THE SEPARATION .BY...LAW. T>o the EdUor of the Statesman: · . ' Regula:r.rnet!ting,:Feb:-fith. Afte1; rou l, n.... S It h b "d 1 th t· th ; :tJile· a ,pet1t10n .was re..;eivcd from fho~ (o)-·~-""'A_R rn.,as een s:u ~ · e ,Little a11<:l. others aslfo.. 1g side-line t.o bu l30WMANVILLE, Fil.ll,DAY, FEBR'Y 22. ~-~mcil of 1883 was a r~tten one, aricl !hat . o eued foll .1vitlth betw.e en lots 22 and 23. it :!&.-is been replaced with gree11:11.m.plmg11, P ,-;; "Refmed to 'Mr. .Renwick. '.J'he 'f d Any one 'liho ..~vas cox} . .,. ' . f '] · f l 1 . . · ,, . . .. : keasure1·s bonds :were l"epotted satisfactory. BOWMANVlLLllll POULTRY · ll · .·O · · c im sap_. " pre.1~nt ,1~ the_ meetm" of that a1~o~t hod: Cert.ain .repairs were 1 \·. e commended on ASSOCIATION. Tall~w-~ o~1 1 6hE:i 1~th msfa.nt ..~nust, be r~'lr ,.oon : ' bt.i!dges.on ' 3rd ancl_4t11 con. Cer!am vrn~ed th,1t tl_1e Coimml,,°f 84 ;;re, .;J.;l.1, the, ·changes were maae ·m ·road beuts o51, & ·we plcn,s ure m presenting ~he ~~orii!G <Jf t!:e muno1tal Scott _ 11n·fn~10.d ·5uf·5.G, 9. 'Mr .'Millson was voted public with the list <;f ,~wards of the fi:rst I~ussell, saplmgs, full_ ofsapan~f'<:"f.gJly $25 ofctr moving 'in ' his fence in 2nd :auuual exh ibitio11 f·f .t!-,he Howmnnville verdant. On :ha~ ~vemng_ a petit~~.;iyas. cor~. by.qr1ie1:6f'Council 'Thefollowinl:f acCash for all kinds of Farm Produce at Poul try Associati011, heiK'< in our to_'li'll last prewnted,_ vory l.irgely signed, . l~ ,ymg; ..counte ·were,pMsecl; J. ' Oarveth, registry wee]~ . '.l'!Je shou· 1v1t11 iw·cll p;ttronu<:erl by the.Oounc1l to p<LSS a by-la~v scparat~g tl;i,e . search $2. 06 ;;D. McConna-Chie, cedar, $2 ; the i n1blic. :md pn:lved ·a!:.f.i:nancial success. sale.<iilf liquors fr~m grocene~. l\'Ir.~J?f;Jey, ·Indig~nlit),~$()3· ;·J . Mn.son; J<oacl work$4.50; The exhibit was :ilso ·a 1~-gc one, and the moved <L stove-pipe r esoluti<?n, (be1.»g,-:1l8' ·w. Butten, .clo.,' $3.75 i 'P'.. Stalker, do., quality of bir'Ll:s sl10 \Vll ·1 v.a11·very fine. Mr. uswtl, Jon,g and empty,) wluch, wfa~n· re-.. $l ; -Sin:ll)lll}ll.S.'&··pool, plmtl\:, $3.81 ; M. 5 W. H . Doe!, Itivernid.e, w:OO,a.cted as j udgc, d~1ood ·to English, _ YOUNG CAWKER & Co's is the to do business, tlrny keep w_as to. thee~~ tl~the, ·A. James, ,;i,dvertising $2; 00; By-laws was well pleased with tt11e wexhibitio11, and pr~y~r of the pet1t10ne1s. be ..,ranted .'.ltnP. :were passed fixing ·the nuniber of shop ...............................,_..,,.,.. -in stock the verygave general satiufaetio'.1'1 ~~1 making tl_ i e th,tt ,i by:law t o tlrnt ef!~ct be pi111fi@d and tavernJicenses,as follow.s :.Shops, two awrwds. The assoc1.atl.01~ ·.eii:pect to obtum th;i.t m~ehng. . Mr. seconded!<the at $200 eac1J:1 i tave1ms five at $75 each. a government graut to ii,itl .facm next yea_r, r esoluj];on and 1t was earned. One WQ'Ulil when thev expect to }Hlkl '1ni;;how that will suppoS!d tlutt by this re.solution the pcfil.ti,pn ' A ~y-law ~v1J.s ,p4~~ed , to an_1e>etl,a by-law that can be bought, the not Le excelled by Toronit·i. ' 'l'hc S'J.'A'rF.'l- was fo~ly disposed of, and t hat a.~1y other: Jrelatmg to t'b.e ,erectlQ11 of wire 'fenc~s . . :M AN \,·ill do all that it e:.141 iiilll h elpi11g to r esoluti.on effect ing the disposal of it w.ot.fl~ · A by-law '>XIJ.S .l\lso ,passed Mru>omtmg -devcloJ.J the institution ii.nt0 ,~a. large and be entiioely out of order; but the gre_ f!ll'. ;p;ithmasters rti.fdllnws .; comma.11ding indust:l'y. .sapliugs thavc too much sap in their ,t ops .l Wm. Baweks. ~~ .Tosep_ h Henr.y. Fresh and Cured, always in stock . to do brwiness in the olcl fashioned ways , ·fl, Arthur Pa1·son11. o! ,Frant\1~ Morgan. l'BI?.;E LIS':(. , · .. , l . . ,. ll Andrew Lockhart. ·5a Wm. McCormac. Mr. Cor11:1sh, who seconded the ieso ut1011 , :S} Wm. HendersCK1. .Mt Augustus Beet. Their .Seeds are all fresh and of the best quality; th ey k eep Barrel Salt ..., Ligh t Brnlunas- lst, T. !.f,'. ,Coleman, that a byJfaw be passed to-njcrhb, as .soon : Ii James Hurley. 56 Richard Brown. Amencan and Carbon Safet:y Coal Oil. Try t heir Empire Horse and 2nd, W. Wright. Ohielu1--::l s.t, E. Hag·l b : Y» "'l·.nv >I,.<\8 reacl l~ ... t"t· · 1110,ve_ · d, ' .,{}:Wm. Robinson. 56\-l'l'rmnan Hall. ·as sai_< u ne 56t \Vm. Henry. 5 ,iohn BerriP. gith, 211d, W. Hall. Cattle Food, the b.est manufactured, recommended highly by the Guelph that it be;not passed to-mght, but t hat ,1t · ,pJosephJacobe. 57 P. McConnachf<!. Dark Bra.hnrns- lst :md2nd, S:Suowden. be submitil;od ·to a vote of the pe<>J>.le. · .7.JJ:dward Ovens. 57Hta.lph Stutt,.Tu'c, Model Farm ; their stoc~ of Gla~sware an.d Crockery is Complete. They - ( o)Cliicks- 1i:;t aud 2ud, S. Su-0,w\lQH. · - · ·1 l ·1 ll · ~a1·les <iolter. 58 Roger Rowe. Stranger st 'l!l, Mr. Galbra1t 1, w io w1s J,es 9 Qlk>er 'l'homas. 59 w ..sJi'ton Soper, do not make any sp~?1alty of one article, but as tliere is considel"Buff Coehins- bt, J . l'erc.y, .2nd, T. T . everything't·J b e done legally and in order., ~O .J11<mes C.;swell. ,no John El li<?tt. able talk abou~ Cheap leas, the place t o buy the Cheap Tea is at Young,. C olc1rntn. Chicks- 1st <tiicl ..2nl\, 'l'. T. d t t ti · · d t · l,l Henry }"igg. i>l John l!'alhs. moves au_ aru.-en 1~1en o . 1e ,Lmen me0:" J 2 _ Jalil<ee Rowfaud. ~George Wannan. , Coleman . Cawker & Co.1:1, they buy altogether for cash which enablt!H them to. ~that this Omwc· i l deem it unwise to pa.s s l3 Wu~. Argall. . ua ltichar~ Pipe_r, sell cheap. Give them a call. · Partridge Cochins- - lst aud :2.ui{, 's::'. '.I'. such a. by-la:.w thi~ present yea.i-. What , H , <15 8 olon~::in Fltgg, ~!Peter Cralbra1th. ,.Coleman. · Chicks- 1st :md 2.11d,, ';I.:. '1'. (' "l l , t ·i Tl · d · , ] :(;James Eilbeck. 1,., Jona. Clemence. · . I can t M.1 , ottn(JI, c o ntx yem · ns amen .- , l7 Rd moll d Beeman. 66 J.oseph Champman. . ·Coleman. m ent is actual&¥ carried. Notwitlisttinding . ~8 John .Ott.on . 67 Jo.Jin Proctor jr. Any other variety Cochins- lsi.l1Jl..d2wi, the fwt tln t t!J.,.. Council had itt this same' 19 Joseph '£bompsou. 68 Wm,. 8t.nart.. . --- ---· '. " ~ · 20.23 Geo. 8mitli. 69 Da.v1<1 Quantnl. ~;;own & Hodge, Columhm1. _ ' 70 George_llawke. rneetmg pledge·~ t h emselves to pass such 21 Robe.rt Burley. FIRS'.l'-CLASS FARM FOR SALE ;'.Black B. Red Games--lst and 2nd, 'W. a by-law Di<l -1Wer any d eliberative l1ody ~2 Cbarles Wragg. 71 John Fmloy. · In the t,ownship of Clnrke, containing 117 Chicks- 1st, D. McConachie, 2ud., · · . . l 2·l Wm. Reill . 711; 1'h<;.S. Patterson, acre.8, being parts of Lots HI and 20 in the 6th pass two such re~0lutums ,tt t le same meet- 25 Andrew 1,ockhart. 72 William 'l'ebble. '\W. Ball. Concession, being the F.stnt.e of the John iug :is those of li:&.·, Horsey and Mr. Gal- 26 w. H. Reid, . J:ilA,!ldr~w Motrat.t Brown, .!<'arm in 12:ood st.a te of cullivn.t:ion; . ~;Qui;kwing Game Chicks- 1st, S .. Go)'r braith 1 Did eve)!' a chairnum allow two 27, 28 G. Co~bled1ck. 7! Wm . ':hornton. about 8 ucres goon standinl? Timber- hard · . · · . ll9 Jonn Heid. 7" Joh1,1 l{n ·el. do11, 2nd, liro,'!'n & Hodge, Columhus. wood; good Brick Honse; out-buildings llrst,~·1.ich rcsol utwns to he earned ? Oh shades 30 Hobei·t n ,\te!iifc. 76 A.masa Fuller. l')~e Games- 1st itrnl 2nd, S. G.ordon. :0f Haines Cubitt and Buckler. class ; two wells h1 trd wat.n ; Lwo cisterns; '.l'he 31 James Gibson, 77 Im Skeld-0.n. ~ood orchards- one hundred young trees set Chici;i;- 1st, W . Hall, 2nd. S. Gordon. ' J, , 1 · . , . . 32 Thos. Gibson, 78 Thoma· Lrnton. out lart spring. · 01~ t iese tes? utrons '1 eie ve1y James Wilson. 79 J ohn Gih·on . speeche5 33 Go)9e11 Spangled Ifoniburg ChicksSealed tenders will be received for the above el0<; uent, loncl of f.J"..elmg and somewhat 3.1 ;:vellin11:to11 Bnwen. 80 81 Edmnd l~alls. up to the 5TJI 111.ARCIT. ]Jl'OX. bt, ~ JJke, 2nd, Brown & Hodge. We h ave opened an immense stock of Dry Goods and Clothing," ·ind rrener ·vl Mr. Prower stated 35 fbomas Smith. 82 JameA :\'Ic(fmly. TEUMS 01' S.u.rd :-$2,090 down ; balance to "' '. ,.., ' ' · . 36 John Vl' illiams, 83 John Hoskm. .GQ),J~lri_Pencilled Hamburgs- 1st, B1·own rnn on morf,gage !Lt six per cent. 'that 1'.e himself was ::> clec1Llocl teet.otaler 30~ Rob,t Ferguson. 8! Augustus Reach, A grand variet.y of t"i..> Ho9{W, 2nd, D. T. Morris. Chicks · '!'he higl1est or any ternler not necessarily and tha.f; Dr. Boyle c.uuld be:tr testmwuy 37 William Potts. 8. ~ John E. .Boyd. accepted. Ad dress l&t aud,:2nd, D. T. Morris. t ] l · d ·b · t · t l 38 Thoe D11.vieon. 86 Georgi- Patterson. "t t l · t l f J4: l\n;s .BiwwN or EDMU ND Co1rnu:orm.:. 87 .Jacob '.1'11rner. Sil11~r-.f.>pang)ed Hamburg Chicks- 1st, . o tie a-; 1,\ ~e 1.1 , ~en ~ns rnmen a 3<J Jolw Howard. G-~w· . Or-0110. P. O. m removmg the mtoxwating JIU' out of the 391Solomon Ham. 88Wm, G1lbank. 8. D~bh ,:.~ nd, ,Tolin Sinclair. 89 Wro. Bra~lcy-. way of temr)iK'ltion. Mr. Horsey n ever 40 Samuel llowcn, BhLd~ r:!JamlHugs- 1st, llrowu & Hodge. · · · l 11 Wm. Chappel. 92 Edward cull·S. I KEWISE will be Sold or Rented Our prices will be right this season,in fact we will offer Extrausod i~ lmrl$elf nor g1w e rt to ot iers. 42 ltichnrcl ·s mith. !J:I Geori;:e White. Chick-&-~:f)..,;;t~ D. T. Morris, 2nd, Brown & the South part of t he North ha.If of Lot (P rower- " no, too meim,"~ except during ·la John Madill, !J.I Aamucl Thompson. No. 19. in the 0th ConocRsion of Clnrkc, about Hoclg,,. ordinary Bargains .i n every Department.. An immense · · tt s,uc ' · 111e ]iac · l ... al ' s 4! .Tobn ~l1arp. !15 Wm. McLean. . M · p iggo 1ec t ions. 30 acres, adjoiniug the farm formerly owned C . l. , >rn.y 15 Sy lvera'r Ho11'1well. m; Robt Vfl.nn11tto. Wl;ite i~horns-1st, J~Jm Dutton. been by .John Brown, clPcensed. .Apply to a cons1stcnt teetotaler, :!JI Mr. Horn 16 James Leith. 97 Samuel Halliday. -stock. ofChic];.s- 1.\lt, · )V. J. Wolfe, ·2nd, George could t estifv b ut h e supposecl 110 one could 16t Geo. Somerville. 98 John l\1ason. IHw·. IllCHARD BROWN, Orono, Wrigl)t. · " ' II d · · 47 'l'hos. Vickers. 99 Peter Stalker. d nu bt the fact. ~. e was oppose to n11xmg ~8 Isaac Cob b!edicl;:, 100 Ezra Hall. B;::vwn L e,gl,JE1,n 1s- 1st, \V. Hall, 2nd, liquoi·s (laughter) with groceries he m eant. J9 Samuel Mercer. 10~ Jf-mes Brown. "V. J. Wolfe,. ·9.1ticks- 1st, W . J . Wolfe, It grieved him very much that it is " Lm- ~Henry Har~·able. 10,2 'IJ10s He!'lder·on. ltARE VALUE. . ·; · ,, . ol John MoM1llau. 10.~ Ph1hp_B1glow. 2nd, J. Percy, wise to piiss the by -hiw thus .year. Mr. 52 Rugh Soo1t. 10! Job Ureonwood. 0 Whit e Face :.6'lf>llk Spanish--lst, .Tnhn Nosworthy s;.t id h e was elected as a tern- oJ N eil :>tuart. Murdoch, 2nd, ~'ishley . Chic.l>s- lst, p erauce candicbte. lle n ever went into a Ea~t1:rn b<:mnda.ry line between Clarke ancl T. '.l'. Coleman, 2~<l., J, H. Piercl. bar-room except to put up stoves. He ['.rE~;cs 3 John Hannah. 1 Dorki11 gs, any ,cplc;i. 1 ;......1st, '1 · 'l'. Cole- was opposed to treating (hear, hear) as h e 2 Henry Wa.lloce. Gor1lon. man , 2nd, Brown & }f.Q:iilge. Chicks- 1st - Sl'l' UA'l'E IN 'l'H E liked to be treateLl himself. He would Western boundary line between Clarke and and 2nd, T. 'l'. Col emp,Jl, Township of Darlington, in the treat both sides :ilike. He voted once for DarlingtL ,on. 1 · 3 John Sandercock. Plymouth Rock Ch1<!Uii-~.lst; J. H. l . l e t o-rng . ll t and now, t o 2 1 J. P. ove nu. tie t emperance sic w. o. Blackburn. (John L:.w. County of Durham. Pierce, 2nd, Goo. Wright . please th e liquor dealers, he would Yot e White Crnsted Black Pobnd~~lst, W. for Mr. Galbra.ith 's m otion . A. Pope, 2nd, Brown & Hodge, Chiclrs Under and by vil'tne of the power of sale con· The Council mljournerl, l eaving the . Cu1rn Fon CmrnLAINS.--Bath e t he foet - 1st, 1'. Black, 2nd, John Kycld. tained in a certain Mortgage. there will be sold separation by-law r ead. But at the meet- for ten or ' £fteen minutes in water ~u; by Public Auction. at. the RU .I!~ B 0 '1' '1' 0 11'[ Any other variety Pl)lal}ds- l st, l\'.L, ing fast Mouday t he Mayor ruled it out of h ot as c:tn be borne ; then apply Hagyar<ls HOliSE, in U1e '!'own of IlOWMA:\'VlLU<. in the Y cllow Oil, and 11 cure is cer Yellow said County of Durham. on WEDNESDAY, H erne, 21 1d, Ilro\\'n & Hodge. 0]tickserdcr. N o oue k11owetl1. · Oil cur es Rheumatism, Neuralgia, D caf- 'l ')Hl 26'l'H DA ¥ ()~' MAltCH. 1881, at the hour of 1st, Brow11 &·Hodge, 2nd, M. H erne. Yo urn truly, ONE o'clock p. m., by HENRY' PIIILLlrs, Aucn es11, Lameness, and Pain gen emlly ; a1ld tioneer, Holldaus- lst, J . H. Pierce, 2nd , A. tho followmg ] ,ands and Premises, ONLOOKER. _ J. internally cures Colds, Sore Throat, Cr o up Hobbs. Ch~cks-lst, A. Hobbs, 2nd , J. being ttll and sina:ular the south-weet quarter of Lot No. 14. o.nd the south-east qua.rter or Lot Asthmn, !lind many ]Ja.inful affections. H. Pierce. 15, in 'the seY1,;nth Concession of the Township :,,.; 1ti~hans-lst, cl, H . I 'ierce, 2nd, J . ,.';I'HOSE TWO RESOLUTIONS. of Dnrlin'lfon. in th" County of Durltom, (exWe mark in pfain figures, and have cepting out of s"'id pa1 ·t of Lot 15, 10~ acres of Dutton. Editor Statesman; the somh part of lhc eaet half or said Lot. ap . strict ly one price; Ellison & Co. Game llantruns-1st, Brown & Hoelge, parently now owned by one Duncan 'l 'aylor). The sairl pori.lons or said Lots com11ri~c one 2nd , 'l'. Bhck. Chi cks- 1st, Jos. PattinSm,- -Willyou kindly p ermit 1ue tl~i·ou~h ·ft.rm cont11ir1ing about eigl1ty-slic ana one-half son, 2rid, s. Gordon. your valuable pape~· to ask n q uestio n m acres, of which cii.:hty-four acres cleared and A ny other v:1riety B antams--l st , Jos. r efer en ce to -the <Wt).Qr! Qf 9W' Tc:>wn Oounc1l tbe r<mainder timber ln11 ds. 1.' he lar,d cleared is a clay loam and in a fair state of cultivation: at their m eeting of tho 12th instant. -!\. ,Jeffrey. Cl1icks- lst, J . H. Pierce. The said f ar m i" situate about seveB miles from '1'urkeys- 1st, Brown & Hodge, 2nd, resolution was passed pledg ing th e Council tbo To)Vn Qf Bowmnnville, nccessible thereto by good roads. A . H obbs. to pass a by-law <luring t h at sitt ing which 1~he said farm is well watered an d h11s erectH.o uc1i Du ck~-lst and 2nd, T. T. Cole- was not done . At a for t.her stage of the ed thereon the following farm buildings :- A nian. moeting another r esolution wa.s carried dwelling-house,barn- 00x30, horse stable, cattle - ---- - - - -Aylesbury Ducks- 1st and ~nd, T. T ; pledging the Council n ot to lmss said bystables. straw houac, two open sheds, also two good orcltari!s, 'l'lw farm is fairly fenced. Colornnn. faw, both rcsolu~ions _now ::tppe:tring on ·w e beg to announce th-at we have pur~hased the stock of 1'.11arns u 1·· SALE :- Ten per cent of the purPekin Ducks- 1st, .Jos. Jeffrey, 2nd, the minutes of t he Council. Will the chase 111011ey to be paid down at time of sale to 'l'. T. Coleman . Mayor kindly t ell us which resolution was the Vemlor's Solicitors, and sufficient with the Dry Goods, MiJJinery, etc., late of A. Dickson's Cash House~ said ten per cent to make one t.hird of the purGrey se- 1st, Brown & Hodge, 2nd, in order? Again, when a ruling wa.s asked chase money within on!' month thereafter, the .Jn.mes Towns. for by one of the m embers lie was infonnecl balance of said purchase money to be secured and will open on SATURDAY, 16th FEBRUARY. We have F ant<til Pigeons- 1st and 2nd, 'I'. B lack. that h e wa,_s to~ late, th e matter ~md been by a rnort.gage over the premises, bearing in· tcrcst nt the rate of six-and-one-half per cent, also replenished the above stock with a choice selection of' . w. obins- 1st, T . Black settled . vv e t lunk we see someth.m g gr.cen .Tl payable semi-annually. The property will be .P outers- 1st , T . , 2nd, Charles in this matter. sold subj ect to a ncserve ll,id · ,,· . ·- · .. DRY nol'TEN CoONIJlLLOR. ]'or fur~ her particulars"and conditions of sale New Goods, all of this season's importations which has been '.P1etch er. apply to Carr iers- 1st, T. Black. . bought at a margin be]ow th e ordinary prices, which will M ULOOK, 'l'ILT, MtLr,.ma & Cnownmit, l~c$t Collection Pigeons~T. 13lack. THOUSANDS S.AY So. Mr. 1'. W. Atkins, · Y endor'a Solicitors, Golden Phe:isaJcts- Jos. J effrey . therefore enab le us to offe r great inducements to those about Girnd Kan. , writes: "I n ever h esitate to 09 King Street 'l'oronto. Be!it Singing c,mary- A. H obbs., recon;mend.your Electric l 3ittcrn to my Dated lGtlt Jan u:i.ry, 1884. 7 buying their spring goods. We earnestly solicit inspection. Best P lumage· Canary-~. H obbs. cu sto·ners, they give entire s~tisfa_ction J~est Pn,ir Doves- \".\'. F1shley. and are r apid selle rs. " Ele?t~·1c .Bitters and comparison of our stock before making yout purchases,. Best Tiilking Bird- Chas. Fletcl1er. are t h e purest and best ir~ed1cme kn?wn an dwe will use our i;-<1' wst efforts by civility and attention to. and will positi1 ·ely cure Kidney and fayer . SJ>ECTAL PRIZES com plaints. P ur ify the blood and reguCIVEN :SY BUSI~ESS MEN OF THE '.l'OWN. merit a share of your patronage. late the bowels. No family can afford to - -<.<>o-. . H eaviest Pair Fowl- 'r. T. Coleman. be witho ut them. They will save lum'l 'he undersigned has received instructions from B e:,l; Brah n111 lien oi· P ullet - William dreds of dollars in doctor's bills every the Executors -or the JJ;state of the late Wrigh t. year. sold :1t fifty cents a l1ottle by J . RALPH lIARN DJ~N. and O f Best Pair P lymou th Rocks- .J, Pierce. Higginbotham & Son. Beaver B lock , King Street :8owmanville... Best Cuchin Hen or P ullet - T. T . This powder nevP.r varies. A marvnl o! ]'AltMERS A'.l"l'ENTION.3fi sets of carOolcirn:m . strength mid w~oleson~eness. Moro riage and waggon Barness to be sold by purity. Best Brown L egh orn- W. J. Wolfe. economical than the ordmary kinds and can· be sold in competition with t he multitude Best Sp;mish Hen or. P ullet - T : '.I'. priv>tte sa]e at W . H. May's H '.1-rness S tore, not within th e-next 30 clays. Discount from of low test, sliort we.lght. alum or phosphat& Coleman. powders. $olcl o·nlv n· i:ans. RoY.&L BAKING seven to t en per cent for cash. A 11;\rge Pow.DER Co., 106 Wall-st.. N. Y. B est. Pair Dorkings- T. 'f. Coleman. qu:tutity of Slei«h Bells at a very sh ght Heaviest Cockrel--T. '.l'. Coleman . Bi;eecling Pe1.1- l st, W. J. ·Wolfe, 2nd , advan ce on cos't. Don' t fail to sec ul'0 DAHLINGTQN1 ON a pair of my Wool Stuffed Collars. Some- I J. Pcrcv. thin"' new and warranted eafe. Cush paid I Best 1\iir Fowls Shown- S . Gordon . idesr ap.1 Sheep Ircnvies t l'air Duck s- 'l'. T. Ool cnmn. for ';.ny quantity of H _ - Call and me theW. H . May, K m.;; cltreet, BowHambura Hen or J?\lllet-Brown Skins :Best ·~ .... .. ·t' ~ The following Valuable Farm Stock, IruSTO~E ll!iHlfi" ,,, pl ements, etc. : WA"'Cl-i CJ.SES, &. 'P.en ciiicd Hainb tirg dhlcks I N bixrn's L ANn.- J. K ennedy, dealei 1 he best ma1'e in the wot·ld at JIORSES, ('ATTLE, SllEEf> &fl: llOGS. ~b . 'l'. Morris. in <h-ugs, &c., Dixie, Ontario,re~ornmends. ~ A y Ill A. 1: p·s. THE .rnw1n.LER. 1 Span Mares- 5 yea.1·s old, 1 Spa.n Mares- ~ Best Houdan H en or Pullet -J . P ierce. Hagyard's Pectoral ~als'.1-m to )us custom years old. l Mare- 6 years old, I .Bay Hor"e· 2 Rest B lnck B reasted Gam e Hen or P u1- ers, it havi11g eored )us wife of a bad cough . 2.year-old l~illies. 1 l ·YClll'-old Filly. 1 .Mar.e· · l et-D. M cComiehie. It is t h e safest imcl surest T ·cni.edy for all 1 yc .ars old, l .Ilor,se-10 Y e':'re old, 1 ~uckmg iros l. 5 Cow~-m C~.l f. 3 ~IP1rer~-3 J'.0&1"3 old. Best Game Cock or Cockrel- D . Mc- Throat and Lung troubles, su ch as Asthma, 5 Heifere2 1 Steer2 Y<!& rs old, 1 Grade Bull2 yearold. s old, <I SteersI y_ ear old, Co1rnchic. .. Bronch itis, vVhooping Cough aud most. 2 Heifer8- l ye11r o!rl, 2 Bull Calves, '! Hetf!Jl' Best P yle G ame P ullct- W . Hall. p ectoral complai nts.' · Cah-es, 2 }<"at Steers- 3 yonre old. 20 ~wel!-rn Best Sinvinu Canarv- A. _ H obbs. The untidy, dirty appearance of a ,g riz· ~:l~i>}~~:prlng Lambs, 1 Brood Sow-m pig, 9 "' "' 01L!l(l,ry· A . H. Best r lurmige . ()b'OS. . ' zily b~ard sho uld never ~e allowc_d. Bu~k Ecst Show of Gmnes- S . Gordon ._ lM ..LEMll.N'l'S, u.t..\', 1'11nnTmn1. UTc. B Gam e Bantm11s- J. Puttrn son . ingh:i.m's Dye for the whiskers will rendtly 2 Iron Axle Wo.gone, 1 }'ateut .Arm Wagon, l 1'hree ::5pring Democrat.! Sin1:le Bll~Y-,I,Sulky, .p_ B est Bantl\.mS, m1y oth er variet y- J os. ch nnge thei r color t o a bro>"n or b lack, at discretion, ancl thus keep up yonr re2 (Jutters,2 PairsBob-sle1 ghe.l Supert0rI11r.csh1" .Jc'!fr ey. . . Jng Maclliue 1 l'itL'~ Horse Pow.,r. I Com bmed put.atii>ll for neatness and l>{ood looks. ]}est S ilver Spangled Hamburgs- John Seed Drill '1 Superior Seed Drill. 1 Fleury Tl10s. H:incock, Esq . ,o ur worthy depuI-larveeter Jluckcyo3Mower, 2 Cultiv11t.o:s. 3 :Sitlcl:tir. . r Sets Iron ,'1 Harrows, f-l·m g Plows. 5 S1nglH e, suys ; " I find t h at the pur~st._ Tust White Crested Black Polands- V\ . ty itee Y Plows 2 Sulky Rak es, 3 Fanning Mills, 1 Chaff the strongest and the ch oicest flavored .A. Yope . · Outte;.] ScutJler. 1 Sawinl( Machine and Power 1 Root Holler 1 Loom, 1 Cheese, Vat Press Ha.If D ollar Tea is to b e had i1t McClung H er;t P outer Pi ,.,eons- T . Black. and 01!cJl.t for m'akin1t Cheese. l Pair ? lutform Bros." Best B arb Piv·e~ns-'l'. B lack. scales, Pa1rneam se..1es._1 Root Drill, a 5.000 set8 . Ca~h a eavy 1 Harn Pss. 2 Sets Light llarnoas. J.I ~ J. . Best White Leghorns- J olm Dutto~. Nearly two hundred barr.e ls of Van· :BcstLicrhtBrahmaCoc1trel- E . Ilaggit h . stone's fam ily flour was u sed Ill town last Best \ Vl1il,e Games- S. Gor rlon. rletree's. eui.. a.l!o a qnYntity of Household m onth, and gave gE)n erul satisfaction . J!'uruiturc,10 tons Eirnothy Hay, 10 tone Clover Best Paii· Ra.hhits-- A. N ea.ds. · A FJk your grocer for it. Hen and Chickens- .John K y dd. All winter "'Oocls at reduced prices, and Furs at net ~ost, at Couch , .Johnston & ~-~----~~-·~-·-·--~~~ For cra1 tp~ . p[!,in in t h e stomach_, ?ow_el Cryderman ' s. 'l'ER:MS : - Fat Cattle, Pi>(B and Posts AT J S ARAN TEED · and all sums of $10 and under. cashCedar ; over I.hat . FA C T J Q N Ask S tott & J ury for Hub "Co l~gh complaint 0 1· chills .. nse Peny Davrn P am amount., credit will be givenJ-0 the first day ol Cure. It acts so quickly as to astomsh Killer: See advt. m oth er column. October, 1881. on AJJproved notes. U. T. PHILLIPS, Auctioneer. 1 7' · . ·· 'l'he best half dollar tea in town rs at you . 25 cents. Ask Stot.& Jury. Da rlington, FebruQry 12, 1884. 8. I· Pure maple Syrup at M cClungs . .n'fnrdoch ..i:hos'. 0 FISH. ,CashJCashfCash, I Cash for Eggs. Cash for Pork. Cash for Beef. Cash for Butter Cash for Apples.Cash for Cash forPotatoes.Cash for Beans. Cash for Hides Sheep Skins.. - FRESH .FISH. 0 Fresh Haddock .... = 0. ·. Speckled.·. Brand 0 Fresh Sea Herrings Young, Cawker & Co's. Best quality of Meats, 0 Fresh Tommy Cod Best quality of Groceries 0 Breakfast Smelts Try the Smelts for they Are Excellent. T. DARllNCTON. : Farm for Sale by Tender. C. M. CA VVKE R. TM-!. A SPRI::N"G:1 1884_ ------- NEW DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. New Prints, New Dress Goods, New Tweeds.. L ---------- - w:. VAlUA~lf FA R.M PROPfRTY AUCTION SALE BOY'S, VlOUTHS AND MEN'S SUITS> Tailoring done in best style. Nobb~ all Wool Tweed Suits to order, $12.50~ We never allow any compeiitor to undersell us We mean business this season. ELLISON & CO. AN N0UN CE MEN T1 - I DICKSON'S OAS:S: :S:OUSE_ I AUCTION SALE! J. W. HARNDEN, PIERCE & ROBERTSON, Grocers' Due Bills taken as Oash. ~~~~~01de1c KE Y & 60SS COLD ITUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, TEEE ¥:a:ous::m I RENOVATED & IMPROVED Is worthy of attention. Their Prices demand t h e attention of the economi"cal. I h Their Large Assortment commands t e attent1·on of the General Public. d The1·r L b er al and Stra1"ghtl.orwar Dea11·ng· 1"s approved. They have the Newest and Best Goods procurable, Bought +>.or · ~g~k~~Io~;~·iia~::.6i~aci~~.~e~~~ot1i:.'Wt~r'. NEW DRY COO· DS, DRESS GOODS, CARPE~S,TWEEDS. ITO BECIN AT 10 O'CLOCK. .... SALE S SUITS TO ORDER. GU T GEQ MAS Q N I