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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Feb 1884, p. 4

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- When we reaehed here laet The subject of this notice, the late Wm.. spring we f;und the farmc7s griev.ing be- . Lick, was 'born of German parentage in Therefore Dancing is Wicked and Thirty Reasons Prove It. , , cause of the .lateness of.·sprmg, .wh1ch pre- New Jersey , on the 9th of May, 17!)9. 2 !) · .vailed BOW)IANVILLE, FrnDAY, FEBH Y in ·Ontario as in Manitoba. 'l'hi.s His paren.ts, with himself and one older was .- succeeded by n, cold, damp season, brother, David, moved to Fnlton county, As there is a wide difference of opinion GHLIN Mp p .and .a .large por tion of the gra.iu sown N. Y., on what is called the old :State on the..subject of llan cing, we p ublish the DR. J. W. McLAU ' · · · ;having ·been dampen ed by th~ .heavy fa~l ro&d, wher e ho spent his boyhood clays. following reasons against it, which we -AT.rains, ~which is an unusual · thmg · ~or thus I n 1825 he was united in marriage with clip from an exchange. If any of our On T uesday last our worthy:m embe1· for count1 ·j) .decayed before germmatmg, Miss Zeviah Selter, at that place. Sub- readers will furnish us with ns mnny strong t h e Ont;u:io Lcgishturo delivered one of .thereby.causing large areas .to be sown a sequently, h aving a young family t o pr o· r easons in favor of t he pastime we will · ;tie: · .s econd·time. Then followed a ·season of ville for, h e thought 1 H ouso 111 }lis-charM:t.e ristic. speedies rn dt - it time to look a round 11ublish them too. ,unparalelled drough t, .which .t hreaten e o for some place to locate and prepar e a The Baltimore A mei·ican s11ys: At the · connccti~1 with .the budget a ebntc. .:He prematurely ripen the crops. ·T he June home for himself and family. Second Christini1 church , corner D olphin dw elt un J,he expenditure of the .prov.mce Tains (rather .late in July) however, ca~ne .Abo.ut t~1e Y .ear ~809 his unc!e, David . and E tting street s, the H ev. R. \Vil- They have ·a nlagnificent ~tock of new goods to f rnm 1871 "t~>1883, and .conw·1red ·the .ex- 'in time .to cause a second . growth, 'r~nch Lwk, m !us m1 grat1on< found !us way t o kins preach ed Sunday on dnncmg. After . "-' pen litui·e ,Qf tlle. Jllhn Sanftehl '.Macdonald' 1 th~ ke'~~l)'.T.flrosts of Ab u tu~ t1l1 cf~1~ghtt _btoo and i.ettled 11ortJ1 of what was then called readiwr for a text Judges xxi., 20-21, h e \ l t f :fi h S . . . . . . 0 f 1 qmc -. . lC·memom e ;J l 0 · ep em er Muddy Little York, now the cit;!" of Tor - said th~tt in th e days of such men of God I se ec rom or t e pr1ng Trade, and you 'Wl.11 find g ov:e1·nrue11t with the expendit ur e · · t re will cer tainly claim n .place in the annals onto, at the lllace called Thornlnll. . its W ycliffe, 'l.'in dale, Covenfo.lc, Cranmer , · · · M owat go:v.errunent. H e also. stated ,that ,of this .coun try, for then ..w as many a .In tlie y o;ar 1816, h.1s 1mcle, David Bede, Huss, Ridl ey, L uther , ancl others, their prlCeS to be as low as goods can possibly be the policy ,;1f <the Sanfield M acdon ald gov- ·!)ri~ht .hope blasted, and many p.roaperous Lick, purchased a farm 111 the 2nd con . the ctre:tt q uestion was n ot , "How much ernment ln1c l:bee11 to.hoard up .a sm;plus, .d e::nglls.can1e lo .~mught. of :M arkham and moved t hereon. Being can I be like th e world and be saved 1" or sold at,· and as they do entirely a Cash business, We .Ji.w e noticed some of .the natural de lighted with the productiveness of t he " h ow near ·can I come to being lust and while the p~ilicy of ·the pi::escn t government .cauaos·wJiich led t o tho crisis under which soil he sen t to his friends in N ew York escape?" " H ow c:tn 1 best ser ve my h fi th · d d th d · t was to exrle.nd t h.e rn1;m ey which the ·gov.- ,the count ry is n ow .groaning ; ._there ine, State glowing acc..mms of h is n ew h ome, M aster?" was t ho burden of his heart. pay cas or e1r goo S an Save e lSCOUn ernmcn t coti.lii spare · in t he ·interests of ,howev,er:, .other causes, but as it w'?uld stating the wh~at grew so firm and stro1~g But now christianity has l{rown qoth t he people .to .11.i rl railways., support pub- ,requ.i re cnns!derable .space to _ente~ ~nto that it wouhl bear up a common gm111 popular and fashionable, and dan cing is which amounts to considerable, therefore enabling· . . . ,(J.eL;ul arn.l .nught fay .b1u e w.hat is.su:flic1ent ci·adle when t ossed npon it. iilso fashionable, and , therefore; not a few . . . ~ lie m stitut wns ax i d mh:wee ·the m tei ests for .the rcfuti.11\t to know, we will ther eIn the y t>ar 182!.> t he subject of this christians nre continually asking the of education. i[;n a xnoot complete man- fore ,pass by :rnd notice wl1at 11eems to .have sketch ~let~rmined to visit his .uncle. H e question : " ':Vh:tt hary1 in there in danc· them to place their goods before the public at ~uch ner h e accou11ted for the jucreascd ,exp.en - been unavoidable. F:mnin g in Mamtoba. . land.id m Little Yo1·k by boat m the sum- ing? I read m the Bible of IJeople danc- prices that will command sale. di tu re of :the M owat gP~'ernment, and means <!p erations ou a :large scale; whether mer of that year, and proceeded UIJ Y ~pge ing , who were good people. Wl1:1t harm Tp.ey ask everyone: l this JS absc)lutely necessa11y 0 1· tl 1e more St. to his brothers, where he rcmamed can it be '!" I believe it is a great evil, - 11 1 1 1 cl b 11 showed the !.rood r esu te '"' c. · a een profitable I shall not attempt to arg ue. until fall . B .. ing suit,·d with the place, and is doin <>' more to dem oralize ch urch to call and examine their stock and compare prices~ 1 Refe:rnng to the But the case with whi ch :t he wild bnd c:i.n he returned to his family with th e inten- and society" than the christian mothers clerived ther efi 0JJ,1.. address editoria:l.ly, the Globe S<~YI! : be prepal'ed for cropping, and the extent tion of moviug the following winter. . All who are training th eir children for the No trouble to show goods. ' ·Dr. McLaughlin's excellent .spe.e ch in ~f wild, uub~·o~11 la~1d <~l'o tu~cl each settle~" due pr~paratio.n m~de , he h '·d his. family, ball-room have an:>'. i~lea, and while I s?e the ]Judget debate completely ans,~ered mflucn ces lum m tlus. d1re.i;!iot~ ; and t lns coll81strng of his wife a ud thr~e ch1k~ren- no reason why chnstrnns should engage m $everal of the <J.ttacks of the .Opp0s1t10n. necess1tat~s fo.r~c o.nlays .m n uplement& t wo so~3 and a daughter-:-an 111f~nt m her dancing, I see many r easons why they ~Grocers' taken ..EU The government's license poliey,he.sh.owed and machme.ry m .order to effect th e W?rk m other s arms, accompamed by !us brother should not. lrnd not decreased the receipts .of rnunici- that the s~ort seasons h ere r equire. and Pet~rDen ure,his brothe r-in-law, s tart1. It is nowhere commanded in the - - -· ----~--- ------ - - - - - - - - -- - ---- - ~--~== palitics from the license f ees., but had Through ·t lus ma.n y of the farmers w!10 ed in t he m ont h of F ebr uary, 1830, with Bible. i nstead heen .an arlvantage to t hem to the came with b ut little means becam e heavily four t wo h orse tea.ms, on his long and 2. Although en1pged in by men and extent uf$48,000.o ver the former system." e1~v.olved, a.nd on .t h e ev,er.1;t .0f t~ie crop tedious journey of over300 miles. · wom un of God at t unes under t he old dis. · · · · Tl . T ·. t Wo1'Id in referrin" t o the fa1lm g, their creditors, each .desirous to Passing on througl1 what is now known pcns:i tion, it was never sought 118 11 plea sie oi on get the first grab, sett led fj1ow.n on the a.s Oshawa, m 1he latter par t of F ebr uary, ure a3 n uw, lmt was one of t he w:1ys they " s ame 111atter rema.rks : unfortunates in a style ver y unc.cremonous 183~, th'.,Y finally : 1rrive~ at t he place of pra ised God in the time of victor y. Cash for Eggs. Cash for Pork. Cash for " The m embe r for W est D ur ha m l ed off but through t he sc;ucity of lrnrd cash , the destmat,rnll, and set tled m the 2nd coll. 3. The sexes did not dance together as yesterday in a carefully pr epared contl'i- prot ection of the law aml th e united de - of .M~rkhum, a little below Rich mond n ow. Cash for Butter Cash for Apples. Cash for Ta;llow.. b ution to t h e budget debate. 'l'he d ootor termihation of t he n eighbors who n atur- Hill, where they live d four years a nd had 4. The new testament tells of b ut one is one-of the rising member s o( the h ou<>e, ally agr eed n ot to p urchase or bid on each a nother son born to t hem . In t he yel\r case of dancing, and t hat in purpose is Cash for Potatoes.Cash for Beans. Cash for Hicl.es &; autl he always spea.ks well becauset the t}lJ!,.~ other's effects, t h ey have to con~ent dor bo~v 1833 a ln·other in-law, Clark Wilbur, also mor e like th e danci.ug nowadays than any Sheep·; Skins:. somethin·' to say, ·and pays some a en ion themselves to the inevitable . 'an wmt mowd from N. Y. State, and settled near dancing in t ho whole Bible. The dancing to the ·m~nner of saying it. Like many awhile. " Through t his force of circum - him. which wn.s engaged in by the d:iughter of Cash for all kinds of Farm Pi·oduce at others on hoth sides, he is a self-ma.de stances t here seems t o be a mut ual agree· After living t here som e t hr ee or four on e of the wicked women of t he R omon lHH-11 , luwing worked hard to secure a pro- ment bet1Vcen deb.tor and creditor to settle years he become so d isgust ed wi th the empire, resulted iu t h e death of John t he . fessional t r;:i.ining, and equally ha.rd to in full when con venient. After this came society along Yonge Street that he det er- Baptist. . _ . ' . _ . . :· · · b uil d up a practice. He i s ,the son of :1 the question of disp<)sing of the crop. 'l'he minedtoluokelswhere to locate per manen5. Dancing is n ut tlun e in tl~e na~ne of "Wost Dul'ham far mer, and may therefore millers of :Manitob11 were asking only fur tly. The fa ction fight s at elections, and the L or d, P aul says do all th111gs m the b e d escr·ibecl. in Americ:m nomenclature , N o. 1. Communications having passed general t raining at Ric hmond HiH ia name of the ·L ord . Y OUNG C AWRER & Co's i s the place to do business, they k e ep a s a " favorit e spr1" of his ciwn consti t u· between Ontario <tnd h er e, it was fou nd those early days where something t erribfa G. Dancin()' ill revelling, and P aul say a :-in stock t h e v er y ency. H e_r eceived his educat~on_ at tl~e that a mnrkct could be opened up ther e ; to contemplate. Broken heads, bloody they who do0 such t hings shall n ot inherit Bow1mi nville high school, fimshing !us but the heavy freight rates stood as an noses, and black eyes were the rule and the kingdom . m,. nnd if tl1ey lrad not . 7. It is heat henistic. The less of civicourse ther e under the well-known iuspec- immovable l!arrier, for it left but a tr ifling not t h e exceptir t or for Brant county, Dr. K elly. Of the marcrin for the farmer. Th e matt er was wha.t t hey <'a lled a good fight at th ose lization a uation has the more of dancing . t hat .ca _n be bo ug ht, t h e 8. It leads to expensive an d georgeous ot her members of his class several occupy talk: d of seriously and it was seen th:1t 1{¥ther ings it was called a very tameaffair p ublic positions, Ml'. \ V. Scott being one united action was the only mean s of indeed. Hearin !! a favor able report of dress. of th e mast ers of the Ottawa n ormal redress. They accordingly formed them- the townsh ip of Whit by from a neighbor, 9. It unfits the mind for r eflection. 10. It lea ds t o t he violation of the laws school, Mr. R . K. Orr one of the staff of selves into wlrnt is now known as " The I saac l\fiiler, who h ad tt realative by the Fre s h and Cured , a lways i n stock. t he vVhitby collegiate instit ute, Mr. J . J. F armers' Union ," and a fter holding n:eet- name .{lf Malcolm Wright living on Jot 5, of h ealth, :w;1 ong which is the great loss of 'l'illey inspector of schools for Dmfo1111, ino·s in several parts of the Provm ce, 5th coll. of W hitby, now E ast Wl1itby, sleep and too m ttch exercise. Their See d s a re all fresh and of the b est q u ality ; they keep B~rrel Salt; and Mr. W . E. Tilley head master Lmds~1y B:'andon, P ortage la P rairie :;111d Manitou 11.t present owned by ,J. C. l< ' ux, E sq. , and 11. It keeJlS people up all night who ar e American and Carbon S a fety Coal Oil. T r y the i r E m p ire Horse and hi"h sehool. Like Col. Gibson , the doctor being the chief distri ct cen tr es, th ey pre- on what was subsequently called the two too delicate to sit up with t he sick or Cattle F o od, t h e b est manufac t ured, r e com m e n ded highly by t h e G uel ph is-;, milit;i.ry man, and is also a noted rifle sented t he.ir grievances to the C. P. R . rod road, d a iving it~ n ame fro m t he fact dy ing for one hour. s hot, ha vi1ig been sent som.e years ago and asked for reduced freight. rat es, which that government money was expended in 12. The minist er of the gospel can not Model Farm ; their stock o f Glass w a re and Crnckury is Complete. T liey a s n. member of the Canadmn t eam to was accordingly grnnted :md n ow the cutt ing and clearmg a ·p or t ion two rods engage in it without d oing serious damage d o not make a n y !!pecialty o f on e a r t icle , but a s t h e r e is c onside:ra ble t alk about Clieap 'l'eas, the p lace t o b u y t h e C h eap Tea is at Young. C1·eedmoor." fros tecl grain is being disposed of <tt prices wide. to th e religion of Christ. H e a nd Ms brother-in-la w, Clark Wil13. Our Saviour did not dance. An extensive summar y of Dr. M cLaugh- ranging from 35 to 40 cents per bushel, and Cawke r & Co's, t h ey b u y altogeth e r for cash which enablei; tliem , iJo , . Glo b" of althou 0 ;,h not remunerative, will largely bur, tl1ough t it advisable to visit t hat 14. The apostles and early christians s e ll cheap. Give t h em a ca ll. · tile Da;z . ' 1 l 111 s SJ)eec l appears m · 11 v Iocahty. · I n t Ile f aII of 183" lighten the burden so sore1y f eJt. ,, t l1ey sta.rt e d dill. 11 ot dance. W ednesday. Wi! now ask leave of absence from t his O il thefr jou rney, and proceeded as far 15. Dancing is of ill-repute. .. subj ect for a while, and will wind up with eagt as F ar ewell's corners, now called 16. No one dying sends for a dancing THE Supreme Court 011 J\1Ionday awarded a few rem ark s concernin g this place. We Harmony, Here 1l1ey turned north, and nmster to comfor t him . the seat for Bothwell in t he Commons t o :tre siLua ted at th e w estern t erminus of follo wing a serpentine road or tl'ltck, 17. N 0 good clancor wants it placed on the South \:\'cstcrn Branch of the C.P.R. , mostly th rough t he woods, t h .. y at 1 -ength his tombstone when dead that" he was an t h e Hon. Davicl M ills, after he h ad been in one of the b est farming districts of sr1i ved a t theaforcsaidM.lco!om ·w righ t's exper t dancer." - ( o)dcp riven of the position for nearly two Manitoba or t he N orLh-1 v-est. The wat er place, and found him a very friendly and 18 . No on e dances in memory of a de,.,,., ye:ml. It must be humiliating to the now is free frolll the clistigre.e able alkali with obliging person, willing t o ren det a11y as- parted friend. 110 torious Hawk ins to be compelled to step which it is impregnated in most part~. sistnuce in his power to new set tlers. H e 19. lt cr eates or fosters a love for the The soil is a rich loam with good nat urnl informed them of a farm for sale in t he fatal cup . down n,nd out after illegally occupying the drnimtge. M;\nitou is the mart for most t ownship of Darliugton, owiied by < t family 20. It tolerates :1 freedom between the scat for most of two sessions. No man of of the olcl Darlington set tlers. 'W e have lla.m"d Kimble, which ~hey visited and · exes, both in1111odest and often resulting l1onor woulll have done it. It is to be a h1rge gmin ·e1ev1~tor h ere, wit h a capa- purchase d jointly, retu,m ing to their per n iciously. J10ved the late member for J imstcphens city of 35,000 bushels. S 1 > mc idea can be families t he sa~ue fall L o make prepara21. Hundr eds of hlastecl charncters c:t!l ARE NOW O P EN. gained of t he acrricultural impor tance of tions t o move. date the first step of t heir rnin to th e first Sl :uul founcrJy o ccupied by ' h·Pl>st,cunoowi.l.l nover ag<Llll ti'ouble th e Commons. tliis district by' the amou,n t of 11'he~t sh ip· In tJ1e mon th of lll.3rch, 1834, he and visit to the lmll-r oom. KI NG S'l 'ltlilE'I'.. peel her e this season. I n an interview his broth er-in-law started on the journey 22. It ct·eates a jealousy between n~an :J;3C>~1VE.A.1'T~LLE ·. IF the letter we publish t o-day from a with the grain b uyers of tlns place they t o t heir new h ome, l ot 34, 7th con of a nd wife, between lover mul lover. 23. It i·cquircs no bmins t o be a <lane Manitoba correspondent is truthful, and informecl 111e that over 125,000 bush els h ad Darlin gton, which they r eached after The Gallery is fi rst-class in all its ap~.· we believe the Jmlf has not been told , we already been sh ipped, while t here .still ~e- t hree days ' travel, wli ere t he dece;ised ing master . 24. It weakens :t person morally. mains more than this to be sl11ppecl, winch Wm. Lick lived for fifty yaar·, lack ing a poiu tmen ts, and fu rnished in a comfort...: alrnll not be grn!ttly astonish ed t u h ear of toaethcr are b ut an i tem t o what would few days. H aving physically ll strong 25. It weakens h is influence for good. abl e m anner. There will be no poor work : another Hed J1ivcr reb ellion . Indignat ion ha~e been market ed had not t he frost r.onstitution he was 1:nabled t o wit hstan d 21i. lt is n useless art. allowed to leave t he rooms, aml·these who. ·f a bush 'life, the priva27. No christian can a.ttend balls aud meetings arc being h elc l and secesi;ion is d:imagecl i t. Th ere is an agricult ural tli e hardsh \ps < favor me with a call can rel:y on being· society formed here of which 2'fr. R . D tiolls of wl1ich few in the present day k eep unspotted from the world. pleased · ::;tru11gly advocated in some districts. Foley is a let1ding spirit, moving :~bout would imagine. Starting early in t he 28. We c<mu ot let our light shine at the ~Tl1e instantenous process only willi wi th his won ted acti vity. R. D . is also morning wit h an ox-team, to go to mill, ball-room. be used for Pho t.ograph~ . WoRinrns's WAGES a.re being r educed in councillor for t h e to wnship of Louise , a h e would be until eleven o'clock at night 29. Dancing is not n healthy exercise. 30_ We are to <rlorify God in our bodies many of thti mill§ and fact?ries in the position which was sternly con tested. in returnillg t hrough t he croo\;ed muddy Come in and see me. Domi;nion, and still the protectionist Ol'· This is the forw:trcling office for mails a~ road enlivened by t h e m ti!lic of wolves and spirits. Can°we do it by dancing 1 1 far west a.s t h e fatitude of Brand on and gnashing their teeth iu the distance In ---------. R. H . HENRY.. g:tns go on talking about the prosper ity ef south. T he n umber of registered letters politics lie was a Baldwin Refor.ncr, and I A LONG Tnrn. -Fifteen years of suffer. t,]10 peu1>l0, who are bordering on star va - passing through , mt1il.ed at a!1d r eceived th ro ugh life he remained un wavering i n Try the Smelt s for t hey for delivery at the o1 1ice her e m 1883 was his \'iews. In munici pal ma· t ers he n ever i ng from the torturQS of Dyspepsia is . intion . Strnnge inconsistency, eh ? OJ< '1,752. The Young People's Literary So- took a ny active pitrt oth er than t o go deed a long time. A Burns, blacksmi th , Are E x cellent. ciety hore is meeting wit h good success. and vote, ne'Ver seeking for office. D uring of Cobour" w:ts thus a.filicted , but it only A CHALLENGE. P rogramrnes arc render ed that would mak e the long period h e r emained on t h e old r equired 'f(mr bottles of B 1;1rdock B loocl (o)many an older place bl ush. It has ll mem- homestead h e was never emed at lrtw but Bitters to completely cure 111111. If Messrs. Gnle B rothers, p ublish er s o'f bership of 67. - Sl1'U,\ 'J 'E IN 1'IIEonce, an d t.h at was by a person who clai mThos. H ancock , E sq.,our 'worthy d epu the }Vest Diirham N ews, will submit t heir . Wishing ou r old friends and the n umer- eel pei1alty for his vo ting at an election Townsh ip of Darlin gton, in t he: ·e, says : " I find th~t the p urest, subscription books ,»nd mailing lists to a ous readers of the STATESMAN. th e compli- with some 40 others , but t he prosecution ty Ree1 committee of throe leading a.dvcr tiscrs of men ts 'of th e season , Cou nty of Durh am. was d ropped, and the case never came to the stron"'est and t he ch01ccst flavor ed Half Doll~r T ea is to be h ad at McClung ,,,,,_ this town, who shall embody in a repor t I am as ever, court. . Bros." (1) th e irn111ber of bonCi fide ~ubs cribers to Farm for Sale by Tender. Mani tou, Feb. 11, 1884. HARRY. In th e .Reheliio'l of 1837 an in.stance Under and by virtne of the power of sale conthe New.~ not each post oftlce in 'INest D ur· occurred in which he was notified to a ptained in a certain Mortgage. there will be sold . ham, (2) th e number at otl1cr post offices, by Public Auction, at. th e RUE R 0 T 'l"O M pear for ·d nty, and, not reporting 1 1imself FIRST-CLASS FARM FOR SALE HOUSE, in the ']~own of BOWMANVJJ.T.1-.. in the (3) the irnmber of new subscribers received WIDE A WAKE DRUGGISTS - Messr11 J . at the captar n 's headquarters in time, was in the township of Cll\rke, containing 117 said County of Durham, on. WEDNESDAY. s ince Oct. 1, 1883, (4) the n umber of sub- Higginbotham & Son are always alive to a crea, being parts of J,ots 19 and 20 in the G th THE 26'l'H llAY o~· MAUCH, 1881, a t the hour of $5, wh ich wa.1 retur_ n ecl tu him, not scribers who lrnve diseuuti11uecl the News their b uisness, and spare no pains to se- fined Concession, being the .:h:atare of t11e late John ONE o'clock p. Ill . , by HENRY P.HIT,LI!'S, Aucin cash , b ut goods out of Lister's st ore, Bro'1·n. E 'arm in good sta1e of cultiv.ittion : tioneer, the followmg Lands and Premises, within t h o last six 'months, and (5) the cure the best of every article in t heir line. Bowmanville, in t ea and print shirt ing. abou t 8 acres good stnndinir Ti mber- hard being all anrl singular the south-west quarter number of paid-up subscribers for 1884; They have secured t he agency for t he Although he went t hrough the ltardsh ips wood ; good Brick House ; out-buildings first- of Lot No, H, and the south·east quarter or Lo~ cln.ss; two wells hard watRr; two ci·ternsi· 15, in the seYenth Concession of the Township and ·i f siiid publishers will publish the celebrated Dr. K ing's New D iscovery for of bltsh life he h -. d t he s atisfaction of 1 ~ood orchards- one hUDllred young trees se of Darlington, in the County of Durho.m, (exreport of this committee once every t h ree Cons umption. The only certain cure seeing h is children C'>mfor tably sit uated out laE t spring, cepting out of s,.id part of Lot 15, 10! acres of mouths for one year, we will gi ve Messr s. known for consmnptio11, Coughs, Colds, near ·him On account .,f the difficulty of Sealecl teudcrs will be received for the above the south part of tho cast half of said Lot, a.pup to the 5TII MARC H, prox. pnrently now owned Ly one Duncan 'faylor~. G:1le Brotlte1·s $50, this money to be de- H oarsen ess, Asthma, Hay Fever, Br on- travelling with an ox-team in t h ose early 'l'ERMS OF SALE :- $2,0CO down ; balance to 'J'he said portions of said Lota oompriae one posited in t he Ontario Rmk to their chitis, or any affection of the Th roat and days l1e become ve1 r un on mortgage at six per CQnt, fsrm containing about eighty-six and ona-hal1' ·y domestic in h is 'l'hc higl1est or any ternlcr not necessarily acres, of which eighty-four acres cle11red a.nil credit, payable as soon as t hey complete and Lungs. Sold on a positive guarantee. habits, seldom going from home e xcept accepted. Address · the romainder timber lands. 'l'he land clearelll their p:1rt of th e contract . T rial Hnttles free, Regular size $1. 00. J A11JF.S 13nowN or Eo:r.ru ND COBliLEOICK. on uri.:ent b usiness, and t hen returnin~, as is u. clay loam and in n fair stale or cul~ivu.tiom. \Ve make t his challenge on account of lHw*, Orono. P.O. The said farm is Bituat.e about seven nules from soon as possible. Ile was always best the '['own of Bowmanville, accossible theretoi ~he i:tatements :hey a~·e continually makOur stock of D r Gued1 and Clothing pleased when enjoying his own fireside. by good roads. m g about Lhe circula t10n of t he N ews, and · . t Ellis~n & Co. I KEW I SE will bCJ Sold or Rented Some five ye11rs ago an eruption broke 1 18 'fhe said farm is well watered and hits erect-the co11sti1nt ;innoyance we rcceiYe from comp e e. . . t h e South \>art of the Nor th half of Lot en thereon the following farm buildings :-A. out on h is left h: i nct, of a cancerous n aN o. 19, in the 6th Concession of Clarke, about d wel ling-houae,barn~OOx30, horse stable, oattl& advertisers because out· r:i.tes are a t rifle We offer rare yalue 111 P rmts,-fast ture, which at first was not \hought seriao acres, adjoining the farm formerly owned stables. straw houae, two open sheds, also twobigh c1· than theirs . We claim t hat t he color s at l Oc. ~ llu1on ~Co . . by John Brown, deceased. Apply t.o ous but soon be .an to spread and defy 6·4 w· . RICHARD BROWN . Ol'ono, good orchards. 'fhe farpi is fairly fenced. STATES~rAN has more t han double the cirWe me~n busmess th1" season. E llison the skill of his physicia,1s. D uring the 'r Eu:Ms 0}' SALE :- 'fen per cent of the pur---------- chase c ubt ion of the News in 'West Durham, and & Co. money to be paid down at titrie of Sl\le to la.st year it became exceedini lY painful, HU R CH FOR SAL E.-That fra me the Vendor's Solicitors, and sutflclent with the r.sk any advertiser to investig~tte our books w" never allow an y competiton t o and caused h im a gre.i.t a mount of sufferCtrnrch and Sheds lately u se d by t.he Re· said teu per cent to make one third of the purand foc irs wh o has any cloubts on the u nd ersell us. Ellison .& Co. hoboth P. M, congregation on the North-oast chase money wit hin one month thcreafte1', the i1 1g, constantly i ncreasing ·until, 0 11 the om ncr or J.-ot 5, 2nd Conceseion of Darlington, balance of s&id purchase money to be secured We will sacrifice the profits this season. n ight of the 10th of February, 1884, h e 1n:1tter. The church is in µood repair, bein[\' newly by a mortgage over the premises, bearing in· We m <iy add, also, that only eleven sub - E llison & Cu. breath ed his last. Th us has passed away torest at the ritte of six-and-one-half per cent, shingled and paint ed. scriborR hcwe, as far as we can learn, given CoNDITJONS o~· SALE »-Cash muat be paid payable semi-ammally. The property will be W e are crowded with stock in every from earth's busy scenes one of the old un Li1e s~'A1'ESMA~ to take the S1m, an(l tlte building is moved, and the pur- sold subject to a Reserve Bid. before pioneers and first settlers t·f the nor th · chaser muet lea.ve the fences in as good repair For farther particularti and C: "lii.ious of sale this 1v"ek the first two of t he eleven cam e departmen t. l!ahson & Co. us they are at present. 'l'he church and sheds apply to "est portion of tl1e t.owllship of Darling, .,,[.. to us and c>rdered the STATJ:JSMAN again . may be tendered for separately or jointly, but ton. Ht1 leaves an aged companion, MuLocir, 1' 1L T, MILLEn &11\,.;'nownrnn, all tenders must he sent in on or before Feb. Further, since Oct. J , 1883, we have r eCuRE FoR CHILllJ,.uNs.--Bath e the feet three sons, at1d one daughter to mourn Veudor's Solicitors, BOX 181, 18th, 188!. Address ceived upwards of 200 new subscriptions. for ten or fifteen min utes in water as the loss of a kind husband and fat her.liow.J ttANVTLJ..E. 09 King Street East, Toronto. J . DYKE, ,JOAN lIOARJ _ }'l' stee~ hot as can be borne ; t hen apply Hagyards The sons are, J eremfah and Daniel Lick, Dated IGth January, 1884. 7 Minister. RALPH DOWSON, ru · 'fhis powder never va1·ies. A marvel of As a s ure l'P.llledy for Sick Headache, Yellow Oil, and a cure is certa.iu . Yellow of East Whit by, and Josiah L ick, DarG. strength s.11<1 w!10lesomeness. 1\10re purlty, So ur Stomach, Dyspepsia, I ndigestion, Oil cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Deaf- lington. Mrs. S. B. Bmdshaw, of Bow- economimLl than t h e ordrnar)' l<lnds an d call· ONEY To LOAN .- A few t housand URE BLACK-EYES. - A quant ity not be sold i n competi tion with t.lrn rnultit ude doll nrs, private funds, to loan on flrstConstipation, Tor]:Jid Li vor, Biliousness, ness, Lam eness, and Pt1in generally; nnd m~1nville, is the only daught er . of good and clean Marrow fa t Peas for sale. r. weight, alum or phoepba t !> farm security, at t he lowest current r ates. of low test. shor class &c., no mecliuine is equa l to Dr, Baxt er 's internally cures Colds, Sore Throat, Cro up pewders. Sold onl11 i n can.·. HOYAL BAI!IN G S . LEACH, Lot 15,Con. 6, EastWhitby,Oshawa F or pnrticula1·s BRply to IL BEI'fH, Bowmanl\'.Iandrake Bitters. 25 cents per bottle.JI Asthnrn, and many 'painful affections. 6-6w '. P.O. POWllEll Co., 106 Wall-st.. N. Y, ville, or It. It. L0::500111BE, Barrister, 3·tf. Tenders wanted. See advt. ·~ed a11adi.an.,$tatu~man ~~---~--~----~~-~·~-..._.._....,.~ ~MANITOBA DEAR Sm LETTER. THE LATE WILLIAM LICK. OUR SAVIOUR DID NOT DANCE. I SPRING ·DRY GOODS Pierce & Robe~tson's, p. 1 8 I I c ash 'cash reashi Due Bills as tJash . Beef.. ° young cawk er & c· . '.o's ' Best quality of. Groceries Best quality of Meats, . OFJ:SH.. -··puoroGRAPllL ___ ___ C. M. CA\iVKER .. 0... SpeckIed ·.. Brand i 0 Fresh Haddock llENRY9 FRES.H FISH. New Photo Room 1 s 0 Fresh Sea Herrings 0 Fresh Tommy Cod 0 Breakfast Smelts I I AUCTION SALE / VALUA~lf f ARM F.Y.fPfRTY' T. DARllNCTON. .A __ I L C ------ I = Absolutely Pure. P M ·

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