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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1884, p. 8

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~1auuliau Jtate!iman. 1 BOW)IANVILLE, FRIDAY, FEBR Y 15. -==--=-=-·= - =======-~-=------= CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL. .- Council met pursuant to statute. The following members made and subscribed the decbration of office and qualification, viz., Jas. Parr, as Reeve, John 1Vlll cure dyspepsia, heartburn, ~ McKee, Deputy-Reeve, John H. Devitt !aria, kidney disease, liver e<>mo arnl Albert Spinks, Councillors. J>laiut, aud otlJ.er-wasting; diiCallU A communication WM received from .John Carnegie, in reference to the Trent Y alley Water Route. '.!.'he Reeve submitted the Treas urer's Bond for the approvAl of the Council. Moved by Mr. Spinks, seconded by Mr. Devitt, tluit the Reeve and Deputy-Reeve AND be a. conJmittee to examine Treasurer's Bond and to re11ort thereon. Carried. Moved by Mr. Spinks, seconded. by Mr. Devitt, that the Reeve be instructed to have insurance renewed on 1'own Hall and Drill Shec l. Cnrried. .Tohn Huglies and A. J. Campbell, 1'1.D. _. were appointed Auditors. enriches the hloqcl an<l pttrificg the The committee appointed to exn.mine system ; cures weakness, lack qf energy, ~c. Try a bottle. Treasurer's Bond repoi-tecl that they find it in every respect si~tisfactory. Moved by Mr. ·Devitt, seconded by Mr. McKee, thn.t Henry Montjoy be appointed pathmaster in Road Division No. 13, in. stead of l\fatthe\v Smith, who has left the Division. Carried. AND Orders given on Treasurer as folllows: Ha1·t & Co., election blanks, $6.27; .John Hughes, Deputy lleturning Officer, $8; \Vm. Lucas, Returning Officer, selecting _jurors,-po~express charges, · ]:_T registering births, n1a1;r~:h ....... s ,""' e"°tc -.',',_ _ _,.. $30 ; Wm. McLaughlin, Deputy Returning Officer, $0 ; vVm. Spence, indigent a llte only iron preparation th..t aid, $4 ; insurance on Town Hall and does not color the teeth, ancl will Drill Shed, $13 ; D. Bingham:, Deputy not cause headache or consti11ntiun, Returning Office1-, $8 ; Mrs. Loughead, ~s otlli.:r Iron preparations will. indigent aid, $4 ; Robt. Wilson, indigent .aid, $4; Richard Luggith, ·work on 11th concession, $1. On motion the Council adjourned until 11e second Monday iii Feb. at 1 o'clock. SULPHUR IRON· BITTERS AND DR. SCOTT'S PREPARED SPICE For Hories, Cattle, Sheep & Swine. S,ULPHUR -IRON BlTTERS s · uLpH u R IRON ,. . DJ U .-. I ,ER s 11se It h_as no equal in curing Horses of the sevllut i"l" CJ!Ol", e·al a1lrnents to which they nre subject. For & eo·~. it '""'"Y 1 :1.,; m fee COUGHS, COLDS, ROUGHNESS of the Ah! 111 0 lie IIAIR, BOTTS SCUH.VY, k c. , it is invaAnd his µarLiu~ woL·U~ rem~&.in. 'l H~l\SUrPd deep Wit,ltin thi~ hOtt0Ill, luable, ni:id administered in smaller <loses, nets "J)t}u.rcat, we shttll rneet tt-gtlrn;' as a Tonic, resulting in ll healthy condition As an a.··ticle for tbe t.oih·t, Ayer's Hair Vigor and fine :ippenrance of the a nimal. Is alsGi ..11d~ nurivalled. l t c!ctiuocs t h<: sc.. lp and pre· equally beneficial to CATTLE SHEEP :md st serves it from scur f and rlttnrll"l11f. cures SWINE. For sale everywhere: ltcbln1-: anil humors. rest.ol'es· bdeci or 1¢'rav hair to its ol'iginu.I dark color, and promotes SOLE PROPRIETORS : it~ i.: , owth. · A IlEMAHKADI.E nncovERY -E'armer.;i in ;:;r. 0. X:E:::r::v.I:P & 1 New Prints, New Bleached Cottons, 11.ICEI,-Progressh·e N:ew G1·ey Cottons, dairymen who unly ti·fied with the I re·ults. adding to their wealtlt and con.oJciety, by the itn· ferring a beucJlt nrnk.it'K in thu 11t·t butp1·ovemflnts they New Embroideries, ter making. 'l'h1s clasH Wells, l\.ich>tt<dson lrnprovfld 1rnd know by act uni te·t that fill· m,de it New Dress Buttons. he· kissed whom left me. You save a er.ore of rnen from lying." GET't'ING DAIKllMAN Colonel v a nee Gravetey. or Coh·m!"K, is likely to be the recipient or sen1<tor1al honors. The disfiguring eruptions on the fa,oe. the eunken ere. the pallid complection, illdicate tha,t their Is some1 hill;{ "[ronA' f{oing on within. Expel the lurking foe to h<l,.lt,h. Ayer·s Sl1rsaparilla was devised tor that purpo~e; 11,nd does 1t. The 'l'oronl"> R'lCiet.y tor tho Suppre.~slon of Vioe added $!!'la to it1:1 funds by prosecuting prize winner~ in the J,ondon lottery. ·a ·Fitted out for the Season. llrc~B<>·, cloaks coats, stockings aml all garments can be col..red succi.l·sfully with t.he Oia111nud Dyes· .!!~ash- . ionable colors. Only Hie. at ilr11it;(h1ta. Wells, Rich1u·dsou & Co., Burlington. \ r t. A. miserly old woman named .Peglly McLean died at Hawtroy. Ont,. a few days ago, on whose persou was founc l $6. 500. .. A little a·hes now and then Mav save the limbs or many ml!n, Juot think by on the ,ice a.1111lyjng, 1.ro s .. !>est Opened out this week at COUCH, ·JOHNSTON _ & CRYDERMAN'S are on at'e ra.1Jicl or MONTR~AL, P.Q~ ' . . . 0 0. ' We buy our goods for·cash and save the discounts, we are therefore able to sell evervthing at the lowest possible prices. · ~ 1~ DOES WONDERFUL CURES OF KIDNEYDISEASES L~ COMPLAINTS, symptont ,,f m~ _If {j) (} J AND o AND · Fire drill should be taught in Bow:manYille ~chools forthwith. · Henlth is a duty, Disease a 9rime. Use "Dr. Henry Baxtet·'s Mandrake Bitters :and be cured of all biliousness or liver rouble. 25 cents will buy a large bottle.II 1 We wish to know who is the oldest per-;~~· ·.·-~son in ·west Durham. Ladieit nnd all sufferers frnm neu SLJDiP PEACEFULL. "Hub " Cough tal1,ria, hysteria, and kiudrtd com· plaints will find it without :m equal. Cure will cure you quickly. For throat and lung troubles it is the quickest a11d aur st remedy extant. A~k Stot & Jury. For eale by STOTT & JURY. A buck-wheat pan-cake social was held in Wicklow on Tuesday. A Good CosMETrc. -The best cosmetics are good soap and water, to obtain purity of the skin; "While for boils, blotches, obstinate humors and impurities of the blood Burdock Blood Bitters is the best of all purifiers. Mr: G. H . Grierson is the new president of Oslmwa Fnrmers' Club. Will be mailed FREE to all ~pplicants and to Why go on day after day suffering with customers. of last year without orderiDi: it. It conpins illustrations, frices~ desg:iptions and splitting headache when a bottle of Dr. directittns for planting al Vegetabl/O'.'llnd Flower Austin's Phosphatine will cure you1 If Seeds, Plants. etc. Ittvntunble to all. you do not believe it ask your druggist for a circular, and read what those who have used it say about it. Price, $1.00. ~--- Guelph choral iin"ion cleared over $100 0 L D AN D R ELIA BLE over expenses at the last concert.. Bowmanville cleared $12. 97. GRAY'S SPECIFIC .MEDICINE. "H1:ll· 1CouGH CURE, 25 Ci!NTs. - PresTRADE Mf\lfl(, Tlte Grent En"· TRADE MARI(, cription of a Boston physician, dispensed llabllemedy ,an unfailing cure for years by a Boston druggist. ONE DosE l:leminal Weakwill curo any ordinary cough. It acts alness, Supe1·mamost magically. Ask Stott & Jury for a torrhea, Impotency, &all dis25 cent bottle of " Hun" Couaa CuRI~, eases Lhattollow and don't be put off with any other. t as a sequenc. e of : as · . Solf-.A.bnEe Mrs . · B edford, Mrs, ff. .f.lli nt ~en., :Before Ta.king1o~s of Melliory,After TPking, and Mr. T. Ward, Hampton, who J1ave been very ill for some· time, are recover- Unlver381 L&ssitude, Pain inthe Ba.ck Dimne8B of Vision, Premature Old Age, a.nd many other ing. Dlsea.ees th&t lead to Insanity or Consumption ExPIUtIENIJ~} t eaches that delays are most and &Premature Grave. dan0 crerous and in no instance is p· omiJt W~ll partloulq.rs In our _pa.mphlet,.whloh one.we desire to send free by ma.11 to every·_ action more necesaary than wllen the first l'he Specltlo Medicine la ~old by all dru.ll:glats approach of kidney diseases is made . at 'l per package, or six packall;eB for $.S, or manifest. To all who are experie _ ncing will bt> sent free by niail on the receipt of the money by addressing pains in the :back, or who feel that their THE GRA y MEDI_ CINE CO., kidneys .going wrong, DR. YAN BUREN'~ Toronto, Ont., Canada KIDNl!:Y C'crn.E is a friend indeed, as it will certainly relieve thei! pains, and if persisted in, effect a permanent cure. Haydon wants a ·minister to reside there after tlru- ~ · TnE UsE OF HAIR by-ladies is a most ' disagreeable practice, for not only is it impossible to .t race its origin, but also the naturi1l hair i$ constantly changing while -H AS RECEIVEDtlle dead l1air reta;ns its color. By the .New llludlna, .New En1broltlerlu. use of Cinoralesc Hair Renewer on the .New I.aco11, New Trl11nulll1K5, contrary, tl1e color of the hair is tendered .New Bralcl8. Ncwurald.ll,woeh. natural and always b eautiful, glossy and LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S a veritaLle crown of glory. Every ll\dy sh<;>u~d use i~, and. t o _ger~tlemen 'w~ose HANDSOME PATTERNS. hair is growmrr tlnu, it is a necessity. . , Sold at 50 cei;'k per bottle by Stott & Ornaments for W~ddmg Presents, .Jury. · Fancy Articles, &o. ~ULPHUR "-i" - nary Dheases, Biliousnesa, Ja.undice, Constipation, Piles. or in ll.11euln.atiam, Nolll't\~a, NerVO'Wt Dimordors a.nd l\ll Fema.lo Complaints. r?TSOLID PROOF OP THIS. IT WILL SURELY CURE Bccnuse it acts on the LIVllU, BOWELS nnd ---KIDNEYS at the snmo time. Because it cleanses the system of the poison· ous humors thnt dcvelope in Kidney D.nd Uri- Pulmonarr Cherry llalomtu was tried; It Curcii-biw, 1'l1is Dr. Wilson·d Pnlmona~y Cherry Bal~am is thekiug or remedies for throat and lung di~e,.sos. A good word of. advice for those in whoso house the don1eRtic st.orm frequently rages: T11Em NAMlll IS LlllG!ON.-L~gionR of people haYe hi&d t lldr liVtlS madti m1oer1<bie by Piles. 'l 'his painful d1tfi<:ulty i· ofLeu iud.uced and alway ~ ""~mv:.t·>d by Co11dL lpalion. Kidnt>)'· Wort is the gr.,··t remedy for all 1.it..ctions' o·r this kind.. It aets as a icenr.le catll1>rLic. p.ro· motetJ ,. hettl thy aolioo of 1 ,110 boweh·, and soothes and heals t.ho inflamed s tu·fao~s. It has cui·erl liu11d1·uds ol' cuse· where all otlrnr 1·emedfos and applioal-ious httvtl f,.ilerl. Sold by ail druggist6. 'fhe clouds are white .A.111l the skies are pale, E'or the b1·eath of w inter Is on the gaJ.,. ---......·-----~·---- cd c o n suu 1ptiou . Medici11eo brou!<ht "o 1clief unt,il l1r. \Vileo 11's and·ot hers in like occullations are g1 ·oatly ex- { posed f,o oolcs, One of Lh~>ie w"'s Mr.ILL Brnwn of tH. Geo1·ge, N. 1:1, Ho cangh t, · a severe cold wl!ilesLrea 111drivincl, whiutlin a short tim e brought 011 sweats. sunken chegt lttHl every I dt.'-ep-~ea.1 wo.Shing sh~ep. l11mher1ne11 in ut rcan1 dr·iving, Grocers Due Bills taken as Cash.} · , · · One Door ·west of the Post Office. LC. r L. CORNISH Being about to Reduce his stock of ·\IRON BfTL TERS CONSTIPATION, PILES, and RHEUMATISM, Jl3' causinjf l'l!.EE AC'l'ION ot ..u tho orgrme and Not Content With Being the Best. D.M. FERRY g Co.w·N:.'!:; parts of the town. We also pay Cash for Farm and Dairy Produce. Whatever may be said in regard to the propensity of the management of great railway :lines to provide for the public only THOUSANDS OF CASES o(, . th<> wont forms of these terribl!t dl8e118ea what is actually demanded in t he way of lJ.;)';e . been quickly relieved, &nd in u. llhort time accommadatious 1:1.ntl comfort can in no way ~ PERFECTLY CURED. PRICE, .I. J.IQUID OR Illl.Y, SOLD BY DR1JGGISTS, apply to the management of the Chicago, Dry c&n be oent by mail. Hock Island & Pacific Railway, or as it is WELLS,lUCXA.nDSON & Co., Jh!rllngton, Vt. S &nd tt-amp for Diary Alwauac for 1884.. mo1·e familiarly known, " The Great Rock · Island route. " '.!.'his line has for ye~1·s been recogufaed as the best and most comfort; ableroutc between ChicagoandE:ausasCity ... and t he Southwest, and has been abundaN.tly able on ih.is account to successfully cope with its competitors. But not satisfied with this success and its already elegant equipment, its managers have caused' to be turned out of its shops at Chicago, a magnificent line of Dinmg Cars which go into ---v:;-;--Meat Sold in the Shop for Cash immediate service on the Kansas City Line. 'rhese .c ars contain all the conve11iences of VERSUS well furnished dir1ing rooms, are el egant Peddling and Credit. in design <md finish and in models of the advanced railway art of the day. Within, We having been solicited by a them meals are furnished equal to t hoseof number of our citizens to commence auy first-class hotels. Besides the best of on the above system, we have now first and second class coaches there are Chair Cars (which are free to all decided to fall in with their request. Parlor passengers h olding t hrough first class tickThis plan will enable us to ooll TWO ets), -Rullman Palace Sleeping Cnrs. This Company's lines- all of which are cents per pound cheaper. As you will see by the new system we equally well equipped- also extern! to Council Bluffs and the West and Minneshall not require half a dozen horses apolis and St. Paul and t h e Northwest; and rigs and men to run them, for and tho deserved praises bestowed upon i t wl1ich the public have previously by returned traveller who speak from exl · throughout the paid. We being the first to intro- perience, make it notec duce this great saving ask your fand. 'Ve bespeak for the owners and managers liberal support. of this magni~cent Railway ample returns Yours truly, for generous provisions for the want s of the public, which is, as has already been proven by t he patronage extended to this line Market Square. quick to appreciate and p<Ltrouize those N . B.-All orders promptly at- who prove by their d eeds and generous treatment that they are devoted to its comtended to and Meat deliv~red to all fort and welfare. restoring the normal power to throw oft' disease. flmotioUB, thereby CLEANSINC the BLOOD Rings, Platedware, Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware, &c., &c., Offers the whole at a Tremendous Reduction. Many articles sell at Cost and under. I THIS IS A GENUINE DISCOUNT SALE. . Ki ON EY-WOR·: ; FRESH MEAT. Those in Rearch of Holiday Presents will save money by inspecting our stock; consisting of-GOLD and 81Lv1m WATCHES-all styles and makes, GOLD GuAnDs,CHAINS, RINGS and J EWELLRY to please everyone, SILVER PLATEDWARE in endless varie1y, all of which l1as been selected with care and taste. DIAMOND and WEDDING --RINGS-excellent value.-Watch Repairing promptly attended to. All work warranted. Prices low- never charging $2.50 when 75c. to $1.25 are regular prices. A CALL SOLICITED. L. CORNISH, KING STREET EAST. SET .I ·IN°"G- OFF_ ·L.C. DA~ YS --FOR-- B ·IG BARGAINS I Thirty days from to-day we will commence stock-t"aking, and from now until then we will sell all goods at a Great Reduction. W. BRITTAIN&Co,, ----- -- New~ Ladies. MRS. KEYS , ~ I M:r. w. Broad and wife h,1"". been visiting friends at Haydon~ Bucl;:leu'~ Arulca Sah·c.- The beet Salv in the world for Cuts. Brmses, :-ores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, TettM, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Co1·ns, and a.11 Skin Eruptions, a.nd Positi v"IY cure· Pile... It is guranteed give perfect satisfaction, tor money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. IIi.:ginbotham & Son. ' - - - ·- -·------- .. ~ ~----- SO YEARS. J take pleasure in certifying I.hat I have sold Dr. " Wistar·s Ilalsam of Wild Uherry for thirty years. and know it to be one of the oldeat as well as the most rPliable preparations in the market. for the cure ot Coughs, Colds. and Lung Complaints. I know of no article that givea greater satisfaction to those wllo u.se it. II.win~ sold Peru\'ian Syrup for many years, and knowing that its use has been attended with great suoces in oases of Dyspepsia, geiieral Debility of the System. and diseasCli originating iu a bad state of Lhe blood, I a:n satisfied that it i; a remedy of i.:reat power sud deserves the attention of invalids. I am yet to hear the first complaint against eithel," of .t he ab ,ve preparations. I consider them articles of great merit and have alwaydtaken much p!N.iure in recommending thont to parties requiring such remedies. It. FOTHERGILL, · Newoastl.,, O~t, Dec: 8th, 1882: THEY ALfi Do. lT.- Everybody uses Remcmder we will Cm. Down the prices of all goods between now and to tlrty cents 11,n hour mu.de dn.ytlmeor e 7enlng Send 'l'en Cents for 'L' wenty Sa.moles .to com- "'.l.' EADElmY" for the teeth and breath, Stock-taking,-30 days from to-day. mence work on. Address JI. G. Jo'A.Y, Jl11llmuJ. ' 'er1111>nl. the newest, brightest, consists little toilet gem extant. Try a sample. GrAll overdue accounts must be settled Cash or Noi e ADVEKTISEllS.- Lewcst Rates for adToronto Normal School is now attended before t he 1st day of March. vertislng in mo good ne~spapflrs eent freA. 1 by 78 females and 42 m ales. 1 ' b . . f) b U Adtlreas GEo.P.ROWEl.T. & Co.,Spruce St..N.Y. 1 Binges' Co~1gh yr~p 1s egrnnmg to l!lell ve1·y rap1diy agam n ow the time of the yu .. r for coughs and colds hae arri ved. . ....................................................~--~'!"'!'""!"11111111111111111~'!'!'1!"'!"'~~""""'---- ... Prepared and sold by J. Higginbotham & Fme, Fat and Fresh served in all styles. 1 ham aJ>Vtilti\·" romudy for tho nbon} dl:maHOi by itt S·m. 11 1 WCbolcc lot or CoareetlOMAry nhvays OD ~·~~.~ i 1~~i~:~'.~~l)~~~l~~~l~C:;t: nl~>j::;~·::) ~\ ~:;~f ~l}I!;~~ l!:~\l:i~ Rev. W. Mitchell, formerly of MillbRBd at IllRS. KEY~'. Jlcst11nrant. 6tf. itl lt:i o llh,:a c·.\>-. t h :t t [ wlll !1'11111 'J'WO llO'l "t f.I·;.; j .· ;,j;1.; Should anld acquaintance be forgot, l ·'.l'>tt h1:t' \\ Ith" v _ \ J. t1 .\ Bl.l~ ·1·1: J.; .\ 'l'I SJ'. 011 t lli it di.::Jt.Util\ b1·vok, is insane. And nev9r broughUo mind, t.>U.1L}'l.lU IJ'·ror. tJj\·e Expr <1"K 11 11111·. 0 . n ddt{·:>:-i. OF CANADA. Hit. 'l'. · A.. ~LOt l7}.( . 1·q ]'11:t>·I :O-:t. l' \·w y ,.··k. Should folks no gie t heir Photographs As a sure remedy for Sick H eiidach e, C .lPITA.L, $1,0ll0,000. 'J.'o lriendso Auld Lani/; Syne, Sour Stomach, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, ..,,, Then come awa, trenti. a.ne and a, Constipation, 'J:orpid Liver, Biliousness, .An' dinna lose nae time, This Bank 111 prepared t o do Lef i~i I have now opened tho Best and Largest &c., n o medieine is equal t o Dr. Baxter's 1 In getting Pictu.rca for your frttns. mate Banking in alt its branches. Stock ot For JI. C. · .rs.it takes them line. M tmdrake Bitters. 25 cents per hottle.11 F>1>rmers notes di.ecounted ; Depo1its WINTER MILLINERY ·. An' when you get a score or twa, ·J. W. Sootheran, clerk of Cavan for 34 received ancl Interest paid on &mount' of Let ane o them he mine, Ever sbo~n In Bowman ville. $1,080 worth or y<ars, is dead, aged 59. Tae mind ane a the cautie days $5 upwards in Savings Bank Departm int. OSTRICH F EA'l'HERS juat opened. A large W e had in Auld Lang Syne. stock of 'l'RIMMJ£D HATS and BONNE'fS BT.ODD llELATIONs.The best blood realways on hand. We have also a large stock DRAFTS lations consist of a perfect circulation of We're gi·owing auld. and nearin' fast of VELVETS, PLUSHER, BILKS, SA1'1Nil. of all 'l'he hamc that's yours and mine ; Shades. a la1·ge stock of RIBRONS. FLOWERS, healthy, vital fluid- pure blood and proper Then let our frens see bow we looked, Issued and Collections made in Europe. LA.CJ:S and TRlllLMINOB of all kinds. cii:cnlation m:1y be e~t:i,blished in the sy~ln the da,ya of Auld Lang Syne. United States and Canada. Pll!ase call and inspect out" stock before purtem by the use of that grand blood punFor surely you'll be your Physog, e basing elsewhere. You wlll find our goods OFl' ICE-Jlurcloeb Broe. Block, late Bonk~ fier B urdock Blood B i tters. An' surely I'll be mine, the cheapest a.nd best in town. Ing otttee or Junes d; Bobbie. .An' we'll let our fron3 soc how we looked «Beaver and Felt Ha.ts Re-shaped in all the Port Hope D1sc1pl es expect soon to In the days otAuld L1mg Syne. latest ·tyles. W. J. JONE~[, have a r esident pastor. Picturea or every description, furni.Bhed in REMllMEICR 'l'HE S-rANlJ :- i doors west of ..t.1;erat. Martyn's Grocery Store. best style of A.rt, at moderat!' prieel!. KILL THE BLUES' - eat the b est ' sleep the A very large stogk ef Fancy ) rames a lways sound, k eep away Headache, keep your on hn.nd. · . LivE::r active digest your food make good Pictures enlar,;ed to any BIZO at reasonable ' l ' ·b rates at H. C.Tai.t &. Co's Photo Qallery,Market blood, be ch eerfvl all day by rnepmg a ot- Square, Boww&nvllle. -U .OR SALE.-.First Class Farm, being tle of Z O-PE-SA in your room, and take BOWMANVI LLE , ...L1 composed of South t Lot. 32. 4 Con.. ·.rownahlp of Clarke, For terms and particulara · This Cnt~ represents Lhe popular Victoria a dose t wice ILweek. apply to J. G. RENWICK,OronoP. o.. or UoDIIBT AGENT FOR The Saved Army since t hey commenced Wave. It is dressed with tbe hair falling on ARMOUR. Bowm&nvlllo. tr. the forehead. and the t>nds meet in Montagues. operations in Port Hope, a w eek ago la.st It iY exceedingly becoming. and is having a Saturday night, have enrolled 108 recruits .. LOU RING MlLL in the township of O :ENFIELD LADIES.- Mr1e J1nu l&l'fl'e run. Clarke. Known u Ada.ms' New Mill. AI-T, SIZES, AND Tile above style. with a large number or O'LH.1.RY hu returned from Toronto Fo1' t oothache, burns, cuts and rheum· App]y_ to A.RTH UltCODD,Jfollq., or SI. JOHN 1 ~ other equ& lly becoming styles , are made by &.nd h1&1 J>ei:un Dreeamaltlng in ERfteld. Spe1>lai atism, use Perry Davis' Pain Killer. See H. HU'l'CfIESON, .Barri.flter-at-Ln.w, Bowm1m- 1 U aa1e»tiou will be 1tlvea \.o ontitng and ftttiZ>K, MRS. A. DA VIS, ville. . 215-tt ~t-t. 'f 1 adv. in other column. AQall llOUailed, 2Sl·tt. -. over M. MaYfl:"& store. NEW UNDERCLQTHI NG, Kn1'tt1'nir& Sta. _ 1:,p1'nrr done to orJer. OYSTERS, MEN AND WOMEN S'l'AR'l' W A.NTEDnew business at their homes, eHsily learned in an hour. No pcdtlling. 'l'en cents ~ ~·o Ice harvest is nearly over. V!\len tines are at a discount. Leap year piirties are the rage. For cramps, pain in the stomach, bowel complaint or chills, use Perry Davis' Pain Kille1·. See advt. in oth er column. Colds with sore throats are very preval ent just now. Ask Stott & Jury for Hub "Cough Cure. It acts so quickly as to astonish you. 25cents. AskStot.& Jury . Hens shouid settl e clown to biz. in view of a pproaching ]Jaster. We will sell F1UR GOODS at and under Cost. We will sell Men's Tweed Suits for Nine Dollars a Suit. We will sell All Wool Blankets at Two Dollars and a half a pair. We will sell Men's and Boys' Overcoats atwell just give us a call and see. Ladies' Mantles at Cost. 'fO eit~ r~by s . CONSUMPTION~ THE VICTORIA. S. MASON & SO~T. AULD LANG SYNE, STANDARD BANK 1 NOTICE to__ LADIES. _ __ ' .. I Mrs. DONNELLY. W. H. PIPEl~, . MILL FOR SALE. .. T F -- IGra1n Crushers, Chat.-.-. C t ters '). _,_.

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