.· ECANADIAN STATESMAN IS PUBLISHED CATARRH. 0 "ERY FRIDAY MORNING, -BY- M. A.JAMES, AT TIIl!l OFEICl!l, >fileeBlock,IUngS&,,Bownta11v1ne,on1 TERJY.J:S: perunnunt,01· $1.00ifpnicl tn iulvunc« ment strictly in advance required from nbers outside of tho county. Orders to 1tinue the paper mu~t be accompanied by nount due.or the paper will not be stopped. ribors are responsible until fall payment is UATES OF A.DVER'l'ISINtG r I~ le Column one year ............. $50 001 ::i ~...; " Half year ....... ..... so 001~;; ~ " Ono quarter ........ . 20 00, "'"" ~ Column one year .............. . 30 001 -" Half year .. .... .... .. .. ,20 Q01·= " One q_ual'ter. . . . . .. . .. . 12 oO ter Column one yet>r .......... 20 .. H"lryear .... ...... . 12 so- . .. One qnarteJ'...... .. 8 00 - o ines and under, first insertion .. eo 50 ;ach subsequent insertic.11 . .. . . . 0 251_ 1 si:K to ten liMS, _first in scrt1011, 0 Z~l- ~ach bUbeequent mscrtton. ...... 0 ~o'--10 ·ten lines,fil'St insertion,per lrne 0 101·· ~ach ~nbsequent insertion, " 0 031 _ e num 1er of lines to be reckoned byj·.pace occupied,,measured by a scale of! - " -lo l Nonpareil. g oo,- = L. C'OTT>;:U, H.D. - - - -- - - - ------- - -D1·. A. BEITll, tAlJUA'l'E of Queen's College. Kingston; ~net M<'mber of l.)ol:.)w:c of l'hy~icians and \teon E, Ontario. · 17. 'f' O tLce and Residence, Ennisk1llen. RADUATE OF 'l'IIE TOlWNTO UNIV~R· i::i l'l'Y, Physician, Surgeon, &c. Oftice Kmg &et, MO!tRii3' BLOCK, Bowmanvillc. J. ,V. HcJ.nngbllll, .lll. B., lCEN'.l.'IA'l'E OF '.!'HE ROYAL COJ,J,.EGE. · of Physicians and member of the Hoyal liege of Surgeons, Edinburgh. lfil~e; MORftl8' BLOCK King-st., Bowmanle. DU. J, C. ItO'l'«;HEILl,, /fEMBEH OJ!' COLLEGE Oil' PHYSICIA.KS l. and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. :>ftioe and l:les1dence, Enniskillen. U. D, BURU.E Sllllll'SON, ) ARRISTER, SOLICITOH, &c., MORRIS \ BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bo·vmanlle. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. rrlvute .llfoneys loaned at the lowest rates. .John Keith Go.lb1·nitll, l AR l:t I::;; TE Il, SOLIOI'l'OR, NOTARY :> PUBLIO, &c. Office- Reed's Block, o_ver ,'. Battmgs store, King Street, Bowman ville. tfonev to lend Sl'. -dOHN JI, IllllTC)_lJllSON, ARmSTER. & ATTORNEY. &c. XO'l'..!.RY r,oAI"· B 0ll'.B'ICJl:- 0VER S'i'A'l'lilSMAN OlllllChl. PUBT.IC. MONEY 'J'.O ROUDlltT A.RMOl:lt, n EGU:lTRAR, WEST DURHA_M ISSUER 'i. "°\ of Mania.go Licenses, Barnster and 'VilY at La1v and ::!olicitor in Chancery. Money ~.;ned oo !l ··a.l E«tfl.te. Office on Iring street, 3vwmanvi!le. -------~-----. ll, T. l'JIJl.LJll·S .H~or· ------------- ·-~----· lCENSF.D AUU'l'IONEJ<'m for the ctunty of DurJ1» Ill, :o.aJes u.;temled. L 11.1ldr""" .. fl,.uipton P. 0 59. pro1uptly -. Jt. UUTCHIS@N. AU CTIOJ\ El:CR. CONVEY AN· L ICENSED CER and Comrns~1oner in B. lt. Sales at· tended to promply and at reasonable 1·ates. Mr..A.ddress-::li:nnisk1llen P. O. __...:=.._0:. "l OH N .HUGHES.-Licensed Auction·} eel', Valuator anrl Aro1tratnr, Fire and Lire Insur<Lncc, Notes and Account;; Collected, Money to Le11d on reasonable i;erms. Address 472 Cartwright, Ont. GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO ever:v man who buvs hi· Licenqo from .A HENRY SYLVEST Ell, Enniskillen. 198tf, S tov es & Tinware R. YOUNr, V. S. , r emoved to t.he residence directly opposite the Drill D Shed foqn erlyoccupied by P. C. Himes. His h~s office' will be in Mr. John McMurtry's Grocery ..Store. Hours fJ!4?m 9 to 12 a.m. and from 1 to 5 228-tf, p.m., Sundays excepted. ONEY TO LEND. - Loana can be obtained through the subscriber upon M Farm Property at an unusually low rate of interest. Fixed charges for Solicitor's fees. F. CUDI'rT. Bowmanville, 239-tf. Pianos Tuned & Repail"ed, ARTIEs:vvrsHING PIANOS Tunedlor repaired can hnve them attended P to by leaving word at the DOMINION ORGAN THEIR !lOW being Co's OFlJ'ICE, :Sowmanville· .A first-clas man in their mploy. P ROF. T. L . DOYLE,Pianist,Organist and teacher of Vocal Music ia prepared to take a few more pupils. "!.'he best of refer· ence can be furnished Great ca1·e e:i<erclsed 'With beginners. and special attention giYen to MlYasoed P UJlilS. 'l'hose desirous of taking Instructions should apply at Mr. Doyle's reslience, or make it known by. directing a few !lines to P, 0. Box !19, Terms $7.50 for twclYe essons. 239-tf DENTISTRY1 WITH TEETH. WITHOUT TEETH. J.M. BRIMACOMBE, l'RA<JTlCA.L DENTIS'r, NEARLY TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE. iNltr&usOxtdeGE ~ A(llllinJHtere1l for Puinles Operations. OFEl(lE llC(JJ,UNG'S RWCK. c. HARNDEN, L. D.S ., Graduate of the Itoyal College of Denta Surgeons, Ontario. OFFICE OVER DICK::ION'S STORE. GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. Plate Work executed in the latest and most ini proved s~yle of the Dental .Art. '.l'EE'flI E.XTRAC1'ED WI'l'HOU'.l' P.&IN by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas, without injury to the patient. Particular attention paid to the regulation of CHILDREN'S '.l.'EETH. ;ta-.ALL WORK W .ARR.ANTED.~ C.1.TARRH.-A nc-w Treatment wb<irebv a minister, and the representative of the A CoU>i>le of Anecdo·ee. ofi t~e Famou11< tlonfederate Ca.vall'y Le11.d-er. permanent care is effected In from one to thre Washington- Bepb'Lblican had called to eiitreatments. Particulars and Treatise free on quire about the he11.lth of the minis-ten's Old .Jubal Eady is a character in Virreceipt ·of stamp. A. Ii. DIXON & SON,!3v7 baby di1ughtel". Tsn Shan Pung, flt"St gi.n.ia. He is drawn up into a hard Imo~ ' King s1 tr!let, \Vest, 'l'oronto, secretary of Legation, had said that the \nth rheumati&m, and has a face like a No other complaints are so insidious-in tooir ·WHAT THE REv. E. B. STEVENSON, D.A.. A very young ladv WflS in excellent health hickoryn.ut. His voice is pitched on a attack aei>fi11.5e 1.11fecti11g tllc tllroat and 1ID11Jl~ CLERGYMAN OF' THE LoNDON CON~'ERENCE J 1 Jmy, and h c rn ' ~ compound of oF rHv. METHOJ>lST CHURCH OD' CANADA andspiritsandwasgrowingrapiclly . 'Fhen very h i.gi, none so trific 'd:w.itll by the m"'jor.ity of s11lfek HAS TO SAY IN REGARD ·ro A. H. DIXON & the reporter said he had a very delicate shrewdness aud sarcasm m equal parts. ers. Tho ordinnry cough or cold, r-esulti1lg SoN's ~EW,THE~'rMENT iro~ CA'l'ARRrr. question to ask, :tncl begged tho secret?.ry Ho was ~tr'?ngly oppor.cd to seccssic.m at i)erhapi; from a trifling. or unconscious e x· ~At,uNn, <:>~TAH~o, CAN., March 17, 18.S3. not to he offended, ):mt if the question . the begm~u;ng of the war· 1 al1-,ho~gl1 ~e posctre, '" often but the begimdug of a fatal 0 11 M.Des:~R&.~Arn' 8 H.Yl>ix~n0 , f& 1S 13·tl . t t t h d / w1ts ~t v1obt10n of Oriental etiqnette to at fought valiantly when fightmg was 111ev1t- sickness. .\ 'iER'S CIIERR Y PEC'l'ORA.r. has ~~ u our~ t \e 1lllS an 0 an . . . bl I tl v·irgrn1a . . convention . of wen proven its efficacy in a fOr ty yc:irs' light It seems almost too good to be true that I am once mform 111111 n.nd they would fall\ a e. n lC with throat and 1 uug diseases, a1l(l should be cured of Catan·h. but I know that I am. I have about the weather or some other h armless 1861 he attacked the conduct of South had no. l'etnrn. of the d1sea.se and never. felt subJ' oct Carolina bitterlv After the wal.' had taken in all cases without delay. better in my hfo. I have tried ao many thmgs .· . ·1 ' . · · for catarrti.. S·)fl'orecl ~o much ancl. ~or so many "It ts customary, you know," continued actually bel?"un he. had 111 lus ~ngacle a A Terrible Cougli Cured. ~:! 1~ ~~tt~~~ is hard for me to realize that I am th~ rep~rter, "in ~his country. to pl~ulish South Caro;ma rcgnnent. It w1:1,s obsen.:ed "In 1857 I took a severe cqld, which nffeotcd F:irm-;rs ?r:;ase C on.iider This. 1 my hrngs. I had "' terrible cough, un<l passed I consider that mine was a very bo.d case ; it quite mmutc c1eta1lf1 of the pnvate l.Jfe of tha~ old J _uoal was always s_ure to put that night aftc1· night \mthout sleep. '.l'he doctors . r:l"' III\ PERllY DAn3 PAIX1CTLLY.:R nets "'"~ aggrav:i.tod and chronic, involving the high-born babies a11d- " regunent m Urn most ticklish pli1co when gEweme up. I triecl' AYElt'S CRERRY l>.Ecwith w·,-,.derf11t' r (lp·iciity n u it 'rlrtJ!."1" f a ils throat as well as the nu.s'll passages and I "I un dorstanc, l ,, sm ·d t l tc secreta.ry,over tlie b ug .· ade W<l.fl . untl er, fii.e. · D uring. · ~·o.aAL, wJuch 1·elievo1 i my 1ID1gs, h1rlueed , \7~1c n t:1 k ~n ;i,r t f 10 e~Jrnrue.n<!C: m131 · t C\f 1~ 1 1 attack thonght I would require Lhe three trea.'unents one me the rest 11cces.~ary sleep! and atforJ.cd jo <' U re ChG!cra, Cho!cr:'l_ r1.:0·bu3, aP but. feel fllll!' cured by the tw~ s~nt me, and l vhose face there h;tcl crept a smile of ap- of .the bctttles arnund Richmond, Early's for t rn reruvory of m:v strnngtlt. By the y,·cll as. uU. su=or ~ow;llaiuu of ll. s iwil.:~ na· fo~~~ankful th<1.t I was ever rnauced to ecntl precii1tion and n,muscment, '·you want to brigade. was ordered to the front, and, <lS conthnte< l use of. the PECTOlt.~L a pimuaturc... ueut cure w a e: (.' i[ectcd. I aLH now G~ yea.rs Yoll 1tre a~ liberty to use this.Jetter stating know a.bo11t the baby's feet. Some one usual, E:.Lrly made the South Carol "'l'a old, !talc a1hl hoar Ly, ancl o.m satistietl your Fo~ St~t'l.d.c::t Gol~.;:., C:or.o ':hr~o:.'o, ~c. that I h,avA be.en cu1·ed at two t:eatm~nts, 11.ni1 has snlcl th11t. they were ah·cnc1y bouncl. 1 ·fellows head the c?!urnn, squeaking ' d CHl~RltY l,.gcTvn.A:L 8aved ine. · A foaspo.info \ GI? ·l'"J\· r,u:R t ' kon 11t the JlOilACE FAIRTIROTUER." ~l~~lf~l:~)fs\~1,~~%e~~tf~r~~.;.emedyto sume assure y<;n tlmt it is no such tliing. Her at t h e top of lus voice as he rode up to b<' ~i r1ni P Q'< fan t :. ,:·\. " W i! Jl "0 1;Te :P l nlrr-ost Rockingham, Vt., July 15, 1882. Youra with mani' thanks. feet. :ii·o ,1ust like MlJ American U:1bv's. " them : "Yes, I ·U send you to the frnnt no·.1er f u.1l ir.g c urol...:..ud ea\·o U..l..l<.: h s u fl'e1i ug. KEV. E. B. :3TEvENSON. "But is it not true that the crrm'Vth of and I'll keep you there, too. You got us Cr01Lp. ,-A Mother's Tribnte. J\')l"~O::)'thac'.ht:'I. :!:~ ~~~~' Cc~~ :':."' .!1 Cuts, --:VoRo;:;To, April 24, 1882, the feet of the noble Chinese 0 ,,i;ls is stop- n to this fix, and, d-n you, you've got to "While in the cotrntry last whlter my little l.1~1.~~~or.;, C~ o. lJoy, three yef~rs oh!, was-tnlwn ill with cvoup· A . H. Dixon, Esq., 305 King St., West. peel early in life 1" get us .out !" i t seerneJ. . a s i:f h e would die from stt·u.ngu~ the PArN·KILL1'!l: .,.-:11 ho fmm <l a rnllir" phy-DllAR Sm,-We take pleasure in stating that "Cc~-ta.inly it is true, just as it is true Dunng the. war he :vent to church only la.L ion. Ono.of the family suggestetl tlte use si <~i nn rear!? ~· n~ l n l1'.~1 to i'Pli c vo yr ir ~ l....Turhig out· junior uartner, who had f.:ir ycarH been tl t t l · f 111 l l 1 tl t of A x'EH's Cmmwv I'Ec'l'OIL·L ii botL!e of witbuq.r;. dehty, u.n..l at a. ve1 v iu :::i~nificitut cvst. troubled with Catarrh. was successfully cured ia. -1e wrusfo o a iig i-born Arne1·ican once, <tiH us expen~nce 1en was no which was a.lwa.ys. kept in the bouse. This by three treal.nwuts of yonr remedy. 'I'ho la<lws are compressed," and tho secretary such as to encol:i·age hun to. go agf·llJ.. It was tri e<l in small antl frequent doses and :!i'o r Colic, Cr:;:n))s ~l1d. Dys;;:::.t1Sl'Y Cattarrh wasmnch a;:;gravatetl, with continual illustrated by comprnssing his , wn ritthor was 111 th.e wmter of l8u4,_ whe_n the to (H lr del i~ht iu less tlrnn half m1 hon;· the in Xorsr.S.th0 P1Jx·Tl:n,1.rn has no rqmtl . dl'opping into tho throat. ncuon1panied by·loss slender waist with h1·s two J1, ·"1d.". "'T·o Southern. 8ta.ttls were D,((;tatmlf, tlLe e:xlittle ~a "icu t 111ts brcathin:;( easlly. '.l'lie <locn.nd it h 1ts n c ver-Lc·L ' l1 l-. 1 O\ ll1 to frtil 1o offcct n. " "' ·~ ' or voice, hawking and SlJitt.i ug anil. blocking Ul,'I tor s· ntl 1.lw t tho CFTl>:HJlY PF.c·roiµ1, had cttreina~ingh~ i· · . . 1.tt'('C'. I t i~ n;ed in tiume of the no·trtl·. 1tll or whioh wu """' pleased to ma.ke. the ladies' feet small, " he contiu- pediency of a conscript,i··J1. Gen. Early "'wed my drtrliiig's life. Can you. wonder at · c1f t he lorgest. liv~ J ~· ~ r: bl es 0"11l ho · ~e 11ifir m say disappeal'ed almost immcdiatuly after the uod, "is a Chinese fashion. It is a do- was on.o of the most ardent advocates of our gniL itud e ~ Smcerely yours, arics in the wor!<l '{'(') re~i: sc : t,t l e yon t' g b mbs remejy waq applied. Your J'Om edy is certainly · II lk ' · l\IUS. ]~ Ml\fA GET:>NEY.,, or other .ioP-k chilled '""i d v<1,g frnrn c0ld, u. rm rnv11l1J11.ble on'e imd we hope ..n who m1ty mmlll of fashion or custom in both cases, it . e ta ec, conscnption in season a.nd 159 West l28L h St., New York, May 16, 18112. li ttlci P,1 t 'l·1' 1L r .ER ini x«<l w11 h rnili; will reb~ su:tferm\l' from this disagreeable disease will and n qthing mOl'e, I assure you." out of .season, and ~wanted to c~nscript .store them to health \'~fY qu~ckl.r. "I have used AYF.R'S CHERRY PECTORAL ft~~~tu~·p\~c8e1·8 ~~ 0 ';~s~rc satis:tled they will find "At whiit arre are the feet bound?" eYerytlung. One Sunday m.ornmg, to in iny fnmil y fo r several years, and rlo not ~,..'.l:h e Pain-Ki"ler is fnr " :ilA hy Druggists Yours Yery trnly, "\Vhen t he little airl is six or seven the ama:oeme~;t 0£ his staff, h.e proposed hesitate to pronounce it t he most etrect.nal Arothcc:R ric., Oro<'el'S 11uJ. Ilfodicino Dcalera "emeo.y ror coughs and <iolds we have ever WM. Not1R·S & SoN, years old. The })l'O;ess is so gradual that t _hat they should ride over to a 11eighloorthrout:hout tho wurld. A. J . CrtA.:NE. " nied. Wholesale Pianos and Organs. ~ l ] d 1 I T he Lake Crysta.1, l\linn., March l'.3, 1882. -~---~----No. s Adelnide s t. Ea~t. I t h ink there is no pain about it whatever; mli c mrc l an tear tie sermon. no more tha.n when an American rrirl binds ollicers were n early paralyzed at the pro"L suffered for eiglit yeavs from Bronchitis, her w<1ist." "' position, but, of course, consented pro1nptn.ncl atcer trying nrnny r emedies with no sue.. PORT PERRY ccss, l was cu·rctl by the use of AYER'S CHE;n,"Is there nothing peculiar, t hen, :.i.bout ly .. The countl'y congrega~ion wf~ asCo11tinues to do a. Genf\ral B..nkiug Business a l< Y Pr:r'TOR.\ L. J OSEI·H W.U.DEN," the very early life of a Ch inese maiden 1" t?nJ.Shet~ at seemg Gen. Early anrJ lus enits Bowmanvill(>Branch. l3y1..,ua, .Miss·., .4.pl'il 5, 1882. . "Nothing in the world. She is j ust tire st1dI_march s?lcmJ.J.ly mto chUl'c11 awl " l c:im1ot s:ty enoug:h in praise or AYER's DIE D.1'0§ITS Tho abave w01»:s 11re running full blast to hke fill Americ~tn baby . About two take then· sea.ts m the front IJews. ~s CHFRltv P>:cTORAJ,, 1lclieving as I do that but for its use I should long sinee have died. Received and int ere st allowed thereon at tl:lit keep up with ordere. Somo very large ordera months ago the J:J1e1n'·e1·s of t!'e C'111·11csn s<.>Oll as old Jubal settled lum.s elf, he hud have beon received lately, including a hand· u ~ E. BRAGDON." from l nng trnubles. rate of l<'Olilt per cent per annum. No noti!J'e some Monument for Isaac Best, Clarke, Alex Embassy celebrated the clay when she was lus heacl b1tck and relapsed 111to a com,P11lestiue, 'l'cxas, April 22, 1882. of withdrawal necessary. All deposits p!t.yable on demand, F . Carscaddcn, Clttrke. \Y1'Ell!PLOYNOAGENTS a month old by a dinnor at Wormley's. f~1fabl~ 1w.r1. Th.e clei:gyuum took fur Ne case of itn affection of the throat 01· 1 ~rf0~:rs~~!{~,~~m:0~~~~~.~n~e~nmg~~tsc,1', ~: The uext celebration in lier honor will be lus subJect t h e testm10ny of the trnths of lungs exists which cannot be greatly relie¥ed rners get the commission themselve·. It will when she is old eno ugh to go to school. Ulu·isti<wity. After prea.chiug a.a lwur en· by the use of AYEn.'s CJIERRY PECTORAL, Roughte.nd sold and Drafts issued upon:J<"J.uope. pay a.11y person who intcuds erecting a monu- Then there will be another dinner. These two he <tsked : ancl it will atwai1s cur e when the disease is United States and Canada, alsoGold,Silver an'1. rnnnt to tho memory of 11. dl\par ted· friend to not already lJeyond the control of medicine. wdt.o me or see me personally heforo placing will be no more fostivities for her until '· \ Vhat would you s:ty, my bret hren, if United Sta~es Greenbacksboucht and sold. their order. I guarantee first class w0rk at she is married." bhe dead of H.11 t imes and natim1s and uges l'BEPARED B Y vh en will she be old en otwh to g.o to s1iou11 . 1 . 1. f n lowest possible prices. c pass ll1 so e1m1 review ue ore you f 0 Or.J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Proruptlj' made at current rates upon all pa1·te school 1" Wh1.1t would your feelings <1.t seeiug this of Great Brittain, the United StaLes and Do· Sold by all Druggists, MARBLE WORKS, ' "When sh e is seven or cio-ht years vast and couHLless multitude from the minion of Canada. 0 251-tf. PoRT PF.RR<Y old." gnwe 1 W'hat wo.uld yvu ~lo wit h this Teleg·1·aph T1·a11asf°eD~ "I suppose you me,tn by 'going to army o~ mon of ii,l\ trn.<les! all grades, all Made for large or small sums on all parts of school' that a.n instructrosswill be brnu"ht professions, <111 of ernr y kmd, before you? ~~ 'S Canada. '.!'his is especially advan rageons to 111to tho family?" "' I repe<Lt," with ft wktck of the desk, P1lrB011s livinll: in Mamtoh" or the :N'orth·west We beg to annonncP. to the public thl\ot we are propttred to do ap.-eneralinsurance bu8b css, "Not always. Somet imes a rich little "Wlrnt would you do. " as it 'lrnkcs the tunds available 1tt ouce at the place of payment. representing as we do a nni'nber of firs!. class Chinese girl will have a rrovcr11ess in the "Do?" bawled Jubal, s11ddenly nrousc~~~-N Companies we shallin be ii:l'l.d to give at- honse, 1 · t every- For rurtaer particulars call at the Banking that line vv eprompt represent out often several ° wealthy fa.milie& ecl f rom I· tis nap, "I'l l conscnp tention to,,,nything House. also tha Ontario Lo._n an!l Sav;ings Co .. of employ n tutoress together a.nd send their one of them !'" . GEO. l\!cGTLL, T. BRODIE, It is a A roar went up from the con<>rea:it10n ,.._. "r~j ~ -.::"Ill, Oshawa, n.nd accept depoR1ts on its behaH al· chikkon to her for instruction Accountant. Manager. lowing 4 & 5 per cent rnterest from date of . l J l al l b r ' "' " , '-"' IL- ..m;;"'L ~ 2o7-ly. rec:eipt. ' prrn>i.te school. " ~inc u .l' m;i,L e a ee me ror the doo;·. Guaranteed Cm·o for Gouorrhoee. and Gleet; pv'!.rntti~s gur l t oearnmssw. ill find it to their Just the. n there came clown from_ the · .. w erte qmertin g Safe, pleasant and reliable. No bad effects lld 0 0 g uppe11reg10ns of tho h ou se a lon", vigor The Mormon Problem. rrom its use. Doesnotmterfere with business 0 ous, infant ile wail. The burning question in United States 01' diet. Price $2 per box, or throe boxe~ tor$5. \Ve are agents for a number of first class . "There," said th~ se~refary, laughing, politics will soon be Mormonism, or Written guarantees iosued by every duly lines, among which is the White Star Line the 1"is a Chinese ba.by crymg 111 good Eng- 1·1tther the J>olygnmy phase of the Mor- authori~od agent to refund the money If thr e br.s~fastest and hest. equipped Ste.amshlp on hsh." t' Th , bl" k" t h boxes fall to cure. Sent p<Jstage prepaid on ~~~ r~~g-s~· 'W~ .'.r:~ t:~~~!et~t a~i~i)'~~'~t~J;~:~ I "ls she the miuistor's first child '/" f~~: i~=~ l~~ llfor~~~n1s e~~l i~n g:~,in: receipt of price. o t 'l'oro11to, o.nd arc prepared to pay highest! "Oh, no. He httS several children at ~ ~ prices. !or. Harley and all klncls ot grain. home. but this is the first one and the; steadily in the United States. While the DR. FELIX LE BUUN & CO., 81 & 83 King . .P<>t·Gies interested will please note these facte. fi t . b b b . \v' t statesmen are talking, and thinking, and St. Eaet Toronto, Sole Proprietor&. Solcl by 011 1 381111 ~llrl1AIL£Cn rs . mese a y, orn m g on. devising, the question is l~ecoming more all druggists in Canada. 1 ·_ 1J n i:..). , · She is a. great pet for tho minister and and mor e difficult to h::mc _ lle. Years ago .::=-;:::=~:::;~:;;:;::;---::::::;;::::;::;:::::;;-=his wife." it was thought tJiat as- soon as tah. be" And would be .of all the embassy, I came opened up with the out side worlc1 Paid suppose, if she was b y ra1 ·1ways tie 1 1 1 · I· f Id ··Oh th t k a boy1" d.fl:. L"ttl w to e misc 1v~ wou ~ for 1t:iy qu ..utity ot 1 e soon be "snowed under " hut thi:tt tur ns , a ma es ho 1 erence: Oll!E OF THE BEST boys and g trls arc treated Just alike. lt out to be n. very rrre::{t mistake. The ~X:D1V'EY" is. only when t hey are grown th:i-t our number of l\'Iormons"'()'rows astoni~hinaly INVESTIGATORS IN USE. etique~~e requires the seclusion of tho , every year, an d they"' are fast spreading I ~ I t is a snccific in the cure of all diseases ladies. ! ou t m · to tlie a d J01llmg · · · St::1tes anc1 T en1· Tl , t ,· · 1 "th h .A FULL SUPPLY OF cc of the K1tl11eys, Bladder, Prostatic Por· . ie repor er mq,mr~c wi ~uc c:i-n- tories ui1til some of them will yet fall uncc tion of the Urmory Orgttns, ll'ritation of 'ij the Neel;: of the Blatlder, Burnin~ Urine, twn an.d fear ~f oftendmg wh;Y lt was tnn.t 1der thei.rcommanclin 0 rr infl.ueuce unless the Y2 Qleet, Gonorrhea inallitsstages, focous the Ch:nese m1111ster's wife chd not go out) proQTess is stopped in some wa.y. The Discharges, Congestion of the Kidneys, a or reco1ve callers. i · "' · · AT ROTTO;tl l'RI CES. Briclc Dust Deposit, Diabetes, Inflamma· 0 "That " . · l tl10 _ . u ,, · b 1\iormou quest10n may brm g out more tion of the Kltlncavs and Bladder, Dropsy . ' sate secie ary, . is 0111Y ~- clearly one of t he weak points of the l:::l of Kidneys, Acl Urine, Bloody Urine All kinds of farm produce taken cause she d~es not.speak English, ~nd it United States system of governmen t t han ~Pain in t he Reton of the l!lo.dder, PAIN f/o'; in exchange for goods. would . be lughly improper accordmg to anything else has done. Self-government IN THE BA.CI , Urinary Galculus, Renal ::: Calculus, Renal Colic, Retention of .,..... our etiquette, f~r. a gentlemen to .tr:ans- is all very fine, in theory at least, so long Urine, '.l!'re~ent Urination, Gravel in all lato for her: Neither doe~ the m1mstcr as the majority of the people governing its forms, ability to retain the Water '-< 742 ROWJUUllville. speak English, and t):ierc: is no one who themselves are virtuous and well mean. friicula~~ersons advanced in life. 0 SA Y INVESTIGATOR that could translate for his w1fo. " . b d d""' di . . :::; restores the Urino to its natural color, "H · ·t tl t ti18 · · t t mg, ut un er iu erent con t10ns it may removes the acid and burning and the ow is ~ ia mmis er ca;nno n ot prove it.self so. At any rate the best ~ I=' effect of the excessive use of intoxicatingspeak English when you speak it so think ing statesmen in the United States ~ drink. well ~ Price SI, or Six Bottles fo,r $S. ,.,, "I?" . . to-day are convinced that self-government 0... Those who cannot obtain a bottle ot this . acqu:r~d the_language 111 Hong Kong, cannot, with safety to t he nation, be :rc, ~ ~~~1~a~': ~Wl~~'W18~~;~end us one fl.' , b.ut the m1111ster is now an old man,abo~t granted to Utah . Probably if the whole Send tor <..'lrcular. Sold by all Druggists., s1xty-?ne years old : n evertheless, h e is question had received heroic t r eatment aQ W. JOHNSTON & CO. ff.' I 0 studymg ~he language." . . t~enty years ago it would have b een bet0 AKIIZIS'rBtll!G, Ont. 1 DE'l'IOrr, Kioh; . R eturnmg t? the m ore mter est111g sub- ter now. Possibly, too, it will yet turn p.. .- .Agents !or the U. s, anJI. Canada. · _ . Ject of the .ladies, the r~porter ~u~gested ou t t hat every year's delay only t ends to tha~ the wife. of the C~111e_se nni;ii&ter at make t h e matter much worse. Parrn was quite a favorite 111 society and · went out very often. ~ Laboring· and lUauag'ing. "That is, " said the secretary, "because - B'Y"0 Some old fashioned notions about the she has a very charming young lady WH O 19 \J"(ACQU A IN'TED W I T H T H E O E OO RAPl-IY Or-' T M IS COUN daughter, highly educated, and speaking value of example have induced managers TRY W I L L S EE BY l:. XAMIN I N O T H IS M AP TH " TTMI:: ll:ir I am fully prepared to attend Funerals on European lang uages well. She can trans- of mechanical establishments to b ecome .... the shortest notice, at the lowest possible ra tes. lat e for h er mother." h ands and to spend their time among shop Caskets and Burial Cases ready on short notice. ~ "Is the minister's wife the only Chi- their workmen as one of themselves, shar· F irst-class hearse on very moderate term~ Shrouds and Coffins constantly on hand. Fon· n ese lady h ere 1" ing t h eir employments. 'l'o a cer tain ex· erjLI cards supplted at once. Furniture Shop & "Yes. The other m embers of the em- t ent such a practice, occasionally, may Show R ooms- Bounsall'sNew Block. A_ll furniture sold by me is made by the U. C bassy, if they are married, must l eave h ave a b en eficial effect on the w orkmen Furniture Co. of Dowme.nville. I do not buy slop furniture and represent it to have been their wives at home. The minister's wife without injmy to the busin ess. But has two Chinese maids with h er, but there are cares and duties connect ed . me.de by the U. C. F. Co. ot this town . .Also agent for the LI·QUOR TEA for this town there is r eally no r oom for any more ladies with the successful prosecution of an y and vicinity. IL is cheap and as good as can be in t h e house," said the secretary, 11.1ughing business that are not wholly t h ose of the got in the market. A v aluable prize given !with·every pound. .He then explained that the term of of- employos. A business must b e man aged fice of the memers of the embassy w<1s as certainly as the work must be dou e,. three years, after which they had six and it requires an unusually vcrs1.1tile man months l eave of absence in which to go to who can be one of his own workmen and China and visit their families before re- th eir own manager at the same t ime. If - HAS RECEIVEDturning, if they did return, which was to t h ese dual duties he adds t hat of the MY S TOCK COMPRISES: optional with them. The present is 1 the proper oversight of his :financial and genNEW CASHMERES, second Chinese Embassy, and th ere are eral out-shop business, h e m u st be a rare LADIES' KID BOOTS AND SHOES. NEW BLAt;K C.ASHMERES buL two m emliers of it who were h ere man to make a success. It mity be a matLADlES' CALF. KID BUTTON & LACED wiLh the first embassy. And, the secre- ter of personal pride to be able to boast NEW LACE CURTAINS, LADIES' FRENCH KID, BUTTON & L!A.CJ):D. like Bounderby, Grndgrind's friend, but tary said, thr ee years is quite l ong enough NEW QUILTED SKIRTS, LADIES' KID SHOES, BUTTON & TIE. to be StJpam ted from one's family. The it may be a costly indulgence ; for NEW FLANNELS, seclusion of the minister's wife has not dr,iught ing, conespondence, and recep- LADIES' GO .AT & PEBBLE, HU'l "l'ON & 'l'CE NEW SHAWLS, been generally understood, but the secre- tion of customers, the overlooking of .Also Mens' and Children's of the above goods NEW PRINTS, tary stated that the rea.son given above bills, arnl the supervision of books as much NEW CRETONES, was the only one. She occasionally aoes clemarn.l the cure and eye of the master as MEN'S LONG BOOTS, COARSE AND FIN}J, g~~n6'f1ft~t.\j~~~~~~~~~~1~~ ib9et~~~; ;;:~t{~ ~~~!t MEN'S LACE BOOTS,()O,\RSE .AND FINE. ="EW LADIES' COLLARS, out riding, but makes no calls and ha~ no the direct g1Licl<tnce of the workmen. This b~ the ohortest route , o..nd carr_ymg poos cn gcrs,. w ithou t c ha:og o of ca r si...bet, veen Chi c.ago and K a.n society. The advent of the baby must last can b e delegated to a salaried foreMEN'S F'lNE SHOES AND GAI'l'ERS. tia ~ City, Co uncil Bluas. Lea-..;cn wortl.1, Atcl1Ison. eapol ia aud St. Pa:al. ! t collllec>ts in U niou NEW WINCEYS. have been a blessing to her secluded life. rmm, or to a firnt-class workman, wit h an MEN'S AN!> LADIES' SUPPERs.g ;-..::,~ l\tiun Depots w1 Ut all ti10 ori11c1n:i \ hnc:u c1· r oa.d betw een NEW l\fENS' UNDER SIIIRTS, ----- ~~-.cl~· -...,,--addition to h.i.s pay for responsibility ; but t h e Atlaut1c a n d t bc 11aC'l,1c Ooc:\ne. lt!-t eqni pment is u nrivaled ond mag~ificcJlt, being com posed .All thCl above goods sold According to t h e calculations of the t ho others mnnot be s1.1fcly left to any but KEW MENS' DRAWERS of Mo~t Com to1·ta.b!e f!.1 :i.d ~c a.u"&1 ful Di:iy Cou('h 4's. Mu(,:-i1i1tce11t lto1·t011 Recl m rn g Ohail' Cai·3, F ullrogistrar-gen ern.l, t he area of Enghmd and NJ<::W A_CTORY COT'l'ON, m.au·s PTc~t1eat L'alac0 Sleeping C<i.rl3, an:l ~b.~: Be::Jt thepruprictorh~~··-vVales at the time of t aking the last cenLine ol D1nlu a Curs in tl\ c Wor Jc1. 'J.'!ll'ee T r ilins NEW STEAM LOOMS sus was equal to nciirly one and a half between Cl11csgo und l\I!ssou n 1ti ver P o1nta. t.J..·wo r .['1·ui11G between Cl11ca.g-o and Mm11ea11oh3 :uul S t. The causes which start m en upon their Pa.nl, vrn. th o Famous N~W l!'INGRRING YA_RN. --(0)aor~s for every human being, so that if careers are often seemingly the most "A.L BERT ll..F.A ROUJYE." NEW CA_NADIAN YARN. the population lmd b een equally distribut- sligh t and casu al. A N e w and D il'cc t Line, vin. S e ti eca and X a.,.Lka..., ,_ ed ~he ~ist_a1~ce b etween t he t wo n eigh lt ee,h a s recently been opened betwoen ruchlllOn·d. "Tu-day is yours ; to-m or row may bebormg 111d1viduals would have b een mnet y ~~i~~~a1:ii;~r1~:~~ii~~;li~.a!~~~~~~n~6i~~~·1 f;~1: Ind1ana pohs and 11efayctt e. lltUd Oinshu, M in'.!la!ll')Parties buying C oods Will yards. Saxony and Belgium arc the only long to others. " vVha.t are you giving us1 o lis e.nd f:it. Paul and 1n~r:i'l cdll:t.te p-oi·1ta. ., ' Al."1'D "\"Y on't t o-morrow be hours also ? All T h rough P-0.escuger a '.Ct·a.v cl or.. I'ast E.;!r,n~ · two other European countries where the 'I'raina. -~ "It is really very odd, my dear !" said Tickets fol.~ sale i!.t all p rin (}1pal T i c l'::et Offia m? i u population is as dense as this. Elbow th(} U n ltetl S tat es and Ca naa.a . room, however, is constantly diminish- an old bely, one very h ot d1.1y, to a friend . Ba.9.'gage check e d thr ou~h and M t CB of fare o.1 w a;ya as low as c o mti.3titor» t h a t oft'e r l ess L\dva.ning. · A.pout the commencement of Lhe "I cnn't b e:lr the 1~0at in si,immer a.nd in by Buyrng from receive prompt attention. t1~~·deta.ilod i~forma.tion,get tho :Map s aud Fold ... present century , t he proximity of indi- winter I love it. " erB of the vidual to individmtl on an oqual distribu· "I go by the choir," observed the STOR "1iJ: One door west STATESMAN office CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, tion would have been about 158 yards ; stack of sacred melodies in a music store. At your nearest T1cltet Omam . or address lit. R. C::ABL.E, E. ST. JOHN, «CALL .A.ND'.iSEE,"Q 1821, 132 yards ; in 1851, 193 yards ; "And I go by the pound," put in th-e ViH ·I'roo, /ii Q~n·1 M'g"r , Gen"I n;, &; fa,., .!.~ 2f6. . m 1871, 2<> ya.r ds. Bowmanyille, .A.ug, SO, 1883. pian~ sel ectiou. s. CHICAQQ, Cllinese Babies. It was at the residence of the Chinese GENERAL JUBAL EARLY. AY.E: R"S. 1 Cbevry · Pectoral. 0 1 I . THE ONTARIO BANK MARBLE WORKS . .., _L W. S H A W " AGENCIES. DR. ·FE LI x l E BR u D c 0 cean S . tean1sh1ps. I T Yt W f ALLEN :Highest Price WOOL & BONES. LEWIS QUICK, . 0 z Q ~ -~ UNDERTAKING I LEVI MORRIS. g ~ ~ """' ~ ~· ~ ~ fA AN FINE W. M~MURTRY Boots &Shoos. CHICAHO, ROCK ISU ND & PACIFIC R 'Y I .CHEAP FOR CASH. __ __ Q R.:DERED WORK Save fro~ 15 to 25 per Cent W . .MoMURTRY, REPAIRING DAVID DAVIS. !-n