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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1884, p. 1

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)G ; ' . · · t· · . .:::; -r O UR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. TERMS :-$1.50 PE)'t A]l!Nt)"M. NEW SERIES, NUMBER ' 29!3. - - - ~ '- M. A· JAMES; EDITon ANntPnoPRrnToR., VOLUME IBOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARC[f 7, 188'\, XXX. NUMBER 10. ,- . .. MP·. Ep1TOR, -Thank goodness I never was forc ed t o ask aid fr<m1 our Couucil, and hope I nflver sha.11, for the way th,it l\1;r. Piggott, Mr. P ro.wcr and Mr. Cornish cx'fiosed the co11d11ct of the poor unfortunates who had lntely got help from the Council was a disgrace to men like them. --~·· · ---I t is b:.t d enough to bo poor a nd in want. NE W'tV,NVILLE. of cJ;arity, but it is ·worse to be ex11 use<l I · . The Saved Army are doing much good in public like they were. These men, or hcrc .. .. Mr.,.J,as. Lockhart is con valescent . two of them, had a great deal to say about Mr. 'Vilson'~ son Frcddi.t also . . . . . The whiskey drinking; why don't they set betHAYDON. Prnsbyterhu Soiree was a success Tuesday tor examples '! 'l~ preach one thing and Schdol report for .fonuary and February ; night .... . Mrs. P . Mor gim and . son are .prnctice another is hypocrisy. These s:1mo · visiting friends fiear Bohcaygeon ... . . P,rof. men talk a .great deal nhout bcini:r the poor names in order ~of n~erit : FIFl:H CLASS-Henry W erry, Ernest Smith w aa donated about $30 the other man's friend, but their conduct on Mnnrl:ty night. night will ·not raise them in thtJ , love of Motley, Freel Werry, Annie Mountjoy. Fomi:n-r CLAHS- ·Milton Werry, J ohn A P OOR MAN. Avery, .Joseph Mountjoy, Emma ·werry, ' NEWCASt 'Lfi:. Sherwood Itundle, Norman Rundle, Rich. H igh School repm·t for February : · PUNOTILLIO'S REPLY TO Hawkey, Erena Riggs, Maud A~hton. Pupils · enrolled in Gpper School, 7 ; QUERIST. 'l'nnw Ci,Ass-.R ebecca A1·ety, Albert Sylvester, Charles Brown, Willie Avery, Lower do., '1li. 'l 'otal 31. Average attendance U. S., 63. 7 ; L. S., To the Editor of the 'statesman: Morton Riggs, Rhoda Avery, Willie 24 17.21.: Total 318.21. Srn,- I notice in your la,11t Jssne, some .ltiggs, Richard Ashton , Hattie Avery.1 Average per cent. in U. S., 91.83; L . · · remarks .of a correspondent who sig1is Annie Brimacombe. . "' S., Dl.87. Total 92. 29. ,. AYcmgo daily attendance 45.lG . himself " Querist ," in relation tn the fact W.W. ,JARDINE, B. A., R. C. SINCLAIR, Teacher. that our worthy Mayor addresses Mr; II. :vr., H. S. \Vindatt, the Clerk of the Town Council, its "Winclatt," and t he respected head of ENNISKILLEN. ORONO. our ·ttdmirable and well organized bodY. of Mr . Jolin Riggs whose death was chronpolice as " 'l'om," and t his while , our icled i n last'\ rnek'sSTATJ;;SMAN, spenLsome Or(lno J,odge )To. 1G1, A. 0 . U. V{. august 'l'own Council is sitting and de· year s in A ustralia where by an accident have iss~ue<l fancy invitations for .~· Grand liberating, seriously :ind solemnly, on the· he lost his loft arm. He died of consump - Free Concert on Wednesday evemng next, affairs of the town. It is certainly not ' tion. A ·wife and two children mourn ]~is March 12th. They :fu-st . fixed on March quite the proper t hing for the Miiyor to death. · 5th, but had to cha~1ge the elate afte1 · tl4eir d,0, but " Quorist" shuuld excuse the February: school report- Fourth classP1·ograms were . prmted, owing tu some Mayor as he has not been long enough in . · D ean, · L u.u 1 H u t c}118011 · ·J o1m JJee T · I w1 Hl will contribute bemg unable to atL 1zz1e l l 0 111 · · · harness to know all the ropes and rules. Lizv.ie Mills. Senior 3rd-Rose Brown tem .t ie n. Y 300 mvitat1011~ liave Ynn m:e well aware that-although he had and Ida Bor·Vll. ·Junior.3rd K Atkinson .b ee~ issued, as the Town Hit!l wil~ not long desired and endeavored to become All t D C · R S · 2 . d s eat more, and only those mv.itecl' will be Mayor, it was only after a hard. fight and · ~~i' ·st~~nt aW~ll', ~e::- AiP1~·~I· admitted . The pro14 .ram is one of real 1 1 0 repeated attempts he was able to "\Vintt'am~n, ~ . ;r,9 11d.. ~1 0 l- merit, including instrumentals by Miss. B. dat " high position, and as mayors fre- eV.'t o Ciel . ogMm:s · JuniMOI· " . ~S ~ · Gamsby, Orono; Miss Abbie VanN~st, ir ue, a 0111 111 s, as . oyse. enwr S 0 r l M Al l1 M K quently rub against · mayors :md compare c eown, 1st-Joe Dean Etta Gifford Lottie Goodimt ; . anc · r . P · . notes, there is no doubt but proper les, ' . . Bowman ville ; solos by Mias· J . Bray . ._ ' man. J umor 1st -May Stevenson, ·w1lhe E fi l l . M J' 1 K l · B ' · sons of punctillio will soon be learned by Rogers J ennie Stevenson. 11 e .C ' es 8rs. om . eac ue, · owhim, ancl 1, if he performs his duty correct· ' . m:mv1llo ; and Orma A. C amsby, Orono; ly in' all other respects, these little slips short acldresses by Bro.. M . A.·James, D . will soon bo forgotten. · CARTWRIGHT. D . G. M., and Bro. A. Barber, ,Recorder, PETER PCTNCTILLIO. Mr. Nelson from the North-West, has Bowmanville, alild Rev. Bros. · A . Fraser March l, J884. ·. been visiting his fathe1·-in-law, Robert and C. A. Simpson, Oronn. Spinks, Esq. He gives a glowing account. SCHOOL REPOR'LFOR FEBRU ARY :- Class of the Lone Ltmd. V .- James' Newsom, Ada Linton, Maggie THE HARRIS SHEEP CASE. Sandy Gillis is visiting h is many friends Cowan, Wm. H~nry. Class IV. -Har1y Procter, J ennie.K ewsom, Sam'l Clemence, MR. EDITOlt,- Sorry · am -I to have to here. He looks well. .fammy Hunt Juts got . tJ1rough thrash- Geo. Dunsfo1·cl. Ol>tss !IL- Edith Sim padvert to this m:ttter, but a sense of honor _ son, EthelSitP-Jt&O!l, Belb W~ts<m, Minnie tu1d duty impels me to state briefly the ing; 120 days altogether. Mrs. Nesbitt is-very sick. Linton. A~vefage attendance l(!t Division, fact in carmec;ti..n there-w.i-th. · .Albert Spinks is able to be o'u t. · 40 ; 2nd, 36_; 3rd, 38. 'l'otal ·M·erage, Mr. H arris at our Decembe1' session ,, . Ned Parr has seen some awful t)lings 114. W. C. Allin, .Principal. preferred a claim on the Council for loss 1e is · ., · of sheep purporting to be worried by dogs. both black and ulu<:J this week, but 1 M r . Harris on oath (titter a great de:il of better. GUURTIOE. Ice on Scugog was never better. · hesitatio11) replied to my questions stating Iloll. Miss Florence C6urtice is visiting friends sheep were iu iin enclosure; their value . ii1 Pickering. r . being $10 each !tnd that ho saved from HAMPTON. Master B lake Courtice on Thursd:JJ last worried sheep about 15 lbs mutt(}n. I assert and maintain said sheep strayed l have bought out Mr. Thomas Ward's froze the side of his face while driv!hg t o from Mr. It's premises and got into a field butcher business in Hampton and begun Tyrone. where the fence was clown. I am informed operations. I solicit the patronage uf Mr. Om· very industrious blacksmith, Mr. and verily believe that the hoards of said Ward's custon1ers, and hope by fair deal- . H ill, has had to succumb to the effects of fence have n ever yet been nailed up, hence ing and supplyihg good meats to win many a cold, and is at present confined to bed. I s;iy, :ttlvisedly, that fiel.cl was a common new ones as well. I will pay cash fo1~ Mr. A. M. Fowler is actively engaged to all intents and purposes. hides, skins, tallow and pork. A few in ctmvassing in the interests of the D. U . I also charge that a fictitious value was good quarters of beef wanted. is the best phce to ~et a Good Cheese On. He r eports a prospect of placed on the sheep . ··If foul' · of the pick · . JESSEE. L. COLE. doubling the usual business next year. _ , of Mr. H's sheep were sold for $7 each B RrnFs.- Opcn Division here on St. · 1-our xorresponctent expeotea to see an Standar'l PaJent 1Uetlicines,, Dye Stuffi, Hair and 'I'oolb in the summer when'meat Wa('I at its high- Patrick's Day. Solin:i Division visi~s us . est val ue, why charge the Township $3 next M rmday night. · Big sqrprise party a.ccount of the following marriage in the Come in and try :ft: · Brushes, Shouldel" Braces, S1>onges, Perfbmel"y, &c. per head more than a private ihdividual. at Mr. .John Y. Cole's on the 25th ult. STATESMAN, but as i.t has not appeared, we OyHters tn U~lk @r <:uns ulways tn stock: sheep in the spriug or early sum mer are Willie Ward is running the Gra11ge insur- venture to report it, though it be late. . ' AGENTS FOR THE ORANGES, wol·th about $1 a head more than in the ance in Hope. R ev. J-. H . Oke preached On . Feb. 12th, at the residence of the . season of the year when the 'sheep were a good funeral . sel'Illon Sunday night, bride's IJarents,. by Rev. Jesse 'Vhitlock, LEMONS, h';j worried. Mr. H said one of the sheep blf;Jd referring to the death of Jane Fursier. B. C. M., Ntr. John W. Brooks, son of J. ~ GRAPES, 8l out as white as any butcher could bleed it, Hc11r lfov. Geo. Webber . Friday night.. F. Brooks, Esq., and l\fiss Regina M . A. , BANANAS, if so what is the reason Mr. H enly saved Mr. Stephen Clemens and bride started · Short, daughter of R. 0. Short, Esq., all -ii-: (; of Courtice. A large company of friends DA'!'ES. 15 lbs of mutton1 Then how m i.t ch ,tallow for Brandon, Mau., Tuesday. "' p. witnessed the ceremony and presented, the Pl 171 did Mr. H. get from the three $10 sheep? FIGS. bride with the.following valuable and use6 Why d id not Mr. H . tell the Council? It ~ "' g ful presents : Linen tablecloth, Mr. and was his duty to do so. MAPLE GROVE. "'O ::i. I>- ,,.. Mrs. G. ShClrt, sen . ; china t ea s et, · Mrs. I consider it was the duty of tJ1e Count;;<I ~ 'l'he entertamment at Maple Grove wa~ Brooks ; one doz. !mi ves and forks, Mr. Cigars from two for 5c. cil to J1ave appointed a committee to in very successful, the house being packed B rooks ; fami'!y Bible ll.nd hymn-book, ~ 'LSil resolution up to 10 cents e'a ch. vestigate the charge and not Ilf with an a1iprecia Li ve audience. Choice Mr. and Mrs. Short; one doz. silver t ea&; exoneratin~ Mi·: H . from blame. During ti · my tenure of office I liave seen too many· music was rendered by Messrs. Yellowlees, spoons, l\Jr. J<,. Brooks ; linen tablecloth, questionable claims presented to ou; Coun- May and l\:ing, qf Bowmanville, aml the best quallty, Miss L . Brooks ; one dollen cil for :\lleged loss of sheep purporting to Misses M . and E. Farewell, of Harmony. table napkins, Mr. S. Brooks ; toilet set, · be worried by dogs; <!onsequently I deem, All did e~ceeding well, but nothing was Miss Brooks ; bedroom set, Mr. R Short, andthebeRtstockof it high time t~ take the initiative to 1Jre- more appreciated than the s.i nging of little jr. ; hairbrush and combs, Mr. G . Short ; Alick and Maggie Yellowless. Headings gl11ss fruit dish, Mr. L . Short ; one dozen vei1t.further extortion in that line. and r ecitations were given by Miss A. salt cups, Mr. J. Short, jr. ; moustt\che V ours, etc., Cole, Arthur Foley, Mr. Yellowlees' cup, for.bi·idegroom, Mr. C. Short ; silver J. OARVETH, IN BowMANVILLE. childre11 and James Rundle. Tableau, cruet stand, Mr. J . ·T: H. Hancock and , Reeve of Clarke., Miss G:tmble, of Harmony,personating an daughter; lamp, Mi-. J. Littlejolms; silver ' jMr-The Grand Centr~l is next door angel, appettred to four young men engag- bu. t t er knife, Mrs. ".Littlej oh11s ; syrup· Carefully compounded with a.bsolute purity '· and correctness. East of Post Office. 3 ed in gambling with cards, an<;l silently pitcher, Miss C. L itrlej ohns ; silver cruet ; AUCTION SALES. · warned them b v pointing her finger tip- stand, Mr. and Mrs. Perkin; large glass wards then down. w ards- in affright they pitcher and J <).oz. goblets, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Dayman's lease of the "Windsor," . throw away their cards. Vi<' hat a blessing OTICE.- All persons who hold polteies ln the Sovereign Insurance Co.. are here- Newcastle, liavi~1g expired, he will offer if all young men could be so influenced .James Hancock ; glass tea set, Mr. and · Mn. T. Short ; glass cake stand, Mr. and by notltled that they are now insured in the for sale on Tuesday 11th Mart:h the 1 Glas_gow and London Insurance Co., a good who practice such evil .ways. Mr. Yellow- Mrs. J. Short ; glass butter d ish, Mr. 'L'. whole of the furniture and fixtures of said British Company.· . loes maclfl a speech on union, principally Short .; crochet lace, Miss E. Short ; pair hotel, without reserve. Also cow, ·pigs, referring to matrimonial ' union, and vase~, Miss · K. Hancock ; parlor lamp, 11nd other articles. Sale at 10 a. m. H. strongly advised four bachelors of this Miss McH ugh ; glass fruit d ish, Miss J< - · - -MA NUFAO.TlJJtER <,>F--· . ,. T. P hillips, auctioneei-. C~ds Thank~. vicinity t o become benedicts, an advice Courtice; fancy pitcher, Mrs. J'. Sqnirm1; The farm stock, implements, furnitJre, which it is to be hoped they vrill speedily silver pickle cruet, Mr. A. 4ingmaid . To Hartford Fire ln8'ttrance Companv. . etc ., of the la~e James W. Werry, Solina, 1:1. A dialogue by M essrs. Kirkpatrick The sale at Mr. J. W. Harnclen's last I hereby return thanks to your Company for will be sold · by auction on 'l'hursday, tak ,. KING STREET, DOWI\IA.NVILLE, and Allen and Miss C. P owers provoked week was au immense affair. About 300 the prompt settlement of my claim, through Has~w on hand a number of Tehlcle~ (and ls manufacturing a great man»; more)o~ the newest your agent Mr.'l'hos. Bingham, of loss susta!nod March 13. Sale at 1 p. m . See posters. much merriment. This with tho oranges Moml :-Get y~ur advertising , patterns and best finish. which I am offering for.sale p,t tho lowest. prices colllJ1stent LEWIS QUICK, by fire on the 12th inst. H; . T. Phillips, auctioneer. 'l'lw imple- and Cl),llllies following was spent a 11leas- present. with due regard to workmanship and quality. The followmi:: Is a list of W. WORJfOLK. done through the 8,TATESMAN. B EN. . the principal vehicles manufactured by me : ments are all nearly new, having been ant e;v~ning. · To the ConfederaUon L ife A.,sociation, purchased within the last two years. ~Double Covered Carnages ... .. ... ..... ....... .... ... ............... .... : ... . .$200 Up"'.;ards. We, the Executors of thA late John Brown 11 A~ a sure rllrnedy for Sick Headache, Single Phretons . ..... ......... .. ...... .. .. . ......... ; ............... :; ......... 100 THURSDAY, MARCH 20. - Mr. Sylvester Orono, Clarke, hereby return tha.nka for the WIDE AWAKE DRUGGISTs.-Messrl! J . 1' Open Buggy ..·.........··.. ..... . .. ......... ... ........·................·......·. 70 prompt settlemeot of his life iµsurance through Potter, lot 7, Con. 51 Darlington, will sell Higginbotham & Son are always alive to Sour Stomach, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, 11 your agent, Mr. Thos. Bingham. Top Buggy ........ ............ , ; . ..... .... ............ , ...... ~ ... ....... ...... ;. ..; ~O the whole of his farm stock, implements, their buisness, and spare no pains t'o se- Constipation, Torpid Liver, Biliousness, · JAMI!;S HROWN DemoCJ"at \Vago11 .. . ····... .·. ........ ... ·.· .··...·········........ ·. .. ·...·· .- ..· 65 " and household.furniture, this is a large cure the best of evely article in their line. kc., no medicine is equal t9 Dr. Biu:ter's ~ EDMUND OOBBLEDICK · Lumber Wagons...... ........................................... ............. ... 55 t' sale; at 1 o'clock, See large posters. H ,' 'l'. They havO' . secured the agency for the Mandr~ke Bitters. 25 cents per bOttle.[l 7'o the President, Manager and Director s of Phillips, auctioneer. ' Light Wagon ......·..... ... .. ...... ... ;... .... ..·........... ....... ... ....... :. ..... 40 ° · celebrated Dr. King's New Discovery. for the Fire fn.9urance .Association of London, · We have a full supply Express Wagon ........ ........... . ..... .......... . ; .... ................. :, ... ;.. 75 " Mr. D. Smith, Leskard, will sell 9 Consumption. The only certain cure Bngland. · · Of choice red clover, Skeleton ..., ·· .. ..... ........ ..... .... ... ............ .. .... ...... . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . . 50 11 horses, 6 cows, 4 heifers, and other cattle, I hereby return tha.nka tor the very prompt known for consumption, Coughs, Colds; Alsike clover and gra8s seeds Sulky·.····... 1 . .............. .. ... . . . ... . ...... , ·· · ·· ·· ··· · ···· · ···················· 40 u settlement.through your agent Mr.'l'. Bin~ham. 18 ewes, and the whole of his farm imple- Hoarseness, Asthma,_ Ha.y Fever, Bron· for my two horses killed by ll~h\ning m my On hand; a call solicited. Possessing superior facilities tor manufacturing carrlag!lS, I intend to sell ver7 cheap for cash field la.st thunder storm. RO.S'I , FlELDINQ, ments, etc., on Tuesday, March 25th. H. ohit!s, ·or any affection of the Throat and Murdoch Bros. ,_ or appl'oved credit; and by so doing I hope to greatly increase my. number o sales. Would T. Phillips' auctioneer. and Lungs. Sold on a positiTe guarantee . · sell the wood parts only, or the IHl&rlngs of buggies Ironed. · To the President and D irectors of the Hartford Trial Bottles free, Regular size $1.00. Farmers, 'now is the time to put in you"r Fireinsurance<Jompan.11. At the :Victoria B uildings ice; that done, apply to J. M. Joness, ~ . · · . . . I llereby return th&nks fo'r the prompt pay· We are forcing the sale of Dree1Goods. for a Cree.mer ·and not only save your . In the Town of Bowmanville, . ·. . . . ment by your agent Mr. T. Bingham, for losa El\isoq & . Co. At the Shortest N ot,ice, P.amted .and Trimmed if De~ired. in full to my household e1fects, caused by the You'll find teas of all kinds wife and daughters Ol\e half the labor in ' At th Facto.i;y I also do Planing ·Ma . tching Turning and Sa.wing with Circle, Band or Soroll breaking of a. coal 011 lam~, . having received 'l'he b est for the money t 4 be had. We keep all sizes in Boy11' Su4,t s from making butter, but you will have a su~:ws and prepare all kinds imn ber for carpentel'9 and others for .building purplilsee. cas~h checf 88 l:!OOn as ~),'.OCliiouiWNaui1vr~rd, Murdoch. Bros. 4 ye&rs up. Elliso~ & Co. periqr article when done. Ornamental and Plain Pickets for fences in nory stylCI required, made to order. 9ii& · · ...,. · Our .Spri.ng . Goods~ ' CORRESPONDENOE. A POOR MAN SJ;>EAKS. COLUMBUS. Briefa- - Cold weath er; roads ln~dly dr1ft· ed; union r evival services progres~ing ; trade very d ull; men out of work; hymg 11nd ~u cl de~tr ; colds prev11.lent ; the Litern.1:y ~ociety b concert was ~ Jm:1bo su_ccess; Ihll Robe1·ts has sol~l 1~1s p:iqs ; did h e ri:a:ke m~mey out of lns piggery ! Big Mnswmn gwcs free concer t on four corners soon; Hob. \Vottens wood bee was a Gordon success; w.ho's " Grangos" young man that went west? 1 1 large loM! of young folk went t o Oshawa tea , and Mme home lat'e n.nd very noisy. CI'i'IZEN. 1'YlWNE. A blessed relig ious reviv~d is in pr ogregg here. Big assembly of young fol k at l\fr. Wesley Clemmrn' on th e 2Gt h ult. ; happy , time. Mr. J'esse Cole, Hampton's new b utcher, came his first rouwl on Tilesc b y. Welcome, J esse , and success. Mr.' W. H. H icks is working . up the leather . 'l'here should be an other wedding hem · spon. BUT ST. O P! This lS premature,~ Please keep YOUR EYE ON this space. ll {; · McOLUNB.BROTHERS. .. . . .. J. HICGINBOTBAI & 8011, GrandCOntral . - .. . Pure prugs and Medicines, . · Hot Dish of Oysters. · Biscuits of all kinds. 4 TUCKER StllNC ran TttU88. . ·P rescr1p ipns ,. an , . t· . · · · NUTS OF ALL Kl~DS, · . d. R ec1pes .· CONFECTIONERY HAINES' CARRIAGE · -WORKS. N GEORGE a: HAINES, Proprietor, OARRIACEs: SLEIGHS, GUTTERS, .WAGONS,' &o .. of -· -- · = = = ==== . . . nds of Veh1' cles · Repaired I All Kl of . 29 . .

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