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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jan 1884, p. 3

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PULLMAN CITY" No Policemen, Ne Saleons, Jl-0 Aldevmen,, No De"bts-A Bea11t1ful Town Built by a Great Mam1.t'aoommg Company Correspondenre New York Sun \>'ii hen m 1.880 the rapidly extendiong busmess of t he P ulhuan P 1J.lfloe Car Com pany n "'cess1tated the eiecti.on of new works, Mr George M Pull.Ll11.an foun d an opportumtx for carrymg mto efl.ect a th e ory which he had long e l"ert:uned T lilP first q uei1tion to be decided was as to the location of the shO])S A great deal of land w&· rogu wd, and to socu~e th e n o cessary space m any p )rt10n of Cluc~ 0 would have c:J,lleu for the expenditure of a verv l ugo s im of money .llfoie tlrnn tlu e thousa 1d workmgmen wer.e t o be employed and if the shr ps were located m the city these men, witu the1r famihes woulc bu el mpcJled to live m ere wded and unh 1lths t enements m miserable streets aucl they and their children would be subJoct to all ihe t-co iptabon~ and snares of a great city LJ J..mg at the matter from the stai dpoi nt of a capitalist and from t hat <t the workmgman as well M r Pullma;n felt that 1 wo uld be better for all concorncd if the new works could be est ablrnhed 111 the cou ntry There was no town already built that ccun nenct ed itself to lum In all to v; luch lus a~ t ent10n 1<as drawn there were cheap al d shabb;y homies, numerous saloons a>td ao ii10ciat10ns not cf the best Io estah t n t he enterpnse m one oi these Vi oulct per haps ans wer the purposes H tho CO!J1pan:J hut t he moral ;md phvs cal well bemg of the >rnrl tng 1mople wuuld have to he lo.t si ht of Unwilling to give up his tho ory, Mr Pullman uotermmed to brnld a to wn t o ordei T nere is a pro' is10n 111 t l e cha1 te1 of t he Pullman Palace Ca1 Company wluch pr e ~ ents that corpor1:tt10n frnm O>'<!llng as m uch land as was r oqu r eel fo M r 1 ullmun s 1JuJ I ose To obvi ate this drfilculty thtJ Pull na.n L and Com pa1 y wt\> i,;"1 izod Mr Geo Pullr.aan bemg the p ~1den· t id owne1 of the ma JOr1ty of stock South of CJncago for many Jmles t he Near th e country is ve1y unc'esuable lake it resembles t h e prne barrens of the sea shore. F m ther mlan d it is m 1rshy and low The double t racks uf the E ast en1 trunk Imes form n clgos t h rougH it and bet ween them the surface wat e1 ac cumulat es, or tncklt s awa:1 o L kc Cal u met This is a sm all body or wat er wh c~i empt1rn mto L ake M1cl11,,,an at South Clucago,' and the shores bf winch aie soft an d swamp;) T he obJ"C t of M~ P ullm1n b emg t o find cheap 1 rnd, he 11 as e as1 y satisfied v11t h that offered to lum m tlns localit y l n ree thousand acres \\ere pm chased at · merely n omm al p uce 'Ihe t ract is s1uu .tect along and near L ake C:J,Jurnet n.nd lies on both ·ides of the Il li.1101s Ce11L kl m il V<!;}, about fourteen m1 es from t1 1 s ci ty i o build a city 1 l such a pbco looked like a great uncle1tak rn.g But it 1' as ex.act y what Mr P ull m an desired He wanued everythmg to be 11e:w 1nd of the best qu 1lity 'Ihe sewern;ge problem was the next t o be .solverl The lan<l w 1s as has been said low ancl level ~ o na tural outlets could be c.oJ;J.tri:ved A greu.o w II was, th ere fo~.dJ;ig o<Pd 11).. tha S0.Wers of t lH t own-. wluch wc10 q mcld y ouilt m :the mo.,,t sub stant1al manne.i m all the strnets were made to centre m this cesspool Slmul - taneously with tho sewers 1vater and gas rnpe~ -w ete laid The Sureets whtch aie broad and straight, were then laid out and maoadann zed LAYIN,G 0 1 T <I. CITY Wlule tlus work was m progr-iss under the s l penn uenclence of the sarutary eng1 neer employed for the purpose by Mr Pullman tho arclutect, Mr Beaman, of New York was busy w1tb lu s plans It is not often thab an arcluteet h;i,s an op po1tunity to draw plans for an entire 01ty at on ce J\'[r Beaman, however under took t he worl, with. somethmg of the en thusiasm of Mt Pullman, and catchmg the latter s ideas, was able to transfer them to paper, and take the first steps to wards their execution "\\ he11 the nuter ial was at hand special trans " 1 h huncl reds of workmgmon worn run fiurn Clnca, go m the mornmg returnmg with them at mght and 111 ,i few monbhs the com mg city began to a sume shape 'Ihe great shops of l he company were erected near the Illmo1s Central ra1lroa~ tracks These bmldmgs 3!fe very substan tial, and 111 some sense 01namental They are of pre~secl brick and stone with roofs of slate, cover fifpeen acres and, 1ccommo date more th:an 2 000 workmgmen South of the works and separated from them by a wide b oulevard, along which .stand tho handsomest houses m the town hes the city It is regularly laid out, with V(lde streets, and compact and solidly built houses, all of brwk and stone, with Jiand some lawns, shade trees, ancj. flower beds These houses ar e 1,426 m number, and vary m rent accorclmg to their size loca t10n, and convemences In front of the mam bml<lmg of the company s v; orks and m plam view from the Illmo1s Central railroad, is a beautiful park with a mnuature lake many handsome flower bed~, rookeries, sohd stone copmgs shrub bery and fountam South of the depot, wluch is a fine Gotlnc strQcture, is the Arcade, and JUSt east is the hotel The Arcade ls a spacious and elegant bmldmg which contams all the stores of the city and the post office, hbra1y, theatre, bank and cafe All the stores and offices face a wide t ile laid mterior court, with gal lcr1os on tho second ftoor reacheu by easy stairs The bmldmg cost $300 000, and at mght it,s mte1101 re,sembles nothmg so much as a bazaar or fair The hotel is a massive b mlclmg, ele gantly furmshed and well k ept The market house, arran,;ed som!)thmg aftur the style of the Arcade affords ample facilities for the butchers of Tho ch ur ch rn a h..,autiful the town G oth1c strncture of ston e, with green stone t1mmnngs and a lofty spire 'I he school h ouse is commodious and sunny The lrvery suable has accommodahon for scor es of h orses an d is, besides the head q uarter s of the fire de_pa1tment Near t he .Q~ntre of the comp iny s works is the u"'e ..w.a,t er t ower Un der this is tho si>werage cesspool and m the top1s a t ank sa pph ed by contract with Lake M1du,,,1 u 1 wattJi from tho Hyde Park wat er works F rom this tank water is distributed th1oughout the town The sew age which accumulates m this pit at the 0 J botto.m is for..ced by means of pumps through pipes to the form owned b~ th.e company: .T.1Jor.e than three nules aw1y, wheie at JS used fo1 puq;oses of fert1lill':a faon Many .nnsgivm gs were ex pressed at first eoncerrung the w1 adom of tlns scheme of sa,rllt2t-ion, but its su~cess has been demonstrated engmeers frnm all par ts of the worlc l haw mvestigatecl it carefully, and have mv iriably expressed themsoh cs as s'Ltislied of its eJ:h c!.tcy 'I he gas works am situated on t h e sho e oi L ake C tl u met, JUSt east <'f the rnam bmlcln gs of the company On the 2nd o!t Apul 1881, the Pull mam shops win e st u t "c1 the great COThss engine wlneh figuH d so conspicuously at the Centemual Exuo"it10n formslun" the motive powt!r W th he slmpR rn pei~ t10n turnrn,., out sc es u· ra1lrnad ca1s of ever.1 desc111hon dilly he thcor.'i of Mr P ullm:tn w ll.S to be put to tho ·est His theory nee ls to t c u derstood before In, town can b<> comp1ehended The Sui s con esponclent vi,i ted lum at hrn Claoa,g) of:lice rece1ttl v and rnacle a fe 1 enqun 1es Thfr F Ltllman is o tlrl'.l c gmhe I i id cour teous, t little past ll Jelle hfc but Jnst m tho p nme or a v; on ersully suoce·sful husmess carne- -· Mi are owned by the company Nobody elsl can 00tam possess10n of them for the rea son. that they are not for sale J hey aro r ented to anybody of good charact er fo1 sum e calculated to retmn six per cent on the mvestment So many houses we10 built ctt one tuue t hey Wklrn of com se pu t up much cheaper than they ccnld ha' e "Onstrncted one by one The rents been c.. t~e ther efore, r rnch leos than those asked for hrnses equall:i good m the city or even m t hen ne1 ghbon ng t owns To sup ply so largo a popubt10n " ith r ehg10us and educat1 onal fanht es bee 1me t he du y of the founder of th e town 1s well as t o I I< :v1dc fox ~tores and rr arket · A. fine school hou 0 e was bm lt and t e iohern wei e employed A costl) chmch was erected I h e a1cade and marl 0t place wore o ult a ld the clnuch md stores cf M1 P ullm m 1 now t hat ferccl f r rent tl1e chm ch was a better one th 1ll any new sometyc rnld atlord to occupy He b mlt it expensively however for be behev 8d that u co 1gregat10n -would be able to pay tor it rno lent IS $00 per month It ha not been i1ken yet but there are several church 01 0 a111z 1t10ns, a·w there is cor s,dcr Lbln r v 1hy 1mong t'rnm 1s to 1 h1ch will obt m tl e prn~e lf other eltUic !OB Ile IWOUed the.) Will J. bu1lu by the corn pany Jieelmg thaut1ieu>vnwould attv~c 1 good 111n ns tors ~h1 .1.'ulln n l u it the hotel lt vas owned and rn:otn LJe 11 J the c 1 i1 I y its hudlord so co.Ile l bemg r mel) tn ernpl yee [} e fire clop t t uo rt 'med aud op rated m the san e way so a1 e the 111ery stable the t11 atro 1 ubhc hbrct13, and every f1~tur c of tho ( IV l A 0 trn ge n r v J t l:'t I Jman puts up at ah tel mar a,,,ml by one of 1\il1 Pulln 11 s em1)]0J eos, visits a t 1101t10 \lune 111 the attendants are m JYir I uli rr \n s ~e1v10e dnrks water and burns e: ws which lVI1 Pullm ui s w 1ter and Jas wor ks sn1 ply hires one of 111~ out fits fr Jn1 the ma,ntger f Mr Pullnmn s hve13 stlble, vi~nt~ a school m which the clnld n of Mr Pul m;;,n s ernp l c ye es arc taught by othur eruplo) ces ots a bill changed :J,t Mr Pullmm1 s h~nk is un 1ble to make a pt ichase of any k11d sa> e nom so ne ten ant of ivli Pullman s and at mght is guarded by a fire depar tmenu e"I ery mem bor of wh1 h from th e clnef clown is m Mr Pullmans eer"\ ice Ever ytlung JS fnst class m its '\ ay Tho hbrnry l,as IO 000 volumes and rn t.10 persona gift of Mi Pullman The t heatre '~lnch h l e tl e hlnat v s m the tlt)(;ona st01y of L Ie !\.rcade bmldmg is one of tho most ole g"'nt l) arranged places of amuse en t m the v )lld lt prices are r easonable, and it i s open to dramatic and literary ent01 tamments of the b est class only D unng the firs t s ix months t hat the h brar:y was open seventy six per cent of t he books taken ou were on luston c 11 b100 1pl11cal 01 s01cntif1c subJ ects A CITY WITH NO COB PORATIVE ME!> I GOVERN ·= =· MBWMfN!+I @ mesm RIDING A HORSE MACKEREL Aa J! xcltlng Ride on a Whale by tbe Sooond Ma i> of th"l ' Weep n Susan · HOME Hrnrs. SEL~CT YARIETIES. ' Usually when land schemes are set .on foot there is a big boom for a while and then a flattemng out Some people look at Pullman from cars, and say it is pr etty but it won f last It ¥all last The works will make it permanent If for any ieason the works were to close per manently, the town, with its fine h ouses sewerage and other convemences would prosper as a suburb I have d one every tlung with a v10w to permanence, and have m ade no attempt to create a furore Havmg decided to establish om "or ks fourteen miles from the mty, the bmldmg of houses to accommodate the 2, 000 work mgmen and their families became neces sary "i'lle could n ot undertake to con vey them bavk and forth, and, besides the location of the shops m t he country was for the purpose m part, of iemovmg 1ourmen from the city \Ve could notex peet 2 000 men and their families t o hve out on the prairies a nd be contented un less they were provided with the convon iences of modern civ1hzed life It was here that my theory was put mto force I believe the mon who have pleasant sm roundmgs will be better men t han those whose sunoundmgs are bad and that tlus bemg the case tlie emplo)cr-w1ll de rive a great ben efit I have the efore spent a gr eat deal of money boauuif,'img the t o\.\ n and m prov1clm g for the moral and phys1eal development of the people, and it h as I 1 cl me well A man who can bring his r n nd clown to understand the sun plest b usm ess proposit1011 can fathom the P ullm 0 n scheme very e 1s1lJ It is simplicity itself VVe :i.re land lords and employers That 1s all there is of it .A. Clil RCF! OF:EERED l Oit S UB Alt hough the city h LS a population of 7 000 it h as no go1 ernment save that vlnch is exei cisea in common over the entire tovrnship count y and S tate In othei words t here 1s no corporate gov e1nment No arr e·t has ever been made witlun the Pallman tract There are no :policemen or cons tables no Ju0 t1ce s court, no Al dermen , no public function an es of any d e~cnpt10n ' How m th~ world d o you go1 em these people i rs a quest10n often ask ed of Mr P ullma n ' vVe t> overn them he Sa) s, "m the same way a man governs lus house his sto e 01 lu s ' I orkshop I t is all sunple enou 0 h 11h en you come to lool at 1t So it seems A m an gomg there t o live applies for a h ouse to the supermtendent who dra>1s up a l ease wlu ch may b e can celled by e1ther part3 on ten da vs notice The company wnl not disturb hrm if he Is a 0 ood citizen and he may keep hrn h ouse as long as he pleases prnvidmg he does not sell liquor On the o her hand, if he 1s cl1ssat1sfied and w1sl es to leave he can do HO 1t auy tune and is not e ucumber"'d with a lease rnrmmg a year or more No liquor is sold m the town The only law agamst it however, is an unwritten one whereof Mr Pullman is the author To prm icle healthful amusement and recrea t10n forthe people, Mr Pullman has fitted handsome boat houses on J_.ake Calu met, and tlns 1.ieaubful bouy of water is mghtly covered with boat loads of pleasure seekers There are many 01 gamzat10ns among the workingmen, 111 cludmg a debatmg society, a literary associat10n a brass band, a baseball club '3.ncl other s It is the desire of Mr Pull man to encourage all these as much as possible He feels the need of a news paper m the town and mtends soon to establish one It will be edited.and man aged by lus employes He has no selfish purpose m estabhshmg thIS Journal, hrn sole motive bemg to give the people the news at httle expense, and afford them certam amusement He thmks also, smco they ha1 e orgamzed :10 many societies, that it will be very entertammg and mst1uctive to them to have ther pro ceedmgs reported Any, more sketch of this town must be imperfect There are so many thmgs to wnte about that it is impossible to cover them all The idea uppermost m one s mmcl after seemg and understandmg the place is, perhaps that the humblest 01t1 zen there is m the enJoyment of many advantages '\\h1ch only wealth can supply, and that although far from a capitalist Jumself, he suffers few of the mconven iences of poverty There is no extor tion anywhere, and the fullest freedom consISt ent with good m orals is Jranted ----~ ._....,.~----- I t may well be asked 1f Mr P ullman is not too modest 01 if h e does n ot do him self tu rn 1ustice wh en he asserts t hat sentiment has had nothin g to do with ]us great work The city of P ulman, as it stands, represents an outlay of about $6, 000,000 All the buildmgs m the place Sweet charity is thei antidote for bitter misery Canada is certamly r ich 111 phosphates as well as m many ot h er classes of valu able m merals The trade m the expor t at 10n of ph osphates has grown wonder fully each year for the past five years, and as n ow beds are b em g foun d n.nd ne w compames are makmg ext ensive pur chases fo1 olcl beds the prospects are that our expor t trade will verv largely mer ease m the years to come :b rom t h e port of M ontreal al on e no less t han 17,160 tons were expor t ed du mg the last year I n 1880 the quantity export ed was but 7 500tons The mcreaseas been steadily growm g each year smce P hosphat es are among the most valuable of agn cultmal fertilizers and their importance rs moie recogmzecl m Great Bntam than here Our Canadian farmers would do well to give more attention to their use Prudery is t'·e eaucatme of m( E YE V\ ATER - Three level tablespoom1 ful of w]ut e eopperas, three l evel table Good breedmg consists m ha> spoousful of salt one and one 111lf p nts of Sae that man 7. said the captam of particular mark of any profession wate1 B oil th s for a few rnomen ts 1ncl a cod fisherman at the Fulton market genenl elegance of mann ers put a ctr op .n the eye mght and morn111g s11p, pomtm g to a round shouldered Bo courageous and noble mmde Be careful m the u o of ( r as it JS p01son long limbed sailor who w1s ! :rnsy scrnpmg own h earts and not other men 8 or This is k no rvn t< be an unfa1hn,;[ down t he mammast w1th a piece of wmdo"l'v of us forms our tr ue honor ous iemecly for weal and mflame d eyes It pane 'wall, hes rid what amt a gom t o be n d agam N 0 h e chcln t n de out 110 gale Orten the world d1scove1 s a should be diluted if used with babies ro SW EE TEN RANCID B t T'IElt - <\. cor o wmd nor n o sea sarpmt nor no Davy moral worth only when its lllJUstJ r espon dent of the Ooimtry Gentlemcin J ones cow W hat ho bucklod t o was a ne~11l T clestro3 eel lnm T he feeble t remble before opnu o states that sh e has rendered butter th1t r eg lar out an outer of a h oss m wkerel I was t oo r m c1cl, e>en for cooldng perfect seen !um do i t added bhe sl ipper, ham foolish defy it t ho wise JUclgc 1 w d skil fol chrect it ly sweet by euuting 1t m to pieces of about mermg the r ail with a belay ng I m H1 Amos drop v\ o Judge ourselves by wh at w ~ pound each w ~1ppmg the pieces m he nd him well too capable of domg while ot hers JUd clean 11lu to clc ths anu buryrng t hem a down a mmute "\\Ill ye 7 fo ot or more deep m ho gr ound, allowmg Amos slackened away the halyard that by what" e hM e alrewdy done 1 them t o J1e i week <r two tho l ' ashrng h~d suspended him m rmd a11 and lower H you would be pungent be bnef md re~ ;lL1 1u A c 11cospona;;nt of t he ed awa) and conung fonvar l wrench ed it s " it h words 1s w1tb sunbeams R?trnl 1Y e o Yu AM ~dv1oes tho bo1hng of the ropor tei s 1r n with New Engl tncl I more t i eJ ar c condensed t h e deeper tho butter with the addition of a hl\nd co-d1ality bllrn fnl <f s 1lt 1m a ttJaspoonful of soch to I a1 it much on pi pm my o I'll horn True o]ory tak es mot :incl t rn r t hree pound~ of butte~ he111 our he said bu l\s C tpunm Lish ha,s mado sprcalls '°;;1 false p10te11ces 1il e flo m.,, i t mto a, crock to cool tJ10 aflidavy I m bound to t1 k t o it It f tll to bhe g1 ounct nm can any eou come, he contmued se 1tm,,, lumself on feit last lono t'he rail somoth1 n hke tlus I w ~ ~ ~ " second mate of tho nacl e1el m ;i,n V\Tcop A man 1'110 i~ able to employ hi~ m Susan 'Ihat wa~n t her r egistere l nmocentiy is never m1seiable It io name but she "as so master cl nnp when idle wl o ctro "ietchecl 1f l wante cbse hauled that we gev her the hmclle rnfhct the greatest pumshmcm; on a sort of off hand nd 1 ·tuck to he1 like low creature I would ohut hi 11 a101· burrs on a curly dog v V\i e ,,,enerctlly lay t1ark mom with at emploJ ment on aud by betweeu B indefor dand l\i nl110 Ihe talcnv of turmn0 mm mto nth~ gan, md m a stross of weather put mto and exposmg to laughter those one l the firsv hole we could ketch One even veises with is tho quaili catro l <f 11 1 1 it came on to blow and th<: hall ileet I mmds and ungenorous tom 1)CIS /I. r o~ got msicle of Fort Popham and 1 ud it man with tlus c ist of mmd cuts lurn out- a snortm nor eastcer After she ofi from. all man ier of fmprovement blowed ou· it came on a dead calm and Nov er cli l any soul do goo l but 1t 0 the boys gm; on Vi hat they call a racket readier tJ do the s une a am with rn 'I here was over ~00 sail of m tckerel men enJoyment Ne> er was"' lo;e 01 o p wked mto a httle harbor so you could tucle or boumy practised bt;t v; 1tl1 almost JUrnp al oarrl r f em one from an ere LSlllCY JOY wlneh ma le' the pract4 other md ou each" as a CI ow cf from 10 still mo~e 111 love with th<> fair act to 15 men makmg probably 4 000 men m all W 1H about noon s llnebocly sounds No one of my fella" s c >n do t a fo, horn and 111 a mmute morn o>er special w )rk for me vhwh I l Wv cc 1 oo"'o of hem fog hor ns was a ·ootm h o mto tho world to do he m:ty do a lnJ~ they had ao·1e c :l>'.J an i t lie other hands we rk but he c nn t do my'~ 01 k I ca wl at had~ t 1101ns vas >t lammm on tm not hind my woik overt i 1urn my md pans they d yanked ou of tho galley an cl than le n h m<l ove r!ly re 0 1 on s1b1htyl everyb ody was i ycll11 I tell ye it made my gifts a noise that m.ade the fish shed their Suffer n Jt yom thoughts to dwell scales all through the b 1y 1 ll sw m ye the lllJUlY y m have rcce1ve r1 or th e pr could ]1ea1 bhe ho\.\ Jiu and 10a11 l fh o vol ng wu els thal- lnve Leuu HJ! ken miles y rn Not on y learn Hie a1 t < f neglOe "W :i,ll t he hull ga11g vas agom it when mg them a tl e t ime you recen e t hen T~EMl rM SJ'UNI:; -A nuxtuie wluch our skipper noticed a big s hool of what but let t horn grow l~ss 1nd loM e' ery m i>- excellent for le novrn g gre se spots 1nd we t ook to be mackorol ngh t across t he ment until they di e o 1t of your mmd \ s·arns fl on carpets and clotlnng 1s mac1 e bay m sh ore You l m bet we drop ped Tho famil) is a rn matme common of two ounces of a mrnoma t v ) our cos of them horus and 3umpcd for t he bo tt· wealt h u pon wh ose mtegu tv the safety o white castrle soap one ouuce of Jlycerme ~nd m 1 nnnute was imde1 w;i,v A h 1]f tho hug( r commonwealth depends I one ounce of ether Cut he soap fine do~n of the others see w1rni was up ~1'1d s the seed plot cf 1ll moi ahty \\ e ex chssolve m one pmt of water over t l1£ pu after us, but we got there first hev press i;he nublest 101gi 1rrs of tho huma1 fir e add t wo q uarts of watEr l h s should over the n et and was round t ho school m i rt YI h en we spealc f ':i time to come m be nuxed with wu.ter m the pwportwn of short commons I n haulm m the n ot whwh all m nkmcl Vi ill be mated as < n a teacupful t < one or drna .'i sized pail of we worl eel m to shoal watei md I Via0 fa n ily "atcr M ix thoroughl y aud wash soiled standm for 11d and holclm the 8611 e M ark r " 1m has hit up n a foas1blu 11 a:J gaiments m 1t :B 01 removrng spot s use when there came a Jcrl and a splash and tc p10tect lns > 1oks m E ngl ml More a sp nge or clean fl innel cloth and with a 01g;. fish riz n ght m front of rm and t he JUSt than tl10 Umtecl St::ite, Enghncl ex a dry cloth rub as dr y as possi ble V\ ool fi:i:.st u hmg l know I ~ a~ on top of a hos~ tends copyno-ht to forman ern md "'ith th e len goods m ay be made to look bn0 ht m ackerel 12 foot long 1 fell ri"'ht astride ·ol e proviso that the \~ork shall be first and fresh by b emg spon ged " 1th tlus of it and m tiym to fend off the clltter I lmblishe<l m her co untry M1 k rwam grabbed it by t h e gills and L ord ble·s ye therefore publishes lus be oks m L01 don 111 a second I ,~mi I ushm along on t hat one day b~fo1 e th e:J are issue l at home and rresHlc.mt Yea! . ere critters 1: wk like a st eam engm e I so piotccts lumself m both marke ls This is Preside i t 3 ear m the "C m ted was so took that I hung on for 111 I " as worth the lads a screamm and a y ellm That able and consplcu m s member of S tat es, and ther e " ill b e :J,U unusual flutter m pohtwal cucles m con se iuonce so t I thou aht my tune h ad come Down ·he Gladstone Cabm et Mr Charnhed am, 1 Arrangements a re now bem0 made for wen t t he!Jig° cuss but 11e cou dn t smk c rnsed much laughter and ma lY cl16 · the nat10nal cmlvention of the - espec n e me on account of t he shoal wat er I hen by closmgapulihc address on th e present parties to nommate their candidates for he turned up th e beach leadm as luck issue ' between the p0e1s and tlle people Prnsident and Vice Pies dent and to lay would hM e it, ngh t along one of these between the pnv1leges of thu f~w and the I 11m m clown the1r party platfo1ms for the cam ere fen ces OJ ti.sh wues and gom like u ghts of manJ, as fullo"l'< s pa1gn Of course the p latforms are lightmn the spra) a flym and I a brae cl mod to hope m the wolCls of t hat be m usually framed with a special n e" of m back like I was leadm a char re In a tifL I Church h iK'tny w luch is r eacl ever y y t hat all th e nobility ma' be on catch mg the popular f lYOr and some mmute or so we reach ed the fc~1ce and Sund 1 O'CV a sh irp t urn and cl 1shecl dm ed Wlth f,race, wise om an ct under tunes not mu ch att ention is paid to them the critter 0 ~ fte1war ds It is uow pret ty well undei up along t o ards the boats ag 1111 a stretch st and m g ----~---stood that the quest10n of I 1otect10n will of 2{)0 yards By this time the nggm of A Fathe1' s L ove. receive much greater attentwn durrng tl e the hull fieet 'ms black with the lads a I don t know comm g ooutest than for ~on <> ime p[l,st screamm an d h urrahm At the siege >f Sebastopol 1 fu11111dable The many ltiSUes c 1mmg out or the late how it came, but afor e t he critt er reached mm e h td been d ug ancl loaded under tho en 11 " ?. 1 ha' e now become tl· ucl i s u us tho boat ii; slewed, and of! I went but ::\falakoff tower lf Gener 1 1 M wl\fahon and outs tl of trnde mat t e sand Pol} '"amy hangm on hke gu m death his gills cut had not chanced to disco' er m th e b;;,n acl'tin i lto rnv hands hke kmves But I there ire re>'< Rnbiects of ,.; "' t i mpu1 m e one wire leadmg from a well concealed The R o1nhh ca11 I i l ty was bound to hang on or bust and hang voltaic 1 ile to a lar ge quantity of powder , before the It:J,tion has ~ tways fa>ored p1otcct10n but it is on I did My shdm to lo ward headed :m d anot]l(Jr eonncctmg it with the I owdm now v; ell knuwn that its mfluence 1s much the big critter m, and h e rushed clean on magazmc tho~ hole victor10us force rmght on the wane and it will requne good to the :flat I nd lnm clean ashore and ha> e b een blown mto tlrn au after havmg pilotmg to ensure lts success this time if you kin beat that for udm I want to gamed possessiou of the fort Ihe wues Of course the busmess depress1011 will sec the hoss -Ncw Y <>rk Swn weie all cut but the powder magazme tell senously agamst the success of the could not be found Some of the Fr ench party m the next contest A llint to Callers. soldier s " er e settmg fire to t h e e ~ l'"Y A great deal of attention is JUSt now Now that a good many evenmgs are gab1011 which had been thrusi; mto the bemg given m the U mted States to the b emg spent out t h e qnest10n of JUSt what wmdov;s of the tower m order t o barricade d1scuss10n of the respectne clanns of the constitutes a fair ' evenmg is more fre it One of th e gab10ns appeared to be promment men snpposed to be available qucntly discussed by both callers and moung A Freuch officer c iJled out tlmt as candidates for the Presidency The hosts than is often imagmecl Omi of if any one was there who could speak policy of the parties now appears to be t o the leadmg magazmes has devoted an able French he might come without fear The brmg out some ' dark horse m the end article to t}).e subJect but it is not worth gib10n was pushed through the wmdow as the only available compromise between the reproducmg We all know that, on and a very young Russian officer c1 ept the leadmg rivals, and rt is therefore qmte both sides, altogether depends on the out He was iissui ed that he and an y probable that, on either side, the men class of company Mr Jones m his others surrendermg as prrsouers of war selected m the end will be the men about younge1 clays, spent some evemngs, :very would be well treated After saJmg a whom least is now; bemg said The only pleasant all round, where it seemed very fov. words m Ruasmu at tlrn wmdow h e wonder is that, under such a system as short up to the small, wee hours past mid was i oi 1ed by four officers and two hun good a class of men have been elected as mght He v1S1ted other places where ten dred common soldiers They r equested have occupied the Presidents chair for mmutes was quite too long an evemng for through him to be tal en away at once years past Lmooln and Hayes and Gar the pleasure of either party Mr Jones This request suggested some knowledge of field were certamly all good men for the is a representative man of the whole of an 1mpendmg ex plosiou The young offi pos1t1on and Arthur has turned out far us m this particuhtr One write1 thmks cor was theroforo ordered to pomt out t he better than was Jenerally expected half an hour is about the safe tlung for an posit10n of the powder magazme rhe Whether Arthur will agam be the nom evenmg call, ordmarily One thmg lad m 1de no amwer A French ~ubaltern mee of the Republican party is now very we know, and that rn JUSt what atten said to the commanclmg officer th 1t the doubtful The popular cry m regard to t10n is dueeted to JUSt now A great Russian ought w be shot if ho rnfused t o him from week to week is so fluctuatmg many acceptable callers are much too obey the order given to save so many lives that it is evident he has not a very strong thoughtless about the hour ofleavmg In The youth k ept silence wit h a haughty hold on the popular favor most well regulated families the prepara glance of md1Jnat10n at the subaltern, ap ____ __, - - hons for mght retirmg begm pretty early parently for supposmg that he would be To look back to antiqmty is one tlnng -say between nme and ten o clock-a nd tray a secret uncler a threat The F rench to ,,.0 back to it another If we look back to prevent such regularity lB somcthmg to chief for med a platoon to shoot him, and to ~t, it should be as those who are run/ be M 01dcd Of course nearly all h osts he tui nod his f w e to lus executioners An mng a race only to press forward th are t oo polite to drop any lunt, but no old Russian maJOr who understood Fr ench faster and to leave the beaten still fur sensible caller should wart to hear any ran fr n1 1rd, took the commandant by t h e hand, drew hun to a heap of earth ther behmd thing drop and pomted downward The earth was The unhealthful ness of many parts of qmckly shovelled away, and barrels con The outlook for the farmers is n ot very good for the n ew year H ow the har vests Afnca is the great obstacle m the way of tammg eighty e1,;ht thousand pounds of Nme out of gunp wcler wern d iscovered for the commg yca,r mn.y turn out H eaven openmg it to 01vihzat10n A strong alone knows The farmers, as a whole tw enty F r ench m1Ss10naries have died 111 French guard was set over them The m this ProvrnctJ are feelmg pr etty poor two le irs, and the r anks of the Interna young Hussian officer was t old to go with JUSt now Their ordmary gram crops tion u societ y s p10neers have been sadly the otht!r prison ers H e g w e a nuhta1y last year were much below the averaJ e depleted 'Ih e n ews has JUSt come that sal ute and kissed t he old R u ssian maJOI a and the prices bemg so unexpectedly J ames St ewart, C E , '~ ho was bmldmg h ind small, the amount of money their crops the road between Lakes ~ yassa a nd 'I an ' Do n ot blame hnn for showmg yon Explore1s agree that J.he powder he said m French to t he brmg is pr obably non more than one h alf ganyika is dead as great as was expecte d In a counti:y the msalu br1ty of t he country is largel y commandant, with trembhug voice an d h l e ours so largel;> dependen t on its agn clue t o t he fact that the excessive lux uri tear s m ]11-;; eyes ' He 18 my fath er cultural r esom ces for its actual wealth ance of vegetat1011 along the river banks such a fallmg off m a smgle year rn on e of rauics them above their proper level cut Ther e aro 1 10 r oyal roads t o lea1nmg. t ne most ser10us busmess calamities that tmg off t h e dramage from the plams Dr Another bad Sclrn emfurth and the Portuguese ex P loclclmg ls a common word It is plam could have o' ertaken us harvest iust now, and another~ oar ofl ov; plorers, Capella an d l venus, ar e conv mc and homely and it is sigmficant of sturdy prices for gram would brmg rum t o eel t hat a great change m the climate can labor I t carries with it a degree of slow· many hundreds of busmess men not them be made by scientific dra111ago, and that, n0!ls but assures ult1mat El certamty Money and time are the heaviest bur· selves engaged 111 agncult ure 1t all I n m fact, the country dramecl by some large Canada, at least n early eve.y man feels rivers can be made h ealthful and habit dens of life, and the unhappiest of all a direct mt&est m the success of the able by the expenditure of a few thous- mortals are those who have more of either than they know how to use and dollars faP.lller I I I 0 - -----

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