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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jan 1884, p. 4

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____ _ ------- Dinner to f. ft McArthur, Esq, -Call and see the~ CLARKE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. ltEP0111' CH' ANNUAL ltlllE1'1NG, CL.A .RKE MUNICIPAL ELEC'l'IONS. .YSTONE & BOSS COLD WATCH CASES, l"he beet make in the worlrl at A Y N A.RD'S, TH"K .JE,1'ELl.lllt, OFFICES ..A.re now open in the following places: ·Wmanville, Heapler, Poterboro', antford, Kingston, Por~ Hopti, ighton, Lind soy, Sprrngfield, L~ndon, St. George, .bourg, ,]borne Millbrook, St. Thomas, 1urtice,' Napane1o>, 'l'oronto, Newcastle, Trenton, ;merento, Dudas, Owemee, Troy, 1lt Orono Oshawa, Waterdown, iin;·n u·th, 'Palermo, Whitby, uelph, Paris, Woodstock. iF ,rrMessages Transmitted for tbe general iblic ; Subscribers Messages at SpecialRates. _ C. BAKER, T. BINCHAM, Manager, HAMILTON. 4.·2w. Agent, DowMANVlLLE. BOWMANVILLE, FRIDAY, J AN'Y 25. THE "\Vinnipog Times wants the Gov· ermnent to grant $50,000 to be spent in finding out if the Hudson Bay route to E11rOJHi can be successfully mwigated. It i:i t.i.me Sir ,Tohn did something for the North-West, MR. J . J. HAwKr~~ i§ · cetfolnly th~ <lheekicst man in Ontm'io. No lwn9r11hle uum would_E~1ke hi SBJl:~ i:.1 £he Conunons when the vcr<lict of the courts, and the people too, decide for another man. Trrmm 11rc a great many positions filled by males tlmt could be as well tilled by females. We believe thousands of famil- THE LATE Mrs. H. A. POWERS. ies are poor because the ' 'girls" are too We regret to chronicle the deatl1 of pmud to earn their own living . . Mrs. H. A. Powers, who died in Yale, British Colmnbia, on Dec. 12th, 1883, IT will be an important · step in time from dropsy of the lieart. Mrs. Powers was the eldest daughter of refor m when th e 24-hour system is adopt· the late Samuel McCoy, Newcastle, and a ed, and the 12-hour clocks abandoned. resident ofNewcastle and vicinity previous H will soon be done, too. to her removal to British Columbia, two years ago last March...Her he~lth be· A'r this· season farmers should look coming poor, her physicians advised h er to try' a change of climate . ....H er youn_g~13t around for. good, clean · seed grain for sister havin" married and gone to British spring sowing. Farmers having such Columbia, 'Mr: and Mrs. Powers determined to follow her to the western world. s110uld advcrtisc it. Accordingly, they bade adieu to. their friends in Outario, and accompamed by TRADE is b eing seriously inj.ured by the their two children and Mr. and Mrs. snow blockade. Country roads are next Levi Powers, t hey started on a journey of to impass:tble. Pitch holes are numerous 4,000 miles to the Pacific coast. Mrs. Powers,tlwugh her health was poor when ancl deep. starting, was cheerful and hopeful that she might regail!- her health in t~1e h ealthTH.I! reason we do n ot publish parlia· ful climate of the west, and agam return menfary proceedings is that most of our t o h er friends here ; but alas ! it was not ncl of their r eaders take one or more provincial papers. t o be. On reaching the e" journey they had the misfortune to lo~e one of their children, an only son . Tlus Sm. RICHARD C11.1t:rWRIGHT was warmly h eavy trial w:i,s the .h arder to bear from clieered when introduced to the Speaker the fact of their being strangers in a of the C0mmons last week. He deserved it. strange land. Mrs. Powers' health was greatly im· proviid by the cl1ange, for just two months '£WENTY out of tho seventy-six members previous to her death she wrote to her of the U. S. Senate are millionai1·es. mother, stating that sh e was well and happy and more tlian e11joying herself. Concentmted capital controls Congress. She said she liked the country and the people so well that she was doubtful if Tm: live m eat tmde with Great B r itain sh e could ever make up h 11r mincl to come would be gre< ttly assistecl by better and back to Ontario again to live. About a foster transportation facilities. month before she died she was t:tken with d ropsy, and notwithstanding the best of and c<LI·e, sh e passed peacefully iiway Oor. readers :ire cautioned against pay· skill to her rest in h eaven on t he 1 2th ult. ing subscri1>tions for any pa11er s to un- Sh e had no fear 0f death; her only treuble known travelling agents. was in leaving h er little girl, Maudie. Duriug her illness h er trust wa.s strong in 'fli"ERE seems to be a feeling among God, and she was perfectly r esigned t o H is will. She.said if it was His will H e many c ,. uadian s towards making the would restore h er to health, but if it was Sen ate elective. H is will to take h er t o Himself H e would take citre of he little child. ' Her death will cause a great break in '.l'HE Town Council ma,de a fair start on the family circle. Sh e was the oldest of Monday night ; m11y t hey always act as a family of brothel'S and sist ers and was orderly . greatly beloved and esteemed by all. Sh e was a loving daughter, a kind and loving THE daily papers <l.evote t oo much space sister, a triie and affectionate wife, and a devot ed m other . Sh e has gone to h er t o spol'.'t ing matters. r eward, her work bei11g d one, and well done. - CoM. Tim Ca1111ington Glecme1· is a -..vide-awake - - - - --o~----back-country sheet. " Lost the cough I l ong did know, M nny years I felt its blow, Ou:a n ext list of paid-up subscribers will W ithout, the use of pills or blister, I cured th e same with Downs' Elixiir.. appear 11ext week . Thousands of affidavits prove, · CANADIAN~apples are highly a;ppreciated That it d oth m(m's ills r emove, Coughs and colds, and whooping oough in E ngbnd. By its power soon are off." On Friday evening the members of the !'own Council of 1883 entertained F: F. McArthur, Esq., retiring Mayor, to a grand banquet at "The Arlington." John Wesley, Esq., Financial Manager of ~he Don1inion Organ & Pian? Co., occ~~ied the chair and presided with great ability. The table was decorated in an elaborate manner 1tnd the menu was decidedly one of the best ever served in Bowmanville, reflectino- "teat credit one mine host Barnett. Aft~r the recl1AJ1·che bill of fare had been discussed with an :i,ppetite characteristic of hard working aldermen and civie officials, the chairman paid a deserved tribute to Mr. McArthur's ability in the capacity he had so long and so satisfact.or· ily filled. 'fhe then proposed the health of the Queen which was loyally honored. The health of the Governor General and the "Army an d Navy " were l~onored with similar enthusiasm, after winch the toast of " 'l'he Retirincr Members of the Council of 1883 " was given and happily responded to by Messrs. Younie, Burde1!', Williams, Kydd and Osborne. The Chau· man next proposed the toast of the even· ing in appropriate ter:ms, .·' Our G1:1est," which was honored with the greatest en· thusiasm. This sentiment drew forth a neat speech from Mr. McArthur, in which he thanked his fellow-members for the handsome manner in which they had honored him, referred tl· the harmony tha.t had obtained :tt council sessions, the abuse often given to public men, fortunately he had not received abuse from press or electors ; he regretted the intr.oductio.n of po· litical feeling into Cou11c1l, as it must make agttinst the interest of the town. He did not blame one party more than an· other. He referred to the deplorable state of Oshawa for years owing to politi~al animosity amo1w He said our 0 the citizens. . tp:tst Council worked for t 1 ie town' s m erests, though they were not orators. · Referring personally to some of the members he (lave them credit for their conduct as puhlic men. '.!.'hough h~~ might n~t enter Council again he would gladly give any service to the town. He thanked the corporation officials for .the courteous treatment he had always received from tliem. Referring particularly to Mr. R. Windatt, Town Clerk, h e said few towns in Canada have as good a clerk. He closed an excellent speech amid prolonged The "Re-Elected Members of cheers 1884 " brought forth timely remarks from Messrs. Prower, Yellowlees and C:twker. " The Town Officials " was r esponded to by }t. Windatt, clerk, Col. Cubitt, treas· urer and T. T. Coleman, chief constable. Mr. 'McArthur proposed in suitable terms the " M anufacturing Interests of the Town," which was ably responded to by Mr. Wesley, who r eferred to the progress of the Or<nm & Pian.:> Factory ancl the popularity of their instruments in all parts of the globe. Their sales for 1883 had n1ached n early $250,000. H e thought Mr. McArthur' had proved to be the right man in the right place. The old council was not a " rotten " council as has been said; the fact that the \lXpenditure !or tll\l ;'~lltr ':YM !!fff~ ~h1u1 the ~~Hm11t"!~ 1ilwwe<1 that they )111.d been eaonotnical. would vote fot· town officials, ind~p1m<l tint of politfos. Mi·. T. Burden spoke at some lenoth on the cloinc:rs of the council, after 0 whkh tl1e health of the Chairman was proposed and_ duly honor~d when proceedings closed with the National Anthem. mi DEAR ::l·J'ATEl'll\IAN,-A year ago I had to chroniclu a sublime victory acl1ieved by At the annual meeting of the above So- the ConscJ:vativc p:\rty over U10 Grits in ciety held if\ the Town Hall, Orono,, .Jan. the matter of the municipal elections. 10th, there was presented tl1e followrng Oh, we were jul 1ilaut,, 1111d with good DIREV'.t:OUs' ltEl'Oll'l' : cause ! But alas ! how lrn.ve the mighty fallon I " 'l'ell it not i11 Gttth, nor yet in The Directors of the Clitrke Agdcultur- Gotham," th:it we have been so gmmUy al Society have lJleasure in presenting beaten at our own games. F or years we their annual report, recognizing as t hey have been preaching to tho Grits, " No do that this part of Ontario has been politics in municipal elections. Go for ag~in blessed in having an l"lhundmit yield the best man. " But of course in our of the fruits , of the earth, while many estimati1fu the best man W·lS a Conservaother portious of the Dominion.has suffer- Live, :md we nrncle a good many of them ed. believe it. So we quietly goL as nmuy The progress of Ute Society is satisfac- Conservatives into oilice as we could. tory; the extending interest thronghont Eve1y oflice, however small, has its in· the Township therein is mainly due to the fluencc, and of course no one could expect alternate holding of its Fall Exhibitious. anythiug else but that we should. favour This an-angement which wns amicaMy b o- our own. Last year, aftor our grand gun and now continued for the past fi.f. success, J think we became a lit tle t oo teen years, we trust -\vill long be continu· confident. We turned out the R efo1·m eel. Any manifestation m:1de towards a .Assessor-no partic11hr reason for it, ex· change should have no countenance from ccpt that tho best man for all places is a its mombers. Co11servativc- 110 oth er reason 1. assure It would hnve afford.eel your Directors you. We let fat jobs to Conservtitive much pleasure liad they been able to re- friends. "\Ve laid nur pbns Lu luwe the port favorably that they were likely to s.e - 'fowmhip Clerk, who is anot her absurd cure one of the Creameries to be establish- Jloformer, seek t ho shades of privat e life, eel by the Provincia,l Government in On- where all Reformers ought to be, and very t!trio, prominent refereuce to which wits privat~ too! Well, we had the thing very made in their last 11nmu1l rerwrt. No car efully arranged; the assessment roll all time was lost in setting forth and advocat- fixed 1·ight, anc l everything was going on in" the claim of this County as eentra,J for swimmingly to the desired end. But th~ erection of ono of tJwsc. Your Direct- those confounded Reform ers (I Leg your ors memorialized the Governor in Qouncil p:u·don Dear STATESMAN", hut it is enough praying for its establishment, and :tppoint- to m:ike a minister swear) began to smell ed the President :i.nd Secretary to wint a largu sized mouse. 1 fe:u· they began upon the ~iinister of Agricultuml to fu1·- to see through our little game. Vague ther-their views. In his subser1uen t early rumors came floatin g through the ai.r tlmt ] retirement from office, they lose an 11ble they were actually going t o a<lo1)t our advocate. '!'hey have also pleasure in plan, and see that t heir own par ty h:td a recognizing the services ;·f Dr. McLaug~1- littfo . fair pby. Did you ever hear of Jin, the membl:lr for \\est Dusham, .m anythin g so·absurd ? Were wo n ot gi1,ing supporting their claim. '~'hoy are 1,1ot y~t th em all they w:mtetl, and :1 goocl de:il without the hope that then· memorial will more~ 'Vhen a d ot-{ has a good master , meet with that consideration its rcas?n- one who gives him six kicks and one lioue ableness demand, that when tho qucstwn a di_t y, what folly for that dog to get up of locating the three Creameries to be I and 'howl ! Tnue found one. W e tried establis.hed in Ontario is faidy discuss~d, to argue that nono l!L1 .l; io;11ornnt B:c~or· the claim of the Clarke Agricultural So· mers would drag pohtw~ m to mnmc1pal ciety will not he over -looked. elections, but it did n ot work, only with a The Spring Show is alwA.ys interestix1g few who were ignorant and di.tl not like t o to breeders, from the numbers attcncling be called BO. N omination tl.ay brought and the superior class of animals exhibit- the truth in all its <lrcadful reality. I ed. Much sa.tisfa~Lion wa.s expressed i._n believe some of ns got up and h o_wled, and the manner the J udgcs discharged thou- on e " honorable " ma n nearly cnccl on the duties. . platform, t o think of such audacity. The accounts of the 'l'reasurer as audit- Three Grim against three good Con servaccl, will be luid before you, and will be tives ! Well, we prepal'ed for battle. found highly satisfactory, trusting t hey Election day found every Conservative on may meet your approval. . . hand. People who were too sick to gq to All of which is res~ectfully st~bnutted. church on Sunday came out early Monday;' GEORGE GRAY, President. mvrning and voted. Oue old num who A: McN.A.UCHTON, Seci·etary. had been at the point of death for a long Town Hall, Orono, Jan. 10, 1884. time cl"lme out and recorded his vot e AUDITORS' REPOB.'1'. ag~inst such audacity on the part of the Grits. Men came from Port Ho1)e and ALBERT TAMBLYN, EsQ., in account with Orillia, and brother was armyed against Olarl>e TC>wi~ship .Agric·ultural Society. brother. The return of the poll was DR. :twaitecl with fev erish anxiety. In va.in Cash on hand from last :vear... .. $143 2i.i did we call t he consolation of religion to Members' subscriptions ...... .... 11!1 oo our airl. They wouldn't come! Before Admission Fee to Exhibition .. .. 267 39 · l' fl t . 1 th · 't' t Legislative Gro.nt........... .. .... 131 Gll our mmc s eye oa ·eu .e IllO.JOl'l. ics, ~o Municipal Grant...... .. .. .. .. .. .. 72 00 to be thspbeed by anythmg of mmor nn. Mlscelhl llOO\l$ ,, .. ............... ·.:_!8 50 $SiG portance. How an3:ho<ly could go to bed 7 ' CR . · ,. ancl sl eep at such 1~ tune as that passes me. · 'I'hey .must have easy consGiences. ...f J(t, 2 B1 Pdzes Horses ... m <1 ()O .· cli~l not sleC} ) ! An incident oo 1 occurred 11 1 in .. on Cattle. . .."' .. . 'c. .. .. .. .. . .$l 21 Sheep. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 CO Kendall, after the close of t ie po t iere, that when I heard of it, amused 1110 much. Pigs. .. .. ·· ...... .. · · 16 OO t~~l!1'~~·a: ·90·0a,;::'.: J~ ;~ Kend:dl, you know, is tlrn strong holll of the Conservative party in this township, ])airy Produce ...... 20 00 Growing Crops, ete. 20 OO and our majority footed up l:ugely. .Fruita............ · · . 9 50 d f l Plants and Flowers. 10 25 Someone standing in a crow o gooc men called out:- " \Vhere's Comstock, and Vegetables...... .. ·· rn no Ag'! Implement.a.:.. 30 00 1J k 'I" ' ' 0 1 " Gen'll\fanutactUr'rs 1~ i~ Wash. Crawford, 11nh ac , uow ' 1, Ladies Work...... 4a ·" answered another voice ii} a key as loud, Domestic & Fancy "You had better go look for " Manufacturers.... .. H 00 l · them under their 11eds." Btft a as ! it was n ot so, " Special 011 Pigs.. . . 19 00 Repairing Drlll Shed...... ... .. . .. 21 oo Would that it had been. 'rhe two first attended clrnrch, I learn, and after went Printing and Advertising .. .. ·.... .. Paid P rizes due last year.. .. 37 !J? ~O uO Working Expenses.......... ...... lla 75 83 r home and to-l1ed like good Christians, 0 6 - - $ while the last had «one to Orone, 1mcl was Balance in h an d ...... ...... .... .. -.. . .. ... ~ "158 01 even then SJ)Oedin;back with t he m_ ai' oriOF~'ICERS l'OR 1884. ties which said, "G. M . Long, 4. ; James Stark, 4U ; ·wrn . Milligan , GG." Not one PRESIDENT- E zra Hall. of our own p:trty mentioned ! . vICE-PRESIDENT- 0. \Valls. Well, we :1re dcspon<lent, and wit h good DmECT01i.s-John Davey, W. C. Blackburr1, Wm. McCormack, Thos. Vicker s, cause. We shall now lose our " fenst of fat R obert Ard, George Gray, W. H. R eid, things mid wine on t he lees. " But let us not forget t hat some Grits h elped us, John Hoidge and James Adtims. :ilthough we s1Jffered defeat. To such let TREA.SURER- Albert Tamblyn. us r eturn thanks. · Their own party will SECRETARY- R. Moment. A UDITORS- G. M. Long, and M M probably not r espect th em much her eafter , · · but let that not fret their n obler souls. Tucker. The Conservative party, alth ough th ey All Wool Ca.nadian Blankets at the very despise them, will :tlways take their votes . lowest prices. Couch, Johnston & Cryder· as a matter of compliment, and at the next elections let them come :tnd vote man. Conserv11tive again, and we will hope for SMILE AND SMILE.- But see to it that better things. DEFEAT. your Teeth are as white as only "T. EAUEl:· Starkville, Jan. 10th, 1884. RY" will make them. Try a sample. ...·T:E~-y ..... MUIRIDIOICIHI BBIDIS'.I TEAS~ I I The success that has attended B 0 0 T S C Iefforts in t11e past t o give the public good and cheap Boots and Shoes. L.::r Q E S are fully appreciated by the crowds. S ...i:::L. _ that are daily flocking to our store·.. Olm . - AND- 1 ' J We can justly claim the lead ~n, showing the largest stock and the· best yalue in town. '!'his we mean to continue - small profits and - A NDquick returns is our motto. You have only to compare our goods and. price& to be convinced. The throng of bllyers on themarch towards the ~ign of the" Big Boot drawn by two Horses " is a positive proof that om· prices are - AND. apprQved _ by peop.!e whO...use heir:.. brains in buying. "V A.L.::£SE::S Every person who is a, friend tohis own pocket-and who is not ?- realizes that we are a friend to him;. VERY CHEAP It is the prices that tell, and people do appreciate low prices. We sell - ATtoo low to suit the envious, but not too low to suit the buying public. This is the field we occupy this: season ; bring on your critics. Come(·ut of curiosity ; we only ask the, privilege of showing you our goods~ Strangers will please grant us a N. B.- Ordered Work privilege of demonstrating what receives special attention w·e say. __ SLIPPERS RUBBERS. T RU N K S TRELEVEN'S. by first-class workmen. M. TRELEVEN. -·~ 23 REDUCING THE PRICES. We are cutting down the prices of our entire stock of MEN'S, YouTHS II AND FROM THIS DATE UNTI~ Bovs' CLoTHINO,J DON'~ STAND.- upon the order of your "Huu" CouaH CuRE, 25 C.&NT8.- Pres· going, but go at once and se.cure .a bottle cription of a Boston ph yBichm, dispensed of "Hm1" COUGH CURE. It is quick to re· years by a Bosten; druggist. o~m D osE lief-sure to cure, costs but 25 cts. Ask will cure any ordmary cough. It acts alStott & Jury, most magically. Ask Stott& Jury for a - -- -- - - 25 cent b ottle of " H un" Couc:u Cu1m, PHOSPHA1'INK. - Hhosphates are the life land don't he put oil' with any other. of the blood, cthenutriment that builds up' ~==============~ and sustains the living body; they are, in other words, bone, brain, n erve and tissue food. For sale by all druggists. ENJOY THE D.A.Y.- Life is short, don't mope i n the morning nor lag at noon. k eep you Liver tl'ealthy, your Digestion good with ZO-PE-SA, and you can meet work with a, smile, and your h ead never aches, your Appetite is good, your Digestion 11trong7 BEAUTIFUL GLOSSY HAIR. - may be secured by wetting t he hair at night, and every night for two or three weeks with the Cingaleselfoir Renewer-a name well and favorably known. It accomplishes even better 'fe.sults than is advertised. Sold at 50 cents per bottle by Stott & Jury. F.A.RllERB ATI'ENTION.- 35 sets of carriage and waggon Harness to be sold by privl\te sale Qt .· w.H. May's Harness Store, within the next 30 days. Discount from seven t o t en per cent for ca.11h. A l a.rge quantity of Sleigh Bells at a vecy slight advance on cost. Don't fail to secure a pair of my W ool Stuffed Collare. Something new and warranted safe, Cash paid for any quantity of Hides and Sheep Skins. W, H . J\fay, King Street, Bowmanville. This powder never varies. A ma.rYi:>I of purity, atrengtb a11<l wboleso n~eness. More economical than the ordma1:y krnds and. can· not be sold in competition wtt,h th(> 11rnlt1tude of low test shorr, weight, alum or phosphate powders. S old only i n cans. ROYAL BAICING POWDER Co., 106 Wall·st., N. Y. ·-·----·--- And we intend to offer extraordinary bargains JHE END OF THE VEAR I W e mean business, and we never allow ourselves to be undersold. We are reducing the price of every article in stock. Parties asking us for bargains will not be disappo~nted. ELLISON &CO. ---- .. _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .:::::±1__ · -±:::::!2 Codd &' Co., Bankers, OLD AND HELIABLE GRAY'S SPECIFIC .MEDICINE. lhhRcmetly,an unfaiijing c ure ro,,. Seminal Weakness, Supermatorrhea, Impotency, & all dis· cases thattollow as a sequence of Self-Auuee; as Befo1·e Ta.king loss of Memory.After 'TRADE MA~ K.TbeGrent Eng·TRAOE MARK. (Successors to Agency o! Dominion Bank). BO"WMANVILLE, .anrl 4a9 lllllllAIOll ll01t8C t;blllll bel'8, LONDON ENGLAND. Binges' Cough Syrup is beginnin~ to sell very rap~-dly again now the time of "" --== -= = = = the year for coughs 11nd colds baa arrived. --·----·---SouND advice- go to 11'.frs. K eys' for a CHOICE stock of fancy goods, wools, Prepared aad sold by J. H igginbotham & laces, et<.:., at M rs. Keys'. choice plate of oysters. Sr)n. Transact a gen eral B anking Busin ess 1p on the same Tcnns and P rmciples adopted by the J oint Stock Banks. JN'l 'ERES'l' ALLOWED ON D E P 0 S l' T S, withdrawal 011 demand, at the rate ,of FOUR per cent. per.annum, ;FIVE and SIX per t:e _ nt. Taking. allowod on time deposits. NOTES in DISCOUNTED. Bills received°'Jor . colleeti&n England, UnitedStatc8 andCar.tm~ Univoraal Lassitude, Pain in the Back Dimnesa or Vision, Premature Olu A~e. and many ot~ier and advances made thereon at moderate rates. Diseases that lean to Insanity or Consumption DRAFTS ISSUED, pavable a t all p·oints in an<:l a Prema.tµre Grave. . Canada and the United States. a-Full particulars in our pa,mphlet,_ wh1 ch , , · . .. we desire to send free by mall to everyron~.- STOCKS, BONDS, DEBENTURES, &c., "°Co 'The Specific Medicine is !lold by all ilru_g-gist11 bought and sold, at $1 per package, or aix packai:es for $5, oi; - . -d" Ith ·11 be sent free by mail on the receipt of the No 'l' I ~ ~.- -Deno s1ts heretofore ma e· w :;;~ney by addressinf! the Domm1on lJank, can ~e "\Ttthdrawn at anhy 1time upon demand an~ without charge, at t e " CO THE GRAY MEDICINE ., I JJremi 8c8 lat.ely oceupied by the Bank, ROW ·tlle Toronto, Ont., Canada I Ban.kin~ house of Codd~ Co, c

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