TERMS :-$1.50 PER Ai<NUM. NEW SERIES, NUMBER O UR TOWN AND COUNT'¥° :JnRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, EDITOlt A ND PIWPRIF:TOll. 292. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRlDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1884. Var.mm XXX. NEWTONVILLE. K IR BY. NmrnER !). THE SPRING NEEDLE. ~,~ May CORRESPONDENCE. now find employment, after 'the Ladies have made their preparatory visit to McCLUNG BROS'. '~ To the Ladies· -w-ho -w-ish to comftence their sewing~ " -we -w-ould say· that vve have recently opened out New Goods irt the follo-w-ing lines· W'hite Cottons, Lonsdale Cambrics, Swiss Check Muslins, · J acconet Check Muslins, ~ · "White Marseilles, Swiss Embroideries, · Insertions, Cambric Edgings, Linen Edgings, Everlasting Trim gs, Irish Trimg's, &c. V\l"e call special attention to our SWISS EMBROIDERIES-all new patterns, an exter1sive assortment, probably the nice's t stock ever s h own in Bcrwmanville. · ;: SomEE.-The annual soiree of the PresNEW PABK. byterian Church, N ewtonville, will be held on Tuesday, March 4th. 'l'e« will be Thos. Ilrown rind ll. Brooks, jr., are served in th e ]):isemeut from 5 to 7 o'clock, now prcp,u·ed tu :\ccept clrnllenges with after which addresses from the following their uew cross cut saw purchased at C. G·. ministers : Revs. D. L. l\foCrae, Cobourg; Armstrong's, Orono. We hear they C<J.ll C. H . Cooke, BaltimoN ; A. Fraser, saw a log across in consi:deriibly less than Orono ; S. S:tlton, N ewtonvil1e. Good n o time. music will be fumished by the choir of the Union Rose·Lo<lge No. 334, I.-0. G. T., church. 'rickets, 25 cents ; children, 15 · is . alive again. The officers elected :mcl cents. All ar e invited to attend. dllly installed for the quarter ending)\fay the ht «re :- vV. C. T., Wm. Brisbin ; BE'1.'HEL. W. V. 'r., Agnes Brisbin ; W. S., Sa.rah L. Fuller; W. T. , Mary J. Miller ; ·w. Because of the weather the long expect1!~. S., Turner Brisbin ; vY. M., 'Villimu eu surprise par ty flt Mr. Wm. Gibson's ThOlllIJSOll ; "W. I. G., Wm. Delehay ; vV. on iVcclnesday evening was « dead failnre~ nut over half a dozen guests being present. 0. G., Hobert Fuller. At tho party at Mr. · Samuel Bowen's APPOINTED OFFICERl'I. W. C., Lizzie Brisbin; W . A. S., Sam. r esidence one of the guests either lost Ol' Tlwmpson ; W. D. M., Lizzie Delahay; had stolen a n ew coon skin coat. Mr. R Osborne is prep:iring to build W.R. H. S., Martha Thompson; W. L. large additions to his already extensive H. S., Isabella Miller. farm. bLtilclings. !ifr. 0. is one of our most active and practical farmers. BAMP1'01V. Mr. \Varren Samis is expected to soon The funeral sermon of t he late Miss r eturn from his long wjourn in Marylrmd. Furzier will be prei\ched next Sabbath BOB. eveningliy R ev. J. H . Oke. On Tuesday of Inst week the members ORONO. of R ising Star Division S. of T. attended As our To\vnship Assessor is out , would the funeral of the late J . \V. Werry, who it not be wise to shoot some of th o dogs ? was a m ember of Solina Division. The little daughtor of Elder Shoults lies Rev. George Webber will deliver his popular lecture-" Queen Elizabeth and in a very critical condition from the effect Her 'rimes "- in the B. C. church h ere on of a fall on the ice a few days since. On the night of the 20th inst. gay parFridtiy evening, March 7th, for the Yo ung People's Temper:mce Association. Select tie~ of zealous .ohur?h pl~asure seekers . music by the Association. Admission, 20 enJoyed the exlularatmg eftect.s of a more tha.n da:ngerous ride over snow .bm1ks of: cents ; children, 10 cents. Come all. Mr. vV. L. \Va.rd has gone toPortHope uneerta1n depth , mul water and pitch holes, too numerous. to mention,. a dis.tance of where he has obto.in cd a situation. some seven,nules to the qu~et resrdence of 01 1 Friday last Miss Jane Furzier died of consumption at .the residence of her M~. J. B. a'urner, for a social. How they themselves or wh1tt they sang.; all uncle, Mr. H. Flll'zier. She was interred enJoyed don't know,. bttt they ilidn't come hom~ on Moncl:\y in the Bowmanville cemetery. till rnorning. ALAQl.IIS.. M:r. Geo. McEwan, of Stmtford, has been engaged as cheesemaker in the HampThe eight year old d)l,µghter of. El.d,e1· ton factory for the coming year. Shoults died on WedeJU1da-y. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Clemens expect t o lfarry is happy; it is:1..girl. · start for Manitoba next week. \Vyllie the checker champion has; be.en Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Bedford are re- here three clays this wee.k . covering slowly. Our ex-assessors are. thro.wing: mud at PERSONAL.- Miss '.':Gr eenway, of Port each other through the; G uide. Hor1e, is visiting in this village. Mrs. T. C'l.ERK. Fowke, of Mecunoma, is visiting her sick mother, Mrs. Bedford. Miss S. Trenout h By telephone Thurs.day m~·n&ng: Fath is visiting Mrs. Iloidge, Woodbridge. . er Trull is dead, aged 83 years.. F uneral ·Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Our teacher, l\fr. Chapple, !imt. finished his Nomrnl Schuol · course, antl is again working with aw.ill.that augnrs·well f ;)r a successful year. Ifa.rry lias pl'oven himself a good teach er, _1t11d the ii1telleetual crowd of lJupils urnlor;Ji:is· tuiti(m are well worthy of his steeJ.. 'Ve hitve ttt present· an ::\f:D..ru2.tica,ting in our midst. Re is cnclcavorina ·to recuperate his h ealth and 'cease frornl11s:labor. As a gentlermm from Orono who is. by no means nn athlete wus pnssiug by 1'1e lost his e<1uilil..trium and severely h urt· his unl ucky k nee. The services of th0' nbov!t mentioned lettel'ed- citizen were hrnught i11to reqnisition, :i,nd according to latest accounts, both· pb ysieian 1111cl pabient a.re doing well while enjoying the hospitality of the same kind-he::ri:ted h ost. Mr. · T. L . P<'nvars and wife luwe been down east on :t visit. Mrs. Patterson is out north similarly inclined. Mr. Melvin rowers has grown tired uf the husks of the west and will. r:eturn to his father soon. ScOUT. LESJU.RD. W&'il· a sudden vacyum,i?- this village, c:tusedt hy t he mys~ terious.~d~s~ippe~iranc~ of ~1'r. Silas ' Vright and f::nmly who euugrattld for parts unknown . early one morning-; this week. Htlport·says tJrnt a certain, re:editor had a. :claim, 011 Sifas' chattels; but Silas. like an :Jionest' man, left the wherewithal to 'p ay :lusdebts;. vii:. , an old hen ancl·three-fourths of a s.tfok ~f cordwood.. The next clay :when· mm ass1gne1e wen t to efaim these artil olo~. thc-y ha.d, like friend Silus, very myster1ous.ly d1sappeat·ed. ]t;!s an ill wind th&t blows nobody good~. A number of copies.of:!lnapector'sTilley'is re;ports were circul:tt~d· here last week and re-:~d with considertl~l\l· inte t -" · res · A few·· days ago there., PONTYFOOL. Mr. and Mrs. Ja.s.McMillen, of S1tllivan were visiting theil: nl!any friends in Man~ vers lately. T h..ey received a hearty welcome. Mr. C. Lewis-, cousin of Mr. G. P. 11.idge mer~hant, here, has r eturned to l'ennsylvarna after Ui. plea1tant visit of five weeks. Miss Nettie Leigh .is visitinrr friencls in 0 Darlington. '\'c'e nuss her. ...... · AUCTION SALES. Mr. Dayman's lea.se of the "\Vindsor," Newcastle, having expired, he will offer for sale on Tuesday, 11th March, the whole of t!1e furniture aud fixtures of said hotel, without reserve. Also cow, pills, and other articles. Sale at 10 a. m. H . T. Phillips, auctioneer. The farm stock, implements, furnit.1re, etc ., of the fate .fames W. Werry, Solina will be sold by aucLion on 'l'hursday: March 13. Sale at 1 p. m. See posters. H. T. Phillips, auctioneer. Mr. D . Smith, Leskard, will sell the whole of his farm stock, implements, etc., on ~uesday, March 25th . H. T. Phillips, auctioneer. ---~··~~·---- ENF'IELV. ------- ...... ----UART WRIGHT. MCCLUNG BROS. J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, Gramii:imtral Pure Drugs and Medicines, Standa1·d Patent J.Ue(liClnes, DJ'e Stufl"!j, Hair and '.l'ootlt Dt·ushes, Shoulde1· B1·aces, Sponges, Pe1·Cun1el'y, &c. .AGENTS FOR THE bC ·~ U2 "'O 0 °' ..; .. = po, ... ,.c -0 s:I C\I Mi-s. T. Thorne is suffering severely from a lingering illness. Miss Nettie Lee, of Pontypool, is visiting friends in t his vicinity. Mrs. P. Martin, of Bow1 nanville, paid a short visit to h er rnlatives h ere last '""eek. The young man that borrows crntters and biS.i;igs them home snrnshect should m oderate his propensities. We would advise the young m:m that took his departure west from Columbus the other night to beware of wool. Messrs. Gould and Williams, the wellknown cattle dealers, visited this neighis the best phoe to ({et a Goo<l borlwud «nd secured many fine bullocks. One young lady of our village is staying with her parents until her hu~bancl completes t he construction of his residence in Come in and try it. Oshawa. Oyste1·s in Bulk or t!1111s always In stock: The fact tlrnt Mr. Dyer is securing large quantities of salt for himself and friends ORANGES, at r~duced rates plainly shows the advanLEMONS, tage farmers might gain if more united. GRAPES, _ The other day Mr. and Mrs. W. WotBANANAS, ton celebrated the tenth mmiversat·y of DATES· their nuptial day by a tin wedding, and FIGS. were made the recipients of many hearty congratulations and useful articles. GRANOO. Hot Dish of . Oysters. Biscuits of all kinds. Cigars from two for 5 c. up to 10 cents each. TUCt<!l Sl'llNC ~All TlUSS _/ ·.. . - · . . · CONFECTIONERY andthebeRtstockof NUTS OF ALL KINDS, IN BOWMANVILLE. Prescr1pt1ons and Recipes Carefully compounded with absolute purity and .correctness. _..Th e Grand Central is · next door East of Post Office. 3 OTICE.-All persona who hold policies in the Sovereign Insurance Co.. are hereNnotified HAINES' CARRIA.GE 'WORKS. by that they are now insured In the GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, - -A{A NUFACTUREH. OF - - Glasgow and London Insurance Co., a good Brlt!sh Company. CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, GUTTERS, WAGONS, &G .. KING STREE'l', BOWMANYILLE, Cards of Thanks. To Hartfonl Ffre bumrance Compan11. I hereby return thanks to vour Company for the prompt set.tlement of my claim, through Has now on hand a number of vehicles (and is manufacturing a great many morel of the newest your agent Mr.'l'hoa.Bingham, of Joss sustahuid patterns and best fi nish, which I am offoring for sale o.t tho lowest prices consistent by tire on the 12th Inst. J,l<~WIS QUICK, with due regard to workmanship and quality. The following is a list of W. WORJfOLK. the principal vehicles manufactured by me: To the Confederation L"fe As.~oviation. Dottble Covered Carriages ............... ........... ...... . ...... ..... ..... . .. $200 Upwards. We, the Executors of thA late John Drown 11 . Single Phootons . ..... ....................................................... .... 100 Orono, Cla.rke, hereby return thanks for the -Open B uggy ............ ................................_ ..... .... ................ 70 11 prompt settlement of his life insurance through your agent, Mr. 'l'hos. Bingha.m. Top B uggy ...... .........-::.. ...... ...... ................. ......... ............... 90 11 . JAMES BROWN, Democrat Wagon .. .......... ........ .. .............................. ............ 65 EDMUND CODBLEDICK. II _.,,,_ Lumber \Vagons.......... .. ..... . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . . . .. .. . .. .. ... .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 55 II To the President. 111anager and Directors of Light \Vagon ......... ... ...... ... ....... ..................... ...... ;... . ...... ... 40 the Fire Insttt·a1ice Assoc"iation of London, II Exi:iress \Vagou......... . .. ..................................... ............. .... 75 England. II Ske wn ................ ......... ... ............................................... 50 I hereby return thanks for the very prompt II Sulky:............................................................................... 40 Rettlement.through your agent Mr.T. Bingham, my two horses killed by .lightning in my P ossessing superior facilities for manufacturing carriages, I intend to sell very cheap for cash for fleld last thunder storm. H.OB'l', FIELDING. or approved credit. and by so dolng I hope to greatly increase my number of sales. Would sell tho wood parts onl:r, o' the gearings of buggies ironed. TotlteP1·esident andDfrectorsoftheHartJord. Bihre Insurantce Cohnipaknv; t I ere re agent urn t Mr. an s .or the promp payT Bingham for loBB ment by by your At t he Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. m fol~ to ll}Y household effects, l?aused b~: the At the FaetQtYI a!Mo do Planing; Matching-, Turning and Sawing with Circle, Band or Scroll breakmg of a coal oil la.mp. _havrng received cash check as soon as my claim was presented, Saw~ and prepare all kinds of lumber COi' carpentars and others for building purpQsea. 279. MORGAN DAVIES. U1'D6mental and Plain Pickets for fenoes in every style required, made to order. 2!1.8 All Kinds of V ehicles Repair. ed I l The STATESMAN is gmwing in favor in Cartwright. Rev. T. Cleworth preached Geo. Bradburn's funeral sermon on S unday to a. large congregation. · Our hotel keepers are going to apply for Hcenses t\s they havo done for years ill accordance with the Cr ooks Act. More snow and surprises. Mr. James Beacock's residence was invaded by 60 or 70 persons the other night, and Mr. John J obb's house was none too large last Friday night. T here was an exciting boxing entertainment at the Corners between Sam. Bow· numville and .Jack Cartwright the other clay. Three rounds: 1st- Sam sparred cautiously, showing his science, and as Jack seems an old, slim, slightly-stucktogether gentlemnu, Sam imagined he had a soft thing; but Jack got in a left-hander and Sam went to grass. !J1d round- Sam forced the £ght, drew out i·ight and left, but Jack was like a rock; he got a square one iu on po·o r Sam's mug and down went Bowmanville the second time. 3rd round - J ack stood cool as a sta.tue and Sam was cautious, but Jack let drive a swinging right h ander on Sam's potato mash er and clown h e went lilrn a shot. Poor Sam wanted n o more but had a practical experiCUURTIGE. ence of the truthfulness of the old saying . The party given at the r esidence of Mr that "appearances often cleceivc." John Brooks, in honor of th e marriage of Bon. his son Wesley, was a magnificent affair. Nearly 140 persons sat down to tea. This l'yrono Division S. of T . visited Crysta.I large company was royally entertained Spring Division on the HJth inst. They with music, chamdes, etc., aml at an early fur~1ished a very good programme, r ender hour dispersed well pleased with the kin eel m ve.ry good style, after some of th ~m hospit:tlity shown th em by their enterta· - got their .socl~s dr;y:. \Ve would advise ing host and h ostess. t hem to aim lugher m future, however. 'fhe entertainment last Friday evening On tho 20th inst. Miss Eva B~l'.ce ai~d ir~ connection with the public school was Mr. H . Watson, ~)«kota, were JOmed m all that co uld be desired. Although the the bonds of matruuony by t h e Rev. T. weather was a little disagreeable the hall Cleworth. A large concourse of fricndil w:is well filled. ·when it was announced gathered to see the happy couple united . t hat the musica.l p:1rt of the program was '!'hey were presented with a n umber of to pc undertaken by the Glee Club, from valuable presents. They leave for their Bowmanvill'e, everyone expected a treitt homo early next mouth. in that line. \Ve have n o hesitation in Mr. Robert Henry, blacksmith, has speaking for the whole :tUllience in saying rented his premises to his brother Samuel. t hat they were not disappointed. Receipts, Mr. Henry intends t o leave for Harriston $21.14, which will be expended in bQ,oks next week to enter into partnership with for th e p upils. his old employer. A very interesting event occurred at l\l{iss Al fretta Rradburn, daughter of the "Maple Dell," the residence of Jesse late George Bradburn, is seriously ill. Trull, Esq., on Monday l~ when his Wood is exceedingly clear in this vicinda11ght;er Agues was married to Mr. C. L . Van Camp, from Omaha. A large numbe1· ity.. So is school teaeher's board. Mr. J. Taylor has had erected for himof guests assembled to witness t he ce ·emony, nruong whom were the fol!,9:wing : self one of the besL residences in the Mr. A. VauCamp, Montana; Mr. A. township, and h e is now fully enjoying the Reycraft, Toronto; Mr. E. Gosnell, Rid:ge - comfo1·t it affords. town; Mr. and Mrs. J. D ehart, W hitby; Cartwrigh t Division numbers about 70 Mi-. anLl Mrs. E . Hall, Orono ; t he Misses members. Crystal Spring Division intends Stevenson, Port Perry, and others. Th~ visiting us on March, ,~th . It is t o be happy bride was the rt. 'Cipient of a number h oped their progmmme :\till be moral. of beautiful presents as tokens of esteem S<.:HOOL BoY. from h er many friends. The J1appy couple will leave in about a week for their home IN Drxrn's LAND.- J. Kennedy, dealei in the west. BEN. in drugs, &c., Dixie, Ontario,recommend11 _..;;_ ··. . BLOOD RELATIONS. - T he best blood re- Hagyanl's Pectoral Balsam to his customlatiuns consist of ;~ perfect circulation of ers, it having cured his wife of a bad cough. h ealtl·iy, vita · 1 flUl 'd - pure . bl oo d.and pioper . . It is the safest and surest remedy for all circulation may be established in the sys- Throat and L ung troubles,such as Asthma, t ern by the use of that grand blood puri- Bronchitis, Whooping Cough and most fi B cl k Bl cl B'tte pectuml complaints. er, lll' oc 00 l rs. WHAT A WOMAN SAYS. Mine Run Furance, Va., Jan. 31, 1884. J OHN, G. T. & P.A., . CHICAGO, ILL. Your valuable Cook Book come to hand, for whic'1 accept my my thanks. It's a treasu.re, for its recipts are plain, and the ·book is well gotten up ; its typographical and general r~1ake t~p speaks well for your clep¥tment m domg so much for the " 'W omen of Ame1 ica." May your Road be as successful as every woman will be who follows your Cook Book, and every man w110 · ats t h.reafter. Yours Truly, Mrs. M. R. KAlts'l'ERS. ~.ST. .Thi.s bea?tiful book contains 128 pages with illununated covers. Sent @n i·~ceipt uf ten cents in stamps or cash. Address, E. ST. JOHN, G. T. & P . A., C. R. I. & P. R'y; Chicago, Ill. , Vfe are forcin<> the sale of -Dres1Goods. Ellison & Co . 0 Parties asking us for bargains will not be :iisappointed. Ellison & Co. We have increa!!ed our stock this season. Ellison & Vo. Mens all wool 'l'we~d Suits to orcter for $12.50. Ellison & Co. 'Ve keep all sizes in Boyd' Smts from 4 years up. Ellison & Co. THOUSANDS SAY So. Mr. T. W. Atkin::r, Girad, Kan., writ es: "I never hesifate to recommend your E lectric Bitters to m.Y custo1ners, they give entire satisfaction and are rapid sellers." Electric Bitters are the purest and best medicine known and will positively cure Kidney ancl Liver complaints. Purify the blood and regulate the bowels. No family can afford to be without then1. 'l'hey will save hundreds of dollars in doctor's bills every year. sold at fifty cents a bottle by J". Higginbotham & Son . F.ARMERS ATTENTION.-35 sets of carriage and waggon Barness to be sold by priv1J.te sale at W. H. May's Harness Store, within the next 30 days. Discount from seven.to t en pe.r cent for cash. A large q ua11tity of Sleigh :Bells at a very slight. advance on cost. Don't fail to secure a pair of my Wool Stuffed Collars. Something new and warranted safe, Cash paid for any quantity of Hides and Shee.p Skins. W: H. May, King Street, Bowmanville. All winter goods at reduced prices, un(l Furs at net cost, at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. ·