school at, pre.s ent is in a decided Messrs. Brittain Bros. .,...,,,... ......... . . ."' Senator Simpson ancl Hon. E . Dla)rn Mr. E. Westcott, who has been \vo.rki-ng stiite of pro.sperity, as the reports she; · ANTED lMMEDIATELY. A i-0r a yo;~r iu, "tl1e city of rroronto, has ql!ite an increase over last year. 'l'ho went to Ottawa this Wl;lek to ·.attend to oung _ girl "'" home-maid. Apply to avemge attenclance is. 180. The officers heir parliamentary duties. . J"""" :MRS. G. BURK," 'l'Il!i: EVJJ:AGUK!i:NB," returned to take a responsible position in elected for the en suing year aFe :- Vi. ll. tlte S·rATESMAN oftice. MR. FitED MAYEit is very ill ; a!So Mr. May,'· Superintendeut; T. H. Lock11a1t, ITUATION WANTED. - Aa Hause. · Cann's youngest ch.ild. Mr. John It is said : " Speech sih·er, but si- Secretary ; E. .Jewell, . Assistant do. ;. . keeper by a ~teacly woman. Apply to owe h as also been very ill. lence is golden." Silence, i1owever, in ·wm. McClung,. Treasurer ; vV. A. BunELIZABE'l'll OAHPINER,.JJowmanvillc. Fegard to McChmg Bros. Great Half Dol- ne1', Libra1fan; J. W. H;\ddy, ~~l'l.t 3-lw'· QuM·terly m eeting services in B. C. lar Tea would not be golden. : do. ; Miss Renie Maynard, Orgamst. 'L'lte church n~xt Sun9.ay morning imd evoning. ARCEL FOUND.~In Bowma1nill.,, , MR. J. S. RoDBRTSON, of !he Oh-rohick · staff of teachers is efficient; :uid the schol- B tisin~ss me'eting,' Monday, at 11 a. m. a parcel containing sundry artfolee fro1)1 is a membe1· of the Whitby council for . ars are well supplied with Sunday ~chool · Maynard, the jeweler, had the misfor- a sl\ddlery. Apply to CHAS. COX. or at Mo.1.884. Bro. Sarney, of the Gazette wag literature. 3-Jw. "tune .totem- the nail oft' his little finger by )I, ELLAN & CO'S. otllce. · also a cancliclate, but he got left. . CHURCH CONVENTION. - A convention of gettipg it jambed in the door last·w:r,!l'J;:.1<.- .,-STRAY.- Came on Lot 22, Con. 8, Parties ~requiring Mourning Goods will ::i,11 the four miiting Methodist churches in Our Hampton subscl'ibers will not, we Darlinitton, two YOUNG C4'f'!'LB, Owner always fu\d.-,(1. f,ull ruisortment of tho very Bowmanville and Darlington, will be h eld requested to pr.;ive 1n·opertv. pay expenae11 and iuduccd by a local .agent for a best good'.\, anl:I tJ1e very best value at in the Methodist Church of Canada, Bow· trust, ):>e '1 take them ·away. LVKE 1'OT'fER. 2-3w*. ew paper to give up.the STATESMAN. We n Couch, .Tolmston & Crydermau's. manville, on Wednesday, Jan. 30th, to hear that efforts are being mude in that WE congratulate Mr. Thos. Cann for- commence at 10:30 a.m., to co11sider the direct.ion. HEEP ASTRA.Y. - One Ewe and a Lamb styayed Into the premises, lot 8, COB. merly of Darlil1gton, on his election bo subject of re-arranging the work. All the It 'inay not be generally known that Dr. 2, Darlington, In August last. Owner inuet tho Whitby council. He is brother of our ministers in active work and one layman rove property, P!'Y exven110s and take them 'enterprising townsman Mr. W. Cann. from each congregation, to be nppoint'od i:is Young, V.S., h:is a speedy driver. 'Ve way. R.H. soucn. i1·3w. understand ho drovo from 01·ono to this r espective pastors may "direct, a.re re· A .subscriber wrifo1g fr~m Broadview, · the . -ALSO8 miles, on Wednesday morning Aw MILL OPENED.- The oldSmith N. Vii. T., says: "I could not think of 9uested to be ~n attendance to take part town, with tltree iii. a cutter in a little over 35 Saw Mill having been leased by tho unde~m the rn·oceedmgs. The con vent.ion will doing witlwttt tlrn S'.1,'ATES,MAN now I am minutes. signod, he Is prepared to do custom sawinQ' at in the North-West. I think more of it ]Je held with open doors, and· will be ON Tuesdny Inst Pethick the barber ha . lol'X~K~te11. Patroaago solicited. RO:P~~T pleased to sec present any of the members than ever. }'ind $1-00 enclosed for 1884." a close shave from being homeless, a :fire and officials of the churchos concerned. CHILDREN'S clothing nncl under-wear, lta\·ing broken out in the barber shop and ONEY TO LOAN .- A. few thousand .T. HARms . J. ·w ur1·wcx. dollars, private funds, to loan on ftratehea.p, at Mrs. Keys'. had made such headway before stJen that E. R ·. YOUNG. 'W. R. BARKER. ass farm securit.y, at the low11st current ro.te11. sevoral'pails of wate1· were required to cx:- ·or particulars Tmi wite of the popubr pastor of the J. DYKE. apply to H. BEI'FH, Bo,vmanville, or R. H. LOSCOMBE, Bar\ister. 9-tt. P. ~L Church is an acco111plished elocuSOUND advice- go to Mrs. Keys' for a tinguish the flames. tionist. No doubt Mrs. Dyke would give choice lJla.to of oysters. . "UtOR SALE.- First Claas Farm, being occasional lessons in the town schools. THE social given by the Ladies Aid of BIRTHS. ..I: compo9ed of South! Lot 33. 4 Con .. 'l'ownWe throw out this suggestion to the the P . M. church on 'ruesday night was a ehip Clarke. For terms and particulars W O'fTEN- Near Enfield, on the 14th Inst.. the applyof School Board. to J. G. RENWICK.Orono P. 0., or ltou·HT fair success. Refreshments were se1·ved wire ot Mr. Albert Wotten. of a daughter. ARMOUR. Bowman ville. tt. Still a discount of 20%---one-fifth offMoCuLr,oumr - Near Enfield, on the lith 1 \fter which a choice program wi~s 1·emler: 011 all ]:<'urs bought at McClung Bros'. ed. Tho i·ea(lings by Miss Nott were inst., the wife of Mr. J(>hn McCullough. Jr.. or - ---- ----------- -GENT WAN'l'ED.- A good rolio.ble This is an opportunity which ought not to reB.lly excellent, anil were loudly applaud- a daughter. AgPnt wanted to Bell the Rrantford Cord be allowed to pass ui1improved. ed. A very interesting feature was t h e l'llnders. ReaperR and Mowers. In the townMARRIED. ot Clarke and Darlington. Nono but ships presentation of tt beautiful autograph quilt THE Canad·ian State~man of BowmanlIAMllLY___:Co'.x:- By the Rev . .J. Dyke. ~t the those who can give a g-ood deal ot aUentlon to ' ville, one of ·· the must enter prising and to Mrs. Dyke, on which there were iJver P. M. Parsonai;:e, Bowmaavills. .Jan. 16, 188;1, selling need a11ply. To tho right man a good Jll'Ospcrous local wetJklies in the province, 600 autographs a ll worked in silk, t h e Mr. Hezekiah Hambly to Miss En\mo. Cox, of commission will be giYen. Apply by letter to Bowman ville. C. G. CODY, General Agont, J,indeay, Ont. comes to hand p1·i11tecl with a new outfit of ground work b eing cashmere. Th e gift 2 ~3w. LOCI{}IART - HY.~'M· -- At the Presbyterian type: It looks cleaner and brighter than was suitaply acknowledged by l"tev. :r\Ir. Manse. Oshawa, on the 14th met., by Rev.S.H. Dyke _ · An acldre· s s of welcome to Mrs. 4JAPITU, lllJ,CI09,018~-- JtEST, $1'0,000 Lockhut, to Kalista 'l'. Eastman, Samuel S. ever, which is saying a great den.I. The I wish to call especial attention that if you want to buy a flrst-class Or~an made by one State,man is a well edited and complete Dyke wa.s read by Mr. John Kivell; the Hyatt, all of the township of Clarke. of the best Mo.nufa.cturies in the World, ADA~s-'l'API·-On the 10th inst., at the Mesentiments therein expressed cannot but local newspaper, arid deserves the success thodist Parsonage, Oshawa, by the Rev. s . .J. Electors of Clarke. This Bank ts prepared to do LegiH- CJ~!; AND SEE ltlY CJllJU8'.l'HAS S'fOt::K. , make Mrs. Dyke feel perfectly at home Shorey, it receives. - Hamilton Daily Tribu?ie. Mr. A. Adam~. ot Darlington. to Miss I have juRt ordered, and will have in a few GENTLJ<:MEN ,- -I return you who voted for me mate Banking in all its branches. among the people who have sl1 own so ~~~rJ:d~nn 'l'app, daughter 9t Mr. w. 'l'app. days,some first class Royal .A SewingMachlnea In the recoot election my slncero thanks, and F.t1.mnms A~l!:NTION. - 35 sots of car- many evidences of their love for their afFarmers notes discounted ; Deposits a Machine that stands A 1 wit11 the very best though not elected .I esteem your kindness HARDY- KNIGllT- On Christmas day, a.t the American or Canadian Sewing Machines _ __.1-iage and wa~·~ - arness to be sold by fable and o.blc . po.stor. The ST#,TESMAN as much. I shall over t&ke a lively in- reoeived and Interest paid on amounts of While residence of the bride's father, by the ltev. W. equally J have nothing to s11.y !\go.Inst any flrstterest in our township ail'all'll, and hope to see $3 upwards in Savings Bank Departm·e nl. cl~es !"(' private 11ale at 'W!>H. May's Barness Store, · joins in the cordial w'elcome extended to C. Wa.shington. Mr. James A. Hardy-, of Danl- tho make or t?rgans or Sewla~ Machines. I harmony obtain at the Connon Board ; within the next 30 days. Discount from Mrs. Dyke, and hopes that her stay iii ington, to Mies Elizabeth Jane, daughter ot ihatsamo wish the public to please take notice I do has prevailed for many yMrs. sell o!ll)' ftrst-olass Goods, such as I can guarDBAF'l'S seven to ten per cent for cash. A large Bowmanvillc may have many pleasant as- Mr. James Knight, of Rea.ch, Very respectfully yomB, antee to give satisfaction. BAILlllYHooEYlll Cartwright, at tho realTHOMAS ST.ANTON. quautitY' of Sleigh Bells at a very slight sociations. N. B.- I still sell the world-renowned \Valt· denoo of the bride's father, by the ReY. Mr. Kendal, Jan. H. 1881, 3-lw. Issued and Collections made in Europe, ham \Vatcb,and don't forget our General advance on cost. Don't fail " to secure J. W. Bailey, to Miss Serecta A. \Vindel, Mr. Answer ThlH Ct11c·tlo11.- Wby do so many United Stat.e11 and Canada. Store wnere we keev a complete a11sortment of a pair of my Wool Stuffed Collm:s. Some- oeople we see around ue, Beem to prefer to Hooey, all of Cartwright. Dry Goods and Groceries cheap fot· Ca1h. . _JIR. W, '\YILJ&Olf, j .O FFICE-JI11rdocllBro1.Blo 11: I · an~ be made miseracle by Indige~tioa, thing new and w;arranted safe. Cash paid suffer EACHER OF 'l'HE PIANOFORTE ·· ucunnll The.Bell Organs arQ sold byJ. P. Rl(')E. BowConstipation, Di?:zlness, Loss of Appetite, ComDIED. manv1lle, and ' for any qua11tity of Hides and Sheep ing up of the Food Yellow Skin, when tor 75c. ORGAN at)d SINGING. 'l'ERKS :- $-0 and J ing omce or .Jouea di Bobble. '!'AYLOR- In Bowm!l.nvillo, on Sunday Jan. '10 per 'l'welvo J,GSaona of ONil hour each, JV. J. JONES ~ !tins . W. H . .May, King Street, Bow- we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalfaer, gaa.ro.nteod I~. i'fl. DO~ EY, to cure them. J.Higginbotho.m &; Son, Wbolc- 13, Thomae Andrew '1.'a.ylor, eon o! Ephraim Over Hlggmbotl am'e Drug Store, Ring Street, · · ' ville. 11ale o.nd Ueto.11 111Cent.11, Tyrone.. and Mary Elizabeth 'l'aylor, aged 17 ree.rs. 2. 277, ..lsont. Bowmanville. fog. BY J.&D. MoDOUGALl;. Flour, per 100 lb ·..... $2 75 .· to .. $3 OL llall Wheat, per bush .. .. -1 00. _to. . l 03 SpringWheat, per bu11h. 1 00 .. to .· 103 Rye, per buahel. ..... , . · 0 58 .. to. · 0 60 Oata,pl'lr bushel, ··.. , .. 0 30 .. to .. 0 32 Pt1a11,Blue.~··········· 070 .. to .. 075 " Bbckeyes . . .· ...· 0 92 .. to .· 0 92 ,, Small. .......... 0 7p ... to ... 0 72 Barley, No. L ........ 0 !\O .. to .. C 55 No. 2..... _.. . u 45 ... to ... 0 50 " No. 3·..·.·... 0 00 ··· to ... 0 00 " RY JOHN McMU.l):TRY, B'utter, per lb. best table: .o 16 ·· @ ·· 0 18" Lard,'° lb .·· ,, ····· ,, 1' , .0 13 .. @ ·· O 14 Egg1, ~Jo~: ............. 0 00. -~· .O 22 Potatoes, perbnshel...··.. 0 55 .· ~ ·. 0 60 to 1 o'clock p.n~. e11er11 1'hursda11 American Wetman Axes. " Simpson Axes. Canadian Western Axes. Orient Axes. " " Crescent Axes. Crown Axes. " " -Lumberman's Eride Axes. " "Nick of the Woods" Axes. And a full stock of all choppern and Lumbermen'~ requisites. SEE THE GOODS. ~owmanville, ·; ranuary 10, 1884. ·. LEE & EDSALL WELI,INGTOK R~H,DINGS. · BARGAINS FOR ALLI FURSIFURSJ New Advertisements. ~"':"' ,,,....,,,,~ ,,....,....,,....,......,,......, ....,....,.,...""Y l. is S P During the Xmas holidays I will offer my fine and well assorted stock, consisting of E S Mink Muffs, Boas & Caps, S. S.-Seal Muffs, Boas & Caps Persian Lamb Muffs, Boas&.Caps, Astrachan Muffs, Boas and Caps, AT -WHOLESALE PRICES. .Ladies'· Astrachan Jackets. Gent's Coon Coats. Gent's Dog Coats.· BUFFALO, Black, Gray ana ·white J ap ROBES. At the LOWEST CASH PRICES. A M. MAYER, Furrier. oF ·cANAoA. STANDARD BANK Card of Thanks. I Organs an~ Sewing Mac~1Nes. CHRIS~MAS a T ,