A.CARD -To all Wl'lO are sntreringfrom the Lord de Gretton broke m with a Jarrmgl m his power to torture them With one I was with a fat1gnmg day, because he PERSONAL. errors and md1scret1ons of youth nervous laughlook, eloquent of scorn and chsgust, he could got none himself, and went down weakness early decay loes of manhood ~o ' And they say female wits are qmck would have tumed away, merely bowmg stairs where I have no doubt he found Jn Mr Spurgeon s fund of 1llustrattve I will send a recipe that 'IHll cure yau .!!'REE est female tongue most glib to explam and not darmg to trust lmnself to speak refuge m lus prec10us books stones 1s one 01 a man who use to say to OF CHARGE lhls great remedy was dis eovered by a mlss1onary m South America away an a'llkward s1tuat10n the proverb B ut at that moment, moved by some Cnstme made no further comment his '\11fe Mary go to church and prny Send a self addressed envelope to the REV fails h01 e at an~ rate Mr - vague impulse IS ora raised her eyes to after all it m 1de little difference to her for us both But the man dreamed one JOBEPII '[ INMAN S tation D Nw; York Oi.ty ' I am Arthur Beaupre the young his the lo' ely Irish gray eyes m whose whetl10r her step father made lus appear mght that when he and lus mfe got to OX THIR TY DAYS' UUAI man sairl sadly cleartrnthful depths he had seen every ance or not She had plenty to occupy the gate of heaven Peter said M ary TIIB V OLTAIO BELT Co Mai shall Mich will ' W ell Mr Beaupre LadJ de Gretton thought and every fancy mirrored 111 the her thoughts, but unfortunately the food go m for b >th H e 1woke and made up ~end DR DYE SCELEHRATED ELECTRO VOL'IAICl still lea' cs the explanat10n of this scene happy days gar e by Where now were she herself had given them was less en !us mmd that 1t was tune to become i B&I TS AND ELECIRIC APPLIANe.Es on trial tor thirty days to men (young or old) Vil o are a! to you By the by I thmk I have h eard the rnnocent love the innocent mirth tirely sweet now than she had nnagmecl it Chustiau on lns own account tlicted with Nervous Debi! ty Lo stVitality and your name m connectrnn with my w1'c 3 the gav girlish sparkle~ Somethmg 10se l 1st mght Severnl ieltes of Sir Joshua Reynolds Manhood ancl kmclred troubles guaranteeing before m Ins throat and seemed as though it 'Ihcu she had been entuely absorned will be see at the forthcommg exlnbitwn speedy i.tnd comt>lete rest orat11m of health and vigor Address as above N B -No risk You have heard the true story of our \ ould sLrar blc 111m-sumethmg that mas m the thought of the ample ievenge she of hrs , urks at the Grosvenor Gallery m manly ncurred as thnty days trial Is allowed past no doubt poor A.r thur cnecl lllS terecl 111~ manhood and brought a n11st of had taken upon the girl who had out London-amon0 them Jus sih er specta. voice trembling with the p1ss1011he could tears to elm lns v1s1on as he met shone her m every way "\V1th some clos snuffbox of toitoiso shell tnmmed rho reason why the i:lurgeons ofl' th e Inter nat1-0nal Throat and Lnng m3t1tute 173 Chnclt not cuntrnl-Lorcl de Gietto11 doubly prn that blanl hopeless lost and nuserable thrng like an mtox1cat10n of delight, she with gol l and the three pen and mk street Ioro1 to are makmg so mo.ny wonderful 0 aze teded by his age and the hct that he was 0 had pictured Nora <ipenmg her present sketches wluch first 1ttr 1cted attentio 1 to c 11 es of catau h c>1tauh1<l dearness Bronchi t astbn 11nd con8umpt1 m are 'lhcy have Nora s husband had the impulsive pas Lost -Yes, th o1.t thought sent the and readmg the ne\\ s it contamed pictur his precocwus poweis 0110 a little picture none but iskilled and bual fled 1 ecllcal men s10nate young solcher at a cruel chsaclv 111 last worst pang or all to Artht r Beaupre s ed the utter ho11or of the bnde of 1 day of a perch <h frn 11 from life next a httle connected ' 1th th fl msti t utc J I ey adhere tage and reJOrced m the fact with a sav loyal and gcne1ous heart Rather would when her old lover rose before her tn mter10r of a library cor ie l \\lth n.11 the strrntly to tl on apecuu y and they us0 the invented by M Souvielle ex 3Jde age 1nd co' arclly JO)- 'as you may he11 he h 1ve seen a1 y mtens1tv of conscious umphantly confident m her truth and rnmutcness and delicacy of Cello 01 Cella sp1romete1 suegeon of the F1ench ar ny and instrument the true story of our meeting no" Nor 1 pam than the sug~ested frenzy of that when she had to tell 111m that with her Bella u d thud a perspcctn e on the which conveys the med cmes m the form of sold mhalat1ons to the parts d seased whwh Bruce was once ID) p10m1sed l\lfe A.n gaze She d1d not sec n to know, oi ow11 hands she htid raised up a barner be b wk of 1 L 1 Lrn theme done \'1 en he was 1s the only way these diseu.ses can b<i cured hour ago I behoved her so still and she rnthor she seemed t) l ok tluough him tween them cnly ei0 ht, u LIS old They are treatmg hundreds ot p ·tumt ever y behoved me dead-as I shall be to he1 aR though no obJcct stood m her patl Tho little mama pla) ed out 011 the It is sfate 1 tlut l\iillarn tho pamter 18 rnontl' ha\lng twelve surgeon~ engaged rn their" ork m Canada 11louei: Send a Lhree oent henceforth In the fast shock of the Her "rdely opened eyes were those of a stage of Cristme s fancy had seemed en to be m ide 1 baronet He has sufficient stau r for a copv of thmr nternat10nal News ~nbhshed rooo thh at 173 Chu ch Street ~udden mcetrng she IC membered onl) sleep " 1lker haunted by 1 torturmg tu el) s tisfactory and enter tau mg l·st pn p ert:i quahficatwn bemg w >Ith a mil 1 1 2fa tf what had been and-Heaven bless her dream ind utterly unconscwus of all that mght anud thunders of apphrnse the 1 m dollar~ and is e LI ung a large yearly Loronto for it -reJOicod ~s Norn Bruce m ght was passma around her curtum had fallen upo11 % p1ctmesque tab me me He will be the first pamtcr lnr hrt.\ e IOJOiced that I was given biLcl from At an) cost she mt st be aroused from leau of her trrnmph md Nor 1 s crushrnJ ( i et as Icnnys n i 11 boon the flr~t oet ' · lll:rown ~ Jlou~{ holtl Pannce · · has no OHA.PTER VIIl 1 the dead The1 m a moment, she re lus clanger us apathy Arthur took the lofeat-the denoi eme1 t had been pleasant peer Mr Mill us s only sister is the, ifc equo.l tor relievmg pa11 both m ernal and ex Lord De (xret;ton "\Vas the :fl.mt to spe 1k membered you and her no'\ duties anti cold little h md n 4is and spoke entreat ly complete ternal h c res pam m the Sirle Back or Bowof Mr J est r \V 1nack There ht h cm els Sore Throat Rheumat18Ul J oothach~ first gl2ncm0 at Artlu r lus cold glitter -ind we sud good byo m"'lyBut someho" tl e OJ1lhaut picturu fad 'anous pamter rn rrhts J kr heynol ls LumbM o and any km l or Pron or Ache It mg oyes sc 1m1mg the handsome face and will m..>~t surely qu cl en the ll oocl and Heal The pleasant full toned' 01ce filtered Nora it is aood bye mdeed now eel a little m tne colder mu,nm0 light- Liwrence md -; 1 F Leighton upright soldier figure m a superc1hously a little 01er the last words but the blue Heaven bless andslneldyou andmakeyou disag:rneable after thou ..hts bc,,.~n to m as lt8 atJ·ln;;. puw ei is wonderful Browns ., ~ ~ " I rmco George of \V :1Jos says the Lon Househo l. P uace1 being acknowledged as appra1sm,, faslnon tha· at any other mo eyes never \rnvered , nor s1 u:ank f rom h appy trude on the gnl s mmd md fill her with 1 l the gn o P~ ' I 10 01 ant.J. of loublo th6 .1 d G t J ' al '-'h 1 ' l l tl 1 1 I con ri <.trld, is I) ovmz meut "\Vl ukl have made the young mans L )Iu e ietonsmoc mganc,m ignant "'esuvere~ s1~ Y anc ie saw iei selffahtenors Nowthitthemtensoand " hirnselr u real st en ~tt of ano hi't E1 x l or Lm mont n the 'd tl10 goocl nntatma Jealcusy that urged her on tu salt He is thoretofofhcors md c1ew ~hollld be m e\ e1 y f111miy handy for use world quick blood tm0 le He crossed over to gl ance Art!uu s one t 1iong h t now was 1ips t WI t cli b u t sh e r epeaoc £ wnen wauLect1 as it !! ally 1s uie best remedy .1 th ~ g:h not m his wife i"$lcle and aid abruptlyt o s J11c1u c nrnornbl e gir1 w1 10 was so b ye mecIiamct11Y and 1 ier eyes never any lenrrths and blmdcd her to all bu" of II 1\1 S (;q,1u ta 1n l thot ~ the world wr Crampd lil the Stomnch and ~ " b wkwa1d m h s stu hos or < h01 then con pa.ins and aches " Lady de G1ctton, 3 ou will follow mamfestly mcapable of taking her OWll sof tone d t l1ough t h c tearn stoo cl thicklY the immcdrnte of all lt!nd· and is for sale by c nsequcnces vf her acts se "ntious m lus duties he ls he 1lthy e.11 Druggists i:.t 2" cents 11 bott e 18! Iy me 1 rn m l us had r)assed m to the bacl g:rouml, she be 1 , p tr t Somc mner 11st met warn ecl 1 l ~ G f ld L d .1 G tt d · t ~ nr ·Y an< Jnst 1 little m1sclncvous He He spoke wnh the abrupt harnhness of t l1at L 01 d 1tO ,-retton s \\1 e wou I1ave )r ue xre on ma e an impavicn g:an to see '11th ala1 mmg sh:111iness some 0 t " os the 1 ou0 h "1th the sm th "1th ut a 1111stc addiessmg a sluv c "110 had rnllcn no easy path to t read and smco no gest uie and the sr ell t lia L 1 1eld Al tlrnr ~ serious self made ddticulties m hor path 1 13 b k S1l tl 1 d osm0 1us 1 1oad oi temper 111 i Ins rndcly unde1 his displcusurn but no answcrmg I1am s h e hlY power could b ieak t 1 eart le c elupre was ro en ie rew For wlrnt happened to L 1cly ue Gretton free an l well set hmls are to be seen Y en :llusl1 a10sc on tho \\Ue s pale face harsh had.. so rashly forged he could only pity h11 ~" " 1 cl le' he rno "' _,... she cared not one straw She knew how first me e13 kmcl of SJ n" ncss and bontleness were one to her now h er wrth a.n mtense unselfish pity and 111 e sure and 1,;ruel w ts the blo v she had Tho wornt thrtt could come to her had 'varclly we tr tl1at lie woul·l do n 0 tl Ihe I ublicat1011 of L or d Lytton s \.u · ~ ' im dealt the victun nu.,,ht recover from rt come she was 1hl e past fear and hope to male her hard path harder still "or die of it if she chose J3ut she did tobiogr iphy moves a corre·pondont of tho She did not even by a deeper dnwn J.;ord de Grntton "as a clever man of Londou D ii r New" to 1emmu the pubhc breath n the qun er of 111 e) ehcl gn e the >rnrld qmte keen er ou,,,h to ki ow e lost A care very much what happened to herself tint L1dy L yt ,on In ed for i:wny ye\rs at any sign that she had heard her lords tn th hom falsehood and sec through tho among the t1ll trees that closed i~ incl a spectral aimy of ugly possibrtities S;rdenham m comparative po\ e1ty, latter command or mtended to obey 1t She finest lustnomc displaJ He did not for 1ro1md the picturesque white house .,.t paraded menacmgly before her till she be ly atwnde<l by one servam and 1ssISted stood like )r e turne 1 to stone stanng out an m~tant doubt that the man before him wluch L ord de Gretton s lone moon was gan to wish, not exactly th:.it tho blow by f11~ 1ds that she died 111 M:arch 1882 :> had not boen struck but that she herself and \' 1s buncd at Slurley near Croydon over the 111de "aste of w1ter fro n which was speakmg absolute txuth, that N '.)ra to be spent the last touch of stm ight had ftecl h ad behev.,d !um dead but hrs cmwic Once only Noru, turned h er graceful had figure 1 somowlrt less prommcntly No monument marks the giave but 1 'Vi11l )OU come 1 Lmd de Grctton t10n was anythmg but s Jothmg uO his head aud l ooked b1ck-anc1 that look '\las as the av en 111"' aiwo new Commun on rable has been pre muttered 9 uml:i mcl the ltght of the pride Innocently 01 not, tho:> had m destmed to haunt Arthur Beaupre s fancy Vi h.,,t a foul L was to wnte th 1t let sentcrl by fr ends as a tribute to her mem sunken eyes grew more and 111010 danger Jured and aggrie\ ed ]nm, had wounded with cruel portmacity for many and many ter 1 she thought ki11tt111g her fan brows ory Her will \'as prnved and effects ousl;> cruel He bent his head t1ll his lus sensitn e vamty and compelled j 11111 a week to comc-'11111 haunt him with 111d tapp1110 her snuiit French slipper im sold out t he proceeds wern msufhcient gray moustache swept th e soft gnhsh face the haughty and impassn e J~ord de Gr et more or loss of horror m the remember patiently on the floor She would hw;e to 1 ay her trilling debts and wl11sperecl with l 1ssm~ emphasIS m ton, to play the nd1culous part of the ance until he has done with eai: th and known without a 'VI ord that I had planned A m onum nt to the m01uo1.) of Mozart the small car A1e you ma~l, to defy me grny haucd husband e> rthly tl m crs f lI ever it all and I should not be 111 her power 1s ab l t to be erecteJ at Y1enna a century now~ Je1lous and deceived he sta1ed at IV1th a little shn er for the mght an as I 1111 now Of course she will show it aftc1 the mac.tr s death Ihc death of She sluvered shghtl) drew a pace or Arthur Beaul;?rc lus dooply :sunken O;}OS began to growclull and he was still weak to Arthur m self defence ancl then he Rich:ud "Wagner is said to luvo prompto l two away and fo1 the last tune her e:1 es ghttenng angnl~ his pale face actually from 1ccent illness Arthm pulled his will never ·peak to me ag 1m or she may t11e e1ect10n Jf tl 1s monument W tgnor $ sought .A1 thur Beaupre s m vv ild and p1ti fh1sh111g 1s he entertarned the gallmg soft hat down over his brows drew up send it to t he governor and then qmet aclmuers mteudcd to raise 111111 a monu ful ai)peal thought Could Lady Ohvia but hne lus eoat collar a11d resolutely fixmg Ins as he is, tlus house will hardly hold us i 1ent short" after lns death but J o.,,nng The loo!~ p1erned Lord de G1etton s known 1t all wrongs were fully avenged tho u h ts on th e future and t urnmg }11s both Oh dear I have macle a hornblc this all tlrn opponents of v\ tg11e1 axed armour of cool self possess1011 and stung m that moment of bitterest mort1fica back"'upon t he scene of so much n11se1) moss of rt looh. wlnch way I "ill w10th declar ng that i t woulcl 1 e sc tnchl hnn to 1ealous fury He knel'i that tho t10n made his "a} to the ra1lway station and 'Do come to breakfast clnld you ous if t mom1111unt weie eiocte l to \'Vag girl he had wooed and "on brought 111111 To ecogmzea 1vrong was with Lord v;assoononl11swayt0London look rimtopmchedandwanw1thhungei ner bef)re one wrts erecticl to l\Ioza1 t llO love 1s her mainage do" i7 80 much de Gretton to resolve to revenge it He He had travelled mcessantlJ latel3 Mrs Bruoe broke m with a brisk cheer This may be true but why ask Vi agne1 s she had frankl;> told )um from the first, ground Ins t eeth togethei with savage long anc l far that da.y b~t weak as he fulness that seemed horn bly mcongruous fucnus 1s rb only now that such a c1y 1s and the confess10n had but made him the energy, a 1cl -..owed within lnmself that was he seemed mcapable o~ physical to Chnstme and as the gul mechamcally iaised tu 11111noualIBu the composer~ more detcrmmed that she should be Ins one of the offenders at least- the une who fatigue He tned to sleep but lus obeyed her summons and drew a chau to Oscar "\Vildc has had 1 bad time 111 lus He "as so used to be wooed that the gul s was helplessl y and absolutely m Ins thoughts centred pers1stently m the ~lace the table she turned t o the servant who n1t1ve Dublin The G!l,icty Ihcatre is unfeigned reluctance to accept lns woomg power- should receive exemplaiy pumsh he had l oft, m the gul he had deserted still lingered at the s1tleboarcl " 1th the s i1 ill but twice tool r,,e for tho wcom gave her a novel and piquant attract10n ment at his hand s so returnm0 Arthurs Ill her misery careless questwnmod 1c1011 of ohose who 'Went to see md m lus sight He had hea1d the whole story ea0 e1 beseechmg look with a. coolly mso The one fe1r that overrode all other m V\ here is your master Fmrns 1 h eai the oug 1111 B ntlu 1 ne Even of of her fi1st unhappy lo' e from Cnstme lent stare he sa,rcl m slo" dxawlmg tones Ins t houo-hts was that Nora s brnm would Does he know we are at breakf tst 1 those lU:l.11) rema ned not to pray but to Smgleton s truthful llps and could afford tliat fell ,,,1th iuaddenin_ dFtmctness 011 turn uncler t he accumulatino- troubles that He ' ~ ~ ..,, l is bm 11 the library t ma am and I can y out t l1eu ongm 11 111t en t 10n of generously to o'crlool the fact of a dead the young )llan searh ad c me upon her He could endure. r.an"' t ie e tweuty- mmu os~'lgo scofiing 1Ihcy laughed at lns chess Ins lo' er hut now was the lo' er really dead I suppose for my own sake, as well to lose her to see her happy with another, Perlrnps he 1ia.s gone out Mrs attl umles las sentunonts and lus lau or was :N om doubly false 7 as Lady de Gretton s I had best accept he thought ivith a h ttle t1ghtenmg of the Bruce suggested lookmg ac1 oss at 1 er gt age His manne1 uf muetrng mteirup The suave polish of Ins manner covered tlus explanatwn generous heart that could ignore its own claughte1 with the slight contemptuot s tions was r tt her effective H e snnply a brutal natuie and m the rare moments 'It is the true one you cannot dare sharp pam but he h ad left her n merci srmle she was wont to bestow upon her came to 1 dead hart 111 the m 1 dcUe of a H11>v1ng the ·tmost confidence m ita superior of agitation he permitted lumsdf the not doubt it 1 Arthur cned hotly all less hands and there had been sometlmw husb md s unpunctual ha bi s sentence and " nted till I is cutics felt ity over all others and afLcr Lhousandsoftests ef the mos complicat ed and ac' c1 est cases we bruLaht;> rose to the smface, as now He the fiery pu cle he tned ~o hard for Nora s hke the wild glare of madness m that last But the man negatived t lns idea dec1s themselves t he object of general attention could find we feP.l Justified rn offerm11: to forfe seized the slender 'vnst with cruel force sake to curb to meeknesa fiamrng now backward look it one thousand dollars fo r any case of coughs ively w iereupon tl ey held then peace colds soie throat nfinc 1z11 l oa1seness con and swung the gul round with a savage from his br1..rht blue eyes and rmirm::r de Heaven keep her safe and sanb t he 'Oh no ma am 1 l took lum m a ~ clear young voice ~ ~ Kmrr John of !\.byssm11 has made the s11.mpt10n nits ear Iv stages whoopmg cough suddenness that wrung a pass10nate word fiantly m the cne d agam and again with a s01t of ie t e1egram a 1i ttle " 1 11I e b ack and 1ie ~ all diseases of the th1oat and lungs except. ° s n ot left the room s1nee tl1 e n, I followmg reply t o m 111v1tat10n sent 111m and from Arthur Beat pre s lips and a wild cry 'I hav e smd I shall accept it the verentia1 pass10n as h e I eant Ius aclung 1 1.. A.8thma for " h1ch we only claun rel er that by the 1Vfahd1 to um te forces and toDrrether "c cant cure with ' 'Vests Cough Syrup when k frnmhers' 1 cl l cl d other ret urned with examierated empha iea agamst t 1e caruage wm ow an now taken aoco1 lmg Lo duectlon Sample bottle ' unseemg eyes on t 1 A telegram Cnst me repeat e d to ha1P "Arthm Arthur, sa' e me- save mo sis and a cruel enJoym~ ent of the pam 1ook e d out with san 1e " the fru1ttul plams of elta and aO cents large bottles one dolla.1 Gen May the wntrng of John the chosen of llG from lnm t ume wrappers only m blue Sold by all drug he gavebut upon certam conditions sof t b eau ty of t h e star1it summer m rrh t pus1 nng b ack 1 ier c1ia1r and t unung a gists oi send by cxprAs on receipt of price only And, wlule the fervent praye~ still ghastly hue ho1nble to look upon the Lor d tl e Krng )f Z10ll the Kmg of Then and not till then, Arthur Beau reach the hands of Jorrn S WES'.l & Co 81 & 83 K ng St East M otlier tlie1r must b e some thmg the Etluop1an Km1rs 1no broke the silence so hardly mamtam He paused lookrnz keenly mto the ec h oe d 111 his 1 1eart N ora d e G retton ~ 'loronto Ont Sold by SI OTT & JURY ~ a response but k nel t b y h er d eacl ·lllS ' b and s sid e, wit l1 wrong h m who i::; a prophet ed He carr e fo, waid very white and others face as awa1tmg B G among S the Tmks ' e 1 M rs B ruce f et 1 b y no means comf or t y t1 10 grace of the od of am ts and the i;torn lookmg andstood before the cruelly Arthur merely bovred -not t r ustmg hnn blood on h er 1it t Ie w,ut iand s an d on I muted pan, hrs w0rn young beauty a self to s1Jeak 1 rer pre t ty ve1vet d ress, blood t h at ran m ab1 e 1 rerself some of t h e superstit10us mtercess10n ofk our Lady of Z pon I and my army aro eepmg "ell raised be w·e will pay the above re" ard for any case J:Jharp and ternble contrast to the Jealous 1 1 he1 d aughter seem Fust you or we must leave t lns a 1ong orue stream a l ong t h e wh ito rug clread t h at opp1essec of Liver Complaint Dyspepsia Sick Headache age confrontmg lum How fervently he place at once rt 1s not large er ough to on which he had fallen- that followed a ed suddenly to pass to her, dnvmg the the grace of the H ighest H ow lrt I 1degest an Oonst1pat10 i 01 Conso 1venes Wd pra;> ed that the right 'II orcls nugh~ come hold the tno kmfe thrust through his h eart, and wit h healthy color from her face and makmg thou Thou hast written to me I am cannot cm e with Wests Vegetable Live.r Pills when the directlonsare stnctlycomplled with to lum now that he nllght close and not ' I return to town to m rrht wluch lnslife had ebbed away her clear voice husky and unsteady but a great prophet I will not seek strife They aie tiureJy Vegetable and never tail to ~ f 1 f l 1 with thee Peace be between us I do g1 ve sst1sfact10n widen the bi each bet'\\ een those t'VI o and 1 Sugar Coated Large Boxes ' Good In the second place you must sh e e t, 1 on y to impress tie lBtemng t k h th t b th ll f G 0d con alnlng 25 Pills 25 cent~ For sale by all l1elp not harm the unhappy girl for promise that you will never seek Lady de CHAPTER IX servant that a sharp rebuke was ne no now w e ~r i e e wi 0 Druggists Beware of counter feits and imita whom lus heart bled ~ Gretton s company agam cesssafJ and adm1mstered it " 1th suffi that we should tight agmist each other tions The i;i;cnume m&nufactured only JOHN "Pardon me the youn 0- man mter "How late the goven10r IB tlus morn cient d1gmty and promptitude But what does that matter 1 Are we not C WEf'I & Co ' Hush N ora he said almost sternly, rhe !:' ll Makers 81 & 83 0 enemies m our hearts i l am a Chnstian KmgSt Ellet Toronto Ont. Free trial pa.ck though he would have given !us life to rupted with uncontrollabl e haughtmess, mg C nst me S mgIet on oned 100k mg ('.IO BE CONTINUED ) and thou art a T urk v\ her e I am there a~e sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent speak one word of comfo1 t 111 her ear to "l h yawn from t h e letter ave never soug ht L a d Y d e G retton s up with a p10long:ed ~ thou canst not be where thou art there ate.mp Iior Sale bv STOrI & JURY dnve the dreadful fremaed look from her 1 b e1 d tlie I a d Y t 0 b e 8 t 111 she h ad been mcl1fferently sca.nmng as I cann"'t live 111 peace vVr1tten m the company ieve dark eyes Then turmng to Lo1d de Miss Bruce h er mother came m to the mom ' Is he (hutch Debts. FLAX iEED down stairs yet 7 camp of Michail Dev11 the 10th Semge Gretton, he said eagerly with all 111s The evidenco produced establish the Lord de Grett on tmstmg his gray What a quest ion Mrs Bruce an "hat an outcry s orclmartly made of the year of grace 1855 (August 1883) honest h eart m the words Lor d de Bishop .Arthur Cleveland Cox went ·upenor claims of FLAX S EED EMUISION Grettm , pernut m<7 to explam all that moustache w1th elaborate care, listened swered with a laugh as she took her about church debts I They are gf'llerally with his most super c1h ous smile as p lace at the well spread break fast table, referred to as an ev1denee that there is a from Buffalo to Genesee the other day to C o11pou~D as a remedy for Nervous exseems ·trange to :1ounow- But Lord de Gretton cut the sentence though gently toleratmg an 111terrupt10n and eagerly tmned the envelopes on her very great deal of depravity m the admm1ster the n t e of confirmat10n H e hauetrnn and all its gy m1;>tons 1s trnques short wheelmg .round upon his heel he that m no way mfluenced the prede plate onl y to put them aside with a dis churches or nothmg of the kmcl would got m a tram gomg the wrong way and tionable The large and mcreasm~ d~ e'er be allowed Some church cligmtar had to hire a carriage Gettmg there, he mands is almost en tirely due to its, own i;tarecl msolently mto the fl ank blue eyes termmed cm rent of lus t houghts and appomteclWe do no t place it mcompehhand said slowly with a sneer, while h e sp~~~~st so h e said Wlth a nod of care, ' No letter from Vance agam t What ies h a' e set their faces so firmly agamst found t hat his valise, contammg his vest merits twisted the ends of lus long gray mo;::,ts less condescens10n that made Arthurs can the boy be domt:( 7 anythmg of the kmd as to posit ively ie ments, wluch had come by the t ram which on with patent medicines or secret remed' Gettmg rnto mischief of course 1 fuse to have t o do with the ded10at1on of he should have taken, was l ocked up m ies as we furmsh the formula and showtache mto sharp pomtsOf the stat10n and it t ook some time to find th·t rt co1ui11ts of a superior combmation " So you will have it then-will thrust qmck blood boil agam ' and bemg bet Cnstme said slnrply ' But never mmd any church not entirely paid for yourself mto the feregrnund, and be ter mformed now you will understand Vance mother I asked you whether the course two Llmds of the of the worla the station master who had the key of phosphorus with the fat produczng your paths diverge widely from 1 d cl applaud any such decision as the JUSt and Gett mg out Ins , estments he ran to the properties of the Flax Seed During the seen t Your compamon has little cause that this moment and need never touch governor la come own ' Of course h e has- at least three hours nght thmg One ' emment man has church, where the services was under pa.at six months over four THOUSAND BoT to thank you I wisl1ed to ignore Lady agam ago and glad enough I was t o get rid of lately taken a good deal of pams to re way but thought it necessary to have a TLEB have been duipensed m the city of de Gretton s escapade to close my eyes to ' I understand Arthur returned cold the awkward fact that my wife, on her ly and with a smile of qmet satisfact10n, lnm I assure you I n ever saw a man m mark as a most s111gular thmg, that all drmk of water before begmnmg lus du Ogdensburg, N Y , and county of St such a state of nervous excitement m my the leadmg denommations have a strange ties The only man presumably able to Law1ence, where it 1s manufactured and weddmg day wandered out at sunset to Lord de Grettvn turned to lns wife s the best ltfe Really I thmk the weddmg has habit of rushmg m debt If not 111 debt get t he water was the organ blower, and the universal verd1r.t is that it 1 entertam h er old lo' er but you will not ' Come Nora, he said authontatively, turned his brarn- he has done notlung already they are surely about to launch he could onl) go for it on cond1t1on that ~ ERVJ!l TONIC BLOOD ENRICHER, nnd let me We sohc1t but walk about the corridors declanng themselves mto the dee1~ sea He does the Bishop took his placo at t he b ellows PURIFIB:rt ever produced Clear cold and crnel each word fell " 1t is tune for us to go H e hftc<\ the httle hand that hung so that so:netlung terrible had happened to not say it outright that all this is very Even then no water could be obtarned, m Yest igat10n as to the reputation of the with sha1p distmctness and stung as it wicked but that tlus is the mference and the Bishop undeitook the servICe re!lledy where ever it has been used was mtendecl to stmg not the pale gn l 1 stlessly by her side and drew it withm Nora ' T o Norat Cristme echoed with I here are suiely two sides to tlns ques "\\1th lus throat full of dust When it was Rupture Cure M fg Co , Ogdensburg, round VI hose o' erw1ought bram a merc1 lus arm the contaot clulled Ins fiiigers Ny fnl nust was gathenng who heard all that death itself was not more icy or mert a nervous at tempt at a contemptuous t10n As a mattei of fact a large p10por ove1 by some m1sunderstandmg, theie tion of the very fine churches that now \ms no carnage m waitmg to take lum to was said m a. dull uncompiehendmg fash Nora neither r esisted nor aided h is efforts laugh Had Mrs Bruce chanced to glance a t adorn the country would be much smaller the house where he was to spend the Important to Ruptured l?ersons ion as though lb concerned h er not at a.11 the onl:y jign of life left m her blazed m her daughter she might have seen t hat rn.uch less comfortable and much less mght and h e had to ncle thither m a - not Nora but the man who would- the burn~0 nusery of her eJ es M echamcally she p ermitted h erself to the pale face grew suddenly pmched look creditable m appearance than they are to fish waggon The horse ran away and The Excelsior Rupture Traatment was how gladly - have died to clufencl h er m troduced to the American people sev ' For shame t h e cned with a hearty b e drawn tow11cls the path she had de m g and pale and t he light eyes h ad a day if those who had to do with their upset lum mto the gutter Cnstme erect1011 had resolved not to go 111to debt _.., _ ,,__ _ _ __ era.I years ago m s ich a manner as to rmgmg scorn that VI ould to a more gen er scenderl ignorant of that last bitter drnp frightened and gmlty glitter We often do more good by our sympa completelv aecuie the confidence of the ous opponent have been a. coin mcmg still to mrngle with her cup- mech am c Smgleton who was endowed with a smg In a ~owrng progres&ne country such as whole na1,10n lhe mode of mtroduction proof of his lionesty and good fatth but ally without anoth er word or lool sh e ulaily small amount of faith m Divme ours 1s there are few localities able and t hy than by our labors wa11 by furnishmg the remedy to those af only stung Lo1d de Gretton s p ide shaip would have passed the man who watched Justice and m ercy was on tho other hand, w1llmg to command suflictcnt money for The law of the harvest is to ieap more fhcted with Herma m any of its various ly and moved him t< a more 1111plucable h er with au mtense and yearmng p1tv most h orribly supcrst1tiou· and placed church bmldmg purposes to meet the than you sow So~' an act and you reap hate Oh - Arthur fl mg back his that for the moment swallowed up all an abJect trust m s1,,ns, portents and growm g reqmrements of the next twenty a habit sow a habit and you r eap a char forms and collectmg no pav until a per selfish pam B ut er >ssrng hrs pa.th years The chmches cletermrned not to bnght head nnp 1t ent of Ins 0'\1 n hlt.lt m g wanungs rtcter sow a character and you reap a manent cure was effected In th R way the heatment gau ed a world wide repu Did- d1cl the governor see any t hmg? prov de an) tlung more th 1n they can now lestmy utterancewhere shall I find the" ords Lo1d de Gretton paused abruptly, unable ta.t1on on it s own merits never fa1lmg sh e asked uncom fo1 tably and Mrs pay fo1 may stand on a very solid founcla to com:m oe you if yom o" n 1 nowledge Lo deny lmnoclf a P arthian dart CEllrENT l OR TIN AN D GL1°s -The to care 1ny refluc1ble Herma The Com As you two are old friends and must Bruoe looked up with an astom sh ed stare t10n but is it probable they \ull find of h e1 mnocence and spotleoo purity be not enough 1 Nora t ell yom husband part for e' er h o s 11d with mock m g em horn th e housewifely tasl, of measunng room to grow w1,,th the g10V1 th of wealth followmg wluch has been recommended pany has at the sohc1taion of thousands and populat10n around them ? Our fo1 Jommg the metahc to the g1ass parts placed the remedy on sale by all drt1g-gists how you met me h ere fo1 lns sake and phasrs you may be allowed tho luxury tho orange pekoe mto a sil"ver teapot your own do 11ot leave him under an im of a farewell w01d Nay Mr Beaupre Bless me cluld, what should ho see i church debt s ha' e not been an un of kerosene lampi:> lB impermeable to 1ll bot h wholesale and ietail, m the .,.~mted press10n so c1 uelly false you are most ungrateful few men 111 mJ You are as great 1 goose as he is I de nuxed eul by any means The wonder oils Cat sb1c soda one ounce water five States, Canada and England m ti, _ 'II a~ Norn started at the d u ect appeal but pos t10n would sl ow su ch magnanmnt y as clare you will rum my ner es among is t hat the outc1y agamst them has been ounces iesm three ounces plaster of brmgmg 1t w1thm the reach of all "'blasses P ans suflicrent M ake a solution of o1le at a trifling cost compared with the bone only turn ed her eyes with a vague troubl tlus you she cried with a pettish l 1ngh so umversally raised soda 111 the water and b01l with the resm fits wluch are derived from the use ot the eel stare from one to t h e other h er lips For sometlung like a smothered ex but a consolmg consc10usness that her Emernon sa.ys The way t o make the until tlns is d1ssohed To the liquid add treatme1 t Ask your dru ggist for a. free moved a little but no sound came from crat10n broke at last from Arthur B.iau nerves were made of no such penetrable them Arthur s heait sank witlun hrm pres wlute lips He was heart sick and stuff but were equal to any amount of world better is by reformmg number one half its weight of plaster and apply m1 book on rupture or send 6 cts for one to Had her bram really turned with its weary of the fiendish crnelty with which fnct10n He did see at last that it was then t here is surely one less -nllam m mediately It sets firmly m half to three the Excelsior Rupture Cure Mfg Co Og quarters of an hour densburg, N Y weight of trouble i this man re' enJed himself and revelled hardly fan to sp01l my sleep worn out as the world Lost, A. Boy, He went from the old home ;hearthstone Only six years ago .A laughing frolicking fellow It would do you good to know Smee then we have not seen him And we say w th nameless pam 'Jhe boy that we knew ann lo\ ed so , We will never see again One bearmg the name we gin e him Comes home to us to day But th1s 1s not the dear fellow We ku1sccland sent away Tall as the man he calls father With a mans look rn his face Is he who takes by the hear thsLoue Ille lost boys 01den place We m1·s the laugh that made mus c Vi herever the lost boy went This man has tt srmle mo t wmsome H1s eyes have a grave intent We know be is thmkmg and plannmg H s "ay rn the world of men And -v>e ca1 not help but love him But"\\ e long for our boy again 'Ve are proild of this manly fellow '\\ho comes to ta! e lns place 'V1th hmts of the vamshcd boyhood In l 1s earnest thoughtful face And yet come· bacl the Jong ng For the boy" e henceforth m]Jst m1ss '\Vhom we sent away from the beartbstone Fore\ cr V> ith a kt"S CUPIDll Y AND titllllE. ,1 $1000 FORFEIT ! $500 REWARD I