-, SUBSCRIPTIONS PAID. -Uall m1rl sec the'rhe following subscriptions have been since Jan. 17th, excepting a few omitted from our last list : Mrs Moorcraft William Brent Dono.hi Fr11110r Sampson l<'r~yn John Fra.yn Marcus Lent \Vm Foley WmFrayn W MHorsey Mr~ TFrayn John '1' Hooper Neil McDonald Mrs Geo Hoo1Jer Jtichitrd Moore 'J'honU\S Hooper Humphr<·~· Shol't Chas Hntchison Jr 8a.mnel Bingha1n James Martin J:<j C Beman H.obert Burns J:·mes Morris 1·homa.s Symons TR Hoar Wm Cann Joseph Vv'hiie Albert Tamblyn John McC!elJa.n Mrd fl Ormiston 'J'hom>\s Courtice John Pa1·kcr Wm Williamson I·' N Stevens John f.I Rundle Adam SteYens Daniel Dver MreWWoods John Rod!te M1·e John Glover Mrs ·r Hillis Mrs A H Deike John UR'low A l!' CMscadden 'l'homa.s Fowke SC Powers Henry BartlAtt Francis >:lcott 'Vm Henry Alex ltutherford AB McLeod E<~wnrd Birch Paul Courtice LE 'J'hornton John Vannest l!'ranois A wde .John Jet'row · J,evi Arnott Isaiah Gri111u Thomos J,ockhart Wm Davison Itev w It Darker Marwood Barrett WU narnh1>rt T CurtiH Hich Davey Jae P ·w miamson J 1>mcs Hodg>son Clu~s E Shortridge Ezra. Gilford John Gilhert Alex Riggs ' · .lonatha.n Plclrnrd Mrs Arch Bailev 'J'hos Ormiston Miss Julia O'Leary J os Pattison Ge0Poll11.rd 'Wm A White And.Polla1·d W'.l' Oke 1<' Hockaday HA Powers Wm Colwill Itobert Ltme H.ohert Ferguson Geor·go Allin ~ ·r Ferguson George Kerslake Peter Werry Joshua li'erguson Robert Taylor David FiahlPr 'J'homae W'ilhams Wm Mountjoy Wesley Mountjoy "Villiam Tapp Ontario Legislature 'l'homas \Verry Alf1e<l \Voorl George Perkins John Beacock MC Rose J.,Jm P 'frewiu Jobn Polley James M-alcolm Jr William Pottet' John Veale Mrs B Mitchell Wm T ~Verry John Ca.meron John McUoberts James Knight Oeo Haines PM 'J'hos EJ:?plett Enoch ~Levens Jebse Trull Mrs N 0am eron Robt Collacott Jr Mrs E Hurlbut James Hurge·S P &. D GalbraHh James Gilber~ ·wm Leach Rev ·J A Parsons Rich Wickett Thomas Pascoe Albert l<'anson & Son Jobn Clemence W W Ja.rdine BA Geo IUekard \Vm Pott.er D 'l'yremau J P Wu1ri 01n Ed Pascoe. pi~id 1 FIREMEN'S SUPPER. On Mond11y night No. 1 Fire Co. h !cl their annual re-union and supper 1~t England's restaumnt. There was a large attendance of the members, councillurs, and joUl'll<Llists. Capt. N. S. Young presided with becoming dignity, and was sup1lqrtecl on the right by F . F. McArthur, Esq., ex-Mayor; on the left by W. M. Horsey, Esc1., Chairman of Fire Committee. Lieut. w·. McKay, vice-chairm:m, was supported on the right and left by excouncillor Burden and Mr. Ca\vker. The usual toasts were proposed and duly honored. The speeches were complimentary to the brig:tdo, the past fire committee and chairman thereof, and unanimohs in favor of a more powerful fire engine and better water supply. The speech of the evening was made by Mr. John Percy, Jr., the wide-awake secretary, in rcspons~ to the toast of '"rhe Ladies." We never heard this toast more ably and suitably acknowledged. ·Capital speeches were made by Messrs. McArthur, Burden, Williams, Horsey, D. T. Morris, Chief Engineer Hoar, Engineer Haines, W. Cann, J·vlm Lyle, vV. McKay, and G. D. Fletcher. . Mr. England served a good supper, w]1ich was heartily enjoyed by lLll. Our fire brigade is undoubtedly one of the most efficient iii the country, and we hope the present council will endeavour to pro· vide a better water supply, and if possible, a larger tmgine, having due regard to economy. ~~~-=~~ l(lYSTONE & BOSS GOLD WATCH CASES, " 'l'he be·t nwke' in lhe world. at .4tl ,\ \' N A It. ta'l'o, 'J'JO: .Jt:\n;Lt,F.lt. In the Fehrnaxy Cmtm·"'IJ,the Midwinter number, appears a full-page portrait of Leiut-General Sheridan, accomp1mied l)y a striking description of his militarycare~r by General Badeau. George B. McClellan writes of The Princes of the House of Orleans, including special reference to their service in the Army of the Potomac, and George W. Cable's cimvi11cing polemic against " The Convict Leas(;) System in the Soutliern States "-read at the Louisville convention in the interest of prison reform-is here brought to the uotice of the whole country. Many other excellent contributions enhance the value of this number. REDUCING THE PRICES. _ .. We are cutting down the. prices of our entire stock of MEN'S, Youras II AND Bovs· CL0TH1No;1 And we intend to offer extraordina~-y bargains "No; she pining "a.way all the time for years, the doctors doing "hir no ·good; and at last was cured by this "Hop Bitters the papers aay so much about. "Indeed! indeed! how thank· ful. we should be "for that medicine." · Fresh Sitlt' Water Herring at Murdoch Bro5. Heavy gales have done great damage in England lately. IN D1xrn'~ LANn.-J. Kennedy, clealei in drugs, &c., Dixie, Ont<uio,recommends Hagyard's Pectoral BiLlsam to his customers, it having cured.his wife of a bad cough. _ It is the safest and surest remedy for all Throat and Lung troubles,such as Asthma, Bronchitis, vVhoopiug Cough and most pectoral compla.ints. Bernard Morrow is the new registrar for \Vest Peterbo1·0'. Ob, ll' llnt n c:our;la :-Will you heed the warning. Tho signal perhaps ot the sure approach of tha.t more terrible 11isease Consnmption, Ask yourselves if you can afford for t.ho sake or saving fifty cent.a, t;o run tho risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will Cure your Cougb, It never falls. This explain~ why more than a Million Bottles were sold dn1'ing the uast year. It relieves Croup. a.nil Whooping Coui;th. a.t once. Mothers do not be without it. For Lame Back, Side or Chest. use Shiloh's Porou1:1 Plaster. .T. HiggrnboLham & Son, Wholesale aud Uetall n11:ente. B·cklen·s A1·ntc11 Snhe.-'l'he best Salv in the vrorld for Cuts, Brmeea. :lores, Ulcers, Salt Rbelim, Fever. Sores. Totter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns. and all Skin Eruptions, and Positi ""'Y careD Plies. It is guranteed give perfect satisfnctlon. er money refunded. Price 25.cents per box. For sale by J, !Ilgginbotham Qi; Son. :Has your wife seen the new stock of cambrics, muslins, emhroidories, edgings, trimmings, etc., now being shown at McClung Bros'.? · ~~~r~::n:~~;ered, lFROM THIS DATE UNTIL THE · END OF THE YEAR I We mean business, and we never allow ourselves io be undersold. We are reducing the price of every article· in stock. Parties asking us fo~ bargains will not be d~!Sappointed. ELLISON & _ CO. z CS!ZI BowMANv1u,E, FnrnA~, FEER'Y 1. As we b efore stated, we shall not abuse :Mr'. CLL\1.::E in l'etul'n for tho <Lbuse and .ridicule he has hee11 lavishing upon us of fat~ ; we h:wo too high r eg::wd for the I·efiuec1 tastes of our reaclers to serve up ·weekly Sll<'h unpalat ahlc reading, however much he may wish to see the little episodes in his history of the p:i,st twenty-five years, l'OEl'IOAJ, <\nd otherwise, paraded once more in the STA.'fl~~l\fAN . After all Mr. Cr,r11m~ )ms said, the fact remains that ]1e JSold to us his interc~t and good-will in tha p1'inting business in Bownmuvillc for a big consideratiou, and now he is putting forth every e.ffort to steal it back. It is l)leasing t; us, however, to know that less thrm a dozen persons have given up our paper tu ~ake his, which proves that the people of \Vest Durham have a much stronger sense of honor than Mr. CLJMIE has. CAN..H>A.'S greatest son is undoubtedly the Hon. E. BLAKE. Whether it be on th~ stump, or in the house, he is to-clay 1vithottt a peer. Never wtts this more e vnlent tlmn on Friday whc he delivered 11is- telliug and felicitious address in reply to -the s1>eech from the throne. It was u~·bane, humor:rns, good-naturedly sarcastic .and logicn,lly ooherent. ~Osho:walleformer." ·i TO SCHOOL TRUSTEES. Ed-itor Statesman : . SIR,-Allow me through your paper to ask trustees to send me the nauies of the teachers employed by them for 1884. I have been unable in seYeral cases to obtain this information as yet, :md I c:mnot mitke out tho eheq ues for the municipal grant until I know the names of all the teachers employed for the present yeM· in the county. J ..L 'rILLEY, . P. S. School Inspector Durham Co. Bowm1mville, Jan. 28, 1884. INSPECTOR TILLEY'S REPORT. At the session of the Cinmty Council held in Coboui;g last week the following resolutions were passed by the school commiltoo, and unanimously adupted by t he council : " Your comi11ittee having examined the " adrnimhle rep ort of J. J. Tilley, Esq., "in~pector of schools for t.he County of " Durlrnrn,, aml also having inquired into "the working of the -system of Uniform "Prom otion Examin(Ltions established by "him in tlmt county, entailing upon him "a.I! it does a much greater amount of work "tjtan h eret ofore, wish to expl'ess om· en"tire. srttisfaction with the ,s uccess that ' 'liit.s attcndo<l these examinations. vVe "also i·ccommend thitt an annual gmnt c>f " $50 be given l ly this couuci1 to assist in "defraying the cost of these examinations." ·'!'his uminimous action of the council in connection with tho hearty vote of tha11ks te.n dered -to him for his services must be ex ceedingly gratifying to Mr. Tilley, who has labored so faithfully and s_uccessfully to . establish Promotion Examinations in t he County of Durham. To show that these exmninat.l.on s are doing a good work thi·oughout the county, we may st.i.te that in answer to a circular issued by tho In11pector in December, every teacher in the coun ty expressed his approval of their usefulness, and also expressed a desire for their cei ntim umce. The report alluded to above will, we feel sure, be most interest- ing words, while their ears can hear them, :ind while their hearts can he thrillecl and mado happier by them; the kind things you m en.n t o say when they are gone, say before tl1cy go. 'rhe flowers you mean to im;_Provemen ts made to the different school send for their coffins, scud to brighten premises cl~iring the year,·and the contents :md sweeten their homes before they leave of this table reflect great credit upon the them. lf my friends have alabaster boxes school ofilcials 1n the county. The 1rnbli- laid awrty, full of fragrant perfumes of . . sympathy and affection, which they iutend cation of tlus table must have a most break over my dead body, I would rather ben efi cial effect. In addition, the results ·they would bring them out in my wenry -0f the examinations, the classification of and tro!lbled hours, and open them, tl~at . I may refresh :ind cheered by them while the schools ancl school premises, names of I n eed them. I would rather have a plain teachers, salaries, certificates, etc., are also coflln withuut tL flower, a funcr:. t l without. g iv1 ;m, nmk in g th e report a most iiiterest- it eulogy,· than a life without thes wcetness ing and useful one, for which our worthy of_ ~ove and ~yrnpathy.. Let us learn ~o I nspector sh ould receive the thanks of ano~nt our friends befo~·ehand for their · burmL Post-mortem kindness does not every oue interested if1 the welfare of our chee;· the burdened spirit. Flowers on the schools. Some eid1t hundred copies wiJl coffin cast no fragrance backward over the b e. distributed throughout the county aj; weary way.'_ ' _ _ _ __ - - -· a.n early dat e. Bwon Rt<:LA'l'IONs.- The best blood relations consist of a pe1fect circulation of Stop th!\t congh, by the use of Ayer's healthy, vital fluid- pure ulood and proper Cl1erry l:' ectoral- the best specific ever .cii;culation u~ay be establi~hed in the sys· known for all diseases of the throat and tern by the use of that grnnd blood purilungs. It will sootl1e the rough f~eling fier, Burdock Blood Bitters. in y our thrni~t, ·gi 11e the vocal organs flexiOtL ll and see the Combination Tea and biL ty ftnd vit ality, and enable you to Dinner Sets at ~Iurduch Bros. They are brenthe and speak clearly. very handsome and the price is low. i ng to the public. It ~ontains an impartiiil report of every school, both with regttrd t o the condition of the school, and of the school promises. It also gives in it d ear :.m d n eatly «rranged table, all the 'J'he Weekly Messenger, 50 cents a y ear, is a good paper fo1· the young. John Dougall & Son, publishers, Montreal. Six ha.ck numbers of the Cottage Hearth -a first-chLss family magaiine--will be sent to any address for 25 cent.a in stamps qr coin. Address Cottage Hearth Co., Boston, Mass. Tlrat gem of agriculture publications the American Agric·n ltw·ist is at hand for February, literally brim full of valuable iuform~tion for the faJ:nwr. Single copies 15 cents. Published at 715 B1·oadway, New York. Godp,y's Lady'.~ Book for February has some b~autiful colored fashion plates, and a vast deal of information for the 111dies. One ca11, to an almost faughable degree,, infer what a man's wife is like from his opinion about women .in general. ;I'/~·. Agents' Herald, of Philaclelphia, a paper specially devoted to unearthing frauds and deadbeats, and which wages a relentless war against lotteries of all descriptions, has changed its nm11e to 'l'he Pi~blic Iiemlcl, under which title it will hereafter he known . Golden, Da.ys for boys mid girls is a 16page weekly magazine, b eing the largest and most profusely illustrated, contaiuing more original matter and illustrations than any other juvenile publication in the world. Send for sample copies and get up a club. Address, James Elv!!rton, Pub· lisher, Phila.delphiit, Pa. George Stinson & Co., the celebrated Art Publishers, of Portland, Maiue, undoubtedly pay more money for postage stamps than any other firm in the worl~ ; for the last five years their postage bill has averaged over two thousand dolbrs · per week, making it grand aggregate of over five hundred and twenty thousand dollars ; this is about the three-hundredth part of all postage of every description collected by the United States government during thitt time. ALAJ3ASTE l t Boxm;; OF H-c-MAN SYMPa· 1·nv.-In the midst of so much sickness and sorrow we have been handefl a card · for publicnt.ion by one who takes a deep interest in tha.t class, hoping that it may be read by uur numerous readers with profit: "Do not lceep the alabaster boxes of your love and tenderness scaled up un- ~li:\i0~~:~·~~ ~~=· ars;~e:kl.ap;·~~~~~:rcl~~:~~ 1 Grip last week made some capiti;.I hits on current topicR. The Electrn for Februitry is brimfull of good things for young and old. ·we have a speedy a.ud positive Cure, for Cat11.rrh. Dlphtherla. Canker mouth and I-fond Ache, in SHILOH'S CA.'l'AHRH REMEDY. A nasal lnjecto1· f1·eA with each hottle. Use it lf you desire health adcl sweet breath. Price 50 cents. J. Higginbotha.ta & Son, Wholesu.le and Retail a.gen ts. A Devonshire Cream Social was a success in P ort Hope recently . The untidy, dirty appearance of a grizzily beard should never be allowed. Buckfrrgham's Dye for the whiskers will readily change their color to a brown or black, at <liecretion, and thus keep up your re· pntatiou for neatness and good looks. Hev. Jmnes Konis died last week in Omemce, aged 88 ye:trs. AN OrFN LETTElt.- Mes3ers: T. Milburn & Co. Dea1· Sh',-1 c:in honestly recommend Hagyard's Yellow Oil :ts the best reliever of rheumatic pains of all the many specifics offerd for StLle, and as <L sufferer for years I have tried every known remedy. I remain, respoetfolly yours,J ORN TAYLOR, l!.10 Parliament St. ,· Toronto. Very little business has been done in parliament at Ottawa yet. Tnrn I S MoNEY.-'l'ime and money will be saved by keeping Kidnoy Wort in the house. .It is t\n invaluable remedy for all disorders of the IGdneys, Liver and Bowels and for all diseases arising from obstructions of these organs. It has cured many obstinate cases after hundreds of dollars had been paid to physicians without obtaining relief. lt cures Constipittion, Piles, Biliousness and all kindred disorders. Keep it by y.ou. The }'. JI. G_iiide hfls issued i~ family calendar for-1884. Butter Buyers eycrywhere ar e refusing to take white, lardy looking butter except at " grease " prices. Consumers want nothing uut gilt-edged but ter, and buyers therefore recommend their patrons to keep ~t uniform color throughout the year by usmg the Improved Butter Color made by Wells, Richardson & Co., Bul'lington, Vt. It is the only color tlmt can be reliecl on to never injure the butter, <tnd to always give the lJerfect color. Solcl by druggists and merchai1t~l\iis:s Agathe Mathurin, aged 102, died last week in Montreal. WIDE AWAKE D1tUGGISTs.- Messrs J. Higginbotham & Son :.ire always alive to their buisness, and spare no pains to secure the best of every rrticle in their line. '.l'hey have securecl the agency for the celebrated Dr. King's New " Discovery for Consumption. The only certain cure known for consi.uuption, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Hay Feirer, Bronchitis, or any affection of the Throat and and Ltmgs. Sold on a positive guarantee. Trial Bottles free, Regular size $LOO. Oats and vegetables in the Southern States are killed by frost. . How does a person expect to eat every· thing, at all times, and have a strong, rt!sponsi ve stomuch. You say, "I am careful what and when I eat, but am troubled with constipation, gas on my stomach and a bad taste in my mouth, aud I don't know "hy it is." Dyspepsia and Biliousness may c<1me from many cntises and should be attended to in time. If your hertd is heavy, eyes ache. If you feel tired and sleepy, you are bilious. no doubt. Now for the remedy. ZO-PE-SA is o. prescription of an olcl experiencd doctor for just auth troublef!. lt is cheap, speedy and effectual, at 10 and 75 cents a bottle. Messrs. Smith & Kuhlman, Cobourg, lmve sold their planing mill. '·Some time ago my wife took a severe cough which, in spite of all we could do, grew worse :md worse. She soon began to raise blood every day. It was apparent to everydody tlmt she was in a decline and her days were short amongst us. I optilined medical advice ancl tried one prescription and another, but· they did no · good. When all hope had gone we heard of some wonderful cures preformed by Dr. Wilson'a Pulmonary Cherry Balsam, and afriend drqve ,several miles to get several bottles for us. In two weeks she was entirely cured. This te.s timony giv· en br ].:fr. C. A. Black;, of Sweetsburg, Pa, is that of thousands of others in this country. FAIUdJ:RS ATTJCTIIOK.-35 sets of carriage and waggon Harness to be sold by priv·~te sale :.it W.H. May's Harness Store, within tl1e next 30 days. Discount from seven to ten per cent for cash. A large quantity of Sleigh Bells at a very slight advance on cost. Don't fail to secure a pair of my Wool Stuffed Collar11. Som&thing new aid w21.rrimted safe. Ci.sh paid for any quAntity of Hida11 and Sheep Skins. W. H. May, King S1r1'ei, Bowmanvilla. Those having any dyeing to do, should, in order to ensure brilliant 11nd lasting colors, buy their dye stuffs from J. Higgiub&thalll & Son. I TEAS plaints, if you think so call at our store and ge· a bottle of Shiloh's Vita.lizer, every has a printt ed ~uarantee on it. use a.coordiugly and if it d~esrou11cgooditwilleostyo11 nothing. T H1ggmbotham & Son, wolesale O.li:ents. Dysuepsln 11ml Lher not ' worth the small price of ()0111pl11l11t.-Is 75 cents to free it yourself or every symptom ar these distressing com- l 2 000 . 000 ' ' ' . SUBSCRIBER· S· "\Vnnt U for 1884. '.l'he A merlcan A.oricttlt·triflt' to·day is better than ever b"'forc. We have. increased our crops ot Editors and Artists, en-larged and added to o.11 our Departments, untilc the Periodfcal Is n11w the recognilffld leadingAgricultural Journal of the world, presentin&ln eirery issue JOO c;o111nut8 orOrlglnn)ltcud.·· Will those who imbscribed for h1gMatte1· from the ablest writers, and nearly . . JOO 8rlir:hutl lllnstrnt hm~. It is to the inGlo be Watches through my agency terest ofevel'y one whose subscription has ex:. d pfred, or who changing his place of rosidence. a~d wlio have not receive ' them, or movlngWeijt. has for the time been dropped: please exercise a little patience, the J out of our Great Army of Subscribers, .t o WATce ES. demand having been so great that the Globe Printing Company finds a.nd accept or ou1· Unpa.rn.lleled Offer of the it impossible to supply as pi:omptly American Agriculturist, For 188±. A $4.00 Periodical\.. as they could wish.. A 600-Page Dictionary, This powder nev·ir va.ri.a. A marvrl Of purity. strength a11d whol~someness. More economical than the ordinary kinds snd can· not be 1old in compP.tition with th"' inultitude of low test. sherr, weight. alum or phosphatl! powders. Sold onl·y in can·. ltOYAL BAKINO POWDER Co.. 1()6 \Vall·st... N. Y. C0 ME BACK Thos. Yellowlees. " Foes or Friends ? " 1000 lllustratlone. Health and-Happiness. ~ ·~ DO AS OTHERS HAYE DONE. Are your Kidneys disordered? D~[;c[L~,\er l.1)i.d~eD~v~~~~~~A{!'[~3Jg:~o~!~b~ "Kidney 'Vort bl'ought me fl'om my gr:ave, aa 1t CAIN "Kirlnoy. \V1.>t't c11red me from nervous weakneRS &c.,aft.er I wns notJ expected tolive."-blrs. U. Al. B. Goodwin, E<I. Christian Jlfonttor. Cleveland, O. Are your nerves weak? Have ;r,ou Bright's Disease? Frank Wilsoil, Peabody, Mass. In place of the Dictionaiy.. Are now open in tho following places; Petarboro', Bow man ville, Heapler, Brantford, Kingston, Port Hope, J?OST·PAI:C. Brighton, Lindsay, Springfield, ,.4.CT11'E CANTASSllIIS "\VANTllD-. - Send . Cobourg, London, St. George, two 2-oent stamps for a Sample Copy and see> Oolborne, Millbrook, St. '.l'homaa, what a WONDEHF"UL Paper it is now. 'Address Courtice, Nap11ne0, '£uronto, Orange Judd Co., D. W. Judd,.Pr(,s., Deserento, Newcastle, Trenton, 1.n Drondwtt;r, New 'l'orl<. Dunda&, Omemee, Troy, Galt, Orono, Oahawa, Waterdown, --< Glanworth, Palermo, Whitby, Guelph, , Paris, Wood11took. & WMesen.ges Transmitted for the general (Successors to Agency of Dominion Bank)1 public; Subscribers Messages atSpecialltates. BO'WMANVILLE,. H. C; BAKER, T. BINCHAM, Manager, Agent, ancl 439 Man810ll House ()hambera, llONDOII> T!LEPltONI OFFICES "In the Meadow," Morris' llx18 Superb Plate Engraving~ Dup1·e's12x17 Superb Plate Engraving. -ou- 12 Pieces of Sheet Music, ALL FOR $1.o·o Codd Co., Bankers;,. id:~b:{k ariJ *~~: Jlk°e bl?:~~~ water wa9 just "Kidn~y.\Vort tij tli· niost 8UCCt)fiE1tulremedy 1 have HAMILTON, ~-2w. DowMANVILJ,E E N'GL A. If D. Suffering from Diabetes'? Gold Watch Free. ever used. Gives almost lmmedit\tl) reliet.n Dr, Phllllp c. Do.llou, Monh.-Wn, Vt. Have vou Liver Complaint'? "KldtteY"-Woi·t cured mo <Jt chronic Liv(!r Diseases after \¥~~~;a,~~rc;t,ei~tc Col. ~th Nat. Glilt.rtl, N. Y. "Jd<l11oy-Wort, (1 bottle) cured 111e when I WAS SO lame I hall to _i·ouc.o~~ ~~ut~~~. Mlhmukee, Wle. "1Gdncy-\'\fort mn.de mo nouucl1nllver and kidneys after years or unsucel'ss!ul doctoring. lta worth 110 a box."--Sam' l Uodi;os, WJlllamstown, WeBt Va. "Kidney-,Vort cauS(IS easy o,~acuatlons and cured me nftcr 16 years uHo of other m~dioinea." Is vour Back lame and aching? Have vou Kidnev Disease? Are you Constipated? Have you Malaria'? Are you Bilious? Nelson Fi.lrcllU<.I, St. Albo.n·, Vt. reruCl.ly "Kidn7-\Vort bl\.S done better thn.n any other have 0'·erD~;if. ~ Cfur~~S~~t~iiero, Vli. S 2, SOLINA. 'l'ho pnblishers of the Capitol City Home Guest. the well-known Illustrated Llter~ry and Family Ma.ga·me, make the following liberal Offer for the New Year: '1'110 peJ'son telling us the longest verse in the Bible, be.fore March 1st, will recel1·ea SoJJd Gold, J.ndy'M Ru11Unii (;11se1l !ht·bM ll'nlch, worth $50. It there be more th1in one C)orrect answer. the second will rcceiYe an ele~ant Stem·lVtnfllng f;elltle· man's \Vutch;_ the third, a key-winding Ena· Jhh \\'11tch. J:i:ach person must send 25 cents with theil' answer, for which they will receiY-e three months snhsClliptlon to the Home Gueet, a 50 page Illus1 n~ted New Ye111· Rook, a Cm1c or~:; ..l1·tleles that the ladies will appreciate, N 0 T J CJ E.- -Deuoaite heretofore made with. and paper containing no.mes of winners. Aa· the Dominion Bank:, can be withdrawn at any dress. · time upon demand and wiL11out charg-e, at th& Pubs. of HOlVfE GUEST. Hartford, Conn. premises lately occupied by the Bank, new tlloDankin~ kom;e of Codd & Co, EED l'EAS.- -For sale ~ quantity of - - - -- Ma1'rowfitt Peas, warranted pure and free OLD AND from noxious tte11ds. JOHN VANNJ<J8'.l', H. I~LIABLE ' 4.-4W*, Tran&act a general Bankinr/ B1isineas Up<YIJI. the .same 'l.'enns and Pnnciples 61KM>ptedi by the Joint Stoclc Banh. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DE P 0 S l!T !!' withdrawal on clemanrl. at the rate or FOUR per cent. per annum. FIVE and SIX per ceni.,. allowed on time deposits. NO'rES DISCOUNTED. Bills received ro:r eollectlen In Englr<nd, UnitcdStatC<t and-Canad· and advances made thereon at moderate rates.. DRAFTS ISSUED, paYnble at all points ha. Canada anit the United States. STOCKi:l1 BONDS, DEBENTURES,&·., &1e;. bought ana sold, ·'Kidney-Wort has dono nie woro good tban any othe1· remcd1 I haTc ever tllen.'1 Mrs. J. l'.. Galloway, Elk Flat, Oregon. · ffEEP ASTRA.Y. - OnE> Ewe and a Lamb styayed into the premiaes, lot con. SD11.rliugton, in August la.st. Owner muet 3, GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. Are you tormented with Piles? p~~<b~~'fC~¥d)iii';:n1~~~~;:J:: 1i1 :0°~e~~~eding Oco. ll. Huret, CmWJer M. Dct.nk, Myeniewn, Fa. prove property. !'al; expenses and take them u.way. R.H. SOUCH. 3-llw. -u.oR SALE. ~First "Kidney-Wort curNt )nc aftP.r 1 was given up to die Uy pllysicia.u~ a..nd l l1n c f st1ll'erc<l thil-ty yearfll.,, Are you Rheumatism racked'? Elbridge ll~lco!m, West llnth, Ma.lne, Class Farm, being __c'I composed of South t Lot 32, 4 Con., 'l'ownship of Clarke. For terms 11.ud particulai'8 apply toJ. G. RENWICK.OronoP. o., or floBBHT ARMOUR. Bowmanville. tf. ONEY TO LOAN.-A few thousand dollars, private funds, to loan on first· class farm security, at the lowest current rates. For particulai-s ap'ply to H. BEITH. BowmRn· ville, or It. R. LOSCOl\iBE, Barrister, 3-tf. Hll; W. "\VILLSON. rr.r,emi yca1·a a~~j~Lu~~~~~~~i~t:~oMg~a~~ If you 11 Kidncy-Worl cnred me of peculfat· troubles ol Ladies are you suffering? w~uld-~anish Disease and gain Health, Take . M THB BLOOD CLEANSER. OF 'l' HE PI AN T EACHER OHGAN aud SINGING. '1' $10 por Tweh·e Lessons of Over lllggmhotha.m'a Drug Store, Bowmanville. ON SG and It 'l' .i:. g Street. 2. 1Ulcl1. Seminal Weal·· ._ ness. Superma...-'=" 1 tonhea. Impo_ tcncy, ·&all dis' caseB thatfollow ".. · as a sequence of . Self-A bttrn ; as -- Before Takingloss of Memory,Af~" _ Ta.kllig. UniversalLa.ssitude, Pain in the Back Dlmne11s of Vision, Premature Old Affc, and many other Diseases that lea.ii. to Insamty or Consumption and a Premature <1rave. _ S'Full pa.-rtlonlars in our pamphlet, which wo desire to send free by mail to every;one.l'he Specific Medicine Is 11old by all drUJlJPBtil at $1 per package,. or six packai<ce tor"'· or will be sent free by mnil Ol} the receipt of the money by addressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto, Ont., Canad· R TRADE MMt . 1<..TJ1 JIHl·Jteme<ly,an . 0Gn·'"·~Ji . ARIG. unfailing c11re for