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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1884, p. 8

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DR. SCOTT'S BowMANVJJ.LE, FRIDAY, Fl!~im'Y DARLINGTON COUNCIL. meeting Feb. 2. Members all proAent. After routine scvorn.t communical,inns were read. Mr. VanCamp was de!Hgated to aLtend meeting of Ceuteuuial Committee in Toronto. Applications for assessor from Richard Foley, Cl1arles Axford, W. Power, and .J. Crnmb. Mr. Foley was appointed. 'l'reasurer's bonds reported satisfactory. Additional aid was asked for .lo]m Fox :tnrl lolrn Collier. Laid over. R Siemon comph1ined of clo~ing up rmd between lots l(j and 17, con. fl. Heferre<l to Mr. V 11,ncamp. 'l'lie Clerk was instructed to ask for tenders for , township p1·inting. Heevo granted orders: W. Slernon, damage to sheep, $6.G(; ; T. T. Coleman. taking Geo. Salter to asylum, $10 50; Geo. Wight, clothing to Gay, l $li ; Returning OfliCJCJ'S, $(i e<tch. 1..'ouncil adjourned to Feb. 28, ;tt ltl a. m. -- -- ---+-- - -- Look aloft! the pro.jecr,ing icicle once ag-11.in ls on t,he win..:. In l&S2 the deaths in Uxlll'iJ!{e were 2J, and He~ular Opened out this week at 8. · - - - --=-========-==- ··- ----- ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS. I -- .Are you Drowsy, dull nnd out of sorts? Are you bilious, nauseated and made sick. by the thought of food? Is there a du\l, dragging pain in your right side? Do your bowels suddenly llet sore without any apparent cause? Are the whites of your eyes tinged with yellow? ls your skin w:m, clammy and copper-colored? Does your mouth taste badly in the morning? Are you costive? Do you have itching piles? Are your bowels irregular? Arc you dizzy and dim-sighted at limes? Are you gloomy and despondent i' Is your urme highly coiored? Are you nervous and full of bad feelin~s 1a :ti! parts of your body? l If so, be advised before your case gets more scriousbefore you arc seized by some form of low fe\'er or become otherwise hopelessly sick. SULPHUR A:\'!) lRO:'ll' J3ITTERS. The trouble with Prepared Spice COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN'S · New Prints, New Bleached Cottons, New Grey Cottons, New Embroideries, New Dress Buttons. We buy our goods for Cash and save the discounts, we are therefore able to sell everything at the lowest possible prices. { The officers of Court {'rirle of Ontario '.for tho curreut term are; Geo. E. J\fayrnird, C. R. ; C. Stonhouse, S. C. It. ; T. H. Spry, (re-elected) Trearnrcr ; ~ .. B. Williams, (ro-electud) Sccretm·y ; Wilham Archibald Snb-Secretary ; Geo. Buxton, S. W. ; A'. Slute, J. W. ; T. Spry, S . .B. ; C. Cox, J. B. The officers wore duly in· stalled by P. C. R, J, Colwell. Court Pride 1110et· ·evtiry nJternatc 'IVcdncsch~y 1 rn then· hall over tJ1e Obserrer oftice. This excellent benevolent society is in a very prosperous condition, thern being now in the order no less than .t125,000 financial members and 13,184 honorary members, being 1111 increase on the year of 19,S!JO bcuelit mid 287 honorary membe1:s. It also includes ~4/i members of the Rntish House of Pa,rliameut, six liishu1is, eight judges, twelve ea.rl~, £ou1· marq~1ises, four viscounts, six dukes, and one kmg. The aggregate worth of the court funds is $1!0,001,0~W. Dm:ing tho year there were 53,73:J new members admitted, or 2,66!! more tlmn last year. The number of deaths in th e year wa8 G,5Sft, and members' wives and widows, ;l,870. 'l'hc juvo· nile societie~ nt Lhc end of the year comprised 50,315 members, with $280,000 of funds'. During the ycrtr ~0,143 persons joined the society, and in the same penod 3,493 were transferred to vrtrious cmll'tS as members of the parent order. WASHINGTON. Iii c It < r FO:lX. Horses, Cattle, Sheep & Swine · CUBES I Coughs, Co!ds, Inflammation of the Bladder, Swellii1?; of t~·c Clands, Rou;:;~incss of the Hair Botts, Scurvy, &c., &c. For l'nttening and Fittin!: yonr Anhn~ls for m::nket, DR. SCOTT'S l'i~El'.\ o.CLLJ Sl'ICE 11as no equal. FOR SALE EVERYWHEFH:: in 1883 ·hey wore H. .r;G'"Lud1eR, at.t.cnt.inn ! IOc. at. ,.n drn~µ:is1.s. ~;,·,·ri h<>ily pru.ises 1.l>t1m. Wells, Richardson & Co., I:lu1·Jiug1011, Vi.. J .·N-, ·s+. will Joni\' be remembered for its se\'cr1ty tLnd snow blockadce. II a well ho poisoned, WOil b0 to t.hose who drink 1 .111·reat. It is wors11 t,o polson tile fo11n tain of life for one'· self ancl. r..1· post.erity Of- { Tn the lliitmond flycR moie coJorinK is glv1#n tbHn in any known d.' C!i and thl'Y give faetor an1i more urillianr ·~olors. t,fm by Cttreledsness. or tni:3'fortu1rn, or inhed· fl·ees rhe hlood. th" v1t«I ·tr<>am, and re·tort·s 11ppetit<', sl r"n~·. h ..utl he.ill,h. I SAL'r trns boeu Jiscovercd ut P11r1<.hill. Ont., at a ucµth or l ,JOO. No othei· mt~dictnA ia so roliab e Jas Aycr·'s Clwrwy Pectm·:tl fo1· c!11lds, coughs. e.nrl all for the a:isthn1at1c aud eo11t-ou11\}Jtive, evell in the l't~pirat.t1l'y OJ'g'11US lending towtwd conau 111p1ion, Ju alt ordi1H1.i-y case1 it is a certain curfl. und it fi!fords ollre relief derallJ.{'ellteti1B of tanco.thi"haobeend~lllC- Ayer'sSarSllJJ!Ll'illa G racers 'D ue B I· 11 s ---· .a. taken asCash.} - -- One Door -west of the Post Office. Take D. C. ]\fay 15th, 1880. GENTLEMEN--Ht:wing been a sufl'oror for a long time from nervous prostration and general debility, I was advised to try Hop Bitters. I have taken one bottle, and I have been mpiclly getting better ever since, uud I thknk it the best medicine I ever used. I arn: now gaining stren· 1 gth and appetite; which was all gone. an<l I I was in qcspair until I tried your Bitters. I am now well, able to go about and do my o.-n work. Before taking it I was completely prostrated. MRS. MARY STUART. Port Hope municipal auditors receive $50 each. A man was found frozen to death in an upright position 1iear Kiagston. Health is a duty, Disease a crime. Use Dr. Henrv Baxter's J\lfandmke Bitters an<l be cured of all biliousness or live1· trouble. 25 cents will buy a large bottle.II The Warkworth cheese factory made $30,000 worth of cheese last year. SLEEl' PEACEFULL. "Hub " Cough Cure will cure you <1uickly. For t,hr·u:tt and lung t, oubles it is the quickest and surest remedy extant. A.ik ~tot & Jury. Tho Scott Act will be submitted to a vote in Oxford County on 1\iarch 13. A Good 'CORME1'1<:.-The best cosmetics are good so1tp and water, to obt11in purity o( the skin; while for boils, blotches, obstiniL e hmuors and impurities of,the blood Burdock Blood B itters.is the best of all purifiers. ~Port Hope is :i.lreacly preparin~ for a grand Onion Exhibition to be held next fall. Why go on chiy after day suffering with splitting headu.che when a bottle of Dr. Austi11's Phosphatine will cure you? If you do not believe it ask your druggist for a circular, itnd read what those who have used it say about it. Price, $1.00. Dan Donoghue, a Port Hope rough, assaulted a Police officer and got one ye<LI· in the Central. "Hun" Couo11 Clrm~, 2u Ck:wrs.-Prescription ~fa Boston physician, dispensed years by a Boston druggist ONE DosE will cure m1y ordinary cough. It a,cts al· most magically. Ask Stott & J m·y for a 25 cent bottle of " Hun" Couoa CURE, and don't be put off with any other. t The Grand Trunk Railway has begun to gather rails all along its eastera line for a double track. ExPELUENCE teaches thnt delays are most d:ingerous, and in no instance is p ·om pt action more necessary than when the first approach of kidney diseases is made manifest. To all who at·e experiencing pains in the bode, or who feel that their kidneys going wrong, Dit. Y A.N BuitEN'S KIDNEY Cu1rn is a friend indeed, as it will certainly relieve their pains. anrl if persisted in, effect a permanent cure. you is th:i.t your liver is out of order and needs re:;ulatin:; · immediately. SULPHUR .A "'D IRON BnTri:Rs will help you as nothing chc i:1 t!1.: sh:i.pe of medicine c:m. Regulated, stimulated a:id made to do its proper work i 1.1 a. proper m:i.nner hy SuLFHUR ·h.ND IRON BITTERS the Liver will resume its natural functions, and all the above symptoms will disappear and be forgotten. But do not neglect them. Use the remedy at once. Sold everywhere, price 50 cents. THE SURE CURE FOR KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, CONSTIPATION, PILES, AND BLOOD DISEASES. advanced >tag"s of diseases. Poon f1t111ilies in our large towns a.re suffer ing great desti111t1011. WJSi<T,Y· .ADOPTED HY J)A1R1:MEN .- The adoption bJ' """'L ur tt1e 1.ro111inem d~.Jt·ymen dom inn business JJOiut. c1I' vit>.W, N·ear·ly all winter b1lttor it~ on!orcd in ordcl' 1.0 nut.Ice it ~:~ Le.rt and farme1·s 01 t.hA L'nitPrt Slafci-·. 'o f the ln1· pro"ed Hut,1cr Color made l>y \Velle,l:tiohadaon & Co., Dnrl1111!;tOn, VL., i~" \>1'00[ or !heir wls· w.11 . II 11 SELLIN"G OFF_ r====--= . -="""k"'wmo,,,,--==,. AT OOST PRICE. PHYSICIANS ENDORSE IT HEAnTILY. "Kidney-Wort is the most sucaessful remedy I ever used." Dr. P. C. I!allou, Monkton, Vt· "Kid.ncy-Wortie alwa.yo roliablo." Dr. R. N. Clar}{., So. H<'lro, Vt. ..Kidney-Wort has cured my "'Wife nil.er two yea.rs suffering." Dr. C. M. Summerlin, Bunllill, Ga. IN THOUSANDS OF CASES it hM cured whcJ'IO a.11 else had failed. It is mild, but efficient, CEUTAIN IN ITS AOTION, but harmless in all cases. t:;iTlt clen1111e' the lllt:tod and StPengthens mmd elves New J~u·e to o.11 tho important Ol't;n.ns of the body.. Tl.le natural act.ion of tho Kidneys ia restored. The Liver is cleansed of all disease, and the Eowels move freely and healthfully. In this wa.y the worst· d.iseBSee aro eradicated from th<> system. 2 PBICZ, $1.00 LIQUID on DnY, SOLD DY DDUllQISTS. Dey- ca.n be sent by mnil. WET.LS, RICIIARDSON & 00,llurilnJ\'ton V~. 111arketable.aud this color i~ ch~ n»st.. in regard to purity, strength, permanence oud p.;r(ection of rint. Wood will Mon be a sc:i.rce article in this part of the country. A i:>PEOIAr. TNVI'l'A'l'ION. - \"\Te ospecially invite 11 tri&l l>y uJJ lho"e sutrert'r" fr,,.,, Kiduey anrl Liver cornplain1" whn !111.V" failed t,o ol>ta.in relier frnm 0U.1er r·onv·d i~cl 11..ncl f1·nn1 d.Jct:or::i. ~ ~ 111 ~ 11 i=Q ~ l""1 l'tll L. C 0 B NISH ~ J m~ Rings, Platedware, Ii ~ 1f >.>-:r= Iii J~L.C. Being about to Reduce his stock of I day altel' d11y and yeul' ~ntl'ering. once on the K1d11eyR, Li vcr und Bowles, clcnslng the sys1,em of all poisonous humors and restoring It heitlt.hy condition or those important orJ>ans. Do not be discouriLi.:ed. ~u t try it. 'I'm.: BLUl1! HrBBON Society or Bl'ighton has Increased iu numburs to over 175. 'rIIE AGONY OF A OOUGH.-Let any persotl after year. r,et him couple wirh it the dread of co nsumption, 1,he loug- yearM of weukness, not het:lita.t.e to obtl:t.in tho ltedr. O·>n~h re'.mediHB ut t lw first 11ppe1wancc of J.\iis evidence; of c\is· ed cures iu mu.uy obsti1w.1e cases. lt ucts at Nuture's gre£11o 1~111edy, L<id11ey-wor1,has effect- '!., ~ !~I 1, l I J Watches, Clocks, J'ewellery, \II 0 Silverware, &c., &c., [ ~ Offers the whole at a Tremendous Reduction. Many articles sell at Cost and under. THIS IS A GENUINE DISCOUNT SALE. . 11 l witb a fresh cough hna.giuo it g1t.tning on him th~ ~ Il v:.. 1j For Riil<' by STOT'l' & Ju:RY. the agonies of cteat.h, He will t.hen ruontlls of acut,e PATENTS1. ._~---~~ FRESH MEAT. ___ __ _ MUNN & ~ 1 England, co.. of tl1e SC'TF.NTITIO AMERICAN, con~~~~9~&~~;~iffi~)~~? 1 ~·~~s n;~ 1ri~~rt~~r·s'fi~te~~~t~ft~~~~~ P~~rc~~t:~'~ia~ :;<~';i t1~ :.! 1~~~h-~~·u'~Y~ C~.~~~~bll~~°d 1~·ranco, Gorman,-, etc. 1 1 lI:u1d Booknbout 1 ~ ln the SC'IF;XTI t-'10 Alln:nrc.As, tho lurgcst. hest, and nost wlllely clrenla.t.l?'d !-!1~!Pntitic pn1>er. :f3.20n yenr. Neekly. f':plnndid er1uriivf111:q und inte?rr,~tit11? inormati()n. SpP-eimen nopy of th~ ~f'!it·urific A mericnn sent frt-"o. A 1l(\1···~s 1'1 lJ]\.; N & Cl.l., :r-:i ·11i:x·ru·1c .AMERICAN Office, :Wll~rondw:1y, New York. '""" Meat Sold in the 'Shop for Cash VERSUS Ml'. H. Dickson. or nauville, Q·Je., says '"I have been for sever1il years .. i.irmed bv an a1fection of the lungs. After u 1.ime 1 obtuined Q and used Revera.l bot.ties of D1·· Wilson's P11 Jmonarv Cherry Balsu.m. Before tho tlrst. wu.s nni~hed I raised 11. number ol' tui1·.; gluey globtt· 1-71-10 leR 11.1111. my troubles left me entirely." It Is regarded as a se1:tll!d fact that the gov- ~ e.rnm~. 111. will reduce the rate of let.ier postage to two cents. e11s1J. p;.. \ I Chapter. II "Malden, Mass., Feb. 1, 1880. Gen· tlemen- l sntfo1 ed with. attacks 9£ S.!Qk ~ ~ v~ 11 1 1 II ~ J Those in f;earch of Holiday Presents will save money by inspecting our stock, consisting of-GOLD and 8ILV)':R WATCHES- all styles and 1nakes, GoJ,D GuARDs,CHAINS, RINGS and ,h:WELLRY to please everyone, SIL~R PLAn:DWARE in endless variety, all of which has been Helected with care and taste. DIAJ\WND and WEDDING --Rrncs-excellent value. - Watch Repairing promptly attended to. All work warranted. Prices low-never charging $2.50 when 75c. to $1.25 are regular prices. A CALL SOLICITED. II P> 11 11 1 11 ~ 11 .,.. 1.-.1 I Ci) 8 td P> Q~ e-Y 1-1 .Z 7"1'1 ~ Peddling and Credit. 11 1111 We having- been solicited by a heN'1e"t~::i~ia, female trN1ble,for years in · ·11 ' . ORNtSH, - K1NC STREET EAST. . I · number of our citizens to commence the most terrible and excruciati11g mau·.1,""4~""*"**"*" u1pn::::;;;;o·n·::::·::=llifu2;o:·ffiffim.~.J =---1 I . .,..,,,,...,.,,,.,,....,,,,,,,,,,,,,, IL-on the abo\'e system, we have now decided to fo.ll in with their request. neNomedicine or doctor could give me LC.~ OFF_ bl.C. This plan will enable us to sell TWO relief or cure until I used Hop Bitters. "The first bottle )cents per pound cheaper. As you Nearly cured me;" . will see by the new system we 'l'h.. second made me as well and etroug shall not require half a dozen horses as when a child. - - F O R - -· "Aud l have been so to this day." and rigs and men to run them, for My huMb!Lud was an invalid fur twenty which the public have previously with a serious paid. We being the first to intro- years "Kiduey, lirnr und urinary complaint, duce this great saving ask your ··Pronounced by Boston's best physic. liberal support. ians" Incurable!" fJrm~rs Pbase Con:sider This. Yours truly, [ - - L! ..., . "nred hiiu '"'!TIE PERRY DAVB P.AI~RILT,RR aot~ Thirty days from to-day we will commence stock-taking, and from now W. BRITTAIN&C with tD·mtlerfttl 't'tr]li!.lity nnd rr.ever faila 'v~1cn tn.kn.n 11.t. th!lcomm.encomont ofnn nttack ~ntil then we will sell all goods at a Great Reduction. Market Sq to ~1uo \.'hotora, Cholera Morbus, nF n well as all suwlllor cow1>laint1 of& lli.mil:ir nu.· N. B.-All orders promptly tu re. We will sell FJUR GOODS ll'or Cuddo:n Colet~ Soro 'l'hroa.t, a:o. tended to and Meat delivP-red rl parts of the town. at and under Cost. A tP.n..·J>OOflfq\ of P.11'(·!\n.r.F.n tnken at the bP2im1;l!'.{( f2.ln ntl r·l.;: w 11 1n·nve an t1.ITost We also pay Cash for nuvur failiLg curo, ui..J eu.vo muoh autferini:. We will sell Men's Tweed Suits mFor '!'oot'.:llcivi. :Ehtrn.s, Cc:i.lds, Cuts·. Dairy Produce. for Nine Dollars a Suit. :Sruiaos, &:c. igh v.1. S:EJLLIN"'G- DAYS BIG BARGAIN.SI I We will sell All Wool Blankets at Two Dollars and a half a pair. We will sell Men's and Boys' Overcoats atwell just give us a call and see. 0 th~ l',ll'1-Ti'.!LL"'R will ho fmmtl n. willinir phy. e:ieh.n rcn.·1v Hll1l nl>lo to r,,i(()ve y 1)11r Puifcri11c: w ltl10ut do lay, aud u t a very iusiguilieaut coot. ·.sh ish 1 ses 1th, coi-op· to ·ed. The H.ipe Gravel Road Company have expended $150 this wintet' in keeping the road clear. Tm;; USE OF HAIR by ladies is a most disagree>. t ble practice, for not only is it impossible to trace its origin, but also the 11:1tural hair i~ constantly changing while 1 O the dead hair retains its color. .By the i --<-<>->--use of C ing;1lese Hll.ir Renewer on the I have now opened the nest and Largest contmry. the color of the hair is tendered Stoek of natural and always beautiful, gloRsy and WINT F, B, JVULLINERY ·, ··veritable crown of gfory. Every lady Ever shown in n. 1 w1nan\·ille, $1.DeU worth of should use it, and to gentlemen whose OSTltIOH F ~~ATIIIGH8 just opened. A !urge hair is grliWing thin, it· is a n(c)cessity. stock of TltB1MED HATS 11.nd BONNETS always 011 hand. Vl' e have also lL liLrge stock S old at ?JU cents per bottle by S tott & of VELVETS, PJ.USIIER, SILKS, SATDIS. of all J ·ury. Shades; a large stoek of RIDRONS, F'LOWERS, LACES and '£RIMM IISGll of all kinds. Strive to get in before it is too l:ite for Please c11Jl and inspect our stock before pura bargain inMeOlung Bros' fur department. cbasrng elsewhere. You will fiud our goods the cheapest U.lld bc~t in town. «Beaver and Felt Hats Re·shaped In all the latest styled. I R&MJOl&ER THE STAND:-! doors west of and it hn.s never boen known to fail lo offuct a cure in 11. sio;;Je instance. It is usod in somo of the Jnrgest Ji Tory st:i bl es and ho1so infirmarie· in the world To rornscitato young lambs or other slook cl1illeJ 1111,l dYing from cold, a. litt.lti P.HN·K1LT,ER mixed with milk will r .. .storo thclll to health \'ery quickly. ~Tb<> Pnin-Ki'ler is for snlo by Drug!Jl1 .. A 1·oth1·c11ric·. Vroeers und Mediciue D..Wen throughout tho lVurld. !'or Colic. Cro.mps a.nd D7sontery in Borsos tho P1rs-T\n,u:n bag no ~qua!, Ladies' Mantles at Cost. Rememder we will Cut Down the ·prices of nil goods between now and Stock-taking,-30 days from to-day. · "1"' overdue accounts must be settled either by Cash or Note before the 1st day of March. ~All NOTICE t LADIES. ' of n& S. MASON & This Out represents the popular V Wave. It IR dre~serl with the hair falli tht· forehead, 1md the ('lids meet in Mon~ It is exceedi111<lr becoming-, ancl i· ha large run. The above style. with a large nun/ other equally becomin<J; atyles. lll'e m1 MRS. A. DAVIS. over M. Mayer's store, ·--- - - - ·-- ···---- - -- - --! he, on, ~ss, SON~ · er's le.II has re· of ·per sysu1·1- AULD LANG SYNE. !THE BEST HOMES. I Should auld acquaintance be forgot, . FOR 'rNN MU.LlON PEOPJ.E ARE IN .And never brought to mind, Should folks no gio their Photogruphs To friends o .A:uld Lang Syne, 'J1 hen come awa, frens, ane n.nd a, Minnesota, North·Dakota, Montana. Washington and Oregon, ALO~O THE LINE OP TllE CAN'T KEEP HOUSErw~:·tyn'ivI.~"H~~~ ~PONINP _ ~EL_L _ _R Y,. .. _ ilowMAN\.lLI,E. ONT., Dec. 5, 188Z. :Wesars. SETH W. FOWLE & SON, Boston. Dear Sirs:L We suppose it is no new tlllng for you to receive congratulations on the success of ~our val'lable c 'mgh ramedy, Dr. \l'ht· ar'· ISulsam or \Vil<l (;1lcr1·y; but perh11.ps at this time a word or two from us will not prove out of place. Although the Balsam has not been ad 1·eriscd to any extent in this locality, Oltr sale or It is very large and the demn.nd Is increasing. which is due to tbe universal satisfaction which it gives to our cuetomers. We have never hada ~ngle complaint, and husbands tell us thelr wi¥eB will not keep . house without it. 'Ve wou,ld hke you to do a little more aclvertiliiug m this country, for Y'e beli<?ve were .your ~l~&m better known, its sale would be mcreased ten-fold. · °YOQJ.'S 'trlliy, S'l'OT'l' & JUR , "'The l>ruggiets," 275 BOWMANVI LLE, Gr a i· n Crushers, .A.LL SIZES· .A.ND AGENT FOR o A.Dl'EttTISERS.-L0west Hatm vertiaing iu 11741 i;ou~I newspitp~rs · Address GEo.P.HOWELL & Co.,;ilpruCJel 'I' Chaff Cu t ters. ~]ONSUMPT~; l h :l rn a.1m:-iit i \'O rornolly for l ho nbove t.ttse 11 ~ 0 thou~<tllll:~ or cit.!Hll't (1f the worst klntl n1 . _ -U·OR SALE.-F1rst Class Farm, bemg r::Ljt~~~rn~::~~~~ :)J~;;~t Ill~1t~' ;~;ll~f~\v~~ ~~o~~fd tu~l"thorwlth a V1\LUAlH.F. 'l'HEA'rISF~ on ti ~ compogcd of South~ Lot 32. 4 Con ...Townto u.u~ .. :sufforcr. GivoRxpn·i.;11 nnd P. 0. ad<l ship of Clarke. For terms and pat"t10ulars l>IL. T. A. StO<.:UM. 181 t>enrl St.· apply to J. G. RE:vw1cK.Orono P. 0., or IlommT \ AR~IOUR. Bowmanville. tf. . ENFlELD LADIES.-MII.'! Jun~. ' MONEY. TO LOAN .-A few O'lil!:ARY has retutned from Toronto dollars, I;>i;ivate funds. to Joa.~ aucl haa be2un Dre~smaking in JC:nJ!eld. Speelai class far~ sec11r1t.y, at the lowoat curl a1'·11.tion will be given to cutting and i.tting, For particulars apply t.o H. BI£ITH. .AOall aolleite<l, 281-tf, ville, or R.R. LOSOOMBE, Barriste An' dinna Joee nae time. In gett.ing Pictures for your fr~ns, Jj'or H. O. 'rait takes them fine. An' when you get a scor~ or twa, Let ane o them be mrne, Tae mind ane a the ca.ntie days We h&d in Auld Lang Syne. uisa 'Ve'rc growing auld. and nearin' fast ,000 The ha.me tbat's yours and mine; Then let our fi·ens see how we looked, 1ase In the daye of .Auld Lang. Syne. !eep For surely you':! be your Physog, An' surely I'll be mine, .An' wo'll let our frens see how we looked rour In the days of Auld Lang Syne. :ood botPictures of every clescri.ption. furnished in bake the best style of Art. at moderate priees. A very 111.rge etoek of F11.nc;y Fr&Dles al ways . on hand. l'OPictures enla.rged to any size at reasonable P rates at IL C.Tait & Co's Photo Gallery,Msrket tery Square. Bowt111uivllle. 1any NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD 'l'hrough tho Great Wheat-Belt ot America. ltlllllon acres of the best a1n'icultural, mineral, forest and graziur,: lands in tbe 40 Unit.c<l States aru now open for settlement. 20 ltlillion acre>i of railroacl lands for snle ~ $2.60 to $4 pr acre, on 5 years time if tlesired. 20 ltlilUon acres of Governments lands O:i>etl to settlers J<'ltEE. Tiie Nortl1ern Paeifte Countr1· possesses great and rich natural resources reauy to be de-yeloped into profitable industries. For maps and pamphlets address and mentiou this paper.. · I I Lund Commissioner N. P.R. It.. ::it. Paul, Milli?..1, To re~oh the above named lands or any potnt. on the Northern Pacific R. R. lmy_ your tickets from Chicl!-go to St. Paul via the CJtieagoo ~ North-,Vestern R'y. It runs Into the North~ ern Pacilio depot at St. Paul and is tho best fQr you to take. Vo not buy tickets unless they reacl over the Chicago and North-Western U'y. - CHAS. B. LAMBORN, Dyeing but not Dead. F.NTLEMEN, if you have grease, Jr paint m dirt on your clo~hes l can cle&a them and make tbem look rfl..:a new ones, J,adie·' O,;trich feathers cleanod 11.nd dyed. Second hand clothing taken in exchange. All w01·k warranted at PEA'£E'S DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, opposite T1·eleven'8 Shoo Store, Howma.n ~ille. 272-tf the lllllt MILL FOR SALE. TO G ies, FLOURING M1LL in the township of ·ns' Clarke. Knowft as .Ade.ms' New Mill. Applv to AHTHUR CODD, Esq.. or St. JOHN ery . H. HUTCHESON, Ba.rriste'r-ti.t-Law, Dowmanvllle. Vli-tf

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