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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1884, p. 3

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b'efore the fur seal skm becomes the A Talk with the Khedive 'l'lto Seal Islands of Alaska. drop1 ed apace to a warmer and more norvaluable article of commerce which goes mal level, where hfo was livable at lower In a recent interview the khedive of Tl10 seal islands are a mere group of mto the manufacture of a fasluonable pressure. rocks, situated m :Sebring Sea, enveloped garment, it is shaved down on the flesh Egypt said ; " The English newspapers By this time our second day was well m fog during one-half of the year and A Thrilling Adventure In the Wilds of the are always very mterestmg : they convey side until it is not much thicker than a .F.RIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1884. l>ierra Nevada. begun. The mormng mists evapomted ::;hrouded m snow the other half There sheet of letter paper, the long coarse hau so much mformat1011 from Cairo wluch Late on a clear autnmn afternoon of around, above, and below us. The west are two seasons at the seal islands-the must be plucked, an<;\. the fur dyed ; it one would otherwise never hearhere To me it is particulaily useful t o read my ovm She neglects her heart wl10 studies her 188- the well-known ··Woodward'll Gar- vnnd spun us toward the gigantic peali:;s humid and frigid. Duri'ng the humid seamay be a brown or alinost black accord;glass. dens," m the city of San Franpisco, ccrnld of the Sierra Nevada, which finally son there is no sun VIS1ble, nor is there ing t o the prevailmg taste, which now remarks, reported by a gentleman whom I consider that man to be undone who scarcely contam a surgmg crowd come to- mounted the eastern s:\l:y m full darkness, for this prmt may be read at runs to a darker hue than formerly. 'fhe I have never met. It appears that 1 am We greeted them with any hour of the mght, without artificial tlunkmg of abdicatmg, that I msist on .is-i~naible to shame. gether from all quarters of the city to sight. raw skins arc sold at ti;:ade sales m Lonlight, m what is t11ere accepted as sum- df n before they take on their artificial holdmg Kordofan, and other thmgs. It Society CIS composed of two great class- witness the ascent of a monster balloon. cheers. "Ah, old fellows, we will be on the mllr. But duung the humid, foggy, long h [1e, tlrn greater port10n of thell' c~st to Is smgular. that I was unaware of it; that ses-those who have more appetite than .In that ascent our artist and the faithful dinner, and those who have more dinner reporter were directly interested; nor was other side of you soon 1 " cned one of the day season, there is not a moment when tl1e "o.:>nsumer" bemg added after then the idea of abdicat1011 never entered my head , and that I considered Kordofan as the roar of seals may not be heard for a puichase at the sales rhllan appetite the flrght into ether wluch they and the patty. Returnmg them " Take care," re~ponded the Captam, Fxederwk Douglass is undoubtedly one captam (an experienced aeronaut) of the 11milmgly "you are by no means there rmle at sea off the coast of those Islands. to this llountry, paymg duties, and the cx- lost a month ago. "As regards abdication, I will saylthis: Durmg the frigid season the days are cut per se (Jf makmg them m to g1 -0f the ablest and most eloquent ncgroes undertaking proposed by any means a yet." 1rmcnts, con- I never sought for the khedivate. The very low 111 the back aml qmte short 111 in the L"mted States. For many years common place affair, bemg no less than Beautifully penciled mgreen and black, the skirt, so that they would be hardly stitute the maJOr portion of the final happics t time of my life was before my he has been championed and patromzed an attempt to cross m mid-mr the mighty the forest slopes extended to our view. cost. acceptance of it. "\Vhen my father, as a r.epresentative and exponent of the range of the Sierra Nevada, and land far "Look over there," eJaculated the Cap- worth while ment10nmg were it not for ~---··"""·C59>- ......... D - - Ismail, was dcpo8ed, the choice lay bethe exceedmgly emphatic weather, which colored people. He has just been mar- on the othe1' s1~f-tlaat tremw dous pal- tam. "Do you m ake out the track of .!. Jankee· Ski1'per China. tween myself and Hai1m. !&mail's snle dnves the SJ:l.ils away to sea, and make itried to a white woman, and by tlus act isade m Salt Lake City Ltself. tho Central P,1c1fic i See ! Theie is a We left Hong.Kong hy one of the huo-e I hope for his faJmly lay m my succession. cuts off a .good deal of the sympathy that It is hardly necessary to state that this tram chmbmg up that grade I" Our ar self felt even by the elrngmous nB hves , existed for him. Probably 1t is the aspira- aeronautic fea~ had never been accom- tist did make out r,1ilroad and tram, and and a gale howls all the tune. Durmg American paddle boats whwh ply mrrht He lumself first saluted me as khed1ve. tion of a_gi:eat maJor~ty of the negro peo- phshed Undertaken, . the truthful cont rived to sketch the same. In a little the fr1g1d season, the surf never ceases to and momma between the English f;rt- He knows that a smgle word from him ple to lieeome a ntnnately as~ociated writer regrets to confess, it had been, and tnne we passed nearly over both, and whip itself mto foam upon the shores rcss and the"'Clunese city of Canton. The would have given me a welcome excuse with tlrn white race a possible. by the same ventmesome trio, who, s1t- caught the rumble and roar of wheels and And yet those 10cks are cheap at $5,700,- steamer, bmlt m Glasgow, was construct- for refusmg to be khedive. He knows brng m sliame on the roof of the -cow 000. If we should advertISe them foT sale cd on the American river pattern, and that my refusal would have been rum to In Ei:igland men evidently grow old shed where they had colia-psed · t the Llw ~ighL vf a il_utter of salutmg himdker- at $10,000,000--allowmgourselves a profit seemed to be made of cardboard, rather him B efore acceptmg it , I considered slo_wly-m feelmg anyway. The Mar- very outset of their trip, rmled at the chiefs from the car wmdows. But our ('[ $2,500,000 m the purchase of Alaska- than of wood. Its captam, a Yankee, my first duty to my father havmg,,acqms of Hertford, at the age of seventy brick chunuey which had wrecked their n11ghty air ship could not delay for co.ut- they could be sold assured me she was so light he thought cepted it, my first duty is to my country. two years, went hunting with some young air slnp, enduieu the Jeers of the tluong esies ; the lightning express fell far beThe lSlands m question were called by she could go over land m a shower of "I consider tha~ I fulfilled that duty m hind. Steadily, wmd and all else favor~ellows, but unfortunately r ece1 ved an i~- below with humility, and vowed to rethe Russians the Pribylov group - so ram. She certamly drew very little follow111g the advice, first of the control, and swept forward. With able, we rose J~ry by a fall which has JUSt resul_ted m peat the attempt wiThm a week. A named m honor of their discoverer, who water indeed. and now of England. I saw three ways his death. The sight of a man sixty or charity picmc afforded an excellent oppor- a fresh cheer we saw the highest peak of was cruismg around about one hundred As we prepaied to start at evening a of dou~g t~at-first, the follo"'.mg it outthe lof·y mountain wilderness lymg 3,000 seventy yea;rs of age JOini11g m the sports tumty. The balloon had been pat.ched, years ago m search of sea otter, which thick fog came on, so dense that onl~ a wardly, while workmg agam.st it secretly; of a hunt cl:ub does not appear to be an the temper of th!;l tr10 restored and once feet Luneath us. "At this rate we shall were then found to be almost as scarce part of the vessel could be seen at a time. secondly, the followmg it blu~dly, without; unusu,il thmg m "Merrie England." again tl~e immens© swollen bag topplecl m be on the other side, and asleep in Salt but not quite so dear as now 111 the Aleu- I thoucrht this would mduce our skipper question, thirdly, the oppos111g my <?WU Probably the fact that the men freely 1h- air pullmg upward with all of its 34 000 Lake City to-night," cried two of us. tian cham. The Pnbylov group consists to stay awhile for I knew the river was opm10n when I disagree~ with the advice: Alas I this boast was scarcely uttered ' dulge m these out do?r sports is one cubic feet of gas. of the lBlands of St. George, the most full of boats barges and junks. but I did argumg frankly agamst it but givmg way before its pumshment came upon us. great reason why they hve to enJOY them Our party were fairly prompt, We southerly and the first discovered, St. not then kn~w the gentleman. ' He, sit- and followmg it when I found my v1e:ws so long. took our places an11d the cheers of the Streaks of c1oud suddenly appeared above Paul, Otter Island, and Walrus Island ting astride a rail smokina a huae cigar were not accepted. I adopted the third the great Nevada table lands. The wmd In Montreal, not long ago, an unfor- «owd. Every thmg was looked to qmckA few seals haul out upon Otter Island, was swmgmg his iegs backwards"'and for'. course, and I am called 'weak. ' Say that tunate woman died of drmk aind the hus- ly. "Are you ready?' rnng out the ques- veei cd to the north. Its speed and ours but none upon \Vahus Island. The seals wards, and spittmg across the deck, when to my advisers Then would they have mcreased. Our Captain's uneasmess grew band told the Coroner who held an m - t1on. "Ready ; let go I" assented the killed by the lessees of the islands are all I, havmg deposited my bag m the cabm. been better pleased if I had resisted absoquest that he !Tulght give the body to the captam 'l'he cables \\ere jerked off; evident. A moisture hke dew began to taken upon St. Paul and St. George. The went to ask him if he thought we should lutcly 1 freeze over us. We began to amk rapidly. medical faculty for drnsect10n, as he did with the sweep of the hunicane our aeromaximum number for St Paul is 75,000 "But I am also 'unp~pul:i:r ' So far as we were rn tram for expenences seals each year ; for St. George, 25,000 ; start that evenmg. "Guess so," was the not want it. The remark appears an un- stat shot up mto space. The ground, \the Clearly prompt reply. "But the fog is very thts term has any meamng 111 Egypt the 1 ost unexpected sort. of a n feeling one, but it leads us t · suggest crowd, the- bmldmgs surroundrng the makmg altogether the full quota of 100,- dense," I replied. "Yes, but that don't oha1ge IS true and I am proud of it. The "Throw out thlil ballast !" called our 000 seals per annum. whether it woul.d not be a better system gardens, the tallest treetops outlymg us, amount to much " said he "we shall let English are unpopular because they seek Captain. Rising once more, we darted to han<l. over for d1ssect10n the bodies of dropped like enchantment below-still Tho seals begm to land there about her r Jp," and hi; looks quite bore out this reform. 'l'he doctors are unpopular, who, all s:1ps:.i.des. SubJects must be had from further below-far beneath. Our under- mto a dense cloud, and there drifted l\J 11.y 1, unless prevented by ice, and the assertion al the risk of their hves, dismfect houses. ~nth hghtmng speed still northward. some 'source. The necessary medical taking was well begun. k1Umg (except for food) does not begm There ~ere at the moment hundreds 0£ The Judges are unpopular if they punish Water froze upon our cordage. There So much has been said of the impressknowledge required for the benefit of the before July 1, by which time they are Chmamen commg aboard. As they did bnbery. An official is unpopularif he reliving requires that some of the dead must ions which the air voyager derives durmg was only one thing now to do. "Over there rn thousands. By July 1 there are so two clerks pounced down upon them fuses to pumsh on demand. Every step with all the ballast I" commanded om be dissected and the subject may as well the first half hour of his ascent that space millions of seals upon the two islands- fo~ money. Most could pay, others could 111 th'l right d1rect10n lS unpopular, and be fairly looked m the face. So long as may be saved here The thrill of intense leader. It was in vain. "\Ve shot down doubtless four m1lhons upon St. Paul, and not ; but where a man was short of cash, will be so for some time, but we must still there is no recogmzed system of obtammg excitement as all connection with earth perpendicularly with the speed of a bul- a million upon St. George. Literally, he quietly gave up his bedding, or lus persevere. 500 feet m each second. :Presently they are 111 countless numbers. They are supplies there IS a necessity for stealing seems sundered ; the upturned fac os and let-11 "Now, who is popular? The man who coat and shoes, in conSiderat10n for his them and many a grave is. desecrated black coats in the conuourse of spectators the whizzing of the gale m the tree tops estimated by countmg all those lymg with- voyage, to be either redeemed ·eventually rules hard and punishes every angry look, of the mountain summits became terribly which would be left alone if any other becoming black and wlute dots; the umrn a well marked small section of the or sold, as the case might be. The cash who beats first and quest10ns afterward. means of supply could be found. If it is versa! "fore-shortening" of all creat10n as audible. To land under such cond1t1011s breedmg grounds and then measuring the went into a box, the clothes or That man is 'popular,; He is obeyed bewas impossible. Everything we possessgeneraliy known that the bodies of one looks down upon it-all combrne to ent~re sp~e ....Qf th_e " ookery," as it is beddinjl, made up mto neat bun- cause the sufferer dare not say or do ed was tossed overboard-our spare cloth- called, afterthey all leave 1ater111 the smc1dc.s would be handed over the cnme produce a feelmg that can never pall. dies, duly docketed and entered, be- aught to oppose him. It is very sad, but would have an additional dread, to some The fascinat10n of floatmg at so vast an mg, our provis10ns-still to no purpose season, and allowmg a given number to mg carried away. There was no noJSe, tlus is the only Egyptian popularity. moment or two later, with a series each square yard or rod. Tlus is the only every transaction went on quietly ; the Still, this is not a reason for contmuing at least. The same remark holds good in altitude as a balloon can soon attam is of Acrashes and bounds and leaps vhat process by which the number of seals givmg up of wearmg apparel as fare was such trea tment. We must work patiently regard to the bodies of those hanged, or delicious. Few persons are troubled by made us hold on like grim death itself, dying in prison. giddmess. Confused sounds rise lullmgly our basket was dragged through the resortmg to the islands can be approxi- evidently the most ord111ary circumstance, 111 t he other direct10n and raise t he characPresent reports go to show that the to the ear, one scarcely d1sti 1gu1sh~ble thick-set pme tops. Who could fitly de- mated. " Seal fisheries " ts not only a when a man objected, he was, to use the tcr of the fellah, but we must not expect misnomer, but it is absurd when applied Yankee skipper's parlance, " fired out;" gr;:it1tuLle 01 popul.inty for many years from the rest. A kmd of mtoxicat10n great depression 111 thi;l iron trade m steals over the navigator. To live and scribe the fnghtful sensat10ns that en- to the mode of takmg skms. that is, set ashore. By seven o'clock the "But I have digressed. I said that my Pennsylvama and probably elsewhere i move thus seems a rapture. Small won- sued 1 With all visions dll!Slpated of sucWhen skins are wanted, the natives last Celestial was aboard, and we were first duty was to my country. It is the the Umted States is much more tempor- der that the man who "balloons" once cess in our exped1t1on, and possible reach- walk to the "rookeries," crawl along moving oil' in the fog. Darkness of night, same now as then. Whenever I am conary tha.n was generally expected. Tins will "balloon" agam and again, each time mg Salt Lake City or anywhere else ahve, the sancl until they arrive m a lme be- added to the dense mist, made the track vi9ced that I can benefit my country by will certamly te good news to all con- becommg more mfatuated m temptmg we crouched with clmched hold and set tween the seals and the water, then sprmg appearimpenetrable to my unaccustomed abdicat10n, no personal considerat10n will teeth m the wicker car. Occas1onally, as to their feet, yell and flounsh clubs simcernecl. P1ttsbu,·gh is one of the great fate eyes, but the two Olunamen who held the make me hesitate, but I do not thmk so_ iron manufacturrng centres of th1l nat10n, Our evenmg was perfectly serene and we were borne across some depression m ultaneously, and the selected victims in- wheel, and who I was told were very ex- And I must add that, except by Journalists, and the Despatch, of that city publishes cloudless. A gentle r>reezd wafted us the mountains' aides, we were free from tend.id for sacrifice upon fashion's altar, perienced pilots, were evidently quite at the quest1011 has never been raised." the followmg cheerful item.-" Of the northward. 'l'hc earth became a pale colhs10ns, and were swept somewhat up- stampede up the beach, and once started, home. After discnssmg the aspects of the fifty-three iron manufactories 111 or re green and gray map as we reached the ward. 1 well _r.cmlimber that during one are driven like sheep to the slaughter. In vain I tried to descry the shore of Soudan question , the khedive said these mte1'vals our Oaptam, findmg the of presented m tlns city, only two are idle, levtll of 2,000 feet above the bay of San They pull themselves along as one might the nver, or see any ObJect twenty feet "No question of abandomng Kordofan that have n'l depmte time fixed for start- Francisco, which stretched out glimmer- rope of the esca,pe valve had become en- expect a dog to travel with his forelegs ahead-on went the steamer ; the Amen- or Darfour arises, for they have abandoned with masterly address tangled above, ing up. A number of the mills have been mg toward the honz n. ·w0 could disb10ken at the knees and his spme over can was "lettmghernp," as he said, a11d we Egypt. As regards the Eastern Souclan, closed smce the 11ohdays taking an mven- CE!,l'Il the city, the Golden Gate, the clambered the network of the boundrng the kidn<'lys. For locomotion on land, were evidently on the right track. Twice on the littoral of the Red Sea, we have no globe, and, clmgmg tightly to what slentory of tlreTntcrck;i>'t:Ct"will--s-tart'llp Mon Farallone Islands. On the east rose the fur s<tal dopends mamly on his fo1e I felt the craft bump agamst sometlung, duect mterest._ theie, and it costs us day or Tuesday of tins week. There are Mount D1ablo and the Coast Range sum- der hold he found, adJusted :it; .1$. was quarters, the Jund flippers bemg magged but no shade of surpr!Se ever crossed the money. As we received it from 'l'mkey, over 22,000 men employed, the maJonty m1ts. Northward rippled Sacrament.a a feat to tremble' at in recollecting. In alon@' At sea, the h,md flippers serve faces of the imperturbable Celestials at the we must formally offer to return it ; but of whQ m are now at work. As is well Bay, with a golden dust of cloud hangmg less than ten minutes lifter it had been mamly as steermg apparatus, though they wheel. They had their orders - hke its destmy does not aflect Egypt. known bhenailfactonesarealhdle, through over it. The prospect mvigorated us, and accomplished we stru~k the tree tops have some propellmg rower, being twist- Mark Twain's cabmen, who once drove ' ' Khartoum is a more doubtful question_ which, perhaps, 1,000 men are out of soda water was approp1 iately absorbed by agam, ,,nd were hurled more mercilessly ed like the pl'Opeller o a screw steamer ; Ilorace Greely-and they swerved for 'fhe mm1sters think it necessary to hold than ever a·nong their creakmg branches, employment. These will start 11P on the all present, stronge1·beveragesbeingmterbut, ths fore filppers perform most of the nothmg. And these were "only Chma- it. My own op1111on I cannot allow you until with one tremendous shock our basllth of next month As was remarked to dicted. propuls10n m the water as well as on land men," whom Europea1~s choose to look to publtsh before I have stated it in coun. the writer by one of the leading iron men· Sunset came on. \Ve had been gradu- ket struck the stronger limbs of a rrnghty The ha> r seal, on the contr.\ry, deri q-s Jown upon I question whether any cil. If the numsters cannot follow Eng' Pittsburgh mills have the reputat10n of ally reaching the speed uf ninety miles an forest giant and held firm. To pull the more propellmg power m the w"'ter fi ,.m Enghshman could have found his way land's advice, they will probably resign. ripprng rope was the work of a second. runmng under all circumstances, and the hour. Not that it was possible to perhis huJLl th,1ll from his fore f11ppet~. 'l'lie sluough that fog. At length, after four In the actual state of thmgs it would be present condit10n of affairs has only ceive the fact without scientific help, With a crack a whole seam of the balloon seals on St l'aul and St. GBorge I slamL hours, the cloud lifted and we could see difficult to find substitutes for them." parted. The gas fell about us 111 our caused some of them to complam, · but Even if a hurricane be blowmg, there ts arc <·Een drn en two or three miles f10,n our way. The flat uninterestm~ coimtry In reply to a remark that English pubno thought of a pamc is entertamed.' " still the endless sensat1011 of floatmg, wretched s1tuat10n, nearly chokmg u,. the "wuke1 y" to the lullwg ground ad- stood out clearly in t!JJl- moo11hght, and lie opm1on recogmzed the loyalty with Kingston may yet be the elysium for floatrng; for the air current and the a1r- Our late tyrant collapsed and hung sus- jat:ent to thti warehouse where the skms we Hew by at a great speed. Now and which he had acted, his highness replied: tramps, and other impecunious hungry slup keep exact pace. Thanks to the pended from its colossal peg, ~he pine are ~alted. The k1llmg is easy enough then a junk or a boat would get in our "Yes, English public opinion is a great mortals. The citizens of the old Lime- piece.s of tissue paper which were flung tree. We were safe. after the seals are once arrived at the way, but they had to get out of it as best force, Lo1d Randolph Chur~Jiiili.., a great Upon the remaining adventures of that stonecityhavealwaysdisplayedcommend- out lavishly from time to time, and to ground selected for the slaughter. Sup- they could ; our pilots were not inclined force. ~ug}11ng.] But there is someable charity to tho unfortunate, even the gauze streamers fiuttermg from our luckless day neither reperter nor artist poP eone thousand seals to be dnven up, for trifling, and we moved straight on. thing greater-the good of Egypt-that is is disposed to dilate. Our valiant Capwhen it required a good deal of sacnfice cordage we could a.scertain the duect10n forty or fifty are cut out from the large We could 11ear the occupants of the 3unks why I have been, and shall be, loyal to to de so, but now th111gs have taken such of the wind. Even a few handsful of tain, being mured to such untimely ends drove. The smaller group is moved a few saying something which did not sound England." a turn that -a soup kitchen on a liberal sand thruwn out from the ball;;st bags to all the pomp and circumstance of glori- rods away from the others, and then knock- like compliments, but that did not mat----~------scale seems a cheap luxury to engage m hanging over the rail caused us to nae ous ballooning, was subsequently seen to ed dGwn by men with hickory clubs five ter ; their good wishes affected neither smile over the affair. A. Printer's Dream. For some days past there have been great perceptibly, for the best and most dehfeet ir length. Bemg knocked senseless, With vast difficulty we managed to the seal is quickly stabbed to the heart, our captain nor his crew-the steamer complaints th~t the water works are cate scale m the chemist's laboratory canstopped for nothing.-Canton Lett~ in A printer sat in his office chair, his pumpingupaboutasmuch small tad-poles, not register the fract10ns of an ounce as glide down the slippery trunk of the an,: generally dies a pamless death, after London Telegraph. boots were patched and his coat threadminiature fish and the like as of real aque- does the balloon.. The sun went down pme, whose only branches, among which recen ing the knock down blow. The bare, and his face looked weary and worn ous fluid. \Vhat to do with it, under Dusk advanced. "We must descend and we were perched, grew eighty feet from work is divided ; some men knock down, with care. While sadly thinking of busiThe Inlet. the ground. We had landed on the sumthe circumstances, seems to be a real put up for the mght, f11ends," said our some stab, and some draw knives around ness debt, old Morpheus slowly around LEWIS ;r, BLOCK, puzzle, especially to the water drinkers captam. With the vault above turning mit of a spur of the Sierras. By compass the neck and flippers and along the belly, him crept ; and sleeping, he dreamed that I wa.toh the many colored crowd, took our bearings, and set out for we of the city. The Kingston "Whig is evi· to a deep mdigo, we sank gently, and so that the skinners have only to separate he was dead, from trouble and toil his Passing me on the busy street, dently of a practical turn of mmd and skirted along the country from which the shelter. Around us rose the wilderness the skin from the blubber. All the men And marvel at the faces proud, spirit had fled, and that even a cow-bell pure and simple. There was no trace of employed in this work are natives. The suggests that "Kmgston can now start a Coast Range rises tolled for the peaceful rest of his cowOr sullen with low-browed defeat. road or habitation, and we were forced cheap soup kitchen if the water continues We were JUSt m time to attract the skinners are experts, with such profeshide sole. As he wandered about among to fight our way through the dense underto be as lively." The accounts go to attention of a number of farm 11ands resirnal pride as prohibits dullmg £heir The blue skies smile upon the earth, the shades that smoke and scorch in the show that the "stock" for soup is plenti- turning from work through the fields. growth until nightfall. Without pro- razor edged knives upon the outside of The winds are with the clouds at play, lower hades, he slowly' observed an iron ful ell'e gil just now. The only draw- With much shouting back and forth our visions, and utterly exhausted, our little the skin, which contains more or less And ha.ppmess had surely birth door, that creaking hung on hinges ajar, With sundawn of the perfect day. back appears to be the wood famme m dragging ropes were caught and made party threw themselves down under the sand from the dnve. but the entrance was closed with a red Kingston, because of the terrible snow fast. "Tie it to anythmg from a gate thicket's shelter, and slept till the pallid All the time of the knockmg down, the hot bar, and Satan himself stood peeping A second dawn. day of such fruitless of all the secrets hid I dream J.lockade about the city. The subject post to a steeple," suggested our artist, in sei.ls in the main drove sit on one hip like out, and watching for travellers thereBy placid brow or gloomy eye, is "animated" just now, but rather an un- a series of whoops worthy of a calliope. wandering meant someth111g S6 nearly ap- dogs, panting, growling and steaming, about, and thus to the passing printer As in some rock-built pyramid proachmg to death that we hardly cared pleasant one for all that. People are After a stiff battle, in which some of our but apparently not interested in the fate of spoke . " Come in, my dear, it will cost An unknown king or slave may lie. generally liberal with what they do not kind assisters were pretty severely pulled to contemplate it as we trudged onward. their iriends dying before their eyes, nor you nothing, and never fear, this is the By noon of the second day the strength caring for what may befall themselves. care to use themselves, and tramps may about, we found ourselves on terrafi1ma, place where I cook the ones who never I feel the beat of every heart come m for a liberal supply while it lasts. and on the way to a neighbormg farm of one of the party had given out entirely. They do not seem to be at all sensitive on pay their subscr1pt1on sums ; for though And abed the tears tired eyes let fall, The other two were manfully preparmg the subject of death. They can be driven And thrill to know myself a part At a recent grand banquet at the house. There we made light of a famous m hfe they may escape, they will find to carry him between them when a roarup 1cand over the warm, bloody carcasses Of grief that wearies, hopes that thrill, down gayly with Mayor's residence in Kingston the yuests supper, washed when they're dead it is too late ; I will had evidently a facetious time, though superb California wine. Our first stage ing brook was iitruck, and !llebly followed whicJJ cover the ground, without manishow you the place where I melt them in with reviving hope. It was scarcely a festing any concerti whatever. The skins Ah, can it be that my weak soul nothing stronger than cold water was pro- was accompl shed, and we slept the sleep with red hot chains and scraps of tin, and Is but an inlet of the sea., also where I comb their heads with vided. Several of the able men felt them- which it would be a great pity for only quarter of an hour before the expected are taken off with -wonderful rapidity by flume was discovered, at tho foot of a the natives, and with very few cuts or And knows the other sweet and roll selv~s evidently out of place in attempt- the just to enjoy. broken glass and melted lead, and if, of A solitary Chinaman slashes. As soon as the skins are cool, or Of tides that forerun Destmy ? ing to speak around a dmner table. An "Daylight already?" was the common steep declivity. refreshments they only think, there's stood beside it plying a spade. We made at the end of a days' killmg, they are boiling water for them to drmk ; there's eloquent Minister assured those present exclamation when q,ur vigilant captain adIf this be dreaming let me hold the red hot grindstone to grind down his thii.t 1f he only had the gentlemen in his ministered sundry shakings to each of us. our way toward him. At first our haggard haulid to the salt house and laid in bins, The dear delusion to my breast, appearance and scarcely understood th'i flesh side up and salted. In the Let me ~row fearless, overbold, nose, and the red 110t rings to wear on pews, with a good solid text before him In an hour breakfast was over, and we tongue made the suspicious Celestial little his toes, and if they mention they he might be able to give them somethmg were retracing our steps through the disposed to listen to us or have aught to course of a week they are taken from the and dare the nobl est and the best. bins and exammed. 'l'hose m which the don't like fire, I sew up their mouths of considerable length, if not of ment. Or fields. The anchors were loosed after do with us ; but, speedily becommg con- curmg process has not been perfected, Children of one sweet mother, h11irs with red hot wire ; and then, dear sir, if he had some of those bachelor aldermen hearty handshakes with our hospit'lble v111ced that we had no designs upon ~s have more salt applied to the pmk spots, Of all the hopes that thrill all hearts, before ]um, with fittmg associations, he hosts ; once more the delightful sensation you should see them squirm, while I roll claim, he lent a very wondermg and com- aftei wl1ich they are again packed m lay- And owners of the mystic wares them over to cook to a turn. " could say a few fittmg words to them such of boundless freedom and buoyancy. paas10nate ear to the narrative which our That shine within the Spmt·s marts. With those last words the printer as they would probably have good reason "Tsn't this rising early in the mormng Captain communicated, and presently ers to await the bundlmg process, which awoke, and thought it all a. practical llO remember the rest of their lives. Of with a vengeance 1 " quened one of the summoned all his pigtailed fellowship to takes vlace at any convement time after Masters of space and lords of time, joke, but still at times so real did it seem course the lone bachelors all applauded fraternity, as the Captam announced us hearken and aid us. We were, 111 truth, he booking. Wea.rers of robes that History wove, The system with which the work is purthat he cannot behave it was all a dream, ihe hint. The lawyers were still worse to be overtoppmg sixteen thousand very kmdly cared for by our yellowIn far.off looms of every clime, sued has been reduced to such an exactand often he thinks with a chuckle and out of JOlllt when theu turn camo. A feet. In snow clad wood or olive grove. faced friends during the two daya which ness thr.t, though the season begins after grin of the fate of those who save their leading Q C. when called upon declined "The man who will make a joke of that we found we must pass 111 that lonely tin and never pay the printer. to speak for the profession, as the lawye1 's character under such matutinal circum- camp before mules and wagons and men June 1, generally not before the 10th or Each soul instinct with all and each, busmess was to speak for others, he there- stances deserves to be thrown out of this could be summoned from Nevada City, 12th, the one hundred thousand skins are We nae at la.st unto the height, sometimes aboard the vessel for shipment Foreaa1d in strange prophetic speech, fore passed lus brief to another eloquent conveyance," responded the Captaingrim- fifty miles distant. to San Fmncisco, by July 25, and always Mme. Modjeska's new play, by Maurice Whence every darkness melts in light. Q. C., who m turn handed the brief to a ly. But our atmospheric conrht10ns were When they arrived the balloon was before August 1. Neither Kmg Solomon Barrymore, is called "Nadyezda" (Hope). third possessor of a silk gown. One well not long favorable to jokmg. The cold looked up, and, ripped apart, forwarded At Bacup, in England, recently, a girl, She plays the mother in the prologue and known lawyer now suggested there was grew mtense. Our vo1c3s seemed mys- to Reno. The overland trnin was fina'.!y nor the queen of Sheba-no, nor the lilies somet)ling myster10us about all this hber- teriously muffled, and it was 1!ecessary to taken, and our trio speeded to San Fran- of the field-ever wore richer raiment aged seven, died from mflammat10n of the the daughter in the following threeacts. It alitr,'w}ule another explained the enigma shout instead of chat. Ears tmgled, and cisco, in defeat, but with thankful souls. than the modern sealskm cloak : but brain, brought on by overwork at school. is profoundly tragic, and she expects it to. when the skm is taken from the anmial The medical officer, 111 reporting the case, ·qual her performance of Camille. by the s1gmficant remark that "there is the rush of blood to the head foreshadto which nature gave it, when it goes in- strongly condemned the practice of mak-~~-~~--~~~ no fee," whereupon every lawyer present owed the sudden nose bleedings that The history of all the world tells us that A man never so beautifully shows his to and when it comes out of the salt, or ing young children do home lessons at was qmte willmg to throw up the case. followed. Our Captam, prudent sailor, He said it worried them and immoral means will ever mtercept good There were no appeals talked about under thoroughly approved of husbanding the own strength as when he respects a wo- when it is first sent to market, is not what night. ends. made them restless at night. it appears later upon fashion's form. the circumstances. ascensional powers of his craft. We man's softness, t!!bJlUldhtu j'fadtAltUau. HIGH UP IN A BAL LOON. ----------- ......

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