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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1884, p. 2

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· 'l'he evcnidg was bitterly cold. T~o ' to do a General Banking Business a · IS PUDLISUED C.l.'PARRH.- A new Treatment w h.~reby a Con tinues children- a boy \Vith a manly face, and an Tame Grasses in the West. its Bowmanvillt· Branch. permanent cure is effected in from one to tare· E't'ER.1.' FRIDAY MORNING, TOLD IN TWO LETTERS. expression of matured concern, as though treatments. Particulars and Treatise free Oil ln the prairie region& of the gren.L someone had ever been dependent on him, -BYreceipt of stamp. A. H . DIXON & SON,11~'1 UEPOs1 · ~ -s King Street, West, Toronto, . " 28Ced'l.l' St l 'ew est, for some time i.fter the country is and a pale facea little girl-wandered 'I ~~ : Yoi·lc, Oct. 2~·,' 1~82. Receive<] and inf erest allowed thereon at the·· 1\f, A.JAMES, sdttled, only native grasses are needed. around t_ of l!'OITJt pe1· cent per annum. No notice h e streets of a Western city. "Gentlemen : ~d y father reside3 at Glover, rate A'l' THE OFEICE, ·wn:AT THE REV. E. B. STEVENSON, B.A.. A Tl1 co11d't' ~n wiLhdrawal necessary. Ail deposi ts Jl'l"°l1b1e 1 ·:~ Cr,ERGYMAN OF n1E LONDON CoN1rli:RZNOii0 e s of a se ttl e d count ry are They had been left by an immigrant train, Vt. He has been " great suffer~r from Scrof- of on <lemand, · l'ost:omcc Bloell:, IHJIC St., Bo,vmanvtlle, Ont 0:1" 'J'IIF. M!!:THOIJIST CHURCH OF C4NADA not congenial to the wild grasses, and having fallen asleep in the barn-like waitula, and theincloesd letter will toll you wh'1t IIAS '1'0 BAY IN REGARD 1'0 A. H. DI:ll:ON .le, while they do rema.in they are not quit e a m:i,rvelous effect EXCHAl\'GE ing room, and, owing to the hufry inciTERJM:S: SON'S NEW TREA1'111EN'l' b'OR CATARRH. eq_ aal in value to the tame grasses. As a Rought an d solcl ..:ad Dr!Lfts issued upon E urope, $1.60 per annum.or $1.00if pal·l Ln advance OAKLAND, ONTARIO. CAN., March 17· 1883· rule, tame grasses fumish feed ab0ut a. dent upon \].eparLure, no one thought of Umted States and Canada, also Gold, Silver and t hem. They begged the station-keeper A . H. Dixon, & Son. h . · l Payment strictly in advance required from llfeRsi·s. United Sta~cs Green backs bonght and sold, \RSms-Yours of the 13thinste.nt to hand. mont ear1ier mt ie spring, and the same to allow them ~o remain by the fire, but subscribers outside of the county. Ord~rs to ItDE seems almost Loo good to be true that I am length of time later in autumn, than the he discredited their story_:declared that 11,itJ!O'ntinue the paper rou~t be accompanied by curedofCatarrh, has had in his case. I think his blood must COLL E C'.!'JONS iaw. Ihavo 'ld W lib~ amount due, or the paper wm n. ot be stopped. had no return of butiknowthat have contained the hurnc.r {or at least ten Promptly man"· at currP.nU·ates npon nll parts the diseu.se and never f<'lt WI grasses. hen.the wild grasses besubS()ribers are responsible until full payment is better in my life. I have tried so many things gin to dry up in the fall they are tougher they had n ot been left by :~ train ; years; hn-o it did not show, except i 11 the form of Oreut Brittain, the United States and Do· made. of a scrofulous sore on the W for catarrh, snffered so muoh and for so many than tame a se 'tl th. pt ' f tha,t they lived in the city, and were rist, until abOtlt minion of Canada. years. that it is hard for me to realize thatJ aJU · ' gr .s s Wl 1 e exce 10n O only " hanging around" to steal somefive years ago. From a few spots which apRA.TES 01" A.Dl'ERTISINGi ~iii! the buffalo and bunch grass of the arid really better. 'l' deg·i·aph 1,'ia·ausf'ea·l! peared at that time, it gradually spread so as . Whole Column one year ...... .. : .. ...$50 00 '.'.: ~.,; I consider that mine was a very bad case; it region along the eastern slope of the thing. Everybody hurried along. No one had a kind look for the waifs_ They llis · e n ti r e body. I assure you h o was to cover " " Half year ... ......... 30 00 :;~~ Na~ aggrava.ted and chronic, involving tho Rocky Made for la.rge or small sums on nll parts 11t · mountains. There is no kind of · .. " Onequartor ....... .. 2000ooz::i throat as well as the nasal passages, and I terribly alllicled, and an object of pity, whon Canada. This ls especially ad vanr.ageous fo went into the warm corridor of a hot el, Half Column one year ....... , ..... .. 30 00 thought I would require the three troatmenta forage which will fabten cattle faster than but a man said : h e b cg<rn uslngyottr medicine. Now, thcro aro persous living in Ma,mtobit or the North·w~t " " Half year .. .. .. ........ 20 00 as it wakes the funds available a t nnce at t lil:l but feel 1'ul!y cured by the two sent .me. and I ·our native prairie grasses durin,,o the few men oli his age who enjoy as good health " ·· One qu!trter ... .. ·...... 12 50 "Run along now. You don't want.to am thankful that I was ever induced to send as ho· has. I cotild easily uame fifty pe1 ·so-ns place of pp,yment. to you. · growing season~ from the middle of May be stopping here." Quarter Column one yoer ...... ...... 20 00 For furt11er particulars call at the Banking who would testify to the facts in his case. " " HaU year .. . .. . . .. .. 12 50 " Yo11are at liberty to use this letter stating , . to the middle of August. House. " We are nearly frozen," l h.e boy re" " One quartei"...... .. 8 00 - o that I have been cured at two treatinenls, and 'Yours truly, ~w. M . PmLLirs.." Tame hay is more nutritious,· but stock Bl:WJJIE, GEO. McGILL, T. plied, "and we want to get warm." I shall gladly rccomwend your remedy to aome 3ix lines and under, first in~ertion .". $0 5Q Mana~r. Accountant. of my friends who are sufferers. usually like good prairie lrny .bottsr. Tame 0 Each. subsequent inser.L1on .. _.... 0 2o _ "Children ought. to be at home such 2i>M ,-. ;!eta!~r~ ~~l~ !!Tom six to ten Jines, first insertion, 0 75 _ Yours with many thanks, hay must be made at a season when rnins we11-ther as this. Your mother 0ught t o _ Each k!Ubsequenl insqrtion ...... . 0 35 -10 a !luty fm· me to sto,te to you the benefit I __ R_E_v_ . E_;_.B. STEVENSON. are frequent ; while the · best time to know bett er than to send you out." Over ten lines first insertion,perlrne O _10 .· ham derived from the use of TORONTO, April 2.l, 1882, m ake prairie hay is in tl-e month of AugEach subsequent inoertion, " . o 03 ·"Our mother is dead, sir. She died A. H. Dixoii, Esq., 305 King St., We8t. ust_ an<). the early part of September, two weeks ago, and we came away with The numter of lines to be reckoned by he space occunled, _measured by a scale of ..:::.__15 DEAR Srn,-We take plea.sure in stating that when" as a rule, but little if any rain may people that are going south where it s . our junior vartner, who had for yea.rs been lid NonTJareil. troubled with Catarrh. was successfully cured be expected. warm, but the train has lefb us, Six months ago 1 was completely covercd: wi.th by t.hree treatments of your remedy. · Tha Eastern farmers, when they first come a tcrri.ble humor aucl scrofulous sores. '.l'he wasmuch aggravated, with continual west, think that they could cut their and the man won't let us ~tay in the Cattarrh !.. POTTER, H.D. depot." dropping into the throat, accompanied by loss humor caused an incessant and intoreral>le R.ADU A'l'E of Que~p'e College, _.H;in~ston ; of voice, hawking aud BJ?itting and blocking up prairie hay in July, as they have been acitching, a,ud the skin cracked so a.s to cause "Very good story, young fellow; but ana MAmber Qt 10),,,g-e of Physicians and of the nostrils, all of which we are pleased to c ustomed to cut tame grass. 'Wild hay run along home. Parents that would , the blood to fl.ow in many places whenever Surgeon e, Ontario· . :· . . say disttppeared almost immediately after the 17. remedy was applied. Your remedy is certainly made early iri July, is .of poor color and send their children out to beg, such . I ntoved. My sutl'eriHgs were great, awl my m O hice and Resicj.cnce, Enmsk1llen. li'f0 a tmrden. I cornmenccd the use of tlle an invaluable on'e and we hope a ll who. may flavor, well as- lacking in n utritive MY STOCK COMPRISES: be suffering fromtl1is disae:reeablc disease will qualities. All the va:luable wild grasses weather as this should be punished." S ..uts·A.p-,utiLLA._ in April last , and ha'1e used Dr. ·"-· BEITH, give it a trial, 11s we are sat.isfied they will find " We are not begging. " lt regu.lady since thllt time. ·My ccmdlt!on LADIES' KID BOOTS AND SHO,ES. h ere are late in blooming. At the time RADUATE OF THE TORON'rO UNIVER· It a complete success. _ began to im.provo at once. The· so·es have "Run along with you," and he >pened LADIES' CALF, KID BUTTON & LA.Cl!lD . SlTY Physician, Surgeon,&c. O!fice King Yours very truly. of writing (September 17), lllue J 0int all healed, run d I feel perfectly well in every W111. NOHRIS & SON, S &et, MbRRlS' BLOCK, Bowmanv1Jle. the door and they passed out into the LADIES' FRENCH KID, BP TTON & LA.CED. Wholesale Pianos and Organs. and India.n Grass, or Wood Grass, which cutting wind. . The fierce blast seemed ' rcspect-b.eing now able to do a good day's work, although 73 years of age. Afanytnqu!ro No. 8 Adelaide St. East. are considered by farmers two- of our LADIES' KID SHOES. BUTTON & TIE. d. w. MefJllUglilln, lU. B., to blow the darkness closeuptothelarmp; . what h as wr<mgh.t such a cure in my cMe, and most valuable native grasses, a.re still in IC1£NTIA'l'E OF THE ROYAL COJ,LEGE LADIES' GOAT & PEBBLE, BUTTON & T!E I the tired t eams seemed , to blow c-h:Hling t. c ll them,. as l have here tried t o tell you, PORT PERRY full bloom. However val uable the wild · of Physicians and member of the Royal AYER'·s SARSA1'ARILLA. Glover, Vt., Oct. Also Mens' u~d Children's of the above goods OOllege of surgeons, Edinburgh. · · · grasses may be, the .tame grasses are also mists from their nostrils ; and the heavy 21, 1882. Yours grateful~y, Office: MORRIS' BLOCK King-st., Howman· MEN'S LONG BO OTa, COARSE AND FINE, needeq. on the latter vart of the g:r·o11'~ waggon wheels seemed t o sillk deep into HIRAM PmL.LIFs... vttle. gloom. Tho ing season· tame grasses:· furnish a the darkness and pu1verizethe MEN'S LAC E BO(\'l'S,UO A.RSII: AND Furn. 1 The above · works are running full blast to children went into a c rug store. AYER's SARSAPARILLA cttres Scrofnla DR. J. (). llllTCJIIELL, MEN'S FINE SHO ES AND GAITER~. keep up witll orders. Some.very large orders better quality of feed than the wild " Run along there." and all Scrofulous ComplahitA, Eryslp.. EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS have been received lately, including a hand· sorts. MEN'S ANT1 LA DIES' SLIPPERS.i :Bll They went into a restaurant. elall, Eczema, Ringworm, Blotches, and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner. etc. some Monument for Isaac Best, Cla.rke, Alex The ·first· and simplest mode is to sow Oflice and Residence. Ennisklllen. 74, F.Carscii.dden, Clarke. WE EMPLOY NO .AOJCNTS tame grass seed, especially Timothy and "Run along there. " So.reg, Boils, Tumors, and Eruptions of All the above goods sold and are selling · romb Stones, Monnments', etc., the Skin. It clears the J:>lood of all impuThey went into a saloon where merry at lower prices in consequence. Ol1r cu'°· blue grass, on the native prairie, when it rities, aids digestion, stimulates the action of D. BlmKJ: SDIPSON, . mere get the commission themeelve~. It wlU first begins to fall from tramping or too revelers sang wild songs, and where the · the bowels, and thus restores vitality and ARlUSTER SOLICI'l'OR, &c., MORRIS pay any person who intends erecting a lllOllU· close feeding. This seeding should, if maudlin maa dropped a · tear :in his · strengthens the whole syirt;em. BLOCK, up' stairs, King. Street, Bo'Vman- mont to the memory of a departed friend to writA me or see me personally before plaol11& glass. --(0)possible, be done early in the spring, on lle. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. their order. I guarantee first olasQ we1·k lit one of tpe late snows. If the soil, when PREPARED BY "Run along there," · said the barFrlvate llfoncys loaned at the lowest rates, lowest possible pric~s~ " This is no place for childsoft, be well scarified with a sharp har- tender. Dr.J.C.Ayer&Oo., Lowell, Mass. row, it will increase the cha.noes of a ren." ,John Keith Galbraith, Sold by all Druggists; $1, six bottles for $11. MARBLE WORli:S, " .Let us warm ourselves," implored the With good seed down in t his way, catch. A R RISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PORT PERmr 251-tf. A.N'D PUBLIC, &c. Office- Reed's Block, o.ver boy, and he repeated his story. success is almost certa.in. ';l, Battings store, King Street, Bowmanvill!). '·That's all very well, young man but The only k iads ·o f tame grasses that l'he reason why the l:lurgeona off the Inter :Monev to le'.'d . h ave been extensively test ed west of the haven't Iseenyouaround the streets, beg- national 'rhroat and Lung institute. 173 Chuch Toronto are making so many wonderful street, We beg to announc" to the public that we Missouri, are : Timothy Kentucky blue ging, many a time ?" ST. JOUN D ,lltJTCllESON, cures of catarrh, catarrhal deafness. Bronchltla, asthma and consumption are: 'l'hey haTe are prepared to do a generalinsuranee bw.siness. grass, and orchard grass . . Only red clover "No, sir." receive prompt attention. ARRISTER, .& ATTORNEY. &c. ·representing as we do a number of first claae and wl1ite clover have been grown on a "l t hink I have. I 'll bet you haven 't none but skilled and buallfied medical men Companies we shall be gl'td to give prompt atconnected with the institute. They adhere STOR m: One door west S.TATESMAl'I offioo, NO'l'.ARY PuBI,JC. MONEY '1'0 LOAN· tention tv anything in that line. _We re~i·eeen.i scale sufficiently extensive t o justify ab- taken no less t han $10 home to-clay. Run strictly to their specialty and they use the OFFICE-OYER STATESMAN OFFICE. also the Ontario J,o ~n and Savings Co.. or solute confidence. Reel tor> has been along." 8pirometer invented by M. Souvielle. ex-side Oshawa, and aocept deposits on its behalf :tlof the French i.rmy, and instrument ·· Again they went in the freezin· g auegeon ROBERT AltlUOUU, lowing 4 & 5 per cent inLerest Crom date o( tried in a few instances with success, but which conveys the medicine8 in the form of receipt. "Oh, where will we wake in th!) gloom. only, so far as the writer is informed, on oold inhalations to the parts diseased, which EGI8TRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER Parties requiring loans will find it ' to their low and moist land. of Marriage Licenses, Barrister and AttorOf the first five - morning?" came from the saloon and Is the only way these diseases can be cured. 'l'hey are treating hundreds of patient every ney at Law and Solicitor in Chancory. Money advantagc to get our terms. named g rasses, by far tho best to stand died on the cold air; as the boy and his month. having twelve surgeons engaged in ',paned on Real Estate. Offioe on King street, sister t ur ned a corner. .theiF·\"<ll'k. in. Canads..alon.e~..li. end_ a thxee-cent dry weather is oi-chard grass. Of t wenty Sowmanvi!le. stamp for a oopy o f Lheir .Lntermt'tnnral-New-s "Don't cry, my litt le pet. " We are agents for a number of first olass kinds of t ame grasses sown on the NeJ ublished monthly at 173 Church Street "I'm so cold. " lines, among which is the White Star Line the braska Agricultural College farm one U . T. l'DllLIPS Toronto. 245 tf. bAst fastest and best equipped Steamship ·n very dry spring, orcha.rd grass was the ICENSED AUUTIONEER for the County the "Yes ; but we may find some ·.place. Ocean, and Car tickets to all pointsatlow· of Durhe m, Sales ~rom-ptly attended. · est rates. We also represent W , D .Mathews only one that grew. This grass starts Let us go back to the depot, and may be BEST AND ()OUFORT TO THE SITl' Ft::JUNG Address- Hampton I , O. 69..:. _ of Toronto, and are prepared to pay hlghest early, keeps through the hott est weather, we can get on a t rain. " "B1·own·s llousell9Jd Panacea" ·has no prices tor Barley aud ,.a kinds of grain. for relieving pain, both internal and ex· It. lll!TCllISON. They wandered around in the blinding equal Pt1,rdes interested will please note these facts. and is good until hard freezing comes. It ternal. It cures pain in the Side, Back or J:lowis not specially valuable for hay, as it is sleet. ICENSED AUCTI0NEER, CONVEYANel , Sore 'l'hroa.-t,- Rh& nmat.ism, '.roothache~ -- L CER and Oomrnssioner in B. R. So,les atLumbago and any kind of Pain or Ache. ··It rather coarse, yet stock seems ii<,) like it. " We are a long time getting there," will tended to promply and at reasonable rates. most surely quieken the Blood and Heal, - Professor Tlwmpson , of N ebraska, in said t he girl. « Address- EnniskHlen P . 0 . as its acting power is wonderful." " Brown's American Agric,nlturi~t. " I believe we are lost," tho brother Household Panacea," being acknowledged as Paid greot Pain Roliover, and of double the replied. "Let us turn in here," and they the ORN IIUGHES.-Licensed Auctionstrength of another Elixir or Liniment in the for any quantity ot eer Valuator and Arbitrator, ll'ire and Life Against Mice in Orchards. went into a narrow alley and cr ouched world should be in every family handy for use ura'nce, Notes and .A ccrnrnt.o Collected, when wanted, " as it really Is the best remedy down by a wsll, ncy to Lend on reasonal.>1u '"1'1118, Address The presence of mice in orclmrds is a Ah, )fr. Humanity, b ecau!fe you ha-ve In the world for Cro.mpo in 1 tho Stomach, and 472 rtwrlg!>t, Ont. pains and aches of al! l' inds, ' and is for sale by v<Jry serious cause of d estruct ion in cold been a few times deceived ; because you all Druggists at 25 ce,nts a bott le. 18-1-ly. ·. Itis a s'leciflc in the cnre of)l.11'diseases w<>athcr- sometimes unsuspected, if as have shown pity, and a fterwards found A FULL SUPPLY OF GOOD WlFE GUARANTEED TO of the Kidneys, Bladder·.I'rostatic Por· Mr. Duper, of. the Warsaw, Ill., H1lrtithat it was ill-best'Jwed, you have hard:tlothcrs! lllotbers! ! illothers ! ! I t i on of tho Urinary Organs, UTitation of every man who buvs his Licen~e from cultural Society, says, "I hey often bur- ene.d your heart. Are you disturbed at nlgl:\t and broke~ offyour the Neck of the Bladder, Burning.Urine. HENHY SYLVES'l'ER, Enniskillen. 198Lf. by a sick child sutrermg and cryrng with rest Gleet, Gonorrhea in all its stages.:,. llhicons r ow about the tru11k and among the roots Ah, Mr. Churchman, whose k;rnespress the excruiating pain of cutting teeth 1 1f so Discharges, Oonge~tion. on thei Kidneys. when t he gr uund is loose, completely AT BOTTOH l"RtCES. at once anrl i>;et. a bottle of MRS. WJNSDi!lbetes, JnfuunmaBrick Dust Deposit, go R. YOUN(", V. S., J-!l.s removed .t o girdling t hem out of sight, " In such t he soft velvet at the time of prayer; you LOW'S SOOTHING SYRU P . I t will i:elf.eve , t ion of the Kidneys and,B!add:ir, Dropsy the residence directly opposite the Drill of Kidneys, Acid Urine1 Bloody Urm~1 All kinds of farm produce taken cases "winter-killing" is mistalrnnly held who are suffering wit h dry eyes, and read, the poor little sn1l'er imwerliately- depencl upon Shed. 'formcrJy occupied by P. C. Himes. His there is no mistake about it. Th.ere is not s , Pain in the Region of~tbe Bladder', PAfo o.tHce will be in .Mr. J·oh.n 1\lcMnrtry's Grocery in exchange for goods. r esponsible. Another Siieaker declared wit h moisture, the "simple annals of t he it; IN THE BACK, Urinary O alculns, Renal mother on earth who has ever used it, who W" J Store. Hours from 9 to 12 a.m. and from 1 to 5 that the sharp· toothed rodents "kill more poor," scratch from your · Bibles the not tell you at once that it will reguls 1 ~ .ne 1 Calculus, Renal Colic. Retention of p.m., Sundays excepted. 228-tf, Urine, Frequent UtiliaLion, Gravelin all than freezing , · " another that they "kill heart-warming sentence, "Suffer litt le bowels, and give rest to the JllOther, ar d rel~e! its forms, Inability to retll~n t ile Water and health to the child, operating like magic. particularly- in pel?Sons advanced in life. Several preventives were children to come unt o me"- scratch it t is perfectly safe to use in all cases,and plesa . 742 nownumvllle. thousands." ONEY TO LEND. - Loans can be IT IS A KIDNEY INVESTIGATOR that suggested. By burying near t0 the trees out , or ycu are a hypocrite. ant to the taste, and is the prescrimion of one obtained through the subscriber upon r estores the Urine to its natural color, the oldest and best female physicians and of Farm Property at an unusually low rate of wheat-grains soaked or boiled ia arsenic " If I could smell th e dog-wool blosr emoves the. a,eW. and burning and the nurses in the United States.. Sold everywhere kiterest. Fixed charges for Solicitor's fees. F. etl'ect of tl;le excessive u.seof intoxicating. water, Mr. Ames succeeded in driving soms by th e por ch, I wouldn't be so cold, " s.t 25 cents a bottle. 18i-ly. CUBITT, Bowmanville. 239·tf. d rink. said the lit tle girl. . the pests from h is premises. M r. P1ggot. "It will be a long t ime before they Price $1, 01' S lx Bottles for $6. "' Those who r~ot obtain a bottle of this mentioned as sucotlssful the plan of r erianosTnncd & Repaired. medicine from their drug~ist may send us one bloom again, my pet. " moving the soil about t lie stem, t l m s " Will t his cold weather kill the d'M.\~'d ~~ C'i~~nfl1o1d'\?, t.t}'firu!l'8'1sts. formin g a basin which, after the ground tree 1,, ARTIES WISHING THEIR PIANOS JOHNSTON & \ I freezes,· retains · ice ; Mr. Hammond r e·, No, but it will be a long t ime befor e Has received her new stock of Tunedjor ;epaired can havo them attended Ali!QllS'rB'O'llG, Out. r l)J!'l'Ml'l1, Klch. to by leaving word at the DOMINION ORGAN peated the reminder t hat a mouml of summer comes." Agents for the U· B. nnd OlllBda. .. Co's OFFICE, llowmanville. A first-clas mail earth is quite sure ; h e is particular to r e, , Can people in Heaven look down and !M>W being in their mploy. move in the fall all grass and weeds , around the tre.es, and finds this a cnerally see people on earth !" and invites the Ladies of Bow~ " Yes, T think so." ROF. T. L. DOYLE Pianist,Organist "I wish th ey couldn't." sufficien t in his own .experience. Mr. and teacher of Vocal M'usic is prepared to manville and vicfoity to call - B"Y'- · W~lker, after losing a ri~mber, tried rub" ·why, pet 1,, take a few more pupils. The best of refer· ence can be fm·nished Great care exercised and see her Pattern bing the bark with blood, and mice snd " B ecause, if mamma looks down and WHO IS U NAOQUAI N T E'. O WITH TH E GEOGRA PHY o r THIS COUN· with beginners, and special attention given to T RV WI L L SE E BY EX A M INI N G Tl-I I S M AP T M ATTHf" ral:Jbits now give him no t rouble. Tramp-· ·sees us, she wouldn't be happy any a~vanced pupils. Those desirous of taking · trD' I am fully prepared to attend Funerals on ing the snow hard after each storm or mor e. ,, _ lnatruction6 should apply at Mr. Doyle's resi- the shortest notice, at the lowest possible rates. 1.ence, or make it known by .directing a few Caskets and ~urial Cases ready on short notice. drift is advised; another plan is binding H e drew h er close t o him. The n eighlnee to P, 0; Box 49. Terms $7.50 for twelve .First-class hearse on very moderate term·. dead bent bark about the stems, or t he and assortment ot 239-tf Shrouds and essons. 1 Cofllns constantly on hand. Fun· ~t~ ;e~; ~~~q~~~i!~~~:;yth~~~ -era! cards supplied at once. F urniture Shop & coal'Se ends of cornstalks set upright. - ~l~r:~ ~:!~ Show Rooms- Bounsall'sNew Block. N . Y. Tribune. The clog that had barked over on the hill A ll fnrnitnre sold by me is made by the U. C was silent. Furniture Co. ofBowmanville. I do not buy Farm Items. slop furnitnre and represent it to have been STORE :- Second Door l Vcst of lVltllam s * -)f * 'if made by the U. C. F. Co. or this town. A cheerless, freezing morning broke. Butcher Stull· . Artichokes have been grown for swine Also agent for theLI-QUOR TEA ror this town and vicinity. It is cheap and as good as can be several years at the Michigan Agricul- In an aller sat t wo rigid forms. The boy got in the market. A valuable prize given t ural College. The method- of manage- was in his shirt -sleeves. He had put h is !with every pound. ment h as been to have a small patch of tattered iackat around his Tittle sister. - -- - -· ~ tr-artichokes·convenient to the swin e pens, ~---~..,,..,.~ ............ ....... upon which the breeding sows were The Address Nuisance, t urned earl y in the spring, and allowed Som e of our Canadian " National Sot o WITH TEETH, harvest the roots for t hemsel ves. The WITHOUT TEETH . - HAS RECEIVED~ p.. ~ 00 crop is thus grown with very little labor, cieties " seem d et ermined to distinguish (1) themselves by t he presentation of ad0 since i t require no harvesting, t he roots NEW CASHMERES, (1) ...., ~ Cl "O PRA.CJ'l'ICA.L DEN'l'IST, NEW BL.A.UK CASHMERES r emaining in the ground all winter, and dr esses, if in no other way . While L ord rn ~ Cl it furnish es sucl;ulent food for the sows Lorne was in .Canada h e was constan tly NEARLY 'l;WENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE, '1 ~ NEW LA.CE CUR'rAI~s. c.":> beset by · corporations or societies d eterjust when it is most n eeded and most 0 Nitrous Oxtde Ga s A.dminJ~te1·e·l Cor Palnles CD NEW QUILTED SKIRTS, difficult to obtain frurn other sources. mined t o per petrate an address on him if ::::s "O Operations. Ul CD ~ rn ,.. such an infliction app eared a mon g the Professor J ohnson, F arm S uperh1tendNEW FLANNELS. 1--4 c+ 0 OFEICJE UCJCLlTN~'S BLOCK. p..~ i:i... NEW SHAWLS, ent, is s o well pleased wit h the results of possibilities, and t he poor man h ad t o ;::: ...... th is management that he is eiTiatging the grin and bear i t . T here seemed no es~ c-+NEW PRINTS, ,_..., CP cape for him. When at Quebec, befor e artich ok e plan tation, '-<: g~Rsotf1Tt:tt~~~~~~~~;~ri~~ ~h8et~!~~ ;;~~~ W~~t NEW CRETONElil, ...... ~y~ leavin g for England almost every spare !;I' 0 ~;tl~~t ~~~~~e:~rrgir~~·b~i~::;i ~~g16a :~~nJi~~.: p.? NEW LADIES' COLL.A.US, moment was d emanded t o listen to or an aaa City , Counc il Bluffs , Le avenworth, At chison, ::; CD Miss Mary Anderson has evidently swer some body's "addr ess, " assuring. him Mtune ap o11s and S t. 'Paul . I t c on nec ts iu Uuion Nll:W WINCEYS, ~ ~ Depota w ith all t h o p rinc ip a\ lines of r oad between I:;" made a more than usual success as Clarice and the Prin cess of cont inued est eem for ,.... Ul t he Atlantic an d t h o Paciilc Oceans. Its cq_uipNEW MENS' U.:-<DER SIDRTS, ~ m en t is u n riv al ed a.nd magnificent, being com p osed the F rench actress, in .Gilber t's new drama, themselves per sonally and continued ~ ::::s 0 NEW MENS' DRAWERS "Comedy and Tragedy." Tl1e revelation CD , "" fila1:1~i8Jc~~rir~~~~~ ~~~1l!~~~ti[Nl~?raba~s~arerr~ p.. loyalty to th e Queen. We d on't know m a n's :Pr etti est P alace Slecplu g Ca1·13, o.n d t h e Beet ~ Ul NE W ACTORY COTl'ON, of new and unexpected powers absolutely h ow often some societies t ook it on them· of Dining Car s in the World . Tllr ee Trai~a L i n e Q ~ ~ between Ch icago a nd M issou r i R iver Points. Tw o P" NEW STE AM LOOMS star tled the audience, and the L ondon Sllves to present some such assurance, in Trains between Chicago and M innea p olis a n d St · ......... Cl crci 0 Faul, v i a. tb o Farn o us papers are enthusiastic in their nraisc, th e ~ HA R. ND E N, L. D.S., N]l]W FINGERING YARN. w me varied phra.seology during the five 0 p.? [Jq "' " ALEERT L EA ROUTE." entir e performance being by all accounts 0 !'!; NEW CAN.A.DI.AN YARN. a most remark able on<:' and absolutely years' r eign of tl)-e Marquis. .I t is r eport Graduate of the Royal ,College or Dental A N ew an.d Direct Ljne, via SencCa and Ka.nk{.t(j) k ee, h as recent ly b een. opened botweeu Richmond, ed that he ventured to hint, before leav~ Surgeons, Onto,rio. Jj Nol'fol K, N ewfiort N ew s, Chatta.n oo~a. Atlantu, An withou t blem ish : · lll gu stn, Nash vi lee\ J;,,ouisville, Loxing on. Ciucinnu,ti., ing, t hat t hese national sociepies, at any ~ OFFICE OVER DICK::lON'S STORE. Indiana.polis a n Lafayette. Y-n d Omolut. min neap ... t Try t o be hu.ppy in th.is very present 0 H rate, might as well consider themselves ~ olis a.u.Q. St. P aul aud intert!'lcdi::\.t c po'nt4. Parties buying Goods ¥Till (';) ~ ~ T::'\~lli:;~rough :Po.ascnger3 'L1r"vcl on .F'~ Il:xprca~ moment, and pu t not oif being so to a Ca.iia,dfrins, and avoid separate a ddresses. 'GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. ~ Q ~ Plate Work executed in the latest and most time to com e ; as th ough that time ::ihould It is not probable that many have taken th~iif~~~ ao~t~~~ '~n~1~~ii1J;~~a.l T1ckec Qmccsin 0 improved stylo of the Dental Art. Bagg age check ed throu gh a n d rates of fa1·e albo of another make from this, wh ich is the h in t , h owever. It is n ow reported I ~ H ways a s low aa comvotit ors that offrn.' l os s a d vanTEETH EXTRACTED Wl'l 'HOUT PAIN a.lr eady com e, and is ours. from Ottawa t hat one of t h e K ational tag es. <D For detailed i !!!ormn.tion, get t h e Mapa a u d F o l d by Buying from by the use of Nit1·ous Oxide Gas,without injury Sincerity is an opening of t he hear t. Societ ies of that city int en ds to send an e re of t h e to th e patient. CREAT ROCK IS LAN D ROUTE, We fin d it in very few people ; and that addre.ss aft er the depart ed M.i.l:r quis t o At you 1· near es t T iCl<et Omce, or address Particular attention paid to the regulation or which we gen erally sec is n othing bu t a assure him h ow glad th ey are oT his safe R.R. CABL E, E. ST. JOHN, CHILDREN '~ 'l 'EET H . subt le dissimulation to attract th e confi- arrival at home. Wher e can such a man (fJ Geu'l TIH. & rass, A.gt, Vice·frc~. & Geu'l M'g'r .W-CALL AND SEE.~ ;;B-ALL WORK WARRANT.ED. .._ Bowmanville, Ang. 30, 1883. flee t o oscape th e infliction of addresses 1 CHICACO, d ence of other s. 266. THE CANABIAN STATESMAN .CATARRH. AGRIO OLTITRAL. Rnn Alo~g ..Now. AMARVELOUS STORY FROM Ti-1f SQfl THE ONTARIO BANK I Ayer's Sarsaparilla = = =-- FROM THE FATHER: FINE Ayer's ·sarsaparilla. ·_ .J root.flil S Shoos.· G as g L MARBLE WORKS M R CHEAP FOR CASH ·. 0RDERED WORK W. SHAW ·AGENCIES. B RE PA IRING DAVJ D DAVIS B R Ocean Steamships. ·,rn. L T. YELLOWLHS. W. F. ALLEN. Highest Price !i J . WOOL & BONES. LEWIS· QUICK, A. Stoves & Tinware D M P ~~SS McT·AVISH w. co." P UNDERTAKING! LEVI MORRIS. GOODS.,· iAMAN BONNETS, ·HATS, DENTISTRY1 TRIMMINGS· W. M9MURTRV ---- s· ""' ""' J. D.L BRIMACOMBE, ~ 0 0 0 0 0 ::1 0 0 0 ::J s .., r::i ~ z ~ Q ~ U1 0 trj e .. p.. 0 :J 0 p.. rn 0 CHICAGO, ROCK ISUND &PACIF IC R 'Y Q 1j c. . -j ~ c ~ ~ w ct c Save from 15 to 25 per C ent W. M oM U RTRY . .... ~ .. 0 .~ < rn °' r-1 z ... 1

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