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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1884, p. 3

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TOOTHSOME RECEIP rs. from t wo to three hours, ·according to IN A. HOT BOX. ' ~ size. .'he Brakeman 'l'el'ia B.fs·S t01,y. Jlygteni o Cook1ng-How to do I~. B 0 M k· h' k · . · . · UTTERED MELET.- a e a t ic The Wo . rld ofMonkevs. as l evei: in an accident 1" echoed 81'EAMED GRA.l'.Ns.-The table below square of buttered toast, buttering it well If Ol}e of each kind, of the apes and -akeman; as he took off his gloves, gives the proportions of grain and water on both sides, and cutting it into four or ·sted his necktie, and brushed off by measurement, and the time required six pieces; let it stand before the fire to monkeys which are now living on the 1ary dust after putting some coal in for cooking in a closed steamer. (A cksed keep hot, but not sufficiently near to dry globe could be collected and placed in a. ater. "Never had an accit!lerlt in steamer, is one t.hat admits the steam it up. Break three fresh . eggs into 1 .a large zoological·garden,andif those' which. i, sir, but I come mighty c!ose to through fl1ies in .the side or elsewhere, &tewpan ov~r tbe fire (both yolks and lived in farmer ages, and whose skeletons ral ti.mes. Closest call I ever had and not through holes in the bottom.) whites), having previously melted in ii a have been discovered by geologists, coti1d < Wn near Laporte. We stopp'e d tr Some like thes9 grains cooked quite dry, piece of butter the size of a walnut; ' add be broughtto life, and a.dded t_, the whole, a hot-box, IJ.lld as I knew the limit- and others prefer them very moist. If the a little salt; and a tablespoonful of cream they would certainly foi:m·ll' very amusing · close behind us I skipped back proportions here given do not suit the qr good milk ; stir it ·rapidly over the fire and rema.rable assemblage. What end'Y lantern in a hurry. Hadn't gone taste, i.t will be an easy matter to correct until it begins to t hick en ;· then take it less fun there would be, what scamperten or t:welve rods when I heard them, after a oingle trfal. In steaming, off and beat it until quite smonth ; set it ings, skirmishes and quarrels would take \omin' about a mile off, perhaps alwa'l/S keep the W<.1.for at a fast boil ; and on the fire again, and keep stirring unt il place ; how t hey would grin, c4atter, and There was a c~rve right there, dish tlie V<:lry moment you lift tlrn steam- it is very h ot and thick. · With a apooi pull tails all the live-long day, which had }Ouldn't see her. · Hearin' of her er from the fire, else the water will col- heap this lightly up on to th.- square of been quiet ~pectators before, would com,1e a bit anxious, anCi I started tv leot. . . buttered toast which has been keeping mence howling, and how others would · ,t 1ir-it was a snowy, blowy ni3htrGRAIN. . WATER , ·TIME . hot before the fire, making it stand as rush about amongst their tir.ed and sleepy , i·p ed d n ·b l 1 ter~ tlfoe.. ... .. .l cap 31 cups t · our. h' h · 'bl S . t tl companion11, wi.th noiseless bounds, until 's I p . ow , ro re my an '" 1 rncl<ed·Wheat . . . .. . 1 .. 4~ ·· 3 hours. ig a,S p~ss1 e. erve ms an y. h · ,1e w.ind blew it out. .tlere was a Roiled or Pe..rl Wheat. l " 4 3 .. t e r eturn of day1ight ! If each of the .e a hundred feet from t he rear of P··arl B11rlev.... . ..1 " 3 3! " · P UFF p ASTE.--LTake two pounds of the representative monkeys could give an acl:loll".l. or Crush'd n ...r!'yl " 3 3 ti.n est pastry flour, a nd t hii same weight ..:ount of itself, whence it .had come, how 'ain, e:x;pected to stop N o. 20' and Coars~ Homin;i .. .. ... 1 " 4 4 of fresh butter. Work the butter in a ·comin' down the gra.de and round Flue Hominy .. ....... 1 .. . 3!1- " 4 ·t lived in its nat ive forests and woods, :laniJ) . .. ......1 " · ~4! 2!\- .. napkin unt il it is well freed from water. and what it di'd with itself all day, a moat I t t I N l d urve, an.d . my an ernt ou · . ow uatmeal .... . ...... l ·· 4 ~ ·" Place the flour on a pastry slab i'n a heap. · · t.: _ k th' k mterest mg and · n~ve1 natural llllltory ou I d l some pret Y qmc m " Groats .. · · · ... 1 " 4 2 make a hole in the middle of it, put in it bo k id b _ ._ ·1 d f I h .1en. I hadn't time to get back to Rolled Oats .. .. .. , ... 1 " 4 2 · o · c·u e cump1 e , er on y t e . · h 1 t d t . t he yolks of four fresh eggs, freed from histories of afew have been written, aml ram, get anot er an .,rn, an ge If you hav.e not a steamer, cook the the spe -,k, two pi'nches of salt, the J·u1'ce t h ey are by no means always· veraoio1.1s. 'k Cvu Idn 't s tl'l 10ugh to stop h er. e above gra'ins in a farina kettle, which is a of half a lemon, and the fourth part of the T Id hey weu have come' from Asia and. {tch in that wind, certain, an·l for a double boiler, or one· ·vessel within an'd 't k .h t t d . butter cut up in very small pieces ; work many of its islands, from Africa, froµl t d d I l n now w a o o. ot.her, the outer one containing water th e paste as qui'ckly as l·Ossi' ble w1 "th the s h i · or wo ,.,,., ,.......,. fi rm b el1ever 1., _ . .1en 1t.,ame to me l l'k e a flasli, an d I that is boiling. Grains coolfed in this ket- fi f h d dd" ·ht ·a out America, and the isthmus to the h d · th. t H th 8\ICn "<.l d h 1 o R b k t · ~ ngers o one an , a mg as muc ep1 north, and Europe. would-have s~nt one preac e m is rcspec . e was wor th ed · t d u.1 IJ t ust e' un ac to my ram, tie (or in a covered tin bucket set in a pot water as .will make the paste smooth, and f th k f G'braltar d nearly quarter of a millio m· dollars and ey p.e · no . ? s ". uo pullc·d the rope for our engineer to go of boiling water) require a longer time by of the samJ consistency as the remaining rom e roe so l ; an yet, unhe willed the whole of it unconditionaliy . so. :rlie car'7mg . ot revtu-vh·s m b~lts, ahead, yelled with all my might to the about one-third, t},an if done in a closed B less those of the same oountry had been. · to his wife. That is woman's rights for ~n railway tradns, lor an~where de~~e? ~ a conduo.tor, who was ahead where t he hot- steamer; hominy and pear~ barley, for one and a ltalf pounds of butter. eat properly introduced, either by Dame · you in good earnest. If h e had a sensi- angerous an ~ ug y cus om, an I is ue box was, and gmbbed the red bulls-ey.e instance, would need all of five hour~. t he lat t er out in to a flii.t square piece an Nature or by thQ ...:hapter of ac~idents inble wife, as he no doubt was convinced to all Ca_nad!an travellers, and aH other fron'I the rear platform, climbed up on the The time can be shortened, h'owever, by inch in thickness ; r oll out the past e to cident to such a very unlikely meeting as that he had, he made a very desirable .trav·_ 1llers through Caf!ada, th~t our a~- brake and t.hen onto tlie coach, and when soaking (covered) over.night, and cookirig fotll' times the ~ize of the piece of butt er, we are imagining, they would not· know will. Advocates of..woman's rights.should thonttes shoul~ stop the Jlractlce as efii- I got there held my bull-eye up high and fa the same water; if soahd, they will lap t his in the centre of thei[aste, and many of their fe!lows. They are exclureduce their theories ri<rht dvwn to prac c1ently a~ poss1bl~. A m ilwa.y travell1ir waved h er across the track. It was as I steam in a farina-kettle, in about the roll it out again as befi;>ri,i. epeat'this sive in their habits, and their particular tical e.v ery day life all "'the way ,through'. armed with a .wluskey flaslc and a loa~ed tt,ought. I could see 20's headlight from same time as that given in " the table. But opelitionl tw~ce, cover the paste with a parks and forests are limited in extent, The world "W:Qul·d: sooner have a race of re.volver, or either for tl;at matte~, is a up . there- would she see m e 1 Ap- the flavor is rather better if the soaking woo enc ot ' and let it rest for half an and sometimes very much so. Of course, real practica.lbiismess women if m"I'tl danf;er<?us· passenger. lh~. emptymg of parently noj, for she. came along like is dispensed with. These grains are somti- ~~~r~g !~e ~eer~!i~t~ ~! C:1i~~~·~r:in\n! there are. some exceptions, and many trusts were usually committed. to their ~me Is hkely to rouse a sp1nt for empty- mad is I felt myself going crazy: But a.s times cooked in a stone or earthen crock, kinds which roa.m over large couf1trieii, care. :mg the other. soon as she struck t he tangent of the or even in an iron pot, on the back of the t urn." After the paste has rested, twp and are even found in different islands, .. th . k d more turns are to he given to it, and. it have gained the superior intelli!!ence and . Complaints are pretty loud t h at a great curve e engm eer 1oo e my way, saw sto.ve ; the fire must be slow or they will wi"ll >-- readv. · ~ . lit, and put lier d own h ard · scorch. · Ut> r the ready affability and easiness of interth e re d 1ig many of the visitors to Montreal d uriug FOR 'l'HE ~'EiUININES. _ _ - - - -.·Carnival week were pretty well :fletoced. · You see if I h<>d stayed on the track he course characteristic of the cosmopolitan ,1d · l th f ht t 11 b t CANNELON OF BEEF.-Choph1tlf a pound A Southern Negro's Prayer. and traveller.' Every kind of temper and · d A The h ote18 were f u11 and .t h e d:avers A ino e1 woman : poser. COI!J. Iii t iave seen e ig · a a ; u of l~an co< ked beef fine ; rub smooth in a capacity would be shown; the Gorillas bU'sy, and it is said that double priceR, A bosom friond ·. A good laundress. even as it was, nothing saved us "0ne o f ti1e mos t remark a ble and orw· ~ .,.. d · but · the mortar h<>lf a pound of raw fat baco11, or would prob ably be shy and cross \ the and sometimes even more, were char~d · s ma k" our· train fst~rte up m tune to ham fat ; "' grate the y · r ind of one ma · 1 prayers 1 ever h eard , ,, sa1 'd a genti'"' ' To call a little girl dear i mg game fact f that · 1 b "l · ellow :e()bimpanzees li"1>ely and kind, t he :Baboons 20 saw my u1 sfor necessary ac,,ommodation. e of her. get air y . ~ rroinrr be ore · B d th h ~ l emon, mix a .11 these ingr edients thorou0 "h- man t o a era;. repor ter e ot er even" grmnpy the Spider monkeys rMtleoa and hope that these accounts are exaggerated. eye. Not a passenger knew what a close · " · t f h 1 d d ~ ' ~ -, · · no sign · tha ta !lli'ld , had . N either d id t1 · '1y, press them together in form of a roll, m g, was JUS a ter t e war c ose , an 1 most of the l\'.lacaq · ues impudent and cun1 will .be fond of call wed It is It is an easy thinl.! to rret a bad r eputation 1e S,uperm~ h b 1 b b · t xlii ' bi'ts a d k Elkl wra1) them well i1· buttered pa1)er, and was taking a run down tluough Geor"'"ia riing-the result of a knowledge of apea 1 for extortion amon.,rz travellers, and tit is ~ e sea ecause w ien a a Y e ten ent ytiu bet. E l hart ! . 1art ! " ~ ~ · d' bake it for twenty minutes in a moderate in hope of finding a desirable cotton plan- and of many monkeys. There would be a hard thrng to get rid of it airain: Ni- wai·1 u.g ispost't' ion. Twenty minutes fot diPner !,, ~ d' oven. When it i~ done, ;remove the paper tation. 0 ne bright summer night. found eve1y shade of color and oI ft'"ape and agl\ra Fall.s is a notablti illustratiou of tliis A Verm.:int town has a young .. ·- · - - - - - ----· ~ who h ad size ; th ere would be · many without · .... m o f an oId negro, tails, , nla ies' sowithout breaking t he roll, and serve it me a t the cab' fact. Of course travell.,rs soon get shy of ciet" y calfod "The 0 ld 'G frls. ' \iv e1I, leap· Talk Abou ·t House-Plants. · 1ey or 1ettuce, or once been a s1ave, b u.t wl10 l oca te d on t he some · with stumps, and ote,ers with long ,., either on a bed of pars places of evil reputll, and no doubt many year is t he time to get even. . "A plant breathes as tnily as you do, with half a pint of brown sauce or meat old plan, after the war, and was his own tails of no great use but to afford temptawill sliay away from Montreal's next car" No," said a fo11d mother, speaking only, · unlike yourself, it 'lms indefinite gravy. . master. He gladly welcomed me to his t ion to the mischievous; and ni»t a few nival because of the r eports now being proudly of her25-year-olddaughter; "no, thousands of mouths. There is ene leaf Mo" cK TERRAPIN. .:_Half a calf's.liver., humble abode and what he could pro- with fine large ones useful in, the excircalated. ' h t h ere are over ·150 , 000. Th ey season and fry brown. Hash it, not very vide. · . Toronto . . must be . careful of ]}fary..iRn't old enough to many y1;t. She on wh·w t reme by acting as a fifth limb. Many its. reputat10u m t 1 11s .respeet m connec- oritis l"henever a ny one scolds her, and un- are called s.tomata., or breathing pores, fine, dust t hickly with flour, a teaspoon S~pper over, and a most excellent one, would have very human faces and sharp tion with its great ga_ t herings. til she becomes hardened enough to talk and are on both sides of t he leaf in of mixed mu~ta.rd, as much cayenne ]:Jep- too,"the old man ~·egaled me with stories eyes, others w0uld look more like dogs, . Some of the United States papers back vigorously she isn't fit for a wife. " most plants, but usually are in far greater per as will lie on half a dime, two h a.rd of plantation life until his son, a good and fierce enough, and t here would be showago9ddcal ofindi~n>ltionoverthe fact " "She (softly): "l shall n ever forget a bundance ·on the lower side. The plant eggs chopped fine, a lump 'of butter the ch\mk of a boy, came home from a neigh- every variety of posture. Some would sit that when it becorn,esnecessary to purdutse this night and·this ball. " He (tende.rly): draws its food from the air and soil- size of an e-gg, a teacup of wa'ter. Let it b()r's. Before retiring the old m;m asked vivy w.,ll, othel'S would -go O>:! all-fol!lrs, se.a -worthy ships to go no~th i11 connec- "Tell me-why 1" "Aud that last walt'6 !" from the latter-in liquid form-and this boil together a minute or two. c0 ld veal me to read a chapte.i; !n t he Bible,' when and others would be swinging with l(heir · tion with the Greely expedition, the Gov· He : "Yon enttatJ.c1i rne ! · Then I have substance must be ooncent.rated and as- will do if liver is not liked. he would pray. .~e said h e. couldn tread, hng and . strong arms, and making treernment make purchase of ships in Great impres~ed you?" She ( more softly than sirnilated. These li ttle pores introduce . . , " but was p owerful m exhor tm' and pray" er. me11dous jumps and bounds assisted in Britain. · Large sums have been paid out ever): "Yes l You've about smashed two the vital atmosphere through the air pasJELLIED YEAL.- TaK:e 3: knuckle . of ~.feer reading a chapter from~Job and some by the prehensile tail. Some would in that way, alld yet it is pretty evident ' of my toes!" sages of 'the plant, which correspond in ·a veal, wash it rncely, p_ut m_ a _pot with part of (t psalm we knelt down, and the want one kind of fruit, and others differ.., h mg~on ' . . d'd· . sense to t h e throat an . d 1ungs of water e11ough to cover it, boil it slowly sable brother let !11 's soul flow out t~·God. . but only two or t h at t h e \"as autl10rities ·i ·a The new mother was bitterly lamenting certam "" ent k.111cls of vegetables, wise thing in m~,i,king t hese foreign pur· that her first-b()rn was cross-eyed, and the an animal. You would be sadly off if you for two or t hree hrurs, t~on take out all Even in the uncouth language-of tl~e old three tiny lit tle ones would care much chases. Ship building has .been a pro- father, after lookmg a,t the baby for usec- couldn't breath; these plants would fare ~~e bones-be sure to pick ?ut all the slave every word was sublime, and seem- about grubs and eggs. All would have tected industry ·_ n the Up.ited States .for vnd, said, encouragmgly: ··Nev-er.mind, no better. Therefore we must-do artifi.- h~tle 0 11\'eS-:- ~utk th_:e meat mto small e_ d as coming frOJll one inspired. Lre. the best possible limbs for climbing, & many years,, b,up there is no de:nytng the .Martha. · If·he'~ cross-eyed he 11 never be cially what the rain does out-of-doors- pieces, Jut it .ac m the ltquor, season member one pass»ge remarkable for its gra~ping, picking, and stealing, and all fact that the b.,siness has not had a a masher. Thl!re' 8 some con:tolationjn wash away the ,accumulated dust, so that taste WHh pepper, salt and sag~, . let it beauty and unappi;oachable as a figure: would have good hands, that is to say, health3' growth, fo11 that or for some that." respiration may be unimpeded. More- s tew awa:y .mtil pretty drJ'., turn it m an Said he: "If I had de win?s ob a dove fingers and thumbs atid wrists, in front, other good reason. .Both t he mercantile Little N ell- "Mamma, wliat is color over, these little pores, which are shaped oblong. dis~, or one that will mould it well I'd mount de golden steps t o de N e~wJ er- and" foot-h::tnds, that is to say, feet with. and the war riavy of the U uited States is blind ?" Marnma- " l!mbility to tell 011 e like tl1es~mi-dlipt1calsprings of a carriage, to out Ill shces. A mce relish for tea. us:llem, and dip my fingers in de blood of a great th urn b-like toe behind. In a gennow in a much worse condition than for color from anoth.,r, dear." Little Nell- <~re self-acting valves. A plant exhales a SWEETBREADS, LIVER AND HEART. - de Lamb and write de word redempt ion eeal seme they would all be four-handed many a year before, anrl things are grow- "The11 I deos the man that made iny great deal of rdoisture in invisible vapor. . Parboil them and. let th em \!et cold, thmi on de blue v.a ult of heaven!." . He J?rayed or quadrumanous, and this peculiarity ing w,orse instead of better. g"ography is color bliud." Mamma- A sunflower has been knowo to give off cut them 11bout an inch thick. Season for the president of the Urnted 8tates, would distinguish them from any interEvery few . days there are ' reports of "And why, . pet 'I" L ittle Nell.:..."Ta.use three pou11ds of water in twenty-four wit}) salt and 'p lpper and dip them into 1 i11l his cabinet, t he army, the navy, t~e lopers who might have got into the assemhours. Th.is .does ho harm, unless the the ·y olk of an e!!g and tine bread crumbs,· 0 " <ivernors of_ all . the states, for me, .hJS blage unasked. ·11ted yellow·" Pal · fresh immigra.11t arrivals from Great h e got. G r.;e nland · ~~ f fi h moisture escanes faster than it rises from fry then· li 0 "ht brown. " T han r ~movecl auest, for his ne1ghborA, for absent cluldBritain, and as most of them are deTo empty .a theatre m case o re t e " 1~ · Emperor W1"ll1"um'· 01·1 La1np. should be 1owered . A11 t h e .nen the roots ' in which case the plant wt.Its ' from t he frying-pan make a gravy 'for· ren,. for himself and fam. ily. He asked .. P endent on· work at once for their main- act-drop . f f h b' d h and may even d1 ·e ln such e1nercrenc1'es them, adding, if you like, spices. forgiveness for manv sms, · and thanked The study ramp on Emperor W1ll1'am's tenance, they have to be provided 'for. lt will rush out by orce !.> a it, an t e · "' 1 " · f ·d t tl t f t' t we men will sit stili, as usual in such cases, these little stomata, or mouths, shut up SHARP SAUCE l· 'OR BIWILED MEATS.- 1 the Lord, for many b essings. ' work-table, is a svnple oil lamp of a pat· 16 pam u 11 Y evi en ia ur sorne ime 0 partly 01· corr1pletely, and so do rnuo]" . to fi d 1 Well I began to get tired I had r ested tern such as since the i ·nt d t. f .corn&there will not probably be sufficient and a panic will be prevented. This sug-· check the exhalation. Wlien moistui~e 1 ro uc ion ° .s Ch op ne an onion an a smal q u;mtity 1 1 work for all our present labouri1Jg popula- gestion is freely offered for what .it is o"iven to the roo. t s these mouths open. of mixed pickl"'s ; put these into a sauce- ~Y knees the best collld, but w'.l-nted ~o petroleum lamps, can hardly be met with tion. The ·q uestion of increased imnri- worth. It·is not patented. · . pan with half a gill of vine1rnr, a teaspoon. , sit up badly, .and ~t the same .time did on the table ()f t he humblest citizen of gration, of the iaboring class especially, They were in the parlor and shE' ·was agam, and if our eyes were fine enough ful of mi,istar d, a small bit of butter, a not want to give offence to _ my h_ost. Tl~e Berlin. The following incident may acmust be faced soon, and the sooner th e . d . . h we should see the vapor passing out." large tablespoonful of bread-crumbs, and boy, recl~ned next to me with lus _head.m count for the non-admittance of the im1 1 "I never appreciated the fact before pepper .i.nd salt to · se:tson; boil all to-. t he ch~1r, ao~nd asl.eep,, . Touchmg hun proved petroleum lamp into th6.historical p ayillg t ie piano a n smgmg· t e new better. There is no use of encouraging song, "Oh, ·wh ere Have the Old Folks th t 1 t . th hl l " " - ether on tl1e fir·e s1 'x m1'nutes then add gently, I w . h1spered . · About how soon corner oom of the Imperial Palace. The labour ers to seek honies in Canada when Gone !" He wa 11t e.d to be funny, and a Pans are so oroug Ya iv~. ' v we have no labor for them. There is no G . b b . "Indeed , they are alive, and therefore ~gill of water and allow th e sa~ce t o boil will your father get through?" "Has he Emperor, whose simple and economical 118 said : " uess they're gone to ed Y t 1 they need the intelligent care required again for ten minut"" longer. This situce got to d.e,, place whar Moses cro~sed _de habits are well-known, has,for years been reason why we should encourage menand time." "Don't you be so su:re about 1 111' · t h' 1 · h -. ~ Red sea~ Bemg assured that said pomt acou·tomed fo screw down the w1'ck wl1end h h · ·1 " 'Y a ivmg crea ures w I C 1 we ave re- will impart a flavor to the coarsest meats " women to come here an'.l then sustain h " t ·at, answere t e c armmg gir ; pa moved from their natural conditions. or fish wh~n broiled or fried, and also for had not yet. been rea,c,hed, the boy yaw_n- ever he ceases'reading or writing, or leaves them out of the hahrd earnings the tax may be out in the back yard at this mo- Nature takes · care of all her children cold meats made into hash or stew. In ed and contmued: Well, when he g1~ the room. payers, because t ey cannot JUSt now ment lett ing the dog loose." ' h th h h 1 d ti1 to whar Moses crossed de Red sea he a When the petroleum lamps finallyc~me earn for themselves, even though quite . w en ey are w ere 8 e P ace em. th e latter case the quantity of water and . ,, · . ' ~ b p b b h The two-headed girl got mad at~ her ln a case like this, wherein we are pre· crumbs must be doubled. JUSt l~alf done, and he relapsed mto un· mt0 general use, the Emperor's valet, willing to la or. ro a ly t ere nevet manager in a museum the other day, and serving plants that need summer warmth consc10usness. - D ayton (0 . ) H erald. Krause, brought one and put it on the . was n more favorable time for farmers, turned loose . on h1 ·m' wi"th both of her th h . t ' ld t 1 RoAST SWEETBREAD.S.- Boil sweetwork-table. True to h;" hnb1't, h i's Im.th some capi"tal, to come here,· but sitch · roug a win er 8 co 'we mus earn to b d t · th d d th th ----~-----= wi · d t ongues. The human curiosities all faint- supply h er place, and as far as possible rea s, rim em an ry em, en perial master screwed. down the .wick on . nly not the case as regar s e1'tJ· i er · 1 · h · d dt'p i ' n egg "nd bread-crumbs,· bro,un beVandalism in Westllll . 'nster Abbey. ls Certal ed, the arnma s m t e cages t rw to get adopt h er methods: It is just because ~ ~ " leaving the writing, and, as a matter of .mechanics or mer e laborers. · man s t ood a11d m u1titu · d es do not understand her ways fore the fire or. in the oven ; put a good The mutilation of figures in Westmin- course, t h e room was soon fil led with an away, an d a St. L oms Ye,ars ago a g eat deal ;was s~id. abo).l· listen ed a moment, smiled sociably, and that so many house-plants are in a half- clear g ravy under them and garnish with ster Abbey is no novelty. The practice insupportable smoke; which greatlv af. the "Chine~~ ,.~l}" and the exclusive- said : "With a little more pra~tice I'd dying condition." . watercresses. began early, and even kings were not fected t he nose and eyes of. \ he Monarch, ness of· that c6untry against "outside back h er agin my old woman." "Now, Amy, I w1'!: teach you how to PoIVRAJJESA1JUE.- Cllopandfry brown ·pared. The solid silver I1eaa of Henry and ll'epessitatetl th e ppening of doors and .barbarians. " Times are certainly chang" Humph!" ej·J culaf.ed a husbanq, as water t he pots," Mrs. Clifford began. in a ~ablespoonful of butter, one onion. V . 1vas'w rencb.ed off and stolen inl546, on windows. Krause finally volunteered the ing and ii.lrea:dy it is hecoming more ditli" he noticed the "ladies' corner" ofhisfamily " The water, you see, h as been standing and one head of celery in small bits : put the 30th of J ariuary-the very day by- remark · :.cult for the .Chinese to obtain an eri.trance paper, "they may c . nfine tliem to one in t he flower-room all night, so as to i-<1.ise them over the fire with two slices of fat the-by, on which another king's re1.1l head "No, your Majesty, thts sort o.f lamp in the United States than for a citizen of corner of a newspaper, but at home the its temperature. That drawn 'directly bacon cut in half-inch dice, a sprig of W{Ul t aken off at Whitehall n century later. will not suit." the latter country to enter China. The whole business isn't big enough for them." from the well would be much too cold, every sweet herb available except sag.e, a "Some whig, I'll warrant you," said Sir "But what are we to do, Krause ~ Had cry of certain classes, for years, has been He had been trying to find an old pa.ir of and even as it is I shall add some warm blade of maqe, ten peppercorns, a spri!{ Roger de Coverly, during his famous we.better get our oil lamp back again~ "the Chinese must go," and both law and pantaloons, and every closet; no,ok, and water to take the chill off. The roots are of parsley, a bay leaf, two glasses of wi".le, walk round the abbey ; "you oujh t to You k now my eyes are weaker, and ret>rute force has been pretty freely applied. corner that he looked into bulged with very sensitive to a sudden chill from too or one of vinegar, and reduce tde liqijid lock up your kings better, they'll c/J,rry off quire a brighter light.'~ to enforce·their.exclusion. A bi!~ h as re- feminine dra:peri~. cold water. No, don't pour it into the one-half by rapid boiling ; then add a tM- the.body, too, if you don't take care." The "Well, your Majesty, we can get a new cently been reported in the Senate at pots from that pitcher.. T h o rain does cupful of gravy, broth or boiling water; heads of both Washington and Maj. lamp made, with an extra. large burner, Washington to further amend the l aw in not fall so, and as Webb say.,s, we musb heat and use. And re havo been repeatedly carried off 80 as to do away with petroleum altoregard to the admission of Chinese emiCurious Growth on a Boy's Ears. imitate nature. This ~vatering-pot-with RICE CROQUETT!iJS.- Take seven omtces from t he monument of the latter, "Tne gether.,, · grants. The Phila~elphia American says A colored boy from Virginia, 15 years of a fine rose will enable you to sprinkle of r ice in a bright sauce-pan wit h a quart war>ton mischief." says Lamb, "of some "Quite right, Krause, let us try it." of it that it substantially creates an elab- a. g;e, recentlypresentedhimselfattheMary- t hem slowly, and the soil can absorb t he of rich milk; l et it swell gently by the schoolboy, fired, perhaps, with raw noAnd l\rause got a lamp of the old patorate passport 1ystem, under the super- Ian~ U uiversity hospital to have an oper- IIloisture naturally and equally. Most fire; stir often to prevent it burning. t ions of transatlantic freedom." The ab- tern, had the burner enlarged to an al-vision of our consuls abroad and our Gov- ation performed for a curipus formation plants need. water much as we take our ·when it is half cook ed stir in five or six bey is a large .place, and any kind of most eolossal size, a grnen glaasshade add-· ernment (,fficiais at home. Every China- on his ears. The growth is know as k<:l- food, regularly, often, and not too much ounces of pounded sugar, a few sweet mutilation might be perpetrated success- ed to it , and to this day the new lamp, man who goes back to his native country Ioid, a kind of counective tis~ue t umor, at a time. Let this surface soil in t)le pounded almonds and a strong flavoring fully, provided only that it did not make defying all innovations, asserts its place is debaq·ed from returni~ unless he satis, covers the ears almost entirely, giving ' pots be your g uide. It should n ever be of orange-water. Simmer these ingredi- too much noise. of honor on the work-table of the most fies an American consul in China that him the appearance of having eiephant's perfectly dry, and still less should it be en ts until the rice is soft and dry; put it Townshend's monument, whether'beau- diligent of all Monarchs. ·he has been already a resident of the ears. The one on the right ear measured sodden with moisture ; nor should mois- into afiatdish to cool ; then r oll it in small t iful or not, has suffered like the rest. United States. The law also provides eight inches across and twenty-five inch"s ture ever stand in the saucArs under. the balls, make a hole in' each and fill it with B ut it is no recent bit of mischief. HorsSome People :Neverare Satisfied. for the summary arrest and return of in circuJilference. T he one on the left pots, unless the plants ar e semi-aquatic, rich pre·erve or marmalade, close it up ley was dean until 1822, and it was done "Please, sir," said a bell-boy Po a Texthose landing in America cof1trary to ear was almost six inches aerosS. The like t his call:t lily, You will gradually and' dip it in egg and bread crumbs ; fry before that . "Pray, Mr. Nollekens, " as hotel clerk, "Number forty say there law. W h ere is the Chinese wall located weight of both t umors when removed was learn to treat each plant or family of these in butter, a light brown color, drain said a friend to that shrewd old sculptor, ain't no towel in his r ooin." . llOW 1 three pounds six ounces. One fias been plants according to its nat ure. · The th ei:q before th e fire on a r eversed hair- "ca~you tell me who executed the basso "Tell him to use one of the window In many instnnces the mistaken kirtd- growing since the boy·;vas· 4 years old , amount.of water which that calla requires sieve covered with a soft, clean cloth. relievo of Townshend's monument 1 1'am curtains." ness of real friends turns out an absolute . and has been cut off three ti f(les; the ·o ther would kill t his heath, and the quantity Pi!e them when ready to serve on a dish sorry to find that some evil-minded per"He says, too, there ain't ne pillers. '" ·r not f or a 11 after h as b een f ornung · six · mont I sons have stolen one of the heads." Ko~cn101ty for manyyeai;s, i 1s. They were neede d by t h e heath would be the death i~ pyramidal form. ' ' Tell him to put his coat and vest unlife. ls not this very frequently the case in hard, ' fibrous masses. The formations of that cactus over there. " APPLE P~"DDING. ~Make a paste with lekens- "That's what I say. Dean Hors- der his head, " 1·egard to the ll:ind of wedding presents are. said to occur more frequently on the "Oh, dear!" cried Amy, "If I were equi1l quantities of sifted flour and finely ley s1'tould look a fter his monuments "And h e wants a pit<ther of water. " given 1 A young lady, for example, very ear than elsewhere on the ·bo_ dy, and to left alone in the care of your flower· room, chopped suet, ·a pinch of salt and a little himself. Hang hi!!, wax-works. Yes, I "Suffering Cyrµs ! But he's the worst popular among her friends is about being be more co·nmon among col9red persons I should out-H eroq H erod in th" 1 slaugh- water. Roll it out thin into a large can tell you who did it. Tom Ecker had kicker l ever struck in my life t Carry married and there pour into her scores than amoi:i,g the whites.· They are not terof ~heinnocents."-Har yer'sllla.gaz·inEI. piece, place this as a lining in a well-but. the job, and employed another man of him up the horse pail I" of rich ;md v· l.!J.able presents of plate, and malignant and not .cancerous. The cause · -'·tered bowl, cut it off all round, leaving the name of.Eckstein to mould the fillet. · ·'He want s to know if he can't have a china, and ,f.P.~cy parlor ornamentlS pur- of s uch growth is not d~finitely known. Jane.- "Just look at. this. Here is an enough to fold over ; roll out the trim it's ve~ clever." . ligh t." chased almost r i!gardless pf expense. In The surgeon was able to save a good por- item in the paper saying t hat a wealthy mings to such a size as to CQVer the top. ----"Here, confound him ! Give him thiii a large proportion of instances such pre- tion of each ear. They were succ...,ssf ully Milwaukee man has created a sen~tion Peel, core and slice a quantity of good A servant-girl in New Haven stole h er lantern, and ask him if ,h e wants the sentation s turn out a positive injury in - r tiJ'l;loved by cautery, and the patient is by announcing that he is going to marry sound apples, put them in t he bowl wit h mistress' false teet h. The woman. told a earth and if he'll have it fried only on 1 stead of t he source of pleasure t:hey are doing well. He came on in the s11n1nier his servant girl." Bridget.- " I should brown sugar to taste, some chopped lemon policeman "she sheesh cosh shwenshy one aide, or turned over 1" .intended. How out of place such things for treatment, but it. was deemed best to think it would ,make a sensation. The peel, two or t,hree cloves, and· ,a"littl,e shollars, ansh she sh wash wosh shusha ...... · ·- - - would look in a house furnished as plain- put off t he operation till winter. His idee of a respectable g,_urrel givin' up her grated nutmeg ; add a small piece 'of wresh ashdo shteesh fawshee sheeth- - " "Wife: I say, what in thunder are you ly as the means of most young beginners physician is with him and his· h ealth is Jiber yin that way !" Jane.-"Yes, and fresh butter, pack t he apples tightly in, " ·wart t ill I find an interpreter," inter-. opening all t he doors for 1 I'm darned would easily pay for. Of course the good. There are two similiar formations becomi11g a mere mistress, to t ake all the put on the cover of paste" turn up t he rupted the policemafl, thinking t he wo- near frozen I" "Oh, James, it's so cold temptation of an ambitious y:oung hus- 1on his breast, but it is thought' that those blame and get no pay !" Bridget.....:.."She edges and press them down, tie a floured man was a newly-arrived Hungarian,. out doors ! And there are so many poor band is to provide other things somewhat will pass away as he grows older. The ought to be content to stay where she is pudding cloth over, afi4I put the bowl in- b11t she was an American, and when h er people exposed on t he streets I I thought in keeping and so he goes considerably boy has sufftired no pain in consequence and draw big wages and boss the whole to a saucepan full of boiling water, which teeth were in she could talk the head oJf · I would just let out a little warm air to. b eyond his me~ms, and so an extravagant , of his deformities. ~BalUmore Am1n-ica11.. house." should ceme well over the puddmg. Boil him. the poor things I" OUR YOUNG . FOLKS. · ... tnl ! 1 Q I ' . ' ' . .· o! A · · · · · ' · ·

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