EA· ST SHOP _ IN NEADS' BtO_ C K . BowXANVILLE, :FnIDA Y. FEBR'Y LESKARD. G oLvEN \.VM> DING-- One Opened out this week at 20. .·.. The next nteeling ot the grand lodire of the Sons ot En.11:la.nd will be held at J;iindsay, If feeling old-rene"." yonr youthful v\gor by usin11: Ayor'R Harsapr1lh1.. It will vltalu<e the blood, recruit the wasting encrl{itlS. and build ·ttp the·sysrnm. .A purse contarnin~ $LOO was reccntlv pre· senterl to Rev. F. B. ::ltt·atton. or Stirling. WPr~tty as a Picture. Twenty-four be11.ntlful colors or the Diam·o11d Dyes. tor Silk , 'Vool, Cotton, &c., 10. each. A child ei>n uee with perfl'Ct ~neeess. Get i>t once at your druggists. ·w '!ls, lti<;h1t1·daon &; Co., Burlington, Vt. A CON't'IJ:l1l' OH.ARY aRks:- How shall wemen el\rry their purees to frns tro.te the thieves 1 Why, carry thcru em11ty. · i\fiml a.11d body a.like suffer from sln'l'gish action or the blood, the r esult oC dyspepsia. 01· biliousness. Ayer'H Pills will s tir up the liver, cxcit.e the stomach and bowel· to activity, open tho pores"" the ·Ys te n1. and in8ure health of bo11y, which is ind iopen~tLblo to mental vigor. ~r. J<J. Jl. l\fon~an. e f Oshnwa, h>ls purchase~ J,5,1 8.hcad or m1t.tle rrom MesBers. 'l'.tlolllpson &:- Blom{; of 1'oronto, for May and June 1lellvery. lIJOUER PmoJts FOJ.t Il u ·rn:n.- All 1l«in·rnon w'l10 ffre W e lls, Itichl·rdson & Co's lmpr"ved Rutt.er Color, 11.Kl' Ce 1.h a t it incre >Lses th'!! vnl11e of butter scvera.l c1mt" " pound. lt is pure anti. ha.r1nlcas, con,1 enie nt for instaat UBQ, has no tasto \' ! odor, and j$h'e· a c lear, golden richness to the bntlcr , Jr. id tJ1 e v ery IJeBt; but.tel' color obtairuble.· 1u111 i s not expe nsive. In every 6tat-O in the U nion tho dema nd for it is increas ing. 'l'be P rince E d wurd Isht nd L op;islt1.t,ure ..;.ill mcot on t h e 6th or u e xt month. So1,w CoM.>'OK.r,-Every ono lilccs to ta.kc solid comfort. and it t1 1ay be enjoyed by evel'yone who ke epo K idney-\Vort iu t he house a nd takes a fe w doses at the tll'st symptoms or an a ttack of Mahnfa, llheun1at.is m 1 Biliousnes·s. .Ianudic or any affec t.ion of t.h e L1ver, Kid Beys ot· Howe la. ft is a p1uley f\'egAt.able compou11d ot root s, l eM·c s tirad. be l'ries known to hn.v e special value in kid ney troubles . Added t o these are r e medies ac1.ing dir.,ctly on the Liver and 13owels. It rent·)Ves t he ca11se of disease and fortifies llhe sys te m a g ,.iust new attacks. · 'rhe·Montre a l Carntval Finance Commi~tee have to meet a. dellc1t of $170. T J3: E .EfO;,SE RENOVATED & IMPROVED Is worthy of attention. Their Prices demand the attention of the economical. · TP,eir Large Assortment commands the attention of the General Public. Their Liberal and Straightforward Dealing is approved. They have the Newest and Best Goods · ·procurable, Bought for Cash. NEW DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, CARPETS,TWEEDS. SUITS TO ORDER. SATISFACTION GUARA.NTEED. 7 T. GEO. 'MASON. of those happy ~vents that so few celebrate was th e Golden ) of our oldest and moJ>t W edding of tw< highly respected citizens- Mr. and Mrs. Mttrk Jackson of t his pl:1Ce-at th eir r esidence on Friday Nov. 30th. Mr. a nd Mrs. Jackson wore born in Yorkshire, England, tho former i n ~larch 1808, and th e h tter in .June 1813. They m oved to Canad:1 in 18Mi and settled in Clarke, where they have r emained ever since. Since coming here they .ruwe acquired a comfor table h ome, where with th eir youngest son \ Villi.am and his wife they are passing<> lmppy and mellow old age. M r . J . has been for fifty year s a local preach er ill t ho Methodist churcf1; first iu Encrla.nd then in Ct\nada. 'f hey hitye livod t~ sec I all their family setthid in Jifo and all ar e · un ited with 'the church of th eil' choice. One, U.ev. 'J'. \ V. ,fackson , is :m honored lllinister l·f t he Lon (lon confere n·cc. The frieuds <tRsewuled to the number of t.hirty, nnd bcsi<lcn the mem bers of their own family included Mr. and Mrs. R icl1. R udd ick, 1\fr. and 1\frs. lLLlph Dowson , Mr . :ind Mrs. J ohn atlrn.11 'l'yrenitm tind :Mr.and M r s . T ho1n:ts R oautl'cli).. .A ftc1· <lim ier Mr . 'l'yrenum was called to th e ch:1.ir., and speeches were giveu by M~-. Ruddick, Mr. Broad, Mr R oan tree and some of th e members of the family , congmtnlating the aged couple upon 11tt11in ingtltei1"fift.ieth wedding a n11i.vernary,a11d ontlwfrha1c :m ahearty appcarnncc ;LI; sneh an aclvaueecl age. I An1011g the pres ell Ls given wc1·c a gvhl ring, :t gold pen and ea~y chairs,· a p<1ir of valm.t blc gilt cnps, and 'the pictures_of the agcd conplc framed,and some jars of honey. 'l'h e meeting closcfl with prayer for God's blessing upon the aged . couple, and t h e friends hartcd pleased with being permitted to be 1we11e nt on sush a m emor sion. T he follcrwing beautiful able occ<L poem was r e<LLl: ~l'h e COUCH, JOHNST~N & ORYDERMAN'S. New Prints, New Bleached Cottons, New Grey. Cottons, New Embroideries, New Dress Buttons~ We buy our goods for Cash and save the discounts w:-e are therefore able to sell evervthing at the lowest possible prices. ll JG l l } racers 'D ue B i. 11 s taken as. C ash. · One Doer West of the Post Office. - LC. 'l'he golden hopes or lffe'd y oung day~. KOiden tln~n.1ne anrl fllill(~iee How does a person expect t o oat every thing, at all times, and have a stron g, responsi vc stomach. You say, "I am careful what and when I eat, but am troubled with constipation, gas on my stomach and a bad taste in my mouth, and I don.' t lrnow why it is. " Dyspepsia and Bilious. ness may · come from many causes ancl should be att ended to in t ime. If your head ·is h eavy, eyes ad1e. If you feel t ired aml Mleepy, you are bilious. no doubt. Now for t he remedy. ZO-PE-SA is a prescription of an old e xperiencd doctor for jllllt s uch t roubles. It is clieap, speedy and effectual, at l O· and 75 cents a bottle. THE UsE OF HAIR by ladies i11 o. most disagreeable practice, for not only is it imp.o®ihl.e t o trace its origin, but also the . n atural hair iii constantly changing while the dead hair retaius its color . By the use of Cingalese H air Renewer on the c ontrary, the color of the hair is t enderecl natural and 11lways beautiful, gloRsy and a veritable crown of glory; Every lady should use it, :md to gentlemen -whose hair is growing t hiu, it i~ a neces~ity. S old at 50 cents per bottle by Stott & Jury. ;ExPJiRIENCE t each es that delays are most cfangerous , a nd in no inst. nnce is prompt action more n ecessar y than when the first approach of ·d Q.ey diseases · is made ·nmnifest, · To all wh o are experiencing pains in the back, or who feel that their kidney11 going wrong, DR. VAN B uitEN's KrnN:it:Y CuRE is a friend indeed, as it will ceJ·bt inly relieve their pains, and if 1:iersi.sted in, ti!fect a permanent cure. --·TJ:l-Y·...a 'l'hut stre w e < l l he r.u.ture'" i.rol1 i en paths ' V lth 1.1mar1 tn th s and oa.os ies. Tho golden hour when lov<> w a s breathed Auil loving hearts w ero pliich r.ed ; 'l'hc hour more gnlden i·et, when love Two loving souls united, 'J'he golde n r aptur e s she dd in i.r ; All the se their goldeu g lorie" bleod '1'o make this Golden W 1 ·dd111g. From yont.h t o a.ge th is we'1 1 led pair Have journen;·l 011 toi{.,the r; Not always gent.le was the wiud, Nor always bland t he weather. L. COB·'NISH B eing about to Reduce his stock 'rhe g o ld en yea.rs that lay beyond, br. MUIRIDIOICIHI BRIOIS'.1 Rings, Platedware, Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware, &c., &c., Offers the whole a t a T reµiendous Reduction. Many articles se!l at Co~nd u nd er. Yet fe w and light h ave been th~r car es, A nd lig h t a n d few t h eir nrosses; And God ho.a shown hie pity ing fa ce A mid t lte lr griefs and losses. · 0 , save the travail and t ile t<lil 'l' o r each the rosea te prese n t. Had not atfoction c h011red the way And m a de the journey plea sant· \ Vha.t it the locks are t hinne d ond bl a nched, \Vl1 ich 011 t he t emples cluste r. Still hope is fresh and hearts are young, .And love is unabated, A nd m en itnd ange l.i t11dl t.o·nigh t '!'he married·and t.l1e m ated. 'fhe loveliest t.hing on e art h is love, The loveliest and the Plll'CSt; 'fh e de are·t thmg on e arth is love, '.l'h e dearest a n d the s urest, .And not a lone is heavenly sweet. 'l'h e hon ('.y of i ts kisses ; T he v ery te a.rs of Jove a re 11weet, Its very .pan!(s are blisse s . A n d t h ey who love wit h love t he b est, T h e fondest a nd the str ongest. Love w ith the lovelie s t love or all Are theT who love the longest. THIS IS A GENUINE DISCOUNT ttf.E. '.rile eye its golden lustre ; What if th e ch eek has lost its bloom, TEAS ;: g& Those in search of Holiday Presents will save money by inspecting our stock, consisting of-GOLD and S rLvim WA·r cHES-all styles and makes, GOLD G UARDS,CHAINS, RINGS and J EWEL LRY to please everyone, SILVER P L AT IW WARE in endless variety, all of which has been selected with care and taste. D I AMOND and W EDDUW - -RINGS- excellen t value.- Watch R ep a irin g prom ptly attended t o. All work w arranted. Prices low- n ev er charging $ 2.50 when 75c . to $1.25 are regula r prices. A CALL S OLXCITED. SPRIN""G:J 1884_ L. CORNISH, KINC STREET. .J Why go· on day after clay suffering with :splitti·ng hu idache when u. bottle of Dr. Austin's Phosphatine will cure you? If you do not b liern it ask your druggist for a circular, and read what,. those who have u sed it 13ny about it. P.rice. $ 1.00. A Good CoSME'l'W.- 'fhe best cvsm etics are good soar\ :md water, t o obtain purity of the skin; whil e for boils, blotches, obstinate humors and impurities of t he blood B urdock Blootl BittcJ.'Sis t he nest of all purifitn~. - - · _....:.,..Co. NEW DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. We have open ed an immense stock of Dry Goods and Clothing, A g rand variety ot' New Prints, New Dress Goods, New Tweeds. O!lr prices wjJl be right this seas;n, in fact we will offer Extraordinary Bargains in every D epartment. An immense -stock of- A h ! Love's dear vet era ns well deserve Our gr eetings and onr pl'aises, S ince, w here we looked for winter's snows Tlley p oint to s prlng' s s weet tlaisies. S in ce when t he sea 1s s m oothe and fai r, Ur black ~he tide is tlowiog. T hrough all t he voyage of t h e ye11rs 'l'hev keep theil' fond l1earts izrowing. S ince, t hough th e frame m ay eh ow the trace or m a n y a blight and fever. '.l'he teemin g vineyar<ls of t he soul : Are fresh a n d green as eve~. Since. through the long, sw,eet m arl'!ed d a ys T h eir fait.h a nd fer vor proving , 1'hey make a noble thing of life, A Uod li lrn t hing of loving, 0 , happy, tru e and hon or e d pair, O. ever t rue and loyal, \ Ve pa.y you will ing court to-nigh t Iiior love h as made y ou royal. All gen tle t hough ts a nd hopes a.r e yours, A ll wis h es s w eet a n d t e nde r, W hat richer tribute can we br lng1 W hat w:ortllie r h o mage ren '.ler 1 God's ch erubs still y our steps a ttend, H is peace your fon d h ear ts. str en gth e n ; A s o' e r the sk y above y our heads '. rhe evening sha dows lengthen. And w h en the nigh t comes on at l ast, And brin gs its w e lcom e s lumber, Sweet angels from the w ondrous host, W hic h Hone mav name or number, S h a ll lea d your s till u n ite d s ouls · rhroui?h shining a rch and p or ta l, 'l 'o garden s fai r and pastures green W here Joye eh all b e i mmor tlll. LC.: SELLIN""G OFF_ LC. DAYS - -FOR- BIG BARGAINS I Thirty days from t o. day we will commence stock-taking, and from now un'til then we will sell a ll goods at a Great Reduction. See our Boys 'Syits at. $!..50.::_EUis~n~ -- ~BD~"S, YOUT· HS AND ME; N'·S·SUJT. S, 1 We mark in pl11in- figur es, a_ nd have strictly one price . Ellison,~ <Jo ;-Good .-.U ;ool T.w~eae at 50c. · ie ; ba;g ain . R A. R E VA. I~ IJ E. We will sell F JUR GOODS at and under Cost.. ·· We will sell Men's Tweed· Suits for Nine Dollars a Su it . We will sell All Wool Blanket s at Two Dollars and a half a pair. We Will sell Men's and Boys' Overcoats at- . w ell just give us a c~""8.nd s ee. Eilis1>11 & Co. ~ ~~~-~ -~i '"'!"~~~~~....~ .;, .... . - · Ta iloring don e in b est s tyle. Nobby all Wool Tweed Suits to order, $12.50· W e never allow a ny compet itor t o unders~ll us _ . W e m ean business this season. D r . W istar's Halsam of Wild Ch erry fof thir t y years, and know it to - be on o o f tne· oldes t as well as tho most rt>llable preparation~ In t h o market for t he c ure ef Coughs, Golde, a n d Lung Compla in t s. I k n oW'ot 11,0 a rticle. tP.at g l vea grea ter satisfaction to ihose wllo u se it , Havin g sold Peruv ia n Syru pli:u:.many years, a t tended a n d k n owing tl1at Us use has wit h great succes in cttSes o f.D)!epepsia , geBer-· . a l De'bility of t he Syste m. a nd d i11eases origin· a ting ln a bad stat!LOf t h o b lood, I a.m eatisJ!ed t h at It I~ a. re mcdy~o(gfeat puwet· l\nd deael'V· es the attention of in a lld1.- }°'tn yet to h ear t h e firat cc unpla int>1igo.inst eith er·of tb.e ab ·\'C p r eparations. I consider t hem art icles of g reat m erit a n d h ave always t a lrnn much p1'u1.sure in · r eco mme.nding t hem to Parties requl!;lng s uch re medies. lL-lfO'l'llEltGILL, Nevycastle, ~nt. D ec . 8th, 1882. ~.!-!. !:,~,,~~!!: -raT ·LISON &CO. .eJ ~ been - T nEY .Au, Do. I T, ...:_Everybody uses " '1'.llARER RY" for th e t eeth and breath , the newest, brightest, consists little toilet gem extant . Try a sample. - ---- - --- L a dies' M a ntles a t C ost. Reme!Ilder we At the V ictoria Buildings In th e Town of Bowmanville, You'll find teas of all kin ds . The best fo1· t h e money to be had. M urdoch Bros. wm Cut Down the prices of all goods between now and Stock-taking,- 30 days from to-day. ~All overdue accounts must be settled either by Cash or Note before the 1st day of March. S. MASON & SON. - Call and see th e Will be mailed to a ll applicanta and t<> custqmers of last year without ordering it, I t co~ns illustrations, f rices, descriptions and di rect~s for planting al Veget<1blc Qncl Flowct Seeds, P lants, etc. Invalua ble to a ll. FREE KEY STONE & BOSS COLD WA TC H C A SES , T h e b est m ake i n 11-.c world JI A y N A It n·s. 'l'Jru JEl'fG> LLlm . at A ULD LANG SYN E.' Should a uld acqu a intance be forgot, And never brought to mind,. Should fol ks no gie t heir Photographs To friends o A uld Lang Syne , 'r hen com e a wa, f re ns. ane and a., An' d inna lose nae time. In getting P i c tur es for your tr"mr, For H. C. '!'a.it takes them fin e. .An' w h en you get a. scor o or twa, Let aue o them be mine, Tae min d ane a the ca.ntie days We h ad in Auld L ang Syne . We're growing a.uld. and nea.rln' fast 'l'h o hame that's yours and mine ; '.l'he n let ou r tre n s see how we l ooked, In tho days of Auld Lang Syn e . IWA--NTE o -· ~Ag Te U .~ NtlsS-O toN ·-~s ell D. M. FERRX & Co.w·N:.'!~ --- GET YOUR · -AT- -- N ew & Superior Canada_ Maps and Charts, As paying as any agency in the world. For full particulars, free.addr ess H. C . TUNI SON. M np 1"11l>lislle r, :l88 ltl c llmo1ul Street , L ON:'> · bON, 0,11TARIO, 6· ·-- ·· -----~- ---------- LUM:i3E R PlANEO,MAltttfD,MOUlDtO&c, Morris & Joblin's IWbc Q..Q r REncnn IIp &m f tlntG aud t hen h two them roturn ng ulu, I mcn.n n. ra.~l~ cnl cnte. 1 ha.vQ mfldo th& lllseu.so ttf Fl'l'S. lU1 ILEF:::>r or 1".A.LLTNG S l CKNESS n. llfo-long stu dy. l wann.nt my 1 ·om<:dy to c urG t h o worst .cases . Bccm1 se others hn.v11 ti~lled lff rio reaion for nop now roeel vlog u curo. Sen d at oncll to-r n trev.t tse an(l n Froo llottlo or my ln fall! bla rometly. Glve Expreisil t\.ntl Poet Offico. I t. cost!i yo\I. f. I. Farmers Please Consider This. when take n :tt. t hocommencomont ofn n nttnck to ~uro Cho l er a , C h o le r a M o rbus , a f well as all summw eowpl,;lints of a. eimila.r na· ture. PERRY DAVI3 PAIN KILLER aote T TIE with W"11dcrfnt rupiditv an < l 71cver f«ila Dyeing but not Dead. ~Jr paint 01 dirt on your clothes I ean cle&J.t the m and make them look like new ones-·. La.dies· Ostrich feath ers cleaned and dyed., Second hand clothin g to.ken in exchange. All w ork warranted at PEA'l'E'S DYli:I NG ES· · 'l'ABLISHMll:N'l', oppasite 'l'releven's Shaet Store. Bowmanvillc, 272-tt polllllii<I~~:'s~rt~: ll~~l Ji~bJ.~r1~lP~Grl St., Now Y<Jr~ !l. \]eW li'or Su.a.a.on Colds, Soro 'I'hroa.t, Ike. nov~r n lliNTLEMEN, if you have grease.. .PLANING~ Liber ty- Str eet, MILL, 8-tt. AND WOMEN TO ST AitT W A.NT lm- bMEN u siness at t h eir homes, easily l earn e d i n a n h our. No peddling, 'l'en cents bcg-i nrii.IH C ofun ntt1 ck ' vill r1r ov0 an n.ln:ost A tt>a.~poonful of J'.IT~-l{ tr,LER t o.ken 11.t the .For s u rely you' ll pe youP P .hysog, .An' we'll l et our frene see h ow we looked In tl~e days of.Auld Lan g Syne. Pict,ures of every description , furnished in the best style of .A.rt, at m oderate pdees. A very large stoc:k of Fancy Frames always An' s u rely I'll b e m ine, failing curo, and savo mu cb. suffering. Where you can also obtain to fifty cents an hour made daytim e or e " enlng Send Ten c.,n ts for 'L ' wenty Samples to UOUlmence work on. Address II. G. l "AY, R n&la1uJ, 't'cr111011C, :For Tootll.o.oho. :Burns, ~clllds, C ut:i, :.Bruises, &c. th o PAJN· RILLlm w ill bo found a willing physician r c:i.dy und ablo to rclicrn your sulfering without delay, ant.! at 1t verv insignificant cost. - - - - - -- -·- - ------- - Doors, Sash, Blinds. Window and Door Frames, Plain and-Ornamental Fence Pickets, Cisterns, &c. 'fO AD't' E R T I SERS, - Lewest Rates for advertising in !170 g o od newspa!J"r S sent free. . Address GEo.P.It.oWELL & Co.,Spruce St·.N.Y, CARPENTRY IN ·ALL BRANCHES. Bowmanvillc; F <;_brn arv ~1 . 188-1. . · .ship of Olarke. For t erm s · a,nd par ticulars apply to J . G. RENIVrGK,Orono P. o.. Ol' RoB-T .ARMOUR, Bowmanvillc. ~· -U10R SALE.___,_First Claas Farm, being .I: co~sed of South t J.ot 3i. 4 Con., Town · tiJONSUMPTION~ i li;ivu 1· ·d 1 h (i11:-> i.t. 1Hhl . \. 1 d \ t1:.t hUl'O 111:(111 CU!'<ld. ltH.lCl!Cl,,so titNn gis my foitg l. l lt.a oHl!!nc.v, i.:11\t I w ill M 11~1 '1,\\"0 JJ01'1'J,J~S J·'UJ:t:F ~ t :~c t.h e r ·rd t h ~ \.}. J...UA.ULE 'J'ltEA'l'lSR a. pn<'l tl vo r<lm od .v (Ol· 010 nbe \·o d lseaso ; by 1t1 (!f ciuos or tho worst k lud auu or ton"' on th ls ll lse as~ ._ tu U U )' .,"iff{~rT. ~~YSi~ xdU~L ~·~;dl!~a?.i s~~~c::; York. 11.nd it bu.a never been kuown t<> fail to effect a cure in a slnglo instance. It Is u sed in some of the largest liverr, ~tnLleii_ i·nd hors6 infirmariCA in t he worlti l'o rcsuscitiite you ng Jnmbs or otber cl onk chilled· and d)·ing from cold, a little PArN· lii:11,1J< 1 1 mixed wi th milk will re.store them to liealth very quickly. 'ftll!r'Tb<i Pnin-Killt1r is for snle by Druggie ts Apothocarie~, G-ruccrs and Medicine D ealers thron gbou t t he wor1d · :r!'or Colic, Cra.mps a.nd Dysentery !n ltorlJllB the P .u:.-· Kn.LER b as no equal, 0 on h and. Pictnres enl&rged to any siz e a.t reesonable rates a.t H. C.Tait & Co's Photo Gallery ,l\larket Square, Bow1.t1 anville. W. H. PIP ER,· B OWMANYI L LE , AGENT FOR MILL FOR SALE . t o AR'.l'HUR CODD, Es~ or H. HUTCHESON, Barrister-at-Law, Bowma n v llle,. · · _ 27Hf a11 LOURING M I LL in the t o1 vnship of F Clarke. Known. Adams' .Apply_ St. JOHN I New Mill Gr a in Cru sh ers, .ALL SlllilS, AND Chaff Cu tter s. · ·