· · GRAND TRU.N-K RAILWAY. .. -ttOWMANVILLE ST..;--1'ION AND TIME. · . ......;....<,.......... ........ . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. ................................... .. 000· Hands Wanted ~-, . · · 'I 1 jl .. < Duung the next two months we want <4~000 hAnds -to 't ry our Oriental Rose IBalm. If your hands are chapped ahd rou~b the Balm will give tbem a pearly 1whitenessandmaket~em softandsm(!)othe. "Try it. STOTT & JURY, Dispensing ·Oheµnsts, . . · LOST. ·One day last week a farrver lost $50.00 by not having his horses in good condition when he olferad t.hem for sale. · One dolla.1'1! worth of STOTT & JU!tY'S Con':dition Powders would have saved this great loss to him. These powders are ,cemposed of 15.ilitferent articles and give ·the best 1ta.tisfaction of anything ever of:.fered in this market. . REWARD. Anv person calling at the Medic.al Hall, 1(Town Hall Block), and enquiring for ,tHair Brushes will be rewarded by see· < .i ng the largest stock- ever shown in the town, and marked at prices wh1ch are .fully :.20% lower than usual. Call and examine. :.CHEAP! CHEAPER! ·cHEAPESt1 ' Toilet Soaps-:--the ·b est assortment .and lo'll'est prices you ever sa"' at STOTT · .... 'ft, JU.RY'S Medical Hall. Prices from .1.5c. a doz: to 40c. a cake. ' GREAT BLOOD · PURIFl~R. V~~ETABLE DISCOVERY Sylvester Potter's sale March 20: ~ Hous~hepe~~. recl\!~fi~1.g_, a .\!'?'."'.. ca;r1Je;.,, sh on kl not foil to call ancl mspect tlw Severnl school·reports are held over. Congt" tulations, Mr. and Mrs . .J. H. H . elegant new stock of "tapestry and velvet carpets just received by Couch,.Jolmston & GOING EAS'l' · HOING WEST .Jury. . Cry<lfm.nan. Having imported those goods E~press .:.... .8.52 am Local. ......... 7.27 a·Jn M~·. 1md Mrs. Eli Barrett, of Galt, J1ave direct from the celebrated House of John 8 Mixe'l ......... t.05 E~presa ...... 8.17 been visiting Darlington friends. Luca.I .......... 7.10 pm Mixed ........ 3.30 P w , . , · . Crossley & 'do. , they ~re in a position to Express...... .9.80 Pm Express ...... 8.~5 P m 'I. Darlrngton s ~hick Tens at 50c per l:b. sell them its lilw ~s thq 1mme class of goods j can be sold liy any house in the Province. ·- . ···-· --- - - - ··· - - . ..... are the best value m the market. , Our Due Bills arc taken l ·seven new subscriptions to the STA'.rES· ,: MAN .were received on Wednesday. The same as cash .. · .At any sttire in town. lf The STATESMAN will be sent to any .. -' ~--·~"'----~· "'-~ ~),"-~ address for the balance of 1884 for 75c. Dring a.long your produce. Murdoch Bros, BowMANVILJJE, FmDAY, MARCH 7. The Misses Hamilton havo returned Everyone tkes to read and hea,r a good from a fortnight's visit to Port Hope. H.ev. James Carscadden, Beech Avenue, story, one thn.t is hrigh t, cheerful .a1id who has been unwell for ~ome time, was entertaining ; one that will get the lads and lass~s to " bide :it 110111e o' 11'ights to up t ow n yesterday. read. " A gQod story·wm make the houseMcClung .Bros' H. D . 'I\ F h l b t d l 1 or toot ac rn, · urns, cu s au 1· 1eum· Read Mr_ D _ D:fviK' new advt. atism, use Perry Davis' Pi~iu Killer. See wife smile and the gn de man clap 11is hands with delight. The .1"a mily Welcome conMr. H .MTY McGill, of Toledo, 0., is adv. in other column. tains exactly what will please and instruct. home oi1 a ,-~sit. Mr. W. A. ·Lawrence, of To~onto, has W o direct our t:caders attention to its Mrs. T. J·. Cole.m an of .Ai;thur, is visih- been in town this·week rleltveringNos. 27 advertisement in our columns', and say, ing in Darlington. and 28 of fictur1·sque· Canada. Read It and "fake It. Mr. Stephen Cotton expects ' to go to Suits ma<le up from the best goods by England ilil May or June next. the best workihen, and at the lowc8t BIRTHS. 4ccounts·f('}r-$75.82 were passed at the price, Couch, .Johnston & Cryderman. ·rown·C.u·t moil illlleeting on Monday~ . · E lder C. Sinclair will conduct a momo· · 'Feb. WoRDENA.t Saxmif_ StH.lfon, on · ~unday, 2~111' the wife of Mr, John Worden, of a There were ·$32G.20 collected in fines b rial servie.., in J;hc Disciples' church, Bow- son. the Polioee ibgistrate hero bst year. man ville, next Sabbnth, ?th inst, at 7 p. m. AN DERs- At Ebm1>zer, on Sunday. Feb.2~tb, · · the wife 01 Mr. John Sandei·s, of a so1i. · McClumg BnJs' noted, famous, eminent, · Maater Alick 11.11d Miss Maggie Yellu · ·- ,,.,..-- - - ---·~ _ _ __ _ popular, :w.ocld-reno.wned Half-Dollar Tea. lees won golden opinions 0 1t their firsif:-1--..:::::...-MARRIED. (Adjectives \\\IMll.teCl). · appearn11ce in public 11t Maple Grove t> We 11,re now .sh~wlng the most elega.nt Tuesday night as singers. cretonnes .ever offered in Bowrnanville, Health is a <luty, Disease a crime. Sl:l Couch, J.@hrn;;b@n & Cryderman. Dr. Hc11ry Baxter's M iiudrnke Bitte """"~"'°"' For :e.ra.m..ps., IJain in the stoma.ch, bowel i.ma be cured of all biliousness or liver compJ.aim.t.~>r ,c]i~.lls, use Perry Davis' Pain ·trouble. 25 cents will buy a large bottfo.1 1 t . in other column: · ltev. Hugh Pedley, RA., Cobourg 1 will Killcir. Seecad'V· Wluclii lrnews most about farming, Mr. ofliciate in' Trinity church 1~t~;Xt Sunday ii · Reeve Pro· veJ.' t>r Mr. Councillor Cornish 1 , 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. He. is a very ~ e Both pesecl as farmers on Monday night. · preacher. Tea Monday ·mght from 6 o Mcm.s. R . a. Loscombef of this town, So'clock. "l-::=r--- --+-D-I E - D - ..--- - ,----T-and J:u~es ,C~-y:derrnail, Ham11ton, have' 'jVe po.y the h ighest pirico' , l\1 ouNcE-ln 0Rhawa, on Marob :!rd. .Alfred b een .;i.dded to \tJw U. E. Loyalist Com- , · In cash for eggs J . H. Mounce, elilest son of Jolin and Lucy mittee. We the highest p rice Mounce, aged 19 years, 5 months. The D.undati :iL,ight Cord Binder will...b'e . In cash for eggS1 · FooER1'Y- In Oshawa, on Frida.y, February 29 M.m:doch B11os.. th, .Ann, wif" of John Fogerty, aged 51 year~. h ere w.a fc:w .~lays. Farmers c1dl and ex- 1 pm I ~~...,~,. · .,. ml · ¢"e¢ anadian$ tateaman Local and Otherwise. HAS REMo. v· Eo TWO DOORS WEST .. . ' IN NE ADS' BLpCK, Where our · in cus~om·ers 0 can get the very best choice .Gents' ·· · Furni~hiµgs~ · -Our stock of All New and Fresh tl1is Spring. English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds a~e the very best for Spring ,and Summer Suits. Wor.sted Coatings in Great Variety, f\.11 cheap· for , Cash, and very cheap for our r~gular customers. · Jos. Joffroy, lorchant Tailor. . . THIR.TY DAYS · --FOR-- pay. IG . BARGA.INS f · · . · 1 Two Bottles cure Pimples on the' Face. .giving yoUl' order. T. J.' 'l'HE Mlmh~ttan, published by the MWllBOWMANVILLE MAl'tKE'l:s. T irty days fro~1 to-day. we will commence stock-taking, and from iiow amiw.i ;bcfor-0 _ One Bottle will cure Sick Headache. · McM.uptcy:, ·l\g.tlnt. ! h.attan Magazrne Cornaxmy, Teu1ple Couri, · 01~e Bottle will ·cure Biliousness. l\fr. and iM.i:s. F. Pearson, "ho have N ew York ; ter:ms, $::.S p~r year or. 25 cits. (Jorr·'oted up to 1 o'clnclc p.m.. e1'erv 'rhursdav ' until tlien we will sell. all goods at-.a Great Reduction Four Bottles will cure Dyspepsia. · booll ;visith1g .at Mr. Geo. Pearson's for per copy. We have 11;·eceaed the March BY ;J, & D. MoDOUGALl.. Six to Eight Bottles will cure Scrofula. some time., . i itarted for their home i i i . a.·mnbet @f the ManJw.tta1~ Maylwine; It W . .. Two Bottles cure Humors of tho J.;ycs. Oreg<im on W:ednesday. ; is .an .unusua;l\y goo& number of this J>O· ]'lour, per 100 l:h ...·.· $2 75 .· to .. $3 00 · Two Bottles will cure Costiveness. 'fihcDundas .two Horse Light Binclerj i>~la·rmc\nthly. . Fall Wheat,perbusn.. _, 095 .. to .. 100 . Ull OSt. Six BottJe3 will cure Rheurnntism. ._ fi · 1e and WI ·11 pass ti· ,_ I . TL .,,, s1'.ATESMA.N sui:el y SpringWheat, 07 ·W ·11 M · T' d S Ul ·t 'l'lu;ee Bottles will cure Kidney_ Diseases. Cll111> . 1ve f eet WlC iroug.... >te B ow.manv.iue. h lper hush .. 1 0 00 8 .· to .. 1 0 60 Wl Six to ](ight Bottles will' cure Ulcers. an -ori:lina~-;y .farm g11te. Send for new . J1a~ ad0pted ,"Ex.uelsior " a~ ii 11101to. It Rye,perbllB e ·········· 5 .. to.. 1 l!,or all ~cm<>lo . .is CVC\I' pressing·onwrnrd. No Prouty pness Oa.ts,pAr buehlll. ·. ·'· .·. 0 30 .. to .. () 34 . l:omplaints it has no equal. Pam.pble't. ~ ..J. McMurtry, agent. Mr. Gen. A. Sherin, who has been wit1i': ,o@nfi.nea .its powers; . . tl~erefo1~e. it is as Peas,Blue. ·····...···. 0 7l' .. to .. 0 75 wi ·11 NORTRJ:!.01' & LYMAN; Toronto. Messxs. Riggi:nl>othMA & . Son, left <!m, :h;1.nds~e .as a l)e1>d 1 m its _new ~ress of " Bhckeyes . . , .·... 0 90 .. to.· 0 92 VY Wed.11esd;'\y .to,att&id the College of Pha.r- !ty,p_e. !\k .Janes, the publisher, is. ener" Small............ 0 65 ... to ... 0 70 D IL' d h }f . mi~cy., 'Tor0I1to. Gtio.rge will succeed. ,getic <n.nd .deserves t o succeed Iuny.~t-O;i Barley, No. 1. .... . .... 0 55 .. to .. c GO I 0 0 'If your children are troubled witli 1 tt' tl J '!!h- Daily Whig. " No. 2 .·..··.··. I) 50... to .. . 0 55 : ·W(!)rms, give' them Mother Graves' \Vonn 4RM ERS ·OUn .r e Y.011 ge mg ie ub S · .T S B . E " t ,, N-0. 3......... 0 45 ...to ... 0 50 . . . · 1 am a00 u . JE-xtarminator; safe, ·sure, and efiectual. est marke.t ,puie.e for any quantity of gow.d ' ~y:s . . · ru.nt, sq. : BY JOH , N McMU:ij'fRY. : · .. W, J US S60. IGi~-e it a trial and be couvinced. wheat at Van-stone's Mill, J3owmanvil.Je. to lea::ve .Da:dmg.ton, so put m e up andther - - - -- - -- Extrn prices will be ])aid for Fall .a.Jil.d ca:dqy of that G_1·eat Iialf-Dollar 'l'ea. "We Butter, _ per tb. best table.· O l? .· @ ·· 020 , Fife;w'.heat. ,cannot keep .house without a supply of La.rd,~lb ....····...... · 013 .. @.-.0141 · · MRS. ·,GEORGE SIMPSON, 'J.'oronto, · .tl1atotea. W.e H 1ba]) se11d for more ,1>.lren Eggs, f'Joz; .··· · · · ... · · · · .0 00. ·®· .0 20 · '1111'1'. s :- I have suffered severely with corns. ' P,@s_tmast.er Fairl>aiirn hn.s recent]" ima- 1 · · d " n - 1. cl p t t b h l 11 5"' = O "'" ·111 " f, t nsas one. ""armgton w1 oseagno oaoes,per use ....... ;, .· ,.., ·. ...., . R d D th · f 11 db :and-unable to get. relief from treatment ported .a ·handso1)10 Jersey cow, as t.11e 11an by Mr . .B.i;ant's removal-ajir.it-class e mem er we Wl U\i own e prices o n goo s etween now ·and ,cf,,auy kind until I was recornendcd to try nucleus,of a her:d for.~ock breeding 1n1iw- . mall. McCluq.g Bros. · --- - - Stock-takip.!!,~30 days from to-day. Hallawuy's Corn Gnre. After applying iit I pose~. Messrs. n~msey, Pmter, and R. ~ "'~ few clav· I was u11°ble to ~e111ove the '. Youna, lso :}1,"'ve J er·seys. .·. illhe drama, "The Social Glass," was All d l.l~· ~ J ~ ~ · ·= .. '" d " · J T l · 1 ~""" .. ·""""'""""'",."'.....,..,.~ ~ ov.er u e a ccounts muiSt be settled either by Cash or Note · C!:O:PI, r~ot and b.mnch:-no J?aiu :whatever, I 01n· fa1aners~w.ill . seo by card elsewh;;u·e p:r.esente to.a .·a.tr rou~ Ol'l ucsc aymg 1t :and no mconvemenc~ m usmg it._ I can ! tJi.a.t iMr. \\V. H. Williams has purchasool .a by mombelf:l ,«;Jf Bowmltnville Divii!<ion . FOR SALE.- 'l1woDnrh11mBullC11lve.s , before the 1st day' of Marcli. l1eartly i·ecommend ·1t to all suffermg from ' thor<.>' -.b:r.ed .Durham h ull. They will. ·.do The .acting w1tsre:.t.1ly good fo1-. ama1.&i.i·s. can ll~~~F~~~~ldb1!.~~~:Let¥'fi.tW~11~1~1iOO'l'lls. .well :to :call .aind ·see him ancl .show th.eh- :'.I'hl}se taking p<i'J:'t were Misses llaines, ___ - - - - - - - - · - - - ·- - .._ _ _ _ __..__ . , . . . . Mason ancl Wright, Messrs. Jas. Bingh>.ml, QOOD SERVANT W AN'l'ED F'OIR . ';- M . G. w. Mac1,1lly, Pavilion M ountain, .ap;preoia:tl<;i.l~ .by nsmg hun. . . . . I .L . .Alliu , .J . Archib,alc1, W. Archiha.ld, general. house work in a small famll;!!'. · ·"iB. C.' writes : "Dr. Thomas' Eclectric .Jus.t .rJlCei..vecl per steamslup Sarnia. at . S . .A. ;Jewell, J -M; M.cC:tr:ger and · J ohn ~nq_uire u.t SxAn;§l111..1.~ office at.ou_ cc. 9 ,:Sw.:.. . . @il ,is the best medicine I ever used for Couch, , -1'.Iahnston & C.ryderman's, U\IJW . Lockhart. . .All without . eiception acted Biheumatism. Nearly every winter I am ca.sltmeJJes, ·new ci·apes, new crape . clotihs, ' .t h.cir ·r;especbi\'.o p:irts well. l\fr. E . R . EED BAR[, E Y. --A few h1mdt>ed · busb61s of Clean Seed Barley for sale. laoid ,up with Rheumatism, and have tri"d new o.bt<Dman .cloth-s, uew fancy dress , Beunsall's.O.i:.cli.estra of 22 pieces flll'nil<hed <GEOllGE DIGHA.M, Con. <l._Lot :ZI, Apply nearly every kind of medicine with get- goodS- !l{»bettet· value anywhere. · : ,auperior mnsic..a.t intervals. Tlrn pla.y,w:is Clarke,to Orono P. ©. · I0·3w* 1 ~--- -- , . t.W,g any benefit, until I used Dr. Thomas' On.e ,~flM:r. tGlo.v.eris horsesand.ri g cm1e; .repeated on i\Vednesday night to a .f air OUSE WA "TEDrnBUYORRENT. : Ede.otrric Oil. It has worked wonders for flying UJ·>lCi:ng St.. on We<lnestl:iy af~i·- 1 .ara:dience. - A comfortable house of 6 to 10 'l'OOOHB, : m.e, an.i. I want another su pply for my noon and ihm:nec l :in to liis uwn yard wita1 -; · with or without stable and garden. State price. · friends . &c..,, out J,,iJil;g ,any ,damage. H had 11ome alone j .Address H. D.. Drawor 7, Dowmanvillo; !(Hf. ' 'il'HE LAST SAD RITES'. from th.e JUeaidence .of Mrs. Hibbert. Ti11:R Jtoorc o.N WHICH MANY a constiArtli.ur'.6 Home 2 11aga:dne for.March is to ' "i"est~rda _ y . Rfilarnoon ::dl that was m~.rt:.il TAKE .N OTlCE.- That I will not ibe ' responsible for any debts contracted in i tut.ion goes to pieces is Dyspepsia. The hand. MG·d~s : an,i,nterestiug uumber of th.at <1l[ Mrl'I. E. SlUJJ)pard was interred in 1.the my name withoutu11y writt11n order. WO f loss.Gd .v.igor which this disease in volv11, excellent Ml.l,(Jalli,ne. Its contents are vari- family .burying;oground in the South DorGEO. JEFFl H:V.. I 0 the ~1ialadies which accompany it, ot· ed and iu'l! lll'c ucti·ve; and taken altogether, cilii.ei!ter .Disc~p · 1es . ch ui·cI1 ccmoto~·y. -ml Ilowm&twille. March 5, 188!. 10·3w. , · , "' w · whicb..are aggravated by it, th e menial it ia tue .one of the best monthlies tha.t funeral fook place froin the re~tdenoo,of THO~OW.GH-BRED DURH _ .\i!M ; desp@!il.dency which it entails, are L erribly ' comes to ·<l>l:Dr ·office. · 'M~:, .S. Legg, !laitr Lyons, t o the Disci~)les mnL will ,l!le k1>pt on MR. W. lf. WPL· exlmlilti.tive of vital &Lamina. Its trne ' · Mr. Jos.. LaBelle is alKrn~ to org:tni}~ cli.IU!Jltch, ,w:he1·e :~pro1~riate services were J,I.AMS' l!'ar.m thia season. )j'or Pediv:reo sec , . ·" -' · "'l .specifi.e us Northrop & Lyman's Vegetable , an inclepe!illill.cnt .riHe 'conipany in town- a. J j · f · <l 8 Herd Dook. [ ·01A'e1· for sale a Young Co w, · · 0f 1""""-· "rn nu:n:ner sc.rrowm g nen will soon be . i n.W. II. WILLI.AMS. 10. Discov.eil'y and Dyspeptic Cure, )Vhiclt i good i<lea. Yo 1m1_g meu wiehing to become present tastified la.ngrntge ,to ' sEE-D· PE"' l:!.- For sa ,,le a <111ant1 'ty . of , r~e ]ikCWi8(l,(i)VerC01110 biliOU S maladies, fomalc I proficient m military drill should j{Jin. the;l1igh .esteem.in oin stronge~t which the clecea11ad __, a ilments, .and those couple with impurity Mr. LnBelle :ha.v,ir1g graduated in a mili- lady llVaS ~held 'by~tl10se wh.o best knew 1wr l\1arl'?wfat IP'eas. warrantf'd puro 1m~l free I · of the bfood. ,fury college, will be a ve1y efticient tutor wo1.1filL Thefunernl procession was very froll'l noximlli eeeds. JOHN V .ANJSE~T. · · SoJ,lNA. 9. . .... .....- - - -..A1ic1 now cr.uJ:ttJs .James G..:ey, ~of la1·ga, :and :stm1dil}gtroom was not to J1e · - - -.C. . Few lire tl1e remedies wl1ose beneficial Cartwright, .sayi.ug~ " Thc11e must be a l1a...t ;i. .the .chui:dh. :R ev. M1-. Stev~nsci!.1~, p u RE BLACK-EYES. - A quantity ; . 1 qualities 3))U real merits have made them big secret .ab..(j)_ ut . your G1·cnt ~alf-Dollar of th11.2.city., p1'eadlwd the funeral sermon., of good and olaan Marrow fat Peas for sale. · so popular with the public, and increased Tei1 · How is it .that after usin g it for a in tl~euepJlU!SC ofov.hfoh he spoke in fittiru.g ~; ~~.ACH, Lotla,<Con."5.EastWhltby,~-'i~·'7a : . Ing IS from yeat' to year their consumption, while one can fancy no other 'I How is it?" terrn.s i<1n rt11c many lf.1ir tues of Mrs. Shep--: · which, .whilst possessing t he most valua- Mr. CJ·ay is a.llil.r·,essil1g McClur.ig Bros., of " pard al!Wci.fe,mother ancl chr1stian wom:m.,1 Notice to Ct.editors of Wilkipson ' h~ve ble remediaJ. properties, are yet so simplo course. ~ whose J611!S'\\V:as not .alone to )lor family., If Tardif[ d eceased. . · m. their com.found, and so easy t N o take, '" "hat town ' ca.u . illJ.lOW · ,_ ' a b ctter recol· 1 h as ., but ro .a.11 :who Jme w h er . n.ev. M'r. · 'T he Quinine Wine, prepared by ort rop than Bowmanville fur ·i ts 3izc? Only 8!) Gostelo;w· .of N e'w Srur.um, assisted in the -& Lyman of '.l'oronto. This article is pre- case.s were tried before the Polioo court in .. "fhe , t otly .was th 'Il interred CREDITORS AND .ALL OTHER services p~~~d from tlie pure SulphaJ;e 'of Quinine, 1883, resulting in only 6 committ:i.nts, viz., l\CXt to ilie nin.e chil<lr;en \vho had preced, pers<ms bavi,11;g claims against the estate ' · . ' [ ' -cifulbined vith fine Sherry Wine, and 2 cU their rnmiher to the grave. The pall-o(WlLKINSON I~IR.DIFF, late or the TownI · ch6ice lj.romatics, which relieves the Quidrunks, 1 oaclt for heing drunk 1111 d dis- 1 1 M "' · ' C .. ll fillip of Cartwright m the Coun ty or Durham, ' O , a.nd Province of Ontario, Hotel Keeper, who orderly, assault, :i p rostitut e, anli ohtain- J;fearers :i.vere ..e2srs.. .v.itar~ton, . amp1> nine of its bitter taste, and does not im- ing goods under false pretenses. "Noble, Ost1111.nd.er., D eur.Lis and M cKillop. ' .tlic d on or about the .'6tb day of August, 1883. · · pair in tlrn least degree the efficacy. of its Universal aym~o~11y in tulle u ei<th borhood a.re.hereby net.lfte~ tG send by JJORt pre·p11id or 1--w o . · d<e.hvertoDav1dF1slte1·.ofRowmanvllle,atoreATJ S FACT J·O N UARANTEED :action upon the pitlient ; while small 'l'he second of the series of socials givon fsl' tl1e ber-~we.d li.u sbano:J. :ind cluldren .-· snid, 11dminia~ratv. of th'1 personal estate and · · doses, frequently repeated, strengthcd the by the ladies of St. Paul's church will be St . Thonuu Jo1u·na[ ·MWl>ch 3. etl:OOts of the sa1tl Wi!Wnson 'l'ordlfl'.. on or pulsii, increase muscular force, and invi· h eld on Wcdne!lclay evening, 12th March. ' betorethe lsTDAY oF APRIL next, thc1r chris· ti&lll and surnames, addresses anct descriptions. 'l · · · goratc the tone of the nervous sy~tem, and 'l'ea will be served at half-past six, after tlrn lull particulars of tl.leir cla.lma, a state111ent thus, by the ge.n cral vif(or which it im- which an excellent programme will be ren· 1 of their accounts and th-0 nature of the 11ec'uri· SONS OF ENGLAND. l tfas ~It any) held by them. And notice Is hereby part3, creates an appetite, whillh gives to dered ; Mrs. Klock, Mrs. Mea.th, M)ss turl.het 11iven that immediately after the last tfie stomach tone and energy, and fortifies 'Nott, Mr. Yule, Mr. McDonell and others , . mentioned date the assete ot the said WUkinson d' will take part. . The second anmversary i0f \Vellmgto:1 Tordllr be distribn!M among the parties tho system against all infections is ease. ]' ll . . ffi. f "" Lodge No. 19, ·&ms of England, of tlus <1ntitledwUI thereto, regard. being had only· to 10 J. otm . ~k for Northrop & Lyman's Quinine .'~ ow!ng are t 1 le 0 cers 0 , ~1 · to'\l'n , was celebrated last Fi'iitlay night in claims or which notice sl1aJl have been g! ven. Wine.sold by all druggists. M~u s P1~11,, 'l'ess Club for t!ie c~m c~1t _quarhappy and successful m.aimer. About ae above reqnired, and the said administratbr not oo liable for the said assets or any ter , eloc,t~cl last ~ouda;y mght · Pr ~sident, forty m embers · of this· bene volent and shall part thereot to any person or persons or whose, clauu notice shall not have been r eceived at FARMERS ATTENTION.- 35 sets of car- E. McChmg ; Vice-P1:es., ~· Mitchell; flour ishing society, with a number of ladies, time of such distribution. :riage and waggon Harness to be sold by R.e?. S~~., W, It. Alli~;. F m:, Sec., L . ~ssemblcd at Mr. Englancl's, wher~ all tho This notice 1s given in pursuance of sect.Ion privii.te sale at W. H. May's Harness Store, Allm; I re11.s., .. A. Christie ; I rograrnme 1fJ artook of a SU}Jpcr which em.braced all 31 of the itevieerl Statutes of Ontario, chapter D. BtJUKE SIMPSON G. Mcintosh, / th e delicacies of the season. The oysters 107. of the 'l'own ~ithin the next 30 days . Discount from ~om., R.. B. ~\.ndrew;· We have opened an immense stock of Dry Goods and C lot hing, of Bowma.nville in ti}e County 1minary, H. Fox a.nd1 were pleasing to t he fas te, the meats rare · seven to ten per cent for cash . .A large "V. Ruse; Editors L ·1 of Durham, So.licitor for tile AaminlMtrator. at Bowman ville, 1"ebruary 23rd, A. D., Datea John Dut to11. , _..,..,.,, an cl tender, the lemon pies delicious, the A grand variety of quautity of Sleigh B ells at a very sligh t 9-4.w· 'l'he sociahi.t the rcs~dence 9f Mr. J". D: j calms, or:mges, fruts, candies, ete., abun- 188!. .advance on cost. 'Don't fail to secure a pair of m y Wool Stuffed Collars. Som~ ~011.~ on '\Veclnesda.y mght wns a n enthu - dant . After itll harl passerl satisfactory thing new and warrnnted sa.fe. Cash paid s1astic 3Uccess. 'Tl~c house was crowded judgment upon tho g11Jod things, a musical for any quantity of Hides and Sheep to ~ts utmost cap:icit.y and all the guests and literary programme was pres ent.cd. Our prices will be right this season, in fact we will offer ExtraSkins. W. H. 1rfay, King Street, Bow- enJoyed t he hos.p1tahty of Mr. all:d Mrs . Mr. P. Trebilcock, pre.indent of Welling· Ho.a r and t he k~ndness of the 13:dws ~vho to11 Lodge, occupied the clrnir, and dis-t In the inatter of the Estate of manville. . ordinary Bargains in . every Department. An i mmense assisted m gettmg up the BOCJa.l. 1:'he charged his duties with clmracteris~ic James William Werry, deceased. - stock Our stoc'k of Dry Gu4'da and Clotbiqg progran~me .could not be properly earne d ability. Instrumental music by Mr. and out, owl,llg to the crowdecl stnte. of the Mrs. M . Odell and Mr. Rolit. Barrett, at is complete. Ellison & .Co. URSUANT TO SECTION 34 OF 1 '\Ve otf11r rare value in Prints,- fast house but there w:i.s no lack of c:nJoyment intervals, was received with much favo1'. Chapter 107 of the Revised Statutes or on the part of a.ny. ·The financial results A song" The Englishman "by M:lyor Ontario, tho oreclitors of .Tames William Werr~. colors at lOc. Ellison & Co. RA.llE " VA.LUE· . were $G0.25. L uscombe, was concluded amid loyal late of the Township ot Darlington. in the County of Dnrham, l!'..-mer, who died on 01· We mean business thi" season. Ellison · SOMETHING NEW.--TJie Family Girc7e, applause. Mrs. 'I'. J effrey gn.ve reatlmgR O:bout the 15th day of February,1884,arenotified & Co. a six teen page illustrated weekly journal and merited appreciat.ion . Mrs. Ferg1isou to send by post. prepaid. to MllJssns. Losoo~mE LEITH, of the Town of Bowmanville1 Solicit· :--"- ==---.::·:::::::::::::::::::!::-_ for the home, will shortly be issued in sang ' with much sweetness, delightin g &. on or ors for the Executors or said deceasea, Detroit. Every r l.lader of this paper who lovers of music. The clmil·man. also cou· before the let DJ. Y OF APRIL, 188{, the partion· sends his or h er n<imc t u the publishers of t.ributed vocal music wl1ich could not fa il Jars of their claims ani a atatement of their accounts against. the .ll:state or said deceased tho Family Circle at Detroit, will receive to plea.se. Mr. A. Hobbs related a thrill- and the nature of tbe eecnritiA's (if any) held by the paper .!!'R EE for six weeks, six mm1bers ing incident that transpired in his experi- them ; and that a.t the e,."tJ)iration of this iimo n~ver the Executors be at liberty to di&tribµte in iill. If you have friends who like good euce while serYing as sergeant in t he the assets of will the said Estate, having regard reading send thei r names with your own. English Army in I ndia. Mr. M . A. only to the claims ol which they then have $20 a week given for inter esting hits of .James and Mayor Loscombe gave short notice. and will not be liable to nny person of whose claims they have not bad notice M the reading matter, eith er original or selected, speeol10s, containing some happy and time of such distribution. , LOSCOMBE & LEI1'H. and $250 u. month to club raisers. Address~ lauglrnble hits. The National Anthem Solicitors. yonr post card, Tim FAll!ILY CrncLE, DE- brought proceedings to a close at a D&ted at Bowmanviile, 27th Februa.r:v. 188t.TROIT, Mrnn. · .. seasonable h our. · ~-tw· I .. · i we e ill s'ell F ilu , R · G0 0 Ds sell en s wee __.....__ F s for Nine Dollars a Suit. "t'l9'e sell All Wool Blankets. at· Tw ars an a a a pair. We will sell Men's and Boys' Overcoats ell USt give a Call and at an d d er C at- 0 L a d. . , M antles at · Cost. ies ·no New Advertisements. 0 0 S. MASON & SON. S EAST SHOP IN NEADS' ~BLOCK: T:S:E Is r thy a tt ent·Ion -... H · A . Th · L A . · elr a . SSOrtmellt COfilillall , dS the a tten tion of the General Pub11· c Thelr · L · b er a 1· all d S tralg · h ti.Orward D i· . . ea approved. They the Newest and Best Goods p·rocurable, Bought for Cash. . T eir Prices demand the attention of the · l 0CQllQfillCa h THE NEW DRY coons DRESS GOODS OA' RP r 'S w ,T .EE OS. Su I TS T Q Q R D E R G · S . T GEO MASON SPRI;tsf"G:J 188 4 ¥· NEW DRY GOODS AND CLOT HING · . of- Notice to Creditors. New Prints, New Dress Goods,· New Tweeds. P BOY'S, YOUTHS AND MEN'S SUJTS, Tailoring done in best style. PATENTS · Nobby all Wool Tweed Suits to order, $12.50. We allow any competitor to undersell us We inean business this season. ELLISON & ., co~ , · ~ . ·